path: root/ebus/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ebus/')
1 files changed, 252 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ebus/ b/ebus/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0d3497
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ebus/
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
+import asynchat
+import asyncore
+import socket
+import sys
+deviceDescription = [
+ {'address':0x03, 'type':'master', 'description':'Feuerungsautomat'},
+ {'address':0x10, 'type':'master', 'description':'Heizungsregler #2'},
+ {'address':0x30, 'type':'master', 'description':'Heizkreisregler 1'},
+ {'address':0x70, 'type':'master', 'description':'Heizkreisregler 2'},
+ {'address':0x71, 'type':'master', 'description':'Heizungsregler #9'},
+ {'address':0xf1, 'type':'master', 'description':'Heizungsregler #10'},
+ {'address':0x50, 'type':'slave', 'description':'Mischer 1'},
+ {'address':0x51, 'type':'slave', 'description':'Mischer 2'},
+ {'address':0x90, 'type':'slave', 'description':'Raumgeräte/Fernsteller 1'},
+ {'address':0x91, 'type':'slave', 'description':'Raumgeräte/Fernsteller 2'},
+ {'address':0xfe, 'type':'broadcast', 'description':'Broadcast'},
+"""ebus specific data field formats"""
+class fields:
+ class DataField(object):
+ def __init__(self, offset):
+ self.offset = offset
+ def value(self,data):
+ raise NotImplemented()
+ class Data2c(DataField):
+ """
+ Beispiel für die Berechnung:
+ if ((x & 8000h) == 8000h) // y negativ
+ y = - [dez(High_Byte(!x)) 16 + dez(High_Nibble (Low_Byte (!x)))
+ + (dez(Low_Nibble (Low_Byte (!x))) +1 ) / 16]
+ else // y positiv
+ y = dez(High_Byte(x)) 16 + dez(High_ Nibble (Low Byte (x)))
+ + dez(Low_ Nibble (Low Byte (x))) / 16
+ """
+ def value(self,data):
+ highByte = ord(data[self.offset+1])
+ lowByte= ord(data[self.offset])
+ if (0x8000 & (highByte<<8 | lowByte)) == 0x8000:
+ return (-1) * ( (0xff^highByte)*16 + (0xf^(lowByte>>4)) + (0x0f^(0x0&flowByte) + 1)/16.0 )
+ else:
+ return highByte*16 + (lowByte>>4) + (lowByte&0xf)/16.0
+ class Data2b(DataField):
+ """
+ if ((x&8000h) == 8000h) // y negativ
+ y = - [dez(High_Byte(!x)) + (dez(Low_Byte(!x)) + 1) / 256]
+ else // y positiv
+ y = dez(High_Byte (x)) + dez(Low_Byte (x)) / 256
+ """
+ def value(self,data):
+ highByte = ord(data[self.offset+1])
+ lowByte= ord(data[self.offset])
+ if (0x8000 & (highByte<<8 | lowByte)) == 0x8000:
+ return (-1) * ((0xff^highByte) + (0xff^lowByte+1)/256.0)
+ else:
+ return highByte + lowByte/256.0
+ class Bit(DataField):
+ def value(self, data):
+ return ord(data[self.offset]) == 0x1
+ class ByteEnum(DataField):
+ def __init__(self, offset, values):
+ self.values = values
+ fields.DataField.__init__(self, offset)
+ def value(self, data):
+ value = ord(data[self.offset])
+ if self.values.has_key(value):
+ return self.values[value]
+ else:
+ return None
+packetDescription = [
+ # Service 0x05 (Brennersteuerbefehle)
+ {'primary':0x5, 'secondary':0x3, 'name':'Betriebsdaten des Feuerungsautomaten an den Regler Block1'},
+ {'primary':0x5, 'secondary':0x7, 'name':'Betriebsdaten des Reglers an den Feuerungsautomaten','format': {
+ 'betriebszustand':fields.ByteEnum(0, {
+ 0x00:'Brenner Abschalten',
+ 0x01:'Keine Aktion',
+ 0x55:'Brauchwassbereitung',
+ 0xaa:'Heizbetrieb',
+ 0xcc:'Emmissionskontroll',
+ 0xdd:'TÜV-Funktion',
+ 0xee:'Regler Stopp',
+ 0x66:'Brauchwasserbereitung bei Reglerstoppfunktion',
+ 0xbb:'Brauchwasserbereitung bei Heizbetrieb',
+ 0x44:'Reglerstoppfunktion bei stufigem Betrieb'}),
+ 'betriebszustand2':fields.ByteEnum(1, {
+ 0x00:'Keine Aktion',
+ 0x01:'Ausschalten Kesselpumpe',
+ 0x02:'Einschalten Kesselpumpe',
+ 0x03:'Ausschalten variable Verbraucher',
+ 0x04:'Einschalten variabler Verbraucher'}),
+ 'kesselSollwertTemperatur':fields.Data2c(2),
+ 'kesselSollwertDruck':fields.Data2b(4),
+ }},
+ # Service 0x07 (Systemdatenbefehle)
+ {'primary':0x7, 'secondary':0x0, 'name':'Datum/Zeit - Meldung eines eBUS Masters'},
+ {'primary':0x7, 'secondary':0x4, 'name':'Identifikation'},
+ # Service 0x08 (Reglerbefehle)
+ {'primary':0x8, 'secondary':0x0, 'name':'Sollwertübertragung des Reglers an andere Regler'},
+ # Response
+ #p[0] = Einheit (1=>Liter, 2=>Kubik)
+ #p[1] = 10^0
+ #p[2] = 10^2
+ #p[3] = 10^4
+ #p[4] = 10^6
+ {'primary':0x3, 'secondary':0x8, 'name':'Gesamtbrennstoffmengenzähle lesen'},
+ {'primary':0x50, 'secondary':0x17, 'name':'Solar Daten', 'format':{
+ 'solarPumpe':fields.Bit(0),
+ 'tempKollektor':fields.Data2c(2),
+ 'tempWarmwasserSolar':fields.Data2c(4)}},
+def formatHex(data):
+ return " ".join(map(lambda byte: "%.2x"%ord(byte), data))
+def getDsc(address):
+ dev=filter(lambda dev: dev['address'] == address, deviceDescription)
+ if len(dev)>0:
+ return dev[0]['description']
+ else:
+ return None
+class EbusPacket(object):
+ def __init__(self, source, destination, primary_command, secondary_command):
+ self.source = source
+ self.destination = destination
+ self.primary_command = primary_command
+ self.secondary_command = secondary_command
+ def name(self):
+ if self.description():
+ return self.description()['name']
+ def __str__(self):
+ #XXX self.length only in subclasses
+ return "<%-18s name=\"%-15s\" source=\"%s\" destination=\"%s\" primary=0x%x secondary=0x%x length=0x%x %s>" % \
+ (self.__class__.__name__,, getDsc(self.source), getDsc(self.destination), \
+ self.primary_command, self.secondary_command, self.length, \
+ " ".join(map(lambda name: "%s=%s" % (name, self.values()[name]),self.values())))
+ def description(self):
+ desc = filter(lambda p: p['primary'] == self.primary_command \
+ and p['secondary'] == self.secondary_command, packetDescription)
+ if len(desc) > 0:
+ return desc[0]
+ else:
+ return None
+ def values(self):
+ desc = self.description()
+ if not desc or not desc.has_key('format'):
+ return dict()
+ else:
+ #XXX only in subclass
+ return dict( map(lambda name: (name, desc['format'][name].value( ), desc['format'].keys()) )
+class EbusMasterMaster(EbusPacket):
+ def __init__(self, source, destination, primary_command, secondary_command, data):
+ EbusPacket.__init__(self, source, destination, primary_command, secondary_command)
+ self.length = len(data)
+ = data
+class EbusMasterSlave(EbusPacket):
+ def __init__(self, source, destination, primary_command, secondary_command, request, response):
+ EbusPacket.__init__(self, source, destination, primary_command, secondary_command)
+ self.length = len(request)
+ self.request = request
+ self.response = response
+class EbusBroadcast(EbusPacket):
+ def __init__(self, source, destination, primary_command, secondary_command, data):
+ EbusPacket.__init__(self, source, destination, primary_command, secondary_command)
+ self.length = len(data)
+ = data
+class EbusReader(asynchat.async_chat):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.buffer = ""
+ asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self)
+ self.set_terminator("")
+ self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.connect(("", 7970))
+ self.packetIndex = 0
+ self.buf = ""
+ def collect_incoming_data(self,data):
+ for it in range(len(data)):
+ if data[it] == "\xaa":
+ if it+1 < len(data) and data[it+1] != "\xaa":
+ self._parse(self.buf)
+ self.buf = ""
+ self.packetIndex = 0
+ else:
+ self.buf += data[it]
+ self.packetIndex = self.packetIndex + 1
+ #print "%.2x [%d]" % (ord(data[it]),self.packetIndex)
+ def _parse(self,data):
+ if len(data) < 2:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "GAGA"
+ return
+ source = ord(data[0])
+ destination = ord(data[1])
+ sourceDevice = filter(lambda dev: dev['address'] == source, deviceDescription)
+ destinationDevice = filter(lambda dev: dev['address'] == destination, deviceDescription)
+ if len(sourceDevice) == 0 or len(destinationDevice) == 0:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Unbekanntes Paket: source=%x destination=%x" % (source, destination)
+ return
+ if len(data) < 9:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Unvollständige Daten"
+ return
+ primaryCommand = ord(data[2])
+ secondaryCommand = ord(data[3])
+ payloadLength = ord(data[4])
+ payload = data[5:6+payloadLength]
+ #delete 0x50 packets for devel
+ #if (primaryCommand == ord("\x50")):
+# return
+ #print "PR SC NN D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 ..."
+ #print "%.2x" % (primaryCommand,)
+ #print "%.2x %.2x %.2x %s" % (primaryCommand,secondaryCommand,payloadLength,"bla")
+ #print "%.2x %.2x %.2x %s" % (primaryCommand,secondaryCommand,payloadLength,formatHex(payload))
+ p = None
+ if sourceDevice[0]['type'] == 'master' and destinationDevice[0]['type'] == 'master':
+ p = EbusMasterMaster(source, destination, primaryCommand, secondaryCommand, payload)
+ self.handle_ebus(p)
+ elif sourceDevice[0]['type'] == 'master' and destinationDevice[0]['type'] == 'slave':
+ p = EbusMasterSlave(source, destination, primaryCommand, secondaryCommand, payload, None) #FIXME
+ self.handle_ebus(p)
+ elif sourceDevice[0]['type'] == 'master' and destinationDevice[0]['type'] == 'broadcast':
+ p = EbusBroadcast(source, destination, primaryCommand, secondaryCommand, payload)
+ self.handle_ebus(p)
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "KOMISCHES ZEUG"
+ return
+ def handle_ebus(self,ebus_packet):
+ print >>sys.stderr, "unhandled ebus_packet"