path: root/ebus-racket/3rdparty/bzlib/base/
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Diffstat (limited to 'ebus-racket/3rdparty/bzlib/base/')
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ebus-racket/3rdparty/bzlib/base/ b/ebus-racket/3rdparty/bzlib/base/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5fbb27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ebus-racket/3rdparty/bzlib/base/
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#lang scheme/base
+;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+;; BASE.plt - common routines that are shared by all other bzlib modules
+;; in a way, base.plt is the most fundamental module of the whole bzlib stack
+;; and as such it also is the lowest level code. We are not likely to
+;; fix the code any time soon, and hence any of the functions here are
+;; explicitly likely to be obsoleted or moved elsewhere.
+;; Proceed with caution.
+;; Bonzai Lab, LLC. All rights reserved.
+;; Licensed under LGPL.
+;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+;; - syntax helpers
+;; yc 10/19/2009 - first version
+;; yc 7/6/2010 - fixed syntax-identifier-append
+(require (for-syntax scheme/base)
+ syntax/stx scheme/string mzlib/trace
+ scheme/contract
+ )
+(define (syntax-map proc stx-lst)
+ (syntax-case stx-lst ()
+ (() #'())
+ ((id . rest)
+ #`(#,(proc #'id) . #,(syntax-map proc #'rest)))))
+(define (syntax-identifier-append arg #:stx (stx #f) . args)
+ (define (get-first-syntax lst)
+ (define (helper lst)
+ (cond ((null? lst) (error 'syntax-identifier-append "no stx for context"))
+ ((syntax? (car lst)) (car lst))
+ (else (helper (cdr lst)))))
+ (if (not stx) (helper lst) stx))
+ (define (->string x)
+ (cond ((syntax? x) (->string (syntax->datum x)))
+ (else (format "~a" x))))
+ (define (helper args)
+ (datum->syntax (get-first-syntax args)
+ (string->symbol (string-join (map ->string args) ""))))
+ (helper (cons arg args)))
+(define (syntax-id-part? stx)
+ (define (helper part)
+ (or (symbol? part) (bytes? part) (string? part) (number? part)))
+ (or (and (syntax? stx)
+ (helper (syntax->datum stx)))
+ (helper stx)))
+ (syntax-map (-> (-> any/c any) stx-pair? any))
+ (syntax-identifier-append (->* (syntax-id-part?)
+ (#:stx syntax?)
+ #:rest (listof syntax-id-part?)
+ syntax?))
+ )
+(provide (all-from-out syntax/stx))