use std::cell::Cell; use std::collections::{HashMap}; use std::io; use std::marker::Sync; use std::str; use std::str::FromStr; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration as StdDuration; use apachelog::LogEntry; use sendxmpp; use time::{get_time, Duration as TimeDuration}; use token; use message::format_message; use ascii::AsciiString; use tiny_http::{Request, Response, StatusCode, Header, HeaderField}; use rustc_serialize::base64::{FromBase64}; pub struct HeaderInfos { auth_username: String, auth_password: String, auth_method: String, allowed_jids: Vec, original_url: Option } pub struct AuthHandler { bot_jid: String, bot_password: String, valid_tokens_cache: Arc>>, tg: token::TokenGenerator, last_interactive_request: Cell, nosend: bool, authenticate_header: Header } type EmptyResponse = Response; // HTTP Statuscodes defined as macro. This way they can be used like literals. macro_rules! http_header_authorization { () => (r"Authorization") } macro_rules! http_header_x_allowed_jid { () => (r"X-Allowed-Jid") } macro_rules! http_header_x_original_url { () => (r"X-Original-Url") } macro_rules! http_header_www_authenticate { () => (r"WWW-Authenticate") } // Finds a header in a `tiny_http::Header` structure. macro_rules! get_header { ($headers:expr, $name:expr) => ($headers.iter() .filter(|h| h.field.equiv($name)) .next().ok_or(concat!("No Header found named: '", $name, "'"))); } impl AuthHandler { pub fn make(bot_jid: String, bot_password: String, validity: TimeDuration, secret: Vec, nosend: bool) -> AuthHandler { return AuthHandler { bot_jid: bot_jid, bot_password: bot_password, valid_tokens_cache: Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())), tg: token::TokenGenerator::new(validity.num_seconds(), secret), last_interactive_request: Cell::new(0), nosend: nosend, authenticate_header: Header { field: HeaderField::from_bytes(http_header_www_authenticate!()).unwrap(), value: AsciiString::from_str(r#"Basic realm="xmppmessage auth""#).unwrap() } } } fn send_message(&self, headerinfos: &HeaderInfos) { let user_jid = &headerinfos.auth_username; let (valid_from, valid_until, token) =, get_time().sec); let message = format_message(user_jid, token, valid_from, valid_until, headerinfos.original_url.clone()); if self.nosend { error!("Would send to {} message: {}", headerinfos.auth_username, message); } else { if sendxmpp::send_message(self.bot_jid.as_str(), self.bot_password.as_str(), message.as_str(), user_jid).is_err() { error!("Failed to send message"); } } } #[inline(always)] fn parse_headers(headers: &[Header]) -> Result { let auth_header = get_header!(headers, http_header_authorization!())?.value.as_str(); debug!("{}: {}", http_header_authorization!(), auth_header); let (auth_method, encoded_cred) = match auth_header.find(' ') { Some(pos) => Ok((auth_header, pos)), None => Err("Failed to split Authorization header") }.map(|(header, pos)| header.split_at(pos))?; let decoded_cred = encoded_cred.trim().from_base64() .or(Err("Failed to decode base64 of username/password"))?; let (username, password) = str::from_utf8(&decoded_cred) .or(Err("Failed to decode UTF-8 of username/password")) .map(|value| match value.find(':') { Some(pos) => Ok((value, pos)), None => Err("Failed to split username/password") })? .map(|(value, pos)| value.split_at(pos)) .map(|(username, colon_password)| (username, colon_password.split_at(1).1))?; let allowed_jids_header = get_header!(headers, http_header_x_allowed_jid!())?.value.as_str(); debug!("{}: {}", http_header_x_allowed_jid!(), allowed_jids_header); let allowed_jids_list = allowed_jids_header.split(',').map(String::from).collect(); let original_url = get_header!(headers, http_header_x_original_url!()) .map(|v| v.value.to_string()).ok(); Ok(HeaderInfos { auth_username: String::from(username), auth_password: String::from(password), auth_method: String::from(auth_method), allowed_jids: allowed_jids_list, original_url: original_url }) } fn authenticate_response(&self, status_code: u16) -> io::Result<(u16, EmptyResponse)> { Ok((status_code, Response::new( StatusCode(status_code), vec![self.authenticate_header.clone()], io::empty(), None, None ))) } fn _call_internal(&self, request: &Request) -> io::Result<(u16, EmptyResponse)> { let current_time = get_time().sec; return match AuthHandler::parse_headers(request.headers()) { Ok(headerinfos) => { let is_known_user = headerinfos.allowed_jids.contains(&headerinfos.auth_username); if headerinfos.auth_method != "Basic" { error!("Invalid authentication method"); return self.authenticate_response(405) // Method not allowed } else if headerinfos.auth_username.len() > 0 && headerinfos.auth_password.len() == 0 { // Request new token if current_time - self.last_interactive_request.get() < 2 { // If last error was not longer then 2 second ago then sleep info!("Too many invalid token-requests, sleep 5 seconds"); thread::sleep(StdDuration::from_secs(5)); return self.authenticate_response(429) // Too many requests } else { self.last_interactive_request.set(current_time); if is_known_user { self.send_message(&headerinfos); } return self.authenticate_response(401) //Token sent, retry now } } else { match self.verify(&headerinfos) { Ok(true) => { if is_known_user { return Ok((200, Response::empty(200))) // Ok } else { self.last_interactive_request.set(current_time); return self.authenticate_response(401) // invalid password } }, Ok(false) => { if current_time - self.last_interactive_request.get() < 2 { // If last error was not longer then 2 seconds ago then sleep 5 seconds thread::sleep(StdDuration::from_secs(5)); return Ok((428, Response::empty(429))) // Too Many Requests } else { self.last_interactive_request.set(current_time); // in this case we use the chance to delete outdated cache entries match self.clean_cache() { Ok(num) => debug!("Removed {} cache entries", num), Err(e) => error!("{}", e), }; return self.authenticate_response(401) // Authentication failed, username or password wrong } }, Err(msg) => { error!("verify failed: {}", msg); return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "Server Error")) // Server Error } } } }, Err(e) => { info!("Error: {}", e); return self.authenticate_response(401) // No Authorization header }, }; } fn clean_cache(&self) -> Result { let now = get_time().sec; let guard = self.valid_tokens_cache.clone(); let mut cache = try!(guard.write().or(Err("Failed to get write lock on cache"))); let outdated_keys = cache.iter().filter(|&(_, &v)| v < now).map(|(k, _)| k.clone()) .collect::>(); let num = outdated_keys.iter().map(move |key| cache.remove(key)).count(); Ok(num) } fn verify(&self, headerinfos: &HeaderInfos) -> Result { let pw_token = token::normalize_token(&headerinfos.auth_password); let guard = self.valid_tokens_cache.clone(); let key = headerinfos.auth_username.clone() + ":" + pw_token.as_str(); let current_time = get_time().sec; // try cache: let result1 = { let read_cache = try!("Failed to read-lock cache"))); read_cache.get(&key).ok_or(()).and_then({ |valid_until| if valid_until > ¤t_time { Ok(true) } else { Err(()) // Value in cache but expired } }) }; // or compute and compare, eventually store it in cache match result1 { Ok(true) => Ok(true), _ => { let t1 = get_time().sec -; let (valid_from1, valid_until1, token1) =, t1); if pw_token == token1 { let mut cache = try!(guard.write().or(Err("Failed to get write lock on cache"))); debug!("Cache for {} from {} until {}", headerinfos.auth_username, valid_from1, valid_until1); cache.insert(key, valid_until1); return Ok(true) } else { let t2 = get_time().sec; let (valid_from2, valid_until2, token2) =, t2); if pw_token == token2 { let mut cache = try!(guard.write().or(Err("Failed to get write lock on cache"))); debug!("Cache for {} from {} until {}", headerinfos.auth_username, valid_from2, valid_until2); cache.insert(key, valid_until2); return Ok(true) } } warn!("Invalid token for {}", headerinfos.auth_username); Ok(false) } } } #[inline(always)] pub fn call(&self, request: &Request) -> Response { let mut log = LogEntry::start(&request); let (status_code, response) = self._call_internal(request).unwrap_or_else(|err: io::Error| { error!("{}", err); (500, Response::empty(500)) }); log.done(&response, status_code); return response; } } unsafe impl Sync for AuthHandler {} #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use std::str::FromStr; use super::*; use time::{Duration as TimeDuration}; use ascii::AsciiString; use tiny_http::{Header, HeaderField}; use rustc_serialize::base64::{MIME, ToBase64}; macro_rules! assert_error_starts_with { ($result:expr, $pattern:expr) => {{ assert!($result.is_err(), "Must be error"); let msg = $result.err().unwrap(); assert!(msg.starts_with($pattern), "Error message '{}' does not start with '{}", msg, $pattern); }} } macro_rules! assert_is_ok { ($result:expr) => (assert!($result.is_ok(), "Result not is_ok(): {}", $result.err().unwrap())); } #[test] fn test_handler_creation() { let handler = AuthHandler::make("jid".to_string(), "pw".to_string(), TimeDuration::hours(123), vec!(1, 2, 3), true); assert_eq!(handler.bot_jid, "jid"); assert_eq!(handler.bot_password, "pw"); assert_eq!(, 60 * 60 * 123); assert_eq!(handler.nosend, true); } #[test] fn test_parse_headers1() { let result = AuthHandler::parse_headers(&[Header { field: HeaderField::from_bytes(http_header_authorization!()).unwrap(), value: AsciiString::from_str(r#"adsasdasd"#).unwrap() }]); assert_error_starts_with!(result, "Failed to split Authorization header"); } #[test] fn test_parse_headers2() { let result = AuthHandler::parse_headers(&[Header { field: HeaderField::from_bytes(http_header_authorization!()).unwrap(), value: AsciiString::from_str("adsasdasd AB$$").unwrap() }]); assert_error_starts_with!(result, "Failed to decode base64"); } #[test] fn test_parse_headers3() { let header_value = String::from("methodname ") + &(b"adfasdasd".to_base64(MIME)); let result = AuthHandler::parse_headers(&[Header { field: HeaderField::from_bytes(http_header_authorization!()).unwrap(), value: AsciiString::from_str(&header_value).unwrap() }]); assert_error_starts_with!(result, "Failed to split username"); } #[test] fn test_parse_headers4() { let header_value = String::from("methodname ") + &(b"adfasdasd:asdfasd".to_base64(MIME)); let result = AuthHandler::parse_headers(&[Header { field: HeaderField::from_bytes(http_header_authorization!()).unwrap(), value: AsciiString::from_str(&header_value).unwrap() }]); assert_error_starts_with!(result, "No Header found named: 'X-A"); } #[test] fn test_parse_headers5() { let header_value = String::from("methodname ") + &(b"adfasdasd:password".to_base64(MIME)); let result = AuthHandler::parse_headers(&[Header { field: HeaderField::from_bytes(http_header_authorization!()).unwrap(), value: AsciiString::from_str(&header_value).unwrap() }, Header { field: HeaderField::from_bytes(http_header_x_allowed_jid!()).unwrap(), value: AsciiString::from_str("foo@bar,").unwrap() }]); assert_is_ok!(result); let headerinfos = result.unwrap(); assert_eq!(vec!["foo@bar", ""], headerinfos.allowed_jids); assert_eq!("adfasdasd", headerinfos.auth_username); assert_eq!("password", headerinfos.auth_password); assert_eq!("methodname", headerinfos.auth_method); } }