import json import re import codecs import logging from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, DEVNULL import shlex utf8reader = codecs.getreader('utf-8') def LoggedPopen(command, *args, **kwargs):"Popen(command={} args={}) with kwargs={}".format( " ".join(map(repr, command)), " ".join(map(repr, args)), " ".join(map(repr, kwargs)))) return Popen(command, *args, **kwargs) def ffprobe_data(ospath):'ffprobe %s', ospath) process = LoggedPopen(['ffprobe', '-v', 'fatal', '-print_format', 'json', '-show_format', '-show_streams', ospath], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL) data = json.load(utf8reader(process.stdout)) assert process.wait() == 0, "ffprobe failed" process.stdout.close() return data def stream(ospath, ss, t):'start ffmpeg stream h264 480p on path=%s ss=%s t=%s', ospath, ss, t) t_2 = t + 2.0 output_ts_offset = ss cutter = LoggedPopen( shlex.split("ffmpeg -v fatal -ss {ss:.6f} -i ".format(**locals())) + [ospath] + shlex.split("-c:a aac -strict experimental -ac 2 -b:a 64k" " -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -profile:v high -level 4.0 -preset ultrafast -trellis 0" " -crf 31 -vf scale=w=trunc(oh*a/2)*2:h=480" " -f mpegts" " -output_ts_offset {output_ts_offset:.6f} -t {t:.6f} pipe:%d.ts".format(**locals())), stdout=PIPE) return cutter def find_next_keyframe(ospath, start, max_offset): """ :param: start: start search pts as float '123.123' :param: max_offset: max offset after start as float :return: (prev_duration, pts): prev_duration: duration of the frame previous to the found key-frame pts: PTS of next iframe but not search longer than max_offset :raise: Exception if no keyframe found """"start ffprobe to find next i-frame from {}".format(start)) if start == 0.0:"return (0.0, 0.0) for start == 0.0") return 0.0, 0.0 process = LoggedPopen( shlex.split("ffprobe -read_intervals {start:.6f}%+{max_offset:.6f} -show_frames " "-select_streams v -print_format flat".format(**locals())) + [ospath], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL) data = {'frame': None} prev_duration = None try: line = process.stdout.readline() while line: frame, name, value = re.match('frames\\.frame\\.(\d+)\\.([^=]*)=(.*)', line.decode('ascii')).groups() if data['frame'] != frame: data.clear() prev_duration = None data['frame'] = frame data[name] = value if 'pkt_duration_time' in data and data['pkt_duration_time'][1:-1] != "N/A": prev_duration = float(data['pkt_duration_time'][1:-1]) if 'key_frame' in data and data['key_frame'] == '1' and prev_duration is not None: if 'pkt_pts_time' in data and data['pkt_pts_time'][1:-1] != 'N/A' and float( data['pkt_pts_time'][1:-1]) > start:"Found pkt_pts_time={} prev__duration={}".format(data['pkt_pts_time'], prev_duration)) return prev_duration, float(data['pkt_pts_time'][1:-1]) elif 'pkt_dts_time' in data and data['pkt_dts_time'][1:-1] != 'N/A' and float( data['pkt_dts_time'][1:-1]) > start:"Found pkt_dts_time={} prev_duration={}".format(data['pkt_dts_time'], prev_duration)) return prev_duration, float(data['pkt_dts_time'][1:-1]) line = process.stdout.readline() raise Exception("Failed to find next i-frame in {} .. {} of {}".format(start, start + max_offset, ospath)) finally: process.stdout.close() process.terminate() def calculate_splittimes(ospath, chunk_duration): """ :param ospath: path to media file :return: list of PTS times to split the media, in the form of ((start1, duration1), (start2, duration2), ...) (('24.949000', '19.500000'), ('44.449000', ...), ...) Note: - start2 is equal to start1 + duration1 - sum(durationX) is equal to media duration """ def calculate_points(media_duration): pos = min(20, media_duration) while pos < media_duration: yield pos pos += chunk_duration duration = float(ffprobe_data(ospath)['format']['duration']) points = list(calculate_points(duration)) for (point, nextPoint) in zip([0.0] + points, points + [duration]): yield ("{:0.6f}".format(point), "{:0.6f}".format(nextPoint - point)) def thumbnail(ospath, width, height): process = LoggedPopen(shlex.split("ffmpeg -v fatal -noaccurate_seek -ss 25.0 -i") + [ospath] + shlex.split("-frames:v 1 -map 0:v" " -filter:v \"scale='w=trunc(oh*a/2)*2:h={}', crop='min({},iw):min({},ih)'\"" " -f singlejpeg pipe:".format(height+(height/10), width, height)), stdout=PIPE) return process def thumbnail_video(ospath, width, height): duration = float(ffprobe_data(ospath)['format']['duration']) command = shlex.split("ffmpeg -v fatal") chunk_startpos = range(min(int(duration)-1,30), int(duration), 500) for pos in chunk_startpos: command += ["-ss", "{:.6f}".format(pos), "-t", "2", "-i", ospath] filter = " ".join(map(lambda i: "[{}:v]".format(i), range(len(chunk_startpos)))) filter += " concat=n={}:v=1:a=0 [v1]".format(len(chunk_startpos)) filter += "; [v1] fps=14 [v2]" filter += "; [v2] scale='w=trunc(oh*a/2)*2:h={}' [v3]".format(height + 6) filter += "; [v3] crop='min({},iw):min({},ih)' [v4]".format(width, height) command += ['-filter_complex', filter, '-map', '[v4]'] command += shlex.split("-c:v libvpx -deadline realtime -f webm pipe:") encoder = LoggedPopen(command, stdout=PIPE) return encoder