path: root/imdb-lookup/libs/ember-1.9.0.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'imdb-lookup/libs/ember-1.9.0.js')
1 files changed, 50331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/imdb-lookup/libs/ember-1.9.0.js b/imdb-lookup/libs/ember-1.9.0.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ec5c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/imdb-lookup/libs/ember-1.9.0.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50331 @@
+ * @overview Ember - JavaScript Application Framework
+ * @copyright Copyright 2011-2014 Tilde Inc. and contributors
+ * Portions Copyright 2006-2011 Strobe Inc.
+ * Portions Copyright 2008-2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+ * @license Licensed under MIT license
+ * See
+ * @version 1.9.0
+ */
+(function() {
+var enifed, requireModule, eriuqer, requirejs, Ember;
+(function() {
+ Ember = this.Ember = this.Ember || {};
+ if (typeof Ember === 'undefined') { Ember = {}; };
+ function UNDEFINED() { }
+ if (typeof Ember.__loader === 'undefined') {
+ var registry = {}, seen = {};
+ enifed = function(name, deps, callback) {
+ registry[name] = { deps: deps, callback: callback };
+ };
+ requirejs = eriuqer = requireModule = function(name) {
+ var s = seen[name];
+ if (s !== undefined) { return seen[name]; }
+ if (s === UNDEFINED) { return undefined; }
+ seen[name] = {};
+ if (!registry[name]) {
+ throw new Error("Could not find module " + name);
+ }
+ var mod = registry[name];
+ var deps = mod.deps;
+ var callback = mod.callback;
+ var reified = [];
+ var exports;
+ var length = deps.length;
+ for (var i=0; i<length; i++) {
+ if (deps[i] === 'exports') {
+ reified.push(exports = {});
+ } else {
+ reified.push(requireModule(resolve(deps[i], name)));
+ }
+ }
+ var value = length === 0 ? : callback.apply(this, reified);
+ return seen[name] = exports || (value === undefined ? UNDEFINED : value);
+ };
+ function resolve(child, name) {
+ if (child.charAt(0) !== '.') { return child; }
+ var parts = child.split("/");
+ var parentBase = name.split("/").slice(0, -1);
+ for (var i=0, l=parts.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var part = parts[i];
+ if (part === '..') { parentBase.pop(); }
+ else if (part === '.') { continue; }
+ else { parentBase.push(part); }
+ }
+ return parentBase.join("/");
+ }
+ requirejs._eak_seen = registry;
+ Ember.__loader = {define: enifed, require: eriuqer, registry: registry};
+ } else {
+ enifed = Ember.__loader.define;
+ requirejs = eriuqer = requireModule = Ember.__loader.require;
+ }
+ ["backburner/utils","backburner/platform","backburner/binary-search","backburner/deferred-action-queues","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var each = __dependency1__.each;
+ var isString = __dependency1__.isString;
+ var isFunction = __dependency1__.isFunction;
+ var isNumber = __dependency1__.isNumber;
+ var isCoercableNumber = __dependency1__.isCoercableNumber;
+ var wrapInTryCatch = __dependency1__.wrapInTryCatch;
+ var now =;
+ var needsIETryCatchFix = __dependency2__.needsIETryCatchFix;
+ var searchTimer = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var DeferredActionQueues = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var slice = [].slice;
+ var pop = [].pop;
+ var global = this;
+ function Backburner(queueNames, options) {
+ this.queueNames = queueNames;
+ this.options = options || {};
+ if (!this.options.defaultQueue) {
+ this.options.defaultQueue = queueNames[0];
+ }
+ this.instanceStack = [];
+ this._debouncees = [];
+ this._throttlers = [];
+ this._timers = [];
+ }
+ Backburner.prototype = {
+ begin: function() {
+ var options = this.options;
+ var onBegin = options && options.onBegin;
+ var previousInstance = this.currentInstance;
+ if (previousInstance) {
+ this.instanceStack.push(previousInstance);
+ }
+ this.currentInstance = new DeferredActionQueues(this.queueNames, options);
+ if (onBegin) {
+ onBegin(this.currentInstance, previousInstance);
+ }
+ },
+ end: function() {
+ var options = this.options;
+ var onEnd = options && options.onEnd;
+ var currentInstance = this.currentInstance;
+ var nextInstance = null;
+ // Prevent double-finally bug in Safari 6.0.2 and iOS 6
+ // This bug appears to be resolved in Safari 6.0.5 and iOS 7
+ var finallyAlreadyCalled = false;
+ try {
+ currentInstance.flush();
+ } finally {
+ if (!finallyAlreadyCalled) {
+ finallyAlreadyCalled = true;
+ this.currentInstance = null;
+ if (this.instanceStack.length) {
+ nextInstance = this.instanceStack.pop();
+ this.currentInstance = nextInstance;
+ }
+ if (onEnd) {
+ onEnd(currentInstance, nextInstance);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ run: function(target, method /*, args */) {
+ var onError = getOnError(this.options);
+ this.begin();
+ if (!method) {
+ method = target;
+ target = null;
+ }
+ if (isString(method)) {
+ method = target[method];
+ }
+ var args =, 2);
+ // guard against Safari 6's double-finally bug
+ var didFinally = false;
+ if (onError) {
+ try {
+ return method.apply(target, args);
+ } catch(error) {
+ onError(error);
+ } finally {
+ if (!didFinally) {
+ didFinally = true;
+ this.end();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ try {
+ return method.apply(target, args);
+ } finally {
+ if (!didFinally) {
+ didFinally = true;
+ this.end();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ join: function(target, method /*, args */) {
+ if (this.currentInstance) {
+ if (!method) {
+ method = target;
+ target = null;
+ }
+ if (isString(method)) {
+ method = target[method];
+ }
+ return method.apply(target,, 2));
+ } else {
+ return, arguments);
+ }
+ },
+ defer: function(queueName, target, method /* , args */) {
+ if (!method) {
+ method = target;
+ target = null;
+ }
+ if (isString(method)) {
+ method = target[method];
+ }
+ var stack = this.DEBUG ? new Error() : undefined;
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var args;
+ if (length > 3) {
+ args = new Array(length - 3);
+ for (var i = 3; i < length; i++) {
+ args[i-3] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ } else {
+ args = undefined;
+ }
+ if (!this.currentInstance) { createAutorun(this); }
+ return this.currentInstance.schedule(queueName, target, method, args, false, stack);
+ },
+ deferOnce: function(queueName, target, method /* , args */) {
+ if (!method) {
+ method = target;
+ target = null;
+ }
+ if (isString(method)) {
+ method = target[method];
+ }
+ var stack = this.DEBUG ? new Error() : undefined;
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var args;
+ if (length > 3) {
+ args = new Array(length - 3);
+ for (var i = 3; i < length; i++) {
+ args[i-3] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ } else {
+ args = undefined;
+ }
+ if (!this.currentInstance) {
+ createAutorun(this);
+ }
+ return this.currentInstance.schedule(queueName, target, method, args, true, stack);
+ },
+ setTimeout: function() {
+ var l = arguments.length;
+ var args = new Array(l);
+ for (var x = 0; x < l; x++) {
+ args[x] = arguments[x];
+ }
+ var length = args.length,
+ method, wait, target,
+ methodOrTarget, methodOrWait, methodOrArgs;
+ if (length === 0) {
+ return;
+ } else if (length === 1) {
+ method = args.shift();
+ wait = 0;
+ } else if (length === 2) {
+ methodOrTarget = args[0];
+ methodOrWait = args[1];
+ if (isFunction(methodOrWait) || isFunction(methodOrTarget[methodOrWait])) {
+ target = args.shift();
+ method = args.shift();
+ wait = 0;
+ } else if (isCoercableNumber(methodOrWait)) {
+ method = args.shift();
+ wait = args.shift();
+ } else {
+ method = args.shift();
+ wait = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var last = args[args.length - 1];
+ if (isCoercableNumber(last)) {
+ wait = args.pop();
+ } else {
+ wait = 0;
+ }
+ methodOrTarget = args[0];
+ methodOrArgs = args[1];
+ if (isFunction(methodOrArgs) || (isString(methodOrArgs) &&
+ methodOrTarget !== null &&
+ methodOrArgs in methodOrTarget)) {
+ target = args.shift();
+ method = args.shift();
+ } else {
+ method = args.shift();
+ }
+ }
+ var executeAt = now() + parseInt(wait, 10);
+ if (isString(method)) {
+ method = target[method];
+ }
+ var onError = getOnError(this.options);
+ function fn() {
+ if (onError) {
+ try {
+ method.apply(target, args);
+ } catch (e) {
+ onError(e);
+ }
+ } else {
+ method.apply(target, args);
+ }
+ }
+ // find position to insert
+ var i = searchTimer(executeAt, this._timers);
+ this._timers.splice(i, 0, executeAt, fn);
+ updateLaterTimer(this, executeAt, wait);
+ return fn;
+ },
+ throttle: function(target, method /* , args, wait, [immediate] */) {
+ var backburner = this;
+ var args = arguments;
+ var immediate =;
+ var wait, throttler, index, timer;
+ if (isNumber(immediate) || isString(immediate)) {
+ wait = immediate;
+ immediate = true;
+ } else {
+ wait =;
+ }
+ wait = parseInt(wait, 10);
+ index = findThrottler(target, method, this._throttlers);
+ if (index > -1) { return this._throttlers[index]; } // throttled
+ timer = global.setTimeout(function() {
+ if (!immediate) {
+, args);
+ }
+ var index = findThrottler(target, method, backburner._throttlers);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ backburner._throttlers.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }, wait);
+ if (immediate) {
+, args);
+ }
+ throttler = [target, method, timer];
+ this._throttlers.push(throttler);
+ return throttler;
+ },
+ debounce: function(target, method /* , args, wait, [immediate] */) {
+ var backburner = this;
+ var args = arguments;
+ var immediate =;
+ var wait, index, debouncee, timer;
+ if (isNumber(immediate) || isString(immediate)) {
+ wait = immediate;
+ immediate = false;
+ } else {
+ wait =;
+ }
+ wait = parseInt(wait, 10);
+ // Remove debouncee
+ index = findDebouncee(target, method, this._debouncees);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ debouncee = this._debouncees[index];
+ this._debouncees.splice(index, 1);
+ clearTimeout(debouncee[2]);
+ }
+ timer = global.setTimeout(function() {
+ if (!immediate) {
+, args);
+ }
+ var index = findDebouncee(target, method, backburner._debouncees);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ backburner._debouncees.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }, wait);
+ if (immediate && index === -1) {
+, args);
+ }
+ debouncee = [
+ target,
+ method,
+ timer
+ ];
+ backburner._debouncees.push(debouncee);
+ return debouncee;
+ },
+ cancelTimers: function() {
+ var clearItems = function(item) {
+ clearTimeout(item[2]);
+ };
+ each(this._throttlers, clearItems);
+ this._throttlers = [];
+ each(this._debouncees, clearItems);
+ this._debouncees = [];
+ if (this._laterTimer) {
+ clearTimeout(this._laterTimer);
+ this._laterTimer = null;
+ }
+ this._timers = [];
+ if (this._autorun) {
+ clearTimeout(this._autorun);
+ this._autorun = null;
+ }
+ },
+ hasTimers: function() {
+ return !!this._timers.length || !!this._debouncees.length || !!this._throttlers.length || this._autorun;
+ },
+ cancel: function(timer) {
+ var timerType = typeof timer;
+ if (timer && timerType === 'object' && timer.queue && timer.method) { // we're cancelling a deferOnce
+ return timer.queue.cancel(timer);
+ } else if (timerType === 'function') { // we're cancelling a setTimeout
+ for (var i = 0, l = this._timers.length; i < l; i += 2) {
+ if (this._timers[i + 1] === timer) {
+ this._timers.splice(i, 2); // remove the two elements
+ if (i === 0) {
+ if (this._laterTimer) { // Active timer? Then clear timer and reset for future timer
+ clearTimeout(this._laterTimer);
+ this._laterTimer = null;
+ }
+ if (this._timers.length > 0) { // Update to next available timer when available
+ updateLaterTimer(this, this._timers[0], this._timers[0] - now());
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( === "[object Array]"){ // we're cancelling a throttle or debounce
+ return this._cancelItem(findThrottler, this._throttlers, timer) ||
+ this._cancelItem(findDebouncee, this._debouncees, timer);
+ } else {
+ return; // timer was null or not a timer
+ }
+ },
+ _cancelItem: function(findMethod, array, timer){
+ var item, index;
+ if (timer.length < 3) { return false; }
+ index = findMethod(timer[0], timer[1], array);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ item = array[index];
+ if (item[2] === timer[2]) {
+ array.splice(index, 1);
+ clearTimeout(timer[2]);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ Backburner.prototype.schedule = Backburner.prototype.defer;
+ Backburner.prototype.scheduleOnce = Backburner.prototype.deferOnce;
+ Backburner.prototype.later = Backburner.prototype.setTimeout;
+ if (needsIETryCatchFix) {
+ var originalRun =;
+ = wrapInTryCatch(originalRun);
+ var originalEnd = Backburner.prototype.end;
+ Backburner.prototype.end = wrapInTryCatch(originalEnd);
+ }
+ function getOnError(options) {
+ return options.onError || (options.onErrorTarget && options.onErrorTarget[options.onErrorMethod]);
+ }
+ function createAutorun(backburner) {
+ backburner.begin();
+ backburner._autorun = global.setTimeout(function() {
+ backburner._autorun = null;
+ backburner.end();
+ });
+ }
+ function updateLaterTimer(backburner, executeAt, wait) {
+ var n = now();
+ if (!backburner._laterTimer || executeAt < backburner._laterTimerExpiresAt || backburner._laterTimerExpiresAt < n) {
+ if (backburner._laterTimer) {
+ // Clear when:
+ // - Already expired
+ // - New timer is earlier
+ clearTimeout(backburner._laterTimer);
+ if (backburner._laterTimerExpiresAt < n) { // If timer was never triggered
+ // Calculate the left-over wait-time
+ wait = Math.max(0, executeAt - n);
+ }
+ }
+ backburner._laterTimer = global.setTimeout(function() {
+ backburner._laterTimer = null;
+ backburner._laterTimerExpiresAt = null;
+ executeTimers(backburner);
+ }, wait);
+ backburner._laterTimerExpiresAt = n + wait;
+ }
+ }
+ function executeTimers(backburner) {
+ var n = now();
+ var fns, i, l;
+ {
+ i = searchTimer(n, backburner._timers);
+ fns = backburner._timers.splice(0, i);
+ for (i = 1, l = fns.length; i < l; i += 2) {
+ backburner.schedule(backburner.options.defaultQueue, null, fns[i]);
+ }
+ });
+ if (backburner._timers.length) {
+ updateLaterTimer(backburner, backburner._timers[0], backburner._timers[0] - n);
+ }
+ }
+ function findDebouncee(target, method, debouncees) {
+ return findItem(target, method, debouncees);
+ }
+ function findThrottler(target, method, throttlers) {
+ return findItem(target, method, throttlers);
+ }
+ function findItem(target, method, collection) {
+ var item;
+ var index = -1;
+ for (var i = 0, l = collection.length; i < l; i++) {
+ item = collection[i];
+ if (item[0] === target && item[1] === method) {
+ index = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return index;
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = Backburner;
+ });
+ ["./backburner"],
+ function(__dependency1__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Backburner = __dependency1__["default"];
+ /* global define:true module:true window: true */
+ if (typeof enifed === 'function' && enifed.amd) {
+ enifed(function() { return Backburner; });
+ } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
+ module.exports = Backburner;
+ } else if (typeof this !== 'undefined') {
+ this['Backburner'] = Backburner;
+ }
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ __exports__["default"] = function binarySearch(time, timers) {
+ var start = 0;
+ var end = timers.length - 2;
+ var middle, l;
+ while (start < end) {
+ // since timers is an array of pairs 'l' will always
+ // be an integer
+ l = (end - start) / 2;
+ // compensate for the index in case even number
+ // of pairs inside timers
+ middle = start + l - (l % 2);
+ if (time >= timers[middle]) {
+ start = middle + 2;
+ } else {
+ end = middle;
+ }
+ }
+ return (time >= timers[start]) ? start + 2 : start;
+ }
+ });
+ ["./utils","./queue","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var each = __dependency1__.each;
+ var Queue = __dependency2__["default"];
+ function DeferredActionQueues(queueNames, options) {
+ var queues = this.queues = Object.create(null);
+ this.queueNames = queueNames = queueNames || [];
+ this.options = options;
+ each(queueNames, function(queueName) {
+ queues[queueName] = new Queue(queueName, options[queueName], options);
+ });
+ }
+ function noSuchQueue(name) {
+ throw new Error("You attempted to schedule an action in a queue (" + name + ") that doesn't exist");
+ }
+ DeferredActionQueues.prototype = {
+ schedule: function(name, target, method, args, onceFlag, stack) {
+ var queues = this.queues;
+ var queue = queues[name];
+ if (!queue) {
+ noSuchQueue(name);
+ }
+ if (onceFlag) {
+ return queue.pushUnique(target, method, args, stack);
+ } else {
+ return queue.push(target, method, args, stack);
+ }
+ },
+ flush: function() {
+ var queues = this.queues;
+ var queueNames = this.queueNames;
+ var queueName, queue, queueItems, priorQueueNameIndex;
+ var queueNameIndex = 0;
+ var numberOfQueues = queueNames.length;
+ var options = this.options;
+ while (queueNameIndex < numberOfQueues) {
+ queueName = queueNames[queueNameIndex];
+ queue = queues[queueName];
+ var numberOfQueueItems = queue._queue.length;
+ if (numberOfQueueItems === 0) {
+ queueNameIndex++;
+ } else {
+ queue.flush(false /* async */);
+ queueNameIndex = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ __exports__["default"] = DeferredActionQueues;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ // In IE 6-8, try/finally doesn't work without a catch.
+ // Unfortunately, this is impossible to test for since wrapping it in a parent try/catch doesn't trigger the bug.
+ // This tests for another broken try/catch behavior that only exhibits in the same versions of IE.
+ var needsIETryCatchFix = (function(e,x){
+ try{ x(); }
+ catch(e) { } // jshint ignore:line
+ return !!e;
+ })();
+ __exports__.needsIETryCatchFix = needsIETryCatchFix;
+ });
+ ["./utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var isString = __dependency1__.isString;
+ function Queue(name, options, globalOptions) {
+ = name;
+ this.globalOptions = globalOptions || {};
+ this.options = options;
+ this._queue = [];
+ this.targetQueues = Object.create(null);
+ this._queueBeingFlushed = undefined;
+ }
+ Queue.prototype = {
+ push: function(target, method, args, stack) {
+ var queue = this._queue;
+ queue.push(target, method, args, stack);
+ return {
+ queue: this,
+ target: target,
+ method: method
+ };
+ },
+ pushUniqueWithoutGuid: function(target, method, args, stack) {
+ var queue = this._queue;
+ for (var i = 0, l = queue.length; i < l; i += 4) {
+ var currentTarget = queue[i];
+ var currentMethod = queue[i+1];
+ if (currentTarget === target && currentMethod === method) {
+ queue[i+2] = args; // replace args
+ queue[i+3] = stack; // replace stack
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ queue.push(target, method, args, stack);
+ },
+ targetQueue: function(targetQueue, target, method, args, stack) {
+ var queue = this._queue;
+ for (var i = 0, l = targetQueue.length; i < l; i += 4) {
+ var currentMethod = targetQueue[i];
+ var currentIndex = targetQueue[i + 1];
+ if (currentMethod === method) {
+ queue[currentIndex + 2] = args; // replace args
+ queue[currentIndex + 3] = stack; // replace stack
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ targetQueue.push(
+ method,
+ queue.push(target, method, args, stack) - 4
+ );
+ },
+ pushUniqueWithGuid: function(guid, target, method, args, stack) {
+ var hasLocalQueue = this.targetQueues[guid];
+ if (hasLocalQueue) {
+ this.targetQueue(hasLocalQueue, target, method, args, stack);
+ } else {
+ this.targetQueues[guid] = [
+ method,
+ this._queue.push(target, method, args, stack) - 4
+ ];
+ }
+ return {
+ queue: this,
+ target: target,
+ method: method
+ };
+ },
+ pushUnique: function(target, method, args, stack) {
+ var queue = this._queue, currentTarget, currentMethod, i, l;
+ var KEY = this.globalOptions.GUID_KEY;
+ if (target && KEY) {
+ var guid = target[KEY];
+ if (guid) {
+ return this.pushUniqueWithGuid(guid, target, method, args, stack);
+ }
+ }
+ this.pushUniqueWithoutGuid(target, method, args, stack);
+ return {
+ queue: this,
+ target: target,
+ method: method
+ };
+ },
+ invoke: function(target, method, args, _, _errorRecordedForStack) {
+ if (args && args.length > 0) {
+ method.apply(target, args);
+ } else {
+ }
+ },
+ invokeWithOnError: function(target, method, args, onError, errorRecordedForStack) {
+ try {
+ if (args && args.length > 0) {
+ method.apply(target, args);
+ } else {
+ }
+ } catch(error) {
+ onError(error, errorRecordedForStack);
+ }
+ },
+ flush: function(sync) {
+ var queue = this._queue;
+ var length = queue.length;
+ if (length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var globalOptions = this.globalOptions;
+ var options = this.options;
+ var before = options && options.before;
+ var after = options && options.after;
+ var onError = globalOptions.onError || (globalOptions.onErrorTarget &&
+ globalOptions.onErrorTarget[globalOptions.onErrorMethod]);
+ var target, method, args, errorRecordedForStack;
+ var invoke = onError ? this.invokeWithOnError : this.invoke;
+ this.targetQueues = Object.create(null);
+ var queueItems = this._queueBeingFlushed = this._queue.slice();
+ this._queue = [];
+ if (before) {
+ before();
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 4) {
+ target = queueItems[i];
+ method = queueItems[i+1];
+ args = queueItems[i+2];
+ errorRecordedForStack = queueItems[i+3]; // Debugging assistance
+ if (isString(method)) {
+ method = target[method];
+ }
+ // method could have been nullified / canceled during flush
+ if (method) {
+ //
+ // ** Attention intrepid developer **
+ //
+ // To find out the stack of this task when it was scheduled onto
+ // the run loop, add the following to your app.js:
+ //
+ // = true; // NOTE: This slows your app, don't leave it on in production.
+ //
+ // Once that is in place, when you are at a breakpoint and navigate
+ // here in the stack explorer, you can look at `errorRecordedForStack.stack`,
+ // which will be the captured stack when this job was scheduled.
+ //
+ invoke(target, method, args, onError, errorRecordedForStack);
+ }
+ }
+ if (after) {
+ after();
+ }
+ this._queueBeingFlushed = undefined;
+ if (sync !== false &&
+ this._queue.length > 0) {
+ // check if new items have been added
+ this.flush(true);
+ }
+ },
+ cancel: function(actionToCancel) {
+ var queue = this._queue, currentTarget, currentMethod, i, l;
+ var target =;
+ var method = actionToCancel.method;
+ var GUID_KEY = this.globalOptions.GUID_KEY;
+ if (GUID_KEY && this.targetQueues && target) {
+ var targetQueue = this.targetQueues[target[GUID_KEY]];
+ if (targetQueue) {
+ for (i = 0, l = targetQueue.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (targetQueue[i] === method) {
+ targetQueue.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0, l = queue.length; i < l; i += 4) {
+ currentTarget = queue[i];
+ currentMethod = queue[i+1];
+ if (currentTarget === target &&
+ currentMethod === method) {
+ queue.splice(i, 4);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // if not found in current queue
+ // could be in the queue that is being flushed
+ queue = this._queueBeingFlushed;
+ if (!queue) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0, l = queue.length; i < l; i += 4) {
+ currentTarget = queue[i];
+ currentMethod = queue[i+1];
+ if (currentTarget === target &&
+ currentMethod === method) {
+ // don't mess with array during flush
+ // just nullify the method
+ queue[i+1] = null;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ __exports__["default"] = Queue;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var NUMBER = /\d+/;
+ function each(collection, callback) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < collection.length; i++) {
+ callback(collection[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.each = each;// is not available in browsers < IE9
+ //
+ var now = || function() { return new Date().getTime(); };
+ = now;
+ function isString(suspect) {
+ return typeof suspect === 'string';
+ }
+ __exports__.isString = isString;function isFunction(suspect) {
+ return typeof suspect === 'function';
+ }
+ __exports__.isFunction = isFunction;function isNumber(suspect) {
+ return typeof suspect === 'number';
+ }
+ __exports__.isNumber = isNumber;function isCoercableNumber(number) {
+ return isNumber(number) || NUMBER.test(number);
+ }
+ __exports__.isCoercableNumber = isCoercableNumber;function wrapInTryCatch(func) {
+ return function () {
+ try {
+ return func.apply(this, arguments);
+ } catch (e) {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ __exports__.wrapInTryCatch = wrapInTryCatch;
+ });
+ [],
+ function() {
+ "use strict";
+ 'use strict';
+ var fs = eriuqer('fs');
+ var path = eriuqer('path');
+ module.exports = function () {
+ var packageVersion = eriuqer('../package.json').version;
+ var output = [packageVersion];
+ var gitPath = path.join(__dirname,'..','.git');
+ var headFilePath = path.join(gitPath, 'HEAD');
+ if (packageVersion.indexOf('+') > -1) {
+ try {
+ if (fs.existsSync(headFilePath)) {
+ var headFile = fs.readFileSync(headFilePath, {encoding: 'utf8'});
+ var branchName = headFile.split('/').slice(-1)[0].trim();
+ var refPath = headFile.split(' ')[1];
+ var branchSHA;
+ if (refPath) {
+ var branchPath = path.join(gitPath, refPath.trim());
+ branchSHA = fs.readFileSync(branchPath);
+ } else {
+ branchSHA = branchName;
+ }
+ output.push(branchSHA.slice(0,10));
+ }
+ } catch (err) {
+ console.error(err.stack);
+ }
+ return output.join('.');
+ } else {
+ return packageVersion;
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ ["container/container","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /*
+ Public api for the container is still in flux.
+ The public api, specified on the application namespace should be considered the stable api.
+ // @module container
+ @private
+ */
+ /*
+ Flag to enable/disable model factory injections (disabled by default)
+ If model factory injections are enabled, models should not be
+ accessed globally (only through `container.lookupFactory('model:modelName'))`);
+ */
+ if (Ember.ENV && typeof Ember.ENV.MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS !== 'undefined') {
+ }
+ var Container = __dependency1__["default"];
+ __exports__["default"] = Container;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/keys","ember-metal/dictionary","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var emberKeys = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var dictionary = __dependency3__["default"];
+ // A lightweight container that helps to assemble and decouple components.
+ // Public api for the container is still in flux.
+ // The public api, specified on the application namespace should be considered the stable api.
+ function Container(parent) {
+ this.parent = parent;
+ this.children = [];
+ this.resolver = parent && parent.resolver || function() {};
+ this.registry = dictionary(parent ? parent.registry : null);
+ this.cache = dictionary(parent ? parent.cache : null);
+ this.factoryCache = dictionary(parent ? parent.factoryCache : null);
+ this.resolveCache = dictionary(parent ? parent.resolveCache : null);
+ this.typeInjections = dictionary(parent ? parent.typeInjections : null);
+ this.injections = dictionary(null);
+ this.normalizeCache = dictionary(null);
+ this.factoryTypeInjections = dictionary(parent ? parent.factoryTypeInjections : null);
+ this.factoryInjections = dictionary(null);
+ this._options = dictionary(parent ? parent._options : null);
+ this._typeOptions = dictionary(parent ? parent._typeOptions : null);
+ }
+ Container.prototype = {
+ /**
+ @property parent
+ @type Container
+ @default null
+ */
+ parent: null,
+ /**
+ @property children
+ @type Array
+ @default []
+ */
+ children: null,
+ /**
+ @property resolver
+ @type function
+ */
+ resolver: null,
+ /**
+ @property registry
+ @type InheritingDict
+ */
+ registry: null,
+ /**
+ @property cache
+ @type InheritingDict
+ */
+ cache: null,
+ /**
+ @property typeInjections
+ @type InheritingDict
+ */
+ typeInjections: null,
+ /**
+ @property injections
+ @type Object
+ @default {}
+ */
+ injections: null,
+ /**
+ @private
+ @property _options
+ @type InheritingDict
+ @default null
+ */
+ _options: null,
+ /**
+ @private
+ @property _typeOptions
+ @type InheritingDict
+ */
+ _typeOptions: null,
+ /**
+ Returns a new child of the current container. These children are configured
+ to correctly inherit from the current container.
+ @method child
+ @return {Container}
+ */
+ child: function() {
+ var container = new Container(this);
+ this.children.push(container);
+ return container;
+ },
+ /**
+ Registers a factory for later injection.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var container = new Container();
+ container.register('model:user', Person, {singleton: false });
+ container.register('fruit:favorite', Orange);
+ container.register('communication:main', Email, {singleton: false});
+ ```
+ @method register
+ @param {String} fullName
+ @param {Function} factory
+ @param {Object} options
+ */
+ register: function(fullName, factory, options) {
+ Ember.assert('fullName must be a proper full name', validateFullName(fullName));
+ if (factory === undefined) {
+ throw new TypeError('Attempting to register an unknown factory: `' + fullName + '`');
+ }
+ var normalizedName = this.normalize(fullName);
+ if (normalizedName in this.cache) {
+ throw new Error('Cannot re-register: `' + fullName +'`, as it has already been looked up.');
+ }
+ this.registry[normalizedName] = factory;
+ this._options[normalizedName] = (options || {});
+ },
+ /**
+ Unregister a fullName
+ ```javascript
+ var container = new Container();
+ container.register('model:user', User);
+ container.lookup('model:user') instanceof User //=> true
+ container.unregister('model:user')
+ container.lookup('model:user') === undefined //=> true
+ ```
+ @method unregister
+ @param {String} fullName
+ */
+ unregister: function(fullName) {
+ Ember.assert('fullName must be a proper full name', validateFullName(fullName));
+ var normalizedName = this.normalize(fullName);
+ delete this.registry[normalizedName];
+ delete this.cache[normalizedName];
+ delete this.factoryCache[normalizedName];
+ delete this.resolveCache[normalizedName];
+ delete this._options[normalizedName];
+ },
+ /**
+ Given a fullName return the corresponding factory.
+ By default `resolve` will retrieve the factory from
+ its container's registry.
+ ```javascript
+ var container = new Container();
+ container.register('api:twitter', Twitter);
+ container.resolve('api:twitter') // => Twitter
+ ```
+ Optionally the container can be provided with a custom resolver.
+ If provided, `resolve` will first provide the custom resolver
+ the opportunity to resolve the fullName, otherwise it will fallback
+ to the registry.
+ ```javascript
+ var container = new Container();
+ container.resolver = function(fullName) {
+ // lookup via the module system of choice
+ };
+ // the twitter factory is added to the module system
+ container.resolve('api:twitter') // => Twitter
+ ```
+ @method resolve
+ @param {String} fullName
+ @return {Function} fullName's factory
+ */
+ resolve: function(fullName) {
+ Ember.assert('fullName must be a proper full name', validateFullName(fullName));
+ return resolve(this, this.normalize(fullName));
+ },
+ /**
+ A hook that can be used to describe how the resolver will
+ attempt to find the factory.
+ For example, the default Ember `.describe` returns the full
+ class name (including namespace) where Ember's resolver expects
+ to find the `fullName`.
+ @method describe
+ @param {String} fullName
+ @return {string} described fullName
+ */
+ describe: function(fullName) {
+ return fullName;
+ },
+ /**
+ A hook to enable custom fullName normalization behaviour
+ @method normalizeFullName
+ @param {String} fullName
+ @return {string} normalized fullName
+ */
+ normalizeFullName: function(fullName) {
+ return fullName;
+ },
+ /**
+ normalize a fullName based on the applications conventions
+ @method normalize
+ @param {String} fullName
+ @return {string} normalized fullName
+ */
+ normalize: function(fullName) {
+ return this.normalizeCache[fullName] || (
+ this.normalizeCache[fullName] = this.normalizeFullName(fullName)
+ );
+ },
+ /**
+ @method makeToString
+ @param {any} factory
+ @param {string} fullName
+ @return {function} toString function
+ */
+ makeToString: function(factory, fullName) {
+ return factory.toString();
+ },
+ /**
+ Given a fullName return a corresponding instance.
+ The default behaviour is for lookup to return a singleton instance.
+ The singleton is scoped to the container, allowing multiple containers
+ to all have their own locally scoped singletons.
+ ```javascript
+ var container = new Container();
+ container.register('api:twitter', Twitter);
+ var twitter = container.lookup('api:twitter');
+ twitter instanceof Twitter; // => true
+ // by default the container will return singletons
+ var twitter2 = container.lookup('api:twitter');
+ twitter2 instanceof Twitter; // => true
+ twitter === twitter2; //=> true
+ ```
+ If singletons are not wanted an optional flag can be provided at lookup.
+ ```javascript
+ var container = new Container();
+ container.register('api:twitter', Twitter);
+ var twitter = container.lookup('api:twitter', { singleton: false });
+ var twitter2 = container.lookup('api:twitter', { singleton: false });
+ twitter === twitter2; //=> false
+ ```
+ @method lookup
+ @param {String} fullName
+ @param {Object} options
+ @return {any}
+ */
+ lookup: function(fullName, options) {
+ Ember.assert('fullName must be a proper full name', validateFullName(fullName));
+ return lookup(this, this.normalize(fullName), options);
+ },
+ /**
+ Given a fullName return the corresponding factory.
+ @method lookupFactory
+ @param {String} fullName
+ @return {any}
+ */
+ lookupFactory: function(fullName) {
+ Ember.assert('fullName must be a proper full name', validateFullName(fullName));
+ return factoryFor(this, this.normalize(fullName));
+ },
+ /**
+ Given a fullName check if the container is aware of its factory
+ or singleton instance.
+ @method has
+ @param {String} fullName
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ has: function(fullName) {
+ Ember.assert('fullName must be a proper full name', validateFullName(fullName));
+ return has(this, this.normalize(fullName));
+ },
+ /**
+ Allow registering options for all factories of a type.
+ ```javascript
+ var container = new Container();
+ // if all of type `connection` must not be singletons
+ container.optionsForType('connection', { singleton: false });
+ container.register('connection:twitter', TwitterConnection);
+ container.register('connection:facebook', FacebookConnection);
+ var twitter = container.lookup('connection:twitter');
+ var twitter2 = container.lookup('connection:twitter');
+ twitter === twitter2; // => false
+ var facebook = container.lookup('connection:facebook');
+ var facebook2 = container.lookup('connection:facebook');
+ facebook === facebook2; // => false
+ ```
+ @method optionsForType
+ @param {String} type
+ @param {Object} options
+ */
+ optionsForType: function(type, options) {
+ if (this.parent) { illegalChildOperation('optionsForType'); }
+ this._typeOptions[type] = options;
+ },
+ /**
+ @method options
+ @param {String} fullName
+ @param {Object} options
+ */
+ options: function(fullName, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ var normalizedName = this.normalize(fullName);
+ this._options[normalizedName] = options;
+ },
+ /**
+ Used only via `injection`.
+ Provides a specialized form of injection, specifically enabling
+ all objects of one type to be injected with a reference to another
+ object.
+ For example, provided each object of type `controller` needed a `router`.
+ one would do the following:
+ ```javascript
+ var container = new Container();
+ container.register('router:main', Router);
+ container.register('controller:user', UserController);
+ container.register('controller:post', PostController);
+ container.typeInjection('controller', 'router', 'router:main');
+ var user = container.lookup('controller:user');
+ var post = container.lookup('controller:post');
+ user.router instanceof Router; //=> true
+ post.router instanceof Router; //=> true
+ // both controllers share the same router
+ user.router === post.router; //=> true
+ ```
+ @private
+ @method typeInjection
+ @param {String} type
+ @param {String} property
+ @param {String} fullName
+ */
+ typeInjection: function(type, property, fullName) {
+ Ember.assert('fullName must be a proper full name', validateFullName(fullName));
+ if (this.parent) { illegalChildOperation('typeInjection'); }
+ var fullNameType = fullName.split(':')[0];
+ if (fullNameType === type) {
+ throw new Error('Cannot inject a `' + fullName +
+ '` on other ' + type +
+ '(s). Register the `' + fullName +
+ '` as a different type and perform the typeInjection.');
+ }
+ addTypeInjection(this.typeInjections, type, property, fullName);
+ },
+ /**
+ Defines injection rules.
+ These rules are used to inject dependencies onto objects when they
+ are instantiated.
+ Two forms of injections are possible:
+ * Injecting one fullName on another fullName
+ * Injecting one fullName on a type
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var container = new Container();
+ container.register('source:main', Source);
+ container.register('model:user', User);
+ container.register('model:post', Post);
+ // injecting one fullName on another fullName
+ // eg. each user model gets a post model
+ container.injection('model:user', 'post', 'model:post');
+ // injecting one fullName on another type
+ container.injection('model', 'source', 'source:main');
+ var user = container.lookup('model:user');
+ var post = container.lookup('model:post');
+ user.source instanceof Source; //=> true
+ post.source instanceof Source; //=> true
+ instanceof Post; //=> true
+ // and both models share the same source
+ user.source === post.source; //=> true
+ ```
+ @method injection
+ @param {String} factoryName
+ @param {String} property
+ @param {String} injectionName
+ */
+ injection: function(fullName, property, injectionName) {
+ if (this.parent) { illegalChildOperation('injection'); }
+ validateFullName(injectionName);
+ var normalizedInjectionName = this.normalize(injectionName);
+ if (fullName.indexOf(':') === -1) {
+ return this.typeInjection(fullName, property, normalizedInjectionName);
+ }
+ Ember.assert('fullName must be a proper full name', validateFullName(fullName));
+ var normalizedName = this.normalize(fullName);
+ if (this.cache[normalizedName]) {
+ throw new Error("Attempted to register an injection for a type that has already been looked up. ('" +
+ normalizedName + "', '" +
+ property + "', '" +
+ injectionName + "')");
+ }
+ addInjection(initRules(this.injections, normalizedName), property, normalizedInjectionName);
+ },
+ /**
+ Used only via `factoryInjection`.
+ Provides a specialized form of injection, specifically enabling
+ all factory of one type to be injected with a reference to another
+ object.
+ For example, provided each factory of type `model` needed a `store`.
+ one would do the following:
+ ```javascript
+ var container = new Container();
+ container.register('store:main', SomeStore);
+ container.factoryTypeInjection('model', 'store', 'store:main');
+ var store = container.lookup('store:main');
+ var UserFactory = container.lookupFactory('model:user');
+ instanceof SomeStore; //=> true
+ ```
+ @private
+ @method factoryTypeInjection
+ @param {String} type
+ @param {String} property
+ @param {String} fullName
+ */
+ factoryTypeInjection: function(type, property, fullName) {
+ if (this.parent) { illegalChildOperation('factoryTypeInjection'); }
+ addTypeInjection(this.factoryTypeInjections, type, property, this.normalize(fullName));
+ },
+ /**
+ Defines factory injection rules.
+ Similar to regular injection rules, but are run against factories, via
+ `Container#lookupFactory`.
+ These rules are used to inject objects onto factories when they
+ are looked up.
+ Two forms of injections are possible:
+ * Injecting one fullName on another fullName
+ * Injecting one fullName on a type
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var container = new Container();
+ container.register('store:main', Store);
+ container.register('store:secondary', OtherStore);
+ container.register('model:user', User);
+ container.register('model:post', Post);
+ // injecting one fullName on another type
+ container.factoryInjection('model', 'store', 'store:main');
+ // injecting one fullName on another fullName
+ container.factoryInjection('model:post', 'secondaryStore', 'store:secondary');
+ var UserFactory = container.lookupFactory('model:user');
+ var PostFactory = container.lookupFactory('model:post');
+ var store = container.lookup('store:main');
+ instanceof Store; //=> true
+ UserFactory.secondaryStore instanceof OtherStore; //=> false
+ instanceof Store; //=> true
+ PostFactory.secondaryStore instanceof OtherStore; //=> true
+ // and both models share the same source instance
+ ===; //=> true
+ ```
+ @method factoryInjection
+ @param {String} factoryName
+ @param {String} property
+ @param {String} injectionName
+ */
+ factoryInjection: function(fullName, property, injectionName) {
+ if (this.parent) { illegalChildOperation('injection'); }
+ var normalizedName = this.normalize(fullName);
+ var normalizedInjectionName = this.normalize(injectionName);
+ validateFullName(injectionName);
+ if (fullName.indexOf(':') === -1) {
+ return this.factoryTypeInjection(normalizedName, property, normalizedInjectionName);
+ }
+ Ember.assert('fullName must be a proper full name', validateFullName(fullName));
+ if (this.factoryCache[normalizedName]) {
+ throw new Error('Attempted to register a factoryInjection for a type that has already ' +
+ 'been looked up. (\'' + normalizedName + '\', \'' + property + '\', \'' + injectionName + '\')');
+ }
+ addInjection(initRules(this.factoryInjections, normalizedName), property, normalizedInjectionName);
+ },
+ /**
+ A depth first traversal, destroying the container, its descendant containers and all
+ their managed objects.
+ @method destroy
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ for (var i = 0, length = this.children.length; i < length; i++) {
+ this.children[i].destroy();
+ }
+ this.children = [];
+ eachDestroyable(this, function(item) {
+ item.destroy();
+ });
+ this.parent = undefined;
+ this.isDestroyed = true;
+ },
+ /**
+ @method reset
+ */
+ reset: function() {
+ for (var i = 0, length = this.children.length; i < length; i++) {
+ resetCache(this.children[i]);
+ }
+ resetCache(this);
+ }
+ };
+ function resolve(container, normalizedName) {
+ var cached = container.resolveCache[normalizedName];
+ if (cached) { return cached; }
+ var resolved = container.resolver(normalizedName) || container.registry[normalizedName];
+ container.resolveCache[normalizedName] = resolved;
+ return resolved;
+ }
+ function has(container, fullName){
+ if (container.cache[fullName]) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return container.resolve(fullName) !== undefined;
+ }
+ function lookup(container, fullName, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ if (container.cache[fullName] && options.singleton !== false) {
+ return container.cache[fullName];
+ }
+ var value = instantiate(container, fullName);
+ if (value === undefined) { return; }
+ if (isSingleton(container, fullName) && options.singleton !== false) {
+ container.cache[fullName] = value;
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ function illegalChildOperation(operation) {
+ throw new Error(operation + ' is not currently supported on child containers');
+ }
+ function isSingleton(container, fullName) {
+ var singleton = option(container, fullName, 'singleton');
+ return singleton !== false;
+ }
+ function buildInjections(container, injections) {
+ var hash = {};
+ if (!injections) { return hash; }
+ validateInjections(container, injections);
+ var injection;
+ for (var i = 0, length = injections.length; i < length; i++) {
+ injection = injections[i];
+ hash[] = lookup(container, injection.fullName);
+ }
+ return hash;
+ }
+ function validateInjections(container, injections) {
+ if (!injections) { return; }
+ var fullName;
+ for (var i = 0, length = injections.length; i < length; i++) {
+ fullName = injections[i].fullName;
+ if (!container.has(fullName)) {
+ throw new Error('Attempting to inject an unknown injection: `' + fullName + '`');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function option(container, fullName, optionName) {
+ var options = container._options[fullName];
+ if (options && options[optionName] !== undefined) {
+ return options[optionName];
+ }
+ var type = fullName.split(':')[0];
+ options = container._typeOptions[type];
+ if (options) {
+ return options[optionName];
+ }
+ }
+ function factoryFor(container, fullName) {
+ var cache = container.factoryCache;
+ if (cache[fullName]) {
+ return cache[fullName];
+ }
+ var factory = container.resolve(fullName);
+ if (factory === undefined) { return; }
+ var type = fullName.split(':')[0];
+ if (!factory || typeof factory.extend !== 'function' || (!Ember.MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS && type === 'model')) {
+ // TODO: think about a 'safe' merge style extension
+ // for now just fallback to create time injection
+ cache[fullName] = factory;
+ return factory;
+ } else {
+ var injections = injectionsFor(container, fullName);
+ var factoryInjections = factoryInjectionsFor(container, fullName);
+ factoryInjections._toString = container.makeToString(factory, fullName);
+ var injectedFactory = factory.extend(injections);
+ injectedFactory.reopenClass(factoryInjections);
+ cache[fullName] = injectedFactory;
+ return injectedFactory;
+ }
+ }
+ function injectionsFor(container, fullName) {
+ var splitName = fullName.split(':');
+ var type = splitName[0];
+ var injections = [];
+ injections = injections.concat(container.typeInjections[type] || []);
+ injections = injections.concat(container.injections[fullName] || []);
+ injections = buildInjections(container, injections);
+ injections._debugContainerKey = fullName;
+ injections.container = container;
+ return injections;
+ }
+ function factoryInjectionsFor(container, fullName) {
+ var splitName = fullName.split(':');
+ var type = splitName[0];
+ var factoryInjections = [];
+ factoryInjections = factoryInjections.concat(container.factoryTypeInjections[type] || []);
+ factoryInjections = factoryInjections.concat(container.factoryInjections[fullName] || []);
+ factoryInjections = buildInjections(container, factoryInjections);
+ factoryInjections._debugContainerKey = fullName;
+ return factoryInjections;
+ }
+ function normalizeInjectionsHash(hash) {
+ var injections = [];
+ for (var key in hash) {
+ if (hash.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ Ember.assert("Expected a proper full name, given '" + hash[key] + "'", validateFullName(hash[key]));
+ addInjection(injections, key, hash[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ return injections;
+ }
+ function instantiate(container, fullName) {
+ var factory = factoryFor(container, fullName);
+ var lazyInjections;
+ if (option(container, fullName, 'instantiate') === false) {
+ return factory;
+ }
+ if (factory) {
+ if (typeof factory.create !== 'function') {
+ throw new Error('Failed to create an instance of \'' + fullName + '\'. ' +
+ 'Most likely an improperly defined class or an invalid module export.');
+ }
+ if (typeof factory.extend === 'function') {
+ // assume the factory was extendable and is already injected
+ return factory.create();
+ } else {
+ // assume the factory was extendable
+ // to create time injections
+ // TODO: support new'ing for instantiation and merge injections for pure JS Functions
+ return factory.create(injectionsFor(container, fullName));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function eachDestroyable(container, callback) {
+ var cache = container.cache;
+ var keys = emberKeys(cache);
+ var key, value;
+ for (var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ value = cache[key];
+ if (option(container, key, 'instantiate') !== false) {
+ callback(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function resetCache(container) {
+ eachDestroyable(container, function(value) {
+ value.destroy();
+ });
+ container.cache.dict = dictionary(null);
+ }
+ function addTypeInjection(rules, type, property, fullName) {
+ var injections = rules[type];
+ if (!injections) {
+ injections = [];
+ rules[type] = injections;
+ }
+ injections.push({
+ property: property,
+ fullName: fullName
+ });
+ }
+ var VALID_FULL_NAME_REGEXP = /^[^:]+.+:[^:]+$/;
+ function validateFullName(fullName) {
+ if (!VALID_FULL_NAME_REGEXP.test(fullName)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Invalid Fullname, expected: `type:name` got: ' + fullName);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function initRules(rules, factoryName) {
+ return rules[factoryName] || (rules[factoryName] = []);
+ }
+ function addInjection(injections, property, injectionName) {
+ injections.push({
+ property: property,
+ fullName: injectionName
+ });
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = Container;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ function visit(vertex, fn, visited, path) {
+ var name =;
+ var vertices = vertex.incoming;
+ var names = vertex.incomingNames;
+ var len = names.length;
+ var i;
+ if (!visited) {
+ visited = {};
+ }
+ if (!path) {
+ path = [];
+ }
+ if (visited.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ path.push(name);
+ visited[name] = true;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ visit(vertices[names[i]], fn, visited, path);
+ }
+ fn(vertex, path);
+ path.pop();
+ }
+ /**
+ * DAG stands for Directed acyclic graph.
+ *
+ * It is used to build a graph of dependencies checking that there isn't circular
+ * dependencies. p.e Registering initializers with a certain precedence order.
+ *
+ * @class DAG
+ * @constructor
+ */
+ function DAG() {
+ this.names = [];
+ this.vertices = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ /**
+ * DAG Vertex
+ *
+ * @class Vertex
+ * @constructor
+ */
+ function Vertex(name) {
+ = name;
+ this.incoming = {};
+ this.incomingNames = [];
+ this.hasOutgoing = false;
+ this.value = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a vertex entry to the graph unless it is already added.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @method add
+ * @param {String} name The name of the vertex to add
+ */
+ DAG.prototype.add = function(name) {
+ if (!name) {
+ throw new Error("Can't add Vertex without name");
+ }
+ if (this.vertices[name] !== undefined) {
+ return this.vertices[name];
+ }
+ var vertex = new Vertex(name);
+ this.vertices[name] = vertex;
+ this.names.push(name);
+ return vertex;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Adds a vertex to the graph and sets its value.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @method map
+ * @param {String} name The name of the vertex.
+ * @param value The value to put in the vertex.
+ */
+ = function(name, value) {
+ this.add(name).value = value;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Connects the vertices with the given names, adding them to the graph if
+ * necessary, only if this does not produce is any circular dependency.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @method addEdge
+ * @param {String} fromName The name the vertex where the edge starts.
+ * @param {String} toName The name the vertex where the edge ends.
+ */
+ DAG.prototype.addEdge = function(fromName, toName) {
+ if (!fromName || !toName || fromName === toName) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var from = this.add(fromName);
+ var to = this.add(toName);
+ if (to.incoming.hasOwnProperty(fromName)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ function checkCycle(vertex, path) {
+ if ( === toName) {
+ throw new Error("cycle detected: " + toName + " <- " + path.join(" <- "));
+ }
+ }
+ visit(from, checkCycle);
+ from.hasOutgoing = true;
+ to.incoming[fromName] = from;
+ to.incomingNames.push(fromName);
+ };
+ /**
+ * Visits all the vertex of the graph calling the given function with each one,
+ * ensuring that the vertices are visited respecting their precedence.
+ *
+ * @method topsort
+ * @param {Function} fn The function to be invoked on each vertex.
+ */
+ DAG.prototype.topsort = function(fn) {
+ var visited = {};
+ var vertices = this.vertices;
+ var names = this.names;
+ var len = names.length;
+ var i, vertex;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ vertex = vertices[names[i]];
+ if (!vertex.hasOutgoing) {
+ visit(vertex, fn, visited);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Adds a vertex with the given name and value to the graph and joins it with the
+ * vertices referenced in _before_ and _after_. If there isn't vertices with those
+ * names, they are added too.
+ *
+ * If either _before_ or _after_ are falsy/empty, the added vertex will not have
+ * an incoming/outgoing edge.
+ *
+ * @method addEdges
+ * @param {String} name The name of the vertex to be added.
+ * @param value The value of that vertex.
+ * @param before An string or array of strings with the names of the vertices before
+ * which this vertex must be visited.
+ * @param after An string or array of strings with the names of the vertex after
+ * which this vertex must be visited.
+ *
+ */
+ DAG.prototype.addEdges = function(name, value, before, after) {
+ var i;
+, value);
+ if (before) {
+ if (typeof before === 'string') {
+ this.addEdge(name, before);
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < before.length; i++) {
+ this.addEdge(name, before[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (after) {
+ if (typeof after === 'string') {
+ this.addEdge(after, name);
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < after.length; i++) {
+ this.addEdge(after[i], name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ __exports__["default"] = DAG;
+ });
+ ["./dag-map"],
+ function(__dependency1__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var DAG = __dependency1__["default"];
+ /* global define:true module:true window: true */
+ if (typeof enifed === 'function' && enifed.amd) {
+ enifed(function() { return DAG; });
+ } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) {
+ module.exports = DAG;
+ } else if (typeof this !== 'undefined') {
+ this['DAG'] = DAG;
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-runtime/system/lazy_load","ember-application/system/resolver","ember-application/system/application","ember-application/ext/controller"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var runLoadHooks = __dependency2__.runLoadHooks;
+ /**
+ Ember Application
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-application
+ @requires ember-views, ember-routing
+ */
+ var Resolver = __dependency3__.Resolver;
+ var DefaultResolver = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var Application = __dependency4__["default"];
+ // side effect of extending ControllerMixin
+ Ember.Application = Application;
+ Ember.Resolver = Resolver;
+ Ember.DefaultResolver = DefaultResolver;
+ runLoadHooks('Ember.Application', Application);
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/computed","ember-runtime/mixins/controller","ember-routing/system/controller_for","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-application
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var EmberError = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var inspect = __dependency4__.inspect;
+ var computed = __dependency5__.computed;
+ var ControllerMixin = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var meta = __dependency4__.meta;
+ var controllerFor = __dependency7__["default"];
+ function verifyNeedsDependencies(controller, container, needs) {
+ var dependency, i, l;
+ var missing = [];
+ for (i=0, l=needs.length; i<l; i++) {
+ dependency = needs[i];
+ Ember.assert(inspect(controller) + "#needs must not specify dependencies with periods in their names (" +
+ dependency + ")", dependency.indexOf('.') === -1);
+ if (dependency.indexOf(':') === -1) {
+ dependency = "controller:" + dependency;
+ }
+ // Structure assert to still do verification but not string concat in production
+ if (!container.has(dependency)) {
+ missing.push(dependency);
+ }
+ }
+ if (missing.length) {
+ throw new EmberError(inspect(controller) + " needs [ " + missing.join(', ') +
+ " ] but " + (missing.length > 1 ? 'they' : 'it') + " could not be found");
+ }
+ }
+ var defaultControllersComputedProperty = computed(function() {
+ var controller = this;
+ return {
+ needs: get(controller, 'needs'),
+ container: get(controller, 'container'),
+ unknownProperty: function(controllerName) {
+ var needs = this.needs;
+ var dependency, i, l;
+ for (i=0, l=needs.length; i<l; i++) {
+ dependency = needs[i];
+ if (dependency === controllerName) {
+ return this.container.lookup('controller:' + controllerName);
+ }
+ }
+ var errorMessage = inspect(controller) + '#needs does not include `' +
+ controllerName + '`. To access the ' +
+ controllerName + ' controller from ' +
+ inspect(controller) + ', ' +
+ inspect(controller) +
+ ' should have a `needs` property that is an array of the controllers it has access to.';
+ throw new ReferenceError(errorMessage);
+ },
+ setUnknownProperty: function (key, value) {
+ throw new Error("You cannot overwrite the value of `controllers." + key + "` of " + inspect(controller));
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ /**
+ @class ControllerMixin
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ ControllerMixin.reopen({
+ concatenatedProperties: ['needs'],
+ /**
+ An array of other controller objects available inside
+ instances of this controller via the `controllers`
+ property:
+ For example, when you define a controller:
+ ```javascript
+ App.CommentsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
+ needs: ['post']
+ });
+ ```
+ The application's single instance of these other
+ controllers are accessible by name through the
+ `controllers` property:
+ ```javascript
+ this.get(''); // instance of App.PostController
+ ```
+ Given that you have a nested controller (nested resource):
+ ```javascript
+ App.CommentsNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ });
+ ```
+ When you define a controller that requires access to a nested one:
+ ```javascript
+ App.IndexController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ needs: ['commentsNew']
+ });
+ ```
+ You will be able to get access to it:
+ ```javascript
+ this.get('controllers.commentsNew'); // instance of App.CommentsNewController
+ ```
+ This is only available for singleton controllers.
+ @property {Array} needs
+ @default []
+ */
+ needs: [],
+ init: function() {
+ var needs = get(this, 'needs');
+ var length = get(needs, 'length');
+ if (length > 0) {
+ Ember.assert(' `' + inspect(this) + ' specifies `needs`, but does ' +
+ "not have a container. Please ensure this controller was " +
+ "instantiated with a container.",
+ this.container || meta(this, false).descs.controllers !== defaultControllersComputedProperty);
+ if (this.container) {
+ verifyNeedsDependencies(this, this.container, needs);
+ }
+ // if needs then initialize controllers proxy
+ get(this, 'controllers');
+ }
+ this._super.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ @method controllerFor
+ @see {Ember.Route#controllerFor}
+ @deprecated Use `needs` instead
+ */
+ controllerFor: function(controllerName) {
+ Ember.deprecate("Controller#controllerFor is deprecated, please use Controller#needs instead");
+ return controllerFor(get(this, 'container'), controllerName);
+ },
+ /**
+ Stores the instances of other controllers available from within
+ this controller. Any controller listed by name in the `needs`
+ property will be accessible by name through this property.
+ ```javascript
+ App.CommentsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
+ needs: ['post'],
+ postTitle: function(){
+ var currentPost = this.get(''); // instance of App.PostController
+ return currentPost.get('title');
+ }.property('')
+ });
+ ```
+ @see {Ember.ControllerMixin#needs}
+ @property {Object} controllers
+ @default null
+ */
+ controllers: defaultControllersComputedProperty
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = ControllerMixin;
+ });
+ ["dag-map","container/container","ember-metal","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-runtime/system/lazy_load","ember-runtime/system/namespace","ember-runtime/mixins/deferred","ember-application/system/resolver","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/utils","ember-runtime/controllers/controller","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-runtime/controllers/object_controller","ember-runtime/controllers/array_controller","ember-handlebars/controls/select","ember-views/system/event_dispatcher","ember-views/system/jquery","ember-routing/system/route","ember-routing/system/router","ember-routing/location/hash_location","ember-routing/location/history_location","ember-routing/location/auto_location","ember-routing/location/none_location","ember-routing/system/cache","ember-extension-support/container_debug_adapter","ember-metal/core","ember-handlebars-compiler","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __dependency15__, __dependency16__, __dependency17__, __dependency18__, __dependency19__, __dependency20__, __dependency21__, __dependency22__, __dependency23__, __dependency24__, __dependency25__, __dependency26__, __dependency27__, __dependency28__, __dependency29__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-application
+ */
+ var DAG = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var Container = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var Ember = __dependency3__["default"];
+ // Ember.FEATURES, Ember.deprecate, Ember.assert, Ember.libraries, LOG_VERSION, Namespace, BOOTED
+ var get = __dependency4__.get;
+ var set = __dependency5__.set;
+ var runLoadHooks = __dependency6__.runLoadHooks;
+ var Namespace = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var DeferredMixin = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var DefaultResolver = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency10__.create;
+ var run = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var canInvoke = __dependency12__.canInvoke;
+ var Controller = __dependency13__["default"];
+ var EnumerableUtils = __dependency14__["default"];
+ var ObjectController = __dependency15__["default"];
+ var ArrayController = __dependency16__["default"];
+ var SelectView = __dependency17__["default"];
+ var EventDispatcher = __dependency18__["default"];
+ var jQuery = __dependency19__["default"];
+ var Route = __dependency20__["default"];
+ var Router = __dependency21__["default"];
+ var HashLocation = __dependency22__["default"];
+ var HistoryLocation = __dependency23__["default"];
+ var AutoLocation = __dependency24__["default"];
+ var NoneLocation = __dependency25__["default"];
+ var BucketCache = __dependency26__["default"];
+ // this is technically incorrect (per @wycats)
+ // it should work properly with:
+ // `import ContainerDebugAdapter from 'ember-extension-support/container_debug_adapter';` but
+ // es6-module-transpiler 0.4.0 eagerly grabs the module (which is undefined)
+ var ContainerDebugAdapter = __dependency27__["default"];
+ var K = __dependency28__.K;
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency29__["default"];
+ function props(obj) {
+ var properties = [];
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ properties.push(key);
+ }
+ return properties;
+ }
+ /**
+ An instance of `Ember.Application` is the starting point for every Ember
+ application. It helps to instantiate, initialize and coordinate the many
+ objects that make up your app.
+ Each Ember app has one and only one `Ember.Application` object. In fact, the
+ very first thing you should do in your application is create the instance:
+ ```javascript
+ window.App = Ember.Application.create();
+ ```
+ Typically, the application object is the only global variable. All other
+ classes in your app should be properties on the `Ember.Application` instance,
+ which highlights its first role: a global namespace.
+ For example, if you define a view class, it might look like this:
+ ```javascript
+ App.MyView = Ember.View.extend();
+ ```
+ By default, calling `Ember.Application.create()` will automatically initialize
+ your application by calling the `Ember.Application.initialize()` method. If
+ you need to delay initialization, you can call your app's `deferReadiness()`
+ method. When you are ready for your app to be initialized, call its
+ `advanceReadiness()` method.
+ You can define a `ready` method on the `Ember.Application` instance, which
+ will be run by Ember when the application is initialized.
+ Because `Ember.Application` inherits from `Ember.Namespace`, any classes
+ you create will have useful string representations when calling `toString()`.
+ See the `Ember.Namespace` documentation for more information.
+ While you can think of your `Ember.Application` as a container that holds the
+ other classes in your application, there are several other responsibilities
+ going on under-the-hood that you may want to understand.
+ ### Event Delegation
+ Ember uses a technique called _event delegation_. This allows the framework
+ to set up a global, shared event listener instead of requiring each view to
+ do it manually. For example, instead of each view registering its own
+ `mousedown` listener on its associated element, Ember sets up a `mousedown`
+ listener on the `body`.
+ If a `mousedown` event occurs, Ember will look at the target of the event and
+ start walking up the DOM node tree, finding corresponding views and invoking
+ their `mouseDown` method as it goes.
+ `Ember.Application` has a number of default events that it listens for, as
+ well as a mapping from lowercase events to camel-cased view method names. For
+ example, the `keypress` event causes the `keyPress` method on the view to be
+ called, the `dblclick` event causes `doubleClick` to be called, and so on.
+ If there is a bubbling browser event that Ember does not listen for by
+ default, you can specify custom events and their corresponding view method
+ names by setting the application's `customEvents` property:
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create({
+ customEvents: {
+ // add support for the paste event
+ paste: 'paste'
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ By default, the application sets up these event listeners on the document
+ body. However, in cases where you are embedding an Ember application inside
+ an existing page, you may want it to set up the listeners on an element
+ inside the body.
+ For example, if only events inside a DOM element with the ID of `ember-app`
+ should be delegated, set your application's `rootElement` property:
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create({
+ rootElement: '#ember-app'
+ });
+ ```
+ The `rootElement` can be either a DOM element or a jQuery-compatible selector
+ string. Note that *views appended to the DOM outside the root element will
+ not receive events.* If you specify a custom root element, make sure you only
+ append views inside it!
+ To learn more about the advantages of event delegation and the Ember view
+ layer, and a list of the event listeners that are setup by default, visit the
+ [Ember View Layer guide](
+ ### Initializers
+ Libraries on top of Ember can add initializers, like so:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Application.initializer({
+ name: 'api-adapter',
+ initialize: function(container, application) {
+ application.register('api-adapter:main', ApiAdapter);
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ Initializers provide an opportunity to access the container, which
+ organizes the different components of an Ember application. Additionally
+ they provide a chance to access the instantiated application. Beyond
+ being used for libraries, initializers are also a great way to organize
+ dependency injection or setup in your own application.
+ ### Routing
+ In addition to creating your application's router, `Ember.Application` is
+ also responsible for telling the router when to start routing. Transitions
+ between routes can be logged with the `LOG_TRANSITIONS` flag, and more
+ detailed intra-transition logging can be logged with
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create({
+ LOG_TRANSITIONS: true, // basic logging of successful transitions
+ LOG_TRANSITIONS_INTERNAL: true // detailed logging of all routing steps
+ });
+ ```
+ By default, the router will begin trying to translate the current URL into
+ application state once the browser emits the `DOMContentReady` event. If you
+ need to defer routing, you can call the application's `deferReadiness()`
+ method. Once routing can begin, call the `advanceReadiness()` method.
+ If there is any setup required before routing begins, you can implement a
+ `ready()` method on your app that will be invoked immediately before routing
+ begins.
+ ```
+ @class Application
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Namespace
+ */
+ var Application = Namespace.extend(DeferredMixin, {
+ _suppressDeferredDeprecation: true,
+ /**
+ The root DOM element of the Application. This can be specified as an
+ element or a
+ [jQuery-compatible selector string](
+ This is the element that will be passed to the Application's,
+ `eventDispatcher`, which sets up the listeners for event delegation. Every
+ view in your application should be a child of the element you specify here.
+ @property rootElement
+ @type DOMElement
+ @default 'body'
+ */
+ rootElement: 'body',
+ /**
+ The `Ember.EventDispatcher` responsible for delegating events to this
+ application's views.
+ The event dispatcher is created by the application at initialization time
+ and sets up event listeners on the DOM element described by the
+ application's `rootElement` property.
+ See the documentation for `Ember.EventDispatcher` for more information.
+ @property eventDispatcher
+ @type Ember.EventDispatcher
+ @default null
+ */
+ eventDispatcher: null,
+ /**
+ The DOM events for which the event dispatcher should listen.
+ By default, the application's `Ember.EventDispatcher` listens
+ for a set of standard DOM events, such as `mousedown` and
+ `keyup`, and delegates them to your application's `Ember.View`
+ instances.
+ If you would like additional bubbling events to be delegated to your
+ views, set your `Ember.Application`'s `customEvents` property
+ to a hash containing the DOM event name as the key and the
+ corresponding view method name as the value. For example:
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create({
+ customEvents: {
+ // add support for the paste event
+ paste: 'paste'
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @property customEvents
+ @type Object
+ @default null
+ */
+ customEvents: null,
+ // Start off the number of deferrals at 1. This will be
+ // decremented by the Application's own `initialize` method.
+ _readinessDeferrals: 1,
+ init: function() {
+ if (!this.$) {
+ this.$ = jQuery;
+ }
+ this.__container__ = this.buildContainer();
+ this.Router = this.defaultRouter();
+ this._super();
+ this.scheduleInitialize();
+ Ember.libraries.registerCoreLibrary('Handlebars' + (EmberHandlebars.compile ? '' : '-runtime'), EmberHandlebars.VERSION);
+ Ember.libraries.registerCoreLibrary('jQuery', jQuery().jquery);
+ if ( Ember.LOG_VERSION ) {
+ Ember.LOG_VERSION = false; // we only need to see this once per Application#init
+ var nameLengths =, function(item) {
+ return get(item, "name.length");
+ });
+ var maxNameLength = Math.max.apply(this, nameLengths);
+ Ember.debug('-------------------------------');
+ Ember.libraries.each(function(name, version) {
+ var spaces = new Array(maxNameLength - name.length + 1).join(" ");
+ Ember.debug([name, spaces, ' : ', version].join(""));
+ });
+ Ember.debug('-------------------------------');
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Build the container for the current application.
+ Also register a default application view in case the application
+ itself does not.
+ @private
+ @method buildContainer
+ @return {Ember.Container} the configured container
+ */
+ buildContainer: function() {
+ var container = this.__container__ = Application.buildContainer(this);
+ return container;
+ },
+ /**
+ If the application has not opted out of routing and has not explicitly
+ defined a router, supply a default router for the application author
+ to configure.
+ This allows application developers to do:
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create();
+ {
+ this.resource('posts');
+ });
+ ```
+ @private
+ @method defaultRouter
+ @return {Ember.Router} the default router
+ */
+ defaultRouter: function() {
+ if (this.Router === false) { return; }
+ var container = this.__container__;
+ if (this.Router) {
+ container.unregister('router:main');
+ container.register('router:main', this.Router);
+ }
+ return container.lookupFactory('router:main');
+ },
+ /**
+ Automatically initialize the application once the DOM has
+ become ready.
+ The initialization itself is scheduled on the actions queue
+ which ensures that application loading finishes before
+ booting.
+ If you are asynchronously loading code, you should call
+ `deferReadiness()` to defer booting, and then call
+ `advanceReadiness()` once all of your code has finished
+ loading.
+ @private
+ @method scheduleInitialize
+ */
+ scheduleInitialize: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ if (!this.$ || this.$.isReady) {
+ run.schedule('actions', self, '_initialize');
+ } else {
+ this.$().ready(function runInitialize() {
+ run(self, '_initialize');
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Use this to defer readiness until some condition is true.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create();
+ App.deferReadiness();
+ // Ember.$ is a reference to the jQuery object/function
+ Ember.$.getJSON('/auth-token', function(token) {
+ App.token = token;
+ App.advanceReadiness();
+ });
+ ```
+ This allows you to perform asynchronous setup logic and defer
+ booting your application until the setup has finished.
+ However, if the setup requires a loading UI, it might be better
+ to use the router for this purpose.
+ @method deferReadiness
+ */
+ deferReadiness: function() {
+ Ember.assert("You must call deferReadiness on an instance of Ember.Application", this instanceof Application);
+ Ember.assert("You cannot defer readiness since the `ready()` hook has already been called.", this._readinessDeferrals > 0);
+ this._readinessDeferrals++;
+ },
+ /**
+ Call `advanceReadiness` after any asynchronous setup logic has completed.
+ Each call to `deferReadiness` must be matched by a call to `advanceReadiness`
+ or the application will never become ready and routing will not begin.
+ @method advanceReadiness
+ @see {Ember.Application#deferReadiness}
+ */
+ advanceReadiness: function() {
+ Ember.assert("You must call advanceReadiness on an instance of Ember.Application", this instanceof Application);
+ this._readinessDeferrals--;
+ if (this._readinessDeferrals === 0) {
+ run.once(this, this.didBecomeReady);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Registers a factory that can be used for dependency injection (with
+ `App.inject`) or for service lookup. Each factory is registered with
+ a full name including two parts: `type:name`.
+ A simple example:
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create();
+ App.Orange = Ember.Object.extend();
+ App.register('fruit:favorite', App.Orange);
+ ```
+ Ember will resolve factories from the `App` namespace automatically.
+ For example `App.CarsController` will be discovered and returned if
+ an application requests `controller:cars`.
+ An example of registering a controller with a non-standard name:
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create();
+ var Session = Ember.Controller.extend();
+ App.register('controller:session', Session);
+ // The Session controller can now be treated like a normal controller,
+ // despite its non-standard name.
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ needs: ['session']
+ });
+ ```
+ Registered factories are **instantiated** by having `create`
+ called on them. Additionally they are **singletons**, each time
+ they are looked up they return the same instance.
+ Some examples modifying that default behavior:
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create();
+ App.Person = Ember.Object.extend();
+ App.Orange = Ember.Object.extend();
+ App.Email = Ember.Object.extend();
+ App.session = Ember.Object.create();
+ App.register('model:user', App.Person, { singleton: false });
+ App.register('fruit:favorite', App.Orange);
+ App.register('communication:main', App.Email, { singleton: false });
+ App.register('session', App.session, { instantiate: false });
+ ```
+ @method register
+ @param fullName {String} type:name (e.g., 'model:user')
+ @param factory {Function} (e.g., App.Person)
+ @param options {Object} (optional) disable instantiation or singleton usage
+ **/
+ register: function() {
+ var container = this.__container__;
+ container.register.apply(container, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ Define a dependency injection onto a specific factory or all factories
+ of a type.
+ When Ember instantiates a controller, view, or other framework component
+ it can attach a dependency to that component. This is often used to
+ provide services to a set of framework components.
+ An example of providing a session object to all controllers:
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create();
+ var Session = Ember.Object.extend({ isAuthenticated: false });
+ // A factory must be registered before it can be injected
+ App.register('session:main', Session);
+ // Inject 'session:main' onto all factories of the type 'controller'
+ // with the name 'session'
+ App.inject('controller', 'session', 'session:main');
+ App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ isLoggedIn: Ember.computed.alias('session.isAuthenticated')
+ });
+ ```
+ Injections can also be performed on specific factories.
+ ```javascript
+ App.inject(<full_name or type>, <property name>, <full_name>)
+ App.inject('route', 'source', 'source:main')
+ App.inject('route:application', 'email', 'model:email')
+ ```
+ It is important to note that injections can only be performed on
+ classes that are instantiated by Ember itself. Instantiating a class
+ directly (via `create` or `new`) bypasses the dependency injection
+ system.
+ **Note:** Ember-Data instantiates its models in a unique manner, and consequently
+ injections onto models (or all models) will not work as expected. Injections
+ on models can be enabled by setting `Ember.MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS`
+ to `true`.
+ @method inject
+ @param factoryNameOrType {String}
+ @param property {String}
+ @param injectionName {String}
+ **/
+ inject: function() {
+ var container = this.__container__;
+ container.injection.apply(container, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ Calling initialize manually is not supported.
+ Please see Ember.Application#advanceReadiness and
+ Ember.Application#deferReadiness.
+ @private
+ @deprecated
+ @method initialize
+ **/
+ initialize: function() {
+ Ember.deprecate('Calling initialize manually is not supported. Please see Ember.Application#advanceReadiness and Ember.Application#deferReadiness');
+ },
+ /**
+ Initialize the application. This happens automatically.
+ Run any initializers and run the application load hook. These hooks may
+ choose to defer readiness. For example, an authentication hook might want
+ to defer readiness until the auth token has been retrieved.
+ @private
+ @method _initialize
+ */
+ _initialize: function() {
+ if (this.isDestroyed) { return; }
+ // At this point, the App.Router must already be assigned
+ if (this.Router) {
+ var container = this.__container__;
+ container.unregister('router:main');
+ container.register('router:main', this.Router);
+ }
+ this.runInitializers();
+ runLoadHooks('application', this);
+ // At this point, any initializers or load hooks that would have wanted
+ // to defer readiness have fired. In general, advancing readiness here
+ // will proceed to didBecomeReady.
+ this.advanceReadiness();
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Reset the application. This is typically used only in tests. It cleans up
+ the application in the following order:
+ 1. Deactivate existing routes
+ 2. Destroy all objects in the container
+ 3. Create a new application container
+ 4. Re-route to the existing url
+ Typical Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var App;
+ run(function() {
+ App = Ember.Application.create();
+ });
+ module('acceptance test', {
+ setup: function() {
+ App.reset();
+ }
+ });
+ test('first test', function() {
+ // App is freshly reset
+ });
+ test('second test', function() {
+ // App is again freshly reset
+ });
+ ```
+ Advanced Example:
+ Occasionally you may want to prevent the app from initializing during
+ setup. This could enable extra configuration, or enable asserting prior
+ to the app becoming ready.
+ ```javascript
+ var App;
+ run(function() {
+ App = Ember.Application.create();
+ });
+ module('acceptance test', {
+ setup: function() {
+ run(function() {
+ App.reset();
+ App.deferReadiness();
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ test('first test', function() {
+ ok(true, 'something before app is initialized');
+ run(function() {
+ App.advanceReadiness();
+ });
+ ok(true, 'something after app is initialized');
+ });
+ ```
+ @method reset
+ **/
+ reset: function() {
+ this._readinessDeferrals = 1;
+ function handleReset() {
+ var router = this.__container__.lookup('router:main');
+ router.reset();
+ run(this.__container__, 'destroy');
+ this.buildContainer();
+ run.schedule('actions', this, function() {
+ this._initialize();
+ });
+ }
+ run.join(this, handleReset);
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ @method runInitializers
+ */
+ runInitializers: function() {
+ var initializersByName = get(this.constructor, 'initializers');
+ var initializers = props(initializersByName);
+ var container = this.__container__;
+ var graph = new DAG();
+ var namespace = this;
+ var initializer;
+ for (var i = 0; i < initializers.length; i++) {
+ initializer = initializersByName[initializers[i]];
+ graph.addEdges(, initializer.initialize, initializer.before, initializer.after);
+ }
+ graph.topsort(function (vertex) {
+ var initializer = vertex.value;
+ Ember.assert("No application initializer named '" + + "'", initializer);
+ initializer(container, namespace);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ @method didBecomeReady
+ */
+ didBecomeReady: function() {
+ this.setupEventDispatcher();
+ this.ready(); // user hook
+ this.startRouting();
+ if (!Ember.testing) {
+ // Eagerly name all classes that are already loaded
+ Ember.Namespace.processAll();
+ Ember.BOOTED = true;
+ }
+ this.resolve(this);
+ },
+ /**
+ Setup up the event dispatcher to receive events on the
+ application's `rootElement` with any registered
+ `customEvents`.
+ @private
+ @method setupEventDispatcher
+ */
+ setupEventDispatcher: function() {
+ var customEvents = get(this, 'customEvents');
+ var rootElement = get(this, 'rootElement');
+ var dispatcher = this.__container__.lookup('event_dispatcher:main');
+ set(this, 'eventDispatcher', dispatcher);
+ dispatcher.setup(customEvents, rootElement);
+ },
+ /**
+ If the application has a router, use it to route to the current URL, and
+ trigger a new call to `route` whenever the URL changes.
+ @private
+ @method startRouting
+ @property router {Ember.Router}
+ */
+ startRouting: function() {
+ var router = this.__container__.lookup('router:main');
+ if (!router) { return; }
+ router.startRouting();
+ },
+ handleURL: function(url) {
+ var router = this.__container__.lookup('router:main');
+ router.handleURL(url);
+ },
+ /**
+ Called when the Application has become ready.
+ The call will be delayed until the DOM has become ready.
+ @event ready
+ */
+ ready: K,
+ /**
+ @deprecated Use 'Resolver' instead
+ Set this to provide an alternate class to `Ember.DefaultResolver`
+ @property resolver
+ */
+ resolver: null,
+ /**
+ Set this to provide an alternate class to `Ember.DefaultResolver`
+ @property resolver
+ */
+ Resolver: null,
+ willDestroy: function() {
+ Ember.BOOTED = false;
+ // Ensure deactivation of routes before objects are destroyed
+ this.__container__.lookup('router:main').reset();
+ this.__container__.destroy();
+ },
+ initializer: function(options) {
+ this.constructor.initializer(options);
+ },
+ /**
+ @method then
+ @private
+ @deprecated
+ */
+ then: function() {
+ Ember.deprecate('Do not use `.then` on an instance of Ember.Application. Please use the `.ready` hook instead.');
+ this._super.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ });
+ Application.reopenClass({
+ initializers: create(null),
+ /**
+ Initializer receives an object which has the following attributes:
+ `name`, `before`, `after`, `initialize`. The only required attribute is
+ `initialize, all others are optional.
+ * `name` allows you to specify under which name the initializer is registered.
+ This must be a unique name, as trying to register two initializers with the
+ same name will result in an error.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Application.initializer({
+ name: 'namedInitializer',
+ initialize: function(container, application) {
+ Ember.debug('Running namedInitializer!');
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ * `before` and `after` are used to ensure that this initializer is ran prior
+ or after the one identified by the value. This value can be a single string
+ or an array of strings, referencing the `name` of other initializers.
+ An example of ordering initializers, we create an initializer named `first`:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Application.initializer({
+ name: 'first',
+ initialize: function(container, application) {
+ Ember.debug('First initializer!');
+ }
+ });
+ // DEBUG: First initializer!
+ ```
+ We add another initializer named `second`, specifying that it should run
+ after the initializer named `first`:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Application.initializer({
+ name: 'second',
+ after: 'first',
+ initialize: function(container, application) {
+ Ember.debug('Second initializer!');
+ }
+ });
+ // DEBUG: First initializer!
+ // DEBUG: Second initializer!
+ ```
+ Afterwards we add a further initializer named `pre`, this time specifying
+ that it should run before the initializer named `first`:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Application.initializer({
+ name: 'pre',
+ before: 'first',
+ initialize: function(container, application) {
+ Ember.debug('Pre initializer!');
+ }
+ });
+ // DEBUG: Pre initializer!
+ // DEBUG: First initializer!
+ // DEBUG: Second initializer!
+ ```
+ Finally we add an initializer named `post`, specifying it should run after
+ both the `first` and the `second` initializers:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Application.initializer({
+ name: 'post',
+ after: ['first', 'second'],
+ initialize: function(container, application) {
+ Ember.debug('Post initializer!');
+ }
+ });
+ // DEBUG: Pre initializer!
+ // DEBUG: First initializer!
+ // DEBUG: Second initializer!
+ // DEBUG: Post initializer!
+ ```
+ * `initialize` is a callback function that receives two arguments, `container`
+ and `application` on which you can operate.
+ Example of using `container` to preload data into the store:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Application.initializer({
+ name: 'preload-data',
+ initialize: function(container, application) {
+ var store = container.lookup('store:main');
+ store.pushPayload(preloadedData);
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ Example of using `application` to register an adapter:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Application.initializer({
+ name: 'api-adapter',
+ initialize: function(container, application) {
+ application.register('api-adapter:main', ApiAdapter);
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method initializer
+ @param initializer {Object}
+ */
+ initializer: function(initializer) {
+ // If this is the first initializer being added to a subclass, we are going to reopen the class
+ // to make sure we have a new `initializers` object, which extends from the parent class' using
+ // prototypal inheritance. Without this, attempting to add initializers to the subclass would
+ // pollute the parent class as well as other subclasses.
+ if (this.superclass.initializers !== undefined && this.superclass.initializers === this.initializers) {
+ this.reopenClass({
+ initializers: create(this.initializers)
+ });
+ }
+ Ember.assert("The initializer '" + + "' has already been registered", !this.initializers[]);
+ Ember.assert("An initializer cannot be registered without an initialize function", canInvoke(initializer, 'initialize'));
+ Ember.assert("An initializer cannot be registered without a name property", !== undefined);
+ this.initializers[] = initializer;
+ },
+ /**
+ This creates a container with the default Ember naming conventions.
+ It also configures the container:
+ * registered views are created every time they are looked up (they are
+ not singletons)
+ * registered templates are not factories; the registered value is
+ returned directly.
+ * the router receives the application as its `namespace` property
+ * all controllers receive the router as their `target` and `controllers`
+ properties
+ * all controllers receive the application as their `namespace` property
+ * the application view receives the application controller as its
+ `controller` property
+ * the application view receives the application template as its
+ `defaultTemplate` property
+ @private
+ @method buildContainer
+ @static
+ @param {Ember.Application} namespace the application to build the
+ container for.
+ @return {Ember.Container} the built container
+ */
+ buildContainer: function(namespace) {
+ var container = new Container();
+ container.set = set;
+ container.resolver = resolverFor(namespace);
+ container.normalizeFullName = container.resolver.normalize;
+ container.describe = container.resolver.describe;
+ container.makeToString = container.resolver.makeToString;
+ container.optionsForType('component', { singleton: false });
+ container.optionsForType('view', { singleton: false });
+ container.optionsForType('template', { instantiate: false });
+ container.optionsForType('helper', { instantiate: false });
+ container.register('application:main', namespace, { instantiate: false });
+ container.register('controller:basic', Controller, { instantiate: false });
+ container.register('controller:object', ObjectController, { instantiate: false });
+ container.register('controller:array', ArrayController, { instantiate: false });
+ container.register('view:select', SelectView);
+ container.register('route:basic', Route, { instantiate: false });
+ container.register('event_dispatcher:main', EventDispatcher);
+ container.register('router:main', Router);
+ container.injection('router:main', 'namespace', 'application:main');
+ container.register('location:auto', AutoLocation);
+ container.register('location:hash', HashLocation);
+ container.register('location:history', HistoryLocation);
+ container.register('location:none', NoneLocation);
+ container.injection('controller', 'target', 'router:main');
+ container.injection('controller', 'namespace', 'application:main');
+ container.register('-bucket-cache:main', BucketCache);
+ container.injection('router', '_bucketCache', '-bucket-cache:main');
+ container.injection('route', '_bucketCache', '-bucket-cache:main');
+ container.injection('controller', '_bucketCache', '-bucket-cache:main');
+ container.injection('route', 'router', 'router:main');
+ container.injection('location', 'rootURL', '-location-setting:root-url');
+ container.register('resolver-for-debugging:main', container.resolver.__resolver__, { instantiate: false });
+ container.injection('container-debug-adapter:main', 'resolver', 'resolver-for-debugging:main');
+ container.injection('data-adapter:main', 'containerDebugAdapter', 'container-debug-adapter:main');
+ // Custom resolver authors may want to register their own ContainerDebugAdapter with this key
+ container.register('container-debug-adapter:main', ContainerDebugAdapter);
+ return container;
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ This function defines the default lookup rules for container lookups:
+ * templates are looked up on `Ember.TEMPLATES`
+ * other names are looked up on the application after classifying the name.
+ For example, `controller:post` looks up `App.PostController` by default.
+ * if the default lookup fails, look for registered classes on the container
+ This allows the application to register default injections in the container
+ that could be overridden by the normal naming convention.
+ @private
+ @method resolverFor
+ @param {Ember.Namespace} namespace the namespace to look for classes
+ @return {*} the resolved value for a given lookup
+ */
+ function resolverFor(namespace) {
+ if (namespace.get('resolver')) {
+ Ember.deprecate('Application.resolver is deprecated in favor of Application.Resolver', false);
+ }
+ var ResolverClass = namespace.get('resolver') || namespace.get('Resolver') || DefaultResolver;
+ var resolver = ResolverClass.create({
+ namespace: namespace
+ });
+ function resolve(fullName) {
+ return resolver.resolve(fullName);
+ }
+ resolve.describe = function(fullName) {
+ return resolver.lookupDescription(fullName);
+ };
+ resolve.makeToString = function(factory, fullName) {
+ return resolver.makeToString(factory, fullName);
+ };
+ resolve.normalize = function(fullName) {
+ if (resolver.normalize) {
+ return resolver.normalize(fullName);
+ } else {
+ Ember.deprecate('The Resolver should now provide a \'normalize\' function', false);
+ return fullName;
+ }
+ };
+ resolve.__resolver__ = resolver;
+ return resolve;
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = Application;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/logger","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-runtime/system/namespace","ember-handlebars","ember-metal/dictionary","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-application
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.TEMPLATES, Ember.assert
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var Logger = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var classify = __dependency4__.classify;
+ var capitalize = __dependency4__.capitalize;
+ var decamelize = __dependency4__.decamelize;
+ var EmberObject = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var Namespace = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var Resolver = EmberObject.extend({
+ /**
+ This will be set to the Application instance when it is
+ created.
+ @property namespace
+ */
+ namespace: null,
+ normalize: Ember.required(Function),
+ resolve: Ember.required(Function),
+ parseName: Ember.required(Function),
+ lookupDescription: Ember.required(Function),
+ makeToString: Ember.required(Function),
+ resolveOther: Ember.required(Function),
+ _logLookup: Ember.required(Function)
+ });
+ __exports__.Resolver = Resolver;
+ /**
+ The DefaultResolver defines the default lookup rules to resolve
+ container lookups before consulting the container for registered
+ items:
+ * templates are looked up on `Ember.TEMPLATES`
+ * other names are looked up on the application after converting
+ the name. For example, `controller:post` looks up
+ `App.PostController` by default.
+ * there are some nuances (see examples below)
+ ### How Resolving Works
+ The container calls this object's `resolve` method with the
+ `fullName` argument.
+ It first parses the fullName into an object using `parseName`.
+ Then it checks for the presence of a type-specific instance
+ method of the form `resolve[Type]` and calls it if it exists.
+ For example if it was resolving 'template:post', it would call
+ the `resolveTemplate` method.
+ Its last resort is to call the `resolveOther` method.
+ The methods of this object are designed to be easy to override
+ in a subclass. For example, you could enhance how a template
+ is resolved like so:
+ ```javascript
+ App = Ember.Application.create({
+ Resolver: Ember.DefaultResolver.extend({
+ resolveTemplate: function(parsedName) {
+ var resolvedTemplate = this._super(parsedName);
+ if (resolvedTemplate) { return resolvedTemplate; }
+ return Ember.TEMPLATES['not_found'];
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ Some examples of how names are resolved:
+ ```
+ 'template:post' //=> Ember.TEMPLATES['post']
+ 'template:posts/byline' //=> Ember.TEMPLATES['posts/byline']
+ 'template:posts.byline' //=> Ember.TEMPLATES['posts/byline']
+ 'template:blogPost' //=> Ember.TEMPLATES['blogPost']
+ // OR
+ // Ember.TEMPLATES['blog_post']
+ 'controller:post' //=> App.PostController
+ 'controller:posts.index' //=> App.PostsIndexController
+ 'controller:blog/post' //=> Blog.PostController
+ 'controller:basic' //=> Ember.Controller
+ 'route:post' //=> App.PostRoute
+ 'route:posts.index' //=> App.PostsIndexRoute
+ 'route:blog/post' //=> Blog.PostRoute
+ 'route:basic' //=> Ember.Route
+ 'view:post' //=> App.PostView
+ 'view:posts.index' //=> App.PostsIndexView
+ 'view:blog/post' //=> Blog.PostView
+ 'view:basic' //=> Ember.View
+ 'foo:post' //=> App.PostFoo
+ 'model:post' //=> App.Post
+ ```
+ @class DefaultResolver
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ */
+ var dictionary = __dependency8__["default"];
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberObject.extend({
+ /**
+ This will be set to the Application instance when it is
+ created.
+ @property namespace
+ */
+ namespace: null,
+ init: function() {
+ this._parseNameCache = dictionary(null);
+ },
+ normalize: function(fullName) {
+ var split = fullName.split(':', 2);
+ var type = split[0];
+ var name = split[1];
+ Ember.assert("Tried to normalize a container name without a colon (:) in it." +
+ " You probably tried to lookup a name that did not contain a type," +
+ " a colon, and a name. A proper lookup name would be `view:post`.", split.length === 2);
+ if (type !== 'template') {
+ var result = name;
+ if (result.indexOf('.') > -1) {
+ result = result.replace(/\.(.)/g, function(m) {
+ return m.charAt(1).toUpperCase();
+ });
+ }
+ if (name.indexOf('_') > -1) {
+ result = result.replace(/_(.)/g, function(m) {
+ return m.charAt(1).toUpperCase();
+ });
+ }
+ return type + ':' + result;
+ } else {
+ return fullName;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ This method is called via the container's resolver method.
+ It parses the provided `fullName` and then looks up and
+ returns the appropriate template or class.
+ @method resolve
+ @param {String} fullName the lookup string
+ @return {Object} the resolved factory
+ */
+ resolve: function(fullName) {
+ var parsedName = this.parseName(fullName);
+ var resolveMethodName = parsedName.resolveMethodName;
+ var resolved;
+ if (!( && parsedName.type)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Invalid fullName: `' + fullName + '`, must be of the form `type:name` ');
+ }
+ if (this[resolveMethodName]) {
+ resolved = this[resolveMethodName](parsedName);
+ }
+ if (!resolved) {
+ resolved = this.resolveOther(parsedName);
+ }
+ if (parsedName.root && parsedName.root.LOG_RESOLVER) {
+ this._logLookup(resolved, parsedName);
+ }
+ return resolved;
+ },
+ /**
+ Convert the string name of the form 'type:name' to
+ a Javascript object with the parsed aspects of the name
+ broken out.
+ @protected
+ @param {String} fullName the lookup string
+ @method parseName
+ */
+ parseName: function(fullName) {
+ return this._parseNameCache[fullName] || (
+ this._parseNameCache[fullName] = this._parseName(fullName)
+ );
+ },
+ _parseName: function(fullName) {
+ var nameParts = fullName.split(':');
+ var type = nameParts[0], fullNameWithoutType = nameParts[1];
+ var name = fullNameWithoutType;
+ var namespace = get(this, 'namespace');
+ var root = namespace;
+ if (type !== 'template' && name.indexOf('/') !== -1) {
+ var parts = name.split('/');
+ name = parts[parts.length - 1];
+ var namespaceName = capitalize(parts.slice(0, -1).join('.'));
+ root = Namespace.byName(namespaceName);
+ Ember.assert('You are looking for a ' + name + ' ' + type +
+ ' in the ' + namespaceName +
+ ' namespace, but the namespace could not be found', root);
+ }
+ return {
+ fullName: fullName,
+ type: type,
+ fullNameWithoutType: fullNameWithoutType,
+ name: name,
+ root: root,
+ resolveMethodName: 'resolve' + classify(type)
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns a human-readable description for a fullName. Used by the
+ Application namespace in assertions to describe the
+ precise name of the class that Ember is looking for, rather than
+ container keys.
+ @protected
+ @param {String} fullName the lookup string
+ @method lookupDescription
+ */
+ lookupDescription: function(fullName) {
+ var parsedName = this.parseName(fullName);
+ if (parsedName.type === 'template') {
+ return 'template at ' + parsedName.fullNameWithoutType.replace(/\./g, '/');
+ }
+ var description = parsedName.root + '.' + classify(;
+ if (parsedName.type !== 'model') {
+ description += classify(parsedName.type);
+ }
+ return description;
+ },
+ makeToString: function(factory, fullName) {
+ return factory.toString();
+ },
+ /**
+ Given a parseName object (output from `parseName`), apply
+ the conventions expected by `Ember.Router`
+ @protected
+ @param {Object} parsedName a parseName object with the parsed
+ fullName lookup string
+ @method useRouterNaming
+ */
+ useRouterNaming: function(parsedName) {
+ =\./g, '_');
+ if ( === 'basic') {
+ = '';
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Look up the template in Ember.TEMPLATES
+ @protected
+ @param {Object} parsedName a parseName object with the parsed
+ fullName lookup string
+ @method resolveTemplate
+ */
+ resolveTemplate: function(parsedName) {
+ var templateName = parsedName.fullNameWithoutType.replace(/\./g, '/');
+ if (Ember.TEMPLATES[templateName]) {
+ return Ember.TEMPLATES[templateName];
+ }
+ templateName = decamelize(templateName);
+ if (Ember.TEMPLATES[templateName]) {
+ return Ember.TEMPLATES[templateName];
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Lookup the view using `resolveOther`
+ @protected
+ @param {Object} parsedName a parseName object with the parsed
+ fullName lookup string
+ @method resolveView
+ */
+ resolveView: function(parsedName) {
+ this.useRouterNaming(parsedName);
+ return this.resolveOther(parsedName);
+ },
+ /**
+ Lookup the controller using `resolveOther`
+ @protected
+ @param {Object} parsedName a parseName object with the parsed
+ fullName lookup string
+ @method resolveController
+ */
+ resolveController: function(parsedName) {
+ this.useRouterNaming(parsedName);
+ return this.resolveOther(parsedName);
+ },
+ /**
+ Lookup the route using `resolveOther`
+ @protected
+ @param {Object} parsedName a parseName object with the parsed
+ fullName lookup string
+ @method resolveRoute
+ */
+ resolveRoute: function(parsedName) {
+ this.useRouterNaming(parsedName);
+ return this.resolveOther(parsedName);
+ },
+ /**
+ Lookup the model on the Application namespace
+ @protected
+ @param {Object} parsedName a parseName object with the parsed
+ fullName lookup string
+ @method resolveModel
+ */
+ resolveModel: function(parsedName) {
+ var className = classify(;
+ var factory = get(parsedName.root, className);
+ if (factory) { return factory; }
+ },
+ /**
+ Look up the specified object (from parsedName) on the appropriate
+ namespace (usually on the Application)
+ @protected
+ @param {Object} parsedName a parseName object with the parsed
+ fullName lookup string
+ @method resolveHelper
+ */
+ resolveHelper: function(parsedName) {
+ return this.resolveOther(parsedName) || EmberHandlebars.helpers[parsedName.fullNameWithoutType];
+ },
+ /**
+ Look up the specified object (from parsedName) on the appropriate
+ namespace (usually on the Application)
+ @protected
+ @param {Object} parsedName a parseName object with the parsed
+ fullName lookup string
+ @method resolveOther
+ */
+ resolveOther: function(parsedName) {
+ var className = classify( + classify(parsedName.type);
+ var factory = get(parsedName.root, className);
+ if (factory) { return factory; }
+ },
+ /**
+ @method _logLookup
+ @param {Boolean} found
+ @param {Object} parsedName
+ @private
+ */
+ _logLookup: function(found, parsedName) {
+ var symbol, padding;
+ if (found) { symbol = '[✓]'; }
+ else { symbol = '[ ]'; }
+ if (parsedName.fullName.length > 60) {
+ padding = '.';
+ } else {
+ padding = new Array(60 - parsedName.fullName.length).join('.');
+ }
+, parsedName.fullName, padding, this.lookupDescription(parsedName.fullName));
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/logger","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /*global __fail__*/
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var EmberError = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var Logger = __dependency3__["default"];
+ /**
+ Ember Debug
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-debug
+ */
+ /**
+ @class Ember
+ */
+ /**
+ Define an assertion that will throw an exception if the condition is not
+ met. Ember build tools will remove any calls to `Ember.assert()` when
+ doing a production build. Example:
+ ```javascript
+ // Test for truthiness
+ Ember.assert('Must pass a valid object', obj);
+ // Fail unconditionally
+ Ember.assert('This code path should never be run');
+ ```
+ @method assert
+ @param {String} desc A description of the assertion. This will become
+ the text of the Error thrown if the assertion fails.
+ @param {Boolean} test Must be truthy for the assertion to pass. If
+ falsy, an exception will be thrown.
+ */
+ Ember.assert = function(desc, test) {
+ if (!test) {
+ throw new EmberError("Assertion Failed: " + desc);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Display a warning with the provided message. Ember build tools will
+ remove any calls to `Ember.warn()` when doing a production build.
+ @method warn
+ @param {String} message A warning to display.
+ @param {Boolean} test An optional boolean. If falsy, the warning
+ will be displayed.
+ */
+ Ember.warn = function(message, test) {
+ if (!test) {
+ Logger.warn("WARNING: "+message);
+ if ('trace' in Logger) Logger.trace();
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Display a debug notice. Ember build tools will remove any calls to
+ `Ember.debug()` when doing a production build.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.debug('I\'m a debug notice!');
+ ```
+ @method debug
+ @param {String} message A debug message to display.
+ */
+ Ember.debug = function(message) {
+ Logger.debug("DEBUG: "+message);
+ };
+ /**
+ Display a deprecation warning with the provided message and a stack trace
+ (Chrome and Firefox only). Ember build tools will remove any calls to
+ `Ember.deprecate()` when doing a production build.
+ @method deprecate
+ @param {String} message A description of the deprecation.
+ @param {Boolean} test An optional boolean. If falsy, the deprecation
+ will be displayed.
+ */
+ Ember.deprecate = function(message, test) {
+ if (test) { return; }
+ if (Ember.ENV.RAISE_ON_DEPRECATION) { throw new EmberError(message); }
+ var error;
+ // When using new Error, we can't do the arguments check for Chrome. Alternatives are welcome
+ try {; } catch (e) { error = e; }
+ if (Ember.LOG_STACKTRACE_ON_DEPRECATION && error.stack) {
+ var stack;
+ var stackStr = '';
+ if (error['arguments']) {
+ // Chrome
+ stack = error.stack.replace(/^\s+at\s+/gm, '').
+ replace(/^([^\(]+?)([\n$])/gm, '{anonymous}($1)$2').
+ replace(/^Object.<anonymous>\s*\(([^\)]+)\)/gm, '{anonymous}($1)').split('\n');
+ stack.shift();
+ } else {
+ // Firefox
+ stack = error.stack.replace(/(?:\n@:0)?\s+$/m, '').
+ replace(/^\(/gm, '{anonymous}(').split('\n');
+ }
+ stackStr = "\n " + stack.slice(2).join("\n ");
+ message = message + stackStr;
+ }
+ Logger.warn("DEPRECATION: "+message);
+ };
+ /**
+ Alias an old, deprecated method with its new counterpart.
+ Display a deprecation warning with the provided message and a stack trace
+ (Chrome and Firefox only) when the assigned method is called.
+ Ember build tools will not remove calls to `Ember.deprecateFunc()`, though
+ no warnings will be shown in production.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.oldMethod = Ember.deprecateFunc('Please use the new, updated method', Ember.newMethod);
+ ```
+ @method deprecateFunc
+ @param {String} message A description of the deprecation.
+ @param {Function} func The new function called to replace its deprecated counterpart.
+ @return {Function} a new function that wrapped the original function with a deprecation warning
+ */
+ Ember.deprecateFunc = function(message, func) {
+ return function() {
+ Ember.deprecate(message);
+ return func.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ };
+ /**
+ Run a function meant for debugging. Ember build tools will remove any calls to
+ `Ember.runInDebug()` when doing a production build.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.runInDebug(function() {
+ Ember.Handlebars.EachView.reopen({
+ didInsertElement: function() {
+ console.log('I\'m happy');
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ```
+ @method runInDebug
+ @param {Function} func The function to be executed.
+ @since 1.5.0
+ */
+ Ember.runInDebug = function(func) {
+ func();
+ };
+ /**
+ any specific FEATURES flag is truthy.
+ This method is called automatically in debug canary builds.
+ @private
+ @method _warnIfUsingStrippedFeatureFlags
+ @return {void}
+ */
+ function _warnIfUsingStrippedFeatureFlags(FEATURES, featuresWereStripped) {
+ if (featuresWereStripped) {
+ Ember.warn('Ember.ENV.ENABLE_ALL_FEATURES is only available in canary builds.', !Ember.ENV.ENABLE_ALL_FEATURES);
+ Ember.warn('Ember.ENV.ENABLE_OPTIONAL_FEATURES is only available in canary builds.', !Ember.ENV.ENABLE_OPTIONAL_FEATURES);
+ for (var key in FEATURES) {
+ if (FEATURES.hasOwnProperty(key) && key !== 'isEnabled') {
+ Ember.warn('FEATURE["' + key + '"] is set as enabled, but FEATURE flags are only available in canary builds.', !FEATURES[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__._warnIfUsingStrippedFeatureFlags = _warnIfUsingStrippedFeatureFlags;if (!Ember.testing) {
+ // Complain if they're using FEATURE flags in builds other than canary
+ Ember.FEATURES['features-stripped-test'] = true;
+ var featuresWereStripped = true;
+ delete Ember.FEATURES['features-stripped-test'];
+ _warnIfUsingStrippedFeatureFlags(Ember.ENV.FEATURES, featuresWereStripped);
+ // Inform the developer about the Ember Inspector if not installed.
+ var isFirefox = typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined';
+ var isChrome = !! && !window.opera;
+ if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && (isFirefox || isChrome) && window.addEventListener) {
+ window.addEventListener("load", function() {
+ if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.dataset && !document.documentElement.dataset.emberExtension) {
+ var downloadURL;
+ if(isChrome) {
+ downloadURL = '';
+ } else if(isFirefox) {
+ downloadURL = '';
+ }
+ Ember.debug('For more advanced debugging, install the Ember Inspector from ' + downloadURL);
+ }
+ }, false);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-extension-support/data_adapter","ember-extension-support/container_debug_adapter"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ Ember Extension Support
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-extension-support
+ @requires ember-application
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var DataAdapter = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var ContainerDebugAdapter = __dependency3__["default"];
+ Ember.DataAdapter = DataAdapter;
+ Ember.ContainerDebugAdapter = ContainerDebugAdapter;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-runtime/system/native_array","ember-metal/utils","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-runtime/system/namespace","ember-runtime/system/object","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var emberA = __dependency2__.A;
+ var typeOf = __dependency3__.typeOf;
+ var dasherize = __dependency4__.dasherize;
+ var classify = __dependency4__.classify;
+ var Namespace = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var EmberObject = __dependency6__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-extension-support
+ */
+ /**
+ The `ContainerDebugAdapter` helps the container and resolver interface
+ with tools that debug Ember such as the
+ [Ember Extension](
+ for Chrome and Firefox.
+ This class can be extended by a custom resolver implementer
+ to override some of the methods with library-specific code.
+ The methods likely to be overridden are:
+ * `canCatalogEntriesByType`
+ * `catalogEntriesByType`
+ The adapter will need to be registered
+ in the application's container as `container-debug-adapter:main`
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ Application.initializer({
+ name: "containerDebugAdapter",
+ initialize: function(container, application) {
+ application.register('container-debug-adapter:main', require('app/container-debug-adapter'));
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @class ContainerDebugAdapter
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends EmberObject
+ @since 1.5.0
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberObject.extend({
+ /**
+ The container of the application being debugged.
+ This property will be injected
+ on creation.
+ @property container
+ @default null
+ */
+ container: null,
+ /**
+ The resolver instance of the application
+ being debugged. This property will be injected
+ on creation.
+ @property resolver
+ @default null
+ */
+ resolver: null,
+ /**
+ Returns true if it is possible to catalog a list of available
+ classes in the resolver for a given type.
+ @method canCatalogEntriesByType
+ @param {String} type The type. e.g. "model", "controller", "route"
+ @return {boolean} whether a list is available for this type.
+ */
+ canCatalogEntriesByType: function(type) {
+ if (type === 'model' || type === 'template') return false;
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns the available classes a given type.
+ @method catalogEntriesByType
+ @param {String} type The type. e.g. "model", "controller", "route"
+ @return {Array} An array of strings.
+ */
+ catalogEntriesByType: function(type) {
+ var namespaces = emberA(Namespace.NAMESPACES), types = emberA();
+ var typeSuffixRegex = new RegExp(classify(type) + "$");
+ namespaces.forEach(function(namespace) {
+ if (namespace !== Ember) {
+ for (var key in namespace) {
+ if (!namespace.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
+ if (typeSuffixRegex.test(key)) {
+ var klass = namespace[key];
+ if (typeOf(klass) === 'class') {
+ types.push(dasherize(key.replace(typeSuffixRegex, '')));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return types;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-runtime/system/namespace","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-runtime/system/native_array","ember-application/system/application","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var run = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var dasherize = __dependency4__.dasherize;
+ var Namespace = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var EmberObject = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var emberA = __dependency7__.A;
+ var Application = __dependency8__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-extension-support
+ */
+ /**
+ The `DataAdapter` helps a data persistence library
+ interface with tools that debug Ember such
+ as the [Ember Extension](
+ for Chrome and Firefox.
+ This class will be extended by a persistence library
+ which will override some of the methods with
+ library-specific code.
+ The methods likely to be overridden are:
+ * `getFilters`
+ * `detect`
+ * `columnsForType`
+ * `getRecords`
+ * `getRecordColumnValues`
+ * `getRecordKeywords`
+ * `getRecordFilterValues`
+ * `getRecordColor`
+ * `observeRecord`
+ The adapter will need to be registered
+ in the application's container as `dataAdapter:main`
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ Application.initializer({
+ name: "data-adapter",
+ initialize: function(container, application) {
+ application.register('data-adapter:main', DS.DataAdapter);
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @class DataAdapter
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends EmberObject
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberObject.extend({
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ this.releaseMethods = emberA();
+ },
+ /**
+ The container of the application being debugged.
+ This property will be injected
+ on creation.
+ @property container
+ @default null
+ @since 1.3.0
+ */
+ container: null,
+ /**
+ The container-debug-adapter which is used
+ to list all models.
+ @property containerDebugAdapter
+ @default undefined
+ @since 1.5.0
+ **/
+ containerDebugAdapter: undefined,
+ /**
+ Number of attributes to send
+ as columns. (Enough to make the record
+ identifiable).
+ @private
+ @property attributeLimit
+ @default 3
+ @since 1.3.0
+ */
+ attributeLimit: 3,
+ /**
+ Stores all methods that clear observers.
+ These methods will be called on destruction.
+ @private
+ @property releaseMethods
+ @since 1.3.0
+ */
+ releaseMethods: emberA(),
+ /**
+ Specifies how records can be filtered.
+ Records returned will need to have a `filterValues`
+ property with a key for every name in the returned array.
+ @public
+ @method getFilters
+ @return {Array} List of objects defining filters.
+ The object should have a `name` and `desc` property.
+ */
+ getFilters: function() {
+ return emberA();
+ },
+ /**
+ Fetch the model types and observe them for changes.
+ @public
+ @method watchModelTypes
+ @param {Function} typesAdded Callback to call to add types.
+ Takes an array of objects containing wrapped types (returned from `wrapModelType`).
+ @param {Function} typesUpdated Callback to call when a type has changed.
+ Takes an array of objects containing wrapped types.
+ @return {Function} Method to call to remove all observers
+ */
+ watchModelTypes: function(typesAdded, typesUpdated) {
+ var modelTypes = this.getModelTypes();
+ var self = this;
+ var releaseMethods = emberA();
+ var typesToSend;
+ typesToSend = {
+ var klass = type.klass;
+ var wrapped = self.wrapModelType(klass,;
+ releaseMethods.push(self.observeModelType(klass, typesUpdated));
+ return wrapped;
+ });
+ typesAdded(typesToSend);
+ var release = function() {
+ releaseMethods.forEach(function(fn) { fn(); });
+ self.releaseMethods.removeObject(release);
+ };
+ this.releaseMethods.pushObject(release);
+ return release;
+ },
+ _nameToClass: function(type) {
+ if (typeof type === 'string') {
+ type = this.container.lookupFactory('model:' + type);
+ }
+ return type;
+ },
+ /**
+ Fetch the records of a given type and observe them for changes.
+ @public
+ @method watchRecords
+ @param {Function} recordsAdded Callback to call to add records.
+ Takes an array of objects containing wrapped records.
+ The object should have the following properties:
+ columnValues: {Object} key and value of a table cell
+ object: {Object} the actual record object
+ @param {Function} recordsUpdated Callback to call when a record has changed.
+ Takes an array of objects containing wrapped records.
+ @param {Function} recordsRemoved Callback to call when a record has removed.
+ Takes the following parameters:
+ index: the array index where the records were removed
+ count: the number of records removed
+ @return {Function} Method to call to remove all observers
+ */
+ watchRecords: function(type, recordsAdded, recordsUpdated, recordsRemoved) {
+ var self = this, releaseMethods = emberA(), records = this.getRecords(type), release;
+ var recordUpdated = function(updatedRecord) {
+ recordsUpdated([updatedRecord]);
+ };
+ var recordsToSend = {
+ releaseMethods.push(self.observeRecord(record, recordUpdated));
+ return self.wrapRecord(record);
+ });
+ var contentDidChange = function(array, idx, removedCount, addedCount) {
+ for (var i = idx; i < idx + addedCount; i++) {
+ var record = array.objectAt(i);
+ var wrapped = self.wrapRecord(record);
+ releaseMethods.push(self.observeRecord(record, recordUpdated));
+ recordsAdded([wrapped]);
+ }
+ if (removedCount) {
+ recordsRemoved(idx, removedCount);
+ }
+ };
+ var observer = { didChange: contentDidChange, willChange: Ember.K };
+ records.addArrayObserver(self, observer);
+ release = function() {
+ releaseMethods.forEach(function(fn) { fn(); });
+ records.removeArrayObserver(self, observer);
+ self.releaseMethods.removeObject(release);
+ };
+ recordsAdded(recordsToSend);
+ this.releaseMethods.pushObject(release);
+ return release;
+ },
+ /**
+ Clear all observers before destruction
+ @private
+ @method willDestroy
+ */
+ willDestroy: function() {
+ this._super();
+ this.releaseMethods.forEach(function(fn) {
+ fn();
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ Detect whether a class is a model.
+ Test that against the model class
+ of your persistence library
+ @private
+ @method detect
+ @param {Class} klass The class to test
+ @return boolean Whether the class is a model class or not
+ */
+ detect: function(klass) {
+ return false;
+ },
+ /**
+ Get the columns for a given model type.
+ @private
+ @method columnsForType
+ @param {Class} type The model type
+ @return {Array} An array of columns of the following format:
+ name: {String} name of the column
+ desc: {String} Humanized description (what would show in a table column name)
+ */
+ columnsForType: function(type) {
+ return emberA();
+ },
+ /**
+ Adds observers to a model type class.
+ @private
+ @method observeModelType
+ @param {Class} type The model type class
+ @param {Function} typesUpdated Called when a type is modified.
+ @return {Function} The function to call to remove observers
+ */
+ observeModelType: function(type, typesUpdated) {
+ var self = this;
+ var records = this.getRecords(type);
+ var onChange = function() {
+ typesUpdated([self.wrapModelType(type)]);
+ };
+ var observer = {
+ didChange: function() {
+ run.scheduleOnce('actions', this, onChange);
+ },
+ willChange: Ember.K
+ };
+ records.addArrayObserver(this, observer);
+ var release = function() {
+ records.removeArrayObserver(self, observer);
+ };
+ return release;
+ },
+ /**
+ Wraps a given model type and observes changes to it.
+ @private
+ @method wrapModelType
+ @param {Class} type A model class
+ @param {String} Optional name of the class
+ @return {Object} contains the wrapped type and the function to remove observers
+ Format:
+ type: {Object} the wrapped type
+ The wrapped type has the following format:
+ name: {String} name of the type
+ count: {Integer} number of records available
+ columns: {Columns} array of columns to describe the record
+ object: {Class} the actual Model type class
+ release: {Function} The function to remove observers
+ */
+ wrapModelType: function(type, name) {
+ var records = this.getRecords(type);
+ var typeToSend;
+ typeToSend = {
+ name: name || type.toString(),
+ count: get(records, 'length'),
+ columns: this.columnsForType(type),
+ object: type
+ };
+ return typeToSend;
+ },
+ /**
+ Fetches all models defined in the application.
+ @private
+ @method getModelTypes
+ @return {Array} Array of model types
+ */
+ getModelTypes: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ var containerDebugAdapter = this.get('containerDebugAdapter');
+ var types;
+ if (containerDebugAdapter.canCatalogEntriesByType('model')) {
+ types = containerDebugAdapter.catalogEntriesByType('model');
+ } else {
+ types = this._getObjectsOnNamespaces();
+ }
+ // New adapters return strings instead of classes
+ types = emberA(types).map(function(name) {
+ return {
+ klass: self._nameToClass(name),
+ name: name
+ };
+ });
+ types = emberA(types).filter(function(type) {
+ return self.detect(type.klass);
+ });
+ return emberA(types);
+ },
+ /**
+ Loops over all namespaces and all objects
+ attached to them
+ @private
+ @method _getObjectsOnNamespaces
+ @return {Array} Array of model type strings
+ */
+ _getObjectsOnNamespaces: function() {
+ var namespaces = emberA(Namespace.NAMESPACES);
+ var types = emberA();
+ var self = this;
+ namespaces.forEach(function(namespace) {
+ for (var key in namespace) {
+ if (!namespace.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
+ // Even though we will filter again in `getModelTypes`,
+ // we should not call `lookupContainer` on non-models
+ // (especially when `Ember.MODEL_FACTORY_INJECTIONS` is `true`)
+ if (!self.detect(namespace[key])) { continue; }
+ var name = dasherize(key);
+ if (!(namespace instanceof Application) && namespace.toString()) {
+ name = namespace + '/' + name;
+ }
+ types.push(name);
+ }
+ });
+ return types;
+ },
+ /**
+ Fetches all loaded records for a given type.
+ @private
+ @method getRecords
+ @return {Array} An array of records.
+ This array will be observed for changes,
+ so it should update when new records are added/removed.
+ */
+ getRecords: function(type) {
+ return emberA();
+ },
+ /**
+ Wraps a record and observers changes to it.
+ @private
+ @method wrapRecord
+ @param {Object} record The record instance.
+ @return {Object} The wrapped record. Format:
+ columnValues: {Array}
+ searchKeywords: {Array}
+ */
+ wrapRecord: function(record) {
+ var recordToSend = { object: record };
+ recordToSend.columnValues = this.getRecordColumnValues(record);
+ recordToSend.searchKeywords = this.getRecordKeywords(record);
+ recordToSend.filterValues = this.getRecordFilterValues(record);
+ recordToSend.color = this.getRecordColor(record);
+ return recordToSend;
+ },
+ /**
+ Gets the values for each column.
+ @private
+ @method getRecordColumnValues
+ @return {Object} Keys should match column names defined
+ by the model type.
+ */
+ getRecordColumnValues: function(record) {
+ return {};
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns keywords to match when searching records.
+ @private
+ @method getRecordKeywords
+ @return {Array} Relevant keywords for search.
+ */
+ getRecordKeywords: function(record) {
+ return emberA();
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns the values of filters defined by `getFilters`.
+ @private
+ @method getRecordFilterValues
+ @param {Object} record The record instance
+ @return {Object} The filter values
+ */
+ getRecordFilterValues: function(record) {
+ return {};
+ },
+ /**
+ Each record can have a color that represents its state.
+ @private
+ @method getRecordColor
+ @param {Object} record The record instance
+ @return {String} The record's color
+ Possible options: black, red, blue, green
+ */
+ getRecordColor: function(record) {
+ return null;
+ },
+ /**
+ Observes all relevant properties and re-sends the wrapped record
+ when a change occurs.
+ @private
+ @method observerRecord
+ @param {Object} record The record instance
+ @param {Function} recordUpdated The callback to call when a record is updated.
+ @return {Function} The function to call to remove all observers.
+ */
+ observeRecord: function(record, recordUpdated) {
+ return function(){};
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ [],
+ function() {
+ "use strict";
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ /* global Handlebars:true */
+ // Remove "use strict"; from transpiled module (in browser builds only) until
+ // is fixed
+ //
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars-compiler
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // ES6Todo: you'll need to import debugger once debugger is es6'd.
+ if (typeof Ember.assert === 'undefined') { Ember.assert = function(){}; }
+ if (typeof Ember.FEATURES === 'undefined') { Ember.FEATURES = { isEnabled: function(){} }; }
+ var objectCreate = Object.create || function(parent) {
+ function F() {}
+ F.prototype = parent;
+ return new F();
+ };
+ // set up for circular references later
+ var View, Component;
+ // ES6Todo: when ember-debug is es6'ed import this.
+ // var emberAssert = Ember.assert;
+ var Handlebars = (Ember.imports && Ember.imports.Handlebars) || (this && this.Handlebars);
+ if (!Handlebars && typeof eriuqer === 'function') {
+ Handlebars = eriuqer('handlebars');
+ }
+ Ember.assert("Ember Handlebars requires Handlebars version 2.0. Include " +
+ "a SCRIPT tag in the HTML HEAD linking to the Handlebars file " +
+ "before you link to Ember.", Handlebars);
+ Ember.assert("Ember Handlebars requires Handlebars version 2.0. " +
+ "Please see more details at",
+ Handlebars.COMPILER_REVISION === 6);
+ /**
+ Prepares the Handlebars templating library for use inside Ember's view
+ system.
+ The `Ember.Handlebars` object is the standard Handlebars library, extended to
+ use Ember's `get()` method instead of direct property access, which allows
+ computed properties to be used inside templates.
+ To create an `Ember.Handlebars` template, call `Ember.Handlebars.compile()`.
+ This will return a function that can be used by `Ember.View` for rendering.
+ @class Handlebars
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ var EmberHandlebars = Ember.Handlebars = Handlebars.create();
+ /**
+ Register a bound helper or custom view helper.
+ ## Simple bound helper example
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Handlebars.helper('capitalize', function(value) {
+ return value.toUpperCase();
+ });
+ ```
+ The above bound helper can be used inside of templates as follows:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{capitalize name}}
+ ```
+ In this case, when the `name` property of the template's context changes,
+ the rendered value of the helper will update to reflect this change.
+ For more examples of bound helpers, see documentation for
+ `Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper`.
+ ## Custom view helper example
+ Assuming a view subclass named `App.CalendarView` were defined, a helper
+ for rendering instances of this view could be registered as follows:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Handlebars.helper('calendar', App.CalendarView):
+ ```
+ The above bound helper can be used inside of templates as follows:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{calendar}}
+ ```
+ Which is functionally equivalent to:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{view 'calendar'}}
+ ```
+ Options in the helper will be passed to the view in exactly the same
+ manner as with the `view` helper.
+ @method helper
+ @for Ember.Handlebars
+ @param {String} name
+ @param {Function|Ember.View} function or view class constructor
+ @param {String} dependentKeys*
+ */
+ EmberHandlebars.helper = function(name, value) {
+ if (!View) { View = requireModule('ember-views/views/view')['default']; } // ES6TODO: stupid circular dep
+ if (!Component) { Component = requireModule('ember-views/views/component')['default']; } // ES6TODO: stupid circular dep
+ Ember.assert("You tried to register a component named '" + name +
+ "', but component names must include a '-'", !Component.detect(value) || name.match(/-/));
+ if (View.detect(value)) {
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper(name, EmberHandlebars.makeViewHelper(value));
+ } else {
+ EmberHandlebars.registerBoundHelper.apply(null, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Returns a helper function that renders the provided ViewClass.
+ Used internally by Ember.Handlebars.helper and other methods
+ involving helper/component registration.
+ @private
+ @method makeViewHelper
+ @for Ember.Handlebars
+ @param {Function} ViewClass view class constructor
+ @since 1.2.0
+ */
+ EmberHandlebars.makeViewHelper = function(ViewClass) {
+ return function(options) {
+ Ember.assert("You can only pass attributes (such as name=value) not bare " +
+ "values to a helper for a View found in '" + ViewClass.toString() + "'", arguments.length < 2);
+ return, ViewClass, options);
+ };
+ };
+ /**
+ @class helpers
+ @namespace Ember.Handlebars
+ */
+ EmberHandlebars.helpers = objectCreate(Handlebars.helpers);
+ /**
+ Override the the opcode compiler and JavaScript compiler for Handlebars.
+ @class Compiler
+ @namespace Ember.Handlebars
+ @private
+ @constructor
+ */
+ EmberHandlebars.Compiler = function() {};
+ // Handlebars.Compiler doesn't exist in runtime-only
+ if (Handlebars.Compiler) {
+ EmberHandlebars.Compiler.prototype = objectCreate(Handlebars.Compiler.prototype);
+ }
+ EmberHandlebars.Compiler.prototype.compiler = EmberHandlebars.Compiler;
+ /**
+ @class JavaScriptCompiler
+ @namespace Ember.Handlebars
+ @private
+ @constructor
+ */
+ EmberHandlebars.JavaScriptCompiler = function() {};
+ // Handlebars.JavaScriptCompiler doesn't exist in runtime-only
+ if (Handlebars.JavaScriptCompiler) {
+ EmberHandlebars.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype = objectCreate(Handlebars.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype);
+ EmberHandlebars.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.compiler = EmberHandlebars.JavaScriptCompiler;
+ }
+ EmberHandlebars.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.namespace = "Ember.Handlebars";
+ EmberHandlebars.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.initializeBuffer = function() {
+ return "''";
+ };
+ /**
+ Override the default buffer for Ember Handlebars. By default, Handlebars
+ creates an empty String at the beginning of each invocation and appends to
+ it. Ember's Handlebars overrides this to append to a single shared buffer.
+ @private
+ @method appendToBuffer
+ @param string {String}
+ */
+ EmberHandlebars.JavaScriptCompiler.prototype.appendToBuffer = function(string) {
+ return "data.buffer.push("+string+");";
+ };
+ /**
+ Rewrite simple mustaches from `{{foo}}` to `{{bind "foo"}}`. This means that
+ all simple mustaches in Ember's Handlebars will also set up an observer to
+ keep the DOM up to date when the underlying property changes.
+ @private
+ @method mustache
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.Compiler
+ @param mustache
+ */
+ EmberHandlebars.Compiler.prototype.mustache = function(mustache) {
+ if (!(mustache.params.length || mustache.hash)) {
+ var id = new Handlebars.AST.IdNode([{ part: '_triageMustache' }]);
+ // Update the mustache node to include a hash value indicating whether the original node
+ // was escaped. This will allow us to properly escape values when the underlying value
+ // changes and we need to re-render the value.
+ if (!mustache.escaped) {
+ mustache.hash = mustache.hash || new Handlebars.AST.HashNode([]);
+ mustache.hash.pairs.push(["unescaped", new Handlebars.AST.StringNode("true")]);
+ }
+ mustache = new Handlebars.AST.MustacheNode([id].concat([]), mustache.hash, !mustache.escaped);
+ }
+ return, mustache);
+ };
+ /**
+ Used for precompilation of Ember Handlebars templates. This will not be used
+ during normal app execution.
+ @method precompile
+ @for Ember.Handlebars
+ @static
+ @param {String|Object} value The template to precompile or an Handlebars AST
+ @param {Boolean} asObject optional parameter, defaulting to true, of whether or not the
+ compiled template should be returned as an Object or a String
+ */
+ EmberHandlebars.precompile = function(value, asObject) {
+ var ast = Handlebars.parse(value);
+ var options = {
+ knownHelpers: {
+ action: true,
+ unbound: true,
+ 'bind-attr': true,
+ template: true,
+ view: true,
+ _triageMustache: true
+ },
+ data: true,
+ stringParams: true
+ };
+ asObject = asObject === undefined ? true : asObject;
+ var environment = new EmberHandlebars.Compiler().compile(ast, options);
+ return new EmberHandlebars.JavaScriptCompiler().compile(environment, options, undefined, asObject);
+ };
+ // We don't support this for Handlebars runtime-only
+ if (Handlebars.compile) {
+ /**
+ The entry point for Ember Handlebars. This replaces the default
+ `Handlebars.compile` and turns on template-local data and String
+ parameters.
+ @method compile
+ @for Ember.Handlebars
+ @static
+ @param {String} string The template to compile
+ @return {Function}
+ */
+ EmberHandlebars.compile = function(string) {
+ var ast = Handlebars.parse(string);
+ var options = { data: true, stringParams: true };
+ var environment = new EmberHandlebars.Compiler().compile(ast, options);
+ var templateSpec = new EmberHandlebars.JavaScriptCompiler().compile(environment, options, undefined, true);
+ var template = EmberHandlebars.template(templateSpec);
+ template.isMethod = false; //Make sure we don't wrap templates with ._super
+ return template;
+ };
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberHandlebars;
+ });
+ ["ember-handlebars-compiler","ember-metal/core","ember-runtime/system/lazy_load","ember-handlebars/loader","ember-handlebars/ext","ember-handlebars/string","ember-handlebars/helpers/binding","ember-handlebars/helpers/if_unless","ember-handlebars/helpers/with","ember-handlebars/helpers/bind_attr","ember-handlebars/helpers/collection","ember-handlebars/helpers/view","ember-handlebars/helpers/unbound","ember-handlebars/helpers/debug","ember-handlebars/helpers/each","ember-handlebars/helpers/template","ember-handlebars/helpers/partial","ember-handlebars/helpers/yield","ember-handlebars/helpers/loc","ember-handlebars/controls/checkbox","ember-handlebars/controls/select","ember-handlebars/controls/text_area","ember-handlebars/controls/text_field","ember-handlebars/controls/text_support","ember-handlebars/controls","ember-handlebars/component_lookup","ember-handlebars/views/handlebars_bound_view","ember-handlebars/views/metamorph_view","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __dependency15__, __dependency16__, __dependency17__, __dependency18__, __dependency19__, __dependency20__, __dependency21__, __dependency22__, __dependency23__, __dependency24__, __dependency25__, __dependency26__, __dependency27__, __dependency28__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var Ember = __dependency2__["default"];
+ // to add to globals
+ var runLoadHooks = __dependency3__.runLoadHooks;
+ var bootstrap = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var makeBoundHelper = __dependency5__.makeBoundHelper;
+ var registerBoundHelper = __dependency5__.registerBoundHelper;
+ var helperMissingHelper = __dependency5__.helperMissingHelper;
+ var blockHelperMissingHelper = __dependency5__.blockHelperMissingHelper;
+ var handlebarsGet = __dependency5__.handlebarsGet;
+ // side effect of extending StringUtils of htmlSafe
+ var bind = __dependency7__.bind;
+ var _triageMustacheHelper = __dependency7__._triageMustacheHelper;
+ var resolveHelper = __dependency7__.resolveHelper;
+ var bindHelper = __dependency7__.bindHelper;
+ var ifHelper = __dependency8__.ifHelper;
+ var boundIfHelper = __dependency8__.boundIfHelper;
+ var unboundIfHelper = __dependency8__.unboundIfHelper;
+ var unlessHelper = __dependency8__.unlessHelper;
+ var withHelper = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var bindAttrHelper = __dependency10__.bindAttrHelper;
+ var bindAttrHelperDeprecated = __dependency10__.bindAttrHelperDeprecated;
+ var bindClasses = __dependency10__.bindClasses;
+ var collectionHelper = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var ViewHelper = __dependency12__.ViewHelper;
+ var viewHelper = __dependency12__.viewHelper;
+ var unboundHelper = __dependency13__["default"];
+ var logHelper = __dependency14__.logHelper;
+ var debuggerHelper = __dependency14__.debuggerHelper;
+ var EachView = __dependency15__.EachView;
+ var eachHelper = __dependency15__.eachHelper;
+ var templateHelper = __dependency16__["default"];
+ var partialHelper = __dependency17__["default"];
+ var yieldHelper = __dependency18__["default"];
+ var locHelper = __dependency19__["default"];
+ var Checkbox = __dependency20__["default"];
+ var Select = __dependency21__.Select;
+ var SelectOption = __dependency21__.SelectOption;
+ var SelectOptgroup = __dependency21__.SelectOptgroup;
+ var TextArea = __dependency22__["default"];
+ var TextField = __dependency23__["default"];
+ var TextSupport = __dependency24__["default"];
+ var inputHelper = __dependency25__.inputHelper;
+ var textareaHelper = __dependency25__.textareaHelper;
+ var ComponentLookup = __dependency26__["default"];
+ var _HandlebarsBoundView = __dependency27__._HandlebarsBoundView;
+ var SimpleHandlebarsView = __dependency27__.SimpleHandlebarsView;
+ var _MetamorphView = __dependency28__["default"];
+ var _SimpleMetamorphView = __dependency28__._SimpleMetamorphView;
+ var _Metamorph = __dependency28__._Metamorph;
+ /**
+ Ember Handlebars
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ @requires ember-views
+ */
+ // Ember.Handlebars.Globals
+ EmberHandlebars.bootstrap = bootstrap;
+ EmberHandlebars.makeBoundHelper = makeBoundHelper;
+ EmberHandlebars.registerBoundHelper = registerBoundHelper;
+ EmberHandlebars.resolveHelper = resolveHelper;
+ EmberHandlebars.bind = bind;
+ EmberHandlebars.bindClasses = bindClasses;
+ EmberHandlebars.EachView = EachView;
+ EmberHandlebars.ViewHelper = ViewHelper;
+ // Ember Globals
+ Ember.Handlebars = EmberHandlebars;
+ EmberHandlebars.get = handlebarsGet;
+ Ember.ComponentLookup = ComponentLookup;
+ Ember._SimpleHandlebarsView = SimpleHandlebarsView;
+ Ember._HandlebarsBoundView = _HandlebarsBoundView;
+ Ember._SimpleMetamorphView = _SimpleMetamorphView;
+ Ember._MetamorphView = _MetamorphView;
+ Ember._Metamorph = _Metamorph;
+ Ember.TextSupport = TextSupport;
+ Ember.Checkbox = Checkbox;
+ Ember.Select = Select;
+ Ember.SelectOption = SelectOption;
+ Ember.SelectOptgroup = SelectOptgroup;
+ Ember.TextArea = TextArea;
+ Ember.TextField = TextField;
+ Ember.TextSupport = TextSupport;
+ // register helpers
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('helperMissing', helperMissingHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('blockHelperMissing', blockHelperMissingHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('bind', bindHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('boundIf', boundIfHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('_triageMustache', _triageMustacheHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('unboundIf', unboundIfHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('with', withHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('if', ifHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('unless', unlessHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('bind-attr', bindAttrHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('bindAttr', bindAttrHelperDeprecated);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('collection', collectionHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper("log", logHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper("debugger", debuggerHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper("each", eachHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper("loc", locHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper("partial", partialHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper("template", templateHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper("yield", yieldHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper("view", viewHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper("unbound", unboundHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper("input", inputHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper("textarea", textareaHelper);
+ // run load hooks
+ runLoadHooks('Ember.Handlebars', EmberHandlebars);
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberHandlebars;
+ });
+ ["ember-runtime/system/object","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var EmberObject = __dependency1__["default"];
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberObject.extend({
+ lookupFactory: function(name, container) {
+ container = container || this.container;
+ var fullName = 'component:' + name;
+ var templateFullName = 'template:components/' + name;
+ var templateRegistered = container && container.has(templateFullName);
+ if (templateRegistered) {
+ container.injection(fullName, 'layout', templateFullName);
+ }
+ var Component = container.lookupFactory(fullName);
+ // Only treat as a component if either the component
+ // or a template has been registered.
+ if (templateRegistered || Component) {
+ if (!Component) {
+ container.register(fullName, Ember.Component);
+ Component = container.lookupFactory(fullName);
+ }
+ return Component;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-handlebars/controls/checkbox","ember-handlebars/controls/text_field","ember-handlebars/controls/text_area","ember-metal/core","ember-handlebars-compiler","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Checkbox = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var TextField = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var TextArea = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var Ember = __dependency4__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ // var emberAssert = Ember.assert;
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency5__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars-compiler
+ */
+ /**
+ The `{{input}}` helper inserts an HTML `<input>` tag into the template,
+ with a `type` value of either `text` or `checkbox`. If no `type` is provided,
+ `text` will be the default value applied. The attributes of `{{input}}`
+ match those of the native HTML tag as closely as possible for these two types.
+ ## Use as text field
+ An `{{input}}` with no `type` or a `type` of `text` will render an HTML text input.
+ The following HTML attributes can be set via the helper:
+ <table>
+ <tr><td>`readonly`</td><td>`required`</td><td>`autofocus`</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>`value`</td><td>`placeholder`</td><td>`disabled`</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>`size`</td><td>`tabindex`</td><td>`maxlength`</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>`name`</td><td>`min`</td><td>`max`</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>`pattern`</td><td>`accept`</td><td>`autocomplete`</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>`autosave`</td><td>`formaction`</td><td>`formenctype`</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>`formmethod`</td><td>`formnovalidate`</td><td>`formtarget`</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>`height`</td><td>`inputmode`</td><td>`multiple`</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>`step`</td><td>`width`</td><td>`form`</td></tr>
+ <tr><td>`selectionDirection`</td><td>`spellcheck`</td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
+ </table>
+ When set to a quoted string, these values will be directly applied to the HTML
+ element. When left unquoted, these values will be bound to a property on the
+ template's current rendering context (most typically a controller instance).
+ ## Unbound:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{input value=""}}
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <input type="text" value=""/>
+ ```
+ ## Bound:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ firstName: "Stanley",
+ entryNotAllowed: true
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{input type="text" value=firstName disabled=entryNotAllowed size="50"}}
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <input type="text" value="Stanley" disabled="disabled" size="50"/>
+ ```
+ ## Actions
+ The helper can send multiple actions based on user events.
+ The action property defines the action which is sent when
+ the user presses the return key.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{input action="submit"}}
+ ```
+ The helper allows some user events to send actions.
+ * `enter`
+ * `insert-newline`
+ * `escape-press`
+ * `focus-in`
+ * `focus-out`
+ * `key-press`
+ For example, if you desire an action to be sent when the input is blurred,
+ you only need to setup the action name to the event name property.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{input focus-in="alertMessage"}}
+ ```
+ See more about [Text Support Actions](/api/classes/Ember.TextField.html)
+ ## Extension
+ Internally, `{{input type="text"}}` creates an instance of `Ember.TextField`, passing
+ arguments from the helper to `Ember.TextField`'s `create` method. You can extend the
+ capabilities of text inputs in your applications by reopening this class. For example,
+ if you are building a Bootstrap project where `data-*` attributes are used, you
+ can add one to the `TextField`'s `attributeBindings` property:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.TextField.reopen({
+ attributeBindings: ['data-error']
+ });
+ ```
+ Keep in mind when writing `Ember.TextField` subclasses that `Ember.TextField`
+ itself extends `Ember.Component`, meaning that it does NOT inherit
+ the `controller` of the parent view.
+ See more about [Ember components](/api/classes/Ember.Component.html)
+ ## Use as checkbox
+ An `{{input}}` with a `type` of `checkbox` will render an HTML checkbox input.
+ The following HTML attributes can be set via the helper:
+ * `checked`
+ * `disabled`
+ * `tabindex`
+ * `indeterminate`
+ * `name`
+ * `autofocus`
+ * `form`
+ When set to a quoted string, these values will be directly applied to the HTML
+ element. When left unquoted, these values will be bound to a property on the
+ template's current rendering context (most typically a controller instance).
+ ## Unbound:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{input type="checkbox" name="isAdmin"}}
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <input type="checkbox" name="isAdmin" />
+ ```
+ ## Bound:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ isAdmin: true
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{input type="checkbox" checked=isAdmin }}
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <input type="checkbox" checked="checked" />
+ ```
+ ## Extension
+ Internally, `{{input type="checkbox"}}` creates an instance of `Ember.Checkbox`, passing
+ arguments from the helper to `Ember.Checkbox`'s `create` method. You can extend the
+ capablilties of checkbox inputs in your applications by reopening this class. For example,
+ if you wanted to add a css class to all checkboxes in your application:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Checkbox.reopen({
+ classNames: ['my-app-checkbox']
+ });
+ ```
+ @method input
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {Hash} options
+ */
+ function inputHelper(options) {
+ Ember.assert('You can only pass attributes to the `input` helper, not arguments', arguments.length < 2);
+ var view =;
+ var hash = options.hash;
+ var types = options.hashTypes;
+ var onEvent = hash.on;
+ var inputType;
+ if (types.type === 'ID') {
+ inputType = view.getStream(hash.type).value();
+ } else {
+ inputType = hash.type;
+ }
+ if (inputType === 'checkbox') {
+ delete hash.type;
+ delete types.type;
+ Ember.assert("{{input type='checkbox'}} does not support setting `value=someBooleanValue`;" +
+ " you must use `checked=someBooleanValue` instead.", options.hashTypes.value !== 'ID');
+ return, Checkbox, options);
+ } else {
+ delete hash.on;
+ hash.onEvent = onEvent || 'enter';
+ return, TextField, options);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.inputHelper = inputHelper;/**
+ `{{textarea}}` inserts a new instance of `<textarea>` tag into the template.
+ The attributes of `{{textarea}}` match those of the native HTML tags as
+ closely as possible.
+ The following HTML attributes can be set:
+ * `value`
+ * `name`
+ * `rows`
+ * `cols`
+ * `placeholder`
+ * `disabled`
+ * `maxlength`
+ * `tabindex`
+ * `selectionEnd`
+ * `selectionStart`
+ * `selectionDirection`
+ * `wrap`
+ * `readonly`
+ * `autofocus`
+ * `form`
+ * `spellcheck`
+ * `required`
+ When set to a quoted string, these value will be directly applied to the HTML
+ element. When left unquoted, these values will be bound to a property on the
+ template's current rendering context (most typically a controller instance).
+ Unbound:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{textarea value="Lots of static text that ISN'T bound"}}
+ ```
+ Would result in the following HTML:
+ ```html
+ <textarea class="ember-text-area">
+ Lots of static text that ISN'T bound
+ </textarea>
+ ```
+ Bound:
+ In the following example, the `writtenWords` property on `App.ApplicationController`
+ will be updated live as the user types 'Lots of text that IS bound' into
+ the text area of their browser's window.
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ writtenWords: "Lots of text that IS bound"
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{textarea value=writtenWords}}
+ ```
+ Would result in the following HTML:
+ ```html
+ <textarea class="ember-text-area">
+ Lots of text that IS bound
+ </textarea>
+ ```
+ If you wanted a one way binding between the text area and a div tag
+ somewhere else on your screen, you could use `Ember.computed.oneWay`:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ writtenWords: "Lots of text that IS bound",
+ outputWrittenWords: Ember.computed.oneWay("writtenWords")
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{textarea value=writtenWords}}
+ <div>
+ {{outputWrittenWords}}
+ </div>
+ ```
+ Would result in the following HTML:
+ ```html
+ <textarea class="ember-text-area">
+ Lots of text that IS bound
+ </textarea>
+ <-- the following div will be updated in real time as you type -->
+ <div>
+ Lots of text that IS bound
+ </div>
+ ```
+ Finally, this example really shows the power and ease of Ember when two
+ properties are bound to eachother via `Ember.computed.alias`. Type into
+ either text area box and they'll both stay in sync. Note that
+ `Ember.computed.alias` costs more in terms of performance, so only use it when
+ your really binding in both directions:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ writtenWords: "Lots of text that IS bound",
+ twoWayWrittenWords: Ember.computed.alias("writtenWords")
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{textarea value=writtenWords}}
+ {{textarea value=twoWayWrittenWords}}
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <textarea id="ember1" class="ember-text-area">
+ Lots of text that IS bound
+ </textarea>
+ <-- both updated in real time -->
+ <textarea id="ember2" class="ember-text-area">
+ Lots of text that IS bound
+ </textarea>
+ ```
+ ## Actions
+ The helper can send multiple actions based on user events.
+ The action property defines the action which is send when
+ the user presses the return key.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{input action="submit"}}
+ ```
+ The helper allows some user events to send actions.
+ * `enter`
+ * `insert-newline`
+ * `escape-press`
+ * `focus-in`
+ * `focus-out`
+ * `key-press`
+ For example, if you desire an action to be sent when the input is blurred,
+ you only need to setup the action name to the event name property.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{textarea focus-in="alertMessage"}}
+ ```
+ See more about [Text Support Actions](/api/classes/Ember.TextArea.html)
+ ## Extension
+ Internally, `{{textarea}}` creates an instance of `Ember.TextArea`, passing
+ arguments from the helper to `Ember.TextArea`'s `create` method. You can
+ extend the capabilities of text areas in your application by reopening this
+ class. For example, if you are building a Bootstrap project where `data-*`
+ attributes are used, you can globally add support for a `data-*` attribute
+ on all `{{textarea}}`s' in your app by reopening `Ember.TextArea` or
+ `Ember.TextSupport` and adding it to the `attributeBindings` concatenated
+ property:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.TextArea.reopen({
+ attributeBindings: ['data-error']
+ });
+ ```
+ Keep in mind when writing `Ember.TextArea` subclasses that `Ember.TextArea`
+ itself extends `Ember.Component`, meaning that it does NOT inherit
+ the `controller` of the parent view.
+ See more about [Ember components](/api/classes/Ember.Component.html)
+ @method textarea
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {Hash} options
+ */
+ function textareaHelper(options) {
+ Ember.assert('You can only pass attributes to the `textarea` helper, not arguments', arguments.length < 2);
+ return, TextArea, options);
+ }
+ __exports__.textareaHelper = textareaHelper;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-views/views/view","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var set = __dependency2__.set;
+ var View = __dependency3__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ /**
+ The internal class used to create text inputs when the `{{input}}`
+ helper is used with `type` of `checkbox`.
+ See [handlebars.helpers.input](/api/classes/Ember.Handlebars.helpers.html#method_input) for usage details.
+ ## Direct manipulation of `checked`
+ The `checked` attribute of an `Ember.Checkbox` object should always be set
+ through the Ember object or by interacting with its rendered element
+ representation via the mouse, keyboard, or touch. Updating the value of the
+ checkbox via jQuery will result in the checked value of the object and its
+ element losing synchronization.
+ ## Layout and LayoutName properties
+ Because HTML `input` elements are self closing `layout` and `layoutName`
+ properties will not be applied. See [Ember.View](/api/classes/Ember.View.html)'s
+ layout section for more information.
+ @class Checkbox
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.View
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = View.extend({
+ instrumentDisplay: '{{input type="checkbox"}}',
+ classNames: ['ember-checkbox'],
+ tagName: 'input',
+ attributeBindings: [
+ 'type',
+ 'checked',
+ 'indeterminate',
+ 'disabled',
+ 'tabindex',
+ 'name',
+ 'autofocus',
+ 'required',
+ 'form'
+ ],
+ type: 'checkbox',
+ checked: false,
+ disabled: false,
+ indeterminate: false,
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ this.on('change', this, this._updateElementValue);
+ },
+ didInsertElement: function() {
+ this._super();
+ get(this, 'element').indeterminate = !!get(this, 'indeterminate');
+ },
+ _updateElementValue: function() {
+ set(this, 'checked', this.$().prop('checked'));
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-handlebars-compiler","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-views/views/view","ember-views/views/collection_view","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/is_none","ember-metal/computed","ember-runtime/system/native_array","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/properties","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var forEach = __dependency2__.forEach;
+ var indexOf = __dependency2__.indexOf;
+ var indexesOf = __dependency2__.indexesOf;
+ var replace = __dependency2__.replace;
+ var get = __dependency3__.get;
+ var set = __dependency4__.set;
+ var View = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var CollectionView = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var isArray = __dependency7__.isArray;
+ var isNone = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var computed = __dependency9__.computed;
+ var emberA = __dependency10__.A;
+ var observer =;
+ var defineProperty = __dependency12__.defineProperty;
+ var SelectOption = View.extend({
+ instrumentDisplay: 'Ember.SelectOption',
+ tagName: 'option',
+ attributeBindings: ['value', 'selected'],
+ defaultTemplate: function(context, options) {
+ options = { data:, hash: {} };
+, "view.label", options);
+ },
+ init: function() {
+ this.labelPathDidChange();
+ this.valuePathDidChange();
+ this._super();
+ },
+ selected: computed(function() {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ var selection = get(this, 'parentView.selection');
+ if (get(this, 'parentView.multiple')) {
+ return selection && indexOf(selection, content.valueOf()) > -1;
+ } else {
+ // Primitives get passed through bindings as objects... since
+ // `new Number(4) !== 4`, we use `==` below
+ return content == selection; // jshint ignore:line
+ }
+ }).property('content', 'parentView.selection'),
+ labelPathDidChange: observer('parentView.optionLabelPath', function() {
+ var labelPath = get(this, 'parentView.optionLabelPath');
+ if (!labelPath) { return; }
+ defineProperty(this, 'label', computed(function() {
+ return get(this, labelPath);
+ }).property(labelPath));
+ }),
+ valuePathDidChange: observer('parentView.optionValuePath', function() {
+ var valuePath = get(this, 'parentView.optionValuePath');
+ if (!valuePath) { return; }
+ defineProperty(this, 'value', computed(function() {
+ return get(this, valuePath);
+ }).property(valuePath));
+ })
+ });
+ var SelectOptgroup = CollectionView.extend({
+ instrumentDisplay: 'Ember.SelectOptgroup',
+ tagName: 'optgroup',
+ attributeBindings: ['label'],
+ selectionBinding: 'parentView.selection',
+ multipleBinding: 'parentView.multiple',
+ optionLabelPathBinding: 'parentView.optionLabelPath',
+ optionValuePathBinding: 'parentView.optionValuePath',
+ itemViewClassBinding: 'parentView.optionView'
+ });
+ /**
+ The `Ember.Select` view class renders a
+ [select]( HTML element,
+ allowing the user to choose from a list of options.
+ The text and `value` property of each `<option>` element within the
+ `<select>` element are populated from the objects in the `Element.Select`'s
+ `content` property. The underlying data object of the selected `<option>` is
+ stored in the `Element.Select`'s `value` property.
+ ## The Content Property (array of strings)
+ The simplest version of an `Ember.Select` takes an array of strings as its
+ `content` property. The string will be used as both the `value` property and
+ the inner text of each `<option>` element inside the rendered `<select>`.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ names: ["Yehuda", "Tom"]
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{view "select" content=names}}
+ ```
+ Would result in the following HTML:
+ ```html
+ <select class="ember-select">
+ <option value="Yehuda">Yehuda</option>
+ <option value="Tom">Tom</option>
+ </select>
+ ```
+ You can control which `<option>` is selected through the `Ember.Select`'s
+ `value` property:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ selectedName: 'Tom',
+ names: ["Yehuda", "Tom"]
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{view "select" content=names value=selectedName}}
+ ```
+ Would result in the following HTML with the `<option>` for 'Tom' selected:
+ ```html
+ <select class="ember-select">
+ <option value="Yehuda">Yehuda</option>
+ <option value="Tom" selected="selected">Tom</option>
+ </select>
+ ```
+ A user interacting with the rendered `<select>` to choose "Yehuda" would
+ update the value of `selectedName` to "Yehuda".
+ ## The Content Property (array of Objects)
+ An `Ember.Select` can also take an array of JavaScript or Ember objects as
+ its `content` property.
+ When using objects you need to tell the `Ember.Select` which property should
+ be accessed on each object to supply the `value` attribute of the `<option>`
+ and which property should be used to supply the element text.
+ The `optionValuePath` option is used to specify the path on each object to
+ the desired property for the `value` attribute. The `optionLabelPath`
+ specifies the path on each object to the desired property for the
+ element's text. Both paths must reference each object itself as `content`:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ programmers: [
+ {firstName: "Yehuda", id: 1},
+ {firstName: "Tom", id: 2}
+ ]
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{view "select"
+ content=programmers
+ optionValuePath=""
+ optionLabelPath="content.firstName"}}
+ ```
+ Would result in the following HTML:
+ ```html
+ <select class="ember-select">
+ <option value="1">Yehuda</option>
+ <option value="2">Tom</option>
+ </select>
+ ```
+ The `value` attribute of the selected `<option>` within an `Ember.Select`
+ can be bound to a property on another object:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ programmers: [
+ {firstName: "Yehuda", id: 1},
+ {firstName: "Tom", id: 2}
+ ],
+ currentProgrammer: {
+ id: 2
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{view "select"
+ content=programmers
+ optionValuePath=""
+ optionLabelPath="content.firstName"
+ ```
+ Would result in the following HTML with a selected option:
+ ```html
+ <select class="ember-select">
+ <option value="1">Yehuda</option>
+ <option value="2" selected="selected">Tom</option>
+ </select>
+ ```
+ Interacting with the rendered element by selecting the first option
+ ('Yehuda') will update the `id` of `currentProgrammer`
+ to match the `value` property of the newly selected `<option>`.
+ Alternatively, you can control selection through the underlying objects
+ used to render each object by binding the `selection` option. When the selected
+ `<option>` is changed, the property path provided to `selection`
+ will be updated to match the content object of the rendered `<option>`
+ element:
+ ```javascript
+ var yehuda = {firstName: "Yehuda", id: 1, bff4eva: 'tom'}
+ var tom = {firstName: "Tom", id: 2, bff4eva: 'yehuda'};
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ selectedPerson: tom,
+ programmers: [ yehuda, tom ]
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{view "select"
+ content=programmers
+ optionValuePath=""
+ optionLabelPath="content.firstName"
+ selection=selectedPerson}}
+ ```
+ Would result in the following HTML with a selected option:
+ ```html
+ <select class="ember-select">
+ <option value="1">Yehuda</option>
+ <option value="2" selected="selected">Tom</option>
+ </select>
+ ```
+ Interacting with the rendered element by selecting the first option
+ ('Yehuda') will update the `selectedPerson` to match the object of
+ the newly selected `<option>`. In this case it is the first object
+ in the `programmers`
+ ## Supplying a Prompt
+ A `null` value for the `Ember.Select`'s `value` or `selection` property
+ results in there being no `<option>` with a `selected` attribute:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ selectedProgrammer: null,
+ programmers: ["Yehuda", "Tom"]
+ });
+ ```
+ ``` handlebars
+ {{view "select"
+ content=programmers
+ value=selectedProgrammer
+ }}
+ ```
+ Would result in the following HTML:
+ ```html
+ <select class="ember-select">
+ <option value="Yehuda">Yehuda</option>
+ <option value="Tom">Tom</option>
+ </select>
+ ```
+ Although `selectedProgrammer` is `null` and no `<option>`
+ has a `selected` attribute the rendered HTML will display the
+ first item as though it were selected. You can supply a string
+ value for the `Ember.Select` to display when there is no selection
+ with the `prompt` option:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ selectedProgrammer: null,
+ programmers: [ "Yehuda", "Tom" ]
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{view "select"
+ content=programmers
+ value=selectedProgrammer
+ prompt="Please select a name"
+ }}
+ ```
+ Would result in the following HTML:
+ ```html
+ <select class="ember-select">
+ <option>Please select a name</option>
+ <option value="Yehuda">Yehuda</option>
+ <option value="Tom">Tom</option>
+ </select>
+ ```
+ @class Select
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.View
+ */
+ var Select = View.extend({
+ instrumentDisplay: 'Ember.Select',
+ tagName: 'select',
+ classNames: ['ember-select'],
+ defaultTemplate: Ember.Handlebars.template({"1":function(depth0,helpers,partials,data) {
+ var stack1, buffer = '';
+ data.buffer.push("<option value=\"\">");
+ stack1 =, "view.prompt", {"name":"_triageMustache","hash":{},"hashTypes":{},"hashContexts":{},"types":["ID"],"contexts":[depth0],"data":data});
+ if (stack1 != null) { data.buffer.push(stack1); }
+ data.buffer.push("</option>");
+ return buffer;
+ },"3":function(depth0,helpers,partials,data) {
+ var stack1;
+ stack1 =, "group", "in", "view.groupedContent", {"name":"each","hash":{},"hashTypes":{},"hashContexts":{},"fn":this.program(4, data),"inverse":this.noop,"types":["ID","ID","ID"],"contexts":[depth0,depth0,depth0],"data":data});
+ if (stack1 != null) { data.buffer.push(stack1); }
+ else { data.buffer.push(''); }
+ },"4":function(depth0,helpers,partials,data) {
+ var escapeExpression=this.escapeExpression;
+ data.buffer.push(escapeExpression(, "view.groupView", {"name":"view","hash":{
+ 'label': ("group.label"),
+ 'content': ("group.content")
+ },"hashTypes":{'label': "ID",'content': "ID"},"hashContexts":{'label': depth0,'content': depth0},"types":["ID"],"contexts":[depth0],"data":data})));
+ },"6":function(depth0,helpers,partials,data) {
+ var stack1;
+ stack1 =, "item", "in", "view.content", {"name":"each","hash":{},"hashTypes":{},"hashContexts":{},"fn":this.program(7, data),"inverse":this.noop,"types":["ID","ID","ID"],"contexts":[depth0,depth0,depth0],"data":data});
+ if (stack1 != null) { data.buffer.push(stack1); }
+ else { data.buffer.push(''); }
+ },"7":function(depth0,helpers,partials,data) {
+ var escapeExpression=this.escapeExpression;
+ data.buffer.push(escapeExpression(, "view.optionView", {"name":"view","hash":{
+ 'content': ("item")
+ },"hashTypes":{'content': "ID"},"hashContexts":{'content': depth0},"types":["ID"],"contexts":[depth0],"data":data})));
+ },"compiler":[6,">= 2.0.0-beta.1"],"main":function(depth0,helpers,partials,data) {
+ var stack1, buffer = '';
+ stack1 = helpers['if'].call(depth0, "view.prompt", {"name":"if","hash":{},"hashTypes":{},"hashContexts":{},"fn":this.program(1, data),"inverse":this.noop,"types":["ID"],"contexts":[depth0],"data":data});
+ if (stack1 != null) { data.buffer.push(stack1); }
+ stack1 = helpers['if'].call(depth0, "view.optionGroupPath", {"name":"if","hash":{},"hashTypes":{},"hashContexts":{},"fn":this.program(3, data),"inverse":this.program(6, data),"types":["ID"],"contexts":[depth0],"data":data});
+ if (stack1 != null) { data.buffer.push(stack1); }
+ return buffer;
+ },"useData":true}),
+ attributeBindings: ['multiple', 'disabled', 'tabindex', 'name', 'required', 'autofocus',
+ 'form', 'size'],
+ /**
+ The `multiple` attribute of the select element. Indicates whether multiple
+ options can be selected.
+ @property multiple
+ @type Boolean
+ @default false
+ */
+ multiple: false,
+ /**
+ The `disabled` attribute of the select element. Indicates whether
+ the element is disabled from interactions.
+ @property disabled
+ @type Boolean
+ @default false
+ */
+ disabled: false,
+ /**
+ The `required` attribute of the select element. Indicates whether
+ a selected option is required for form validation.
+ @property required
+ @type Boolean
+ @default false
+ @since 1.5.0
+ */
+ required: false,
+ /**
+ The list of options.
+ If `optionLabelPath` and `optionValuePath` are not overridden, this should
+ be a list of strings, which will serve simultaneously as labels and values.
+ Otherwise, this should be a list of objects. For instance:
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create();
+ var App.MySelect = Ember.Select.extend({
+ content: Ember.A([
+ { id: 1, firstName: 'Yehuda' },
+ { id: 2, firstName: 'Tom' }
+ ]),
+ optionLabelPath: 'content.firstName',
+ optionValuePath: ''
+ });
+ ```
+ @property content
+ @type Array
+ @default null
+ */
+ content: null,
+ /**
+ When `multiple` is `false`, the element of `content` that is currently
+ selected, if any.
+ When `multiple` is `true`, an array of such elements.
+ @property selection
+ @type Object or Array
+ @default null
+ */
+ selection: null,
+ /**
+ In single selection mode (when `multiple` is `false`), value can be used to
+ get the current selection's value or set the selection by it's value.
+ It is not currently supported in multiple selection mode.
+ @property value
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ */
+ value: computed(function(key, value) {
+ if (arguments.length === 2) { return value; }
+ var valuePath = get(this, 'optionValuePath').replace(/^content\.?/, '');
+ return valuePath ? get(this, 'selection.' + valuePath) : get(this, 'selection');
+ }).property('selection'),
+ /**
+ If given, a top-most dummy option will be rendered to serve as a user
+ prompt.
+ @property prompt
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ */
+ prompt: null,
+ /**
+ The path of the option labels. See [content](/api/classes/Ember.Select.html#property_content).
+ @property optionLabelPath
+ @type String
+ @default 'content'
+ */
+ optionLabelPath: 'content',
+ /**
+ The path of the option values. See [content](/api/classes/Ember.Select.html#property_content).
+ @property optionValuePath
+ @type String
+ @default 'content'
+ */
+ optionValuePath: 'content',
+ /**
+ The path of the option group.
+ When this property is used, `content` should be sorted by `optionGroupPath`.
+ @property optionGroupPath
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ */
+ optionGroupPath: null,
+ /**
+ The view class for optgroup.
+ @property groupView
+ @type Ember.View
+ @default Ember.SelectOptgroup
+ */
+ groupView: SelectOptgroup,
+ groupedContent: computed(function() {
+ var groupPath = get(this, 'optionGroupPath');
+ var groupedContent = emberA();
+ var content = get(this, 'content') || [];
+ forEach(content, function(item) {
+ var label = get(item, groupPath);
+ if (get(groupedContent, 'lastObject.label') !== label) {
+ groupedContent.pushObject({
+ label: label,
+ content: emberA()
+ });
+ }
+ get(groupedContent, 'lastObject.content').push(item);
+ });
+ return groupedContent;
+ }).property('optionGroupPath', 'content.@each'),
+ /**
+ The view class for option.
+ @property optionView
+ @type Ember.View
+ @default Ember.SelectOption
+ */
+ optionView: SelectOption,
+ _change: function() {
+ if (get(this, 'multiple')) {
+ this._changeMultiple();
+ } else {
+ this._changeSingle();
+ }
+ },
+ selectionDidChange: observer('selection.@each', function() {
+ var selection = get(this, 'selection');
+ if (get(this, 'multiple')) {
+ if (!isArray(selection)) {
+ set(this, 'selection', emberA([selection]));
+ return;
+ }
+ this._selectionDidChangeMultiple();
+ } else {
+ this._selectionDidChangeSingle();
+ }
+ }),
+ valueDidChange: observer('value', function() {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ var value = get(this, 'value');
+ var valuePath = get(this, 'optionValuePath').replace(/^content\.?/, '');
+ var selectedValue = (valuePath ? get(this, 'selection.' + valuePath) : get(this, 'selection'));
+ var selection;
+ if (value !== selectedValue) {
+ selection = content ? content.find(function(obj) {
+ return value === (valuePath ? get(obj, valuePath) : obj);
+ }) : null;
+ this.set('selection', selection);
+ }
+ }),
+ _triggerChange: function() {
+ var selection = get(this, 'selection');
+ var value = get(this, 'value');
+ if (!isNone(selection)) { this.selectionDidChange(); }
+ if (!isNone(value)) { this.valueDidChange(); }
+ this._change();
+ },
+ _changeSingle: function() {
+ var selectedIndex = this.$()[0].selectedIndex;
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ var prompt = get(this, 'prompt');
+ if (!content || !get(content, 'length')) { return; }
+ if (prompt && selectedIndex === 0) { set(this, 'selection', null); return; }
+ if (prompt) { selectedIndex -= 1; }
+ set(this, 'selection', content.objectAt(selectedIndex));
+ },
+ _changeMultiple: function() {
+ var options = this.$('option:selected');
+ var prompt = get(this, 'prompt');
+ var offset = prompt ? 1 : 0;
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ var selection = get(this, 'selection');
+ if (!content) { return; }
+ if (options) {
+ var selectedIndexes = {
+ return this.index - offset;
+ }).toArray();
+ var newSelection = content.objectsAt(selectedIndexes);
+ if (isArray(selection)) {
+ replace(selection, 0, get(selection, 'length'), newSelection);
+ } else {
+ set(this, 'selection', newSelection);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _selectionDidChangeSingle: function() {
+ var el = this.get('element');
+ if (!el) { return; }
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ var selection = get(this, 'selection');
+ var selectionIndex = content ? indexOf(content, selection) : -1;
+ var prompt = get(this, 'prompt');
+ if (prompt) { selectionIndex += 1; }
+ if (el) { el.selectedIndex = selectionIndex; }
+ },
+ _selectionDidChangeMultiple: function() {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ var selection = get(this, 'selection');
+ var selectedIndexes = content ? indexesOf(content, selection) : [-1];
+ var prompt = get(this, 'prompt');
+ var offset = prompt ? 1 : 0;
+ var options = this.$('option');
+ var adjusted;
+ if (options) {
+ options.each(function() {
+ adjusted = this.index > -1 ? this.index - offset : -1;
+ this.selected = indexOf(selectedIndexes, adjusted) > -1;
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ this.on("didInsertElement", this, this._triggerChange);
+ this.on("change", this, this._change);
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = Select;
+ __exports__.Select = Select;
+ __exports__.SelectOption = SelectOption;
+ __exports__.SelectOptgroup = SelectOptgroup;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-views/views/component","ember-handlebars/controls/text_support","ember-metal/mixin","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var Component = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var TextSupport = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var observer =;
+ /**
+ The internal class used to create textarea element when the `{{textarea}}`
+ helper is used.
+ See [handlebars.helpers.textarea](/api/classes/Ember.Handlebars.helpers.html#method_textarea) for usage details.
+ ## Layout and LayoutName properties
+ Because HTML `textarea` elements do not contain inner HTML the `layout` and
+ `layoutName` properties will not be applied. See [Ember.View](/api/classes/Ember.View.html)'s
+ layout section for more information.
+ @class TextArea
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Component
+ @uses Ember.TextSupport
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Component.extend(TextSupport, {
+ instrumentDisplay: '{{textarea}}',
+ classNames: ['ember-text-area'],
+ tagName: "textarea",
+ attributeBindings: [
+ 'rows',
+ 'cols',
+ 'name',
+ 'selectionEnd',
+ 'selectionStart',
+ 'wrap',
+ 'lang',
+ 'dir'
+ ],
+ rows: null,
+ cols: null,
+ _updateElementValue: observer('value', function() {
+ // We do this check so cursor position doesn't get affected in IE
+ var value = get(this, 'value');
+ var $el = this.$();
+ if ($el && value !== $el.val()) {
+ $el.val(value);
+ }
+ }),
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ this.on("didInsertElement", this, this._updateElementValue);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-views/views/component","ember-handlebars/controls/text_support","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var Component = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var TextSupport = __dependency2__["default"];
+ /**
+ The internal class used to create text inputs when the `{{input}}`
+ helper is used with `type` of `text`.
+ See [Handlebars.helpers.input](/api/classes/Ember.Handlebars.helpers.html#method_input) for usage details.
+ ## Layout and LayoutName properties
+ Because HTML `input` elements are self closing `layout` and `layoutName`
+ properties will not be applied. See [Ember.View](/api/classes/Ember.View.html)'s
+ layout section for more information.
+ @class TextField
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Component
+ @uses Ember.TextSupport
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Component.extend(TextSupport, {
+ instrumentDisplay: '{{input type="text"}}',
+ classNames: ['ember-text-field'],
+ tagName: "input",
+ attributeBindings: [
+ 'accept',
+ 'autocomplete',
+ 'autosave',
+ 'dir',
+ 'formaction',
+ 'formenctype',
+ 'formmethod',
+ 'formnovalidate',
+ 'formtarget',
+ 'height',
+ 'inputmode',
+ 'lang',
+ 'list',
+ 'max',
+ 'min',
+ 'multiple',
+ 'name',
+ 'pattern',
+ 'size',
+ 'step',
+ 'type',
+ 'value',
+ 'width'
+ ],
+ /**
+ The `value` attribute of the input element. As the user inputs text, this
+ property is updated live.
+ @property value
+ @type String
+ @default ""
+ */
+ value: "",
+ /**
+ The `type` attribute of the input element.
+ @property type
+ @type String
+ @default "text"
+ */
+ type: "text",
+ /**
+ The `size` of the text field in characters.
+ @property size
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ */
+ size: null,
+ /**
+ The `pattern` attribute of input element.
+ @property pattern
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ */
+ pattern: null,
+ /**
+ The `min` attribute of input element used with `type="number"` or `type="range"`.
+ @property min
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ min: null,
+ /**
+ The `max` attribute of input element used with `type="number"` or `type="range"`.
+ @property max
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ max: null
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/mixin","ember-runtime/mixins/target_action_support","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var set = __dependency2__.set;
+ var Mixin = __dependency3__.Mixin;
+ var TargetActionSupport = __dependency4__["default"];
+ /**
+ Shared mixin used by `Ember.TextField` and `Ember.TextArea`.
+ @class TextSupport
+ @namespace Ember
+ @uses Ember.TargetActionSupport
+ @extends Ember.Mixin
+ @private
+ */
+ var TextSupport = Mixin.create(TargetActionSupport, {
+ value: "",
+ attributeBindings: [
+ 'autocapitalize',
+ 'autocorrect',
+ 'autofocus',
+ 'disabled',
+ 'form',
+ 'maxlength',
+ 'placeholder',
+ 'readonly',
+ 'required',
+ 'selectionDirection',
+ 'spellcheck',
+ 'tabindex',
+ 'title'
+ ],
+ placeholder: null,
+ disabled: false,
+ maxlength: null,
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ this.on("paste", this, this._elementValueDidChange);
+ this.on("cut", this, this._elementValueDidChange);
+ this.on("input", this, this._elementValueDidChange);
+ },
+ /**
+ The action to be sent when the user presses the return key.
+ This is similar to the `{{action}}` helper, but is fired when
+ the user presses the return key when editing a text field, and sends
+ the value of the field as the context.
+ @property action
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ */
+ action: null,
+ /**
+ The event that should send the action.
+ Options are:
+ * `enter`: the user pressed enter
+ * `keyPress`: the user pressed a key
+ @property onEvent
+ @type String
+ @default enter
+ */
+ onEvent: 'enter',
+ /**
+ Whether the `keyUp` event that triggers an `action` to be sent continues
+ propagating to other views.
+ By default, when the user presses the return key on their keyboard and
+ the text field has an `action` set, the action will be sent to the view's
+ controller and the key event will stop propagating.
+ If you would like parent views to receive the `keyUp` event even after an
+ action has been dispatched, set `bubbles` to true.
+ @property bubbles
+ @type Boolean
+ @default false
+ */
+ bubbles: false,
+ interpretKeyEvents: function(event) {
+ var map = TextSupport.KEY_EVENTS;
+ var method = map[event.keyCode];
+ this._elementValueDidChange();
+ if (method) { return this[method](event); }
+ },
+ _elementValueDidChange: function() {
+ set(this, 'value', this.$().val());
+ },
+ /**
+ Called when the user inserts a new line.
+ Called by the `Ember.TextSupport` mixin on keyUp if keycode matches 13.
+ Uses sendAction to send the `enter` action.
+ @method insertNewline
+ @param {Event} event
+ */
+ insertNewline: function(event) {
+ sendAction('enter', this, event);
+ sendAction('insert-newline', this, event);
+ },
+ /**
+ Called when the user hits escape.
+ Called by the `Ember.TextSupport` mixin on keyUp if keycode matches 27.
+ Uses sendAction to send the `escape-press` action.
+ @method cancel
+ @param {Event} event
+ */
+ cancel: function(event) {
+ sendAction('escape-press', this, event);
+ },
+ change: function(event) {
+ this._elementValueDidChange(event);
+ },
+ /**
+ Called when the text area is focused.
+ Uses sendAction to send the `focus-in` action.
+ @method focusIn
+ @param {Event} event
+ */
+ focusIn: function(event) {
+ sendAction('focus-in', this, event);
+ },
+ /**
+ Called when the text area is blurred.
+ Uses sendAction to send the `focus-out` action.
+ @method focusOut
+ @param {Event} event
+ */
+ focusOut: function(event) {
+ this._elementValueDidChange(event);
+ sendAction('focus-out', this, event);
+ },
+ /**
+ Called when the user presses a key. Enabled by setting
+ the `onEvent` property to `keyPress`.
+ Uses sendAction to send the `key-press` action.
+ @method keyPress
+ @param {Event} event
+ */
+ keyPress: function(event) {
+ sendAction('key-press', this, event);
+ },
+ /**
+ Called when the browser triggers a `keyup` event on the element.
+ Uses sendAction to send the `key-up` action passing the current value
+ and event as parameters.
+ @method keyUp
+ @param {Event} event
+ */
+ keyUp: function(event) {
+ this.interpretKeyEvents(event);
+ this.sendAction('key-up', get(this, 'value'), event);
+ },
+ /**
+ Called when the browser triggers a `keydown` event on the element.
+ Uses sendAction to send the `key-down` action passing the current value
+ and event as parameters. Note that generally in key-down the value is unchanged
+ (as the key pressing has not completed yet).
+ @method keyDown
+ @param {Event} event
+ */
+ keyDown: function(event) {
+ this.sendAction('key-down', get(this, 'value'), event);
+ }
+ });
+ TextSupport.KEY_EVENTS = {
+ 13: 'insertNewline',
+ 27: 'cancel'
+ };
+ // In principle, this shouldn't be necessary, but the legacy
+ // sendAction semantics for TextField are different from
+ // the component semantics so this method normalizes them.
+ function sendAction(eventName, view, event) {
+ var action = get(view, eventName);
+ var on = get(view, 'onEvent');
+ var value = get(view, 'value');
+ // back-compat support for keyPress as an event name even though
+ // it's also a method name that consumes the event (and therefore
+ // incompatible with sendAction semantics).
+ if (on === eventName || (on === 'keyPress' && eventName === 'key-press')) {
+ view.sendAction('action', value);
+ }
+ view.sendAction(eventName, value);
+ if (action || on === eventName) {
+ if(!get(view, 'bubbles')) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = TextSupport;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-handlebars-compiler","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/mixin","ember-views/views/view","ember-metal/path_cache","ember-metal/streams/stream","ember-metal/streams/read","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.FEATURES, Ember.assert, Ember.Handlebars, Ember.lookup
+ // var emberAssert = Ember.assert;
+ var fmt = __dependency2__.fmt;
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency4__.get;
+ var EmberError = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var IS_BINDING = __dependency6__.IS_BINDING;
+ var View = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var detectIsGlobal = __dependency8__.isGlobal;
+ // late bound via requireModule because of circular dependencies.
+ var resolveHelper, SimpleHandlebarsView;
+ var Stream = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var readArray = __dependency10__.readArray;
+ var readHash = __dependency10__.readHash;
+ var slice = [].slice;
+ /**
+ Lookup both on root and on window. If the path starts with
+ a keyword, the corresponding object will be looked up in the
+ template's data hash and used to resolve the path.
+ @method get
+ @for Ember.Handlebars
+ @param {Object} root The object to look up the property on
+ @param {String} path The path to be lookedup
+ @param {Object} options The template's option hash
+ @deprecated
+ */
+ function handlebarsGet(root, path, options) {
+ Ember.deprecate('Usage of Ember.Handlebars.get is deprecated, use a Component or Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper instead.');
+ return;
+ }
+ /**
+ handlebarsGetView resolves a view based on strings passed into a template.
+ For example:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{view "some-view"}}
+ {{view view.someView}}
+ {{view App.SomeView}} {{! deprecated }}
+ ```
+ A value is first checked to be a string- non-strings are presumed to be
+ an object and returned. This handles the "access a view on a context"
+ case (line 2 in the above examples).
+ Next a string is normalized, then called on the context with `get`. If
+ there is still no value, a GlobalPath will be fetched from the global
+ context (raising a deprecation) and a localPath will be passed to the
+ container to be looked up.
+ @private
+ @for Ember.Handlebars
+ @param {Object} context The context of the template being rendered
+ @param {String} path The path to be lookedup
+ @param {Object} container The container
+ @param {Object} data The template's data hash
+ */
+ function handlebarsGetView(context, path, container, data) {
+ var viewClass;
+ if ('string' === typeof path) {
+ if (!data) {
+ throw new Error("handlebarsGetView: must pass data");
+ }
+ // Only lookup view class on context if there is a context. If not,
+ // the global lookup path on get may kick in.
+ var lazyValue = data.view.getStream(path);
+ viewClass = lazyValue.value();
+ var isGlobal = detectIsGlobal(path);
+ if (!viewClass && !isGlobal) {
+ Ember.assert("View requires a container to resolve views not passed in through the context", !!container);
+ viewClass = container.lookupFactory('view:'+path);
+ }
+ if (!viewClass && isGlobal) {
+ var globalViewClass = get(path);
+ Ember.deprecate('Resolved the view "'+path+'" on the global context. Pass a view name to be looked' +
+ ' up on the container instead, such as {{view "select"}}.' +
+ '', !globalViewClass);
+ if (globalViewClass) {
+ viewClass = globalViewClass;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ viewClass = path;
+ }
+ // Sometimes a view's value is yet another path
+ if ('string' === typeof viewClass && data && data.view) {
+ viewClass = handlebarsGetView(data.view, viewClass, container, data);
+ }
+ Ember.assert(
+ fmt(path+" must be a subclass of Ember.View, not %@", [viewClass]),
+ View.detect(viewClass)
+ );
+ return viewClass;
+ }
+ function stringifyValue(value, shouldEscape) {
+ if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ value = "";
+ } else if (!(value instanceof Handlebars.SafeString)) {
+ value = String(value);
+ }
+ if (shouldEscape) {
+ value = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(value);
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ __exports__.stringifyValue = stringifyValue;/**
+ Registers a helper in Handlebars that will be called if no property with the
+ given name can be found on the current context object, and no helper with
+ that name is registered.
+ This throws an exception with a more helpful error message so the user can
+ track down where the problem is happening.
+ @private
+ @method helperMissing
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} path
+ @param {Hash} options
+ */
+ function helperMissingHelper(path) {
+ if (!resolveHelper) {
+ resolveHelper = requireModule('ember-handlebars/helpers/binding')['resolveHelper'];
+ } // ES6TODO: stupid circular dep
+ var error, fmtError, view = "";
+ var options = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
+ var helper = resolveHelper(,;
+ if (helper) {
+ return helper.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ if ( {
+ view =;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ error = "%@ Handlebars error: Could not find component or helper named '%@'";
+ fmtError = fmt(error, [view,]);
+ } else {
+ error = "%@ Handlebars error: Could not find property '%@' on object %@.";
+ fmtError = fmt(error, [view,, this]);
+ }
+ throw new EmberError(fmtError);
+ }
+ __exports__.helperMissingHelper = helperMissingHelper;/**
+ @private
+ @method blockHelperMissingHelper
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ */
+ function blockHelperMissingHelper() {
+ return;
+ }
+ __exports__.blockHelperMissingHelper = blockHelperMissingHelper;/**
+ Register a bound handlebars helper. Bound helpers behave similarly to regular
+ handlebars helpers, with the added ability to re-render when the underlying data
+ changes.
+ ## Simple example
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper('capitalize', function(value) {
+ return Ember.String.capitalize(value);
+ });
+ ```
+ The above bound helper can be used inside of templates as follows:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{capitalize name}}
+ ```
+ In this case, when the `name` property of the template's context changes,
+ the rendered value of the helper will update to reflect this change.
+ ## Example with options
+ Like normal handlebars helpers, bound helpers have access to the options
+ passed into the helper call.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper('repeat', function(value, options) {
+ var count = options.hash.count;
+ var a = [];
+ while(a.length < count) {
+ a.push(value);
+ }
+ return a.join('');
+ });
+ ```
+ This helper could be used in a template as follows:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{repeat text count=3}}
+ ```
+ ## Example with bound options
+ Bound hash options are also supported. Example:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{repeat text count=numRepeats}}
+ ```
+ In this example, count will be bound to the value of
+ the `numRepeats` property on the context. If that property
+ changes, the helper will be re-rendered.
+ ## Example with extra dependencies
+ The `Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper` method takes a variable length
+ third parameter which indicates extra dependencies on the passed in value.
+ This allows the handlebars helper to update when these dependencies change.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper('capitalizeName', function(value) {
+ return value.get('name').toUpperCase();
+ }, 'name');
+ ```
+ ## Example with multiple bound properties
+ `Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper` supports binding to
+ multiple properties, e.g.:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Handlebars.registerBoundHelper('concatenate', function() {
+ var values =, 0, -1);
+ return values.join('||');
+ });
+ ```
+ Which allows for template syntax such as `{{concatenate prop1 prop2}}` or
+ `{{concatenate prop1 prop2 prop3}}`. If any of the properties change,
+ the helper will re-render. Note that dependency keys cannot be
+ using in conjunction with multi-property helpers, since it is ambiguous
+ which property the dependent keys would belong to.
+ ## Use with unbound helper
+ The `{{unbound}}` helper can be used with bound helper invocations
+ to render them in their unbound form, e.g.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{unbound capitalize name}}
+ ```
+ In this example, if the name property changes, the helper
+ will not re-render.
+ ## Use with blocks not supported
+ Bound helpers do not support use with Handlebars blocks or
+ the addition of child views of any kind.
+ @method registerBoundHelper
+ @for Ember.Handlebars
+ @param {String} name
+ @param {Function} function
+ @param {String} dependentKeys*
+ */
+ function registerBoundHelper(name, fn) {
+ var boundHelperArgs =, 1);
+ var boundFn = makeBoundHelper.apply(this, boundHelperArgs);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper(name, boundFn);
+ }
+ __exports__.registerBoundHelper = registerBoundHelper;/**
+ A helper function used by `registerBoundHelper`. Takes the
+ provided Handlebars helper function fn and returns it in wrapped
+ bound helper form.
+ The main use case for using this outside of `registerBoundHelper`
+ is for registering helpers on the container:
+ ```js
+ var boundHelperFn = Ember.Handlebars.makeBoundHelper(function(word) {
+ return word.toUpperCase();
+ });
+ container.register('helper:my-bound-helper', boundHelperFn);
+ ```
+ In the above example, if the helper function hadn't been wrapped in
+ `makeBoundHelper`, the registered helper would be unbound.
+ @method makeBoundHelper
+ @for Ember.Handlebars
+ @param {Function} function
+ @param {String} dependentKeys*
+ @since 1.2.0
+ */
+ function makeBoundHelper(fn) {
+ if (!SimpleHandlebarsView) {
+ SimpleHandlebarsView = requireModule('ember-handlebars/views/handlebars_bound_view')['SimpleHandlebarsView'];
+ } // ES6TODO: stupid circular dep
+ var dependentKeys = [];
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ dependentKeys.push(arguments[i]);
+ }
+ function helper() {
+ var numParams = arguments.length - 1;
+ var options = arguments[numParams];
+ var data =;
+ var view = data.view;
+ var types = options.types;
+ var hash = options.hash;
+ var hashTypes = options.hashTypes;
+ var context = this;
+ Ember.assert("registerBoundHelper-generated helpers do not support use with Handlebars blocks.", !options.fn);
+ var properties = new Array(numParams);
+ var params = new Array(numParams);
+ for (var i = 0; i < numParams; i++) {
+ properties[i] = arguments[i];
+ if (types[i] === 'ID') {
+ params[i] = view.getStream(arguments[i]);
+ } else {
+ params[i] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ }
+ for (var prop in hash) {
+ if (IS_BINDING.test(prop)) {
+ hash[prop.slice(0, -7)] = view.getStream(hash[prop]);
+ hash[prop] = undefined;
+ } else if (hashTypes[prop] === 'ID') {
+ hash[prop] = view.getStream(hash[prop]);
+ }
+ }
+ var valueFn = function() {
+ var args = readArray(params);
+ args.push({
+ hash: readHash(hash),
+ data: { properties: properties }
+ });
+ return fn.apply(context, args);
+ };
+ if (data.isUnbound) {
+ return valueFn();
+ } else {
+ var lazyValue = new Stream(valueFn);
+ var bindView = new SimpleHandlebarsView(lazyValue, !options.hash.unescaped);
+ view.appendChild(bindView);
+ var scheduledRerender = view._wrapAsScheduled(bindView.rerender);
+ lazyValue.subscribe(scheduledRerender, bindView);
+ var param;
+ for (i = 0; i < numParams; i++) {
+ param = params[i];
+ if (param && param.isStream) {
+ param.subscribe(lazyValue.notify, lazyValue);
+ }
+ }
+ for (prop in hash) {
+ param = hash[prop];
+ if (param && param.isStream) {
+ param.subscribe(lazyValue.notify, lazyValue);
+ }
+ }
+ if (numParams > 0) {
+ var firstParam = params[0];
+ // Only bother with subscriptions if the first argument
+ // is a stream itself, and not a primitive.
+ if (firstParam && firstParam.isStream) {
+ var onDependentKeyNotify = function onDependentKeyNotify(stream) {
+ stream.value();
+ lazyValue.notify();
+ };
+ for (i = 0; i < dependentKeys.length; i++) {
+ var childParam = firstParam.get(dependentKeys[i]);
+ childParam.value();
+ childParam.subscribe(onDependentKeyNotify);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return helper;
+ }
+ __exports__.makeBoundHelper = makeBoundHelper;
+ __exports__.handlebarsGetView = handlebarsGetView;
+ __exports__.handlebarsGet = handlebarsGet;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-handlebars-compiler","ember-metal/utils","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-metal/array","ember-views/views/view","ember-metal/keys","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var uuid = __dependency3__.uuid;
+ var fmt = __dependency4__.fmt;
+ var typeOf = __dependency3__.typeOf;
+ var forEach = __dependency5__.forEach;
+ var View = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var keys = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var helpers = EmberHandlebars.helpers;
+ var SafeString = EmberHandlebars.SafeString;
+ /**
+ `bind-attr` allows you to create a binding between DOM element attributes and
+ Ember objects. For example:
+ ```handlebars
+ <img {{bind-attr src="imageUrl" alt="imageTitle"}}>
+ ```
+ The above handlebars template will fill the `<img>`'s `src` attribute with
+ the value of the property referenced with `"imageUrl"` and its `alt`
+ attribute with the value of the property referenced with `"imageTitle"`.
+ If the rendering context of this template is the following object:
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ imageUrl: '',
+ imageTitle: 'A humorous image of a cat'
+ }
+ ```
+ The resulting HTML output will be:
+ ```html
+ <img src="" alt="A humorous image of a cat">
+ ```
+ `bind-attr` cannot redeclare existing DOM element attributes. The use of `src`
+ in the following `bind-attr` example will be ignored and the hard coded value
+ of `src="/failwhale.gif"` will take precedence:
+ ```handlebars
+ <img src="/failwhale.gif" {{bind-attr src="imageUrl" alt="imageTitle"}}>
+ ```
+ ### `bind-attr` and the `class` attribute
+ `bind-attr` supports a special syntax for handling a number of cases unique
+ to the `class` DOM element attribute. The `class` attribute combines
+ multiple discrete values into a single attribute as a space-delimited
+ list of strings. Each string can be:
+ * a string return value of an object's property.
+ * a boolean return value of an object's property
+ * a hard-coded value
+ A string return value works identically to other uses of `bind-attr`. The
+ return value of the property will become the value of the attribute. For
+ example, the following view and template:
+ ```javascript
+ AView = View.extend({
+ someProperty: function() {
+ return "aValue";
+ }.property()
+ })
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ <img {{bind-attr class="view.someProperty}}>
+ ```
+ Result in the following rendered output:
+ ```html
+ <img class="aValue">
+ ```
+ A boolean return value will insert a specified class name if the property
+ returns `true` and remove the class name if the property returns `false`.
+ A class name is provided via the syntax
+ `somePropertyName:class-name-if-true`.
+ ```javascript
+ AView = View.extend({
+ someBool: true
+ })
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ <img {{bind-attr class="view.someBool:class-name-if-true"}}>
+ ```
+ Result in the following rendered output:
+ ```html
+ <img class="class-name-if-true">
+ ```
+ An additional section of the binding can be provided if you want to
+ replace the existing class instead of removing it when the boolean
+ value changes:
+ ```handlebars
+ <img {{bind-attr class="view.someBool:class-name-if-true:class-name-if-false"}}>
+ ```
+ A hard-coded value can be used by prepending `:` to the desired
+ class name: `:class-name-to-always-apply`.
+ ```handlebars
+ <img {{bind-attr class=":class-name-to-always-apply"}}>
+ ```
+ Results in the following rendered output:
+ ```html
+ <img class="class-name-to-always-apply">
+ ```
+ All three strategies - string return value, boolean return value, and
+ hard-coded value – can be combined in a single declaration:
+ ```handlebars
+ <img {{bind-attr class=":class-name-to-always-apply view.someBool:class-name-if-true view.someProperty"}}>
+ ```
+ @method bind-attr
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {Hash} options
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ function bindAttrHelper(options) {
+ var attrs = options.hash;
+ Ember.assert("You must specify at least one hash argument to bind-attr", !!keys(attrs).length);
+ var view =;
+ var ret = [];
+ // we relied on the behavior of calling without
+ // context to mean this === window, but when running
+ // "use strict", it's possible for this to === undefined;
+ var ctx = this || window;
+ // Generate a unique id for this element. This will be added as a
+ // data attribute to the element so it can be looked up when
+ // the bound property changes.
+ var dataId = uuid();
+ // Handle classes differently, as we can bind multiple classes
+ var classBindings = attrs['class'];
+ if (classBindings != null) {
+ var classResults = bindClasses(ctx, classBindings, view, dataId, options);
+ ret.push('class="' + Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(classResults.join(' ')) + '"');
+ delete attrs['class'];
+ }
+ var attrKeys = keys(attrs);
+ // For each attribute passed, create an observer and emit the
+ // current value of the property as an attribute.
+, function(attr) {
+ var path = attrs[attr];
+ Ember.assert(fmt("You must provide an expression as the value of bound attribute." +
+ " You specified: %@=%@", [attr, path]), typeof path === 'string');
+ var lazyValue = view.getStream(path);
+ var value = lazyValue.value();
+ var type = typeOf(value);
+ Ember.assert(fmt("Attributes must be numbers, strings or booleans, not %@", [value]),
+ value === null || value === undefined || type === 'number' || type === 'string' || type === 'boolean');
+ lazyValue.subscribe(view._wrapAsScheduled(function applyAttributeBindings() {
+ var result = lazyValue.value();
+ Ember.assert(fmt("Attributes must be numbers, strings or booleans, not %@", [result]),
+ result === null || result === undefined || typeof result === 'number' ||
+ typeof result === 'string' || typeof result === 'boolean');
+ var elem = view.$("[data-bindattr-" + dataId + "='" + dataId + "']");
+ Ember.assert("An attribute binding was triggered when the element was not in the DOM", elem && elem.length !== 0);
+ View.applyAttributeBindings(elem, attr, result);
+ }));
+ // if this changes, also change the logic in ember-views/lib/views/view.js
+ if ((type === 'string' || (type === 'number' && !isNaN(value)))) {
+ ret.push(attr + '="' + Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(value) + '"');
+ } else if (value && type === 'boolean') {
+ // The developer controls the attr name, so it should always be safe
+ ret.push(attr + '="' + attr + '"');
+ }
+ }, this);
+ // Add the unique identifier
+ // NOTE: We use all lower-case since Firefox has problems with mixed case in SVG
+ ret.push('data-bindattr-' + dataId + '="' + dataId + '"');
+ return new SafeString(ret.join(' '));
+ }
+ /**
+ See `bind-attr`
+ @method bindAttr
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @deprecated
+ @param {Function} context
+ @param {Hash} options
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ function bindAttrHelperDeprecated() {
+ Ember.deprecate("The 'bindAttr' view helper is deprecated in favor of 'bind-attr'");
+ return helpers['bind-attr'].apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ /**
+ Helper that, given a space-separated string of property paths and a context,
+ returns an array of class names. Calling this method also has the side
+ effect of setting up observers at those property paths, such that if they
+ change, the correct class name will be reapplied to the DOM element.
+ For example, if you pass the string "fooBar", it will first look up the
+ "fooBar" value of the context. If that value is true, it will add the
+ "foo-bar" class to the current element (i.e., the dasherized form of
+ "fooBar"). If the value is a string, it will add that string as the class.
+ Otherwise, it will not add any new class name.
+ @private
+ @method bindClasses
+ @for Ember.Handlebars
+ @param {Ember.Object} context The context from which to lookup properties
+ @param {String} classBindings A string, space-separated, of class bindings
+ to use
+ @param {View} view The view in which observers should look for the
+ element to update
+ @param {Srting} bindAttrId Optional bindAttr id used to lookup elements
+ @return {Array} An array of class names to add
+ */
+ function bindClasses(context, classBindings, view, bindAttrId, options) {
+ var ret = [];
+ var newClass, value, elem;
+ // For each property passed, loop through and setup
+ // an observer.
+' '), function(binding) {
+ // Variable in which the old class value is saved. The observer function
+ // closes over this variable, so it knows which string to remove when
+ // the property changes.
+ var oldClass;
+ var parsedPath = View._parsePropertyPath(binding);
+ var path = parsedPath.path;
+ var initialValue;
+ if (path === '') {
+ initialValue = true;
+ } else {
+ var lazyValue = view.getStream(path);
+ initialValue = lazyValue.value();
+ // Set up an observer on the context. If the property changes, toggle the
+ // class name.
+ lazyValue.subscribe(view._wrapAsScheduled(function applyClassNameBindings() {
+ // Get the current value of the property
+ var value = lazyValue.value();
+ newClass = classStringForParsedPath(parsedPath, value);
+ elem = bindAttrId ? view.$("[data-bindattr-" + bindAttrId + "='" + bindAttrId + "']") : view.$();
+ Ember.assert("A class name binding was triggered when the element was not in the DOM", elem && elem.length !== 0);
+ // If we had previously added a class to the element, remove it.
+ if (oldClass) {
+ elem.removeClass(oldClass);
+ }
+ // If necessary, add a new class. Make sure we keep track of it so
+ // it can be removed in the future.
+ if (newClass) {
+ elem.addClass(newClass);
+ oldClass = newClass;
+ } else {
+ oldClass = null;
+ }
+ }));
+ }
+ // We've already setup the observer; now we just need to figure out the
+ // correct behavior right now on the first pass through.
+ value = classStringForParsedPath(parsedPath, initialValue);
+ if (value) {
+ ret.push(value);
+ // Make sure we save the current value so that it can be removed if the
+ // observer fires.
+ oldClass = value;
+ }
+ });
+ return ret;
+ }
+ function classStringForParsedPath(parsedPath, value) {
+ return View._classStringForValue(parsedPath.path, value, parsedPath.className, parsedPath.falsyClassName);
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = bindAttrHelper;
+ __exports__.bindAttrHelper = bindAttrHelper;
+ __exports__.bindAttrHelperDeprecated = bindAttrHelperDeprecated;
+ __exports__.bindClasses = bindClasses;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-handlebars-compiler","ember-metal/is_none","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/cache","ember-metal/streams/simple","ember-handlebars/views/handlebars_bound_view","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var isNone = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var Cache = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var SimpleStream = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var _HandlebarsBoundView = __dependency7__._HandlebarsBoundView;
+ var SimpleHandlebarsView = __dependency7__.SimpleHandlebarsView;
+ var helpers = EmberHandlebars.helpers;
+ function exists(value) {
+ return !isNone(value);
+ }
+ // Binds a property into the DOM. This will create a hook in DOM that the
+ // KVO system will look for and update if the property changes.
+ function bind(property, options, preserveContext, shouldDisplay, valueNormalizer, childProperties, _viewClass) {
+ var data =;
+ var view = data.view;
+ // we relied on the behavior of calling without
+ // context to mean this === window, but when running
+ // "use strict", it's possible for this to === undefined;
+ var currentContext = this || window;
+ var valueStream = view.getStream(property);
+ var lazyValue;
+ if (childProperties) {
+ lazyValue = new SimpleStream(valueStream);
+ var subscriber = function(childStream) {
+ childStream.value();
+ lazyValue.notify();
+ };
+ for (var i = 0; i < childProperties.length; i++) {
+ var childStream = valueStream.get(childProperties[i]);
+ childStream.value();
+ childStream.subscribe(subscriber);
+ }
+ } else {
+ lazyValue = valueStream;
+ }
+ // Set up observers for observable objects
+ var viewClass = _viewClass || _HandlebarsBoundView;
+ var viewOptions = {
+ preserveContext: preserveContext,
+ shouldDisplayFunc: shouldDisplay,
+ valueNormalizerFunc: valueNormalizer,
+ displayTemplate: options.fn,
+ inverseTemplate: options.inverse,
+ lazyValue: lazyValue,
+ previousContext: currentContext,
+ isEscaped: !options.hash.unescaped,
+ templateData:,
+ templateHash: options.hash,
+ helperName: options.helperName
+ };
+ if (options.keywords) {
+ viewOptions._keywords = options.keywords;
+ }
+ // Create the view that will wrap the output of this template/property
+ // and add it to the nearest view's childViews array.
+ // See the documentation of Ember._HandlebarsBoundView for more.
+ var bindView = view.createChildView(viewClass, viewOptions);
+ view.appendChild(bindView);
+ lazyValue.subscribe(view._wrapAsScheduled(function() {
+ run.scheduleOnce('render', bindView, 'rerenderIfNeeded');
+ }));
+ }
+ function simpleBind(currentContext, lazyValue, options) {
+ var data =;
+ var view = data.view;
+ var bindView = new SimpleHandlebarsView(
+ lazyValue, !options.hash.unescaped
+ );
+ bindView._parentView = view;
+ view.appendChild(bindView);
+ lazyValue.subscribe(view._wrapAsScheduled(function() {
+ run.scheduleOnce('render', bindView, 'rerender');
+ }));
+ }
+ /**
+ '_triageMustache' is used internally select between a binding, helper, or component for
+ the given context. Until this point, it would be hard to determine if the
+ mustache is a property reference or a regular helper reference. This triage
+ helper resolves that.
+ This would not be typically invoked by directly.
+ @private
+ @method _triageMustache
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} property Property/helperID to triage
+ @param {Object} options hash of template/rendering options
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ function _triageMustacheHelper(property, options) {
+ Ember.assert("You cannot pass more than one argument to the _triageMustache helper", arguments.length <= 2);
+ var helper = EmberHandlebars.resolveHelper(, property);
+ if (helper) {
+ return, options);
+ }
+ return, property, options);
+ }
+ var ISNT_HELPER_CACHE = new Cache(1000, function(key) {
+ return key.indexOf('-') === -1;
+ });
+ /**
+ Used to lookup/resolve handlebars helpers. The lookup order is:
+ * Look for a registered helper
+ * If a dash exists in the name:
+ * Look for a helper registed in the container
+ * Use Ember.ComponentLookup to find an Ember.Component that resolves
+ to the given name
+ @private
+ @method resolveHelper
+ @param {Container} container
+ @param {String} name the name of the helper to lookup
+ @return {Handlebars Helper}
+ */
+ function resolveHelper(container, name) {
+ if (helpers[name]) {
+ return helpers[name];
+ }
+ if (!container || ISNT_HELPER_CACHE.get(name)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var helper = container.lookup('helper:' + name);
+ if (!helper) {
+ var componentLookup = container.lookup('component-lookup:main');
+ Ember.assert("Could not find 'component-lookup:main' on the provided container," +
+ " which is necessary for performing component lookups", componentLookup);
+ var Component = componentLookup.lookupFactory(name, container);
+ if (Component) {
+ helper = EmberHandlebars.makeViewHelper(Component);
+ container.register('helper:' + name, helper);
+ }
+ }
+ return helper;
+ }
+ /**
+ `bind` can be used to display a value, then update that value if it
+ changes. For example, if you wanted to print the `title` property of
+ `content`:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{bind "content.title"}}
+ ```
+ This will return the `title` property as a string, then create a new observer
+ at the specified path. If it changes, it will update the value in DOM. Note
+ that if you need to support IE7 and IE8 you must modify the model objects
+ properties using `Ember.get()` and `Ember.set()` for this to work as it
+ relies on Ember's KVO system. For all other browsers this will be handled for
+ you automatically.
+ @private
+ @method bind
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} property Property to bind
+ @param {Function} fn Context to provide for rendering
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ function bindHelper(property, options) {
+ Ember.assert("You cannot pass more than one argument to the bind helper", arguments.length <= 2);
+ var context = (options.contexts && options.contexts.length) ? options.contexts[0] : this;
+ if (!options.fn) {
+ var lazyValue =;
+ return simpleBind(context, lazyValue, options);
+ }
+ options.helperName = 'bind';
+ return, property, options, false, exists);
+ }
+ __exports__.bind = bind;
+ __exports__._triageMustacheHelper = _triageMustacheHelper;
+ __exports__.resolveHelper = resolveHelper;
+ __exports__.bindHelper = bindHelper;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-handlebars-compiler","ember-metal/mixin","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/streams/simple","ember-handlebars/ext","ember-handlebars/helpers/view","ember-views/views/view","ember-views/views/collection_view","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert, Ember.deprecate
+ // var emberAssert = Ember.assert;
+ // emberDeprecate = Ember.deprecate;
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var IS_BINDING = __dependency3__.IS_BINDING;
+ var fmt = __dependency4__.fmt;
+ var get = __dependency5__.get;
+ var SimpleStream = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var handlebarsGetView = __dependency7__.handlebarsGetView;
+ var ViewHelper = __dependency8__.ViewHelper;
+ var View = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var CollectionView = __dependency10__["default"];
+ /**
+ `{{collection}}` is a `Ember.Handlebars` helper for adding instances of
+ `Ember.CollectionView` to a template. See [Ember.CollectionView](/api/classes/Ember.CollectionView.html)
+ for additional information on how a `CollectionView` functions.
+ `{{collection}}`'s primary use is as a block helper with a `contentBinding`
+ option pointing towards an `Ember.Array`-compatible object. An `Ember.View`
+ instance will be created for each item in its `content` property. Each view
+ will have its own `content` property set to the appropriate item in the
+ collection.
+ The provided block will be applied as the template for each item's view.
+ Given an empty `<body>` the following template:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{! application.hbs }}
+ {{#collection content=model}}
+ Hi {{}}
+ {{/collection}}
+ ```
+ And the following application code
+ ```javascript
+ App = Ember.Application.create();
+ App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ model: function(){
+ return [{name: 'Yehuda'},{name: 'Tom'},{name: 'Peter'}];
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ The following HTML will result:
+ ```html
+ <div class="ember-view">
+ <div class="ember-view">Hi Yehuda</div>
+ <div class="ember-view">Hi Tom</div>
+ <div class="ember-view">Hi Peter</div>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ ### Non-block version of collection
+ If you provide an `itemViewClass` option that has its own `template` you may
+ omit the block.
+ The following template:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{! application.hbs }}
+ {{collection content=model itemViewClass="an-item"}}
+ ```
+ And application code
+ ```javascript
+ App = Ember.Application.create();
+ App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ model: function(){
+ return [{name: 'Yehuda'},{name: 'Tom'},{name: 'Peter'}];
+ }
+ });
+ App.AnItemView = Ember.View.extend({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("Greetings {{}}")
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in the HTML structure below
+ ```html
+ <div class="ember-view">
+ <div class="ember-view">Greetings Yehuda</div>
+ <div class="ember-view">Greetings Tom</div>
+ <div class="ember-view">Greetings Peter</div>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ ### Specifying a CollectionView subclass
+ By default the `{{collection}}` helper will create an instance of
+ `Ember.CollectionView`. You can supply a `Ember.CollectionView` subclass to
+ the helper by passing it as the first argument:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#collection "my-custom-collection" content=model}}
+ Hi {{}}
+ {{/collection}}
+ ```
+ This example would look for the class `App.MyCustomCollection`.
+ ### Forwarded `item.*`-named Options
+ As with the `{{view}}`, helper options passed to the `{{collection}}` will be
+ set on the resulting `Ember.CollectionView` as properties. Additionally,
+ options prefixed with `item` will be applied to the views rendered for each
+ item (note the camelcasing):
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#collection content=model
+ itemTagName="p"
+ itemClassNames="greeting"}}
+ Howdy {{}}
+ {{/collection}}
+ ```
+ Will result in the following HTML structure:
+ ```html
+ <div class="ember-view">
+ <p class="ember-view greeting">Howdy Yehuda</p>
+ <p class="ember-view greeting">Howdy Tom</p>
+ <p class="ember-view greeting">Howdy Peter</p>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ @method collection
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} path
+ @param {Hash} options
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ @deprecated Use `{{each}}` helper instead.
+ */
+ function collectionHelper(path, options) {
+ Ember.deprecate("Using the {{collection}} helper without specifying a class has been" +
+ " deprecated as the {{each}} helper now supports the same functionality.", path !== 'collection');
+ // If no path is provided, treat path param as options.
+ if (path && && {
+ options = path;
+ path = undefined;
+ Ember.assert("You cannot pass more than one argument to the collection helper", arguments.length === 1);
+ } else {
+ Ember.assert("You cannot pass more than one argument to the collection helper", arguments.length === 2);
+ }
+ var fn = options.fn,
+ data =,
+ inverse = options.inverse,
+ view =,
+ // This should be deterministic, and should probably come from a
+ // parent view and not the controller.
+ container = (view.controller && view.controller.container ? view.controller.container : view.container);
+ // If passed a path string, convert that into an object.
+ // Otherwise, just default to the standard class.
+ var collectionClass;
+ if (path) {
+ collectionClass = handlebarsGetView(this, path, container,;
+ Ember.assert(fmt("%@ #collection: Could not find collection class %@", [data.view, path]), !!collectionClass);
+ }
+ else {
+ collectionClass = CollectionView;
+ }
+ var hash = options.hash;
+ var hashTypes = options.hashTypes;
+ var itemHash = {};
+ var match;
+ // Extract item view class if provided else default to the standard class
+ var collectionPrototype = collectionClass.proto();
+ var itemViewClass;
+ if (hash.itemView) {
+ itemViewClass = hash.itemView;
+ } else if (hash.itemViewClass) {
+ if (hashTypes.itemViewClass === 'ID') {
+ var itemViewClassStream = view.getStream(hash.itemViewClass);
+ Ember.deprecate('Resolved the view "'+hash.itemViewClass+'" on the global context. Pass a view name to be looked up on the container instead, such as {{view "select"}}.', !itemViewClassStream.isGlobal());
+ itemViewClass = itemViewClassStream.value();
+ } else {
+ itemViewClass = hash.itemViewClass;
+ }
+ } else {
+ itemViewClass = collectionPrototype.itemViewClass;
+ }
+ if (typeof itemViewClass === 'string') {
+ itemViewClass = container.lookupFactory('view:'+itemViewClass);
+ }
+ Ember.assert(fmt("%@ #collection: Could not find itemViewClass %@", [data.view, itemViewClass]), !!itemViewClass);
+ delete hash.itemViewClass;
+ delete hash.itemView;
+ delete hashTypes.itemViewClass;
+ delete hashTypes.itemView;
+ // Go through options passed to the {{collection}} helper and extract options
+ // that configure item views instead of the collection itself.
+ for (var prop in hash) {
+ if (prop === 'itemController' || prop === 'itemClassBinding') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (hash.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
+ match = prop.match(/^item(.)(.*)$/);
+ if (match) {
+ var childProp = match[1].toLowerCase() + match[2];
+ if (hashTypes[prop] === 'ID' || IS_BINDING.test(prop)) {
+ itemHash[childProp] = view._getBindingForStream(hash[prop]);
+ } else {
+ itemHash[childProp] = hash[prop];
+ }
+ delete hash[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (fn) {
+ itemHash.template = fn;
+ delete options.fn;
+ }
+ var emptyViewClass;
+ if (inverse && inverse !== EmberHandlebars.VM.noop) {
+ emptyViewClass = get(collectionPrototype, 'emptyViewClass');
+ emptyViewClass = emptyViewClass.extend({
+ template: inverse,
+ tagName: itemHash.tagName
+ });
+ } else if (hash.emptyViewClass) {
+ emptyViewClass = handlebarsGetView(this, hash.emptyViewClass, container,;
+ }
+ if (emptyViewClass) { hash.emptyView = emptyViewClass; }
+ if (hash.keyword) {
+ itemHash._contextBinding = '_parentView.context';
+ } else {
+ itemHash._contextBinding = 'content';
+ }
+ var viewOptions = ViewHelper.propertiesFromHTMLOptions({ data: data, hash: itemHash }, this);
+ if (hash.itemClassBinding) {
+ var itemClassBindings = hash.itemClassBinding.split(' ');
+ for (var i = 0; i < itemClassBindings.length; i++) {
+ var parsedPath = View._parsePropertyPath(itemClassBindings[i]);
+ if (parsedPath.path === '') {
+ = new SimpleStream(true);
+ } else {
+ = view.getStream(parsedPath.path);
+ }
+ itemClassBindings[i] = parsedPath;
+ }
+ viewOptions.classNameBindings = itemClassBindings;
+ }
+ hash.itemViewClass = itemViewClass;
+ hash._itemViewProps = viewOptions;
+ options.helperName = options.helperName || 'collection';
+ return, collectionClass, options);
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = collectionHelper;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/logger","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /*jshint debug:true*/
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.FEATURES,
+ var inspect = __dependency2__.inspect;
+ var Logger = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var a_slice = [].slice;
+ /**
+ `log` allows you to output the value of variables in the current rendering
+ context. `log` also accepts primitive types such as strings or numbers.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{log "myVariable:" myVariable }}
+ ```
+ @method log
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} property
+ */
+ function logHelper() {
+ var params =, 0, -1);
+ var options = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
+ var view =;
+ var logger = Logger.log;
+ var values = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
+ if (options.types[i] === 'ID') {
+ var stream = view.getStream(params[i]);
+ values.push(stream.value());
+ } else {
+ values.push(params[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ logger.apply(logger, values);
+ }
+ /**
+ Execute the `debugger` statement in the current context.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{debugger}}
+ ```
+ Before invoking the `debugger` statement, there
+ are a few helpful variables defined in the
+ body of this helper that you can inspect while
+ debugging that describe how and where this
+ helper was invoked:
+ - templateContext: this is most likely a controller
+ from which this template looks up / displays properties
+ - typeOfTemplateContext: a string description of
+ what the templateContext is
+ For example, if you're wondering why a value `{{foo}}`
+ isn't rendering as expected within a template, you
+ could place a `{{debugger}}` statement, and when
+ the `debugger;` breakpoint is hit, you can inspect
+ `templateContext`, determine if it's the object you
+ expect, and/or evaluate expressions in the console
+ to perform property lookups on the `templateContext`:
+ ```
+ > templateContext.get('foo') // -> "<value of {{foo}}>"
+ ```
+ @method debugger
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} property
+ */
+ function debuggerHelper(options) {
+ // These are helpful values you can inspect while debugging.
+ /* jshint unused: false */
+ var templateContext = this;
+ var typeOfTemplateContext = inspect(templateContext);
+'Use `this` to access the context of the calling template.');
+ debugger;
+ }
+ __exports__.logHelper = logHelper;
+ __exports__.debuggerHelper = debuggerHelper;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-handlebars-compiler","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-views/views/collection_view","ember-metal/binding","ember-runtime/mixins/controller","ember-runtime/controllers/array_controller","ember-runtime/mixins/array","ember-metal/observer","ember-handlebars/views/metamorph_view","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert;, Ember.K
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var fmt = __dependency3__.fmt;
+ var get = __dependency4__.get;
+ var set = __dependency5__.set;
+ var CollectionView = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var Binding = __dependency7__.Binding;
+ var ControllerMixin = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var ArrayController = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var EmberArray = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var addObserver = __dependency11__.addObserver;
+ var removeObserver = __dependency11__.removeObserver;
+ var addBeforeObserver = __dependency11__.addBeforeObserver;
+ var removeBeforeObserver = __dependency11__.removeBeforeObserver;
+ var _MetamorphView = __dependency12__["default"];
+ var _Metamorph = __dependency12__._Metamorph;
+ var EachView = CollectionView.extend(_Metamorph, {
+ init: function() {
+ var itemController = get(this, 'itemController');
+ var binding;
+ if (itemController) {
+ var controller = get(this, 'controller.container').lookupFactory('controller:array').create({
+ _isVirtual: true,
+ parentController: get(this, 'controller'),
+ itemController: itemController,
+ target: get(this, 'controller'),
+ _eachView: this
+ });
+ this.disableContentObservers(function() {
+ set(this, 'content', controller);
+ binding = new Binding('content', '_eachView.dataSource').oneWay();
+ binding.connect(controller);
+ });
+ set(this, '_arrayController', controller);
+ } else {
+ this.disableContentObservers(function() {
+ binding = new Binding('content', 'dataSource').oneWay();
+ binding.connect(this);
+ });
+ }
+ return this._super();
+ },
+ _assertArrayLike: function(content) {
+ Ember.assert(fmt("The value that #each loops over must be an Array. You " +
+ "passed %@, but it should have been an ArrayController",
+ [content.constructor]),
+ !ControllerMixin.detect(content) ||
+ (content && content.isGenerated) ||
+ content instanceof ArrayController);
+ Ember.assert(fmt("The value that #each loops over must be an Array. You passed %@",
+ [(ControllerMixin.detect(content) &&
+ content.get('model') !== undefined) ?
+ fmt("'%@' (wrapped in %@)", [content.get('model'), content]) : content]),
+ EmberArray.detect(content));
+ },
+ disableContentObservers: function(callback) {
+ removeBeforeObserver(this, 'content', null, '_contentWillChange');
+ removeObserver(this, 'content', null, '_contentDidChange');
+ addBeforeObserver(this, 'content', null, '_contentWillChange');
+ addObserver(this, 'content', null, '_contentDidChange');
+ },
+ itemViewClass: _MetamorphView,
+ emptyViewClass: _MetamorphView,
+ createChildView: function(view, attrs) {
+ view = this._super(view, attrs);
+ var content = get(view, 'content');
+ var keyword = get(this, 'keyword');
+ if (keyword) {
+ view._keywords[keyword] = content;
+ }
+ // If {{#each}} is looping over an array of controllers,
+ // point each child view at their respective controller.
+ if (content && content.isController) {
+ set(view, 'controller', content);
+ }
+ return view;
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ if (!this._super()) { return; }
+ var arrayController = get(this, '_arrayController');
+ if (arrayController) {
+ arrayController.destroy();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ The `{{#each}}` helper loops over elements in a collection. It is an extension
+ of the base Handlebars `{{#each}}` helper.
+ The default behavior of `{{#each}}` is to yield its inner block once for every
+ item in an array.
+ ```javascript
+ var developers = [{name: 'Yehuda'},{name: 'Tom'}, {name: 'Paul'}];
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#each person in developers}}
+ {{}}
+ {{! `this` is whatever it was outside the #each }}
+ {{/each}}
+ ```
+ The same rules apply to arrays of primitives, but the items may need to be
+ references with `{{this}}`.
+ ```javascript
+ var developerNames = ['Yehuda', 'Tom', 'Paul']
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#each name in developerNames}}
+ {{name}}
+ {{/each}}
+ ```
+ ### {{else}} condition
+ `{{#each}}` can have a matching `{{else}}`. The contents of this block will render
+ if the collection is empty.
+ ```
+ {{#each person in developers}}
+ {{}}
+ {{else}}
+ <p>Sorry, nobody is available for this task.</p>
+ {{/each}}
+ ```
+ ### Specifying an alternative view for each item
+ `itemViewClass` can control which view will be used during the render of each
+ item's template.
+ The following template:
+ ```handlebars
+ <ul>
+ {{#each developer in developers itemViewClass="person"}}
+ {{}}
+ {{/each}}
+ </ul>
+ ```
+ Will use the following view for each item
+ ```javascript
+ App.PersonView = Ember.View.extend({
+ tagName: 'li'
+ });
+ ```
+ Resulting in HTML output that looks like the following:
+ ```html
+ <ul>
+ <li class="ember-view">Yehuda</li>
+ <li class="ember-view">Tom</li>
+ <li class="ember-view">Paul</li>
+ </ul>
+ ```
+ `itemViewClass` also enables a non-block form of `{{each}}`. The view
+ must {{#crossLink "Ember.View/toc_templates"}}provide its own template{{/crossLink}},
+ and then the block should be dropped. An example that outputs the same HTML
+ as the previous one:
+ ```javascript
+ App.PersonView = Ember.View.extend({
+ tagName: 'li',
+ template: '{{}}'
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ <ul>
+ {{each developer in developers itemViewClass="person"}}
+ </ul>
+ ```
+ ### Specifying an alternative view for no items (else)
+ The `emptyViewClass` option provides the same flexibility to the `{{else}}`
+ case of the each helper.
+ ```javascript
+ App.NoPeopleView = Ember.View.extend({
+ tagName: 'li',
+ template: 'No person is available, sorry'
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ <ul>
+ {{#each developer in developers emptyViewClass="no-people"}}
+ <li>{{}}</li>
+ {{/each}}
+ </ul>
+ ```
+ ### Wrapping each item in a controller
+ Controllers in Ember manage state and decorate data. In many cases,
+ providing a controller for each item in a list can be useful.
+ Specifically, an {{#crossLink "Ember.ObjectController"}}Ember.ObjectController{{/crossLink}}
+ should probably be used. Item controllers are passed the item they
+ will present as a `model` property, and an object controller will
+ proxy property lookups to `model` for us.
+ This allows state and decoration to be added to the controller
+ while any other property lookups are delegated to the model. An example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.RecruitController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ isAvailableForHire: function() {
+ return !this.get('isEmployed') && this.get('isSeekingWork');
+ }.property('isEmployed', 'isSeekingWork')
+ })
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#each person in developers itemController="recruit"}}
+ {{}} {{#if person.isAvailableForHire}}Hire me!{{/if}}
+ {{/each}}
+ ```
+ @method each
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param [name] {String} name for item (used with `in`)
+ @param [path] {String} path
+ @param [options] {Object} Handlebars key/value pairs of options
+ @param [options.itemViewClass] {String} a path to a view class used for each item
+ @param [options.emptyViewClass] {String} a path to a view class used for each item
+ @param [options.itemController] {String} name of a controller to be created for each item
+ */
+ function eachHelper(path) {
+ var options = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
+ var helperName = 'each';
+ var keywordName;
+ if (arguments.length === 4) {
+ Ember.assert("If you pass more than one argument to the each helper," +
+ " it must be in the form #each foo in bar", arguments[1] === "in");
+ keywordName = arguments[0];
+ path = arguments[2];
+ helperName += ' ' + keywordName + ' in ' + path;
+ options.hash.keyword = keywordName;
+ } else if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ path = '';
+ } else {
+ helperName += ' ' + path;
+ }
+ Ember.deprecate('Using the context switching form of {{each}} is deprecated. Please use the keyword form (`{{#each foo in bar}}`) instead. See for more details.', keywordName);
+ options.hash.emptyViewClass = Ember._MetamorphView;
+ options.hash.dataSourceBinding = path;
+ options.hashTypes.dataSourceBinding = 'STRING';
+ options.helperName = options.helperName || helperName;
+ return, EmberHandlebars.EachView, options);
+ }
+ __exports__.EachView = EachView;
+ __exports__.eachHelper = eachHelper;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-handlebars-compiler","ember-handlebars/helpers/binding","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var bind = __dependency3__.bind;
+ var get = __dependency4__.get;
+ var isArray = __dependency5__.isArray;
+ var helpers = EmberHandlebars.helpers;
+ function shouldDisplayIfHelperContent(result) {
+ var truthy = result && get(result, 'isTruthy');
+ if (typeof truthy === 'boolean') { return truthy; }
+ if (isArray(result)) {
+ return get(result, 'length') !== 0;
+ } else {
+ return !!result;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ Use the `boundIf` helper to create a conditional that re-evaluates
+ whenever the truthiness of the bound value changes.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#boundIf "content.shouldDisplayTitle"}}
+ {{content.title}}
+ {{/boundIf}}
+ ```
+ @private
+ @method boundIf
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} property Property to bind
+ @param {Function} fn Context to provide for rendering
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ function boundIfHelper(property, fn) {
+ var context = (fn.contexts && fn.contexts.length) ? fn.contexts[0] : this;
+ fn.helperName = fn.helperName || 'boundIf';
+ return, property, fn, true, shouldDisplayIfHelperContent, shouldDisplayIfHelperContent, [
+ 'isTruthy',
+ 'length'
+ ]);
+ }
+ /**
+ @private
+ Use the `unboundIf` helper to create a conditional that evaluates once.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#unboundIf "content.shouldDisplayTitle"}}
+ {{content.title}}
+ {{/unboundIf}}
+ ```
+ @method unboundIf
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} property Property to bind
+ @param {Function} fn Context to provide for rendering
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ function unboundIfHelper(property, fn) {
+ var context = (fn.contexts && fn.contexts.length) ? fn.contexts[0] : this;
+ var data =;
+ var view = data.view;
+ var template = fn.fn;
+ var inverse = fn.inverse;
+ var propertyValue = view.getStream(property).value();
+ if (!shouldDisplayIfHelperContent(propertyValue)) {
+ template = inverse;
+ }
+ template(context, { data: data });
+ }
+ /**
+ See [boundIf](/api/classes/Ember.Handlebars.helpers.html#method_boundIf)
+ and [unboundIf](/api/classes/Ember.Handlebars.helpers.html#method_unboundIf)
+ @method if
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {Function} context
+ @param {Hash} options
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ function ifHelper(context, options) {
+ Ember.assert("You must pass exactly one argument to the if helper", arguments.length === 2);
+ Ember.assert("You must pass a block to the if helper", options.fn && options.fn !== Handlebars.VM.noop);
+ options.helperName = options.helperName || ('if ' + context);
+ if ( {
+ return[0], context, options);
+ } else {
+ return[0], context, options);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ @method unless
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {Function} context
+ @param {Hash} options
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ function unlessHelper(context, options) {
+ Ember.assert("You must pass exactly one argument to the unless helper", arguments.length === 2);
+ Ember.assert("You must pass a block to the unless helper", options.fn && options.fn !== Handlebars.VM.noop);
+ var fn = options.fn;
+ var inverse = options.inverse;
+ var helperName = 'unless';
+ if (context) {
+ helperName += ' ' + context;
+ }
+ options.fn = inverse;
+ options.inverse = fn;
+ options.helperName = options.helperName || helperName;
+ if ( {
+ return[0], context, options);
+ } else {
+ return[0], context, options);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.ifHelper = ifHelper;
+ __exports__.boundIfHelper = boundIfHelper;
+ __exports__.unboundIfHelper = unboundIfHelper;
+ __exports__.unlessHelper = unlessHelper;
+ });
+ ["ember-runtime/system/string","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var loc = __dependency1__.loc;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ /**
+ Calls [Ember.String.loc](/api/classes/Ember.String.html#method_loc) with the
+ provided string.
+ This is a convenient way to localize text within a template:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.STRINGS = {
+ '_welcome_': 'Bonjour'
+ };
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ <div class='message'>
+ {{loc '_welcome_'}}
+ </div>
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <div class='message'>
+ Bonjour
+ </div>
+ ```
+ See [Ember.String.loc](/api/classes/Ember.String.html#method_loc) for how to
+ set up localized string references.
+ @method loc
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} str The string to format
+ @see {Ember.String#loc}
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = loc;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/is_none","ember-handlebars/helpers/binding","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ // var emberAssert = Ember.assert;
+ var isNone = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var bind = __dependency3__.bind;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ /**
+ The `partial` helper renders another template without
+ changing the template context:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{foo}}
+ {{partial "nav"}}
+ ```
+ The above example template will render a template named
+ "_nav", which has the same context as the parent template
+ it's rendered into, so if the "_nav" template also referenced
+ `{{foo}}`, it would print the same thing as the `{{foo}}`
+ in the above example.
+ If a "_nav" template isn't found, the `partial` helper will
+ fall back to a template named "nav".
+ ## Bound template names
+ The parameter supplied to `partial` can also be a path
+ to a property containing a template name, e.g.:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{partial someTemplateName}}
+ ```
+ The above example will look up the value of `someTemplateName`
+ on the template context (e.g. a controller) and use that
+ value as the name of the template to render. If the resolved
+ value is falsy, nothing will be rendered. If `someTemplateName`
+ changes, the partial will be re-rendered using the new template
+ name.
+ @method partial
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} partialName the name of the template to render minus the leading underscore
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function partialHelper(name, options) {
+ var view =;
+ var context = (options.contexts && options.contexts.length) ? options.contexts[0] : this;
+ options.helperName = options.helperName || 'partial';
+ if (options.types[0] === "ID") {
+ var partialNameStream = view.getStream(name);
+ // Helper was passed a property path; we need to
+ // create a binding that will re-render whenever
+ // this property changes.
+ options.fn = function(context, fnOptions) {
+ renderPartial(context, partialNameStream.value(), fnOptions);
+ };
+ return, name, options, true, exists);
+ } else {
+ // Render the partial right into parent template.
+ renderPartial(context, name, options);
+ }
+ }
+ function exists(value) {
+ return !isNone(value);
+ }
+ function renderPartial(context, name, options) {
+ var nameParts = name.split("/");
+ var lastPart = nameParts[nameParts.length - 1];
+ nameParts[nameParts.length - 1] = "_" + lastPart;
+ var view =;
+ var underscoredName = nameParts.join("/");
+ var template = view.templateForName(underscoredName);
+ var deprecatedTemplate = !template && view.templateForName(name);
+ Ember.assert("Unable to find partial with name '"+name+"'.", template || deprecatedTemplate);
+ template = template || deprecatedTemplate;
+ template(context, {
+ data:
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-handlebars-compiler","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.deprecate;
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency2__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ /**
+ @deprecated
+ @method template
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} templateName the template to render
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function templateHelper(name, options) {
+ Ember.deprecate("The `template` helper has been deprecated in favor of the `partial` helper." +
+ " Please use `partial` instead, which will work the same way.");
+ options.helperName = options.helperName || 'template';
+ return EmberHandlebars.helpers.partial.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-handlebars-compiler","ember-handlebars/helpers/binding","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var resolveHelper = __dependency2__.resolveHelper;
+ /**
+ `unbound` allows you to output a property without binding. *Important:* The
+ output will not be updated if the property changes. Use with caution.
+ ```handlebars
+ <div>{{unbound somePropertyThatDoesntChange}}</div>
+ ```
+ `unbound` can also be used in conjunction with a bound helper to
+ render it in its unbound form:
+ ```handlebars
+ <div>{{unbound helperName somePropertyThatDoesntChange}}</div>
+ ```
+ @method unbound
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} property
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function unboundHelper(property) {
+ var argsLength = arguments.length;
+ var options = arguments[argsLength - 1];
+ var view =;
+ var container = view.container;
+ if (argsLength <= 2) {
+ return view.getStream(property).value();
+ } else {
+ = true;
+ options.types.shift();
+ var args = new Array(argsLength - 1);
+ for (var i = 1; i < argsLength; i++) {
+ args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ var helper = resolveHelper(container, property) || EmberHandlebars.helpers.helperMissing;
+ // Attempt to exec the first field as a helper
+ = arguments[0];
+ var result = helper.apply(this, args);
+ delete;
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/keys","ember-metal/mixin","ember-views/streams/read","ember-views/views/view","ember-metal/streams/simple","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.warn, Ember.assert
+ // var emberWarn = Ember.warn, emberAssert = Ember.assert;
+ var EmberObject = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency3__.get;
+ var keys = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var IS_BINDING = __dependency5__.IS_BINDING;
+ var readViewFactory = __dependency6__.readViewFactory;
+ var View = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var SimpleStream = __dependency8__["default"];
+ function makeBindings(options) {
+ var hash = options.hash;
+ var hashTypes = options.hashTypes;
+ var view =;
+ for (var prop in hash) {
+ var hashType = hashTypes[prop];
+ var value = hash[prop];
+ if (IS_BINDING.test(prop)) {
+ // classBinding is processed separately
+ if (prop === 'classBinding') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (hashType === 'ID') {
+ Ember.warn("You're attempting to render a view by passing " +
+ prop + "=" + value +
+ " to a view helper, but this syntax is ambiguous. You should either surround " +
+ value + " in quotes or remove `Binding` from " + prop + ".");
+ hash[prop] = view._getBindingForStream(value);
+ } else if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ hash[prop] = view._getBindingForStream(value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (hashType === 'ID') {
+ if (prop === 'class') {
+ hash.classBinding = value;
+ } else {
+ hash[prop + 'Binding'] = view._getBindingForStream(value);
+ }
+ delete hash[prop];
+ delete hashTypes[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hash.idBinding) {
+ // id can't be bound, so just perform one-time lookup.
+ = hash.idBinding.value();
+ = 'STRING';
+ delete hash.idBinding;
+ delete hashTypes.idBinding;
+ }
+ }
+ var ViewHelper = EmberObject.create({
+ propertiesFromHTMLOptions: function(options) {
+ var view =;
+ var hash = options.hash;
+ var classes = hash['class'];
+ var extensions = {
+ helperName: options.helperName || ''
+ };
+ if ( {
+ extensions.elementId =;
+ }
+ if (hash.tag) {
+ extensions.tagName = hash.tag;
+ }
+ if (classes) {
+ classes = classes.split(' ');
+ extensions.classNames = classes;
+ }
+ if (hash.classBinding) {
+ extensions.classNameBindings = hash.classBinding.split(' ');
+ }
+ if (hash.classNameBindings) {
+ if (extensions.classNameBindings === undefined) {
+ extensions.classNameBindings = [];
+ }
+ extensions.classNameBindings = extensions.classNameBindings.concat(hash.classNameBindings.split(' '));
+ }
+ if (hash.attributeBindings) {
+ Ember.assert("Setting 'attributeBindings' via Handlebars is not allowed." +
+ " Please subclass Ember.View and set it there instead.");
+ extensions.attributeBindings = null;
+ }
+ // Set the proper context for all bindings passed to the helper. This applies to regular attribute bindings
+ // as well as class name bindings. If the bindings are local, make them relative to the current context
+ // instead of the view.
+ var hashKeys = keys(hash);
+ for (var i = 0, l = hashKeys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var prop = hashKeys[i];
+ if (prop !== 'classNameBindings') {
+ extensions[prop] = hash[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ var classNameBindings = extensions.classNameBindings;
+ if (classNameBindings) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < classNameBindings.length; j++) {
+ var parsedPath = View._parsePropertyPath(classNameBindings[j]);
+ if (parsedPath.path === '') {
+ = new SimpleStream(true);
+ } else {
+ = view.getStream(parsedPath.path);
+ }
+ classNameBindings[j] = parsedPath;
+ }
+ }
+ return extensions;
+ },
+ helper: function(thisContext, newView, options) {
+ var data =;
+ var fn = options.fn;
+ makeBindings(options);
+ var viewOptions = this.propertiesFromHTMLOptions(options, thisContext);
+ var currentView = data.view;
+ viewOptions.templateData = data;
+ var newViewProto = newView.proto();
+ if (fn) {
+ Ember.assert("You cannot provide a template block if you also specified a templateName",
+ !get(viewOptions, 'templateName') && !get(newViewProto, 'templateName'));
+ viewOptions.template = fn;
+ }
+ // We only want to override the `_context` computed property if there is
+ // no specified controller. See View#_context for more information.
+ if (!newViewProto.controller && !newViewProto.controllerBinding && !viewOptions.controller && !viewOptions.controllerBinding) {
+ viewOptions._context = thisContext;
+ }
+ currentView.appendChild(newView, viewOptions);
+ },
+ instanceHelper: function(thisContext, newView, options) {
+ var data =;
+ var fn = options.fn;
+ makeBindings(options);
+ Ember.assert(
+ 'Only a instance of a view may be passed to the ViewHelper.instanceHelper',
+ View.detectInstance(newView)
+ );
+ var viewOptions = this.propertiesFromHTMLOptions(options, thisContext);
+ var currentView = data.view;
+ viewOptions.templateData = data;
+ if (fn) {
+ Ember.assert("You cannot provide a template block if you also specified a templateName",
+ !get(viewOptions, 'templateName') && !get(newView, 'templateName'));
+ viewOptions.template = fn;
+ }
+ // We only want to override the `_context` computed property if there is
+ // no specified controller. See View#_context for more information.
+ if (!newView.controller && !newView.controllerBinding &&
+ !viewOptions.controller && !viewOptions.controllerBinding) {
+ viewOptions._context = thisContext;
+ }
+ currentView.appendChild(newView, viewOptions);
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__.ViewHelper = ViewHelper;
+ /**
+ `{{view}}` inserts a new instance of an `Ember.View` into a template passing its
+ options to the `Ember.View`'s `create` method and using the supplied block as
+ the view's own template.
+ An empty `<body>` and the following template:
+ ```handlebars
+ A span:
+ {{#view tagName="span"}}
+ hello.
+ {{/view}}
+ ```
+ Will result in HTML structure:
+ ```html
+ <body>
+ <!-- Note: the handlebars template script
+ also results in a rendered Ember.View
+ which is the outer <div> here -->
+ <div class="ember-view">
+ A span:
+ <span id="ember1" class="ember-view">
+ Hello.
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ </body>
+ ```
+ ### `parentView` setting
+ The `parentView` property of the new `Ember.View` instance created through
+ `{{view}}` will be set to the `Ember.View` instance of the template where
+ `{{view}}` was called.
+ ```javascript
+ aView = Ember.View.create({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("{{#view}} my parent: {{parentView.elementId}} {{/view}}")
+ });
+ aView.appendTo('body');
+ ```
+ Will result in HTML structure:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view">
+ <div id="ember2" class="ember-view">
+ my parent: ember1
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ ### Setting CSS id and class attributes
+ The HTML `id` attribute can be set on the `{{view}}`'s resulting element with
+ the `id` option. This option will _not_ be passed to `Ember.View.create`.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#view tagName="span" id="a-custom-id"}}
+ hello.
+ {{/view}}
+ ```
+ Results in the following HTML structure:
+ ```html
+ <div class="ember-view">
+ <span id="a-custom-id" class="ember-view">
+ hello.
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ The HTML `class` attribute can be set on the `{{view}}`'s resulting element
+ with the `class` or `classNameBindings` options. The `class` option will
+ directly set the CSS `class` attribute and will not be passed to
+ `Ember.View.create`. `classNameBindings` will be passed to `create` and use
+ `Ember.View`'s class name binding functionality:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#view tagName="span" class="a-custom-class"}}
+ hello.
+ {{/view}}
+ ```
+ Results in the following HTML structure:
+ ```html
+ <div class="ember-view">
+ <span id="ember2" class="ember-view a-custom-class">
+ hello.
+ </span>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ ### Supplying a different view class
+ `{{view}}` can take an optional first argument before its supplied options to
+ specify a path to a custom view class.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#view "custom"}}{{! will look up App.CustomView }}
+ hello.
+ {{/view}}
+ ```
+ The first argument can also be a relative path accessible from the current
+ context.
+ ```javascript
+ MyApp = Ember.Application.create({});
+ MyApp.OuterView = Ember.View.extend({
+ innerViewClass: Ember.View.extend({
+ classNames: ['a-custom-view-class-as-property']
+ }),
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('{{#view view.innerViewClass}} hi {{/view}}')
+ });
+ MyApp.OuterView.create().appendTo('body');
+ ```
+ Will result in the following HTML:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view">
+ <div id="ember2" class="ember-view a-custom-view-class-as-property">
+ hi
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ ### Blockless use
+ If you supply a custom `Ember.View` subclass that specifies its own template
+ or provide a `templateName` option to `{{view}}` it can be used without
+ supplying a block. Attempts to use both a `templateName` option and supply a
+ block will throw an error.
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create();
+ App.WithTemplateDefinedView = Ember.View.extend({
+ templateName: 'defined-template'
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{! application.hbs }}
+ {{view 'with-template-defined'}}
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{! defined-template.hbs }}
+ Some content for the defined template view.
+ ```
+ ### `viewName` property
+ You can supply a `viewName` option to `{{view}}`. The `Ember.View` instance
+ will be referenced as a property of its parent view by this name.
+ ```javascript
+ aView = Ember.View.create({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('{{#view viewName="aChildByName"}} hi {{/view}}')
+ });
+ aView.appendTo('body');
+ aView.get('aChildByName') // the instance of Ember.View created by {{view}} helper
+ ```
+ @method view
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} path
+ @param {Hash} options
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ function viewHelper(path) {
+ Ember.assert("The view helper only takes a single argument", arguments.length <= 2);
+ var options = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
+ var types = options.types;
+ var view =;
+ var container = view.container || view._keywords.view.value().container;
+ var viewClass;
+ // If no path is provided, treat path param as options
+ // and get an instance of the registered `view:toplevel`
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ if (container) {
+ viewClass = container.lookupFactory('view:toplevel');
+ } else {
+ viewClass = View;
+ }
+ } else {
+ var pathStream;
+ if (typeof path === 'string' && types[0] === 'ID') {
+ pathStream = view.getStream(path);
+ Ember.deprecate('Resolved the view "'+path+'" on the global context. Pass a view name to be looked up on the container instead, such as {{view "select"}}.', !pathStream.isGlobal());
+ } else {
+ pathStream = path;
+ }
+ viewClass = readViewFactory(pathStream, container);
+ }
+ options.helperName = options.helperName || 'view';
+ return ViewHelper.helper(this, viewClass, options);
+ }
+ __exports__.viewHelper = viewHelper;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/is_none","ember-handlebars/helpers/binding","ember-handlebars/views/handlebars_bound_view","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var set = __dependency2__.set;
+ var apply = __dependency3__.apply;
+ var o_create = __dependency4__.create;
+ var isNone = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var bind = __dependency6__.bind;
+ var _HandlebarsBoundView = __dependency7__._HandlebarsBoundView;
+ function exists(value) {
+ return !isNone(value);
+ }
+ var WithView = _HandlebarsBoundView.extend({
+ init: function() {
+ apply(this, this._super, arguments);
+ var keywordName = this.templateHash.keywordName;
+ var controllerName = this.templateHash.controller;
+ if (controllerName) {
+ var previousContext = this.previousContext;
+ var controller = this.container.lookupFactory('controller:'+controllerName).create({
+ parentController: previousContext,
+ target: previousContext
+ });
+ this._generatedController = controller;
+ if (this.preserveContext) {
+ this._keywords[keywordName] = controller;
+ this.lazyValue.subscribe(function(modelStream) {
+ set(controller, 'model', modelStream.value());
+ });
+ } else {
+ set(this, 'controller', controller);
+ this.valueNormalizerFunc = function(result) {
+ controller.set('model', result);
+ return controller;
+ };
+ }
+ set(controller, 'model', this.lazyValue.value());
+ }
+ },
+ willDestroy: function() {
+ this._super();
+ if (this._generatedController) {
+ this._generatedController.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ Use the `{{with}}` helper when you want to aliases the to a new name. It's helpful
+ for semantic clarity and to retain default scope or to reference from another
+ `{{with}}` block.
+ ```handlebars
+ // posts might not be
+ {{#with user.posts as blogPosts}}
+ <div class="notice">
+ There are {{blogPosts.length}} blog posts written by {{}}.
+ </div>
+ {{#each post in blogPosts}}
+ <li>{{post.title}}</li>
+ {{/each}}
+ {{/with}}
+ ```
+ Without the `as` operator, it would be impossible to reference `` in the example above.
+ NOTE: The alias should not reuse a name from the bound property path.
+ For example: `{{#with as foo}}` is not supported because it attempts to alias using
+ the first part of the property path, `foo`. Instead, use `{{#with as baz}}`.
+ ### `controller` option
+ Adding `controller='something'` instructs the `{{with}}` helper to create and use an instance of
+ the specified controller wrapping the aliased keyword.
+ This is very similar to using an `itemController` option with the `{{each}}` helper.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#with users.posts as posts controller='userBlogPosts'}}
+ {{!- `posts` is wrapped in our controller instance }}
+ {{/with}}
+ ```
+ In the above example, the `posts` keyword is now wrapped in the `userBlogPost` controller,
+ which provides an elegant way to decorate the context with custom
+ functions/properties.
+ @method with
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {Function} context
+ @param {Hash} options
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function withHelper(contextPath) {
+ var options = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
+ var view =;
+ var bindContext, preserveContext;
+ var helperName = 'with';
+ if (arguments.length === 4) {
+ Ember.assert("If you pass more than one argument to the with helper," +
+ " it must be in the form #with foo as bar", arguments[1] === "as");
+ var keywordName = arguments[2];
+ if (contextPath) {
+ helperName += ' ' + contextPath + ' as ' + keywordName;
+ }
+ Ember.assert("You must pass a block to the with helper", options.fn && options.fn !== Handlebars.VM.noop);
+ var localizedOptions = o_create(options);
+ = o_create(;
+ localizedOptions.keywords = {};
+ localizedOptions.keywords[keywordName] = view.getStream(contextPath);
+ localizedOptions.hash.keywordName = keywordName;
+ bindContext = this;
+ options = localizedOptions;
+ preserveContext = true;
+ } else {
+ Ember.deprecate('Using the context switching form of `{{with}}` is deprecated. Please use the keyword form (`{{with foo as bar}}`) instead. See for more details.');
+ Ember.assert("You must pass exactly one argument to the with helper", arguments.length === 2);
+ Ember.assert("You must pass a block to the with helper", options.fn && options.fn !== Handlebars.VM.noop);
+ helperName += ' ' + contextPath;
+ bindContext = options.contexts[0];
+ preserveContext = false;
+ }
+ options.helperName = helperName;
+ return, contextPath, options, preserveContext, exists, undefined, undefined, WithView);
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // var emberAssert = Ember.assert;
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ /**
+ `{{yield}}` denotes an area of a template that will be rendered inside
+ of another template. It has two main uses:
+ ### Use with `layout`
+ When used in a Handlebars template that is assigned to an `Ember.View`
+ instance's `layout` property Ember will render the layout template first,
+ inserting the view's own rendered output at the `{{yield}}` location.
+ An empty `<body>` and the following application code:
+ ```javascript
+ AView = Ember.View.extend({
+ classNames: ['a-view-with-layout'],
+ layout: Ember.Handlebars.compile('<div class="wrapper">{{yield}}</div>'),
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('<span>I am wrapped</span>')
+ });
+ aView = AView.create();
+ aView.appendTo('body');
+ ```
+ Will result in the following HTML output:
+ ```html
+ <body>
+ <div class='ember-view a-view-with-layout'>
+ <div class="wrapper">
+ <span>I am wrapped</span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </body>
+ ```
+ The `yield` helper cannot be used outside of a template assigned to an
+ `Ember.View`'s `layout` property and will throw an error if attempted.
+ ```javascript
+ BView = Ember.View.extend({
+ classNames: ['a-view-with-layout'],
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('{{yield}}')
+ });
+ bView = BView.create();
+ bView.appendTo('body');
+ // throws
+ // Uncaught Error: assertion failed:
+ // You called yield in a template that was not a layout
+ ```
+ ### Use with Ember.Component
+ When designing components `{{yield}}` is used to denote where, inside the component's
+ template, an optional block passed to the component should render:
+ ```handlebars
+ <!-- application.hbs -->
+ {{#labeled-textfield value=someProperty}}
+ First name:
+ {{/labeled-textfield}}
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ <!-- components/labeled-textfield.hbs -->
+ <label>
+ {{yield}} {{input value=value}}
+ </label>
+ ```
+ Result:
+ ```html
+ <label>
+ First name: <input type="text" />
+ </label>
+ ```
+ @method yield
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {Hash} options
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function yieldHelper(options) {
+ var view =;
+ while (view && !get(view, 'layout')) {
+ if (view._contextView) {
+ view = view._contextView;
+ } else {
+ view = get(view, '_parentView');
+ }
+ }
+ Ember.assert("You called yield in a template that was not a layout", !!view);
+ view._yield(this, options);
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-handlebars/component_lookup","ember-views/system/jquery","ember-metal/error","ember-runtime/system/lazy_load","ember-handlebars-compiler","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /*globals Handlebars */
+ var ComponentLookup = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var jQuery = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var EmberError = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var onLoad = __dependency4__.onLoad;
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency5__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ /**
+ Find templates stored in the head tag as script tags and make them available
+ to `Ember.CoreView` in the global `Ember.TEMPLATES` object. This will be run
+ as as jQuery DOM-ready callback.
+ Script tags with `text/x-handlebars` will be compiled
+ with Ember's Handlebars and are suitable for use as a view's template.
+ Those with type `text/x-raw-handlebars` will be compiled with regular
+ Handlebars and are suitable for use in views' computed properties.
+ @private
+ @method bootstrap
+ @for Ember.Handlebars
+ @static
+ @param ctx
+ */
+ function bootstrap(ctx) {
+ var selectors = 'script[type="text/x-handlebars"], script[type="text/x-raw-handlebars"]';
+ jQuery(selectors, ctx)
+ .each(function() {
+ // Get a reference to the script tag
+ var script = jQuery(this);
+ var compile = (script.attr('type') === 'text/x-raw-handlebars') ?
+ jQuery.proxy(Handlebars.compile, Handlebars) :
+ jQuery.proxy(EmberHandlebars.compile, EmberHandlebars);
+ // Get the name of the script, used by Ember.View's templateName property.
+ // First look for data-template-name attribute, then fall back to its
+ // id if no name is found.
+ var templateName = script.attr('data-template-name') || script.attr('id') || 'application';
+ var template = compile(script.html());
+ // Check if template of same name already exists
+ if (Ember.TEMPLATES[templateName] !== undefined) {
+ throw new EmberError('Template named "' + templateName + '" already exists.');
+ }
+ // For templates which have a name, we save them and then remove them from the DOM
+ Ember.TEMPLATES[templateName] = template;
+ // Remove script tag from DOM
+ script.remove();
+ });
+ }
+ function _bootstrap() {
+ bootstrap( jQuery(document) );
+ }
+ function registerComponentLookup(container) {
+ container.register('component-lookup:main', ComponentLookup);
+ }
+ /*
+ We tie this to application.load to ensure that we've at least
+ attempted to bootstrap at the point that the application is loaded.
+ We also tie this to document ready since we're guaranteed that all
+ the inline templates are present at this point.
+ There's no harm to running this twice, since we remove the templates
+ from the DOM after processing.
+ */
+ onLoad('Ember.Application', function(Application) {
+ Application.initializer({
+ name: 'domTemplates',
+ initialize: _bootstrap
+ });
+ Application.initializer({
+ name: 'registerComponentLookup',
+ after: 'domTemplates',
+ initialize: registerComponentLookup
+ });
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = bootstrap;
+ });
+ ["ember-runtime/system/string","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ // required so we can extend this object.
+ var EmberStringUtils = __dependency1__["default"];
+ /**
+ Mark a string as safe for unescaped output with Handlebars. If you
+ return HTML from a Handlebars helper, use this function to
+ ensure Handlebars does not escape the HTML.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.String.htmlSafe('<div>someString</div>')
+ ```
+ @method htmlSafe
+ @for Ember.String
+ @static
+ @return {Handlebars.SafeString} a string that will not be html escaped by Handlebars
+ */
+ function htmlSafe(str) {
+ if (str === null || str === undefined) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ if (typeof str !== 'string') {
+ str = ''+str;
+ }
+ return new Handlebars.SafeString(str);
+ }
+ EmberStringUtils.htmlSafe = htmlSafe;
+ if (Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES === true || Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.String) {
+ /**
+ Mark a string as being safe for unescaped output with Handlebars.
+ ```javascript
+ '<div>someString</div>'.htmlSafe()
+ ```
+ See [Ember.String.htmlSafe](/api/classes/Ember.String.html#method_htmlSafe).
+ @method htmlSafe
+ @for String
+ @return {Handlebars.SafeString} a string that will not be html escaped by Handlebars
+ */
+ String.prototype.htmlSafe = function() {
+ return htmlSafe(this);
+ };
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = htmlSafe;
+ });
+ ["ember-handlebars-compiler","ember-metal/core","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-handlebars/string","ember-views/views/states","ember-handlebars/views/metamorph_view","ember-metal/utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /*jshint newcap:false*/
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // EmberHandlebars.SafeString;
+ var Ember = __dependency2__["default"];
+ // Ember.K
+ var K = Ember.K;
+ var EmberError = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency4__.get;
+ var set = __dependency5__.set;
+ var merge = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var htmlSafe = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var cloneStates = __dependency9__.cloneStates;
+ var viewStates = __dependency9__.states;
+ var _MetamorphView = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var uuid = __dependency11__.uuid;
+ function SimpleHandlebarsView(lazyValue, isEscaped) {
+ this.lazyValue = lazyValue;
+ this.isEscaped = isEscaped;
+ this[Ember.GUID_KEY] = uuid();
+ this._lastNormalizedValue = undefined;
+ this.state = 'preRender';
+ this.updateId = null;
+ this._parentView = null;
+ this.buffer = null;
+ this._morph = null;
+ }
+ SimpleHandlebarsView.prototype = {
+ isVirtual: true,
+ isView: true,
+ destroy: function () {
+ if (this.updateId) {
+ run.cancel(this.updateId);
+ this.updateId = null;
+ }
+ if (this._parentView) {
+ this._parentView.removeChild(this);
+ }
+ this.morph = null;
+ this.state = 'destroyed';
+ },
+ propertyWillChange: K,
+ propertyDidChange: K,
+ normalizedValue: function() {
+ var result = this.lazyValue.value();
+ if (result === null || result === undefined) {
+ result = "";
+ } else if (!this.isEscaped && !(result instanceof EmberHandlebars.SafeString)) {
+ result = htmlSafe(result);
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ render: function(buffer) {
+ var value = this.normalizedValue();
+ this._lastNormalizedValue = value;
+ buffer._element = value;
+ },
+ rerender: function() {
+ switch(this.state) {
+ case 'preRender':
+ case 'destroyed':
+ break;
+ case 'inBuffer':
+ throw new EmberError("Something you did tried to replace an {{expression}} before it was inserted into the DOM.");
+ case 'hasElement':
+ case 'inDOM':
+ this.updateId = run.scheduleOnce('render', this, 'update');
+ break;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ update: function () {
+ this.updateId = null;
+ var value = this.normalizedValue();
+ // doesn't diff EmberHandlebars.SafeString instances
+ if (value !== this._lastNormalizedValue) {
+ this._lastNormalizedValue = value;
+ this._morph.update(value);
+ }
+ },
+ _transitionTo: function(state) {
+ this.state = state;
+ }
+ };
+ var states = cloneStates(viewStates);
+ merge(states._default, {
+ rerenderIfNeeded: K
+ });
+ merge(states.inDOM, {
+ rerenderIfNeeded: function(view) {
+ if (view.normalizedValue() !== view._lastNormalizedValue) {
+ view.rerender();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ `Ember._HandlebarsBoundView` is a private view created by the Handlebars
+ `{{bind}}` helpers that is used to keep track of bound properties.
+ Every time a property is bound using a `{{mustache}}`, an anonymous subclass
+ of `Ember._HandlebarsBoundView` is created with the appropriate sub-template
+ and context set up. When the associated property changes, just the template
+ for this view will re-render.
+ @class _HandlebarsBoundView
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember._MetamorphView
+ @private
+ */
+ var _HandlebarsBoundView = _MetamorphView.extend({
+ instrumentName: 'boundHandlebars',
+ _states: states,
+ /**
+ The function used to determine if the `displayTemplate` or
+ `inverseTemplate` should be rendered. This should be a function that takes
+ a value and returns a Boolean.
+ @property shouldDisplayFunc
+ @type Function
+ @default null
+ */
+ shouldDisplayFunc: null,
+ /**
+ Whether the template rendered by this view gets passed the context object
+ of its parent template, or gets passed the value of retrieving `path`
+ from the `pathRoot`.
+ For example, this is true when using the `{{#if}}` helper, because the
+ template inside the helper should look up properties relative to the same
+ object as outside the block. This would be `false` when used with `{{#with
+ foo}}` because the template should receive the object found by evaluating
+ `foo`.
+ @property preserveContext
+ @type Boolean
+ @default false
+ */
+ preserveContext: false,
+ /**
+ If `preserveContext` is true, this is the object that will be used
+ to render the template.
+ @property previousContext
+ @type Object
+ */
+ previousContext: null,
+ /**
+ The template to render when `shouldDisplayFunc` evaluates to `true`.
+ @property displayTemplate
+ @type Function
+ @default null
+ */
+ displayTemplate: null,
+ /**
+ The template to render when `shouldDisplayFunc` evaluates to `false`.
+ @property inverseTemplate
+ @type Function
+ @default null
+ */
+ inverseTemplate: null,
+ lazyValue: null,
+ normalizedValue: function() {
+ var value = this.lazyValue.value();
+ var valueNormalizer = get(this, 'valueNormalizerFunc');
+ return valueNormalizer ? valueNormalizer(value) : value;
+ },
+ rerenderIfNeeded: function() {
+ this.currentState.rerenderIfNeeded(this);
+ },
+ /**
+ Determines which template to invoke, sets up the correct state based on
+ that logic, then invokes the default `Ember.View` `render` implementation.
+ This method will first look up the `path` key on `pathRoot`,
+ then pass that value to the `shouldDisplayFunc` function. If that returns
+ `true,` the `displayTemplate` function will be rendered to DOM. Otherwise,
+ `inverseTemplate`, if specified, will be rendered.
+ For example, if this `Ember._HandlebarsBoundView` represented the `{{#with
+ foo}}` helper, it would look up the `foo` property of its context, and
+ `shouldDisplayFunc` would always return true. The object found by looking
+ up `foo` would be passed to `displayTemplate`.
+ @method render
+ @param {Ember.RenderBuffer} buffer
+ */
+ render: function(buffer) {
+ // If not invoked via a triple-mustache ({{{foo}}}), escape
+ // the content of the template.
+ var escape = get(this, 'isEscaped');
+ var shouldDisplay = get(this, 'shouldDisplayFunc');
+ var preserveContext = get(this, 'preserveContext');
+ var context = get(this, 'previousContext');
+ var inverseTemplate = get(this, 'inverseTemplate');
+ var displayTemplate = get(this, 'displayTemplate');
+ var result = this.normalizedValue();
+ this._lastNormalizedValue = result;
+ // First, test the conditional to see if we should
+ // render the template or not.
+ if (shouldDisplay(result)) {
+ set(this, 'template', displayTemplate);
+ // If we are preserving the context (for example, if this
+ // is an #if block, call the template with the same object.
+ if (preserveContext) {
+ set(this, '_context', context);
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, determine if this is a block bind or not.
+ // If so, pass the specified object to the template
+ if (displayTemplate) {
+ set(this, '_context', result);
+ } else {
+ // This is not a bind block, just push the result of the
+ // expression to the render context and return.
+ if (result === null || result === undefined) {
+ result = "";
+ } else if (!(result instanceof EmberHandlebars.SafeString)) {
+ result = String(result);
+ }
+ if (escape) { result = Handlebars.Utils.escapeExpression(result); }
+ buffer.push(result);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (inverseTemplate) {
+ set(this, 'template', inverseTemplate);
+ if (preserveContext) {
+ set(this, '_context', context);
+ } else {
+ set(this, '_context', result);
+ }
+ } else {
+ set(this, 'template', function() { return ''; });
+ }
+ return this._super(buffer);
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__._HandlebarsBoundView = _HandlebarsBoundView;
+ __exports__.SimpleHandlebarsView = SimpleHandlebarsView;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-views/views/core_view","ember-views/views/view","ember-metal/mixin","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /*jshint newcap:false*/
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.deprecate
+ var CoreView = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var View = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var Mixin = __dependency4__.Mixin;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-handlebars
+ */
+ // The `morph` and `outerHTML` properties are internal only
+ // and not observable.
+ /**
+ @class _Metamorph
+ @namespace Ember
+ @private
+ */
+ var _Metamorph = Mixin.create({
+ isVirtual: true,
+ tagName: '',
+ instrumentName: 'metamorph',
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ Ember.deprecate('Supplying a tagName to Metamorph views is unreliable and is deprecated.' +
+ ' You may be setting the tagName on a Handlebars helper that creates a Metamorph.', !this.tagName);
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__._Metamorph = _Metamorph;
+ /**
+ @class _MetamorphView
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.View
+ @uses Ember._Metamorph
+ @private
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = View.extend(_Metamorph);
+ /**
+ @class _SimpleMetamorphView
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.CoreView
+ @uses Ember._Metamorph
+ @private
+ */
+ var _SimpleMetamorphView = CoreView.extend(_Metamorph);
+ __exports__._SimpleMetamorphView = _SimpleMetamorphView;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal-views/renderer","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Renderer = __dependency1__["default"];
+ __exports__.Renderer = Renderer;
+ });
+ ["morph","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var DOMHelper = __dependency1__.DOMHelper;
+ function Renderer() {
+ this._uuid = 0;
+ this._views = new Array(2000);
+ this._queue = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
+ this._parents = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0];
+ this._elements = new Array(17);
+ this._inserts = {};
+ this._dom = new DOMHelper();
+ }
+ function Renderer_renderTree(_view, _parentView, _insertAt) {
+ var views = this._views;
+ views[0] = _view;
+ var insertAt = _insertAt === undefined ? -1 : _insertAt;
+ var index = 0;
+ var total = 1;
+ var levelBase = _parentView ? _parentView._level+1 : 0;
+ var root = _parentView == null ? _view : _parentView._root;
+ // if root view has a _morph assigned
+ var willInsert = !!root._morph;
+ var queue = this._queue;
+ queue[0] = 0;
+ var length = 1;
+ var parentIndex = -1;
+ var parents = this._parents;
+ var parent = _parentView || null;
+ var elements = this._elements;
+ var element = null;
+ var contextualElement = null;
+ var level = 0;
+ var view = _view;
+ var children, i, child;
+ while (length) {
+ elements[level] = element;
+ if (!view._morph) {
+ // ensure props we add are in same order
+ view._morph = null;
+ }
+ view._root = root;
+ this.uuid(view);
+ view._level = levelBase + level;
+ if (view._elementCreated) {
+ this.remove(view, false, true);
+ }
+ this.willCreateElement(view);
+ contextualElement = view._morph && view._morph.contextualElement;
+ if (!contextualElement && parent && parent._childViewsMorph) {
+ contextualElement = parent._childViewsMorph.contextualElement;
+ }
+ if (!contextualElement && view._didCreateElementWithoutMorph) {
+ // This code path is only used by createElement and rerender when createElement
+ // was previously called on a view.
+ contextualElement = document.body;
+ }
+ Ember.assert("Required contextualElement for view "+_view+" is missing", contextualElement);
+ element = this.createElement(view, contextualElement);
+ parents[level++] = parentIndex;
+ parentIndex = index;
+ parent = view;
+ // enqueue for end
+ queue[length++] = index;
+ // enqueue children
+ children = this.childViews(view);
+ if (children) {
+ for (i=children.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
+ child = children[i];
+ index = total++;
+ views[index] = child;
+ queue[length++] = index;
+ view = child;
+ }
+ }
+ index = queue[--length];
+ view = views[index];
+ while (parentIndex === index) {
+ level--;
+ view._elementCreated = true;
+ this.didCreateElement(view);
+ if (willInsert) {
+ this.willInsertElement(view);
+ }
+ if (level === 0) {
+ length--;
+ break;
+ }
+ parentIndex = parents[level];
+ parent = parentIndex === -1 ? _parentView : views[parentIndex];
+ this.insertElement(view, parent, element, -1);
+ index = queue[--length];
+ view = views[index];
+ element = elements[level];
+ elements[level] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ this.insertElement(view, _parentView, element, insertAt);
+ for (i=total-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ if (willInsert) {
+ views[i]._elementInserted = true;
+ this.didInsertElement(views[i]);
+ }
+ views[i] = null;
+ }
+ return element;
+ }
+ Renderer.prototype.uuid = function Renderer_uuid(view) {
+ if (view._uuid === undefined) {
+ view._uuid = ++this._uuid;
+ view._renderer = this;
+ } // else assert(view._renderer === this)
+ return view._uuid;
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.scheduleInsert =
+ function Renderer_scheduleInsert(view, morph) {
+ if (view._morph || view._elementCreated) {
+ throw new Error("You cannot insert a View that has already been rendered");
+ }
+ Ember.assert("You cannot insert a View without a morph", morph);
+ view._morph = morph;
+ var viewId = this.uuid(view);
+ this._inserts[viewId] = this.scheduleRender(this, function scheduledRenderTree() {
+ this._inserts[viewId] = null;
+ this.renderTree(view);
+ });
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.appendTo =
+ function Renderer_appendTo(view, target) {
+ var morph = this._dom.appendMorph(target);
+ this.scheduleInsert(view, morph);
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.replaceIn =
+ function Renderer_replaceIn(view, target) {
+ var morph = this._dom.createMorph(target, null, null);
+ this.scheduleInsert(view, morph);
+ };
+ function Renderer_remove(_view, shouldDestroy, reset) {
+ var viewId = this.uuid(_view);
+ if (this._inserts[viewId]) {
+ this.cancelRender(this._inserts[viewId]);
+ this._inserts[viewId] = undefined;
+ }
+ if (!_view._elementCreated) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var removeQueue = [];
+ var destroyQueue = [];
+ var morph = _view._morph;
+ var idx, len, view, queue, childViews, i, l;
+ removeQueue.push(_view);
+ for (idx=0; idx<removeQueue.length; idx++) {
+ view = removeQueue[idx];
+ if (!shouldDestroy && view._childViewsMorph) {
+ queue = removeQueue;
+ } else {
+ queue = destroyQueue;
+ }
+ this.beforeRemove(removeQueue[idx]);
+ childViews = view._childViews;
+ if (childViews) {
+ for (i=0,l=childViews.length; i<l; i++) {
+ queue.push(childViews[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (idx=0; idx<destroyQueue.length; idx++) {
+ view = destroyQueue[idx];
+ this.beforeRemove(destroyQueue[idx]);
+ childViews = view._childViews;
+ if (childViews) {
+ for (i=0,l=childViews.length; i<l; i++) {
+ destroyQueue.push(childViews[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // destroy DOM from root insertion
+ if (morph && !reset) {
+ morph.destroy();
+ }
+ for (idx=0, len=removeQueue.length; idx < len; idx++) {
+ this.afterRemove(removeQueue[idx], false);
+ }
+ for (idx=0, len=destroyQueue.length; idx < len; idx++) {
+ this.afterRemove(destroyQueue[idx], true);
+ }
+ if (reset) {
+ _view._morph = morph;
+ }
+ }
+ function Renderer_insertElement(view, parentView, element, index) {
+ if (element === null || element === undefined) return;
+ if (view._morph) {
+ view._morph.update(element);
+ } else if (parentView) {
+ if (index === -1) {
+ view._morph = parentView._childViewsMorph.append(element);
+ } else {
+ view._morph = parentView._childViewsMorph.insert(index, element);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function Renderer_beforeRemove(view) {
+ if (view._elementCreated) {
+ this.willDestroyElement(view);
+ }
+ if (view._elementInserted) {
+ this.willRemoveElement(view);
+ }
+ }
+ function Renderer_afterRemove(view, shouldDestroy) {
+ view._elementInserted = false;
+ view._morph = null;
+ view._childViewsMorph = null;
+ if (view._elementCreated) {
+ view._elementCreated = false;
+ this.didDestroyElement(view);
+ }
+ if (shouldDestroy) {
+ this.destroyView(view);
+ }
+ }
+ Renderer.prototype.remove = Renderer_remove;
+ Renderer.prototype.destroy = function (view) {
+ this.remove(view, true);
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.renderTree = Renderer_renderTree;
+ Renderer.prototype.insertElement = Renderer_insertElement;
+ Renderer.prototype.beforeRemove = Renderer_beforeRemove;
+ Renderer.prototype.afterRemove = Renderer_afterRemove;
+ /// HOOKS
+ var noop = function () {};
+ Renderer.prototype.willCreateElement = noop; // inBuffer
+ Renderer.prototype.createElement = noop; // renderToBuffer or createElement
+ Renderer.prototype.didCreateElement = noop; // hasElement
+ Renderer.prototype.willInsertElement = noop; // will place into DOM
+ Renderer.prototype.didInsertElement = noop; // inDOM // placed into DOM
+ Renderer.prototype.willRemoveElement = noop; // removed from DOM willDestroyElement currently paired with didInsertElement
+ Renderer.prototype.willDestroyElement = noop; // willClearRender (currently balanced with render) this is now paired with createElement
+ Renderer.prototype.didDestroyElement = noop; // element destroyed so view.destroy shouldn't try to remove it removedFromDOM
+ Renderer.prototype.destroyView = noop;
+ Renderer.prototype.childViews = noop;
+ __exports__["default"] = Renderer;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/instrumentation","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/cache","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/array","ember-metal/logger","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/events","ember-metal/observer_set","ember-metal/property_events","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/map","ember-metal/get_properties","ember-metal/set_properties","ember-metal/watch_key","ember-metal/chains","ember-metal/watch_path","ember-metal/watching","ember-metal/expand_properties","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/computed_macros","ember-metal/observer","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/binding","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/libraries","ember-metal/is_none","ember-metal/is_empty","ember-metal/is_blank","ember-metal/is_present","ember-metal/keys","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __dependency15__, __dependency16__, __dependency17__, __dependency18__, __dependency19__, __dependency20__, __dependency21__, __dependency22__, __dependency23__, __dependency24__, __dependency25__, __dependency26__, __dependency27__, __dependency28__, __dependency29__, __dependency30__, __dependency31__, __dependency32__, __dependency33__, __dependency34__, __dependency35__, __dependency36__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ Ember Metal
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-metal
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var merge = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var instrument = __dependency3__.instrument;
+ var reset = __dependency3__.reset;
+ var subscribe = __dependency3__.subscribe;
+ var unsubscribe = __dependency3__.unsubscribe;
+ var EMPTY_META = __dependency4__.EMPTY_META;
+ var GUID_KEY = __dependency4__.GUID_KEY;
+ var META_DESC = __dependency4__.META_DESC;
+ var apply = __dependency4__.apply;
+ var applyStr = __dependency4__.applyStr;
+ var canInvoke = __dependency4__.canInvoke;
+ var generateGuid = __dependency4__.generateGuid;
+ var getMeta = __dependency4__.getMeta;
+ var guidFor = __dependency4__.guidFor;
+ var inspect = __dependency4__.inspect;
+ var isArray = __dependency4__.isArray;
+ var makeArray = __dependency4__.makeArray;
+ var meta = __dependency4__.meta;
+ var metaPath = __dependency4__.metaPath;
+ var setMeta = __dependency4__.setMeta;
+ var tryCatchFinally = __dependency4__.tryCatchFinally;
+ var tryFinally = __dependency4__.tryFinally;
+ var tryInvoke = __dependency4__.tryInvoke;
+ var typeOf = __dependency4__.typeOf;
+ var uuid = __dependency4__.uuid;
+ var wrap = __dependency4__.wrap;
+ var EmberError = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var EnumerableUtils = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var Cache = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency8__.create;
+ var hasPropertyAccessors = __dependency8__.hasPropertyAccessors;
+ var filter = __dependency9__.filter;
+ var forEach = __dependency9__.forEach;
+ var indexOf = __dependency9__.indexOf;
+ var map =;
+ var Logger = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var _getPath = __dependency11__._getPath;
+ var get = __dependency11__.get;
+ var getWithDefault = __dependency11__.getWithDefault;
+ var normalizeTuple = __dependency11__.normalizeTuple;
+ var addListener = __dependency12__.addListener;
+ var hasListeners = __dependency12__.hasListeners;
+ var listenersDiff = __dependency12__.listenersDiff;
+ var listenersFor = __dependency12__.listenersFor;
+ var listenersUnion = __dependency12__.listenersUnion;
+ var on = __dependency12__.on;
+ var removeListener = __dependency12__.removeListener;
+ var sendEvent = __dependency12__.sendEvent;
+ var suspendListener = __dependency12__.suspendListener;
+ var suspendListeners = __dependency12__.suspendListeners;
+ var watchedEvents = __dependency12__.watchedEvents;
+ var ObserverSet = __dependency13__["default"];
+ var beginPropertyChanges = __dependency14__.beginPropertyChanges;
+ var changeProperties = __dependency14__.changeProperties;
+ var endPropertyChanges = __dependency14__.endPropertyChanges;
+ var overrideChains = __dependency14__.overrideChains;
+ var propertyDidChange = __dependency14__.propertyDidChange;
+ var propertyWillChange = __dependency14__.propertyWillChange;
+ var Descriptor = __dependency15__.Descriptor;
+ var defineProperty = __dependency15__.defineProperty;
+ var set = __dependency16__.set;
+ var trySet = __dependency16__.trySet;
+ var Map = __dependency17__.Map;
+ var MapWithDefault = __dependency17__.MapWithDefault;
+ var OrderedSet = __dependency17__.OrderedSet;
+ var getProperties = __dependency18__["default"];
+ var setProperties = __dependency19__["default"];
+ var watchKey = __dependency20__.watchKey;
+ var unwatchKey = __dependency20__.unwatchKey;
+ var ChainNode = __dependency21__.ChainNode;
+ var finishChains = __dependency21__.finishChains;
+ var flushPendingChains = __dependency21__.flushPendingChains;
+ var removeChainWatcher = __dependency21__.removeChainWatcher;
+ var watchPath = __dependency22__.watchPath;
+ var unwatchPath = __dependency22__.unwatchPath;
+ var destroy = __dependency23__.destroy;
+ var isWatching = __dependency23__.isWatching;
+ var rewatch = __dependency23__.rewatch;
+ var unwatch = __dependency23__.unwatch;
+ var watch =;
+ var expandProperties = __dependency24__["default"];
+ var ComputedProperty = __dependency25__.ComputedProperty;
+ var computed = __dependency25__.computed;
+ var cacheFor = __dependency25__.cacheFor;
+ // side effect of defining the computed.* macros
+ var _suspendBeforeObserver = __dependency27__._suspendBeforeObserver;
+ var _suspendBeforeObservers = __dependency27__._suspendBeforeObservers;
+ var _suspendObserver = __dependency27__._suspendObserver;
+ var _suspendObservers = __dependency27__._suspendObservers;
+ var addBeforeObserver = __dependency27__.addBeforeObserver;
+ var addObserver = __dependency27__.addObserver;
+ var beforeObserversFor = __dependency27__.beforeObserversFor;
+ var observersFor = __dependency27__.observersFor;
+ var removeBeforeObserver = __dependency27__.removeBeforeObserver;
+ var removeObserver = __dependency27__.removeObserver;
+ var IS_BINDING = __dependency28__.IS_BINDING;
+ var Mixin = __dependency28__.Mixin;
+ var aliasMethod = __dependency28__.aliasMethod;
+ var beforeObserver = __dependency28__.beforeObserver;
+ var immediateObserver = __dependency28__.immediateObserver;
+ var mixin = __dependency28__.mixin;
+ var observer =;
+ var required = __dependency28__.required;
+ var Binding = __dependency29__.Binding;
+ var bind = __dependency29__.bind;
+ var isGlobalPath = __dependency29__.isGlobalPath;
+ var oneWay = __dependency29__.oneWay;
+ var run = __dependency30__["default"];
+ var libraries = __dependency31__["default"];
+ var isNone = __dependency32__["default"];
+ var isEmpty = __dependency33__["default"];
+ var isBlank = __dependency34__["default"];
+ var isPresent = __dependency35__["default"];
+ var keys = __dependency36__["default"];
+ var EmberInstrumentation = Ember.Instrumentation = {};
+ EmberInstrumentation.instrument = instrument;
+ EmberInstrumentation.subscribe = subscribe;
+ EmberInstrumentation.unsubscribe = unsubscribe;
+ EmberInstrumentation.reset = reset;
+ Ember.instrument = instrument;
+ Ember.subscribe = subscribe;
+ Ember._Cache = Cache;
+ Ember.generateGuid = generateGuid;
+ Ember.create = create;
+ Ember.keys = keys;
+ Ember.platform = {
+ defineProperty: defineProperty,
+ hasPropertyAccessors: hasPropertyAccessors
+ };
+ var EmberArrayPolyfills = Ember.ArrayPolyfills = {};
+ = map;
+ EmberArrayPolyfills.forEach = forEach;
+ EmberArrayPolyfills.filter = filter;
+ EmberArrayPolyfills.indexOf = indexOf;
+ Ember.Error = EmberError;
+ Ember.guidFor = guidFor;
+ Ember.meta = meta;
+ Ember.getMeta = getMeta;
+ Ember.setMeta = setMeta;
+ Ember.metaPath = metaPath;
+ Ember.inspect = inspect;
+ Ember.typeOf = typeOf;
+ Ember.tryCatchFinally = tryCatchFinally;
+ Ember.isArray = isArray;
+ Ember.makeArray = makeArray;
+ Ember.canInvoke = canInvoke;
+ Ember.tryInvoke = tryInvoke;
+ Ember.tryFinally = tryFinally;
+ Ember.wrap = wrap;
+ Ember.apply = apply;
+ Ember.applyStr = applyStr;
+ Ember.uuid = uuid;
+ Ember.Logger = Logger;
+ Ember.get = get;
+ Ember.getWithDefault = getWithDefault;
+ Ember.normalizeTuple = normalizeTuple;
+ Ember._getPath = _getPath;
+ Ember.EnumerableUtils = EnumerableUtils;
+ Ember.on = on;
+ Ember.addListener = addListener;
+ Ember.removeListener = removeListener;
+ Ember._suspendListener = suspendListener;
+ Ember._suspendListeners = suspendListeners;
+ Ember.sendEvent = sendEvent;
+ Ember.hasListeners = hasListeners;
+ Ember.watchedEvents = watchedEvents;
+ Ember.listenersFor = listenersFor;
+ Ember.listenersDiff = listenersDiff;
+ Ember.listenersUnion = listenersUnion;
+ Ember._ObserverSet = ObserverSet;
+ Ember.propertyWillChange = propertyWillChange;
+ Ember.propertyDidChange = propertyDidChange;
+ Ember.overrideChains = overrideChains;
+ Ember.beginPropertyChanges = beginPropertyChanges;
+ Ember.endPropertyChanges = endPropertyChanges;
+ Ember.changeProperties = changeProperties;
+ Ember.Descriptor = Descriptor;
+ Ember.defineProperty = defineProperty;
+ Ember.set = set;
+ Ember.trySet = trySet;
+ Ember.OrderedSet = OrderedSet;
+ Ember.Map = Map;
+ Ember.MapWithDefault = MapWithDefault;
+ Ember.getProperties = getProperties;
+ Ember.setProperties = setProperties;
+ Ember.watchKey = watchKey;
+ Ember.unwatchKey = unwatchKey;
+ Ember.flushPendingChains = flushPendingChains;
+ Ember.removeChainWatcher = removeChainWatcher;
+ Ember._ChainNode = ChainNode;
+ Ember.finishChains = finishChains;
+ Ember.watchPath = watchPath;
+ Ember.unwatchPath = unwatchPath;
+ = watch;
+ Ember.isWatching = isWatching;
+ Ember.unwatch = unwatch;
+ Ember.rewatch = rewatch;
+ Ember.destroy = destroy;
+ Ember.expandProperties = expandProperties;
+ Ember.ComputedProperty = ComputedProperty;
+ Ember.computed = computed;
+ Ember.cacheFor = cacheFor;
+ Ember.addObserver = addObserver;
+ Ember.observersFor = observersFor;
+ Ember.removeObserver = removeObserver;
+ Ember.addBeforeObserver = addBeforeObserver;
+ Ember._suspendBeforeObserver = _suspendBeforeObserver;
+ Ember._suspendBeforeObservers = _suspendBeforeObservers;
+ Ember._suspendObserver = _suspendObserver;
+ Ember._suspendObservers = _suspendObservers;
+ Ember.beforeObserversFor = beforeObserversFor;
+ Ember.removeBeforeObserver = removeBeforeObserver;
+ Ember.required = required;
+ Ember.aliasMethod = aliasMethod;
+ = observer;
+ Ember.immediateObserver = immediateObserver;
+ Ember.beforeObserver = beforeObserver;
+ Ember.mixin = mixin;
+ Ember.Mixin = Mixin;
+ Ember.oneWay = oneWay;
+ Ember.bind = bind;
+ Ember.Binding = Binding;
+ Ember.isGlobalPath = isGlobalPath;
+ = run;
+ Ember.libraries = libraries;
+ Ember.libraries.registerCoreLibrary('Ember', Ember.VERSION);
+ Ember.isNone = isNone;
+ Ember.isEmpty = isEmpty;
+ Ember.isBlank = isBlank;
+ Ember.isPresent = isPresent;
+ Ember.merge = merge;
+ /**
+ A function may be assigned to `Ember.onerror` to be called when Ember
+ internals encounter an error. This is useful for specialized error handling
+ and reporting code.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.onerror = function(error) {
+ Em.$.ajax('/report-error', 'POST', {
+ stack: error.stack,
+ otherInformation: 'whatever app state you want to provide'
+ });
+ };
+ ```
+ Internally, `Ember.onerror` is used as Backburner's error handler.
+ @event onerror
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Exception} error the error object
+ */
+ Ember.onerror = null;
+ // do this for side-effects of updating Ember.assert, warn, etc when
+ // ember-debug is present
+ if (Ember.__loader.registry['ember-debug']) {
+ requireModule('ember-debug');
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = Ember;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/core","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/dependent_keys","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var set = __dependency2__.set;
+ var Ember = __dependency3__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var EmberError = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var Descriptor = __dependency5__.Descriptor;
+ var defineProperty = __dependency5__.defineProperty;
+ var ComputedProperty = __dependency6__.ComputedProperty;
+ var create = __dependency7__.create;
+ var meta = __dependency8__.meta;
+ var inspect = __dependency8__.inspect;
+ var addDependentKeys = __dependency9__.addDependentKeys;
+ var removeDependentKeys = __dependency9__.removeDependentKeys;
+ __exports__["default"] = function alias(altKey) {
+ return new AliasedProperty(altKey);
+ }
+ function AliasedProperty(altKey) {
+ this.altKey = altKey;
+ this._dependentKeys = [ altKey ];
+ }
+ __exports__.AliasedProperty = AliasedProperty;AliasedProperty.prototype = create(Descriptor.prototype);
+ AliasedProperty.prototype.get = function AliasedProperty_get(obj, keyName) {
+ return get(obj, this.altKey);
+ };
+ AliasedProperty.prototype.set = function AliasedProperty_set(obj, keyName, value) {
+ return set(obj, this.altKey, value);
+ };
+ AliasedProperty.prototype.willWatch = function(obj, keyName) {
+ addDependentKeys(this, obj, keyName, meta(obj));
+ };
+ AliasedProperty.prototype.didUnwatch = function(obj, keyName) {
+ removeDependentKeys(this, obj, keyName, meta(obj));
+ };
+ AliasedProperty.prototype.setup = function(obj, keyName) {
+ Ember.assert("Setting alias '" + keyName + "' on self", this.altKey !== keyName);
+ var m = meta(obj);
+ if (m.watching[keyName]) {
+ addDependentKeys(this, obj, keyName, m);
+ }
+ };
+ AliasedProperty.prototype.teardown = function(obj, keyName) {
+ var m = meta(obj);
+ if (m.watching[keyName]) {
+ removeDependentKeys(this, obj, keyName, m);
+ }
+ };
+ AliasedProperty.prototype.readOnly = function() {
+ this.set = AliasedProperty_readOnlySet;
+ return this;
+ };
+ function AliasedProperty_readOnlySet(obj, keyName, value) {
+ throw new EmberError('Cannot set read-only property "' + keyName + '" on object: ' + inspect(obj));
+ }
+ AliasedProperty.prototype.oneWay = function() {
+ this.set = AliasedProperty_oneWaySet;
+ return this;
+ };
+ function AliasedProperty_oneWaySet(obj, keyName, value) {
+ defineProperty(obj, keyName, null);
+ return set(obj, keyName, value);
+ }
+ // Backwards compatibility with Ember Data
+ AliasedProperty.prototype._meta = undefined;
+ AliasedProperty.prototype.meta = ComputedProperty.prototype.meta;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ var ArrayPrototype = Array.prototype;
+ // Testing this is not ideal, but we want to use native functions
+ // if available, but not to use versions created by libraries like Prototype
+ var isNativeFunc = function(func) {
+ // This should probably work in all browsers likely to have ES5 array methods
+ return func &&'[native code]') > -1;
+ };
+ var defineNativeShim = function(nativeFunc, shim) {
+ if (isNativeFunc(nativeFunc)) {
+ return nativeFunc;
+ }
+ return shim;
+ };
+ // From:
+ var map = defineNativeShim(, function(fun /*, thisp */) {
+ //"use strict";
+ if (this === void 0 || this === null || typeof fun !== "function") {
+ throw new TypeError();
+ }
+ var t = Object(this);
+ var len = t.length >>> 0;
+ var res = new Array(len);
+ var thisp = arguments[1];
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (i in t) {
+ res[i] =, t[i], i, t);
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ });
+ // From:
+ var forEach = defineNativeShim(ArrayPrototype.forEach, function(fun /*, thisp */) {
+ //"use strict";
+ if (this === void 0 || this === null || typeof fun !== "function") {
+ throw new TypeError();
+ }
+ var t = Object(this);
+ var len = t.length >>> 0;
+ var thisp = arguments[1];
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ if (i in t) {
+, t[i], i, t);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var indexOf = defineNativeShim(ArrayPrototype.indexOf, function (obj, fromIndex) {
+ if (fromIndex === null || fromIndex === undefined) {
+ fromIndex = 0;
+ }
+ else if (fromIndex < 0) {
+ fromIndex = Math.max(0, this.length + fromIndex);
+ }
+ for (var i = fromIndex, j = this.length; i < j; i++) {
+ if (this[i] === obj) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ });
+ var lastIndexOf = defineNativeShim(ArrayPrototype.lastIndexOf, function(obj, fromIndex) {
+ var len = this.length;
+ var idx;
+ if (fromIndex === undefined) fromIndex = len-1;
+ else fromIndex = (fromIndex < 0) ? Math.ceil(fromIndex) : Math.floor(fromIndex);
+ if (fromIndex < 0) fromIndex += len;
+ for(idx = fromIndex;idx>=0;idx--) {
+ if (this[idx] === obj) return idx ;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ });
+ var filter = defineNativeShim(ArrayPrototype.filter, function (fn, context) {
+ var i, value;
+ var result = [];
+ var length = this.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (this.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
+ value = this[i];
+ if (, value, i, this)) {
+ result.push(value);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ });
+ if (Ember.SHIM_ES5) {
+ = || map;
+ ArrayPrototype.forEach = ArrayPrototype.forEach || forEach;
+ ArrayPrototype.filter = ArrayPrototype.filter || filter;
+ ArrayPrototype.indexOf = ArrayPrototype.indexOf || indexOf;
+ ArrayPrototype.lastIndexOf = ArrayPrototype.lastIndexOf || lastIndexOf;
+ }
+ /**
+ Array polyfills to support ES5 features in older browsers.
+ @namespace Ember
+ @property ArrayPolyfills
+ */
+ = map;
+ __exports__.forEach = forEach;
+ __exports__.filter = filter;
+ __exports__.indexOf = indexOf;
+ __exports__.lastIndexOf = lastIndexOf;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/observer","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/path_cache","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.Logger, Ember.LOG_BINDINGS, assert
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var trySet = __dependency3__.trySet;
+ var guidFor = __dependency4__.guidFor;
+ var addObserver = __dependency5__.addObserver;
+ var removeObserver = __dependency5__.removeObserver;
+ var _suspendObserver = __dependency5__._suspendObserver;
+ var run = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var isGlobalPath = __dependency7__.isGlobal;
+ // ES6TODO: where is Ember.lookup defined?
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ Debug parameter you can turn on. This will log all bindings that fire to
+ the console. This should be disabled in production code. Note that you
+ can also enable this from the console or temporarily.
+ @property LOG_BINDINGS
+ @for Ember
+ @type Boolean
+ @default false
+ */
+ Ember.LOG_BINDINGS = false || !!Ember.ENV.LOG_BINDINGS;
+ /**
+ Returns true if the provided path is global (e.g., ``)
+ instead of local (``).
+ @method isGlobalPath
+ @for Ember
+ @private
+ @param {String} path
+ @return Boolean
+ */
+ function getWithGlobals(obj, path) {
+ return get(isGlobalPath(path) ? Ember.lookup : obj, path);
+ }
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ function Binding(toPath, fromPath) {
+ this._direction = undefined;
+ this._from = fromPath;
+ this._to = toPath;
+ this._readyToSync = undefined;
+ this._oneWay = undefined;
+ }
+ /**
+ @class Binding
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ Binding.prototype = {
+ /**
+ This copies the Binding so it can be connected to another object.
+ @method copy
+ @return {Ember.Binding} `this`
+ */
+ copy: function () {
+ var copy = new Binding(this._to, this._from);
+ if (this._oneWay) { copy._oneWay = true; }
+ return copy;
+ },
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ This will set `from` property path to the specified value. It will not
+ attempt to resolve this property path to an actual object until you
+ connect the binding.
+ The binding will search for the property path starting at the root object
+ you pass when you `connect()` the binding. It follows the same rules as
+ `get()` - see that method for more information.
+ @method from
+ @param {String} path the property path to connect to
+ @return {Ember.Binding} `this`
+ */
+ from: function(path) {
+ this._from = path;
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ This will set the `to` property path to the specified value. It will not
+ attempt to resolve this property path to an actual object until you
+ connect the binding.
+ The binding will search for the property path starting at the root object
+ you pass when you `connect()` the binding. It follows the same rules as
+ `get()` - see that method for more information.
+ @method to
+ @param {String|Tuple} path A property path or tuple
+ @return {Ember.Binding} `this`
+ */
+ to: function(path) {
+ this._to = path;
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Configures the binding as one way. A one-way binding will relay changes
+ on the `from` side to the `to` side, but not the other way around. This
+ means that if you change the `to` side directly, the `from` side may have
+ a different value.
+ @method oneWay
+ @return {Ember.Binding} `this`
+ */
+ oneWay: function() {
+ this._oneWay = true;
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ @method toString
+ @return {String} string representation of binding
+ */
+ toString: function() {
+ var oneWay = this._oneWay ? '[oneWay]' : '';
+ return "Ember.Binding<" + guidFor(this) + ">(" + this._from + " -> " + this._to + ")" + oneWay;
+ },
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ Attempts to connect this binding instance so that it can receive and relay
+ changes. This method will raise an exception if you have not set the
+ from/to properties yet.
+ @method connect
+ @param {Object} obj The root object for this binding.
+ @return {Ember.Binding} `this`
+ */
+ connect: function(obj) {
+ Ember.assert('Must pass a valid object to Ember.Binding.connect()', !!obj);
+ var fromPath = this._from;
+ var toPath = this._to;
+ trySet(obj, toPath, getWithGlobals(obj, fromPath));
+ // add an observer on the object to be notified when the binding should be updated
+ addObserver(obj, fromPath, this, this.fromDidChange);
+ // if the binding is a two-way binding, also set up an observer on the target
+ if (!this._oneWay) {
+ addObserver(obj, toPath, this, this.toDidChange);
+ }
+ this._readyToSync = true;
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Disconnects the binding instance. Changes will no longer be relayed. You
+ will not usually need to call this method.
+ @method disconnect
+ @param {Object} obj The root object you passed when connecting the binding.
+ @return {Ember.Binding} `this`
+ */
+ disconnect: function(obj) {
+ Ember.assert('Must pass a valid object to Ember.Binding.disconnect()', !!obj);
+ var twoWay = !this._oneWay;
+ // remove an observer on the object so we're no longer notified of
+ // changes that should update bindings.
+ removeObserver(obj, this._from, this, this.fromDidChange);
+ // if the binding is two-way, remove the observer from the target as well
+ if (twoWay) {
+ removeObserver(obj, this._to, this, this.toDidChange);
+ }
+ this._readyToSync = false; // disable scheduled syncs...
+ return this;
+ },
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /* called when the from side changes */
+ fromDidChange: function(target) {
+ this._scheduleSync(target, 'fwd');
+ },
+ /* called when the to side changes */
+ toDidChange: function(target) {
+ this._scheduleSync(target, 'back');
+ },
+ _scheduleSync: function(obj, dir) {
+ var existingDir = this._direction;
+ // if we haven't scheduled the binding yet, schedule it
+ if (existingDir === undefined) {
+ run.schedule('sync', this, this._sync, obj);
+ this._direction = dir;
+ }
+ // If both a 'back' and 'fwd' sync have been scheduled on the same object,
+ // default to a 'fwd' sync so that it remains deterministic.
+ if (existingDir === 'back' && dir === 'fwd') {
+ this._direction = 'fwd';
+ }
+ },
+ _sync: function(obj) {
+ var log = Ember.LOG_BINDINGS;
+ // don't synchronize destroyed objects or disconnected bindings
+ if (obj.isDestroyed || !this._readyToSync) { return; }
+ // get the direction of the binding for the object we are
+ // synchronizing from
+ var direction = this._direction;
+ var fromPath = this._from;
+ var toPath = this._to;
+ this._direction = undefined;
+ // if we're synchronizing from the remote object...
+ if (direction === 'fwd') {
+ var fromValue = getWithGlobals(obj, this._from);
+ if (log) {
+ Ember.Logger.log(' ', this.toString(), '->', fromValue, obj);
+ }
+ if (this._oneWay) {
+ trySet(obj, toPath, fromValue);
+ } else {
+ _suspendObserver(obj, toPath, this, this.toDidChange, function () {
+ trySet(obj, toPath, fromValue);
+ });
+ }
+ // if we're synchronizing *to* the remote object
+ } else if (direction === 'back') {
+ var toValue = get(obj, this._to);
+ if (log) {
+ Ember.Logger.log(' ', this.toString(), '<-', toValue, obj);
+ }
+ _suspendObserver(obj, fromPath, this, this.fromDidChange, function () {
+ trySet(isGlobalPath(fromPath) ? Ember.lookup : obj, fromPath, toValue);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function mixinProperties(to, from) {
+ for (var key in from) {
+ if (from.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ to[key] = from[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mixinProperties(Binding, {
+ /*
+ See `Ember.Binding.from`.
+ @method from
+ @static
+ */
+ from: function(from) {
+ var C = this;
+ return new C(undefined, from);
+ },
+ /*
+ See ``.
+ @method to
+ @static
+ */
+ to: function(to) {
+ var C = this;
+ return new C(to, undefined);
+ },
+ /**
+ Creates a new Binding instance and makes it apply in a single direction.
+ A one-way binding will relay changes on the `from` side object (supplied
+ as the `from` argument) the `to` side, but not the other way around.
+ This means that if you change the "to" side directly, the "from" side may have
+ a different value.
+ See `Binding.oneWay`.
+ @method oneWay
+ @param {String} from from path.
+ @param {Boolean} [flag] (Optional) passing nothing here will make the
+ binding `oneWay`. You can instead pass `false` to disable `oneWay`, making the
+ binding two way again.
+ @return {Ember.Binding} `this`
+ */
+ oneWay: function(from, flag) {
+ var C = this;
+ return new C(undefined, from).oneWay(flag);
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ An `Ember.Binding` connects the properties of two objects so that whenever
+ the value of one property changes, the other property will be changed also.
+ ## Automatic Creation of Bindings with `/^*Binding/`-named Properties
+ You do not usually create Binding objects directly but instead describe
+ bindings in your class or object definition using automatic binding
+ detection.
+ Properties ending in a `Binding` suffix will be converted to `Ember.Binding`
+ instances. The value of this property should be a string representing a path
+ to another object or a custom binding instance created using Binding helpers
+ (see "One Way Bindings"):
+ ```
+ valueBinding: "MyApp.someController.title"
+ ```
+ This will create a binding from `MyApp.someController.title` to the `value`
+ property of your object instance automatically. Now the two values will be
+ kept in sync.
+ ## One Way Bindings
+ One especially useful binding customization you can use is the `oneWay()`
+ helper. This helper tells Ember that you are only interested in
+ receiving changes on the object you are binding from. For example, if you
+ are binding to a preference and you want to be notified if the preference
+ has changed, but your object will not be changing the preference itself, you
+ could do:
+ ```
+ bigTitlesBinding: Ember.Binding.oneWay("MyApp.preferencesController.bigTitles")
+ ```
+ This way if the value of `MyApp.preferencesController.bigTitles` changes the
+ `bigTitles` property of your object will change also. However, if you
+ change the value of your `bigTitles` property, it will not update the
+ `preferencesController`.
+ One way bindings are almost twice as fast to setup and twice as fast to
+ execute because the binding only has to worry about changes to one side.
+ You should consider using one way bindings anytime you have an object that
+ may be created frequently and you do not intend to change a property; only
+ to monitor it for changes (such as in the example above).
+ ## Adding Bindings Manually
+ All of the examples above show you how to configure a custom binding, but the
+ result of these customizations will be a binding template, not a fully active
+ Binding instance. The binding will actually become active only when you
+ instantiate the object the binding belongs to. It is useful however, to
+ understand what actually happens when the binding is activated.
+ For a binding to function it must have at least a `from` property and a `to`
+ property. The `from` property path points to the object/key that you want to
+ bind from while the `to` path points to the object/key you want to bind to.
+ When you define a custom binding, you are usually describing the property
+ you want to bind from (such as `MyApp.someController.value` in the examples
+ above). When your object is created, it will automatically assign the value
+ you want to bind `to` based on the name of your binding key. In the
+ examples above, during init, Ember objects will effectively call
+ something like this on your binding:
+ ```javascript
+ binding = Ember.Binding.from("valueBinding").to("value");
+ ```
+ This creates a new binding instance based on the template you provide, and
+ sets the to path to the `value` property of the new object. Now that the
+ binding is fully configured with a `from` and a `to`, it simply needs to be
+ connected to become active. This is done through the `connect()` method:
+ ```javascript
+ binding.connect(this);
+ ```
+ Note that when you connect a binding you pass the object you want it to be
+ connected to. This object will be used as the root for both the from and
+ to side of the binding when inspecting relative paths. This allows the
+ binding to be automatically inherited by subclassed objects as well.
+ This also allows you to bind between objects using the paths you declare in
+ `from` and `to`:
+ ```javascript
+ // Example 1
+ binding = Ember.Binding.from("App.someObject.value").to("value");
+ binding.connect(this);
+ // Example 2
+ binding = Ember.Binding.from("parentView.value").to("App.someObject.value");
+ binding.connect(this);
+ ```
+ Now that the binding is connected, it will observe both the from and to side
+ and relay changes.
+ If you ever needed to do so (you almost never will, but it is useful to
+ understand this anyway), you could manually create an active binding by
+ using the `Ember.bind()` helper method. (This is the same method used by
+ to setup your bindings on objects):
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.bind(MyApp.anotherObject, "value", "MyApp.someController.value");
+ ```
+ Both of these code fragments have the same effect as doing the most friendly
+ form of binding creation like so:
+ ```javascript
+ MyApp.anotherObject = Ember.Object.create({
+ valueBinding: "MyApp.someController.value",
+ });
+ ```
+ Ember's built in binding creation method makes it easy to automatically
+ create bindings for you. You should always use the highest-level APIs
+ available, even if you understand how it works underneath.
+ @class Binding
+ @namespace Ember
+ @since Ember 0.9
+ */
+ // Ember.Binding = Binding; ES6TODO: where to put this?
+ /**
+ Global helper method to create a new binding. Just pass the root object
+ along with a `to` and `from` path to create and connect the binding.
+ @method bind
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The root object of the transform.
+ @param {String} to The path to the 'to' side of the binding.
+ Must be relative to obj.
+ @param {String} from The path to the 'from' side of the binding.
+ Must be relative to obj or a global path.
+ @return {Ember.Binding} binding instance
+ */
+ function bind(obj, to, from) {
+ return new Binding(to, from).connect(obj);
+ }
+ __exports__.bind = bind;/**
+ @method oneWay
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The root object of the transform.
+ @param {String} to The path to the 'to' side of the binding.
+ Must be relative to obj.
+ @param {String} from The path to the 'from' side of the binding.
+ Must be relative to obj or a global path.
+ @return {Ember.Binding} binding instance
+ */
+ function oneWay(obj, to, from) {
+ return new Binding(to, from).oneWay().connect(obj);
+ }
+ __exports__.oneWay = oneWay;__exports__.Binding = Binding;
+ __exports__.isGlobalPath = isGlobalPath;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/dictionary","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var dictionary = __dependency1__["default"];
+ __exports__["default"] = Cache;
+ function Cache(limit, func) {
+ = dictionary(null);
+ this.size = 0;
+ this.misses = 0;
+ this.hits = 0;
+ this.limit = limit;
+ this.func = func;
+ }
+ var UNDEFINED = function() { };
+ Cache.prototype = {
+ set: function(key, value) {
+ if (this.limit > this.size) {
+ this.size ++;
+ if (value === undefined) {
+[key] = UNDEFINED;
+ } else {
+[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ get: function(key) {
+ var value =[key];
+ if (value === undefined) {
+ this.misses ++;
+ value = this.set(key, this.func(key));
+ } else if (value === UNDEFINED) {
+ this.hits ++;
+ value = undefined;
+ } else {
+ this.hits ++;
+ // nothing to translate
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ purge: function() {
+ = dictionary(null);
+ this.size = 0;
+ this.hits = 0;
+ this.misses = 0;
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/array","ember-metal/watch_key","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // warn, assert, etc;
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var normalizeTuple = __dependency2__.normalizeTuple;
+ var metaFor = __dependency3__.meta;
+ var forEach = __dependency4__.forEach;
+ var watchKey = __dependency5__.watchKey;
+ var unwatchKey = __dependency5__.unwatchKey;
+ var warn = Ember.warn;
+ var FIRST_KEY = /^([^\.]+)/;
+ function firstKey(path) {
+ return path.match(FIRST_KEY)[0];
+ }
+ var pendingQueue = [];
+ // attempts to add the pendingQueue chains again. If some of them end up
+ // back in the queue and reschedule is true, schedules a timeout to try
+ // again.
+ function flushPendingChains() {
+ if (pendingQueue.length === 0) { return; } // nothing to do
+ var queue = pendingQueue;
+ pendingQueue = [];
+, function(q) {
+ q[0].add(q[1]);
+ });
+ warn('Watching an undefined global, Ember expects watched globals to be' +
+ ' setup by the time the run loop is flushed, check for typos', pendingQueue.length === 0);
+ }
+ __exports__.flushPendingChains = flushPendingChains;function addChainWatcher(obj, keyName, node) {
+ if (!obj || ('object' !== typeof obj)) { return; } // nothing to do
+ var m = metaFor(obj);
+ var nodes = m.chainWatchers;
+ if (!m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers')) {
+ nodes = m.chainWatchers = {};
+ }
+ if (!nodes[keyName]) {
+ nodes[keyName] = [];
+ }
+ nodes[keyName].push(node);
+ watchKey(obj, keyName, m);
+ }
+ function removeChainWatcher(obj, keyName, node) {
+ if (!obj || 'object' !== typeof obj) { return; } // nothing to do
+ var m = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ if (m && !m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers')) { return; } // nothing to do
+ var nodes = m && m.chainWatchers;
+ if (nodes && nodes[keyName]) {
+ nodes = nodes[keyName];
+ for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (nodes[i] === node) {
+ nodes.splice(i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unwatchKey(obj, keyName, m);
+ }
+ // A ChainNode watches a single key on an object. If you provide a starting
+ // value for the key then the node won't actually watch it. For a root node
+ // pass null for parent and key and object for value.
+ function ChainNode(parent, key, value) {
+ this._parent = parent;
+ this._key = key;
+ // _watching is true when calling get(this._parent, this._key) will
+ // return the value of this node.
+ //
+ // It is false for the root of a chain (because we have no parent)
+ // and for global paths (because the parent node is the object with
+ // the observer on it)
+ this._watching = value===undefined;
+ this._value = value;
+ this._paths = {};
+ if (this._watching) {
+ this._object = parent.value();
+ if (this._object) {
+ addChainWatcher(this._object, this._key, this);
+ }
+ }
+ // Special-case: the EachProxy relies on immediate evaluation to
+ // establish its observers.
+ //
+ // TODO: Replace this with an efficient callback that the EachProxy
+ // can implement.
+ if (this._parent && this._parent._key === '@each') {
+ this.value();
+ }
+ }
+ var ChainNodePrototype = ChainNode.prototype;
+ function lazyGet(obj, key) {
+ if (!obj) return undefined;
+ var meta = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ // check if object meant only to be a prototype
+ if (meta && meta.proto === obj) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ if (key === "@each") {
+ return get(obj, key);
+ }
+ // if a CP only return cached value
+ var desc = meta && meta.descs[key];
+ if (desc && desc._cacheable) {
+ if (key in meta.cache) {
+ return meta.cache[key];
+ } else {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ return get(obj, key);
+ }
+ ChainNodePrototype.value = function() {
+ if (this._value === undefined && this._watching) {
+ var obj = this._parent.value();
+ this._value = lazyGet(obj, this._key);
+ }
+ return this._value;
+ };
+ ChainNodePrototype.destroy = function() {
+ if (this._watching) {
+ var obj = this._object;
+ if (obj) {
+ removeChainWatcher(obj, this._key, this);
+ }
+ this._watching = false; // so future calls do nothing
+ }
+ };
+ // copies a top level object only
+ ChainNodePrototype.copy = function(obj) {
+ var ret = new ChainNode(null, null, obj);
+ var paths = this._paths;
+ var path;
+ for (path in paths) {
+ // this check will also catch non-number vals.
+ if (paths[path] <= 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ret.add(path);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ // called on the root node of a chain to setup watchers on the specified
+ // path.
+ ChainNodePrototype.add = function(path) {
+ var obj, tuple, key, src, paths;
+ paths = this._paths;
+ paths[path] = (paths[path] || 0) + 1;
+ obj = this.value();
+ tuple = normalizeTuple(obj, path);
+ // the path was a local path
+ if (tuple[0] && tuple[0] === obj) {
+ path = tuple[1];
+ key = firstKey(path);
+ path = path.slice(key.length+1);
+ // global path, but object does not exist yet.
+ // put into a queue and try to connect later.
+ } else if (!tuple[0]) {
+ pendingQueue.push([this, path]);
+ tuple.length = 0;
+ return;
+ // global path, and object already exists
+ } else {
+ src = tuple[0];
+ key = path.slice(0, 0-(tuple[1].length+1));
+ path = tuple[1];
+ }
+ tuple.length = 0;
+ this.chain(key, path, src);
+ };
+ // called on the root node of a chain to teardown watcher on the specified
+ // path
+ ChainNodePrototype.remove = function(path) {
+ var obj, tuple, key, src, paths;
+ paths = this._paths;
+ if (paths[path] > 0) {
+ paths[path]--;
+ }
+ obj = this.value();
+ tuple = normalizeTuple(obj, path);
+ if (tuple[0] === obj) {
+ path = tuple[1];
+ key = firstKey(path);
+ path = path.slice(key.length+1);
+ } else {
+ src = tuple[0];
+ key = path.slice(0, 0-(tuple[1].length+1));
+ path = tuple[1];
+ }
+ tuple.length = 0;
+ this.unchain(key, path);
+ };
+ ChainNodePrototype.count = 0;
+ ChainNodePrototype.chain = function(key, path, src) {
+ var chains = this._chains;
+ var node;
+ if (!chains) {
+ chains = this._chains = {};
+ }
+ node = chains[key];
+ if (!node) {
+ node = chains[key] = new ChainNode(this, key, src);
+ }
+ node.count++; // count chains...
+ // chain rest of path if there is one
+ if (path) {
+ key = firstKey(path);
+ path = path.slice(key.length+1);
+ node.chain(key, path); // NOTE: no src means it will observe changes...
+ }
+ };
+ ChainNodePrototype.unchain = function(key, path) {
+ var chains = this._chains;
+ var node = chains[key];
+ // unchain rest of path first...
+ if (path && path.length > 1) {
+ var nextKey = firstKey(path);
+ var nextPath = path.slice(nextKey.length + 1);
+ node.unchain(nextKey, nextPath);
+ }
+ // delete node if needed.
+ node.count--;
+ if (node.count<=0) {
+ delete chains[node._key];
+ node.destroy();
+ }
+ };
+ ChainNodePrototype.willChange = function(events) {
+ var chains = this._chains;
+ if (chains) {
+ for(var key in chains) {
+ if (!chains.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ chains[key].willChange(events);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._parent) {
+ this._parent.chainWillChange(this, this._key, 1, events);
+ }
+ };
+ ChainNodePrototype.chainWillChange = function(chain, path, depth, events) {
+ if (this._key) {
+ path = this._key + '.' + path;
+ }
+ if (this._parent) {
+ this._parent.chainWillChange(this, path, depth+1, events);
+ } else {
+ if (depth > 1) {
+ events.push(this.value(), path);
+ }
+ path = 'this.' + path;
+ if (this._paths[path] > 0) {
+ events.push(this.value(), path);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ ChainNodePrototype.chainDidChange = function(chain, path, depth, events) {
+ if (this._key) {
+ path = this._key + '.' + path;
+ }
+ if (this._parent) {
+ this._parent.chainDidChange(this, path, depth+1, events);
+ } else {
+ if (depth > 1) {
+ events.push(this.value(), path);
+ }
+ path = 'this.' + path;
+ if (this._paths[path] > 0) {
+ events.push(this.value(), path);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ ChainNodePrototype.didChange = function(events) {
+ // invalidate my own value first.
+ if (this._watching) {
+ var obj = this._parent.value();
+ if (obj !== this._object) {
+ removeChainWatcher(this._object, this._key, this);
+ this._object = obj;
+ addChainWatcher(obj, this._key, this);
+ }
+ this._value = undefined;
+ // Special-case: the EachProxy relies on immediate evaluation to
+ // establish its observers.
+ if (this._parent && this._parent._key === '@each') {
+ this.value();
+ }
+ }
+ // then notify chains...
+ var chains = this._chains;
+ if (chains) {
+ for(var key in chains) {
+ if (!chains.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
+ chains[key].didChange(events);
+ }
+ }
+ // if no events are passed in then we only care about the above wiring update
+ if (events === null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // and finally tell parent about my path changing...
+ if (this._parent) {
+ this._parent.chainDidChange(this, this._key, 1, events);
+ }
+ };
+ function finishChains(obj) {
+ // We only create meta if we really have to
+ var m = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var chains, chainWatchers, chainNodes;
+ if (m) {
+ // finish any current chains node watchers that reference obj
+ chainWatchers = m.chainWatchers;
+ if (chainWatchers) {
+ for(var key in chainWatchers) {
+ if (!chainWatchers.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ chainNodes = chainWatchers[key];
+ if (chainNodes) {
+ for (var i=0,l=chainNodes.length;i<l;i++) {
+ chainNodes[i].didChange(null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // copy chains from prototype
+ chains = m.chains;
+ if (chains && chains.value() !== obj) {
+ metaFor(obj).chains = chains = chains.copy(obj);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.finishChains = finishChains;__exports__.removeChainWatcher = removeChainWatcher;
+ __exports__.ChainNode = ChainNode;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/expand_properties","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/property_events","ember-metal/dependent_keys","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var set = __dependency1__.set;
+ var meta = __dependency2__.meta;
+ var inspect = __dependency2__.inspect;
+ var expandProperties = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var EmberError = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var Descriptor = __dependency5__.Descriptor;
+ var defineProperty = __dependency5__.defineProperty;
+ var propertyWillChange = __dependency6__.propertyWillChange;
+ var propertyDidChange = __dependency6__.propertyDidChange;
+ var addDependentKeys = __dependency7__.addDependentKeys;
+ var removeDependentKeys = __dependency7__.removeDependentKeys;
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ Ember.warn("The CP_DEFAULT_CACHEABLE flag has been removed and computed properties" +
+ "are always cached by default. Use `volatile` if you don't want caching.", Ember.ENV.CP_DEFAULT_CACHEABLE !== false);
+ var metaFor = meta;
+ var a_slice = [].slice;
+ function UNDEFINED() { }
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ A computed property transforms an object's function into a property.
+ By default the function backing the computed property will only be called
+ once and the result will be cached. You can specify various properties
+ that your computed property depends on. This will force the cached
+ result to be recomputed if the dependencies are modified.
+ In the following example we declare a computed property (by calling
+ `.property()` on the fullName function) and setup the property
+ dependencies (depending on firstName and lastName). The fullName function
+ will be called once (regardless of how many times it is accessed) as long
+ as its dependencies have not changed. Once firstName or lastName are updated
+ any future calls (or anything bound) to fullName will incorporate the new
+ values.
+ ```javascript
+ var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ // these will be supplied by `create`
+ firstName: null,
+ lastName: null,
+ fullName: function() {
+ var firstName = this.get('firstName');
+ var lastName = this.get('lastName');
+ return firstName + ' ' + lastName;
+ }.property('firstName', 'lastName')
+ });
+ var tom = Person.create({
+ firstName: 'Tom',
+ lastName: 'Dale'
+ });
+ tom.get('fullName') // 'Tom Dale'
+ ```
+ You can also define what Ember should do when setting a computed property.
+ If you try to set a computed property, it will be invoked with the key and
+ value you want to set it to. You can also accept the previous value as the
+ third parameter.
+ ```javascript
+ var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ // these will be supplied by `create`
+ firstName: null,
+ lastName: null,
+ fullName: function(key, value, oldValue) {
+ // getter
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ var firstName = this.get('firstName');
+ var lastName = this.get('lastName');
+ return firstName + ' ' + lastName;
+ // setter
+ } else {
+ var name = value.split(' ');
+ this.set('firstName', name[0]);
+ this.set('lastName', name[1]);
+ return value;
+ }
+ }.property('firstName', 'lastName')
+ });
+ var person = Person.create();
+ person.set('fullName', 'Peter Wagenet');
+ person.get('firstName'); // 'Peter'
+ person.get('lastName'); // 'Wagenet'
+ ```
+ @class ComputedProperty
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Descriptor
+ @constructor
+ */
+ function ComputedProperty(func, opts) {
+ func.__ember_arity__ = func.length;
+ this.func = func;
+ this._dependentKeys = undefined;
+ this._suspended = undefined;
+ this._meta = undefined;
+ this._cacheable = (opts && opts.cacheable !== undefined) ? opts.cacheable : true;
+ this._dependentKeys = opts && opts.dependentKeys;
+ this._readOnly = opts && (opts.readOnly !== undefined || !!opts.readOnly) || false;
+ }
+ ComputedProperty.prototype = new Descriptor();
+ var ComputedPropertyPrototype = ComputedProperty.prototype;
+ /**
+ Properties are cacheable by default. Computed property will automatically
+ cache the return value of your function until one of the dependent keys changes.
+ Call `volatile()` to set it into non-cached mode. When in this mode
+ the computed property will not automatically cache the return value.
+ However, if a property is properly observable, there is no reason to disable
+ caching.
+ @method cacheable
+ @param {Boolean} aFlag optional set to `false` to disable caching
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} this
+ @chainable
+ */
+ ComputedPropertyPrototype.cacheable = function(aFlag) {
+ this._cacheable = aFlag !== false;
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ Call on a computed property to set it into non-cached mode. When in this
+ mode the computed property will not automatically cache the return value.
+ ```javascript
+ var outsideService = Ember.Object.extend({
+ value: function() {
+ return OutsideService.getValue();
+ }.property().volatile()
+ }).create();
+ ```
+ @method volatile
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} this
+ @chainable
+ */
+ ComputedPropertyPrototype["volatile"] = function() {
+ return this.cacheable(false);
+ };
+ /**
+ Call on a computed property to set it into read-only mode. When in this
+ mode the computed property will throw an error when set.
+ ```javascript
+ var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ guid: function() {
+ return 'guid-guid-guid';
+ }.property().readOnly()
+ });
+ var person = Person.create();
+ person.set('guid', 'new-guid'); // will throw an exception
+ ```
+ @method readOnly
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} this
+ @chainable
+ */
+ ComputedPropertyPrototype.readOnly = function(readOnly) {
+ this._readOnly = readOnly === undefined || !!readOnly;
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ Sets the dependent keys on this computed property. Pass any number of
+ arguments containing key paths that this computed property depends on.
+ ```javascript
+ var President = Ember.Object.extend({
+ fullName: computed(function() {
+ return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');
+ // Tell Ember that this computed property depends on firstName
+ // and lastName
+ }).property('firstName', 'lastName')
+ });
+ var president = President.create({
+ firstName: 'Barack',
+ lastName: 'Obama'
+ });
+ president.get('fullName'); // 'Barack Obama'
+ ```
+ @method property
+ @param {String} path* zero or more property paths
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} this
+ @chainable
+ */
+ = function() {
+ var args;
+ var addArg = function (property) {
+ args.push(property);
+ };
+ args = [];
+ for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ expandProperties(arguments[i], addArg);
+ }
+ this._dependentKeys = args;
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ In some cases, you may want to annotate computed properties with additional
+ metadata about how they function or what values they operate on. For example,
+ computed property functions may close over variables that are then no longer
+ available for introspection.
+ You can pass a hash of these values to a computed property like this:
+ ```
+ person: function() {
+ var personId = this.get('personId');
+ return App.Person.create({ id: personId });
+ }.property().meta({ type: App.Person })
+ ```
+ The hash that you pass to the `meta()` function will be saved on the
+ computed property descriptor under the `_meta` key. Ember runtime
+ exposes a public API for retrieving these values from classes,
+ via the `metaForProperty()` function.
+ @method meta
+ @param {Hash} meta
+ @chainable
+ */
+ ComputedPropertyPrototype.meta = function(meta) {
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ return this._meta || {};
+ } else {
+ this._meta = meta;
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ /* impl descriptor API */
+ ComputedPropertyPrototype.didChange = function(obj, keyName) {
+ // _suspended is set via a CP.set to ensure we don't clear
+ // the cached value set by the setter
+ if (this._cacheable && this._suspended !== obj) {
+ var meta = metaFor(obj);
+ if (meta.cache[keyName] !== undefined) {
+ meta.cache[keyName] = undefined;
+ removeDependentKeys(this, obj, keyName, meta);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function finishChains(chainNodes)
+ {
+ for (var i=0, l=chainNodes.length; i<l; i++) {
+ chainNodes[i].didChange(null);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ Access the value of the function backing the computed property.
+ If this property has already been cached, return the cached result.
+ Otherwise, call the function passing the property name as an argument.
+ ```javascript
+ var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ fullName: function(keyName) {
+ // the keyName parameter is 'fullName' in this case.
+ return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');
+ }.property('firstName', 'lastName')
+ });
+ var tom = Person.create({
+ firstName: 'Tom',
+ lastName: 'Dale'
+ });
+ tom.get('fullName') // 'Tom Dale'
+ ```
+ @method get
+ @param {String} keyName The key being accessed.
+ @return {Object} The return value of the function backing the CP.
+ */
+ ComputedPropertyPrototype.get = function(obj, keyName) {
+ var ret, cache, meta, chainNodes;
+ if (this._cacheable) {
+ meta = metaFor(obj);
+ cache = meta.cache;
+ var result = cache[keyName];
+ if (result === UNDEFINED) {
+ return undefined;
+ } else if (result !== undefined) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ ret =, keyName);
+ if (ret === undefined) {
+ cache[keyName] = UNDEFINED;
+ } else {
+ cache[keyName] = ret;
+ }
+ chainNodes = meta.chainWatchers && meta.chainWatchers[keyName];
+ if (chainNodes) {
+ finishChains(chainNodes);
+ }
+ addDependentKeys(this, obj, keyName, meta);
+ } else {
+ ret =, keyName);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ /**
+ Set the value of a computed property. If the function that backs your
+ computed property does not accept arguments then the default action for
+ setting would be to define the property on the current object, and set
+ the value of the property to the value being set.
+ Generally speaking if you intend for your computed property to be set
+ your backing function should accept either two or three arguments.
+ ```javascript
+ var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ // these will be supplied by `create`
+ firstName: null,
+ lastName: null,
+ fullName: function(key, value, oldValue) {
+ // getter
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ var firstName = this.get('firstName');
+ var lastName = this.get('lastName');
+ return firstName + ' ' + lastName;
+ // setter
+ } else {
+ var name = value.split(' ');
+ this.set('firstName', name[0]);
+ this.set('lastName', name[1]);
+ return value;
+ }
+ }.property('firstName', 'lastName')
+ });
+ var person = Person.create();
+ person.set('fullName', 'Peter Wagenet');
+ person.get('firstName'); // 'Peter'
+ person.get('lastName'); // 'Wagenet'
+ ```
+ @method set
+ @param {String} keyName The key being accessed.
+ @param {Object} newValue The new value being assigned.
+ @param {String} oldValue The old value being replaced.
+ @return {Object} The return value of the function backing the CP.
+ */
+ ComputedPropertyPrototype.set = function computedPropertySetWithSuspend(obj, keyName, value) {
+ var oldSuspended = this._suspended;
+ this._suspended = obj;
+ try {
+ this._set(obj, keyName, value);
+ } finally {
+ this._suspended = oldSuspended;
+ }
+ };
+ ComputedPropertyPrototype._set = function computedPropertySet(obj, keyName, value) {
+ var cacheable = this._cacheable;
+ var func = this.func;
+ var meta = metaFor(obj, cacheable);
+ var cache = meta.cache;
+ var hadCachedValue = false;
+ var funcArgLength, cachedValue, ret;
+ if (this._readOnly) {
+ throw new EmberError('Cannot set read-only property "' + keyName + '" on object: ' + inspect(obj));
+ }
+ if (cacheable && cache[keyName] !== undefined) {
+ if(cache[keyName] !== UNDEFINED) {
+ cachedValue = cache[keyName];
+ }
+ hadCachedValue = true;
+ }
+ // Check if the CP has been wrapped. If it has, use the
+ // length from the wrapped function.
+ funcArgLength = func.wrappedFunction ? func.wrappedFunction.__ember_arity__ : func.__ember_arity__;
+ // For backwards-compatibility with computed properties
+ // that check for arguments.length === 2 to determine if
+ // they are being get or set, only pass the old cached
+ // value if the computed property opts into a third
+ // argument.
+ if (funcArgLength === 3) {
+ ret =, keyName, value, cachedValue);
+ } else if (funcArgLength === 2) {
+ ret =, keyName, value);
+ } else {
+ defineProperty(obj, keyName, null, cachedValue);
+ set(obj, keyName, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (hadCachedValue && cachedValue === ret) { return; }
+ var watched = meta.watching[keyName];
+ if (watched) {
+ propertyWillChange(obj, keyName);
+ }
+ if (hadCachedValue) {
+ cache[keyName] = undefined;
+ }
+ if (cacheable) {
+ if (!hadCachedValue) {
+ addDependentKeys(this, obj, keyName, meta);
+ }
+ if (ret === undefined) {
+ cache[keyName] = UNDEFINED;
+ } else {
+ cache[keyName] = ret;
+ }
+ }
+ if (watched) {
+ propertyDidChange(obj, keyName);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ /* called before property is overridden */
+ ComputedPropertyPrototype.teardown = function(obj, keyName) {
+ var meta = metaFor(obj);
+ if (keyName in meta.cache) {
+ removeDependentKeys(this, obj, keyName, meta);
+ }
+ if (this._cacheable) { delete meta.cache[keyName]; }
+ return null; // no value to restore
+ };
+ /**
+ This helper returns a new property descriptor that wraps the passed
+ computed property function. You can use this helper to define properties
+ with mixins or via `Ember.defineProperty()`.
+ The function you pass will be used to both get and set property values.
+ The function should accept two parameters, key and value. If value is not
+ undefined you should set the value first. In either case return the
+ current value of the property.
+ A computed property defined in this way might look like this:
+ ```js
+ var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ firstName: 'Betty',
+ lastName: 'Jones',
+ fullName: Ember.computed('firstName', 'lastName', function(key, value) {
+ return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');
+ })
+ });
+ var client = Person.create();
+ client.get('fullName'); // 'Betty Jones'
+ client.set('lastName', 'Fuller');
+ client.get('fullName'); // 'Betty Fuller'
+ ```
+ _Note: This is the prefered way to define computed properties when writing third-party
+ libraries that depend on or use Ember, since there is no guarantee that the user
+ will have prototype extensions enabled._
+ You might use this method if you disabled
+ [Prototype Extensions](
+ The alternative syntax might look like this
+ (if prototype extensions are enabled, which is the default behavior):
+ ```js
+ fullName: function () {
+ return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');
+ }.property('firstName', 'lastName')
+ ```
+ @method computed
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} [dependentKeys*] Optional dependent keys that trigger this computed property.
+ @param {Function} func The computed property function.
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} property descriptor instance
+ */
+ function computed(func) {
+ var args;
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ args =;
+ func = args.pop();
+ }
+ if (typeof func !== "function") {
+ throw new EmberError("Computed Property declared without a property function");
+ }
+ var cp = new ComputedProperty(func);
+ if (args) {
+, args);
+ }
+ return cp;
+ }
+ /**
+ Returns the cached value for a property, if one exists.
+ This can be useful for peeking at the value of a computed
+ property that is generated lazily, without accidentally causing
+ it to be created.
+ @method cacheFor
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj the object whose property you want to check
+ @param {String} key the name of the property whose cached value you want
+ to return
+ @return {Object} the cached value
+ */
+ function cacheFor(obj, key) {
+ var meta = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var cache = meta && meta.cache;
+ var ret = cache && cache[key];
+ if (ret === UNDEFINED) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ cacheFor.set = function(cache, key, value) {
+ if (value === undefined) {
+ cache[key] = UNDEFINED;
+ } else {
+ cache[key] = value;
+ }
+ };
+ cacheFor.get = function(cache, key) {
+ var ret = cache[key];
+ if (ret === UNDEFINED) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ cacheFor.remove = function(cache, key) {
+ cache[key] = undefined;
+ };
+ __exports__.ComputedProperty = ComputedProperty;
+ __exports__.computed = computed;
+ __exports__.cacheFor = cacheFor;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/is_empty","ember-metal/is_none","ember-metal/alias"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var set = __dependency3__.set;
+ var computed = __dependency4__.computed;
+ var isEmpty = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var isNone = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var alias = __dependency7__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ var a_slice = [].slice;
+ function getProperties(self, propertyNames) {
+ var ret = {};
+ for(var i = 0; i < propertyNames.length; i++) {
+ ret[propertyNames[i]] = get(self, propertyNames[i]);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ function registerComputed(name, macro) {
+ computed[name] = function(dependentKey) {
+ var args =;
+ return computed(dependentKey, function() {
+ return macro.apply(this, args);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ function registerComputedWithProperties(name, macro) {
+ computed[name] = function() {
+ var properties =;
+ var computedFunc = computed(function() {
+ return macro.apply(this, [getProperties(this, properties)]);
+ });
+ return, properties);
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ A computed property that returns true if the value of the dependent
+ property is null, an empty string, empty array, or empty function.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var ToDoList = Ember.Object.extend({
+ done: Ember.computed.empty('todos')
+ });
+ var todoList = ToDoList.create({
+ todos: ['Unit Test', 'Documentation', 'Release']
+ });
+ todoList.get('done'); // false
+ todoList.get('todos').clear();
+ todoList.get('done'); // true
+ ```
+ @since 1.6.0
+ @method computed.empty
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which negate
+ the original value for property
+ */
+ computed.empty = function (dependentKey) {
+ return computed(dependentKey + '.length', function () {
+ return isEmpty(get(this, dependentKey));
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ A computed property that returns true if the value of the dependent
+ property is NOT null, an empty string, empty array, or empty function.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ hasStuff: Ember.computed.notEmpty('backpack')
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create({ backpack: ['Food', 'Sleeping Bag', 'Tent'] });
+ hamster.get('hasStuff'); // true
+ hamster.get('backpack').clear(); // []
+ hamster.get('hasStuff'); // false
+ ```
+ @method computed.notEmpty
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which returns true if
+ original value for property is not empty.
+ */
+ computed.notEmpty = function(dependentKey) {
+ return computed(dependentKey + '.length', function () {
+ return !isEmpty(get(this, dependentKey));
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ A computed property that returns true if the value of the dependent
+ property is null or undefined. This avoids errors from JSLint complaining
+ about use of ==, which can be technically confusing.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ isHungry: Ember.computed.none('food')
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create();
+ hamster.get('isHungry'); // true
+ hamster.set('food', 'Banana');
+ hamster.get('isHungry'); // false
+ hamster.set('food', null);
+ hamster.get('isHungry'); // true
+ ```
+ @method computed.none
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which
+ returns true if original value for property is null or undefined.
+ */
+ registerComputed('none', function(dependentKey) {
+ return isNone(get(this, dependentKey));
+ });
+ /**
+ A computed property that returns the inverse boolean value
+ of the original value for the dependent property.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var User = Ember.Object.extend({
+ isAnonymous: Ember.computed.not('loggedIn')
+ });
+ var user = User.create({loggedIn: false});
+ user.get('isAnonymous'); // true
+ user.set('loggedIn', true);
+ user.get('isAnonymous'); // false
+ ```
+ @method computed.not
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which returns
+ inverse of the original value for property
+ */
+ registerComputed('not', function(dependentKey) {
+ return !get(this, dependentKey);
+ });
+ /**
+ A computed property that converts the provided dependent property
+ into a boolean value.
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ hasBananas: Ember.computed.bool('numBananas')
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create();
+ hamster.get('hasBananas'); // false
+ hamster.set('numBananas', 0);
+ hamster.get('hasBananas'); // false
+ hamster.set('numBananas', 1);
+ hamster.get('hasBananas'); // true
+ hamster.set('numBananas', null);
+ hamster.get('hasBananas'); // false
+ ```
+ @method computed.bool
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which converts
+ to boolean the original value for property
+ */
+ registerComputed('bool', function(dependentKey) {
+ return !!get(this, dependentKey);
+ });
+ /**
+ A computed property which matches the original value for the
+ dependent property against a given RegExp, returning `true`
+ if they values matches the RegExp and `false` if it does not.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var User = Ember.Object.extend({
+ hasValidEmail: Ember.computed.match('email', /^.+@.+\..+$/)
+ });
+ var user = User.create({loggedIn: false});
+ user.get('hasValidEmail'); // false
+ user.set('email', '');
+ user.get('hasValidEmail'); // false
+ user.set('email', '');
+ user.get('hasValidEmail'); // true
+ ```
+ @method computed.match
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @param {RegExp} regexp
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which match
+ the original value for property against a given RegExp
+ */
+ registerComputed('match', function(dependentKey, regexp) {
+ var value = get(this, dependentKey);
+ return typeof value === 'string' ? regexp.test(value) : false;
+ });
+ /**
+ A computed property that returns true if the provided dependent property
+ is equal to the given value.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ napTime: Ember.computed.equal('state', 'sleepy')
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create();
+ hamster.get('napTime'); // false
+ hamster.set('state', 'sleepy');
+ hamster.get('napTime'); // true
+ hamster.set('state', 'hungry');
+ hamster.get('napTime'); // false
+ ```
+ @method computed.equal
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @param {String|Number|Object} value
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which returns true if
+ the original value for property is equal to the given value.
+ */
+ registerComputed('equal', function(dependentKey, value) {
+ return get(this, dependentKey) === value;
+ });
+ /**
+ A computed property that returns true if the provided dependent property
+ is greater than the provided value.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ hasTooManyBananas:'numBananas', 10)
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create();
+ hamster.get('hasTooManyBananas'); // false
+ hamster.set('numBananas', 3);
+ hamster.get('hasTooManyBananas'); // false
+ hamster.set('numBananas', 11);
+ hamster.get('hasTooManyBananas'); // true
+ ```
+ @method
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @param {Number} value
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which returns true if
+ the original value for property is greater than given value.
+ */
+ registerComputed('gt', function(dependentKey, value) {
+ return get(this, dependentKey) > value;
+ });
+ /**
+ A computed property that returns true if the provided dependent property
+ is greater than or equal to the provided value.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ hasTooManyBananas: Ember.computed.gte('numBananas', 10)
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create();
+ hamster.get('hasTooManyBananas'); // false
+ hamster.set('numBananas', 3);
+ hamster.get('hasTooManyBananas'); // false
+ hamster.set('numBananas', 10);
+ hamster.get('hasTooManyBananas'); // true
+ ```
+ @method computed.gte
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @param {Number} value
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which returns true if
+ the original value for property is greater or equal then given value.
+ */
+ registerComputed('gte', function(dependentKey, value) {
+ return get(this, dependentKey) >= value;
+ });
+ /**
+ A computed property that returns true if the provided dependent property
+ is less than the provided value.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ needsMoreBananas:'numBananas', 3)
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create();
+ hamster.get('needsMoreBananas'); // true
+ hamster.set('numBananas', 3);
+ hamster.get('needsMoreBananas'); // false
+ hamster.set('numBananas', 2);
+ hamster.get('needsMoreBananas'); // true
+ ```
+ @method
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @param {Number} value
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which returns true if
+ the original value for property is less then given value.
+ */
+ registerComputed('lt', function(dependentKey, value) {
+ return get(this, dependentKey) < value;
+ });
+ /**
+ A computed property that returns true if the provided dependent property
+ is less than or equal to the provided value.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ needsMoreBananas: Ember.computed.lte('numBananas', 3)
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create();
+ hamster.get('needsMoreBananas'); // true
+ hamster.set('numBananas', 5);
+ hamster.get('needsMoreBananas'); // false
+ hamster.set('numBananas', 3);
+ hamster.get('needsMoreBananas'); // true
+ ```
+ @method computed.lte
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @param {Number} value
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which returns true if
+ the original value for property is less or equal than given value.
+ */
+ registerComputed('lte', function(dependentKey, value) {
+ return get(this, dependentKey) <= value;
+ });
+ /**
+ A computed property that performs a logical `and` on the
+ original values for the provided dependent properties.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ readyForCamp: Ember.computed.and('hasTent', 'hasBackpack')
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create();
+ hamster.get('readyForCamp'); // false
+ hamster.set('hasTent', true);
+ hamster.get('readyForCamp'); // false
+ hamster.set('hasBackpack', true);
+ hamster.get('readyForCamp'); // true
+ ```
+ @method computed.and
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey*
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which performs
+ a logical `and` on the values of all the original values for properties.
+ */
+ registerComputedWithProperties('and', function(properties) {
+ for (var key in properties) {
+ if (properties.hasOwnProperty(key) && !properties[key]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ /**
+ A computed property which performs a logical `or` on the
+ original values for the provided dependent properties.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ readyForRain: Ember.computed.or('hasJacket', 'hasUmbrella')
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create();
+ hamster.get('readyForRain'); // false
+ hamster.set('hasJacket', true);
+ hamster.get('readyForRain'); // true
+ ```
+ @method computed.or
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey*
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which performs
+ a logical `or` on the values of all the original values for properties.
+ */
+ registerComputedWithProperties('or', function(properties) {
+ for (var key in properties) {
+ if (properties.hasOwnProperty(key) && properties[key]) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ /**
+ A computed property that returns the first truthy value
+ from a list of dependent properties.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ hasClothes: Ember.computed.any('hat', 'shirt')
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create();
+ hamster.get('hasClothes'); // null
+ hamster.set('shirt', 'Hawaiian Shirt');
+ hamster.get('hasClothes'); // 'Hawaiian Shirt'
+ ```
+ @method computed.any
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey*
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which returns
+ the first truthy value of given list of properties.
+ */
+ registerComputedWithProperties('any', function(properties) {
+ for (var key in properties) {
+ if (properties.hasOwnProperty(key) && properties[key]) {
+ return properties[key];
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ /**
+ A computed property that returns the array of values
+ for the provided dependent properties.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ clothes: Ember.computed.collect('hat', 'shirt')
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create();
+ hamster.get('clothes'); // [null, null]
+ hamster.set('hat', 'Camp Hat');
+ hamster.set('shirt', 'Camp Shirt');
+ hamster.get('clothes'); // ['Camp Hat', 'Camp Shirt']
+ ```
+ @method computed.collect
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey*
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which maps
+ values of all passed in properties to an array.
+ */
+ registerComputedWithProperties('collect', function(properties) {
+ var res = Ember.A();
+ for (var key in properties) {
+ if (properties.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ if (isNone(properties[key])) {
+ res.push(null);
+ } else {
+ res.push(properties[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ });
+ /**
+ Creates a new property that is an alias for another property
+ on an object. Calls to `get` or `set` this property behave as
+ though they were called on the original property.
+ ```javascript
+ var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ name: 'Alex Matchneer',
+ nomen: Ember.computed.alias('name')
+ });
+ var alex = Person.create();
+ alex.get('nomen'); // 'Alex Matchneer'
+ alex.get('name'); // 'Alex Matchneer'
+ alex.set('nomen', '@machty');
+ alex.get('name'); // '@machty'
+ ```
+ @method computed.alias
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which creates an
+ alias to the original value for property.
+ */
+ computed.alias = alias;
+ /**
+ Where `computed.alias` aliases `get` and `set`, and allows for bidirectional
+ data flow, `computed.oneWay` only provides an aliased `get`. The `set` will
+ not mutate the upstream property, rather causes the current property to
+ become the value set. This causes the downstream property to permanently
+ diverge from the upstream property.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var User = Ember.Object.extend({
+ firstName: null,
+ lastName: null,
+ nickName: Ember.computed.oneWay('firstName')
+ });
+ var teddy = User.create({
+ firstName: 'Teddy',
+ lastName: 'Zeenny'
+ });
+ teddy.get('nickName'); // 'Teddy'
+ teddy.set('nickName', 'TeddyBear'); // 'TeddyBear'
+ teddy.get('firstName'); // 'Teddy'
+ ```
+ @method computed.oneWay
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which creates a
+ one way computed property to the original value for property.
+ */
+ computed.oneWay = function(dependentKey) {
+ return alias(dependentKey).oneWay();
+ };
+ /**
+ This is a more semantically meaningful alias of `computed.oneWay`,
+ whose name is somewhat ambiguous as to which direction the data flows.
+ @method computed.reads
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which creates a
+ one way computed property to the original value for property.
+ */
+ computed.reads = computed.oneWay;
+ /**
+ Where `computed.oneWay` provides oneWay bindings, `computed.readOnly` provides
+ a readOnly one way binding. Very often when using `computed.oneWay` one does
+ not also want changes to propogate back up, as they will replace the value.
+ This prevents the reverse flow, and also throws an exception when it occurs.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var User = Ember.Object.extend({
+ firstName: null,
+ lastName: null,
+ nickName: Ember.computed.readOnly('firstName')
+ });
+ var teddy = User.create({
+ firstName: 'Teddy',
+ lastName: 'Zeenny'
+ });
+ teddy.get('nickName'); // 'Teddy'
+ teddy.set('nickName', 'TeddyBear'); // throws Exception
+ // throw new Ember.Error('Cannot Set: nickName on: <User:ember27288>' );`
+ teddy.get('firstName'); // 'Teddy'
+ ```
+ @method computed.readOnly
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which creates a
+ one way computed property to the original value for property.
+ @since 1.5.0
+ */
+ computed.readOnly = function(dependentKey) {
+ return alias(dependentKey).readOnly();
+ };
+ /**
+ A computed property that acts like a standard getter and setter,
+ but returns the value at the provided `defaultPath` if the
+ property itself has not been set to a value
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ wishList: Ember.computed.defaultTo('favoriteFood')
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create({ favoriteFood: 'Banana' });
+ hamster.get('wishList'); // 'Banana'
+ hamster.set('wishList', 'More Unit Tests');
+ hamster.get('wishList'); // 'More Unit Tests'
+ hamster.get('favoriteFood'); // 'Banana'
+ ```
+ @method computed.defaultTo
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} defaultPath
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which acts like
+ a standard getter and setter, but defaults to the value from `defaultPath`.
+ @deprecated Use `Ember.computed.oneWay` or custom CP with default instead.
+ */
+ // ES6TODO: computed should have its own export path so you can do import {defaultTo} from computed
+ computed.defaultTo = function(defaultPath) {
+ return computed(function(key, newValue, cachedValue) {
+ Ember.deprecate('Usage of Ember.computed.defaultTo is deprecated, use `Ember.computed.oneWay` instead.');
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ return get(this, defaultPath);
+ }
+ return newValue != null ? newValue : get(this, defaultPath);
+ });
+ };
+ /**
+ Creates a new property that is an alias for another property
+ on an object. Calls to `get` or `set` this property behave as
+ though they were called on the original property, but also
+ print a deprecation warning.
+ @method computed.deprecatingAlias
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computed property which creates an
+ alias with a deprecation to the original value for property.
+ @since 1.7.0
+ */
+ computed.deprecatingAlias = function(dependentKey) {
+ return computed(dependentKey, function(key, value) {
+ Ember.deprecate('Usage of `' + key + '` is deprecated, use `' + dependentKey + '` instead.');
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ set(this, dependentKey, value);
+ return value;
+ } else {
+ return get(this, dependentKey);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /*globals Ember:true,ENV,EmberENV,MetamorphENV:true */
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-metal
+ */
+ /**
+ All Ember methods and functions are defined inside of this namespace. You
+ generally should not add new properties to this namespace as it may be
+ overwritten by future versions of Ember.
+ You can also use the shorthand `Em` instead of `Ember`.
+ Ember-Runtime is a framework that provides core functions for Ember including
+ cross-platform functions, support for property observing and objects. Its
+ focus is on small size and performance. You can use this in place of or
+ along-side other cross-platform libraries such as jQuery.
+ The core Runtime framework is based on the jQuery API with a number of
+ performance optimizations.
+ @class Ember
+ @static
+ @version 1.9.0
+ */
+ if ('undefined' === typeof Ember) {
+ // Create core object. Make it act like an instance of Ember.Namespace so that
+ // objects assigned to it are given a sane string representation.
+ Ember = {};
+ }
+ // Default imports, exports and lookup to the global object;
+ Ember.imports = Ember.imports || this;
+ Ember.lookup = Ember.lookup || this;
+ var exports = Ember.exports = Ember.exports || this;
+ // aliases needed to keep minifiers from removing the global context
+ exports.Em = exports.Ember = Ember;
+ // Make sure these are set whether Ember was already defined or not
+ Ember.isNamespace = true;
+ Ember.toString = function() { return "Ember"; };
+ /**
+ @property VERSION
+ @type String
+ @default '1.9.0'
+ @static
+ */
+ Ember.VERSION = '1.9.0';
+ /**
+ Standard environmental variables. You can define these in a global `EmberENV`
+ variable before loading Ember to control various configuration settings.
+ For backwards compatibility with earlier versions of Ember the global `ENV`
+ variable will be used if `EmberENV` is not defined.
+ @property ENV
+ @type Hash
+ */
+ if (Ember.ENV) {
+ // do nothing if Ember.ENV is already setup
+ } else if ('undefined' !== typeof EmberENV) {
+ Ember.ENV = EmberENV;
+ } else if('undefined' !== typeof ENV) {
+ Ember.ENV = ENV;
+ } else {
+ Ember.ENV = {};
+ }
+ Ember.config = Ember.config || {};
+ // We disable the RANGE API by default for performance reasons
+ if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.ENV.DISABLE_RANGE_API) {
+ }
+ if ("undefined" === typeof MetamorphENV) {
+ exports.MetamorphENV = {};
+ }
+ /**
+ Hash of enabled Canary features. Add to this before creating your application.
+ You can also define `ENV.FEATURES` if you need to enable features flagged at runtime.
+ @class FEATURES
+ @namespace Ember
+ @static
+ @since 1.1.0
+ */
+ Ember.FEATURES = Ember.ENV.FEATURES || {};
+ /**
+ Test that a feature is enabled. Parsed by Ember's build tools to leave
+ experimental features out of beta/stable builds.
+ You can define the following configuration options:
+ * `ENV.ENABLE_ALL_FEATURES` - force all features to be enabled.
+ * `ENV.ENABLE_OPTIONAL_FEATURES` - enable any features that have not been explicitly
+ enabled/disabled.
+ @method isEnabled
+ @param {String} feature
+ @return {Boolean}
+ @for Ember.FEATURES
+ @since 1.1.0
+ */
+ Ember.FEATURES.isEnabled = function(feature) {
+ var featureValue = Ember.FEATURES[feature];
+ return true;
+ } else if (featureValue === true || featureValue === false || featureValue === undefined) {
+ return featureValue;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ Determines whether Ember should enhance some built-in object prototypes to
+ provide a more friendly API. If enabled, a few methods will be added to
+ `Function`, `String`, and `Array`. `Object.prototype` will not be enhanced,
+ which is the one that causes most trouble for people.
+ In general we recommend leaving this option set to true since it rarely
+ conflicts with other code. If you need to turn it off however, you can
+ define an `ENV.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES` config to disable it.
+ @type Boolean
+ @default true
+ @for Ember
+ */
+ if (typeof Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES === 'undefined') {
+ }
+ /**
+ Determines whether Ember logs a full stack trace during deprecation warnings
+ @type Boolean
+ @default true
+ */
+ /**
+ Determines whether Ember should add ECMAScript 5 Array shims to older browsers.
+ @property SHIM_ES5
+ @type Boolean
+ @default Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES
+ */
+ Ember.SHIM_ES5 = (Ember.ENV.SHIM_ES5 === false) ? false : Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES;
+ /**
+ Determines whether Ember logs info about version of used libraries
+ @property LOG_VERSION
+ @type Boolean
+ @default true
+ */
+ Ember.LOG_VERSION = (Ember.ENV.LOG_VERSION === false) ? false : true;
+ /**
+ Empty function. Useful for some operations. Always returns `this`.
+ @method K
+ @private
+ @return {Object}
+ */
+ function K() { return this; }
+ __exports__.K = K;
+ Ember.K = K;
+ // Stub out the methods defined by the ember-debug package in case it's not loaded
+ if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.assert) { Ember.assert = Ember.K; }
+ if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.warn) { Ember.warn = Ember.K; }
+ if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.debug) { Ember.debug = Ember.K; }
+ if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.runInDebug) { Ember.runInDebug = Ember.K; }
+ if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.deprecate) { Ember.deprecate = Ember.K; }
+ if ('undefined' === typeof Ember.deprecateFunc) {
+ Ember.deprecateFunc = function(_, func) { return func; };
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = Ember;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/watching","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ // Remove "use strict"; from transpiled module until
+ // is fixed
+ //
+ var o_create = __dependency1__.create;
+ var watch =;
+ var unwatch = __dependency2__.unwatch;
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ // data structure:
+ // meta.deps = {
+ // 'depKey': {
+ // 'keyName': count,
+ // }
+ // }
+ /*
+ This function returns a map of unique dependencies for a
+ given object and key.
+ */
+ function keysForDep(depsMeta, depKey) {
+ var keys = depsMeta[depKey];
+ if (!keys) {
+ // if there are no dependencies yet for a the given key
+ // create a new empty list of dependencies for the key
+ keys = depsMeta[depKey] = {};
+ } else if (!depsMeta.hasOwnProperty(depKey)) {
+ // otherwise if the dependency list is inherited from
+ // a superclass, clone the hash
+ keys = depsMeta[depKey] = o_create(keys);
+ }
+ return keys;
+ }
+ function metaForDeps(meta) {
+ return keysForDep(meta, 'deps');
+ }
+ function addDependentKeys(desc, obj, keyName, meta) {
+ // the descriptor has a list of dependent keys, so
+ // add all of its dependent keys.
+ var depKeys = desc._dependentKeys, depsMeta, idx, len, depKey, keys;
+ if (!depKeys) return;
+ depsMeta = metaForDeps(meta);
+ for(idx = 0, len = depKeys.length; idx < len; idx++) {
+ depKey = depKeys[idx];
+ // Lookup keys meta for depKey
+ keys = keysForDep(depsMeta, depKey);
+ // Increment the number of times depKey depends on keyName.
+ keys[keyName] = (keys[keyName] || 0) + 1;
+ // Watch the depKey
+ watch(obj, depKey, meta);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.addDependentKeys = addDependentKeys;function removeDependentKeys(desc, obj, keyName, meta) {
+ // the descriptor has a list of dependent keys, so
+ // remove all of its dependent keys.
+ var depKeys = desc._dependentKeys, depsMeta, idx, len, depKey, keys;
+ if (!depKeys) return;
+ depsMeta = metaForDeps(meta);
+ for(idx = 0, len = depKeys.length; idx < len; idx++) {
+ depKey = depKeys[idx];
+ // Lookup keys meta for depKey
+ keys = keysForDep(depsMeta, depKey);
+ // Decrement the number of times depKey depends on keyName.
+ keys[keyName] = (keys[keyName] || 0) - 1;
+ // Unwatch the depKey
+ unwatch(obj, depKey, meta);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.removeDependentKeys = removeDependentKeys;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var hasPropertyAccessors = __dependency2__.hasPropertyAccessors;
+ var defineProperty = __dependency3__.defineProperty;
+ var get = __dependency4__.get;
+ var set = __dependency5__.set;
+ /**
+ Used internally to allow changing properties in a backwards compatible way, and print a helpful
+ deprecation warning.
+ @method deprecateProperty
+ @param {Object} object The object to add the deprecated property to.
+ @param {String} deprecatedKey The property to add (and print deprecation warnings upon accessing).
+ @param {String} newKey The property that will be aliased.
+ @private
+ @since 1.7.0
+ */
+ function deprecateProperty(object, deprecatedKey, newKey) {
+ function deprecate() {
+ Ember.deprecate('Usage of `' + deprecatedKey + '` is deprecated, use `' + newKey + '` instead.');
+ }
+ if (hasPropertyAccessors) {
+ defineProperty(object, deprecatedKey, {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ set: function(value) { deprecate(); set(this, newKey, value); },
+ get: function() { deprecate(); return get(this, newKey); }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.deprecateProperty = deprecateProperty;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/platform","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var create = __dependency1__.create;
+ // the delete is meant to hint at runtimes that this object should remain in
+ // dictionary mode. This is clearly a runtime specific hack, but currently it
+ // appears worthwile in some usecases. Please note, these deletes do increase
+ // the cost of creation dramatically over a plain Object.create. And as this
+ // only makes sense for long-lived dictionaries that aren't instantiated often.
+ __exports__["default"] = function makeDictionary(parent) {
+ var dict = create(parent);
+ dict['_dict'] = null;
+ delete dict['_dict'];
+ return dict;
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/array","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var _filter = __dependency1__.filter;
+ var a_forEach = __dependency1__.forEach;
+ var _indexOf = __dependency1__.indexOf;
+ var _map =;
+ var splice = Array.prototype.splice;
+ /**
+ * Defines some convenience methods for working with Enumerables.
+ * `Ember.EnumerableUtils` uses `Ember.ArrayPolyfills` when necessary.
+ *
+ * @class EnumerableUtils
+ * @namespace Ember
+ * @static
+ * */
+ /**
+ * Calls the map function on the passed object with a specified callback. This
+ * uses `Ember.ArrayPolyfill`'s-map method when necessary.
+ *
+ * @method map
+ * @param {Object} obj The object that should be mapped
+ * @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ * @param {Object} thisArg Value to use as this when executing *callback*
+ *
+ * @return {Array} An array of mapped values.
+ */
+ function map(obj, callback, thisArg) {
+ return ?, thisArg) :, callback, thisArg);
+ }
+ = map;/**
+ * Calls the forEach function on the passed object with a specified callback. This
+ * uses `Ember.ArrayPolyfill`'s-forEach method when necessary.
+ *
+ * @method forEach
+ * @param {Object} obj The object to call forEach on
+ * @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ * @param {Object} thisArg Value to use as this when executing *callback*
+ *
+ */
+ function forEach(obj, callback, thisArg) {
+ return obj.forEach ? obj.forEach(callback, thisArg) :, callback, thisArg);
+ }
+ __exports__.forEach = forEach;/**
+ * Calls the filter function on the passed object with a specified callback. This
+ * uses `Ember.ArrayPolyfill`'s-filter method when necessary.
+ *
+ * @method filter
+ * @param {Object} obj The object to call filter on
+ * @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ * @param {Object} thisArg Value to use as this when executing *callback*
+ *
+ * @return {Array} An array containing the filtered values
+ * @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ function filter(obj, callback, thisArg) {
+ return obj.filter ? obj.filter(callback, thisArg) :, callback, thisArg);
+ }
+ __exports__.filter = filter;/**
+ * Calls the indexOf function on the passed object with a specified callback. This
+ * uses `Ember.ArrayPolyfill`'s-indexOf method when necessary.
+ *
+ * @method indexOf
+ * @param {Object} obj The object to call indexOn on
+ * @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ * @param {Object} index The index to start searching from
+ *
+ */
+ function indexOf(obj, element, index) {
+ return obj.indexOf ? obj.indexOf(element, index) :, element, index);
+ }
+ __exports__.indexOf = indexOf;/**
+ * Returns an array of indexes of the first occurrences of the passed elements
+ * on the passed object.
+ *
+ * ```javascript
+ * var array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+ * Ember.EnumerableUtils.indexesOf(array, [2, 5]); // [1, 4]
+ *
+ * var fubar = "Fubarr";
+ * Ember.EnumerableUtils.indexesOf(fubar, ['b', 'r']); // [2, 4]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @method indexesOf
+ * @param {Object} obj The object to check for element indexes
+ * @param {Array} elements The elements to search for on *obj*
+ *
+ * @return {Array} An array of indexes.
+ *
+ */
+ function indexesOf(obj, elements) {
+ return elements === undefined ? [] : map(elements, function(item) {
+ return indexOf(obj, item);
+ });
+ }
+ __exports__.indexesOf = indexesOf;/**
+ * Adds an object to an array. If the array already includes the object this
+ * method has no effect.
+ *
+ * @method addObject
+ * @param {Array} array The array the passed item should be added to
+ * @param {Object} item The item to add to the passed array
+ *
+ * @return 'undefined'
+ */
+ function addObject(array, item) {
+ var index = indexOf(array, item);
+ if (index === -1) { array.push(item); }
+ }
+ __exports__.addObject = addObject;/**
+ * Removes an object from an array. If the array does not contain the passed
+ * object this method has no effect.
+ *
+ * @method removeObject
+ * @param {Array} array The array to remove the item from.
+ * @param {Object} item The item to remove from the passed array.
+ *
+ * @return 'undefined'
+ */
+ function removeObject(array, item) {
+ var index = indexOf(array, item);
+ if (index !== -1) { array.splice(index, 1); }
+ }
+ __exports__.removeObject = removeObject;function _replace(array, idx, amt, objects) {
+ var args = [].concat(objects);
+ var ret = [];
+ //
+ var size = 60000;
+ var start = idx;
+ var ends = amt;
+ var count, chunk;
+ while (args.length) {
+ count = ends > size ? size : ends;
+ if (count <= 0) { count = 0; }
+ chunk = args.splice(0, size);
+ chunk = [start, count].concat(chunk);
+ start += size;
+ ends -= count;
+ ret = ret.concat(splice.apply(array, chunk));
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ __exports__._replace = _replace;/**
+ * Replaces objects in an array with the passed objects.
+ *
+ * ```javascript
+ * var array = [1,2,3];
+ * Ember.EnumerableUtils.replace(array, 1, 2, [4, 5]); // [1, 4, 5]
+ *
+ * var array = [1,2,3];
+ * Ember.EnumerableUtils.replace(array, 1, 1, [4, 5]); // [1, 4, 5, 3]
+ *
+ * var array = [1,2,3];
+ * Ember.EnumerableUtils.replace(array, 10, 1, [4, 5]); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @method replace
+ * @param {Array} array The array the objects should be inserted into.
+ * @param {Number} idx Starting index in the array to replace. If *idx* >=
+ * length, then append to the end of the array.
+ * @param {Number} amt Number of elements that should be removed from the array,
+ * starting at *idx*
+ * @param {Array} objects An array of zero or more objects that should be
+ * inserted into the array at *idx*
+ *
+ * @return {Array} The modified array.
+ */
+ function replace(array, idx, amt, objects) {
+ if (array.replace) {
+ return array.replace(idx, amt, objects);
+ } else {
+ return _replace(array, idx, amt, objects);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.replace = replace;/**
+ * Calculates the intersection of two arrays. This method returns a new array
+ * filled with the records that the two passed arrays share with each other.
+ * If there is no intersection, an empty array will be returned.
+ *
+ * ```javascript
+ * var array1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
+ * var array2 = [1, 3, 5, 6, 7];
+ *
+ * Ember.EnumerableUtils.intersection(array1, array2); // [1, 3, 5]
+ *
+ * var array1 = [1, 2, 3];
+ * var array2 = [4, 5, 6];
+ *
+ * Ember.EnumerableUtils.intersection(array1, array2); // []
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @method intersection
+ * @param {Array} array1 The first array
+ * @param {Array} array2 The second array
+ *
+ * @return {Array} The intersection of the two passed arrays.
+ */
+ function intersection(array1, array2) {
+ var result = [];
+ forEach(array1, function(element) {
+ if (indexOf(array2, element) >= 0) {
+ result.push(element);
+ }
+ });
+ return result;
+ }
+ __exports__.intersection = intersection;// TODO: this only exists to maintain the existing api, as we move forward it
+ // should only be part of the "global build" via some shim
+ __exports__["default"] = {
+ _replace: _replace,
+ addObject: addObject,
+ filter: filter,
+ forEach: forEach,
+ indexOf: indexOf,
+ indexesOf: indexesOf,
+ intersection: intersection,
+ map: map,
+ removeObject: removeObject,
+ replace: replace
+ };
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/platform","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var create = __dependency1__.create;
+ var errorProps = [
+ 'description',
+ 'fileName',
+ 'lineNumber',
+ 'message',
+ 'name',
+ 'number',
+ 'stack'
+ ];
+ /**
+ A subclass of the JavaScript Error object for use in Ember.
+ @class Error
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Error
+ @constructor
+ */
+ function EmberError() {
+ var tmp = Error.apply(this, arguments);
+ // Adds a `stack` property to the given error object that will yield the
+ // stack trace at the time captureStackTrace was called.
+ // When collecting the stack trace all frames above the topmost call
+ // to this function, including that call, will be left out of the
+ // stack trace.
+ // This is useful because we can hide Ember implementation details
+ // that are not very helpful for the user.
+ if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
+ Error.captureStackTrace(this, Ember.Error);
+ }
+ // Unfortunately errors are not enumerable in Chrome (at least), so `for prop in tmp` doesn't work.
+ for (var idx = 0; idx < errorProps.length; idx++) {
+ this[errorProps[idx]] = tmp[errorProps[idx]];
+ }
+ }
+ EmberError.prototype = create(Error.prototype);
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberError;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/platform","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ // Remove "use strict"; from transpiled module until
+ // is fixed
+ //
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var metaFor = __dependency2__.meta;
+ var tryFinally = __dependency2__.tryFinally;
+ var apply = __dependency2__.apply;
+ var applyStr = __dependency2__.applyStr;
+ var create = __dependency3__.create;
+ var a_slice = [].slice;
+ /* listener flags */
+ var ONCE = 1;
+ var SUSPENDED = 2;
+ /*
+ The event system uses a series of nested hashes to store listeners on an
+ object. When a listener is registered, or when an event arrives, these
+ hashes are consulted to determine which target and action pair to invoke.
+ The hashes are stored in the object's meta hash, and look like this:
+ // Object's meta hash
+ {
+ listeners: { // variable name: `listenerSet`
+ "foo:changed": [ // variable name: `actions`
+ target, method, flags
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ function indexOf(array, target, method) {
+ var index = -1;
+ // hashes are added to the end of the event array
+ // so it makes sense to start searching at the end
+ // of the array and search in reverse
+ for (var i = array.length - 3 ; i >=0; i -= 3) {
+ if (target === array[i] && method === array[i + 1]) {
+ index = i; break;
+ }
+ }
+ return index;
+ }
+ function actionsFor(obj, eventName) {
+ var meta = metaFor(obj, true);
+ var actions;
+ var listeners = meta.listeners;
+ if (!listeners) {
+ listeners = meta.listeners = create(null);
+ listeners.__source__ = obj;
+ } else if (listeners.__source__ !== obj) {
+ // setup inherited copy of the listeners object
+ listeners = meta.listeners = create(listeners);
+ listeners.__source__ = obj;
+ }
+ actions = listeners[eventName];
+ // if there are actions, but the eventName doesn't exist in our listeners, then copy them from the prototype
+ if (actions && actions.__source__ !== obj) {
+ actions = listeners[eventName] = listeners[eventName].slice();
+ actions.__source__ = obj;
+ } else if (!actions) {
+ actions = listeners[eventName] = [];
+ actions.__source__ = obj;
+ }
+ return actions;
+ }
+ function listenersUnion(obj, eventName, otherActions) {
+ var meta = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var actions = meta && meta.listeners && meta.listeners[eventName];
+ if (!actions) { return; }
+ for (var i = actions.length - 3; i >= 0; i -= 3) {
+ var target = actions[i];
+ var method = actions[i+1];
+ var flags = actions[i+2];
+ var actionIndex = indexOf(otherActions, target, method);
+ if (actionIndex === -1) {
+ otherActions.push(target, method, flags);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.listenersUnion = listenersUnion;function listenersDiff(obj, eventName, otherActions) {
+ var meta = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var actions = meta && meta.listeners && meta.listeners[eventName];
+ var diffActions = [];
+ if (!actions) { return; }
+ for (var i = actions.length - 3; i >= 0; i -= 3) {
+ var target = actions[i];
+ var method = actions[i+1];
+ var flags = actions[i+2];
+ var actionIndex = indexOf(otherActions, target, method);
+ if (actionIndex !== -1) { continue; }
+ otherActions.push(target, method, flags);
+ diffActions.push(target, method, flags);
+ }
+ return diffActions;
+ }
+ __exports__.listenersDiff = listenersDiff;/**
+ Add an event listener
+ @method addListener
+ @for Ember
+ @param obj
+ @param {String} eventName
+ @param {Object|Function} target A target object or a function
+ @param {Function|String} method A function or the name of a function to be called on `target`
+ @param {Boolean} once A flag whether a function should only be called once
+ */
+ function addListener(obj, eventName, target, method, once) {
+ Ember.assert("You must pass at least an object and event name to Ember.addListener", !!obj && !!eventName);
+ if (!method && 'function' === typeof target) {
+ method = target;
+ target = null;
+ }
+ var actions = actionsFor(obj, eventName);
+ var actionIndex = indexOf(actions, target, method);
+ var flags = 0;
+ if (once) flags |= ONCE;
+ if (actionIndex !== -1) { return; }
+ actions.push(target, method, flags);
+ if ('function' === typeof obj.didAddListener) {
+ obj.didAddListener(eventName, target, method);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.addListener = addListener;/**
+ Remove an event listener
+ Arguments should match those passed to `Ember.addListener`.
+ @method removeListener
+ @for Ember
+ @param obj
+ @param {String} eventName
+ @param {Object|Function} target A target object or a function
+ @param {Function|String} method A function or the name of a function to be called on `target`
+ */
+ function removeListener(obj, eventName, target, method) {
+ Ember.assert("You must pass at least an object and event name to Ember.removeListener", !!obj && !!eventName);
+ if (!method && 'function' === typeof target) {
+ method = target;
+ target = null;
+ }
+ function _removeListener(target, method) {
+ var actions = actionsFor(obj, eventName);
+ var actionIndex = indexOf(actions, target, method);
+ // action doesn't exist, give up silently
+ if (actionIndex === -1) { return; }
+ actions.splice(actionIndex, 3);
+ if ('function' === typeof obj.didRemoveListener) {
+ obj.didRemoveListener(eventName, target, method);
+ }
+ }
+ if (method) {
+ _removeListener(target, method);
+ } else {
+ var meta = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var actions = meta && meta.listeners && meta.listeners[eventName];
+ if (!actions) { return; }
+ for (var i = actions.length - 3; i >= 0; i -= 3) {
+ _removeListener(actions[i], actions[i+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ Suspend listener during callback.
+ This should only be used by the target of the event listener
+ when it is taking an action that would cause the event, e.g.
+ an object might suspend its property change listener while it is
+ setting that property.
+ @method suspendListener
+ @for Ember
+ @private
+ @param obj
+ @param {String} eventName
+ @param {Object|Function} target A target object or a function
+ @param {Function|String} method A function or the name of a function to be called on `target`
+ @param {Function} callback
+ */
+ function suspendListener(obj, eventName, target, method, callback) {
+ if (!method && 'function' === typeof target) {
+ method = target;
+ target = null;
+ }
+ var actions = actionsFor(obj, eventName);
+ var actionIndex = indexOf(actions, target, method);
+ if (actionIndex !== -1) {
+ actions[actionIndex+2] |= SUSPENDED; // mark the action as suspended
+ }
+ function tryable() { return; }
+ function finalizer() { if (actionIndex !== -1) { actions[actionIndex+2] &= ~SUSPENDED; } }
+ return tryFinally(tryable, finalizer);
+ }
+ __exports__.suspendListener = suspendListener;/**
+ Suspends multiple listeners during a callback.
+ @method suspendListeners
+ @for Ember
+ @private
+ @param obj
+ @param {Array} eventNames Array of event names
+ @param {Object|Function} target A target object or a function
+ @param {Function|String} method A function or the name of a function to be called on `target`
+ @param {Function} callback
+ */
+ function suspendListeners(obj, eventNames, target, method, callback) {
+ if (!method && 'function' === typeof target) {
+ method = target;
+ target = null;
+ }
+ var suspendedActions = [];
+ var actionsList = [];
+ var eventName, actions, i, l;
+ for (i=0, l=eventNames.length; i<l; i++) {
+ eventName = eventNames[i];
+ actions = actionsFor(obj, eventName);
+ var actionIndex = indexOf(actions, target, method);
+ if (actionIndex !== -1) {
+ actions[actionIndex+2] |= SUSPENDED;
+ suspendedActions.push(actionIndex);
+ actionsList.push(actions);
+ }
+ }
+ function tryable() { return; }
+ function finalizer() {
+ for (var i = 0, l = suspendedActions.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var actionIndex = suspendedActions[i];
+ actionsList[i][actionIndex+2] &= ~SUSPENDED;
+ }
+ }
+ return tryFinally(tryable, finalizer);
+ }
+ __exports__.suspendListeners = suspendListeners;/**
+ Return a list of currently watched events
+ @private
+ @method watchedEvents
+ @for Ember
+ @param obj
+ */
+ function watchedEvents(obj) {
+ var listeners = obj['__ember_meta__'].listeners, ret = [];
+ if (listeners) {
+ for (var eventName in listeners) {
+ if (eventName !== '__source__' &&
+ listeners[eventName]) {
+ ret.push(eventName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ __exports__.watchedEvents = watchedEvents;/**
+ Send an event. The execution of suspended listeners
+ is skipped, and once listeners are removed. A listener without
+ a target is executed on the passed object. If an array of actions
+ is not passed, the actions stored on the passed object are invoked.
+ @method sendEvent
+ @for Ember
+ @param obj
+ @param {String} eventName
+ @param {Array} params Optional parameters for each listener.
+ @param {Array} actions Optional array of actions (listeners).
+ @return true
+ */
+ function sendEvent(obj, eventName, params, actions) {
+ // first give object a chance to handle it
+ if (obj !== Ember && 'function' === typeof obj.sendEvent) {
+ obj.sendEvent(eventName, params);
+ }
+ if (!actions) {
+ var meta = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ actions = meta && meta.listeners && meta.listeners[eventName];
+ }
+ if (!actions) { return; }
+ for (var i = actions.length - 3; i >= 0; i -= 3) { // looping in reverse for once listeners
+ var target = actions[i], method = actions[i+1], flags = actions[i+2];
+ if (!method) { continue; }
+ if (flags & SUSPENDED) { continue; }
+ if (flags & ONCE) { removeListener(obj, eventName, target, method); }
+ if (!target) { target = obj; }
+ if ('string' === typeof method) {
+ if (params) {
+ applyStr(target, method, params);
+ } else {
+ target[method]();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (params) {
+ apply(target, method, params);
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ __exports__.sendEvent = sendEvent;/**
+ @private
+ @method hasListeners
+ @for Ember
+ @param obj
+ @param {String} eventName
+ */
+ function hasListeners(obj, eventName) {
+ var meta = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var actions = meta && meta.listeners && meta.listeners[eventName];
+ return !!(actions && actions.length);
+ }
+ __exports__.hasListeners = hasListeners;/**
+ @private
+ @method listenersFor
+ @for Ember
+ @param obj
+ @param {String} eventName
+ */
+ function listenersFor(obj, eventName) {
+ var ret = [];
+ var meta = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var actions = meta && meta.listeners && meta.listeners[eventName];
+ if (!actions) { return ret; }
+ for (var i = 0, l = actions.length; i < l; i += 3) {
+ var target = actions[i];
+ var method = actions[i+1];
+ ret.push([target, method]);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ __exports__.listenersFor = listenersFor;/**
+ Define a property as a function that should be executed when
+ a specified event or events are triggered.
+ ``` javascript
+ var Job = Ember.Object.extend({
+ logCompleted: Ember.on('completed', function() {
+ console.log('Job completed!');
+ })
+ });
+ var job = Job.create();
+ Ember.sendEvent(job, 'completed'); // Logs 'Job completed!'
+ ```
+ @method on
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} eventNames*
+ @param {Function} func
+ @return func
+ */
+ function on(){
+ var func =, -1)[0];
+ var events =, 0, -1);
+ func.__ember_listens__ = events;
+ return func;
+ }
+ __exports__.on = on;__exports__.removeListener = removeListener;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var EmberError = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var forEach = __dependency3__.forEach;
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ var BRACE_EXPANSION = /^((?:[^\.]*\.)*)\{(.*)\}$/;
+ var SPLIT_REGEX = /\{|\}/;
+ /**
+ Expands `pattern`, invoking `callback` for each expansion.
+ The only pattern supported is brace-expansion, anything else will be passed
+ once to `callback` directly.
+ Example
+ ```js
+ function echo(arg){ console.log(arg); }
+ Ember.expandProperties('', echo); //=> ''
+ Ember.expandProperties('{foo,bar}', echo); //=> 'foo', 'bar'
+ Ember.expandProperties('foo.{bar,baz}', echo); //=> '', 'foo.baz'
+ Ember.expandProperties('{foo,bar}.baz', echo); //=> '{foo,bar}.baz'
+ Ember.expandProperties('foo.{bar,baz}.@each', echo) //=> '', 'foo.baz.@each'
+ Ember.expandProperties('{foo,bar}.{spam,eggs}', echo) //=> 'foo.spam', 'foo.eggs', 'bar.spam', 'bar.eggs'
+ Ember.expandProperties('{foo}.bar.{baz}') //=> ''
+ ```
+ @method
+ @private
+ @param {String} pattern The property pattern to expand.
+ @param {Function} callback The callback to invoke. It is invoked once per
+ expansion, and is passed the expansion.
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function expandProperties(pattern, callback) {
+ if (pattern.indexOf(' ') > -1) {
+ throw new EmberError('Brace expanded properties cannot contain spaces, ' +
+ 'e.g. `user.{firstName, lastName}` should be `user.{firstName,lastName}`');
+ }
+ return newExpandProperties(pattern, callback);
+ }
+ function oldExpandProperties(pattern, callback) {
+ var match, prefix, list;
+ if (match = BRACE_EXPANSION.exec(pattern)) {
+ prefix = match[1];
+ list = match[2];
+ forEach(list.split(','), function (suffix) {
+ callback(prefix + suffix);
+ });
+ } else {
+ callback(pattern);
+ }
+ }
+ function newExpandProperties(pattern, callback) {
+ if ('string' === Ember.typeOf(pattern)) {
+ var parts = pattern.split(SPLIT_REGEX);
+ var properties = [parts];
+ forEach(parts, function(part, index) {
+ if (part.indexOf(',') >= 0) {
+ properties = duplicateAndReplace(properties, part.split(','), index);
+ }
+ });
+ forEach(properties, function(property) {
+ callback(property.join(''));
+ });
+ } else {
+ callback(pattern);
+ }
+ }
+ function duplicateAndReplace(properties, currentParts, index) {
+ var all = [];
+ forEach(properties, function(property) {
+ forEach(currentParts, function(part) {
+ var current = property.slice(0);
+ current[index] = part;
+ all.push(current);
+ });
+ });
+ return all;
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var typeOf = __dependency2__.typeOf;
+ /**
+ To get multiple properties at once, call `Ember.getProperties`
+ with an object followed by a list of strings or an array:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.getProperties(record, 'firstName', 'lastName', 'zipCode');
+ // { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', zipCode: '10011' }
+ ```
+ is equivalent to:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.getProperties(record, ['firstName', 'lastName', 'zipCode']);
+ // { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', zipCode: '10011' }
+ ```
+ @method getProperties
+ @param obj
+ @param {String...|Array} list of keys to get
+ @return {Hash}
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function getProperties(obj) {
+ var ret = {};
+ var propertyNames = arguments;
+ var i = 1;
+ if (arguments.length === 2 && typeOf(arguments[1]) === 'array') {
+ i = 0;
+ propertyNames = arguments[1];
+ }
+ for(var len = propertyNames.length; i < len; i++) {
+ ret[propertyNames[i]] = get(obj, propertyNames[i]);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/error","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var ComputedProperty = __dependency2__.ComputedProperty;
+ var Descriptor = __dependency3__.Descriptor;
+ var create = __dependency4__.create;
+ var inspect = __dependency5__.inspect;
+ var EmberError = __dependency6__["default"];
+ /**
+ Read-only property that returns the result of a container lookup.
+ @class InjectedProperty
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Descriptor
+ @constructor
+ @param {String} type The container type the property will lookup
+ @param {String} name (optional) The name the property will lookup, defaults
+ to the property's name
+ */
+ function InjectedProperty(type, name) {
+ this.type = type;
+ = name;
+ this._super$Constructor(function(keyName) {
+ Ember.assert("Attempting to lookup an injected property on an object " +
+ "without a container, ensure that the object was " +
+ "instantiated via a container.", this.container);
+ return this.container.lookup(type + ':' + (name || keyName));
+ }, { readOnly: true });
+ }
+ InjectedProperty.prototype = create(Descriptor.prototype);
+ var InjectedPropertyPrototype = InjectedProperty.prototype;
+ var ComputedPropertyPrototype = ComputedProperty.prototype;
+ InjectedPropertyPrototype._super$Constructor = ComputedProperty;
+ InjectedPropertyPrototype.get = ComputedPropertyPrototype.get;
+ InjectedPropertyPrototype.set = function(obj, keyName) {
+ throw new EmberError("Cannot set injected property '" + keyName + "' on object: " + inspect(obj));
+ };
+ InjectedPropertyPrototype.teardown = ComputedPropertyPrototype.teardown;
+ __exports__["default"] = InjectedProperty;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var tryCatchFinally = __dependency2__.tryCatchFinally;
+ /**
+ The purpose of the Ember Instrumentation module is
+ to provide efficient, general-purpose instrumentation
+ for Ember.
+ Subscribe to a listener by using `Ember.subscribe`:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.subscribe("render", {
+ before: function(name, timestamp, payload) {
+ },
+ after: function(name, timestamp, payload) {
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ If you return a value from the `before` callback, that same
+ value will be passed as a fourth parameter to the `after`
+ callback.
+ Instrument a block of code by using `Ember.instrument`:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.instrument("render.handlebars", payload, function() {
+ // rendering logic
+ }, binding);
+ ```
+ Event names passed to `Ember.instrument` are namespaced
+ by periods, from more general to more specific. Subscribers
+ can listen for events by whatever level of granularity they
+ are interested in.
+ In the above example, the event is `render.handlebars`,
+ and the subscriber listened for all events beginning with
+ `render`. It would receive callbacks for events named
+ `render`, `render.handlebars`, `render.container`, or
+ even `render.handlebars.layout`.
+ @class Instrumentation
+ @namespace Ember
+ @static
+ */
+ var subscribers = [];
+ __exports__.subscribers = subscribers;var cache = {};
+ var populateListeners = function(name) {
+ var listeners = [];
+ var subscriber;
+ for (var i=0, l=subscribers.length; i<l; i++) {
+ subscriber = subscribers[i];
+ if (subscriber.regex.test(name)) {
+ listeners.push(subscriber.object);
+ }
+ }
+ cache[name] = listeners;
+ return listeners;
+ };
+ var time = (function() {
+ var perf = 'undefined' !== typeof window ? window.performance || {} : {};
+ var fn = || perf.mozNow || perf.webkitNow || perf.msNow || perf.oNow;
+ // fn.bind will be available in all the browsers that support the advanced window.performance... ;-)
+ return fn ? fn.bind(perf) : function() { return +new Date(); };
+ })();
+ /**
+ Notifies event's subscribers, calls `before` and `after` hooks.
+ @method instrument
+ @namespace Ember.Instrumentation
+ @param {String} [name] Namespaced event name.
+ @param {Object} payload
+ @param {Function} callback Function that you're instrumenting.
+ @param {Object} binding Context that instrument function is called with.
+ */
+ function instrument(name, _payload, callback, binding) {
+ if (subscribers.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var payload = _payload || {};
+ var finalizer = _instrumentStart(name, function () {
+ return payload;
+ });
+ if (finalizer) {
+ var tryable = function _instrumenTryable() {
+ return;
+ };
+ var catchable = function _instrumentCatchable(e) {
+ payload.exception = e;
+ };
+ return tryCatchFinally(tryable, catchable, finalizer);
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.instrument = instrument;// private for now
+ function _instrumentStart(name, _payload) {
+ var listeners = cache[name];
+ if (!listeners) {
+ listeners = populateListeners(name);
+ }
+ if (listeners.length === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var payload = _payload();
+ var timeName;
+ timeName = name + ": " + payload.object;
+ console.time(timeName);
+ }
+ var l = listeners.length;
+ var beforeValues = new Array(l);
+ var i, listener;
+ var timestamp = time();
+ for (i=0; i<l; i++) {
+ listener = listeners[i];
+ beforeValues[i] = listener.before(name, timestamp, payload);
+ }
+ return function _instrumentEnd() {
+ var i, l, listener;
+ var timestamp = time();
+ for (i=0, l=listeners.length; i<l; i++) {
+ listener = listeners[i];
+ listener.after(name, timestamp, payload, beforeValues[i]);
+ }
+ console.timeEnd(timeName);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ __exports__._instrumentStart = _instrumentStart;/**
+ Subscribes to a particular event or instrumented block of code.
+ @method subscribe
+ @namespace Ember.Instrumentation
+ @param {String} [pattern] Namespaced event name.
+ @param {Object} [object] Before and After hooks.
+ @return {Subscriber}
+ */
+ function subscribe(pattern, object) {
+ var paths = pattern.split("."), path, regex = [];
+ for (var i=0, l=paths.length; i<l; i++) {
+ path = paths[i];
+ if (path === "*") {
+ regex.push("[^\\.]*");
+ } else {
+ regex.push(path);
+ }
+ }
+ regex = regex.join("\\.");
+ regex = regex + "(\\..*)?";
+ var subscriber = {
+ pattern: pattern,
+ regex: new RegExp("^" + regex + "$"),
+ object: object
+ };
+ subscribers.push(subscriber);
+ cache = {};
+ return subscriber;
+ }
+ __exports__.subscribe = subscribe;/**
+ Unsubscribes from a particular event or instrumented block of code.
+ @method unsubscribe
+ @namespace Ember.Instrumentation
+ @param {Object} [subscriber]
+ */
+ function unsubscribe(subscriber) {
+ var index;
+ for (var i=0, l=subscribers.length; i<l; i++) {
+ if (subscribers[i] === subscriber) {
+ index = i;
+ }
+ }
+ subscribers.splice(index, 1);
+ cache = {};
+ }
+ __exports__.unsubscribe = unsubscribe;/**
+ Resets `Ember.Instrumentation` by flushing list of subscribers.
+ @method reset
+ @namespace Ember.Instrumentation
+ */
+ function reset() {
+ subscribers.length = 0;
+ cache = {};
+ }
+ __exports__.reset = reset;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/is_empty","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var isEmpty = __dependency1__["default"];
+ /**
+ A value is blank if it is empty or a whitespace string.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.isBlank(); // true
+ Ember.isBlank(null); // true
+ Ember.isBlank(undefined); // true
+ Ember.isBlank(''); // true
+ Ember.isBlank([]); // true
+ Ember.isBlank('\n\t'); // true
+ Ember.isBlank(' '); // true
+ Ember.isBlank({}); // false
+ Ember.isBlank('\n\t Hello'); // false
+ Ember.isBlank('Hello world'); // false
+ Ember.isBlank([1,2,3]); // false
+ ```
+ @method isBlank
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj Value to test
+ @return {Boolean}
+ @since 1.5.0
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function isBlank(obj) {
+ return isEmpty(obj) || (typeof obj === 'string' && obj.match(/\S/) === null);
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/is_none","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var isNone = __dependency2__["default"];
+ /**
+ Verifies that a value is `null` or an empty string, empty array,
+ or empty function.
+ Constrains the rules on `Ember.isNone` by returning true for empty
+ string and empty arrays.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.isEmpty(); // true
+ Ember.isEmpty(null); // true
+ Ember.isEmpty(undefined); // true
+ Ember.isEmpty(''); // true
+ Ember.isEmpty([]); // true
+ Ember.isEmpty({}); // false
+ Ember.isEmpty('Adam Hawkins'); // false
+ Ember.isEmpty([0,1,2]); // false
+ ```
+ @method isEmpty
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj Value to test
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ function isEmpty(obj) {
+ var none = isNone(obj);
+ if (none) {
+ return none;
+ }
+ if (typeof obj.size === 'number') {
+ return !obj.size;
+ }
+ var objectType = typeof obj;
+ if (objectType === 'object') {
+ var size = get(obj, 'size');
+ if (typeof size === 'number') {
+ return !size;
+ }
+ }
+ if (typeof obj.length === 'number' && objectType !== 'function') {
+ return !obj.length;
+ }
+ if (objectType === 'object') {
+ var length = get(obj, 'length');
+ if (typeof length === 'number') {
+ return !length;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = isEmpty;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ Returns true if the passed value is null or undefined. This avoids errors
+ from JSLint complaining about use of ==, which can be technically
+ confusing.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.isNone(); // true
+ Ember.isNone(null); // true
+ Ember.isNone(undefined); // true
+ Ember.isNone(''); // false
+ Ember.isNone([]); // false
+ Ember.isNone(function() {}); // false
+ ```
+ @method isNone
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj Value to test
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ function isNone(obj) {
+ return obj === null || obj === undefined;
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = isNone;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/is_blank","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var isBlank = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var isPresent;
+ /**
+ A value is present if it not `isBlank`.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.isPresent(); // false
+ Ember.isPresent(null); // false
+ Ember.isPresent(undefined); // false
+ Ember.isPresent(''); // false
+ Ember.isPresent([]); // false
+ Ember.isPresent('\n\t'); // false
+ Ember.isPresent(' '); // false
+ Ember.isPresent({}); // true
+ Ember.isPresent('\n\t Hello'); // true
+ Ember.isPresent('Hello world'); // true
+ Ember.isPresent([1,2,3]); // true
+ ```
+ @method isPresent
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj Value to test
+ @return {Boolean}
+ @since 1.7.0
+ */
+ isPresent = function isPresent(obj) {
+ return !isBlank(obj);
+ };
+ __exports__["default"] = isPresent;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/platform","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var canDefineNonEnumerableProperties = __dependency1__.canDefineNonEnumerableProperties;
+ /**
+ Returns all of the keys defined on an object or hash. This is useful
+ when inspecting objects for debugging. On browsers that support it, this
+ uses the native `Object.keys` implementation.
+ @method keys
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj
+ @return {Array} Array containing keys of obj
+ */
+ var keys = Object.keys;
+ if (!keys || !canDefineNonEnumerableProperties) {
+ // modified from
+ //
+ keys = (function () {
+ var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
+ hasDontEnumBug = !({toString: null}).propertyIsEnumerable('toString'),
+ dontEnums = [
+ 'toString',
+ 'toLocaleString',
+ 'valueOf',
+ 'hasOwnProperty',
+ 'isPrototypeOf',
+ 'propertyIsEnumerable',
+ 'constructor'
+ ],
+ dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length;
+ return function keys(obj) {
+ if (typeof obj !== 'object' && (typeof obj !== 'function' || obj === null)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object');
+ }
+ var result = [];
+ var prop, i;
+ for (prop in obj) {
+ if (prop !== '_super' &&
+ prop.lastIndexOf('__',0) !== 0 &&
+, prop)) {
+ result.push(prop);
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasDontEnumBug) {
+ for (i = 0; i < dontEnumsLength; i++) {
+ if (, dontEnums[i])) {
+ result.push(dontEnums[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ }());
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = keys;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/enumerable_utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ // Provides a way to register library versions with ember.
+ var forEach = __dependency1__.forEach;
+ var indexOf = __dependency1__.indexOf;
+ var libraries = function() {
+ var _libraries = [];
+ var coreLibIndex = 0;
+ var getLibrary = function(name) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < _libraries.length; i++) {
+ if (_libraries[i].name === name) {
+ return _libraries[i];
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ _libraries.register = function(name, version) {
+ if (!getLibrary(name)) {
+ _libraries.push({name: name, version: version});
+ }
+ };
+ _libraries.registerCoreLibrary = function(name, version) {
+ if (!getLibrary(name)) {
+ _libraries.splice(coreLibIndex++, 0, {name: name, version: version});
+ }
+ };
+ _libraries.deRegister = function(name) {
+ var lib = getLibrary(name);
+ if (lib) _libraries.splice(indexOf(_libraries, lib), 1);
+ };
+ _libraries.each = function (callback) {
+ forEach(_libraries, function(lib) {
+ callback(, lib.version);
+ });
+ };
+ return _libraries;
+ }();
+ __exports__["default"] = libraries;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/error","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var EmberError = __dependency2__["default"];
+ function consoleMethod(name) {
+ var consoleObj, logToConsole;
+ if (Ember.imports.console) {
+ consoleObj = Ember.imports.console;
+ } else if (typeof console !== 'undefined') {
+ consoleObj = console;
+ }
+ var method = typeof consoleObj === 'object' ? consoleObj[name] : null;
+ if (method) {
+ // Older IE doesn't support bind, but Chrome needs it
+ if (typeof method.bind === 'function') {
+ logToConsole = method.bind(consoleObj);
+ logToConsole.displayName = 'console.' + name;
+ return logToConsole;
+ } else if (typeof method.apply === 'function') {
+ logToConsole = function() {
+ method.apply(consoleObj, arguments);
+ };
+ logToConsole.displayName = 'console.' + name;
+ return logToConsole;
+ } else {
+ return function() {
+ var message =, ', ');
+ method(message);
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function assertPolyfill(test, message) {
+ if (!test) {
+ try {
+ // attempt to preserve the stack
+ throw new EmberError("assertion failed: " + message);
+ } catch(error) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ throw error;
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ Inside Ember-Metal, simply uses the methods from `imports.console`.
+ Override this to provide more robust logging functionality.
+ @class Logger
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = {
+ /**
+ Logs the arguments to the console.
+ You can pass as many arguments as you want and they will be joined together with a space.
+ ```javascript
+ var foo = 1;
+ Ember.Logger.log('log value of foo:', foo);
+ // "log value of foo: 1" will be printed to the console
+ ```
+ @method log
+ @for Ember.Logger
+ @param {*} arguments
+ */
+ log: consoleMethod('log') || Ember.K,
+ /**
+ Prints the arguments to the console with a warning icon.
+ You can pass as many arguments as you want and they will be joined together with a space.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Logger.warn('Something happened!');
+ // "Something happened!" will be printed to the console with a warning icon.
+ ```
+ @method warn
+ @for Ember.Logger
+ @param {*} arguments
+ */
+ warn: consoleMethod('warn') || Ember.K,
+ /**
+ Prints the arguments to the console with an error icon, red text and a stack trace.
+ You can pass as many arguments as you want and they will be joined together with a space.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Logger.error('Danger! Danger!');
+ // "Danger! Danger!" will be printed to the console in red text.
+ ```
+ @method error
+ @for Ember.Logger
+ @param {*} arguments
+ */
+ error: consoleMethod('error') || Ember.K,
+ /**
+ Logs the arguments to the console.
+ You can pass as many arguments as you want and they will be joined together with a space.
+ ```javascript
+ var foo = 1;
+'log value of foo:', foo);
+ // "log value of foo: 1" will be printed to the console
+ ```
+ @method info
+ @for Ember.Logger
+ @param {*} arguments
+ */
+ info: consoleMethod('info') || Ember.K,
+ /**
+ Logs the arguments to the console in blue text.
+ You can pass as many arguments as you want and they will be joined together with a space.
+ ```javascript
+ var foo = 1;
+ Ember.Logger.debug('log value of foo:', foo);
+ // "log value of foo: 1" will be printed to the console
+ ```
+ @method debug
+ @for Ember.Logger
+ @param {*} arguments
+ */
+ debug: consoleMethod('debug') || consoleMethod('info') || Ember.K,
+ /**
+ If the value passed into `Ember.Logger.assert` is not truthy it will throw an error with a stack trace.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Logger.assert(true); // undefined
+ Ember.Logger.assert(true === false); // Throws an Assertion failed error.
+ ```
+ @method assert
+ @for Ember.Logger
+ @param {Boolean} bool Value to test
+ */
+ assert: consoleMethod('assert') || assertPolyfill
+ };
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/array","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/deprecate_property","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ /*
+ JavaScript (before ES6) does not have a Map implementation. Objects,
+ which are often used as dictionaries, may only have Strings as keys.
+ Because Ember has a way to get a unique identifier for every object
+ via `Ember.guidFor`, we can implement a performant Map with arbitrary
+ keys. Because it is commonly used in low-level bookkeeping, Map is
+ implemented as a pure JavaScript object for performance.
+ This implementation follows the current iteration of the ES6 proposal for
+ maps (,
+ with one exception: as we do not have the luxury of in-VM iteration, we implement a
+ forEach method for iteration.
+ Map is mocked out to look like an Ember object, so you can do
+ `Ember.Map.create()` for symmetry with other Ember classes.
+ */
+ var guidFor = __dependency1__.guidFor;
+ var indexOf = __dependency2__.indexOf;
+ var create = __dependency3__.create;
+ var deprecateProperty = __dependency4__.deprecateProperty;
+ function missingFunction(fn) {
+ throw new TypeError('' + + " is not a function");
+ }
+ function missingNew(name) {
+ throw new TypeError("Constructor " + name + "requires 'new'");
+ }
+ function copyNull(obj) {
+ var output = create(null);
+ for (var prop in obj) {
+ // hasOwnPropery is not needed because obj is Object.create(null);
+ output[prop] = obj[prop];
+ }
+ return output;
+ }
+ function copyMap(original, newObject) {
+ var keys = original.keys.copy();
+ var values = copyNull(original.values);
+ newObject.keys = keys;
+ newObject.values = values;
+ newObject.size = original.size;
+ return newObject;
+ }
+ /**
+ This class is used internally by Ember and Ember Data.
+ Please do not use it at this time. We plan to clean it up
+ and add many tests soon.
+ @class OrderedSet
+ @namespace Ember
+ @constructor
+ @private
+ */
+ function OrderedSet() {
+ if (this instanceof OrderedSet) {
+ this.clear();
+ this._silenceRemoveDeprecation = false;
+ } else {
+ missingNew("OrderedSet");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ @method create
+ @static
+ @return {Ember.OrderedSet}
+ */
+ OrderedSet.create = function() {
+ var Constructor = this;
+ return new Constructor();
+ };
+ OrderedSet.prototype = {
+ constructor: OrderedSet,
+ /**
+ @method clear
+ */
+ clear: function() {
+ this.presenceSet = create(null);
+ this.list = [];
+ this.size = 0;
+ },
+ /**
+ @method add
+ @param obj
+ @param guid (optional, and for internal use)
+ @return {Ember.OrderedSet}
+ */
+ add: function(obj, _guid) {
+ var guid = _guid || guidFor(obj);
+ var presenceSet = this.presenceSet;
+ var list = this.list;
+ if (presenceSet[guid] === true) {
+ return;
+ }
+ presenceSet[guid] = true;
+ this.size = list.push(obj);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ @deprecated
+ @method remove
+ @param obj
+ @param _guid (optional and for internal use only)
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ remove: function(obj, _guid) {
+ Ember.deprecate('Calling `OrderedSet.prototype.remove` has been deprecated, please use `OrderedSet.prototype.delete` instead.', this._silenceRemoveDeprecation);
+ return this["delete"](obj, _guid);
+ },
+ /**
+ @method delete
+ @param obj
+ @param _guid (optional and for internal use only)
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ "delete": function(obj, _guid) {
+ var guid = _guid || guidFor(obj);
+ var presenceSet = this.presenceSet;
+ var list = this.list;
+ if (presenceSet[guid] === true) {
+ delete presenceSet[guid];
+ var index =, obj);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ list.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ this.size = list.length;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ @method isEmpty
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ isEmpty: function() {
+ return this.size === 0;
+ },
+ /**
+ @method has
+ @param obj
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ has: function(obj) {
+ if (this.size === 0) { return false; }
+ var guid = guidFor(obj);
+ var presenceSet = this.presenceSet;
+ return presenceSet[guid] === true;
+ },
+ /**
+ @method forEach
+ @param {Function} fn
+ @param self
+ */
+ forEach: function(fn /*, thisArg*/) {
+ if (typeof fn !== 'function') {
+ missingFunction(fn);
+ }
+ if (this.size === 0) { return; }
+ var list = this.list;
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var i;
+ if (length === 2) {
+ for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+[1], list[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ fn(list[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ @method toArray
+ @return {Array}
+ */
+ toArray: function() {
+ return this.list.slice();
+ },
+ /**
+ @method copy
+ @return {Ember.OrderedSet}
+ */
+ copy: function() {
+ var Constructor = this.constructor;
+ var set = new Constructor();
+ set._silenceRemoveDeprecation = this._silenceRemoveDeprecation;
+ set.presenceSet = copyNull(this.presenceSet);
+ set.list = this.toArray();
+ set.size = this.size;
+ return set;
+ }
+ };
+ deprecateProperty(OrderedSet.prototype, 'length', 'size');
+ /**
+ A Map stores values indexed by keys. Unlike JavaScript's
+ default Objects, the keys of a Map can be any JavaScript
+ object.
+ Internally, a Map has two data structures:
+ 1. `keys`: an OrderedSet of all of the existing keys
+ 2. `values`: a JavaScript Object indexed by the `Ember.guidFor(key)`
+ When a key/value pair is added for the first time, we
+ add the key to the `keys` OrderedSet, and create or
+ replace an entry in `values`. When an entry is deleted,
+ we delete its entry in `keys` and `values`.
+ @class Map
+ @namespace Ember
+ @private
+ @constructor
+ */
+ function Map() {
+ if (this instanceof this.constructor) {
+ this.keys = OrderedSet.create();
+ this.keys._silenceRemoveDeprecation = true;
+ this.values = create(null);
+ this.size = 0;
+ } else {
+ missingNew("OrderedSet");
+ }
+ }
+ Ember.Map = Map;
+ /**
+ @method create
+ @static
+ */
+ Map.create = function() {
+ var Constructor = this;
+ return new Constructor();
+ };
+ Map.prototype = {
+ constructor: Map,
+ /**
+ This property will change as the number of objects in the map changes.
+ @property size
+ @type number
+ @default 0
+ */
+ size: 0,
+ /**
+ Retrieve the value associated with a given key.
+ @method get
+ @param {*} key
+ @return {*} the value associated with the key, or `undefined`
+ */
+ get: function(key) {
+ if (this.size === 0) { return; }
+ var values = this.values;
+ var guid = guidFor(key);
+ return values[guid];
+ },
+ /**
+ Adds a value to the map. If a value for the given key has already been
+ provided, the new value will replace the old value.
+ @method set
+ @param {*} key
+ @param {*} value
+ @return {Ember.Map}
+ */
+ set: function(key, value) {
+ var keys = this.keys;
+ var values = this.values;
+ var guid = guidFor(key);
+ // ensure we don't store -0
+ var k = key === -0 ? 0 : key;
+ keys.add(k, guid);
+ values[guid] = value;
+ this.size = keys.size;
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ @deprecated see delete
+ Removes a value from the map for an associated key.
+ @method remove
+ @param {*} key
+ @return {Boolean} true if an item was removed, false otherwise
+ */
+ remove: function(key) {
+ Ember.deprecate('Calling `Map.prototype.remove` has been deprecated, please use `Map.prototype.delete` instead.');
+ return this["delete"](key);
+ },
+ /**
+ Removes a value from the map for an associated key.
+ @method delete
+ @param {*} key
+ @return {Boolean} true if an item was removed, false otherwise
+ */
+ "delete": function(key) {
+ if (this.size === 0) { return false; }
+ // don't use ES6 "delete" because it will be annoying
+ // to use in browsers that are not ES6 friendly;
+ var keys = this.keys;
+ var values = this.values;
+ var guid = guidFor(key);
+ if (keys["delete"](key, guid)) {
+ delete values[guid];
+ this.size = keys.size;
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Check whether a key is present.
+ @method has
+ @param {*} key
+ @return {Boolean} true if the item was present, false otherwise
+ */
+ has: function(key) {
+ return this.keys.has(key);
+ },
+ /**
+ Iterate over all the keys and values. Calls the function once
+ for each key, passing in value, key, and the map being iterated over,
+ in that order.
+ The keys are guaranteed to be iterated over in insertion order.
+ @method forEach
+ @param {Function} callback
+ @param {*} self if passed, the `this` value inside the
+ callback. By default, `this` is the map.
+ */
+ forEach: function(callback /*, thisArg*/) {
+ if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
+ missingFunction(callback);
+ }
+ if (this.size === 0) { return; }
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var map = this;
+ var cb, thisArg;
+ if (length === 2) {
+ thisArg = arguments[1];
+ cb = function(key) {
+, map.get(key), key, map);
+ };
+ } else {
+ cb = function(key) {
+ callback(map.get(key), key, map);
+ };
+ }
+ this.keys.forEach(cb);
+ },
+ /**
+ @method clear
+ */
+ clear: function() {
+ this.keys.clear();
+ this.values = create(null);
+ this.size = 0;
+ },
+ /**
+ @method copy
+ @return {Ember.Map}
+ */
+ copy: function() {
+ return copyMap(this, new Map());
+ }
+ };
+ deprecateProperty(Map.prototype, 'length', 'size');
+ /**
+ @class MapWithDefault
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Map
+ @private
+ @constructor
+ @param [options]
+ @param {*} [options.defaultValue]
+ */
+ function MapWithDefault(options) {
+ this._super$constructor();
+ this.defaultValue = options.defaultValue;
+ }
+ /**
+ @method create
+ @static
+ @param [options]
+ @param {*} [options.defaultValue]
+ @return {Ember.MapWithDefault|Ember.Map} If options are passed, returns
+ `Ember.MapWithDefault` otherwise returns `Ember.Map`
+ */
+ MapWithDefault.create = function(options) {
+ if (options) {
+ return new MapWithDefault(options);
+ } else {
+ return new Map();
+ }
+ };
+ MapWithDefault.prototype = create(Map.prototype);
+ MapWithDefault.prototype.constructor = MapWithDefault;
+ MapWithDefault.prototype._super$constructor = Map;
+ MapWithDefault.prototype._super$get = Map.prototype.get;
+ /**
+ Retrieve the value associated with a given key.
+ @method get
+ @param {*} key
+ @return {*} the value associated with the key, or the default value
+ */
+ MapWithDefault.prototype.get = function(key) {
+ var hasValue = this.has(key);
+ if (hasValue) {
+ return this._super$get(key);
+ } else {
+ var defaultValue = this.defaultValue(key);
+ this.set(key, defaultValue);
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ @method copy
+ @return {Ember.MapWithDefault}
+ */
+ MapWithDefault.prototype.copy = function() {
+ var Constructor = this.constructor;
+ return copyMap(this, new Constructor({
+ defaultValue: this.defaultValue
+ }));
+ };
+ __exports__["default"] = Map;
+ __exports__.OrderedSet = OrderedSet;
+ __exports__.Map = Map;
+ __exports__.MapWithDefault = MapWithDefault;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/keys","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var keys = __dependency1__["default"];
+ /**
+ Merge the contents of two objects together into the first object.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.merge({first: 'Tom'}, {last: 'Dale'}); // {first: 'Tom', last: 'Dale'}
+ var a = {first: 'Yehuda'}, b = {last: 'Katz'};
+ Ember.merge(a, b); // a == {first: 'Yehuda', last: 'Katz'}, b == {last: 'Katz'}
+ ```
+ @method merge
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} original The object to merge into
+ @param {Object} updates The object to copy properties from
+ @return {Object}
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function merge(original, updates) {
+ if (!updates || typeof updates !== 'object') {
+ return original;
+ }
+ var props = keys(updates);
+ var prop;
+ var length = props.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ prop = props[i];
+ original[prop] = updates[prop];
+ }
+ return original;
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/array","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/expand_properties","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/binding","ember-metal/observer","ember-metal/events","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __exports__) {
+ // Remove "use strict"; from transpiled module until
+ // is fixed
+ //
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-metal
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // warn, assert, wrap, et;
+ var merge = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var a_indexOf = __dependency3__.indexOf;
+ var a_forEach = __dependency3__.forEach;
+ var o_create = __dependency4__.create;
+ var get = __dependency5__.get;
+ var set = __dependency6__.set;
+ var trySet = __dependency6__.trySet;
+ var guidFor = __dependency7__.guidFor;
+ var metaFor = __dependency7__.meta;
+ var wrap = __dependency7__.wrap;
+ var makeArray = __dependency7__.makeArray;
+ var apply = __dependency7__.apply;
+ var isArray = __dependency7__.isArray;
+ var expandProperties = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var Descriptor = __dependency9__.Descriptor;
+ var defineProperty = __dependency9__.defineProperty;
+ var ComputedProperty = __dependency10__.ComputedProperty;
+ var Binding = __dependency11__.Binding;
+ var addObserver = __dependency12__.addObserver;
+ var removeObserver = __dependency12__.removeObserver;
+ var addBeforeObserver = __dependency12__.addBeforeObserver;
+ var removeBeforeObserver = __dependency12__.removeBeforeObserver;
+ var _suspendObserver = __dependency12__._suspendObserver;
+ var addListener = __dependency13__.addListener;
+ var removeListener = __dependency13__.removeListener;
+ var a_slice = [].slice;
+ function superFunction(){
+ var func = this.__nextSuper;
+ var ret;
+ if (func) {
+ var args = new Array(arguments.length);
+ for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+ args[i] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ this.__nextSuper = null;
+ ret = apply(this, func, args);
+ this.__nextSuper = func;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ function mixinsMeta(obj) {
+ var m = metaFor(obj, true);
+ var ret = m.mixins;
+ if (!ret) {
+ ret = m.mixins = {};
+ } else if (!m.hasOwnProperty('mixins')) {
+ ret = m.mixins = o_create(ret);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ function isMethod(obj) {
+ return 'function' === typeof obj &&
+ obj.isMethod !== false &&
+ obj !== Boolean &&
+ obj !== Object &&
+ obj !== Number &&
+ obj !== Array &&
+ obj !== Date &&
+ obj !== String;
+ }
+ var CONTINUE = {};
+ function mixinProperties(mixinsMeta, mixin) {
+ var guid;
+ if (mixin instanceof Mixin) {
+ guid = guidFor(mixin);
+ if (mixinsMeta[guid]) { return CONTINUE; }
+ mixinsMeta[guid] = mixin;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ return mixin; // apply anonymous mixin properties
+ }
+ }
+ function concatenatedMixinProperties(concatProp, props, values, base) {
+ var concats;
+ // reset before adding each new mixin to pickup concats from previous
+ concats = values[concatProp] || base[concatProp];
+ if (props[concatProp]) {
+ concats = concats ? concats.concat(props[concatProp]) : props[concatProp];
+ }
+ return concats;
+ }
+ function giveDescriptorSuper(meta, key, property, values, descs) {
+ var superProperty;
+ // Computed properties override methods, and do not call super to them
+ if (values[key] === undefined) {
+ // Find the original descriptor in a parent mixin
+ superProperty = descs[key];
+ }
+ // If we didn't find the original descriptor in a parent mixin, find
+ // it on the original object.
+ superProperty = superProperty || meta.descs[key];
+ if (superProperty === undefined || !(superProperty instanceof ComputedProperty)) {
+ return property;
+ }
+ // Since multiple mixins may inherit from the same parent, we need
+ // to clone the computed property so that other mixins do not receive
+ // the wrapped version.
+ property = o_create(property);
+ property.func = wrap(property.func, superProperty.func);
+ return property;
+ }
+ var sourceAvailable = (function() {
+ return this;
+ }).toString().indexOf('return this;') > -1;
+ function giveMethodSuper(obj, key, method, values, descs) {
+ var superMethod;
+ // Methods overwrite computed properties, and do not call super to them.
+ if (descs[key] === undefined) {
+ // Find the original method in a parent mixin
+ superMethod = values[key];
+ }
+ // If we didn't find the original value in a parent mixin, find it in
+ // the original object
+ superMethod = superMethod || obj[key];
+ // Only wrap the new method if the original method was a function
+ if (superMethod === undefined || 'function' !== typeof superMethod) {
+ return method;
+ }
+ var hasSuper;
+ if (sourceAvailable) {
+ hasSuper = method.__hasSuper;
+ if (hasSuper === undefined) {
+ hasSuper = method.toString().indexOf('_super') > -1;
+ method.__hasSuper = hasSuper;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sourceAvailable === false || hasSuper) {
+ return wrap(method, superMethod);
+ } else {
+ return method;
+ }
+ }
+ function applyConcatenatedProperties(obj, key, value, values) {
+ var baseValue = values[key] || obj[key];
+ if (baseValue) {
+ if ('function' === typeof baseValue.concat) {
+ if (value === null || value === undefined) {
+ return baseValue;
+ } else {
+ return baseValue.concat(value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return makeArray(baseValue).concat(value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return makeArray(value);
+ }
+ }
+ function applyMergedProperties(obj, key, value, values) {
+ var baseValue = values[key] || obj[key];
+ Ember.assert("You passed in `" + JSON.stringify(value) + "` as the value for `" + key +
+ "` but `" + key + "` cannot be an Array", !isArray(value));
+ if (!baseValue) { return value; }
+ var newBase = merge({}, baseValue);
+ var hasFunction = false;
+ for (var prop in value) {
+ if (!value.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { continue; }
+ var propValue = value[prop];
+ if (isMethod(propValue)) {
+ // TODO: support for Computed Properties, etc?
+ hasFunction = true;
+ newBase[prop] = giveMethodSuper(obj, prop, propValue, baseValue, {});
+ } else {
+ newBase[prop] = propValue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (hasFunction) {
+ newBase._super = superFunction;
+ }
+ return newBase;
+ }
+ function addNormalizedProperty(base, key, value, meta, descs, values, concats, mergings) {
+ if (value instanceof Descriptor) {
+ if (value === REQUIRED && descs[key]) { return CONTINUE; }
+ // Wrap descriptor function to implement
+ // __nextSuper() if needed
+ if (value.func) {
+ value = giveDescriptorSuper(meta, key, value, values, descs);
+ }
+ descs[key] = value;
+ values[key] = undefined;
+ } else {
+ if ((concats &&, key) >= 0) ||
+ key === 'concatenatedProperties' ||
+ key === 'mergedProperties') {
+ value = applyConcatenatedProperties(base, key, value, values);
+ } else if ((mergings &&, key) >= 0)) {
+ value = applyMergedProperties(base, key, value, values);
+ } else if (isMethod(value)) {
+ value = giveMethodSuper(base, key, value, values, descs);
+ }
+ descs[key] = undefined;
+ values[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ function mergeMixins(mixins, m, descs, values, base, keys) {
+ var mixin, props, key, concats, mergings, meta;
+ function removeKeys(keyName) {
+ delete descs[keyName];
+ delete values[keyName];
+ }
+ for(var i=0, l=mixins.length; i<l; i++) {
+ mixin = mixins[i];
+ Ember.assert('Expected hash or Mixin instance, got ' +,
+ typeof mixin === 'object' && mixin !== null && !== '[object Array]');
+ props = mixinProperties(m, mixin);
+ if (props === CONTINUE) { continue; }
+ if (props) {
+ meta = metaFor(base);
+ if (base.willMergeMixin) { base.willMergeMixin(props); }
+ concats = concatenatedMixinProperties('concatenatedProperties', props, values, base);
+ mergings = concatenatedMixinProperties('mergedProperties', props, values, base);
+ for (key in props) {
+ if (!props.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
+ keys.push(key);
+ addNormalizedProperty(base, key, props[key], meta, descs, values, concats, mergings);
+ }
+ // manually copy toString() because some JS engines do not enumerate it
+ if (props.hasOwnProperty('toString')) { base.toString = props.toString; }
+ } else if (mixin.mixins) {
+ mergeMixins(mixin.mixins, m, descs, values, base, keys);
+ if (mixin._without) {, removeKeys); }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var IS_BINDING = /^.+Binding$/;
+ function detectBinding(obj, key, value, m) {
+ if (IS_BINDING.test(key)) {
+ var bindings = m.bindings;
+ if (!bindings) {
+ bindings = m.bindings = {};
+ } else if (!m.hasOwnProperty('bindings')) {
+ bindings = m.bindings = o_create(m.bindings);
+ }
+ bindings[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ function connectStreamBinding(obj, key, stream) {
+ var onNotify = function(stream) {
+ _suspendObserver(obj, key, null, didChange, function() {
+ trySet(obj, key, stream.value());
+ });
+ };
+ var didChange = function() {
+ stream.setValue(get(obj, key), onNotify);
+ };
+ // Initialize value
+ set(obj, key, stream.value());
+ addObserver(obj, key, null, didChange);
+ stream.subscribe(onNotify);
+ if (obj._streamBindingSubscriptions === undefined) {
+ obj._streamBindingSubscriptions = o_create(null);
+ }
+ obj._streamBindingSubscriptions[key] = onNotify;
+ }
+ function connectBindings(obj, m) {
+ // TODO Mixin.apply(instance) should disconnect binding if exists
+ var bindings = m.bindings;
+ var key, binding, to;
+ if (bindings) {
+ for (key in bindings) {
+ binding = bindings[key];
+ if (binding) {
+ to = key.slice(0, -7); // strip Binding off end
+ if (binding.isStream) {
+ connectStreamBinding(obj, to, binding);
+ continue;
+ } else if (binding instanceof Binding) {
+ binding = binding.copy(); // copy prototypes' instance
+ } else { // binding is string path
+ binding = new Binding(to, binding);
+ }
+ binding.connect(obj);
+ obj[key] = binding;
+ }
+ }
+ // mark as applied
+ m.bindings = {};
+ }
+ }
+ function finishPartial(obj, m) {
+ connectBindings(obj, m || metaFor(obj));
+ return obj;
+ }
+ function followAlias(obj, desc, m, descs, values) {
+ var altKey = desc.methodName;
+ var value;
+ if (descs[altKey] || values[altKey]) {
+ value = values[altKey];
+ desc = descs[altKey];
+ } else if (m.descs[altKey]) {
+ desc = m.descs[altKey];
+ value = undefined;
+ } else {
+ desc = undefined;
+ value = obj[altKey];
+ }
+ return { desc: desc, value: value };
+ }
+ function updateObserversAndListeners(obj, key, observerOrListener, pathsKey, updateMethod) {
+ var paths = observerOrListener[pathsKey];
+ if (paths) {
+ for (var i=0, l=paths.length; i<l; i++) {
+ updateMethod(obj, paths[i], null, key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function replaceObserversAndListeners(obj, key, observerOrListener) {
+ var prev = obj[key];
+ if ('function' === typeof prev) {
+ updateObserversAndListeners(obj, key, prev, '__ember_observesBefore__', removeBeforeObserver);
+ updateObserversAndListeners(obj, key, prev, '__ember_observes__', removeObserver);
+ updateObserversAndListeners(obj, key, prev, '__ember_listens__', removeListener);
+ }
+ if ('function' === typeof observerOrListener) {
+ updateObserversAndListeners(obj, key, observerOrListener, '__ember_observesBefore__', addBeforeObserver);
+ updateObserversAndListeners(obj, key, observerOrListener, '__ember_observes__', addObserver);
+ updateObserversAndListeners(obj, key, observerOrListener, '__ember_listens__', addListener);
+ }
+ }
+ function applyMixin(obj, mixins, partial) {
+ var descs = {};
+ var values = {};
+ var m = metaFor(obj);
+ var keys = [];
+ var key, value, desc;
+ obj._super = superFunction;
+ // Go through all mixins and hashes passed in, and:
+ //
+ // * Handle concatenated properties
+ // * Handle merged properties
+ // * Set up _super wrapping if necessary
+ // * Set up computed property descriptors
+ // * Copying `toString` in broken browsers
+ mergeMixins(mixins, mixinsMeta(obj), descs, values, obj, keys);
+ for(var i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ if (key === 'constructor' || !values.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
+ desc = descs[key];
+ value = values[key];
+ if (desc === REQUIRED) { continue; }
+ while (desc && desc instanceof Alias) {
+ var followed = followAlias(obj, desc, m, descs, values);
+ desc = followed.desc;
+ value = followed.value;
+ }
+ if (desc === undefined && value === undefined) { continue; }
+ replaceObserversAndListeners(obj, key, value);
+ detectBinding(obj, key, value, m);
+ defineProperty(obj, key, desc, value, m);
+ }
+ if (!partial) { // don't apply to prototype
+ finishPartial(obj, m);
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ /**
+ @method mixin
+ @for Ember
+ @param obj
+ @param mixins*
+ @return obj
+ */
+ function mixin(obj) {
+ var args =, 1);
+ applyMixin(obj, args, false);
+ return obj;
+ }
+ __exports__.mixin = mixin;/**
+ The `Ember.Mixin` class allows you to create mixins, whose properties can be
+ added to other classes. For instance,
+ ```javascript
+ App.Editable = Ember.Mixin.create({
+ edit: function() {
+ console.log('starting to edit');
+ this.set('isEditing', true);
+ },
+ isEditing: false
+ });
+ // Mix mixins into classes by passing them as the first arguments to
+ // .extend.
+ App.CommentView = Ember.View.extend(App.Editable, {
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('{{#if view.isEditing}}...{{else}}...{{/if}}')
+ });
+ commentView = App.CommentView.create();
+ commentView.edit(); // outputs 'starting to edit'
+ ```
+ Note that Mixins are created with `Ember.Mixin.create`, not
+ `Ember.Mixin.extend`.
+ Note that mixins extend a constructor's prototype so arrays and object literals
+ defined as properties will be shared amongst objects that implement the mixin.
+ If you want to define a property in a mixin that is not shared, you can define
+ it either as a computed property or have it be created on initialization of the object.
+ ```javascript
+ //filters array will be shared amongst any object implementing mixin
+ App.Filterable = Ember.Mixin.create({
+ filters: Ember.A()
+ });
+ //filters will be a separate array for every object implementing the mixin
+ App.Filterable = Ember.Mixin.create({
+ filters: Ember.computed(function(){return Ember.A();})
+ });
+ //filters will be created as a separate array during the object's initialization
+ App.Filterable = Ember.Mixin.create({
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ this.set("filters", Ember.A());
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @class Mixin
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin;
+ function Mixin(args, properties) {
+ = properties;
+ var length = args && args.length;
+ if (length > 0) {
+ var m = new Array(length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ var x = args[i];
+ if (x instanceof Mixin) {
+ m[i] = x;
+ } else {
+ m[i] = new Mixin(undefined, x);
+ }
+ }
+ this.mixins = m;
+ } else {
+ this.mixins = undefined;
+ }
+ this.ownerConstructor = undefined;
+ }
+ Mixin._apply = applyMixin;
+ Mixin.applyPartial = function(obj) {
+ var args =, 1);
+ return applyMixin(obj, args, true);
+ };
+ Mixin.finishPartial = finishPartial;
+ // ES6TODO: this relies on a global state?
+ Ember.anyUnprocessedMixins = false;
+ /**
+ @method create
+ @static
+ @param arguments*
+ */
+ Mixin.create = function() {
+ // ES6TODO: this relies on a global state?
+ Ember.anyUnprocessedMixins = true;
+ var M = this;
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var args = new Array(length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ args[i] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ return new M(args, undefined);
+ };
+ var MixinPrototype = Mixin.prototype;
+ /**
+ @method reopen
+ @param arguments*
+ */
+ MixinPrototype.reopen = function() {
+ var mixin;
+ if ( {
+ mixin = new Mixin(undefined,;
+ = undefined;
+ this.mixins = [mixin];
+ } else if (!this.mixins) {
+ this.mixins = [];
+ }
+ var len = arguments.length;
+ var mixins = this.mixins;
+ var idx;
+ for(idx=0; idx < len; idx++) {
+ mixin = arguments[idx];
+ Ember.assert('Expected hash or Mixin instance, got ' +,
+ typeof mixin === 'object' && mixin !== null &&
+ !== '[object Array]');
+ if (mixin instanceof Mixin) {
+ mixins.push(mixin);
+ } else {
+ mixins.push(new Mixin(undefined, mixin));
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ @method apply
+ @param obj
+ @return applied object
+ */
+ MixinPrototype.apply = function(obj) {
+ return applyMixin(obj, [this], false);
+ };
+ MixinPrototype.applyPartial = function(obj) {
+ return applyMixin(obj, [this], true);
+ };
+ function _detect(curMixin, targetMixin, seen) {
+ var guid = guidFor(curMixin);
+ if (seen[guid]) { return false; }
+ seen[guid] = true;
+ if (curMixin === targetMixin) { return true; }
+ var mixins = curMixin.mixins;
+ var loc = mixins ? mixins.length : 0;
+ while (--loc >= 0) {
+ if (_detect(mixins[loc], targetMixin, seen)) { return true; }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ @method detect
+ @param obj
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ MixinPrototype.detect = function(obj) {
+ if (!obj) { return false; }
+ if (obj instanceof Mixin) { return _detect(obj, this, {}); }
+ var m = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var mixins = m && m.mixins;
+ if (mixins) {
+ return !!mixins[guidFor(this)];
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ MixinPrototype.without = function() {
+ var ret = new Mixin([this]);
+ ret._without =;
+ return ret;
+ };
+ function _keys(ret, mixin, seen) {
+ if (seen[guidFor(mixin)]) { return; }
+ seen[guidFor(mixin)] = true;
+ if ( {
+ var props =;
+ for (var key in props) {
+ if (props.hasOwnProperty(key)) { ret[key] = true; }
+ }
+ } else if (mixin.mixins) {
+, function(x) { _keys(ret, x, seen); });
+ }
+ }
+ MixinPrototype.keys = function() {
+ var keys = {};
+ var seen = {};
+ var ret = [];
+ _keys(keys, this, seen);
+ for(var key in keys) {
+ if (keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ ret.push(key);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ // returns the mixins currently applied to the specified object
+ // TODO: Make Ember.mixin
+ Mixin.mixins = function(obj) {
+ var m = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var mixins = m && m.mixins;
+ var ret = [];
+ if (!mixins) { return ret; }
+ for (var key in mixins) {
+ var mixin = mixins[key];
+ // skip primitive mixins since these are always anonymous
+ if (! { ret.push(mixin); }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ };
+ REQUIRED = new Descriptor();
+ REQUIRED.toString = function() { return '(Required Property)'; };
+ /**
+ Denotes a required property for a mixin
+ @method required
+ @for Ember
+ */
+ function required() {
+ return REQUIRED;
+ }
+ __exports__.required = required;function Alias(methodName) {
+ this.methodName = methodName;
+ }
+ Alias.prototype = new Descriptor();
+ /**
+ Makes a method available via an additional name.
+ ```javascript
+ App.Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ name: function() {
+ return 'Tomhuda Katzdale';
+ },
+ moniker: Ember.aliasMethod('name')
+ });
+ var goodGuy = App.Person.create();
+; // 'Tomhuda Katzdale'
+ goodGuy.moniker(); // 'Tomhuda Katzdale'
+ ```
+ @method aliasMethod
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} methodName name of the method to alias
+ @return {Ember.Descriptor}
+ */
+ function aliasMethod(methodName) {
+ return new Alias(methodName);
+ }
+ __exports__.aliasMethod = aliasMethod;// ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ Specify a method that observes property changes.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Object.extend({
+ valueObserver:'value', function() {
+ // Executes whenever the "value" property changes
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ In the future this method may become asynchronous. If you want to ensure
+ synchronous behavior, use `immediateObserver`.
+ Also available as `Function.prototype.observes` if prototype extensions are
+ enabled.
+ @method observer
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} propertyNames*
+ @param {Function} func
+ @return func
+ */
+ function observer() {
+ var func =, -1)[0];
+ var paths;
+ var addWatchedProperty = function (path) { paths.push(path); };
+ var _paths =, 0, -1);
+ if (typeof func !== "function") {
+ // revert to old, soft-deprecated argument ordering
+ func = arguments[0];
+ _paths =, 1);
+ }
+ paths = [];
+ for (var i=0; i<_paths.length; ++i) {
+ expandProperties(_paths[i], addWatchedProperty);
+ }
+ if (typeof func !== "function") {
+ throw new Ember.Error(" called without a function");
+ }
+ func.__ember_observes__ = paths;
+ return func;
+ }
+ = observer;/**
+ Specify a method that observes property changes.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Object.extend({
+ valueObserver: Ember.immediateObserver('value', function() {
+ // Executes whenever the "value" property changes
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ In the future, `` may become asynchronous. In this event,
+ `Ember.immediateObserver` will maintain the synchronous behavior.
+ Also available as `Function.prototype.observesImmediately` if prototype extensions are
+ enabled.
+ @method immediateObserver
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} propertyNames*
+ @param {Function} func
+ @return func
+ */
+ function immediateObserver() {
+ for (var i=0, l=arguments.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var arg = arguments[i];
+ Ember.assert("Immediate observers must observe internal properties only, not properties on other objects.",
+ typeof arg !== "string" || arg.indexOf('.') === -1);
+ }
+ return observer.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ __exports__.immediateObserver = immediateObserver;/**
+ When observers fire, they are called with the arguments `obj`, `keyName`.
+ Note, `` observer is called per each add or replace of an element
+ and it's not called with a specific enumeration item.
+ A `beforeObserver` fires before a property changes.
+ A `beforeObserver` is an alternative form of `.observesBefore()`.
+ ```javascript
+ App.PersonView = Ember.View.extend({
+ friends: [{ name: 'Tom' }, { name: 'Stefan' }, { name: 'Kris' }],
+ valueWillChange: Ember.beforeObserver('content.value', function(obj, keyName) {
+ this.changingFrom = obj.get(keyName);
+ }),
+ valueDidChange:'content.value', function(obj, keyName) {
+ // only run if updating a value already in the DOM
+ if (this.get('state') === 'inDOM') {
+ var color = obj.get(keyName) > this.changingFrom ? 'green' : 'red';
+ // logic
+ }
+ }),
+ friendsDidChange:'', function(obj, keyName) {
+ // some logic
+ // obj.get(keyName) returns friends array
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ Also available as `Function.prototype.observesBefore` if prototype extensions are
+ enabled.
+ @method beforeObserver
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} propertyNames*
+ @param {Function} func
+ @return func
+ */
+ function beforeObserver() {
+ var func =, -1)[0];
+ var paths;
+ var addWatchedProperty = function(path) { paths.push(path); };
+ var _paths =, 0, -1);
+ if (typeof func !== "function") {
+ // revert to old, soft-deprecated argument ordering
+ func = arguments[0];
+ _paths =, 1);
+ }
+ paths = [];
+ for (var i=0; i<_paths.length; ++i) {
+ expandProperties(_paths[i], addWatchedProperty);
+ }
+ if (typeof func !== "function") {
+ throw new Ember.Error("Ember.beforeObserver called without a function");
+ }
+ func.__ember_observesBefore__ = paths;
+ return func;
+ }
+ __exports__.beforeObserver = beforeObserver;__exports__.IS_BINDING = IS_BINDING;
+ __exports__.Mixin = Mixin;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/watching","ember-metal/array","ember-metal/events","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var watch =;
+ var unwatch = __dependency1__.unwatch;
+ var map =;
+ var listenersFor = __dependency3__.listenersFor;
+ var addListener = __dependency3__.addListener;
+ var removeListener = __dependency3__.removeListener;
+ var suspendListeners = __dependency3__.suspendListeners;
+ var suspendListener = __dependency3__.suspendListener;
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ var AFTER_OBSERVERS = ':change';
+ var BEFORE_OBSERVERS = ':before';
+ function changeEvent(keyName) {
+ return keyName + AFTER_OBSERVERS;
+ }
+ function beforeEvent(keyName) {
+ return keyName + BEFORE_OBSERVERS;
+ }
+ /**
+ @method addObserver
+ @for Ember
+ @param obj
+ @param {String} path
+ @param {Object|Function} targetOrMethod
+ @param {Function|String} [method]
+ */
+ function addObserver(obj, _path, target, method) {
+ addListener(obj, changeEvent(_path), target, method);
+ watch(obj, _path);
+ return this;
+ }
+ __exports__.addObserver = addObserver;function observersFor(obj, path) {
+ return listenersFor(obj, changeEvent(path));
+ }
+ __exports__.observersFor = observersFor;/**
+ @method removeObserver
+ @for Ember
+ @param obj
+ @param {String} path
+ @param {Object|Function} target
+ @param {Function|String} [method]
+ */
+ function removeObserver(obj, path, target, method) {
+ unwatch(obj, path);
+ removeListener(obj, changeEvent(path), target, method);
+ return this;
+ }
+ __exports__.removeObserver = removeObserver;/**
+ @method addBeforeObserver
+ @for Ember
+ @param obj
+ @param {String} path
+ @param {Object|Function} target
+ @param {Function|String} [method]
+ */
+ function addBeforeObserver(obj, path, target, method) {
+ addListener(obj, beforeEvent(path), target, method);
+ watch(obj, path);
+ return this;
+ }
+ __exports__.addBeforeObserver = addBeforeObserver;// Suspend observer during callback.
+ //
+ // This should only be used by the target of the observer
+ // while it is setting the observed path.
+ function _suspendBeforeObserver(obj, path, target, method, callback) {
+ return suspendListener(obj, beforeEvent(path), target, method, callback);
+ }
+ __exports__._suspendBeforeObserver = _suspendBeforeObserver;function _suspendObserver(obj, path, target, method, callback) {
+ return suspendListener(obj, changeEvent(path), target, method, callback);
+ }
+ __exports__._suspendObserver = _suspendObserver;function _suspendBeforeObservers(obj, paths, target, method, callback) {
+ var events =, beforeEvent);
+ return suspendListeners(obj, events, target, method, callback);
+ }
+ __exports__._suspendBeforeObservers = _suspendBeforeObservers;function _suspendObservers(obj, paths, target, method, callback) {
+ var events =, changeEvent);
+ return suspendListeners(obj, events, target, method, callback);
+ }
+ __exports__._suspendObservers = _suspendObservers;function beforeObserversFor(obj, path) {
+ return listenersFor(obj, beforeEvent(path));
+ }
+ __exports__.beforeObserversFor = beforeObserversFor;/**
+ @method removeBeforeObserver
+ @for Ember
+ @param obj
+ @param {String} path
+ @param {Object|Function} target
+ @param {Function|String} [method]
+ */
+ function removeBeforeObserver(obj, path, target, method) {
+ unwatch(obj, path);
+ removeListener(obj, beforeEvent(path), target, method);
+ return this;
+ }
+ __exports__.removeBeforeObserver = removeBeforeObserver;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/events","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var guidFor = __dependency1__.guidFor;
+ var sendEvent = __dependency2__.sendEvent;
+ /*
+ this.observerSet = {
+ [senderGuid]: { // variable name: `keySet`
+ [keyName]: listIndex
+ }
+ },
+ this.observers = [
+ {
+ sender: obj,
+ keyName: keyName,
+ eventName: eventName,
+ listeners: [
+ [target, method, flags]
+ ]
+ },
+ ...
+ ]
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = ObserverSet;
+ function ObserverSet() {
+ this.clear();
+ }
+ ObserverSet.prototype.add = function(sender, keyName, eventName) {
+ var observerSet = this.observerSet;
+ var observers = this.observers;
+ var senderGuid = guidFor(sender);
+ var keySet = observerSet[senderGuid];
+ var index;
+ if (!keySet) {
+ observerSet[senderGuid] = keySet = {};
+ }
+ index = keySet[keyName];
+ if (index === undefined) {
+ index = observers.push({
+ sender: sender,
+ keyName: keyName,
+ eventName: eventName,
+ listeners: []
+ }) - 1;
+ keySet[keyName] = index;
+ }
+ return observers[index].listeners;
+ };
+ ObserverSet.prototype.flush = function() {
+ var observers = this.observers;
+ var i, len, observer, sender;
+ this.clear();
+ for (i=0, len=observers.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ observer = observers[i];
+ sender = observer.sender;
+ if (sender.isDestroying || sender.isDestroyed) { continue; }
+ sendEvent(sender, observer.eventName, [sender, observer.keyName], observer.listeners);
+ }
+ };
+ ObserverSet.prototype.clear = function() {
+ this.observerSet = {};
+ this.observers = [];
+ };
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/cache","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Cache = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var IS_GLOBAL = /^([A-Z$]|([0-9][A-Z$]))/;
+ var IS_GLOBAL_PATH = /^([A-Z$]|([0-9][A-Z$])).*[\.]/;
+ var HAS_THIS = 'this.';
+ var isGlobalCache = new Cache(1000, function(key) { return IS_GLOBAL.test(key); });
+ var isGlobalPathCache = new Cache(1000, function(key) { return IS_GLOBAL_PATH.test(key); });
+ var hasThisCache = new Cache(1000, function(key) { return key.indexOf(HAS_THIS) !== -1; });
+ var firstDotIndexCache = new Cache(1000, function(key) { return key.indexOf('.'); });
+ var firstKeyCache = new Cache(1000, function(path) {
+ var index = firstDotIndexCache.get(path);
+ if (index === -1) {
+ return path;
+ } else {
+ return path.slice(0, index);
+ }
+ });
+ var tailPathCache = new Cache(1000, function(path) {
+ var index = firstDotIndexCache.get(path);
+ if (index !== -1) {
+ return path.slice(index + 1);
+ }
+ });
+ var caches = {
+ isGlobalCache: isGlobalCache,
+ isGlobalPathCache: isGlobalPathCache,
+ hasThisCache: hasThisCache,
+ firstDotIndexCache: firstDotIndexCache,
+ firstKeyCache: firstKeyCache,
+ tailPathCache: tailPathCache
+ };
+ __exports__.caches = caches;
+ function isGlobal(path) {
+ return isGlobalCache.get(path);
+ }
+ __exports__.isGlobal = isGlobal;function isGlobalPath(path) {
+ return isGlobalPathCache.get(path);
+ }
+ __exports__.isGlobalPath = isGlobalPath;function hasThis(path) {
+ return hasThisCache.get(path);
+ }
+ __exports__.hasThis = hasThis;function isPath(path) {
+ return firstDotIndexCache.get(path) !== -1;
+ }
+ __exports__.isPath = isPath;function getFirstKey(path) {
+ return firstKeyCache.get(path);
+ }
+ __exports__.getFirstKey = getFirstKey;function getTailPath(path) {
+ return tailPathCache.get(path);
+ }
+ __exports__.getTailPath = getTailPath;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/platform/define_property","ember-metal/platform/define_properties","ember-metal/platform/create","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var hasES5CompliantDefineProperty = __dependency1__.hasES5CompliantDefineProperty;
+ var defineProperty = __dependency1__.defineProperty;
+ var defineProperties = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency3__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ var hasPropertyAccessors = hasES5CompliantDefineProperty;
+ var canDefineNonEnumerableProperties = hasES5CompliantDefineProperty;
+ /**
+ Platform specific methods and feature detectors needed by the framework.
+ @class platform
+ @namespace Ember
+ @static
+ */
+ __exports__.create = create;
+ __exports__.defineProperty = defineProperty;
+ __exports__.defineProperties = defineProperties;
+ __exports__.hasPropertyAccessors = hasPropertyAccessors;
+ __exports__.canDefineNonEnumerableProperties = canDefineNonEnumerableProperties;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ // Remove "use strict"; from transpiled module until
+ // is fixed
+ //
+ /**
+ @class platform
+ @namespace Ember
+ @static
+ */
+ /**
+ Identical to `Object.create()`. Implements if not available natively.
+ @method create
+ @for Ember
+ */
+ var create;
+ // ES5
+ //
+ if (!(Object.create && !Object.create(null).hasOwnProperty)) {
+ /* jshint scripturl:true, proto:true */
+ // Contributed by Brandon Benvie, October, 2012
+ var createEmpty;
+ var supportsProto = !({'__proto__':null} instanceof Object);
+ // the following produces false positives
+ // in Opera Mini => not a reliable check
+ // Object.prototype.__proto__ === null
+ if (supportsProto || typeof document === 'undefined') {
+ createEmpty = function () {
+ return { "__proto__": null };
+ };
+ } else {
+ // In old IE __proto__ can't be used to manually set `null`, nor does
+ // any other method exist to make an object that inherits from nothing,
+ // aside from Object.prototype itself. Instead, create a new global
+ // object and *steal* its Object.prototype and strip it bare. This is
+ // used as the prototype to create nullary objects.
+ createEmpty = function () {
+ var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
+ var parent = document.body || document.documentElement;
+ = 'none';
+ parent.appendChild(iframe);
+ iframe.src = 'javascript:';
+ var empty = iframe.contentWindow.Object.prototype;
+ parent.removeChild(iframe);
+ iframe = null;
+ delete empty.constructor;
+ delete empty.hasOwnProperty;
+ delete empty.propertyIsEnumerable;
+ delete empty.isPrototypeOf;
+ delete empty.toLocaleString;
+ delete empty.toString;
+ delete empty.valueOf;
+ function Empty() {}
+ Empty.prototype = empty;
+ // short-circuit future calls
+ createEmpty = function () {
+ return new Empty();
+ };
+ return new Empty();
+ };
+ }
+ create = Object.create = function create(prototype, properties) {
+ var object;
+ function Type() {} // An empty constructor.
+ if (prototype === null) {
+ object = createEmpty();
+ } else {
+ if (typeof prototype !== "object" && typeof prototype !== "function") {
+ // In the native implementation `parent` can be `null`
+ // OR *any* `instanceof Object` (Object|Function|Array|RegExp|etc)
+ // Use `typeof` tho, b/c in old IE, DOM elements are not `instanceof Object`
+ // like they are in modern browsers. Using `Object.create` on DOM elements
+ // is...err...probably inappropriate, but the native version allows for it.
+ throw new TypeError("Object prototype may only be an Object or null"); // same msg as Chrome
+ }
+ Type.prototype = prototype;
+ object = new Type();
+ }
+ if (properties !== undefined) {
+ Object.defineProperties(object, properties);
+ }
+ return object;
+ };
+ } else {
+ create = Object.create;
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = create;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/platform/define_property","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var defineProperty = __dependency1__.defineProperty;
+ var defineProperties = Object.defineProperties;
+ // ES5
+ //
+ if (!defineProperties) {
+ defineProperties = function defineProperties(object, properties) {
+ for (var property in properties) {
+ if (properties.hasOwnProperty(property) && property !== "__proto__") {
+ defineProperty(object, property, properties[property]);
+ }
+ }
+ return object;
+ };
+ Object.defineProperties = defineProperties;
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = defineProperties;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /*globals Node */
+ /**
+ @class platform
+ @namespace Ember
+ @static
+ */
+ /**
+ Set to true if the platform supports native getters and setters.
+ @property hasPropertyAccessors
+ @final
+ */
+ /**
+ Identical to `Object.defineProperty()`. Implements as much functionality
+ as possible if not available natively.
+ @method defineProperty
+ @param {Object} obj The object to modify
+ @param {String} keyName property name to modify
+ @param {Object} desc descriptor hash
+ @return {void}
+ */
+ var defineProperty = (function checkCompliance(defineProperty) {
+ if (!defineProperty) return;
+ try {
+ var a = 5;
+ var obj = {};
+ defineProperty(obj, 'a', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ get: function () {
+ return a;
+ },
+ set: function (v) {
+ a = v;
+ }
+ });
+ if (obj.a !== 5) return;
+ obj.a = 10;
+ if (a !== 10) return;
+ // check non-enumerability
+ defineProperty(obj, 'a', {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ writable: true,
+ value: true
+ });
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ if (key === 'a') return;
+ }
+ // Detects a bug in Android <3.2 where you cannot redefine a property using
+ // Object.defineProperty once accessors have already been set.
+ if (obj.a !== true) return;
+ // defineProperty is compliant
+ return defineProperty;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // IE8 defines Object.defineProperty but calling it on an Object throws
+ return;
+ }
+ })(Object.defineProperty);
+ var hasES5CompliantDefineProperty = !!defineProperty;
+ if (hasES5CompliantDefineProperty && typeof document !== 'undefined') {
+ // This is for Safari 5.0, which supports Object.defineProperty, but not
+ // on DOM nodes.
+ var canDefinePropertyOnDOM = (function() {
+ try {
+ defineProperty(document.createElement('div'), 'definePropertyOnDOM', {});
+ return true;
+ } catch(e) { }
+ return false;
+ })();
+ if (!canDefinePropertyOnDOM) {
+ defineProperty = function(obj, keyName, desc) {
+ var isNode;
+ if (typeof Node === "object") {
+ isNode = obj instanceof Node;
+ } else {
+ isNode = typeof obj === "object" && typeof obj.nodeType === "number" && typeof obj.nodeName === "string";
+ }
+ if (isNode) {
+ // TODO: Should we have a warning here?
+ return (obj[keyName] = desc.value);
+ } else {
+ return Object.defineProperty(obj, keyName, desc);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ if (!hasES5CompliantDefineProperty) {
+ defineProperty = function defineProperty(obj, keyName, desc) {
+ if (!desc.get) { obj[keyName] = desc.value; }
+ };
+ }
+ __exports__.hasES5CompliantDefineProperty = hasES5CompliantDefineProperty;
+ __exports__.defineProperty = defineProperty;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/property_events","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var metaFor = __dependency2__.meta;
+ var objectDefineProperty = __dependency3__.defineProperty;
+ var hasPropertyAccessors = __dependency3__.hasPropertyAccessors;
+ var overrideChains = __dependency4__.overrideChains;
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ Objects of this type can implement an interface to respond to requests to
+ get and set. The default implementation handles simple properties.
+ You generally won't need to create or subclass this directly.
+ @class Descriptor
+ @namespace Ember
+ @private
+ @constructor
+ */
+ function Descriptor() {}
+ __exports__.Descriptor = Descriptor;// ..........................................................
+ //
+ return function SETTER_FUNCTION(value) {
+ Ember.assert("You must use Ember.set() to set the `" + name + "` property (of " + this + ") to `" + value + "`.", false);
+ };
+ }
+ return function GETTER_FUNCTION() {
+ var meta = this['__ember_meta__'];
+ return meta && meta.values[name];
+ };
+ }
+ NOTE: This is a low-level method used by other parts of the API. You almost
+ never want to call this method directly. Instead you should use
+ `Ember.mixin()` to define new properties.
+ Defines a property on an object. This method works much like the ES5
+ `Object.defineProperty()` method except that it can also accept computed
+ properties and other special descriptors.
+ Normally this method takes only three parameters. However if you pass an
+ instance of `Ember.Descriptor` as the third param then you can pass an
+ optional value as the fourth parameter. This is often more efficient than
+ creating new descriptor hashes for each property.
+ ## Examples
+ ```javascript
+ // ES5 compatible mode
+ Ember.defineProperty(contact, 'firstName', {
+ writable: true,
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: true,
+ value: 'Charles'
+ });
+ // define a simple property
+ Ember.defineProperty(contact, 'lastName', undefined, 'Jolley');
+ // define a computed property
+ Ember.defineProperty(contact, 'fullName', Ember.computed(function() {
+ return this.firstName+' '+this.lastName;
+ }).property('firstName', 'lastName'));
+ ```
+ @private
+ @method defineProperty
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj the object to define this property on. This may be a prototype.
+ @param {String} keyName the name of the property
+ @param {Ember.Descriptor} [desc] an instance of `Ember.Descriptor` (typically a
+ computed property) or an ES5 descriptor.
+ You must provide this or `data` but not both.
+ @param {*} [data] something other than a descriptor, that will
+ become the explicit value of this property.
+ */
+ function defineProperty(obj, keyName, desc, data, meta) {
+ var descs, existingDesc, watching, value;
+ if (!meta) meta = metaFor(obj);
+ descs = meta.descs;
+ existingDesc = meta.descs[keyName];
+ var watchEntry = meta.watching[keyName];
+ watching = watchEntry !== undefined && watchEntry > 0;
+ if (existingDesc instanceof Descriptor) {
+ existingDesc.teardown(obj, keyName);
+ }
+ if (desc instanceof Descriptor) {
+ value = desc;
+ descs[keyName] = desc;
+ if (watching && hasPropertyAccessors) {
+ objectDefineProperty(obj, keyName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ value: undefined // make enumerable
+ });
+ } else {
+ obj[keyName] = undefined; // make enumerable
+ }
+ if (desc.setup) { desc.setup(obj, keyName); }
+ } else {
+ descs[keyName] = undefined; // shadow descriptor in proto
+ if (desc == null) {
+ value = data;
+ if (watching && hasPropertyAccessors) {
+ meta.values[keyName] = data;
+ objectDefineProperty(obj, keyName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ });
+ } else {
+ obj[keyName] = data;
+ }
+ } else {
+ value = desc;
+ // compatibility with ES5
+ objectDefineProperty(obj, keyName, desc);
+ }
+ }
+ // if key is being watched, override chains that
+ // were initialized with the prototype
+ if (watching) { overrideChains(obj, keyName, meta); }
+ // The `value` passed to the `didDefineProperty` hook is
+ // either the descriptor or data, whichever was passed.
+ if (obj.didDefineProperty) { obj.didDefineProperty(obj, keyName, value); }
+ return this;
+ }
+ __exports__.defineProperty = defineProperty;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/events","ember-metal/observer_set","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var guidFor = __dependency1__.guidFor;
+ var tryFinally = __dependency1__.tryFinally;
+ var sendEvent = __dependency2__.sendEvent;
+ var listenersUnion = __dependency2__.listenersUnion;
+ var listenersDiff = __dependency2__.listenersDiff;
+ var ObserverSet = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var beforeObserverSet = new ObserverSet();
+ var observerSet = new ObserverSet();
+ var deferred = 0;
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ This function is called just before an object property is about to change.
+ It will notify any before observers and prepare caches among other things.
+ Normally you will not need to call this method directly but if for some
+ reason you can't directly watch a property you can invoke this method
+ manually along with `Ember.propertyDidChange()` which you should call just
+ after the property value changes.
+ @method propertyWillChange
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The object with the property that will change
+ @param {String} keyName The property key (or path) that will change.
+ @return {void}
+ */
+ function propertyWillChange(obj, keyName) {
+ var m = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var watching = (m && m.watching[keyName] > 0) || keyName === 'length';
+ var proto = m && m.proto;
+ var desc = m && m.descs[keyName];
+ if (!watching) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (proto === obj) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (desc && desc.willChange) {
+ desc.willChange(obj, keyName);
+ }
+ dependentKeysWillChange(obj, keyName, m);
+ chainsWillChange(obj, keyName, m);
+ notifyBeforeObservers(obj, keyName);
+ }
+ /**
+ This function is called just after an object property has changed.
+ It will notify any observers and clear caches among other things.
+ Normally you will not need to call this method directly but if for some
+ reason you can't directly watch a property you can invoke this method
+ manually along with `Ember.propertyWillChange()` which you should call just
+ before the property value changes.
+ @method propertyDidChange
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The object with the property that will change
+ @param {String} keyName The property key (or path) that will change.
+ @return {void}
+ */
+ function propertyDidChange(obj, keyName) {
+ var m = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var watching = (m && m.watching[keyName] > 0) || keyName === 'length';
+ var proto = m && m.proto;
+ var desc = m && m.descs[keyName];
+ if (proto === obj) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // shouldn't this mean that we're watching this key?
+ if (desc && desc.didChange) {
+ desc.didChange(obj, keyName);
+ }
+ if (!watching && keyName !== 'length') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m && m.deps && m.deps[keyName]) {
+ dependentKeysDidChange(obj, keyName, m);
+ }
+ chainsDidChange(obj, keyName, m, false);
+ notifyObservers(obj, keyName);
+ }
+ // called whenever a property is about to change to clear the cache of any dependent keys (and notify those properties of changes, etc...)
+ function dependentKeysWillChange(obj, depKey, meta) {
+ if (obj.isDestroying) { return; }
+ var deps;
+ if (meta && meta.deps && (deps = meta.deps[depKey])) {
+ var seen = WILL_SEEN;
+ var top = !seen;
+ if (top) {
+ seen = WILL_SEEN = {};
+ }
+ iterDeps(propertyWillChange, obj, deps, depKey, seen, meta);
+ if (top) {
+ WILL_SEEN = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // called whenever a property has just changed to update dependent keys
+ function dependentKeysDidChange(obj, depKey, meta) {
+ if (obj.isDestroying) { return; }
+ var deps;
+ if (meta && meta.deps && (deps = meta.deps[depKey])) {
+ var seen = DID_SEEN;
+ var top = !seen;
+ if (top) {
+ seen = DID_SEEN = {};
+ }
+ iterDeps(propertyDidChange, obj, deps, depKey, seen, meta);
+ if (top) {
+ DID_SEEN = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function keysOf(obj) {
+ var keys = [];
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ keys.push(key);
+ }
+ return keys;
+ }
+ function iterDeps(method, obj, deps, depKey, seen, meta) {
+ var keys, key, i, desc;
+ var guid = guidFor(obj);
+ var current = seen[guid];
+ if (!current) {
+ current = seen[guid] = {};
+ }
+ if (current[depKey]) {
+ return;
+ }
+ current[depKey] = true;
+ if (deps) {
+ keys = keysOf(deps);
+ var descs = meta.descs;
+ for (i=0; i<keys.length; i++) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ desc = descs[key];
+ if (desc && desc._suspended === obj) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ method(obj, key);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function chainsWillChange(obj, keyName, m) {
+ if (!(m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers') &&
+ m.chainWatchers[keyName])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var nodes = m.chainWatchers[keyName];
+ var events = [];
+ var i, l;
+ for(i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ nodes[i].willChange(events);
+ }
+ for (i = 0, l = events.length; i < l; i += 2) {
+ propertyWillChange(events[i], events[i+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ function chainsDidChange(obj, keyName, m, suppressEvents) {
+ if (!(m && m.hasOwnProperty('chainWatchers') &&
+ m.chainWatchers[keyName])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var nodes = m.chainWatchers[keyName];
+ var events = suppressEvents ? null : [];
+ var i, l;
+ for(i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ nodes[i].didChange(events);
+ }
+ if (suppressEvents) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i = 0, l = events.length; i < l; i += 2) {
+ propertyDidChange(events[i], events[i+1]);
+ }
+ }
+ function overrideChains(obj, keyName, m) {
+ chainsDidChange(obj, keyName, m, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ @method beginPropertyChanges
+ @chainable
+ @private
+ */
+ function beginPropertyChanges() {
+ deferred++;
+ }
+ /**
+ @method endPropertyChanges
+ @private
+ */
+ function endPropertyChanges() {
+ deferred--;
+ if (deferred<=0) {
+ beforeObserverSet.clear();
+ observerSet.flush();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ Make a series of property changes together in an
+ exception-safe way.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.changeProperties(function() {
+ obj1.set('foo', mayBlowUpWhenSet);
+ obj2.set('bar', baz);
+ });
+ ```
+ @method changeProperties
+ @param {Function} callback
+ @param [binding]
+ */
+ function changeProperties(cb, binding) {
+ beginPropertyChanges();
+ tryFinally(cb, endPropertyChanges, binding);
+ }
+ function notifyBeforeObservers(obj, keyName) {
+ if (obj.isDestroying) { return; }
+ var eventName = keyName + ':before';
+ var listeners, diff;
+ if (deferred) {
+ listeners = beforeObserverSet.add(obj, keyName, eventName);
+ diff = listenersDiff(obj, eventName, listeners);
+ sendEvent(obj, eventName, [obj, keyName], diff);
+ } else {
+ sendEvent(obj, eventName, [obj, keyName]);
+ }
+ }
+ function notifyObservers(obj, keyName) {
+ if (obj.isDestroying) { return; }
+ var eventName = keyName + ':change';
+ var listeners;
+ if (deferred) {
+ listeners = observerSet.add(obj, keyName, eventName);
+ listenersUnion(obj, eventName, listeners);
+ } else {
+ sendEvent(obj, eventName, [obj, keyName]);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.propertyWillChange = propertyWillChange;
+ __exports__.propertyDidChange = propertyDidChange;
+ __exports__.overrideChains = overrideChains;
+ __exports__.beginPropertyChanges = beginPropertyChanges;
+ __exports__.endPropertyChanges = endPropertyChanges;
+ __exports__.changeProperties = changeProperties;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/path_cache","ember-metal/platform","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var EmberError = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var isGlobalPath = __dependency3__.isGlobalPath;
+ var isPath = __dependency3__.isPath;
+ var pathHasThis = __dependency3__.hasThis;
+ var hasPropertyAccessors = __dependency4__.hasPropertyAccessors;
+ var FIRST_KEY = /^([^\.]+)/;
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ // If we are on a platform that supports accessors we can use those.
+ // Otherwise simulate accessors by looking up the property directly on the
+ // object.
+ /**
+ Gets the value of a property on an object. If the property is computed,
+ the function will be invoked. If the property is not defined but the
+ object implements the `unknownProperty` method then that will be invoked.
+ If you plan to run on IE8 and older browsers then you should use this
+ method anytime you want to retrieve a property on an object that you don't
+ know for sure is private. (Properties beginning with an underscore '_'
+ are considered private.)
+ On all newer browsers, you only need to use this method to retrieve
+ properties if the property might not be defined on the object and you want
+ to respect the `unknownProperty` handler. Otherwise you can ignore this
+ method.
+ Note that if the object itself is `undefined`, this method will throw
+ an error.
+ @method get
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The object to retrieve from.
+ @param {String} keyName The property key to retrieve
+ @return {Object} the property value or `null`.
+ */
+ var get = function get(obj, keyName) {
+ // Helpers that operate with 'this' within an #each
+ if (keyName === '') {
+ return obj;
+ }
+ if (!keyName && 'string' === typeof obj) {
+ keyName = obj;
+ obj = null;
+ }
+ Ember.assert("Cannot call get with "+ keyName +" key.", !!keyName);
+ Ember.assert("Cannot call get with '"+ keyName +"' on an undefined object.", obj !== undefined);
+ if (obj === null) {
+ var value = _getPath(obj, keyName);
+ Ember.deprecate(
+ "Ember.get fetched '"+keyName+"' from the global context. This behavior will change in the future (issue #3852)",
+ !value || (obj && obj !== Ember.lookup) || isPath(keyName) || isGlobalPath(keyName+".") // Add a . to ensure simple paths are matched.
+ );
+ return value;
+ }
+ var meta = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var desc = meta && meta.descs[keyName];
+ var ret;
+ if (desc === undefined && isPath(keyName)) {
+ return _getPath(obj, keyName);
+ }
+ if (desc) {
+ return desc.get(obj, keyName);
+ } else {
+ if (hasPropertyAccessors && meta && meta.watching[keyName] > 0) {
+ ret = meta.values[keyName];
+ } else {
+ ret = obj[keyName];
+ }
+ if (ret === undefined &&
+ 'object' === typeof obj && !(keyName in obj) && 'function' === typeof obj.unknownProperty) {
+ return obj.unknownProperty(keyName);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ };
+ // Currently used only by Ember Data tests
+ if (Ember.config.overrideAccessors) {
+ Ember.get = get;
+ Ember.config.overrideAccessors();
+ get = Ember.get;
+ }
+ /**
+ Normalizes a target/path pair to reflect that actual target/path that should
+ be observed, etc. This takes into account passing in global property
+ paths (i.e. a path beginning with a captial letter not defined on the
+ target).
+ @private
+ @method normalizeTuple
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} target The current target. May be `null`.
+ @param {String} path A path on the target or a global property path.
+ @return {Array} a temporary array with the normalized target/path pair.
+ */
+ function normalizeTuple(target, path) {
+ var hasThis = pathHasThis(path);
+ var isGlobal = !hasThis && isGlobalPath(path);
+ var key;
+ if (!target || isGlobal) target = Ember.lookup;
+ if (hasThis) path = path.slice(5);
+ Ember.deprecate(
+ "normalizeTuple will return '"+path+"' as a non-global. This behavior will change in the future (issue #3852)",
+ target === Ember.lookup || !target || hasThis || isGlobal || !isGlobalPath(path+'.')
+ );
+ if (target === Ember.lookup) {
+ key = path.match(FIRST_KEY)[0];
+ target = get(target, key);
+ path = path.slice(key.length+1);
+ }
+ // must return some kind of path to be valid else other things will break.
+ if (!path || path.length===0) throw new EmberError('Path cannot be empty');
+ return [ target, path ];
+ }
+ function _getPath(root, path) {
+ var hasThis, parts, tuple, idx, len;
+ // If there is no root and path is a key name, return that
+ // property from the global object.
+ // E.g. get('Ember') -> Ember
+ if (root === null && !isPath(path)) {
+ return get(Ember.lookup, path);
+ }
+ // detect complicated paths and normalize them
+ hasThis = pathHasThis(path);
+ if (!root || hasThis) {
+ tuple = normalizeTuple(root, path);
+ root = tuple[0];
+ path = tuple[1];
+ tuple.length = 0;
+ }
+ parts = path.split(".");
+ len = parts.length;
+ for (idx = 0; root != null && idx < len; idx++) {
+ root = get(root, parts[idx], true);
+ if (root && root.isDestroyed) { return undefined; }
+ }
+ return root;
+ }
+ function getWithDefault(root, key, defaultValue) {
+ var value = get(root, key);
+ if (value === undefined) { return defaultValue; }
+ return value;
+ }
+ __exports__.getWithDefault = getWithDefault;__exports__["default"] = get;
+ __exports__.get = get;
+ __exports__.normalizeTuple = normalizeTuple;
+ __exports__._getPath = _getPath;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_events","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/path_cache","ember-metal/platform","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var getPath = __dependency2__._getPath;
+ var propertyWillChange = __dependency3__.propertyWillChange;
+ var propertyDidChange = __dependency3__.propertyDidChange;
+ var defineProperty = __dependency4__.defineProperty;
+ var EmberError = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var isPath = __dependency6__.isPath;
+ var hasPropertyAccessors = __dependency7__.hasPropertyAccessors;
+ var IS_GLOBAL = /^([A-Z$]|([0-9][A-Z$]))/;
+ /**
+ Sets the value of a property on an object, respecting computed properties
+ and notifying observers and other listeners of the change. If the
+ property is not defined but the object implements the `setUnknownProperty`
+ method then that will be invoked as well.
+ @method set
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The object to modify.
+ @param {String} keyName The property key to set
+ @param {Object} value The value to set
+ @return {Object} the passed value.
+ */
+ var set = function set(obj, keyName, value, tolerant) {
+ if (typeof obj === 'string') {
+ Ember.assert("Path '" + obj + "' must be global if no obj is given.", IS_GLOBAL.test(obj));
+ value = keyName;
+ keyName = obj;
+ obj = null;
+ }
+ Ember.assert("Cannot call set with "+ keyName +" key.", !!keyName);
+ if (!obj) {
+ return setPath(obj, keyName, value, tolerant);
+ }
+ var meta = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ var desc = meta && meta.descs[keyName];
+ var isUnknown, currentValue;
+ if (desc === undefined && isPath(keyName)) {
+ return setPath(obj, keyName, value, tolerant);
+ }
+ Ember.assert("You need to provide an object and key to `set`.", !!obj && keyName !== undefined);
+ Ember.assert('calling set on destroyed object', !obj.isDestroyed);
+ if (desc !== undefined) {
+ desc.set(obj, keyName, value);
+ } else {
+ if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null && value !== undefined && obj[keyName] === value) {
+ return value;
+ }
+ isUnknown = 'object' === typeof obj && !(keyName in obj);
+ // setUnknownProperty is called if `obj` is an object,
+ // the property does not already exist, and the
+ // `setUnknownProperty` method exists on the object
+ if (isUnknown && 'function' === typeof obj.setUnknownProperty) {
+ obj.setUnknownProperty(keyName, value);
+ } else if (meta && meta.watching[keyName] > 0) {
+ if (hasPropertyAccessors) {
+ currentValue = meta.values[keyName];
+ } else {
+ currentValue = obj[keyName];
+ }
+ // only trigger a change if the value has changed
+ if (value !== currentValue) {
+ propertyWillChange(obj, keyName);
+ if (hasPropertyAccessors) {
+ if (
+ (currentValue === undefined && !(keyName in obj)) ||
+ !, keyName)
+ ) {
+ defineProperty(obj, keyName, null, value); // setup mandatory setter
+ } else {
+ meta.values[keyName] = value;
+ }
+ } else {
+ obj[keyName] = value;
+ }
+ propertyDidChange(obj, keyName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ obj[keyName] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+ };
+ // Currently used only by Ember Data tests
+ // ES6TODO: Verify still true
+ if (Ember.config.overrideAccessors) {
+ Ember.set = set;
+ Ember.config.overrideAccessors();
+ set = Ember.set;
+ }
+ function setPath(root, path, value, tolerant) {
+ var keyName;
+ // get the last part of the path
+ keyName = path.slice(path.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
+ // get the first part of the part
+ path = (path === keyName) ? keyName : path.slice(0, path.length-(keyName.length+1));
+ // unless the path is this, look up the first part to
+ // get the root
+ if (path !== 'this') {
+ root = getPath(root, path);
+ }
+ if (!keyName || keyName.length === 0) {
+ throw new EmberError('Property set failed: You passed an empty path');
+ }
+ if (!root) {
+ if (tolerant) { return; }
+ else { throw new EmberError('Property set failed: object in path "'+path+'" could not be found or was destroyed.'); }
+ }
+ return set(root, keyName, value);
+ }
+ /**
+ Error-tolerant form of `Ember.set`. Will not blow up if any part of the
+ chain is `undefined`, `null`, or destroyed.
+ This is primarily used when syncing bindings, which may try to update after
+ an object has been destroyed.
+ @method trySet
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The object to modify.
+ @param {String} path The property path to set
+ @param {Object} value The value to set
+ */
+ function trySet(root, path, value) {
+ return set(root, path, value, true);
+ }
+ __exports__.trySet = trySet;__exports__.set = set;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/array","ember-metal/property_events","backburner","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var apply = __dependency2__.apply;
+ var GUID_KEY = __dependency2__.GUID_KEY;
+ var indexOf = __dependency3__.indexOf;
+ var beginPropertyChanges = __dependency4__.beginPropertyChanges;
+ var endPropertyChanges = __dependency4__.endPropertyChanges;
+ var Backburner = __dependency5__["default"];
+ function onBegin(current) {
+ run.currentRunLoop = current;
+ }
+ function onEnd(current, next) {
+ run.currentRunLoop = next;
+ }
+ // ES6TODO: should Backburner become es6?
+ var backburner = new Backburner(['sync', 'actions', 'destroy'], {
+ sync: {
+ before: beginPropertyChanges,
+ after: endPropertyChanges
+ },
+ defaultQueue: 'actions',
+ onBegin: onBegin,
+ onEnd: onEnd,
+ onErrorTarget: Ember,
+ onErrorMethod: 'onerror'
+ });
+ var slice = [].slice;
+ // ..........................................................
+ // run - this is ideally the only public API the dev sees
+ //
+ /**
+ Runs the passed target and method inside of a RunLoop, ensuring any
+ deferred actions including bindings and views updates are flushed at the
+ end.
+ Normally you should not need to invoke this method yourself. However if
+ you are implementing raw event handlers when interfacing with other
+ libraries or plugins, you should probably wrap all of your code inside this
+ call.
+ ```javascript
+ run(function() {
+ // code to be execute within a RunLoop
+ });
+ ```
+ @class run
+ @namespace Ember
+ @static
+ @constructor
+ @param {Object} [target] target of method to call
+ @param {Function|String} method Method to invoke.
+ May be a function or a string. If you pass a string
+ then it will be looked up on the passed target.
+ @param {Object} [args*] Any additional arguments you wish to pass to the method.
+ @return {Object} return value from invoking the passed function.
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = run;
+ function run() {
+ return, arguments);
+ }
+ /**
+ If no run-loop is present, it creates a new one. If a run loop is
+ present it will queue itself to run on the existing run-loops action
+ queue.
+ Please note: This is not for normal usage, and should be used sparingly.
+ If invoked when not within a run loop:
+ ```javascript
+ run.join(function() {
+ // creates a new run-loop
+ });
+ ```
+ Alternatively, if called within an existing run loop:
+ ```javascript
+ run(function() {
+ // creates a new run-loop
+ run.join(function() {
+ // joins with the existing run-loop, and queues for invocation on
+ // the existing run-loops action queue.
+ });
+ });
+ ```
+ @method join
+ @namespace Ember
+ @param {Object} [target] target of method to call
+ @param {Function|String} method Method to invoke.
+ May be a function or a string. If you pass a string
+ then it will be looked up on the passed target.
+ @param {Object} [args*] Any additional arguments you wish to pass to the method.
+ @return {Object} Return value from invoking the passed function. Please note,
+ when called within an existing loop, no return value is possible.
+ */
+ run.join = function() {
+ return backburner.join.apply(backburner, arguments);
+ };
+ /**
+ Allows you to specify which context to call the specified function in while
+ adding the execution of that function to the Ember run loop. This ability
+ makes this method a great way to asynchronusly integrate third-party libraries
+ into your Ember application.
+ `run.bind` takes two main arguments, the desired context and the function to
+ invoke in that context. Any additional arguments will be supplied as arguments
+ to the function that is passed in.
+ Let's use the creation of a TinyMCE component as an example. Currently,
+ TinyMCE provides a setup configuration option we can use to do some processing
+ after the TinyMCE instance is initialized but before it is actually rendered.
+ We can use that setup option to do some additional setup for our component.
+ The component itself could look something like the following:
+ ```javascript
+ App.RichTextEditorComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
+ initializeTinyMCE: function(){
+ tinymce.init({
+ selector: '#' + this.$().prop('id'),
+ setup:, this.setupEditor)
+ });
+ }.on('didInsertElement'),
+ setupEditor: function(editor) {
+ this.set('editor', editor);
+ editor.on('change', function(){ console.log('content changed!')} );
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ In this example, we use to bind the setupEditor message to the
+ context of the App.RichTextEditorComponent and to have the invocation of that
+ method be safely handled and excuted by the Ember run loop.
+ @method bind
+ @namespace Ember
+ @param {Object} [target] target of method to call
+ @param {Function|String} method Method to invoke.
+ May be a function or a string. If you pass a string
+ then it will be looked up on the passed target.
+ @param {Object} [args*] Any additional arguments you wish to pass to the method.
+ @return {Object} return value from invoking the passed function. Please note,
+ when called within an existing loop, no return value is possible.
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ run.bind = function(target, method /* args */) {
+ var args =;
+ return function() {
+ return run.join.apply(run, args.concat(;
+ };
+ };
+ run.backburner = backburner;
+ run.currentRunLoop = null;
+ run.queues = backburner.queueNames;
+ /**
+ Begins a new RunLoop. Any deferred actions invoked after the begin will
+ be buffered until you invoke a matching call to `run.end()`. This is
+ a lower-level way to use a RunLoop instead of using `run()`.
+ ```javascript
+ run.begin();
+ // code to be execute within a RunLoop
+ run.end();
+ ```
+ @method begin
+ @return {void}
+ */
+ run.begin = function() {
+ backburner.begin();
+ };
+ /**
+ Ends a RunLoop. This must be called sometime after you call
+ `run.begin()` to flush any deferred actions. This is a lower-level way
+ to use a RunLoop instead of using `run()`.
+ ```javascript
+ run.begin();
+ // code to be execute within a RunLoop
+ run.end();
+ ```
+ @method end
+ @return {void}
+ */
+ run.end = function() {
+ backburner.end();
+ };
+ /**
+ Array of named queues. This array determines the order in which queues
+ are flushed at the end of the RunLoop. You can define your own queues by
+ simply adding the queue name to this array. Normally you should not need
+ to inspect or modify this property.
+ @property queues
+ @type Array
+ @default ['sync', 'actions', 'destroy']
+ */
+ /**
+ Adds the passed target/method and any optional arguments to the named
+ queue to be executed at the end of the RunLoop. If you have not already
+ started a RunLoop when calling this method one will be started for you
+ automatically.
+ At the end of a RunLoop, any methods scheduled in this way will be invoked.
+ Methods will be invoked in an order matching the named queues defined in
+ the `run.queues` property.
+ ```javascript
+ run.schedule('sync', this, function() {
+ // this will be executed in the first RunLoop queue, when bindings are synced
+ console.log("scheduled on sync queue");
+ });
+ run.schedule('actions', this, function() {
+ // this will be executed in the 'actions' queue, after bindings have synced.
+ console.log("scheduled on actions queue");
+ });
+ // Note the functions will be run in order based on the run queues order.
+ // Output would be:
+ // scheduled on sync queue
+ // scheduled on actions queue
+ ```
+ @method schedule
+ @param {String} queue The name of the queue to schedule against.
+ Default queues are 'sync' and 'actions'
+ @param {Object} [target] target object to use as the context when invoking a method.
+ @param {String|Function} method The method to invoke. If you pass a string it
+ will be resolved on the target object at the time the scheduled item is
+ invoked allowing you to change the target function.
+ @param {Object} [arguments*] Optional arguments to be passed to the queued method.
+ @return {void}
+ */
+ run.schedule = function(queue, target, method) {
+ checkAutoRun();
+ backburner.schedule.apply(backburner, arguments);
+ };
+ // Used by global test teardown
+ run.hasScheduledTimers = function() {
+ return backburner.hasTimers();
+ };
+ // Used by global test teardown
+ run.cancelTimers = function () {
+ backburner.cancelTimers();
+ };
+ /**
+ Immediately flushes any events scheduled in the 'sync' queue. Bindings
+ use this queue so this method is a useful way to immediately force all
+ bindings in the application to sync.
+ You should call this method anytime you need any changed state to propagate
+ throughout the app immediately without repainting the UI (which happens
+ in the later 'render' queue added by the `ember-views` package).
+ ```javascript
+ run.sync();
+ ```
+ @method sync
+ @return {void}
+ */
+ run.sync = function() {
+ if (backburner.currentInstance) {
+ backburner.currentInstance.queues.sync.flush();
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Invokes the passed target/method and optional arguments after a specified
+ period of time. The last parameter of this method must always be a number
+ of milliseconds.
+ You should use this method whenever you need to run some action after a
+ period of time instead of using `setTimeout()`. This method will ensure that
+ items that expire during the same script execution cycle all execute
+ together, which is often more efficient than using a real setTimeout.
+ ```javascript
+ run.later(myContext, function() {
+ // code here will execute within a RunLoop in about 500ms with this == myContext
+ }, 500);
+ ```
+ @method later
+ @param {Object} [target] target of method to invoke
+ @param {Function|String} method The method to invoke.
+ If you pass a string it will be resolved on the
+ target at the time the method is invoked.
+ @param {Object} [args*] Optional arguments to pass to the timeout.
+ @param {Number} wait Number of milliseconds to wait.
+ @return {Object} Timer information for use in cancelling, see `run.cancel`.
+ */
+ run.later = function(/*target, method*/) {
+ return backburner.later.apply(backburner, arguments);
+ };
+ /**
+ Schedule a function to run one time during the current RunLoop. This is equivalent
+ to calling `scheduleOnce` with the "actions" queue.
+ @method once
+ @param {Object} [target] The target of the method to invoke.
+ @param {Function|String} method The method to invoke.
+ If you pass a string it will be resolved on the
+ target at the time the method is invoked.
+ @param {Object} [args*] Optional arguments to pass to the timeout.
+ @return {Object} Timer information for use in cancelling, see `run.cancel`.
+ */
+ run.once = function(/*target, method */) {
+ checkAutoRun();
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var args = new Array(length);
+ args[0] = 'actions';
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ args[i + 1] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ return apply(backburner, backburner.scheduleOnce, args);
+ };
+ /**
+ Schedules a function to run one time in a given queue of the current RunLoop.
+ Calling this method with the same queue/target/method combination will have
+ no effect (past the initial call).
+ Note that although you can pass optional arguments these will not be
+ considered when looking for duplicates. New arguments will replace previous
+ calls.
+ ```javascript
+ run(function() {
+ var sayHi = function() { console.log('hi'); }
+ run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', myContext, sayHi);
+ run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', myContext, sayHi);
+ // sayHi will only be executed once, in the afterRender queue of the RunLoop
+ });
+ ```
+ Also note that passing an anonymous function to `run.scheduleOnce` will
+ not prevent additional calls with an identical anonymous function from
+ scheduling the items multiple times, e.g.:
+ ```javascript
+ function scheduleIt() {
+ run.scheduleOnce('actions', myContext, function() { console.log("Closure"); });
+ }
+ scheduleIt();
+ scheduleIt();
+ // "Closure" will print twice, even though we're using `run.scheduleOnce`,
+ // because the function we pass to it is anonymous and won't match the
+ // previously scheduled operation.
+ ```
+ Available queues, and their order, can be found at `run.queues`
+ @method scheduleOnce
+ @param {String} [queue] The name of the queue to schedule against. Default queues are 'sync' and 'actions'.
+ @param {Object} [target] The target of the method to invoke.
+ @param {Function|String} method The method to invoke.
+ If you pass a string it will be resolved on the
+ target at the time the method is invoked.
+ @param {Object} [args*] Optional arguments to pass to the timeout.
+ @return {Object} Timer information for use in cancelling, see `run.cancel`.
+ */
+ run.scheduleOnce = function(/*queue, target, method*/) {
+ checkAutoRun();
+ return backburner.scheduleOnce.apply(backburner, arguments);
+ };
+ /**
+ Schedules an item to run from within a separate run loop, after
+ control has been returned to the system. This is equivalent to calling
+ `run.later` with a wait time of 1ms.
+ ```javascript
+, function() {
+ // code to be executed in the next run loop,
+ // which will be scheduled after the current one
+ });
+ ```
+ Multiple operations scheduled with `` will coalesce
+ into the same later run loop, along with any other operations
+ scheduled by `run.later` that expire right around the same
+ time that `` operations will fire.
+ Note that there are often alternatives to using ``.
+ For instance, if you'd like to schedule an operation to happen
+ after all DOM element operations have completed within the current
+ run loop, you can make use of the `afterRender` run loop queue (added
+ by the `ember-views` package, along with the preceding `render` queue
+ where all the DOM element operations happen). Example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.MyCollectionView = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
+ didInsertElement: function() {
+ run.scheduleOnce('afterRender', this, 'processChildElements');
+ },
+ processChildElements: function() {
+ // ... do something with collectionView's child view
+ // elements after they've finished rendering, which
+ // can't be done within the CollectionView's
+ // `didInsertElement` hook because that gets run
+ // before the child elements have been added to the DOM.
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ One benefit of the above approach compared to using `` is
+ that you will be able to perform DOM/CSS operations before unprocessed
+ elements are rendered to the screen, which may prevent flickering or
+ other artifacts caused by delaying processing until after rendering.
+ The other major benefit to the above approach is that ``
+ introduces an element of non-determinism, which can make things much
+ harder to test, due to its reliance on `setTimeout`; it's much harder
+ to guarantee the order of scheduled operations when they are scheduled
+ outside of the current run loop, i.e. with ``.
+ @method next
+ @param {Object} [target] target of method to invoke
+ @param {Function|String} method The method to invoke.
+ If you pass a string it will be resolved on the
+ target at the time the method is invoked.
+ @param {Object} [args*] Optional arguments to pass to the timeout.
+ @return {Object} Timer information for use in cancelling, see `run.cancel`.
+ */
+ = function() {
+ var args =;
+ args.push(1);
+ return apply(backburner, backburner.later, args);
+ };
+ /**
+ Cancels a scheduled item. Must be a value returned by `run.later()`,
+ `run.once()`, ``, `run.debounce()`, or
+ `run.throttle()`.
+ ```javascript
+ var runNext =, function() {
+ // will not be executed
+ });
+ run.cancel(runNext);
+ var runLater = run.later(myContext, function() {
+ // will not be executed
+ }, 500);
+ run.cancel(runLater);
+ var runOnce = run.once(myContext, function() {
+ // will not be executed
+ });
+ run.cancel(runOnce);
+ var throttle = run.throttle(myContext, function() {
+ // will not be executed
+ }, 1, false);
+ run.cancel(throttle);
+ var debounce = run.debounce(myContext, function() {
+ // will not be executed
+ }, 1);
+ run.cancel(debounce);
+ var debounceImmediate = run.debounce(myContext, function() {
+ // will be executed since we passed in true (immediate)
+ }, 100, true);
+ // the 100ms delay until this method can be called again will be cancelled
+ run.cancel(debounceImmediate);
+ ```
+ @method cancel
+ @param {Object} timer Timer object to cancel
+ @return {Boolean} true if cancelled or false/undefined if it wasn't found
+ */
+ run.cancel = function(timer) {
+ return backburner.cancel(timer);
+ };
+ /**
+ Delay calling the target method until the debounce period has elapsed
+ with no additional debounce calls. If `debounce` is called again before
+ the specified time has elapsed, the timer is reset and the entire period
+ must pass again before the target method is called.
+ This method should be used when an event may be called multiple times
+ but the action should only be called once when the event is done firing.
+ A common example is for scroll events where you only want updates to
+ happen once scrolling has ceased.
+ ```javascript
+ var myFunc = function() { console.log( + ' ran.'); };
+ var myContext = {name: 'debounce'};
+ run.debounce(myContext, myFunc, 150);
+ // less than 150ms passes
+ run.debounce(myContext, myFunc, 150);
+ // 150ms passes
+ // myFunc is invoked with context myContext
+ // console logs 'debounce ran.' one time.
+ ```
+ Immediate allows you to run the function immediately, but debounce
+ other calls for this function until the wait time has elapsed. If
+ `debounce` is called again before the specified time has elapsed,
+ the timer is reset and the entire period must pass again before
+ the method can be called again.
+ ```javascript
+ var myFunc = function() { console.log( + ' ran.'); };
+ var myContext = {name: 'debounce'};
+ run.debounce(myContext, myFunc, 150, true);
+ // console logs 'debounce ran.' one time immediately.
+ // 100ms passes
+ run.debounce(myContext, myFunc, 150, true);
+ // 150ms passes and nothing else is logged to the console and
+ // the debouncee is no longer being watched
+ run.debounce(myContext, myFunc, 150, true);
+ // console logs 'debounce ran.' one time immediately.
+ // 150ms passes and nothing else is logged to the console and
+ // the debouncee is no longer being watched
+ ```
+ @method debounce
+ @param {Object} [target] target of method to invoke
+ @param {Function|String} method The method to invoke.
+ May be a function or a string. If you pass a string
+ then it will be looked up on the passed target.
+ @param {Object} [args*] Optional arguments to pass to the timeout.
+ @param {Number} wait Number of milliseconds to wait.
+ @param {Boolean} immediate Trigger the function on the leading instead
+ of the trailing edge of the wait interval. Defaults to false.
+ @return {Array} Timer information for use in cancelling, see `run.cancel`.
+ */
+ run.debounce = function() {
+ return backburner.debounce.apply(backburner, arguments);
+ };
+ /**
+ Ensure that the target method is never called more frequently than
+ the specified spacing period. The target method is called immediately.
+ ```javascript
+ var myFunc = function() { console.log( + ' ran.'); };
+ var myContext = {name: 'throttle'};
+ run.throttle(myContext, myFunc, 150);
+ // myFunc is invoked with context myContext
+ // console logs 'throttle ran.'
+ // 50ms passes
+ run.throttle(myContext, myFunc, 150);
+ // 50ms passes
+ run.throttle(myContext, myFunc, 150);
+ // 150ms passes
+ run.throttle(myContext, myFunc, 150);
+ // myFunc is invoked with context myContext
+ // console logs 'throttle ran.'
+ ```
+ @method throttle
+ @param {Object} [target] target of method to invoke
+ @param {Function|String} method The method to invoke.
+ May be a function or a string. If you pass a string
+ then it will be looked up on the passed target.
+ @param {Object} [args*] Optional arguments to pass to the timeout.
+ @param {Number} spacing Number of milliseconds to space out requests.
+ @param {Boolean} immediate Trigger the function on the leading instead
+ of the trailing edge of the wait interval. Defaults to true.
+ @return {Array} Timer information for use in cancelling, see `run.cancel`.
+ */
+ run.throttle = function() {
+ return backburner.throttle.apply(backburner, arguments);
+ };
+ // Make sure it's not an autorun during testing
+ function checkAutoRun() {
+ if (!run.currentRunLoop) {
+ Ember.assert("You have turned on testing mode, which disabled the run-loop's autorun." +
+ " You will need to wrap any code with asynchronous side-effects in an run", !Ember.testing);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ Add a new named queue after the specified queue.
+ The queue to add will only be added once.
+ @method _addQueue
+ @param {String} name the name of the queue to add.
+ @param {String} after the name of the queue to add after.
+ @private
+ */
+ run._addQueue = function(name, after) {
+ if (, name) === -1) {
+ run.queues.splice(, after)+1, 0, name);
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_events","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/keys","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var changeProperties = __dependency1__.changeProperties;
+ var set = __dependency2__.set;
+ var keys = __dependency3__["default"];
+ /**
+ Set a list of properties on an object. These properties are set inside
+ a single `beginPropertyChanges` and `endPropertyChanges` batch, so
+ observers will be buffered.
+ ```javascript
+ var anObject = Ember.Object.create();
+ anObject.setProperties({
+ firstName: 'Stanley',
+ lastName: 'Stuart',
+ age: 21
+ });
+ ```
+ @method setProperties
+ @param obj
+ @param {Object} properties
+ @return obj
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function setProperties(obj, properties) {
+ if (!properties || typeof properties !== "object") { return obj; }
+ changeProperties(function() {
+ var props = keys(properties);
+ var propertyName;
+ for (var i = 0, l = props.length; i < l; i++) {
+ propertyName = props[i];
+ set(obj, propertyName, properties[propertyName]);
+ }
+ });
+ return obj;
+ }
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ function read(object) {
+ if (object && object.isStream) {
+ return object.value();
+ } else {
+ return object;
+ }
+ }
+ = read;function readArray(array) {
+ var length = array.length;
+ var ret = new Array(length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ ret[i] = read(array[i]);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ __exports__.readArray = readArray;function readHash(object) {
+ var ret = {};
+ for (var key in object) {
+ ret[key] = read(object[key]);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ __exports__.readHash = readHash;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/streams/stream","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/streams/read","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var merge = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var Stream = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency3__.create;
+ var read =;
+ function SimpleStream(source) {
+ this.source = source;
+ if (source && source.isStream) {
+ source.subscribe(this._didChange, this);
+ }
+ }
+ SimpleStream.prototype = create(Stream.prototype);
+ merge(SimpleStream.prototype, {
+ valueFn: function() {
+ return read(this.source);
+ },
+ setValue: function(value) {
+ var source = this.source;
+ if (source && source.isStream) {
+ source.setValue(value);
+ }
+ },
+ setSource: function(nextSource) {
+ var prevSource = this.source;
+ if (nextSource !== prevSource) {
+ if (prevSource && prevSource.isStream) {
+ prevSource.unsubscribe(this._didChange, this);
+ }
+ if (nextSource && nextSource.isStream) {
+ nextSource.subscribe(this._didChange, this);
+ }
+ this.source = nextSource;
+ this.notify();
+ }
+ },
+ _didChange: function() {
+ this.notify();
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ if (this.source && this.source.isStream) {
+ this.source.unsubscribe(this._didChange, this);
+ }
+ this.source = undefined;
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = SimpleStream;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/path_cache","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var create = __dependency1__.create;
+ var getFirstKey = __dependency2__.getFirstKey;
+ var getTailPath = __dependency2__.getTailPath;
+ var NIL = function NIL(){};
+ function Stream(fn) {
+ this.valueFn = fn;
+ this.cache = NIL;
+ this.subscribers = undefined;
+ this.children = undefined;
+ this.destroyed = false;
+ }
+ Stream.prototype = {
+ isStream: true,
+ cache: NIL,
+ get: function(path) {
+ var firstKey = getFirstKey(path);
+ var tailPath = getTailPath(path);
+ if (this.children === undefined) {
+ this.children = create(null);
+ }
+ var keyStream = this.children[firstKey];
+ if (keyStream === undefined) {
+ keyStream = this._makeChildStream(firstKey, path);
+ this.children[firstKey] = keyStream;
+ }
+ if (tailPath === undefined) {
+ return keyStream;
+ } else {
+ return keyStream.get(tailPath);
+ }
+ },
+ value: function() {
+ if (this.cache !== NIL) {
+ return this.cache;
+ } else {
+ return this.cache = this.valueFn();
+ }
+ },
+ setValue: function() {
+ throw new Error("Stream error: setValue not implemented");
+ },
+ notify: function() {
+ this.notifyExcept();
+ },
+ notifyExcept: function(callbackToSkip, contextToSkip) {
+ if (this.cache !== NIL) {
+ this.cache = NIL;
+ this.notifySubscribers(callbackToSkip, contextToSkip);
+ }
+ },
+ subscribe: function(callback, context) {
+ if (this.subscribers === undefined) {
+ this.subscribers = [callback, context];
+ } else {
+ this.subscribers.push(callback, context);
+ }
+ },
+ unsubscribe: function(callback, context) {
+ var subscribers = this.subscribers;
+ if (subscribers !== undefined) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = subscribers.length; i < l; i += 2) {
+ if (subscribers[i] === callback && subscribers[i+1] === context) {
+ subscribers.splice(i, 2);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ notifySubscribers: function(callbackToSkip, contextToSkip) {
+ var subscribers = this.subscribers;
+ if (subscribers !== undefined) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = subscribers.length; i < l; i += 2) {
+ var callback = subscribers[i];
+ var context = subscribers[i+1];
+ if (callback === callbackToSkip && context === contextToSkip) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (context === undefined) {
+ callback(this);
+ } else {
+, this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ if (this.destroyed) return;
+ this.destroyed = true;
+ var children = this.children;
+ for (var key in children) {
+ children[key].destroy();
+ }
+ },
+ isGlobal: function() {
+ var stream = this;
+ while (stream !== undefined) {
+ if (stream._isRoot) {
+ return stream._isGlobal;
+ }
+ stream = stream.source;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ __exports__["default"] = Stream;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/streams/stream","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var create = __dependency1__.create;
+ var merge = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var Stream = __dependency4__["default"];
+ function StreamBinding(stream) {
+ Ember.assert("StreamBinding error: tried to bind to object that is not a stream", stream && stream.isStream);
+ = stream;
+ this.senderCallback = undefined;
+ this.senderContext = undefined;
+ this.senderValue = undefined;
+ this.destroyed = false;
+ stream.subscribe(this._onNotify, this);
+ }
+ StreamBinding.prototype = create(Stream.prototype);
+ merge(StreamBinding.prototype, {
+ valueFn: function() {
+ return;
+ },
+ _onNotify: function() {
+ this._scheduleSync(undefined, undefined, this);
+ },
+ setValue: function(value, callback, context) {
+ this._scheduleSync(value, callback, context);
+ },
+ _scheduleSync: function(value, callback, context) {
+ if (this.senderCallback === undefined && this.senderContext === undefined) {
+ this.senderCallback = callback;
+ this.senderContext = context;
+ this.senderValue = value;
+ run.schedule('sync', this, this._sync);
+ } else if (this.senderContext !== this) {
+ this.senderCallback = callback;
+ this.senderContext = context;
+ this.senderValue = value;
+ }
+ },
+ _sync: function() {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.senderContext !== this) {
+ }
+ var senderCallback = this.senderCallback;
+ var senderContext = this.senderContext;
+ this.senderCallback = undefined;
+ this.senderContext = undefined;
+ this.senderValue = undefined;
+ // Force StreamBindings to always notify
+ this.cache = undefined;
+ this.notifyExcept(senderCallback, senderContext);
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.destroyed = true;
+, this);
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = StreamBinding;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/array","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ // Remove "use strict"; from transpiled module until
+ // is fixed
+ //
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var o_defineProperty = __dependency2__.defineProperty;
+ var canDefineNonEnumerableProperties = __dependency2__.canDefineNonEnumerableProperties;
+ var hasPropertyAccessors = __dependency2__.hasPropertyAccessors;
+ var o_create = __dependency2__.create;
+ var forEach = __dependency3__.forEach;
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ /**
+ Previously we used `Ember.$.uuid`, however `$.uuid` has been removed from
+ jQuery master. We'll just bootstrap our own uuid now.
+ @private
+ @return {Number} the uuid
+ */
+ var _uuid = 0;
+ /**
+ Generates a universally unique identifier. This method
+ is used internally by Ember for assisting with
+ the generation of GUID's and other unique identifiers
+ such as `bind-attr` data attributes.
+ @public
+ @return {Number} [description]
+ */
+ function uuid() {
+ return ++_uuid;
+ }
+ __exports__.uuid = uuid;/**
+ Prefix used for guids through out Ember.
+ @private
+ @property GUID_PREFIX
+ @for Ember
+ @type String
+ @final
+ */
+ var GUID_PREFIX = 'ember';
+ // Used for guid generation...
+ var numberCache = [];
+ var stringCache = {};
+ /**
+ Strongly hint runtimes to intern the provided string.
+ When do I need to use this function?
+ For the most part, never. Pre-mature optimization is bad, and often the
+ runtime does exactly what you need it to, and more often the trade-off isn't
+ worth it.
+ Why?
+ Runtimes store strings in at least 2 different representations:
+ Ropes and Symbols (interned strings). The Rope provides a memory efficient
+ data-structure for strings created from concatenation or some other string
+ manipulation like splitting.
+ Unfortunately checking equality of different ropes can be quite costly as
+ runtimes must resort to clever string comparison algorithims. These
+ algorithims typically cost in proportion to the length of the string.
+ Luckily, this is where the Symbols (interned strings) shine. As Symbols are
+ unique by their string content, equality checks can be done by pointer
+ comparision.
+ How do I know if my string is a rope or symbol?
+ Typically (warning general sweeping statement, but truthy in runtimes at
+ present) static strings created as part of the JS source are interned.
+ Strings often used for comparisions can be interned at runtime if some
+ criteria are met. One of these criteria can be the size of the entire rope.
+ For example, in chrome 38 a rope longer then 12 characters will not
+ intern, nor will segments of that rope.
+ Some numbers:
+ Known Trick™
+ @private
+ @return {String} interned version of the provided string
+ */
+ function intern(str) {
+ var obj = {};
+ obj[str] = 1;
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ if (key === str) return key;
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+ /**
+ A unique key used to assign guids and other private metadata to objects.
+ If you inspect an object in your browser debugger you will often see these.
+ They can be safely ignored.
+ On browsers that support it, these properties are added with enumeration
+ disabled so they won't show up when you iterate over your properties.
+ @private
+ @property GUID_KEY
+ @for Ember
+ @type String
+ @final
+ */
+ var GUID_KEY = intern('__ember' + (+ new Date()));
+ var GUID_DESC = {
+ writable: false,
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ value: null
+ };
+ /**
+ Generates a new guid, optionally saving the guid to the object that you
+ pass in. You will rarely need to use this method. Instead you should
+ call `Ember.guidFor(obj)`, which return an existing guid if available.
+ @private
+ @method generateGuid
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} [obj] Object the guid will be used for. If passed in, the guid will
+ be saved on the object and reused whenever you pass the same object
+ again.
+ If no object is passed, just generate a new guid.
+ @param {String} [prefix] Prefix to place in front of the guid. Useful when you want to
+ separate the guid into separate namespaces.
+ @return {String} the guid
+ */
+ function generateGuid(obj, prefix) {
+ if (!prefix) prefix = GUID_PREFIX;
+ var ret = (prefix + uuid());
+ if (obj) {
+ if (obj[GUID_KEY] === null) {
+ obj[GUID_KEY] = ret;
+ } else {
+ GUID_DESC.value = ret;
+ o_defineProperty(obj, GUID_KEY, GUID_DESC);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ __exports__.generateGuid = generateGuid;/**
+ Returns a unique id for the object. If the object does not yet have a guid,
+ one will be assigned to it. You can call this on any object,
+ `Ember.Object`-based or not, but be aware that it will add a `_guid`
+ property.
+ You can also use this method on DOM Element objects.
+ @private
+ @method guidFor
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj any object, string, number, Element, or primitive
+ @return {String} the unique guid for this instance.
+ */
+ function guidFor(obj) {
+ // special cases where we don't want to add a key to object
+ if (obj === undefined) return "(undefined)";
+ if (obj === null) return "(null)";
+ var ret;
+ var type = typeof obj;
+ // Don't allow prototype changes to String etc. to change the guidFor
+ switch(type) {
+ case 'number':
+ ret = numberCache[obj];
+ if (!ret) ret = numberCache[obj] = 'nu'+obj;
+ return ret;
+ case 'string':
+ ret = stringCache[obj];
+ if (!ret) ret = stringCache[obj] = 'st' + uuid();
+ return ret;
+ case 'boolean':
+ return obj ? '(true)' : '(false)';
+ default:
+ if (obj[GUID_KEY]) return obj[GUID_KEY];
+ if (obj === Object) return '(Object)';
+ if (obj === Array) return '(Array)';
+ ret = GUID_PREFIX + uuid();
+ if (obj[GUID_KEY] === null) {
+ obj[GUID_KEY] = ret;
+ } else {
+ GUID_DESC.value = ret;
+ o_defineProperty(obj, GUID_KEY, GUID_DESC);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.guidFor = guidFor;// ..........................................................
+ // META
+ //
+ var META_DESC = {
+ writable: true,
+ configurable: false,
+ enumerable: false,
+ value: null
+ };
+ function Meta(obj) {
+ this.descs = {};
+ this.watching = {};
+ this.cache = {};
+ this.cacheMeta = {};
+ this.source = obj;
+ this.deps = undefined;
+ this.listeners = undefined;
+ this.mixins = undefined;
+ this.bindings = undefined;
+ this.chains = undefined;
+ this.values = undefined;
+ this.proto = undefined;
+ }
+ Meta.prototype = {
+ chainWatchers: null
+ };
+ if (!canDefineNonEnumerableProperties) {
+ // on platforms that don't support enumerable false
+ // make meta fail jQuery.isPlainObject() to hide from
+ // jQuery.extend() by having a property that fails
+ // hasOwnProperty check.
+ Meta.prototype.__preventPlainObject__ = true;
+ // Without non-enumerable properties, meta objects will be output in JSON
+ // unless explicitly suppressed
+ Meta.prototype.toJSON = function () { };
+ }
+ // Placeholder for non-writable metas.
+ var EMPTY_META = new Meta(null);
+ if (hasPropertyAccessors) {
+ EMPTY_META.values = {};
+ }
+ /**
+ Retrieves the meta hash for an object. If `writable` is true ensures the
+ hash is writable for this object as well.
+ The meta object contains information about computed property descriptors as
+ well as any watched properties and other information. You generally will
+ not access this information directly but instead work with higher level
+ methods that manipulate this hash indirectly.
+ @method meta
+ @for Ember
+ @private
+ @param {Object} obj The object to retrieve meta for
+ @param {Boolean} [writable=true] Pass `false` if you do not intend to modify
+ the meta hash, allowing the method to avoid making an unnecessary copy.
+ @return {Object} the meta hash for an object
+ */
+ function meta(obj, writable) {
+ var ret = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ if (writable===false) return ret || EMPTY_META;
+ if (!ret) {
+ if (canDefineNonEnumerableProperties) o_defineProperty(obj, '__ember_meta__', META_DESC);
+ ret = new Meta(obj);
+ if (hasPropertyAccessors) {
+ ret.values = {};
+ }
+ obj['__ember_meta__'] = ret;
+ // make sure we don't accidentally try to create constructor like desc
+ ret.descs.constructor = null;
+ } else if (ret.source !== obj) {
+ if (canDefineNonEnumerableProperties) o_defineProperty(obj, '__ember_meta__', META_DESC);
+ ret = o_create(ret);
+ ret.descs = o_create(ret.descs);
+ ret.watching = o_create(ret.watching);
+ ret.cache = {};
+ ret.cacheMeta = {};
+ ret.source = obj;
+ if (hasPropertyAccessors) {
+ ret.values = o_create(ret.values);
+ }
+ obj['__ember_meta__'] = ret;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ function getMeta(obj, property) {
+ var _meta = meta(obj, false);
+ return _meta[property];
+ }
+ __exports__.getMeta = getMeta;function setMeta(obj, property, value) {
+ var _meta = meta(obj, true);
+ _meta[property] = value;
+ return value;
+ }
+ __exports__.setMeta = setMeta;/**
+ @deprecated
+ @private
+ In order to store defaults for a class, a prototype may need to create
+ a default meta object, which will be inherited by any objects instantiated
+ from the class's constructor.
+ However, the properties of that meta object are only shallow-cloned,
+ so if a property is a hash (like the event system's `listeners` hash),
+ it will by default be shared across all instances of that class.
+ This method allows extensions to deeply clone a series of nested hashes or
+ other complex objects. For instance, the event system might pass
+ `['listeners', 'foo:change', 'ember157']` to `prepareMetaPath`, which will
+ walk down the keys provided.
+ For each key, if the key does not exist, it is created. If it already
+ exists and it was inherited from its constructor, the constructor's
+ key is cloned.
+ You can also pass false for `writable`, which will simply return
+ undefined if `prepareMetaPath` discovers any part of the path that
+ shared or undefined.
+ @method metaPath
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The object whose meta we are examining
+ @param {Array} path An array of keys to walk down
+ @param {Boolean} writable whether or not to create a new meta
+ (or meta property) if one does not already exist or if it's
+ shared with its constructor
+ */
+ function metaPath(obj, path, writable) {
+ Ember.deprecate("Ember.metaPath is deprecated and will be removed from future releases.");
+ var _meta = meta(obj, writable);
+ var keyName, value;
+ for (var i=0, l=path.length; i<l; i++) {
+ keyName = path[i];
+ value = _meta[keyName];
+ if (!value) {
+ if (!writable) { return undefined; }
+ value = _meta[keyName] = { __ember_source__: obj };
+ } else if (value.__ember_source__ !== obj) {
+ if (!writable) { return undefined; }
+ value = _meta[keyName] = o_create(value);
+ value.__ember_source__ = obj;
+ }
+ _meta = value;
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ __exports__.metaPath = metaPath;/**
+ Wraps the passed function so that `this._super` will point to the superFunc
+ when the function is invoked. This is the primitive we use to implement
+ calls to super.
+ @private
+ @method wrap
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Function} func The function to call
+ @param {Function} superFunc The super function.
+ @return {Function} wrapped function.
+ */
+ function wrap(func, superFunc) {
+ function superWrapper() {
+ var ret;
+ var sup = this && this.__nextSuper;
+ var args = new Array(arguments.length);
+ for (var i = 0, l = args.length; i < l; i++) {
+ args[i] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ if(this) { this.__nextSuper = superFunc; }
+ ret = apply(this, func, args);
+ if(this) { this.__nextSuper = sup; }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ superWrapper.wrappedFunction = func;
+ superWrapper.wrappedFunction.__ember_arity__ = func.length;
+ superWrapper.__ember_observes__ = func.__ember_observes__;
+ superWrapper.__ember_observesBefore__ = func.__ember_observesBefore__;
+ superWrapper.__ember_listens__ = func.__ember_listens__;
+ return superWrapper;
+ }
+ __exports__.wrap = wrap;var EmberArray;
+ /**
+ Returns true if the passed object is an array or Array-like.
+ Ember Array Protocol:
+ - the object has an objectAt property
+ - the object is a native Array
+ - the object is an Object, and has a length property
+ Unlike `Ember.typeOf` this method returns true even if the passed object is
+ not formally array but appears to be array-like (i.e. implements `Ember.Array`)
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.isArray(); // false
+ Ember.isArray([]); // true
+ Ember.isArray(Ember.ArrayProxy.create({ content: [] })); // true
+ ```
+ @method isArray
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The object to test
+ @return {Boolean} true if the passed object is an array or Array-like
+ */
+ // ES6TODO: Move up to runtime? This is only use in ember-metal by concatenatedProperties
+ function isArray(obj) {
+ var modulePath, type;
+ if (typeof EmberArray === "undefined") {
+ modulePath = 'ember-runtime/mixins/array';
+ if (Ember.__loader.registry[modulePath]) {
+ EmberArray = Ember.__loader.require(modulePath)['default'];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!obj || obj.setInterval) { return false; }
+ if (Array.isArray && Array.isArray(obj)) { return true; }
+ if (EmberArray && EmberArray.detect(obj)) { return true; }
+ type = typeOf(obj);
+ if ('array' === type) { return true; }
+ if ((obj.length !== undefined) && 'object' === type) { return true; }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ Forces the passed object to be part of an array. If the object is already
+ an array or array-like, it will return the object. Otherwise, it will add the object to
+ an array. If obj is `null` or `undefined`, it will return an empty array.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.makeArray(); // []
+ Ember.makeArray(null); // []
+ Ember.makeArray(undefined); // []
+ Ember.makeArray('lindsay'); // ['lindsay']
+ Ember.makeArray([1, 2, 42]); // [1, 2, 42]
+ var controller = Ember.ArrayProxy.create({ content: [] });
+ Ember.makeArray(controller) === controller; // true
+ ```
+ @method makeArray
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj the object
+ @return {Array}
+ */
+ function makeArray(obj) {
+ if (obj === null || obj === undefined) { return []; }
+ return isArray(obj) ? obj : [obj];
+ }
+ __exports__.makeArray = makeArray;/**
+ Checks to see if the `methodName` exists on the `obj`.
+ ```javascript
+ var foo = { bar: Ember.K, baz: null };
+ Ember.canInvoke(foo, 'bar'); // true
+ Ember.canInvoke(foo, 'baz'); // false
+ Ember.canInvoke(foo, 'bat'); // false
+ ```
+ @method canInvoke
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The object to check for the method
+ @param {String} methodName The method name to check for
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ function canInvoke(obj, methodName) {
+ return !!(obj && typeof obj[methodName] === 'function');
+ }
+ /**
+ Checks to see if the `methodName` exists on the `obj`,
+ and if it does, invokes it with the arguments passed.
+ ```javascript
+ var d = new Date('03/15/2013');
+ Ember.tryInvoke(d, 'getTime'); // 1363320000000
+ Ember.tryInvoke(d, 'setFullYear', [2014]); // 1394856000000
+ Ember.tryInvoke(d, 'noSuchMethod', [2014]); // undefined
+ ```
+ @method tryInvoke
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The object to check for the method
+ @param {String} methodName The method name to check for
+ @param {Array} [args] The arguments to pass to the method
+ @return {*} the return value of the invoked method or undefined if it cannot be invoked
+ */
+ function tryInvoke(obj, methodName, args) {
+ if (canInvoke(obj, methodName)) {
+ return args ? applyStr(obj, methodName, args) : applyStr(obj, methodName);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.tryInvoke = tryInvoke;//
+ var needsFinallyFix = (function() {
+ var count = 0;
+ try{
+ try { }
+ finally {
+ count++;
+ throw new Error('needsFinallyFixTest');
+ }
+ } catch (e) {}
+ return count !== 1;
+ })();
+ /**
+ Provides try/finally functionality, while working
+ around Safari's double finally bug.
+ ```javascript
+ var tryable = function() {
+ someResource.lock();
+ runCallback(); // May throw error.
+ };
+ var finalizer = function() {
+ someResource.unlock();
+ };
+ Ember.tryFinally(tryable, finalizer);
+ ```
+ @method tryFinally
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Function} tryable The function to run the try callback
+ @param {Function} finalizer The function to run the finally callback
+ @param {Object} [binding] The optional calling object. Defaults to 'this'
+ @return {*} The return value is the that of the finalizer,
+ unless that value is undefined, in which case it is the return value
+ of the tryable
+ */
+ var tryFinally;
+ if (needsFinallyFix) {
+ tryFinally = function(tryable, finalizer, binding) {
+ var result, finalResult, finalError;
+ binding = binding || this;
+ try {
+ result =;
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ finalResult =;
+ } catch (e) {
+ finalError = e;
+ }
+ }
+ if (finalError) { throw finalError; }
+ return (finalResult === undefined) ? result : finalResult;
+ };
+ } else {
+ tryFinally = function(tryable, finalizer, binding) {
+ var result, finalResult;
+ binding = binding || this;
+ try {
+ result =;
+ } finally {
+ finalResult =;
+ }
+ return (finalResult === undefined) ? result : finalResult;
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ Provides try/catch/finally functionality, while working
+ around Safari's double finally bug.
+ ```javascript
+ var tryable = function() {
+ for (i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; i++) {
+ listener = listeners[i];
+ beforeValues[i] = listener.before(name, time(), payload);
+ }
+ return;
+ };
+ var catchable = function(e) {
+ payload = payload || {};
+ payload.exception = e;
+ };
+ var finalizer = function() {
+ for (i = 0, l = listeners.length; i < l; i++) {
+ listener = listeners[i];
+ listener.after(name, time(), payload, beforeValues[i]);
+ }
+ };
+ Ember.tryCatchFinally(tryable, catchable, finalizer);
+ ```
+ @method tryCatchFinally
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Function} tryable The function to run the try callback
+ @param {Function} catchable The function to run the catchable callback
+ @param {Function} finalizer The function to run the finally callback
+ @param {Object} [binding] The optional calling object. Defaults to 'this'
+ @return {*} The return value is the that of the finalizer,
+ unless that value is undefined, in which case it is the return value
+ of the tryable.
+ */
+ var tryCatchFinally;
+ if (needsFinallyFix) {
+ tryCatchFinally = function(tryable, catchable, finalizer, binding) {
+ var result, finalResult, finalError;
+ binding = binding || this;
+ try {
+ result =;
+ } catch(error) {
+ result =, error);
+ } finally {
+ try {
+ finalResult =;
+ } catch (e) {
+ finalError = e;
+ }
+ }
+ if (finalError) { throw finalError; }
+ return (finalResult === undefined) ? result : finalResult;
+ };
+ } else {
+ tryCatchFinally = function(tryable, catchable, finalizer, binding) {
+ var result, finalResult;
+ binding = binding || this;
+ try {
+ result =;
+ } catch(error) {
+ result =, error);
+ } finally {
+ finalResult =;
+ }
+ return (finalResult === undefined) ? result : finalResult;
+ };
+ }
+ // ........................................
+ //
+ var TYPE_MAP = {};
+ var t = "Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" ");
+, function(name) {
+ TYPE_MAP[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase();
+ });
+ var toString = Object.prototype.toString;
+ var EmberObject;
+ /**
+ Returns a consistent type for the passed item.
+ Use this instead of the built-in `typeof` to get the type of an item.
+ It will return the same result across all browsers and includes a bit
+ more detail. Here is what will be returned:
+ | Return Value | Meaning |
+ |---------------|------------------------------------------------------|
+ | 'string' | String primitive or String object. |
+ | 'number' | Number primitive or Number object. |
+ | 'boolean' | Boolean primitive or Boolean object. |
+ | 'null' | Null value |
+ | 'undefined' | Undefined value |
+ | 'function' | A function |
+ | 'array' | An instance of Array |
+ | 'regexp' | An instance of RegExp |
+ | 'date' | An instance of Date |
+ | 'class' | An Ember class (created using Ember.Object.extend()) |
+ | 'instance' | An Ember object instance |
+ | 'error' | An instance of the Error object |
+ | 'object' | A JavaScript object not inheriting from Ember.Object |
+ Examples:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.typeOf(); // 'undefined'
+ Ember.typeOf(null); // 'null'
+ Ember.typeOf(undefined); // 'undefined'
+ Ember.typeOf('michael'); // 'string'
+ Ember.typeOf(new String('michael')); // 'string'
+ Ember.typeOf(101); // 'number'
+ Ember.typeOf(new Number(101)); // 'number'
+ Ember.typeOf(true); // 'boolean'
+ Ember.typeOf(new Boolean(true)); // 'boolean'
+ Ember.typeOf(Ember.makeArray); // 'function'
+ Ember.typeOf([1, 2, 90]); // 'array'
+ Ember.typeOf(/abc/); // 'regexp'
+ Ember.typeOf(new Date()); // 'date'
+ Ember.typeOf(Ember.Object.extend()); // 'class'
+ Ember.typeOf(Ember.Object.create()); // 'instance'
+ Ember.typeOf(new Error('teamocil')); // 'error'
+ // 'normal' JavaScript object
+ Ember.typeOf({ a: 'b' }); // 'object'
+ ```
+ @method typeOf
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} item the item to check
+ @return {String} the type
+ */
+ function typeOf(item) {
+ var ret, modulePath;
+ // ES6TODO: Depends on Ember.Object which is defined in runtime.
+ if (typeof EmberObject === "undefined") {
+ modulePath = 'ember-runtime/system/object';
+ if (Ember.__loader.registry[modulePath]) {
+ EmberObject = Ember.__loader.require(modulePath)['default'];
+ }
+ }
+ ret = (item === null || item === undefined) ? String(item) : TYPE_MAP[] || 'object';
+ if (ret === 'function') {
+ if (EmberObject && EmberObject.detect(item)) ret = 'class';
+ } else if (ret === 'object') {
+ if (item instanceof Error) ret = 'error';
+ else if (EmberObject && item instanceof EmberObject) ret = 'instance';
+ else if (item instanceof Date) ret = 'date';
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ Convenience method to inspect an object. This method will attempt to
+ convert the object into a useful string description.
+ It is a pretty simple implementation. If you want something more robust,
+ use something like JSDump:
+ @method inspect
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The object you want to inspect.
+ @return {String} A description of the object
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ function inspect(obj) {
+ var type = typeOf(obj);
+ if (type === 'array') {
+ return '[' + obj + ']';
+ }
+ if (type !== 'object') {
+ return obj + '';
+ }
+ var v;
+ var ret = [];
+ for(var key in obj) {
+ if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ v = obj[key];
+ if (v === 'toString') { continue; } // ignore useless items
+ if (typeOf(v) === 'function') { v = "function() { ... }"; }
+ if (v && typeof v.toString !== 'function') {
+ ret.push(key + ": " +;
+ } else {
+ ret.push(key + ": " + v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return "{" + ret.join(", ") + "}";
+ }
+ __exports__.inspect = inspect;// The following functions are intentionally minified to keep the functions
+ // below Chrome's function body size inlining limit of 600 chars.
+ function apply(t /* target */, m /* method */, a /* args */) {
+ var l = a && a.length;
+ if (!a || !l) { return; }
+ switch (l) {
+ case 1: return, a[0]);
+ case 2: return, a[0], a[1]);
+ case 3: return, a[0], a[1], a[2]);
+ case 4: return, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
+ case 5: return, a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
+ default: return m.apply(t, a);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.apply = apply;function applyStr(t /* target */, m /* method */, a /* args */) {
+ var l = a && a.length;
+ if (!a || !l) { return t[m](); }
+ switch (l) {
+ case 1: return t[m](a[0]);
+ case 2: return t[m](a[0], a[1]);
+ case 3: return t[m](a[0], a[1], a[2]);
+ case 4: return t[m](a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
+ case 5: return t[m](a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4]);
+ default: return t[m].apply(t, a);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.applyStr = applyStr;__exports__.GUID_KEY = GUID_KEY;
+ __exports__.META_DESC = META_DESC;
+ __exports__.EMPTY_META = EMPTY_META;
+ __exports__.meta = meta;
+ __exports__.typeOf = typeOf;
+ __exports__.tryCatchFinally = tryCatchFinally;
+ __exports__.isArray = isArray;
+ __exports__.canInvoke = canInvoke;
+ __exports__.tryFinally = tryFinally;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/properties","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var metaFor = __dependency2__.meta;
+ var typeOf = __dependency2__.typeOf;
+ var o_defineProperty = __dependency3__.defineProperty;
+ var hasPropertyAccessors = __dependency3__.hasPropertyAccessors;
+ function watchKey(obj, keyName, meta) {
+ // can't watch length on Array - it is special...
+ if (keyName === 'length' && typeOf(obj) === 'array') { return; }
+ var m = meta || metaFor(obj), watching = m.watching;
+ // activate watching first time
+ if (!watching[keyName]) {
+ watching[keyName] = 1;
+ var desc = m.descs[keyName];
+ if (desc && desc.willWatch) { desc.willWatch(obj, keyName); }
+ if ('function' === typeof obj.willWatchProperty) {
+ obj.willWatchProperty(keyName);
+ }
+ if (hasPropertyAccessors) {
+ handleMandatorySetter(m, obj, keyName);
+ }
+ } else {
+ watching[keyName] = (watching[keyName] || 0) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.watchKey = watchKey;
+ var handleMandatorySetter = function handleMandatorySetter(m, obj, keyName) {
+ var descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, keyName);
+ var configurable = descriptor ? descriptor.configurable : true;
+ // this x in Y deopts, so keeping it in this function is better;
+ if (configurable && keyName in obj) {
+ m.values[keyName] = obj[keyName];
+ o_defineProperty(obj, keyName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable:, keyName),
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ function unwatchKey(obj, keyName, meta) {
+ var m = meta || metaFor(obj);
+ var watching = m.watching;
+ if (watching[keyName] === 1) {
+ watching[keyName] = 0;
+ var desc = m.descs[keyName];
+ if (desc && desc.didUnwatch) { desc.didUnwatch(obj, keyName); }
+ if ('function' === typeof obj.didUnwatchProperty) {
+ obj.didUnwatchProperty(keyName);
+ }
+ if (hasPropertyAccessors && keyName in obj) {
+ o_defineProperty(obj, keyName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable:, keyName),
+ set: function(val) {
+ // redefine to set as enumerable
+ o_defineProperty(obj, keyName, {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ value: val
+ });
+ delete m.values[keyName];
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ } else if (watching[keyName] > 1) {
+ watching[keyName]--;
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.unwatchKey = unwatchKey;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/chains","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var metaFor = __dependency1__.meta;
+ var typeOf = __dependency1__.typeOf;
+ var ChainNode = __dependency2__.ChainNode;
+ // get the chains for the current object. If the current object has
+ // chains inherited from the proto they will be cloned and reconfigured for
+ // the current object.
+ function chainsFor(obj, meta) {
+ var m = meta || metaFor(obj);
+ var ret = m.chains;
+ if (!ret) {
+ ret = m.chains = new ChainNode(null, null, obj);
+ } else if (ret.value() !== obj) {
+ ret = m.chains = ret.copy(obj);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ function watchPath(obj, keyPath, meta) {
+ // can't watch length on Array - it is special...
+ if (keyPath === 'length' && typeOf(obj) === 'array') { return; }
+ var m = meta || metaFor(obj);
+ var watching = m.watching;
+ if (!watching[keyPath]) { // activate watching first time
+ watching[keyPath] = 1;
+ chainsFor(obj, m).add(keyPath);
+ } else {
+ watching[keyPath] = (watching[keyPath] || 0) + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.watchPath = watchPath;function unwatchPath(obj, keyPath, meta) {
+ var m = meta || metaFor(obj);
+ var watching = m.watching;
+ if (watching[keyPath] === 1) {
+ watching[keyPath] = 0;
+ chainsFor(obj, m).remove(keyPath);
+ } else if (watching[keyPath] > 1) {
+ watching[keyPath]--;
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.unwatchPath = unwatchPath;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/chains","ember-metal/watch_key","ember-metal/watch_path","ember-metal/path_cache","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember-metal
+ */
+ var typeOf = __dependency1__.typeOf;
+ var removeChainWatcher = __dependency2__.removeChainWatcher;
+ var flushPendingChains = __dependency2__.flushPendingChains;
+ var watchKey = __dependency3__.watchKey;
+ var unwatchKey = __dependency3__.unwatchKey;
+ var watchPath = __dependency4__.watchPath;
+ var unwatchPath = __dependency4__.unwatchPath;
+ var isPath = __dependency5__.isPath;
+ /**
+ Starts watching a property on an object. Whenever the property changes,
+ invokes `Ember.propertyWillChange` and `Ember.propertyDidChange`. This is the
+ primitive used by observers and dependent keys; usually you will never call
+ this method directly but instead use higher level methods like
+ `Ember.addObserver()`
+ @private
+ @method watch
+ @for Ember
+ @param obj
+ @param {String} keyName
+ */
+ function watch(obj, _keyPath, m) {
+ // can't watch length on Array - it is special...
+ if (_keyPath === 'length' && typeOf(obj) === 'array') { return; }
+ if (!isPath(_keyPath)) {
+ watchKey(obj, _keyPath, m);
+ } else {
+ watchPath(obj, _keyPath, m);
+ }
+ }
+ = watch;
+ function isWatching(obj, key) {
+ var meta = obj['__ember_meta__'];
+ return (meta && meta.watching[key]) > 0;
+ }
+ __exports__.isWatching = isWatching;watch.flushPending = flushPendingChains;
+ function unwatch(obj, _keyPath, m) {
+ // can't watch length on Array - it is special...
+ if (_keyPath === 'length' && typeOf(obj) === 'array') { return; }
+ if (!isPath(_keyPath)) {
+ unwatchKey(obj, _keyPath, m);
+ } else {
+ unwatchPath(obj, _keyPath, m);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.unwatch = unwatch;var NODE_STACK = [];
+ /**
+ Tears down the meta on an object so that it can be garbage collected.
+ Multiple calls will have no effect.
+ @method destroy
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj the object to destroy
+ @return {void}
+ */
+ function destroy(obj) {
+ var meta = obj['__ember_meta__'], node, nodes, key, nodeObject;
+ if (meta) {
+ obj['__ember_meta__'] = null;
+ // remove chainWatchers to remove circular references that would prevent GC
+ node = meta.chains;
+ if (node) {
+ NODE_STACK.push(node);
+ // process tree
+ while (NODE_STACK.length > 0) {
+ node = NODE_STACK.pop();
+ // push children
+ nodes = node._chains;
+ if (nodes) {
+ for (key in nodes) {
+ if (nodes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ NODE_STACK.push(nodes[key]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // remove chainWatcher in node object
+ if (node._watching) {
+ nodeObject = node._object;
+ if (nodeObject) {
+ removeChainWatcher(nodeObject, node._key, node);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.destroy = destroy;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-handlebars","ember-routing-handlebars/helpers/link_to","ember-routing-handlebars/helpers/outlet","ember-routing-handlebars/helpers/render","ember-routing-handlebars/helpers/action","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ Ember Routing Handlebars
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing-handlebars
+ @requires ember-views
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var deprecatedLinkToHelper = __dependency3__.deprecatedLinkToHelper;
+ var linkToHelper = __dependency3__.linkToHelper;
+ var LinkView = __dependency3__.LinkView;
+ var queryParamsHelper = __dependency3__.queryParamsHelper;
+ var outletHelper = __dependency4__.outletHelper;
+ var OutletView = __dependency4__.OutletView;
+ var renderHelper = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var ActionHelper = __dependency6__.ActionHelper;
+ var actionHelper = __dependency6__.actionHelper;
+ Ember.LinkView = LinkView;
+ EmberHandlebars.ActionHelper = ActionHelper;
+ EmberHandlebars.OutletView = OutletView;
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('render', renderHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('action', actionHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('outlet', outletHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('link-to', linkToHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('linkTo', deprecatedLinkToHelper);
+ EmberHandlebars.registerHelper('query-params', queryParamsHelper);
+ __exports__["default"] = Ember;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/array","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-views/streams/read","ember-views/system/utils","ember-views/system/action_manager","ember-handlebars","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Handlebars, uuid, FEATURES, assert, deprecate
+ var forEach = __dependency2__.forEach;
+ var uuid = __dependency3__.uuid;
+ var run = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var readUnwrappedModel = __dependency5__.readUnwrappedModel;
+ var isSimpleClick = __dependency6__.isSimpleClick;
+ var ActionManager = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var EmberHandlebars = __dependency8__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ function actionArgs(parameters, actionName) {
+ var ret, i;
+ if (actionName === undefined) {
+ ret = new Array(parameters.length);
+ for (i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
+ ret[i] = readUnwrappedModel(parameters[i]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret = new Array(parameters.length + 1);
+ ret[0] = actionName;
+ for (i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
+ ret[i + 1] = readUnwrappedModel(parameters[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ var ActionHelper = {};
+ // registeredActions is re-exported for compatibility with older plugins
+ // that were using this undocumented API.
+ ActionHelper.registeredActions = ActionManager.registeredActions;
+ __exports__.ActionHelper = ActionHelper;
+ var keys = ["alt", "shift", "meta", "ctrl"];
+ var POINTER_EVENT_TYPE_REGEX = /^click|mouse|touch/;
+ var isAllowedEvent = function(event, allowedKeys) {
+ if (typeof allowedKeys === "undefined") {
+ if (POINTER_EVENT_TYPE_REGEX.test(event.type)) {
+ return isSimpleClick(event);
+ } else {
+ allowedKeys = '';
+ }
+ }
+ if (allowedKeys.indexOf("any") >= 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ var allowed = true;
+, function(key) {
+ if (event[key + "Key"] && allowedKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) {
+ allowed = false;
+ }
+ });
+ return allowed;
+ };
+ function isKeyEvent(eventName) {
+ return ['keyUp', 'keyPress', 'keyDown'].indexOf(eventName) !== -1;
+ }
+ function ignoreKeyEvent(eventName, event, keyCode) {
+ var any = 'any';
+ keyCode = keyCode || any;
+ return isKeyEvent(eventName) && keyCode !== any && keyCode !== event.which.toString();
+ }
+ ActionHelper.registerAction = function(actionNameOrStream, options, allowedKeys) {
+ var actionId = uuid();
+ var eventName = options.eventName;
+ var parameters = options.parameters;
+ ActionManager.registeredActions[actionId] = {
+ eventName: eventName,
+ handler: function handleRegisteredAction(event) {
+ if (!isAllowedEvent(event, allowedKeys)) { return true; }
+ if (options.preventDefault !== false) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ if (options.bubbles === false) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ var target =;
+ var actionName;
+ if (actionNameOrStream.isStream) {
+ actionName = actionNameOrStream.value();
+ if (typeof actionName === 'undefined' || typeof actionName === 'function') {
+ actionName = actionNameOrStream._originalPath;
+ Ember.deprecate("You specified a quoteless path to the {{action}} helper '" +
+ actionName + "' which did not resolve to an actionName." +
+ " Perhaps you meant to use a quoted actionName? (e.g. {{action '" + actionName + "'}}).");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!actionName) {
+ actionName = actionNameOrStream;
+ }
+ run(function runRegisteredAction() {
+ if (target.send) {
+ target.send.apply(target, actionArgs(parameters, actionName));
+ } else {
+ Ember.assert("The action '" + actionName + "' did not exist on " + target, typeof target[actionName] === 'function');
+ target[actionName].apply(target, actionArgs(parameters));
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ options.view.on('willClearRender', function() {
+ delete ActionManager.registeredActions[actionId];
+ });
+ return actionId;
+ };
+ /**
+ The `{{action}}` helper provides a useful shortcut for registering an HTML
+ element within a template for a single DOM event and forwarding that
+ interaction to the template's controller or specified `target` option.
+ If the controller does not implement the specified action, the event is sent
+ to the current route, and it bubbles up the route hierarchy from there.
+ For more advanced event handling see [Ember.Component](/api/classes/Ember.Component.html)
+ ### Use
+ Given the following application Handlebars template on the page
+ ```handlebars
+ <div {{action 'anActionName'}}>
+ click me
+ </div>
+ ```
+ And application code
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ actions: {
+ anActionName: function() {
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in the following rendered HTML
+ ```html
+ <div class="ember-view">
+ <div data-ember-action="1">
+ click me
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ Clicking "click me" will trigger the `anActionName` action of the
+ `App.ApplicationController`. In this case, no additional parameters will be passed.
+ If you provide additional parameters to the helper:
+ ```handlebars
+ <button {{action 'edit' post}}>Edit</button>
+ ```
+ Those parameters will be passed along as arguments to the JavaScript
+ function implementing the action.
+ ### Event Propagation
+ Events triggered through the action helper will automatically have
+ `.preventDefault()` called on them. You do not need to do so in your event
+ handlers. If you need to allow event propagation (to handle file inputs for
+ example) you can supply the `preventDefault=false` option to the `{{action}}` helper:
+ ```handlebars
+ <div {{action "sayHello" preventDefault=false}}>
+ <input type="file" />
+ <input type="checkbox" />
+ </div>
+ ```
+ To disable bubbling, pass `bubbles=false` to the helper:
+ ```handlebars
+ <button {{action 'edit' post bubbles=false}}>Edit</button>
+ ```
+ If you need the default handler to trigger you should either register your
+ own event handler, or use event methods on your view class. See [Ember.View](/api/classes/Ember.View.html)
+ 'Responding to Browser Events' for more information.
+ ### Specifying DOM event type
+ By default the `{{action}}` helper registers for DOM `click` events. You can
+ supply an `on` option to the helper to specify a different DOM event name:
+ ```handlebars
+ <div {{action "anActionName" on="doubleClick"}}>
+ click me
+ </div>
+ ```
+ See `Ember.View` 'Responding to Browser Events' for a list of
+ acceptable DOM event names.
+ ### Specifying whitelisted modifier keys
+ By default the `{{action}}` helper will ignore click event with pressed modifier
+ keys. You can supply an `allowedKeys` option to specify which keys should not be ignored.
+ ```handlebars
+ <div {{action "anActionName" allowedKeys="alt"}}>
+ click me
+ </div>
+ ```
+ This way the `{{action}}` will fire when clicking with the alt key pressed down.
+ Alternatively, supply "any" to the `allowedKeys` option to accept any combination of modifier keys.
+ ```handlebars
+ <div {{action "anActionName" allowedKeys="any"}}>
+ click me with any key pressed
+ </div>
+ ```
+ ### Specifying a Target
+ There are several possible target objects for `{{action}}` helpers:
+ In a typical Ember application, where templates are managed through use of the
+ `{{outlet}}` helper, actions will bubble to the current controller, then
+ to the current route, and then up the route hierarchy.
+ Alternatively, a `target` option can be provided to the helper to change
+ which object will receive the method call. This option must be a path
+ to an object, accessible in the current context:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{! the application template }}
+ <div {{action "anActionName" target=view}}>
+ click me
+ </div>
+ ```
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationView = Ember.View.extend({
+ actions: {
+ anActionName: function(){}
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ ### Additional Parameters
+ You may specify additional parameters to the `{{action}}` helper. These
+ parameters are passed along as the arguments to the JavaScript function
+ implementing the action.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#each person in people}}
+ <div {{action "edit" person}}>
+ click me
+ </div>
+ {{/each}}
+ ```
+ Clicking "click me" will trigger the `edit` method on the current controller
+ with the value of `person` as a parameter.
+ @method action
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} actionName
+ @param {Object} [context]*
+ @param {Hash} options
+ */
+ function actionHelper(actionName) {
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var options = arguments[length - 1];
+ var view =;
+ var hash = options.hash;
+ var types = options.types;
+ // create a hash to pass along to registerAction
+ var parameters = [];
+ var actionOptions = {
+ eventName: hash.on || "click",
+ parameters: parameters,
+ view:,
+ bubbles: hash.bubbles,
+ preventDefault: hash.preventDefault,
+ target: view.getStream( || 'controller'),
+ withKeyCode: hash.withKeyCode
+ };
+ var actionNameStream;
+ if (types[0] === "ID") {
+ actionNameStream = view.getStream(actionName);
+ actionNameStream._originalPath = actionName;
+ } else {
+ actionNameStream = actionName;
+ }
+ for (var i = 1; i < length - 1; i++) {
+ if (types[i] === "ID") {
+ parameters.push(view.getStream(arguments[i]));
+ } else {
+ parameters.push(arguments[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ var actionId = ActionHelper.registerAction(actionNameStream, actionOptions, hash.allowedKeys);
+ return new EmberHandlebars.SafeString('data-ember-action="' + actionId + '"');
+ }
+ __exports__.actionHelper = actionHelper;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/computed","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-runtime/mixins/controller","ember-metal/keys","ember-views/system/utils","ember-views/views/component","ember-handlebars/helpers/view","ember-routing/utils","ember-handlebars/ext","ember-metal/streams/read","ember-handlebars","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __dependency15__, __dependency16__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // FEATURES, Logger, Handlebars, warn, assert
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var merge = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var computed = __dependency5__.computed;
+ var fmt = __dependency6__.fmt;
+ var EmberObject = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var ControllerMixin = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var keys = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var isSimpleClick = __dependency10__.isSimpleClick;
+ var EmberComponent = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var viewHelper = __dependency12__.viewHelper;
+ var routeArgs = __dependency13__.routeArgs;
+ var stringifyValue = __dependency14__.stringifyValue;
+ var read =;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ var slice = [].slice;
+ var numberOfContextsAcceptedByHandler = function(handler, handlerInfos) {
+ var req = 0;
+ for (var i = 0, l = handlerInfos.length; i < l; i++) {
+ req = req + handlerInfos[i].names.length;
+ if (handlerInfos[i].handler === handler)
+ break;
+ }
+ return req;
+ };
+ var QueryParams = EmberObject.extend({
+ values: null
+ });
+ /**
+ `Ember.LinkView` renders an element whose `click` event triggers a
+ transition of the application's instance of `Ember.Router` to
+ a supplied route by name.
+ Instances of `LinkView` will most likely be created through
+ the `link-to` Handlebars helper, but properties of this class
+ can be overridden to customize application-wide behavior.
+ @class LinkView
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.View
+ @see {}
+ **/
+ var LinkView = Ember.LinkView = EmberComponent.extend({
+ tagName: 'a',
+ /**
+ @deprecated Use current-when instead.
+ @property currentWhen
+ */
+ currentWhen: null,
+ /**
+ Used to determine when this LinkView is active.
+ @property currentWhen
+ */
+ 'current-when': null,
+ /**
+ Sets the `title` attribute of the `LinkView`'s HTML element.
+ @property title
+ @default null
+ **/
+ title: null,
+ /**
+ Sets the `rel` attribute of the `LinkView`'s HTML element.
+ @property rel
+ @default null
+ **/
+ rel: null,
+ /**
+ The CSS class to apply to `LinkView`'s element when its `active`
+ property is `true`.
+ @property activeClass
+ @type String
+ @default active
+ **/
+ activeClass: 'active',
+ /**
+ The CSS class to apply to `LinkView`'s element when its `loading`
+ property is `true`.
+ @property loadingClass
+ @type String
+ @default loading
+ **/
+ loadingClass: 'loading',
+ /**
+ The CSS class to apply to a `LinkView`'s element when its `disabled`
+ property is `true`.
+ @property disabledClass
+ @type String
+ @default disabled
+ **/
+ disabledClass: 'disabled',
+ _isDisabled: false,
+ /**
+ Determines whether the `LinkView` will trigger routing via
+ the `replaceWith` routing strategy.
+ @property replace
+ @type Boolean
+ @default false
+ **/
+ replace: false,
+ /**
+ By default the `{{link-to}}` helper will bind to the `href` and
+ `title` attributes. It's discourage that you override these defaults,
+ however you can push onto the array if needed.
+ @property attributeBindings
+ @type Array | String
+ @default ['href', 'title', 'rel']
+ **/
+ attributeBindings: ['href', 'title', 'rel', 'tabindex'],
+ /**
+ By default the `{{link-to}}` helper will bind to the `active`, `loading`, and
+ `disabled` classes. It is discouraged to override these directly.
+ @property classNameBindings
+ @type Array
+ @default ['active', 'loading', 'disabled']
+ **/
+ classNameBindings: ['active', 'loading', 'disabled'],
+ /**
+ By default the `{{link-to}}` helper responds to the `click` event. You
+ can override this globally by setting this property to your custom
+ event name.
+ This is particularly useful on mobile when one wants to avoid the 300ms
+ click delay using some sort of custom `tap` event.
+ @property eventName
+ @type String
+ @default click
+ */
+ eventName: 'click',
+ // this is doc'ed here so it shows up in the events
+ // section of the API documentation, which is where
+ // people will likely go looking for it.
+ /**
+ Triggers the `LinkView`'s routing behavior. If
+ `eventName` is changed to a value other than `click`
+ the routing behavior will trigger on that custom event
+ instead.
+ @event click
+ **/
+ /**
+ An overridable method called when LinkView objects are instantiated.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.MyLinkView = Ember.LinkView.extend({
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ Ember.Logger.log('Event is ' + this.get('eventName'));
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ NOTE: If you do override `init` for a framework class like `Ember.View` or
+ `Ember.ArrayController`, be sure to call `this._super()` in your
+ `init` declaration! If you don't, Ember may not have an opportunity to
+ do important setup work, and you'll see strange behavior in your
+ application.
+ @method init
+ */
+ init: function() {
+ this._super.apply(this, arguments);
+ Ember.deprecate('Using currentWhen with {{link-to}} is deprecated in favor of `current-when`.', !this.currentWhen);
+ // Map desired event name to invoke function
+ var eventName = get(this, 'eventName');
+ this.on(eventName, this, this._invoke);
+ },
+ /**
+ This method is invoked by observers installed during `init` that fire
+ whenever the params change
+ @private
+ @method _paramsChanged
+ @since 1.3.0
+ */
+ _paramsChanged: function() {
+ this.notifyPropertyChange('resolvedParams');
+ },
+ /**
+ This is called to setup observers that will trigger a rerender.
+ @private
+ @method _setupPathObservers
+ @since 1.3.0
+ **/
+ _setupPathObservers: function(){
+ var params = this.params;
+ var scheduledRerender = this._wrapAsScheduled(this.rerender);
+ var scheduledParamsChanged = this._wrapAsScheduled(this._paramsChanged);
+ if (this.linkTitle) {
+ this.linkTitle.subscribe(scheduledRerender, this);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
+ var param = params[i];
+ if (param && param.isStream) {
+ param.subscribe(scheduledParamsChanged, this);
+ }
+ }
+ var queryParamsObject = this.queryParamsObject;
+ if (queryParamsObject) {
+ var values = queryParamsObject.values;
+ for (var k in values) {
+ if (!values.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var value = values[k];
+ if (value && value.isStream) {
+ value.subscribe(scheduledParamsChanged, this);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ afterRender: function(){
+ this._super.apply(this, arguments);
+ this._setupPathObservers();
+ },
+ /**
+ Accessed as a classname binding to apply the `LinkView`'s `disabledClass`
+ CSS `class` to the element when the link is disabled.
+ When `true` interactions with the element will not trigger route changes.
+ @property disabled
+ */
+ disabled: computed(function computeLinkViewDisabled(key, value) {
+ if (value !== undefined) { this.set('_isDisabled', value); }
+ return value ? get(this, 'disabledClass') : false;
+ }),
+ /**
+ Accessed as a classname binding to apply the `LinkView`'s `activeClass`
+ CSS `class` to the element when the link is active.
+ A `LinkView` is considered active when its `currentWhen` property is `true`
+ or the application's current route is the route the `LinkView` would trigger
+ transitions into.
+ The `currentWhen` property can match against multiple routes by separating
+ route names using the ` ` (space) character.
+ @property active
+ **/
+ active: computed('loadedParams', function computeLinkViewActive() {
+ if (get(this, 'loading')) { return false; }
+ var router = get(this, 'router');
+ var loadedParams = get(this, 'loadedParams');
+ var contexts = loadedParams.models;
+ var currentWhen = this['current-when'] || this.currentWhen;
+ var isCurrentWhenSpecified = Boolean(currentWhen);
+ currentWhen = currentWhen || loadedParams.targetRouteName;
+ function isActiveForRoute(routeName) {
+ var handlers = router.router.recognizer.handlersFor(routeName);
+ var leafName = handlers[handlers.length-1].handler;
+ var maximumContexts = numberOfContextsAcceptedByHandler(routeName, handlers);
+ // NOTE: any ugliness in the calculation of activeness is largely
+ // due to the fact that we support automatic normalizing of
+ // `resource` -> `resource.index`, even though there might be
+ // dynamic segments / query params defined on `resource.index`
+ // which complicates (and makes somewhat ambiguous) the calculation
+ // of activeness for links that link to `resource` instead of
+ // directly to `resource.index`.
+ // if we don't have enough contexts revert back to full route name
+ // this is because the leaf route will use one of the contexts
+ if (contexts.length > maximumContexts) {
+ routeName = leafName;
+ }
+ var args = routeArgs(routeName, contexts, null);
+ var isActive = router.isActive.apply(router, args);
+ if (!isActive) { return false; }
+ var emptyQueryParams = Ember.isEmpty(Ember.keys(loadedParams.queryParams));
+ if (!isCurrentWhenSpecified && !emptyQueryParams && isActive) {
+ var visibleQueryParams = {};
+ merge(visibleQueryParams, loadedParams.queryParams);
+ router._prepareQueryParams(loadedParams.targetRouteName, loadedParams.models, visibleQueryParams);
+ isActive = shallowEqual(visibleQueryParams, router.router.state.queryParams);
+ }
+ return isActive;
+ }
+ currentWhen = currentWhen.split(' ');
+ for (var i = 0, len = currentWhen.length; i < len; i++) {
+ if (isActiveForRoute(currentWhen[i])) {
+ return get(this, 'activeClass');
+ }
+ }
+ }),
+ /**
+ Accessed as a classname binding to apply the `LinkView`'s `loadingClass`
+ CSS `class` to the element when the link is loading.
+ A `LinkView` is considered loading when it has at least one
+ parameter whose value is currently null or undefined. During
+ this time, clicking the link will perform no transition and
+ emit a warning that the link is still in a loading state.
+ @property loading
+ **/
+ loading: computed('loadedParams', function computeLinkViewLoading() {
+ if (!get(this, 'loadedParams')) { return get(this, 'loadingClass'); }
+ }),
+ /**
+ Returns the application's main router from the container.
+ @private
+ @property router
+ **/
+ router: computed(function() {
+ var controller = get(this, 'controller');
+ if (controller && controller.container) {
+ return controller.container.lookup('router:main');
+ }
+ }),
+ /**
+ Event handler that invokes the link, activating the associated route.
+ @private
+ @method _invoke
+ @param {Event} event
+ */
+ _invoke: function(event) {
+ if (!isSimpleClick(event)) { return true; }
+ if (this.preventDefault !== false) {
+ var targetAttribute = get(this, 'target');
+ if (!targetAttribute || targetAttribute === '_self') {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.bubbles === false) { event.stopPropagation(); }
+ if (get(this, '_isDisabled')) { return false; }
+ if (get(this, 'loading')) {
+ Ember.Logger.warn("This link-to is in an inactive loading state because at least one of its parameters presently has a null/undefined value, or the provided route name is invalid.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ var targetAttribute2 = get(this, 'target');
+ if (targetAttribute2 && targetAttribute2 !== '_self') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var router = get(this, 'router');
+ var loadedParams = get(this, 'loadedParams');
+ var transition = router._doTransition(loadedParams.targetRouteName, loadedParams.models, loadedParams.queryParams);
+ if (get(this, 'replace')) {
+ transition.method('replace');
+ }
+ // Schedule eager URL update, but after we've given the transition
+ // a chance to synchronously redirect.
+ // We need to always generate the URL instead of using the href because
+ // the href will include any rootURL set, but the router expects a URL
+ // without it! Note that we don't use the first level router because it
+ // calls location.formatURL(), which also would add the rootURL!
+ var args = routeArgs(loadedParams.targetRouteName, loadedParams.models, transition.state.queryParams);
+ var url = router.router.generate.apply(router.router, args);
+ run.scheduleOnce('routerTransitions', this, this._eagerUpdateUrl, transition, url);
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ @method _eagerUpdateUrl
+ @param transition
+ @param href
+ */
+ _eagerUpdateUrl: function(transition, href) {
+ if (!transition.isActive || !transition.urlMethod) {
+ // transition was aborted, already ran to completion,
+ // or it has a null url-updated method.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (href.indexOf('#') === 0) {
+ href = href.slice(1);
+ }
+ // Re-use the routerjs hooks set up by the Ember router.
+ var routerjs = get(this, 'router.router');
+ if (transition.urlMethod === 'update') {
+ routerjs.updateURL(href);
+ } else if (transition.urlMethod === 'replace') {
+ routerjs.replaceURL(href);
+ }
+ // Prevent later update url refire.
+ transition.method(null);
+ },
+ /**
+ Computed property that returns an array of the
+ resolved parameters passed to the `link-to` helper,
+ e.g.:
+ ```hbs
+ {{link-to a b '123' c}}
+ ```
+ will generate a `resolvedParams` of:
+ ```js
+ [aObject, bObject, '123', cObject]
+ ```
+ @private
+ @property
+ @return {Array}
+ */
+ resolvedParams: computed('router.url', function() {
+ var params = this.params;
+ var targetRouteName;
+ var models = [];
+ var onlyQueryParamsSupplied = (params.length === 0);
+ if (onlyQueryParamsSupplied) {
+ var appController = this.container.lookup('controller:application');
+ targetRouteName = get(appController, 'currentRouteName');
+ } else {
+ targetRouteName = read(params[0]);
+ for (var i = 1; i < params.length; i++) {
+ models.push(read(params[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ var suppliedQueryParams = getResolvedQueryParams(this, targetRouteName);
+ return {
+ targetRouteName: targetRouteName,
+ models: models,
+ queryParams: suppliedQueryParams
+ };
+ }),
+ /**
+ Computed property that returns the current route name,
+ dynamic segments, and query params. Returns falsy if
+ for null/undefined params to indicate that the link view
+ is still in a loading state.
+ @private
+ @property
+ @return {Array} An array with the route name and any dynamic segments
+ **/
+ loadedParams: computed('resolvedParams', function computeLinkViewRouteArgs() {
+ var router = get(this, 'router');
+ if (!router) { return; }
+ var resolvedParams = get(this, 'resolvedParams');
+ var namedRoute = resolvedParams.targetRouteName;
+ if (!namedRoute) { return; }
+ Ember.assert(fmt("The attempt to link-to route '%@' failed. " +
+ "The router did not find '%@' in its possible routes: '%@'",
+ [namedRoute, namedRoute, keys(router.router.recognizer.names).join("', '")]),
+ router.hasRoute(namedRoute));
+ if (!paramsAreLoaded(resolvedParams.models)) { return; }
+ return resolvedParams;
+ }),
+ queryParamsObject: null,
+ /**
+ Sets the element's `href` attribute to the url for
+ the `LinkView`'s targeted route.
+ If the `LinkView`'s `tagName` is changed to a value other
+ than `a`, this property will be ignored.
+ @property href
+ **/
+ href: computed('loadedParams', function computeLinkViewHref() {
+ if (get(this, 'tagName') !== 'a') { return; }
+ var router = get(this, 'router');
+ var loadedParams = get(this, 'loadedParams');
+ if (!loadedParams) {
+ return get(this, 'loadingHref');
+ }
+ var visibleQueryParams = {};
+ merge(visibleQueryParams, loadedParams.queryParams);
+ router._prepareQueryParams(loadedParams.targetRouteName, loadedParams.models, visibleQueryParams);
+ var args = routeArgs(loadedParams.targetRouteName, loadedParams.models, visibleQueryParams);
+ var result = router.generate.apply(router, args);
+ return result;
+ }),
+ /**
+ The default href value to use while a link-to is loading.
+ Only applies when tagName is 'a'
+ @property loadingHref
+ @type String
+ @default #
+ */
+ loadingHref: '#'
+ });
+ LinkView.toString = function() { return "LinkView"; };
+ LinkView.reopen({
+ attributeBindings: ['target'],
+ /**
+ Sets the `target` attribute of the `LinkView`'s anchor element.
+ @property target
+ @default null
+ **/
+ target: null
+ });
+ /**
+ The `{{link-to}}` helper renders a link to the supplied
+ `routeName` passing an optionally supplied model to the
+ route as its `model` context of the route. The block
+ for `{{link-to}}` becomes the innerHTML of the rendered
+ element:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#link-to 'photoGallery'}}
+ Great Hamster Photos
+ {{/link-to}}
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <a href="/hamster-photos">
+ Great Hamster Photos
+ </a>
+ ```
+ ### Supplying a tagName
+ By default `{{link-to}}` renders an `<a>` element. This can
+ be overridden for a single use of `{{link-to}}` by supplying
+ a `tagName` option:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#link-to 'photoGallery' tagName="li"}}
+ Great Hamster Photos
+ {{/link-to}}
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <li>
+ Great Hamster Photos
+ </li>
+ ```
+ To override this option for your entire application, see
+ "Overriding Application-wide Defaults".
+ ### Disabling the `link-to` helper
+ By default `{{link-to}}` is enabled.
+ any passed value to `disabled` helper property will disable the `link-to` helper.
+ static use: the `disabled` option:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#link-to 'photoGallery' disabled=true}}
+ Great Hamster Photos
+ {{/link-to}}
+ ```
+ dynamic use: the `disabledWhen` option:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#link-to 'photoGallery' disabledWhen=controller.someProperty}}
+ Great Hamster Photos
+ {{/link-to}}
+ ```
+ any passed value to `disabled` will disable it except `undefined`.
+ to ensure that only `true` disable the `link-to` helper you can
+ override the global behaviour of `Ember.LinkView`.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.LinkView.reopen({
+ disabled: Ember.computed(function(key, value) {
+ if (value !== undefined) {
+ this.set('_isDisabled', value === true);
+ }
+ return value === true ? get(this, 'disabledClass') : false;
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ see "Overriding Application-wide Defaults" for more.
+ ### Handling `href`
+ `{{link-to}}` will use your application's Router to
+ fill the element's `href` property with a url that
+ matches the path to the supplied `routeName` for your
+ routers's configured `Location` scheme, which defaults
+ to Ember.HashLocation.
+ ### Handling current route
+ `{{link-to}}` will apply a CSS class name of 'active'
+ when the application's current route matches
+ the supplied routeName. For example, if the application's
+ current route is 'photoGallery.recent' the following
+ use of `{{link-to}}`:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#link-to 'photoGallery.recent'}}
+ Great Hamster Photos from the last week
+ {{/link-to}}
+ ```
+ will result in
+ ```html
+ <a href="/hamster-photos/this-week" class="active">
+ Great Hamster Photos
+ </a>
+ ```
+ The CSS class name used for active classes can be customized
+ for a single use of `{{link-to}}` by passing an `activeClass`
+ option:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#link-to 'photoGallery.recent' activeClass="current-url"}}
+ Great Hamster Photos from the last week
+ {{/link-to}}
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <a href="/hamster-photos/this-week" class="current-url">
+ Great Hamster Photos
+ </a>
+ ```
+ To override this option for your entire application, see
+ "Overriding Application-wide Defaults".
+ ### Supplying a model
+ An optional model argument can be used for routes whose
+ paths contain dynamic segments. This argument will become
+ the model context of the linked route:
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource("photoGallery", {path: "hamster-photos/:photo_id"});
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#link-to 'photoGallery' aPhoto}}
+ {{aPhoto.title}}
+ {{/link-to}}
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <a href="/hamster-photos/42">
+ Tomster
+ </a>
+ ```
+ ### Supplying multiple models
+ For deep-linking to route paths that contain multiple
+ dynamic segments, multiple model arguments can be used.
+ As the router transitions through the route path, each
+ supplied model argument will become the context for the
+ route with the dynamic segments:
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource("photoGallery", {path: "hamster-photos/:photo_id"}, function() {
+ this.route("comment", {path: "comments/:comment_id"});
+ });
+ });
+ ```
+ This argument will become the model context of the linked route:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#link-to 'photoGallery.comment' aPhoto comment}}
+ {{comment.body}}
+ {{/link-to}}
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <a href="/hamster-photos/42/comment/718">
+ A+++ would snuggle again.
+ </a>
+ ```
+ ### Supplying an explicit dynamic segment value
+ If you don't have a model object available to pass to `{{link-to}}`,
+ an optional string or integer argument can be passed for routes whose
+ paths contain dynamic segments. This argument will become the value
+ of the dynamic segment:
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource("photoGallery", {path: "hamster-photos/:photo_id"});
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#link-to 'photoGallery' aPhotoId}}
+ {{aPhoto.title}}
+ {{/link-to}}
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <a href="/hamster-photos/42">
+ Tomster
+ </a>
+ ```
+ When transitioning into the linked route, the `model` hook will
+ be triggered with parameters including this passed identifier.
+ ### Allowing Default Action
+ By default the `{{link-to}}` helper prevents the default browser action
+ by calling `preventDefault()` as this sort of action bubbling is normally
+ handled internally and we do not want to take the browser to a new URL (for
+ example).
+ If you need to override this behavior specify `preventDefault=false` in
+ your template:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#link-to 'photoGallery' aPhotoId preventDefault=false}}
+ {{aPhotoId.title}}
+ {{/link-to}}
+ ```
+ ### Overriding attributes
+ You can override any given property of the Ember.LinkView
+ that is generated by the `{{link-to}}` helper by passing
+ key/value pairs, like so:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#link-to aPhoto tagName='li' title='Following this link will change your life' classNames='pic sweet'}}
+ Uh-mazing!
+ {{/link-to}}
+ ```
+ See [Ember.LinkView](/api/classes/Ember.LinkView.html) for a
+ complete list of overrideable properties. Be sure to also
+ check out inherited properties of `LinkView`.
+ ### Overriding Application-wide Defaults
+ ``{{link-to}}`` creates an instance of Ember.LinkView
+ for rendering. To override options for your entire
+ application, reopen Ember.LinkView and supply the
+ desired values:
+ ``` javascript
+ Ember.LinkView.reopen({
+ activeClass: "is-active",
+ tagName: 'li'
+ })
+ ```
+ It is also possible to override the default event in
+ this manner:
+ ``` javascript
+ Ember.LinkView.reopen({
+ eventName: 'customEventName'
+ });
+ ```
+ @method link-to
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} routeName
+ @param {Object} [context]*
+ @param [options] {Object} Handlebars key/value pairs of options, you can override any property of Ember.LinkView
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ @see {Ember.LinkView}
+ */
+ function linkToHelper(name) {
+ var options =, -1)[0];
+ var params =, 0, -1);
+ var view =;
+ var hash = options.hash;
+ var hashTypes = options.hashTypes;
+ var types = options.types;
+ var shouldEscape = !hash.unescaped;
+ var queryParamsObject;
+ Ember.assert("You must provide one or more parameters to the link-to helper.", params.length);
+ if (params[params.length - 1] instanceof QueryParams) {
+ hash.queryParamsObject = queryParamsObject = params.pop();
+ }
+ if (hash.disabledWhen) {
+ hash.disabledBinding = hash.disabledWhen;
+ hashTypes.disabledBinding = hashTypes.disabledWhen;
+ delete hash.disabledWhen;
+ delete hashTypes.disabledWhen;
+ }
+ if (!options.fn) {
+ var linkTitle = params.shift();
+ var linkTitleType = types.shift();
+ if (linkTitleType === 'ID') {
+ hash.linkTitle = linkTitle = view.getStream(linkTitle);
+ options.fn = function() {
+ return stringifyValue(linkTitle.value(), shouldEscape);
+ };
+ } else {
+ options.fn = function() {
+ return linkTitle;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ // Setup route & param streams
+ for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
+ var paramPath = params[i];
+ if (types[i] === 'ID') {
+ var lazyValue = view.getStream(paramPath);
+ // TODO: Consider a better approach to unwrapping controllers.
+ if (paramPath !== 'controller') {
+ while (ControllerMixin.detect(lazyValue.value())) {
+ paramPath = (paramPath === '') ? 'model' : paramPath + '.model';
+ lazyValue = view.getStream(paramPath);
+ }
+ }
+ params[i] = lazyValue;
+ }
+ }
+ hash.params = params;
+ options.helperName = options.helperName || 'link-to';
+ return, LinkView, options);
+ }
+ /**
+ This is a sub-expression to be used in conjunction with the link-to helper.
+ It will supply url query parameters to the target route.
+ Example
+ {#link-to 'posts' (query-params direction="asc")}}Sort{{/link-to}}
+ @method query-params
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {Object} hash takes a hash of query parameters
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ function queryParamsHelper(options) {
+ Ember.assert(fmt("The `query-params` helper only accepts hash parameters, e.g. (query-params queryParamPropertyName='%@') as opposed to just (query-params '%@')", [options, options]), arguments.length === 1);
+ var view =;
+ var hash = options.hash;
+ var hashTypes = options.hashTypes;
+ for (var k in hash) {
+ if (hashTypes[k] === 'ID') {
+ hash[k] = view.getStream(hash[k]);
+ }
+ }
+ return QueryParams.create({
+ values: options.hash
+ });
+ }
+ __exports__.queryParamsHelper = queryParamsHelper;/**
+ See [link-to](/api/classes/Ember.Handlebars.helpers.html#method_link-to)
+ @method linkTo
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @deprecated
+ @param {String} routeName
+ @param {Object} [context]*
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ function deprecatedLinkToHelper() {
+ Ember.deprecate("The 'linkTo' view helper is deprecated in favor of 'link-to'");
+ return linkToHelper.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ function getResolvedQueryParams(linkView, targetRouteName) {
+ var queryParamsObject = linkView.queryParamsObject;
+ var resolvedQueryParams = {};
+ if (!queryParamsObject) { return resolvedQueryParams; }
+ var values = queryParamsObject.values;
+ for (var key in values) {
+ if (!values.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
+ resolvedQueryParams[key] = read(values[key]);
+ }
+ return resolvedQueryParams;
+ }
+ function paramsAreLoaded(params) {
+ for (var i = 0, len = params.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var param = params[i];
+ if (param === null || typeof param === 'undefined') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function shallowEqual(a, b) {
+ var k;
+ for (k in a) {
+ if (a.hasOwnProperty(k) && a[k] !== b[k]) { return false; }
+ }
+ for (k in b) {
+ if (b.hasOwnProperty(k) && a[k] !== b[k]) { return false; }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ __exports__.LinkView = LinkView;
+ __exports__.deprecatedLinkToHelper = deprecatedLinkToHelper;
+ __exports__.linkToHelper = linkToHelper;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_set","ember-views/views/container_view","ember-handlebars/views/metamorph_view","ember-handlebars/helpers/view","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // assert
+ var set = __dependency2__.set;
+ var ContainerView = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var _Metamorph = __dependency4__._Metamorph;
+ var viewHelper = __dependency5__.viewHelper;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ var OutletView = ContainerView.extend(_Metamorph);
+ __exports__.OutletView = OutletView;
+ /**
+ The `outlet` helper is a placeholder that the router will fill in with
+ the appropriate template based on the current state of the application.
+ ``` handlebars
+ {{outlet}}
+ ```
+ By default, a template based on Ember's naming conventions will be rendered
+ into the `outlet` (e.g. `App.PostsRoute` will render the `posts` template).
+ You can render a different template by using the `render()` method in the
+ route's `renderTemplate` hook. The following will render the `favoritePost`
+ template into the `outlet`.
+ ``` javascript
+ App.PostsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ renderTemplate: function() {
+ this.render('favoritePost');
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ You can create custom named outlets for more control.
+ ``` handlebars
+ {{outlet 'favoritePost'}}
+ {{outlet 'posts'}}
+ ```
+ Then you can define what template is rendered into each outlet in your
+ route.
+ ``` javascript
+ App.PostsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ renderTemplate: function() {
+ this.render('favoritePost', { outlet: 'favoritePost' });
+ this.render('posts', { outlet: 'posts' });
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ You can specify the view that the outlet uses to contain and manage the
+ templates rendered into it.
+ ``` handlebars
+ {{outlet view='sectionContainer'}}
+ ```
+ ``` javascript
+ App.SectionContainer = Ember.ContainerView.extend({
+ tagName: 'section',
+ classNames: ['special']
+ });
+ ```
+ @method outlet
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} property the property on the controller
+ that holds the view for this outlet
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ function outletHelper(property, options) {
+ var outletSource;
+ var viewName;
+ var viewClass;
+ var viewFullName;
+ if (property && && {
+ options = property;
+ property = 'main';
+ }
+ Ember.deprecate(
+ "Using {{outlet}} with an unquoted name is not supported. " +
+ "Please update to quoted usage '{{outlet \"" + property + "\"}}'.",
+ arguments.length === 1 || options.types[0] === 'STRING'
+ );
+ var view =;
+ var container = view.container;
+ outletSource = view;
+ while (!outletSource.get('template.isTop')) {
+ outletSource = outletSource.get('_parentView');
+ }
+ set(view, 'outletSource', outletSource);
+ // provide controller override
+ viewName = options.hash.view;
+ if (viewName) {
+ viewFullName = 'view:' + viewName;
+ Ember.assert(
+ "Using a quoteless view parameter with {{outlet}} is not supported." +
+ " Please update to quoted usage '{{outlet ... view=\"" + viewName + "\"}}.",
+ options.hashTypes.view !== 'ID'
+ );
+ Ember.assert(
+ "The view name you supplied '" + viewName + "' did not resolve to a view.",
+ container.has(viewFullName)
+ );
+ }
+ viewClass = viewName ? container.lookupFactory(viewFullName) : options.hash.viewClass || OutletView;
+ options.types = [ 'ID' ];
+ options.hash.currentViewBinding = '_view.outletSource._outlets.' + property;
+ options.hashTypes.currentViewBinding = 'STRING';
+ options.helperName = options.helperName || 'outlet';
+ return, viewClass, options);
+ }
+ __exports__.outletHelper = outletHelper;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/error","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-routing/system/generate_controller","ember-handlebars/helpers/view","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // assert, deprecate
+ var EmberError = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var camelize = __dependency3__.camelize;
+ var generateControllerFactory = __dependency4__.generateControllerFactory;
+ var generateController = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var ViewHelper = __dependency5__.ViewHelper;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ /**
+ Calling ``{{render}}`` from within a template will insert another
+ template that matches the provided name. The inserted template will
+ access its properties on its own controller (rather than the controller
+ of the parent template).
+ If a view class with the same name exists, the view class also will be used.
+ Note: A given controller may only be used *once* in your app in this manner.
+ A singleton instance of the controller will be created for you.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.NavigationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ who: "world"
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ <!-- navigation.hbs -->
+ Hello, {{who}}.
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ <!-- application.hbs -->
+ <h1>My great app</h1>
+ {{render "navigation"}}
+ ```
+ ```html
+ <h1>My great app</h1>
+ <div class='ember-view'>
+ Hello, world.
+ </div>
+ ```
+ Optionally you may provide a second argument: a property path
+ that will be bound to the `model` property of the controller.
+ If a `model` property path is specified, then a new instance of the
+ controller will be created and `{{render}}` can be used multiple times
+ with the same name.
+ For example if you had this `author` template.
+ ```handlebars
+ <div class="author">
+ Written by {{firstName}} {{lastName}}.
+ Total Posts: {{postCount}}
+ </div>
+ ```
+ You could render it inside the `post` template using the `render` helper.
+ ```handlebars
+ <div class="post">
+ <h1>{{title}}</h1>
+ <div>{{body}}</div>
+ {{render "author" author}}
+ </div>
+ ```
+ @method render
+ @for Ember.Handlebars.helpers
+ @param {String} name
+ @param {Object?} contextString
+ @param {Hash} options
+ @return {String} HTML string
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function renderHelper(name, contextString, options) {
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var container, router, controller, view, initialContext;
+ container = (options || contextString).data.view._keywords.controller.value().container;
+ router = container.lookup('router:main');
+ if (length === 2) {
+ // use the singleton controller
+ options = contextString;
+ contextString = undefined;
+ Ember.assert("You can only use the {{render}} helper once without a model object as its" +
+ " second argument, as in {{render \"post\" post}}.", !router || !router._lookupActiveView(name));
+ } else if (length === 3) {
+ // create a new controller
+ initialContext =;
+ } else {
+ throw new EmberError("You must pass a templateName to render");
+ }
+ Ember.deprecate("Using a quoteless parameter with {{render}} is deprecated. Please update to" +
+ " quoted usage '{{render \"" + name + "\"}}.", options.types[0] !== 'ID');
+ // # legacy namespace
+ name = name.replace(/\//g, '.');
+ // \ legacy slash as namespace support
+ view = container.lookup('view:' + name) || container.lookup('view:default');
+ // provide controller override
+ var controllerName = options.hash.controller || name;
+ var controllerFullName = 'controller:' + controllerName;
+ if (options.hash.controller) {
+ Ember.assert("The controller name you supplied '" + controllerName +
+ "' did not resolve to a controller.", container.has(controllerFullName));
+ }
+ var parentController =;
+ // choose name
+ if (length > 2) {
+ var factory = container.lookupFactory(controllerFullName) ||
+ generateControllerFactory(container, controllerName, initialContext);
+ controller = factory.create({
+ modelBinding:,
+ parentController: parentController,
+ target: parentController
+ });
+'willDestroyElement', function() {
+ controller.destroy();
+ });
+ } else {
+ controller = container.lookup(controllerFullName) ||
+ generateController(container, controllerName);
+ controller.setProperties({
+ target: parentController,
+ parentController: parentController
+ });
+ }
+ options.hash.viewName = camelize(name);
+ var templateName = 'template:' + name;
+ Ember.assert("You used `{{render '" + name + "'}}`, but '" + name + "' can not be found as either" +
+ " a template or a view.", container.has("view:" + name) || container.has(templateName) || options.fn);
+ options.hash.template = container.lookup(templateName);
+ options.hash.controller = controller;
+ if (router && !initialContext) {
+ router._connectActiveView(name, view);
+ }
+ options.helperName = options.helperName || ('render "' + name + '"');
+ ViewHelper.instanceHelper(this, view, options);
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-routing/ext/run_loop","ember-routing/ext/controller","ember-routing/ext/view","ember-routing/location/api","ember-routing/location/none_location","ember-routing/location/hash_location","ember-routing/location/history_location","ember-routing/location/auto_location","ember-routing/system/generate_controller","ember-routing/system/controller_for","ember-routing/system/dsl","ember-routing/system/router","ember-routing/system/route","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ Ember Routing
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ @requires ember-views
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // ES6TODO: Cleanup modules with side-effects below
+ var EmberLocation = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var NoneLocation = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var HashLocation = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var HistoryLocation = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var AutoLocation = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var generateControllerFactory = __dependency10__.generateControllerFactory;
+ var generateController = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var controllerFor = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var RouterDSL = __dependency12__["default"];
+ var Router = __dependency13__["default"];
+ var Route = __dependency14__["default"];
+ Ember.Location = EmberLocation;
+ Ember.AutoLocation = AutoLocation;
+ Ember.HashLocation = HashLocation;
+ Ember.HistoryLocation = HistoryLocation;
+ Ember.NoneLocation = NoneLocation;
+ Ember.controllerFor = controllerFor;
+ Ember.generateControllerFactory = generateControllerFactory;
+ Ember.generateController = generateController;
+ Ember.RouterDSL = RouterDSL;
+ Ember.Router = Router;
+ Ember.Route = Route;
+ __exports__["default"] = Ember;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/merge","ember-runtime/mixins/controller","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // FEATURES, deprecate
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var set = __dependency3__.set;
+ var computed = __dependency4__.computed;
+ var typeOf = __dependency5__.typeOf;
+ var meta = __dependency5__.meta;
+ var merge = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var ControllerMixin = __dependency7__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ ControllerMixin.reopen({
+ concatenatedProperties: ['queryParams', '_pCacheMeta'],
+ init: function() {
+ this._super.apply(this, arguments);
+ listenForQueryParamChanges(this);
+ },
+ /**
+ Defines which query parameters the controller accepts.
+ If you give the names ['category','page'] it will bind
+ the values of these query parameters to the variables
+ `this.category` and ``
+ @property queryParams
+ @public
+ */
+ queryParams: null,
+ /**
+ @property _qpDelegate
+ @private
+ */
+ _qpDelegate: null,
+ /**
+ @property _normalizedQueryParams
+ @private
+ */
+ _normalizedQueryParams: computed(function() {
+ var m = meta(this);
+ if (m.proto !== this) {
+ return get(m.proto, '_normalizedQueryParams');
+ }
+ var queryParams = get(this, 'queryParams');
+ if (queryParams._qpMap) {
+ return queryParams._qpMap;
+ }
+ var qpMap = queryParams._qpMap = {};
+ for (var i = 0, len = queryParams.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ accumulateQueryParamDescriptors(queryParams[i], qpMap);
+ }
+ return qpMap;
+ }),
+ /**
+ @property _cacheMeta
+ @private
+ */
+ _cacheMeta: computed(function() {
+ var m = meta(this);
+ if (m.proto !== this) {
+ return get(m.proto, '_cacheMeta');
+ }
+ var cacheMeta = {};
+ var qpMap = get(this, '_normalizedQueryParams');
+ for (var prop in qpMap) {
+ if (!qpMap.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { continue; }
+ var qp = qpMap[prop];
+ var scope = qp.scope;
+ var parts;
+ if (scope === 'controller') {
+ parts = [];
+ }
+ cacheMeta[prop] = {
+ parts: parts, // provided by route if 'model' scope
+ values: null, // provided by route
+ scope: scope,
+ prefix: "",
+ def: get(this, prop)
+ };
+ }
+ return cacheMeta;
+ }),
+ /**
+ @method _updateCacheParams
+ @private
+ */
+ _updateCacheParams: function(params) {
+ var cacheMeta = get(this, '_cacheMeta');
+ for (var prop in cacheMeta) {
+ if (!cacheMeta.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { continue; }
+ var propMeta = cacheMeta[prop];
+ propMeta.values = params;
+ var cacheKey = this._calculateCacheKey(propMeta.prefix,, propMeta.values);
+ var cache = this._bucketCache;
+ if (cache) {
+ var value = cache.lookup(cacheKey, prop, propMeta.def);
+ set(this, prop, value);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ @method _qpChanged
+ @private
+ */
+ _qpChanged: function(controller, _prop) {
+ var prop = _prop.substr(0, _prop.length-3);
+ var cacheMeta = get(controller, '_cacheMeta');
+ var propCache = cacheMeta[prop];
+ var cacheKey = controller._calculateCacheKey(propCache.prefix || "",, propCache.values);
+ var value = get(controller, prop);
+ // 1. Update model-dep cache
+ var cache = this._bucketCache;
+ if (cache) {
+ controller._bucketCache.stash(cacheKey, prop, value);
+ }
+ // 2. Notify a delegate (e.g. to fire a qp transition)
+ var delegate = controller._qpDelegate;
+ if (delegate) {
+ delegate(controller, prop);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ @method _calculateCacheKey
+ @private
+ */
+ _calculateCacheKey: function(prefix, _parts, values) {
+ var parts = _parts || [], suffixes = "";
+ for (var i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var part = parts[i];
+ var value = get(values, part);
+ suffixes += "::" + part + ":" + value;
+ }
+ return prefix + suffixes.replace(ALL_PERIODS_REGEX, '-');
+ },
+ /**
+ Transition the application into another route. The route may
+ be either a single route or route path:
+ ```javascript
+ aController.transitionToRoute('blogPosts');
+ aController.transitionToRoute('blogPosts.recentEntries');
+ ```
+ Optionally supply a model for the route in question. The model
+ will be serialized into the URL using the `serialize` hook of
+ the route:
+ ```javascript
+ aController.transitionToRoute('blogPost', aPost);
+ ```
+ If a literal is passed (such as a number or a string), it will
+ be treated as an identifier instead. In this case, the `model`
+ hook of the route will be triggered:
+ ```javascript
+ aController.transitionToRoute('blogPost', 1);
+ ```
+ Multiple models will be applied last to first recursively up the
+ resource tree.
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource('blogPost', {path:':blogPostId'}, function(){
+ this.resource('blogComment', {path: ':blogCommentId'});
+ });
+ });
+ aController.transitionToRoute('blogComment', aPost, aComment);
+ aController.transitionToRoute('blogComment', 1, 13);
+ ```
+ It is also possible to pass a URL (a string that starts with a
+ `/`). This is intended for testing and debugging purposes and
+ should rarely be used in production code.
+ ```javascript
+ aController.transitionToRoute('/');
+ aController.transitionToRoute('/blog/post/1/comment/13');
+ ```
+ See also [replaceRoute](/api/classes/Ember.ControllerMixin.html#method_replaceRoute).
+ @param {String} name the name of the route or a URL
+ @param {...Object} models the model(s) or identifier(s) to be used
+ while transitioning to the route.
+ @for Ember.ControllerMixin
+ @method transitionToRoute
+ */
+ transitionToRoute: function() {
+ // target may be either another controller or a router
+ var target = get(this, 'target');
+ var method = target.transitionToRoute || target.transitionTo;
+ return method.apply(target, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ @deprecated
+ @for Ember.ControllerMixin
+ @method transitionTo
+ */
+ transitionTo: function() {
+ Ember.deprecate("transitionTo is deprecated. Please use transitionToRoute.");
+ return this.transitionToRoute.apply(this, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ Transition into another route while replacing the current URL, if possible.
+ This will replace the current history entry instead of adding a new one.
+ Beside that, it is identical to `transitionToRoute` in all other respects.
+ ```javascript
+ aController.replaceRoute('blogPosts');
+ aController.replaceRoute('blogPosts.recentEntries');
+ ```
+ Optionally supply a model for the route in question. The model
+ will be serialized into the URL using the `serialize` hook of
+ the route:
+ ```javascript
+ aController.replaceRoute('blogPost', aPost);
+ ```
+ If a literal is passed (such as a number or a string), it will
+ be treated as an identifier instead. In this case, the `model`
+ hook of the route will be triggered:
+ ```javascript
+ aController.replaceRoute('blogPost', 1);
+ ```
+ Multiple models will be applied last to first recursively up the
+ resource tree.
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource('blogPost', {path:':blogPostId'}, function(){
+ this.resource('blogComment', {path: ':blogCommentId'});
+ });
+ });
+ aController.replaceRoute('blogComment', aPost, aComment);
+ aController.replaceRoute('blogComment', 1, 13);
+ ```
+ It is also possible to pass a URL (a string that starts with a
+ `/`). This is intended for testing and debugging purposes and
+ should rarely be used in production code.
+ ```javascript
+ aController.replaceRoute('/');
+ aController.replaceRoute('/blog/post/1/comment/13');
+ ```
+ @param {String} name the name of the route or a URL
+ @param {...Object} models the model(s) or identifier(s) to be used
+ while transitioning to the route.
+ @for Ember.ControllerMixin
+ @method replaceRoute
+ */
+ replaceRoute: function() {
+ // target may be either another controller or a router
+ var target = get(this, 'target');
+ var method = target.replaceRoute || target.replaceWith;
+ return method.apply(target, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ @deprecated
+ @for Ember.ControllerMixin
+ @method replaceWith
+ */
+ replaceWith: function() {
+ Ember.deprecate("replaceWith is deprecated. Please use replaceRoute.");
+ return this.replaceRoute.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ });
+ var ALL_PERIODS_REGEX = /\./g;
+ function accumulateQueryParamDescriptors(_desc, accum) {
+ var desc = _desc, tmp;
+ if (typeOf(desc) === 'string') {
+ tmp = {};
+ tmp[desc] = { as: null };
+ desc = tmp;
+ }
+ for (var key in desc) {
+ if (!desc.hasOwnProperty(key)) { return; }
+ var singleDesc = desc[key];
+ if (typeOf(singleDesc) === 'string') {
+ singleDesc = { as: singleDesc };
+ }
+ tmp = accum[key] || { as: null, scope: 'model' };
+ merge(tmp, singleDesc);
+ accum[key] = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ function listenForQueryParamChanges(controller) {
+ var qpMap = get(controller, '_normalizedQueryParams');
+ for (var prop in qpMap) {
+ if (!qpMap.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { continue; }
+ controller.addObserver(prop + '.[]', controller, controller._qpChanged);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = ControllerMixin;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/run_loop"],
+ function(__dependency1__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var run = __dependency1__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ // Add a new named queue after the 'actions' queue (where RSVP promises
+ // resolve), which is used in router transitions to prevent unnecessary
+ // loading state entry if all context promises resolve on the
+ // 'actions' queue first.
+ run._addQueue('routerTransitions', 'actions');
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-views/views/view","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var set = __dependency2__.set;
+ var run = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var EmberView = __dependency4__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ EmberView.reopen({
+ /**
+ Sets the private `_outlets` object on the view.
+ @method init
+ */
+ init: function() {
+ this._outlets = {};
+ this._super();
+ },
+ /**
+ Manually fill any of a view's `{{outlet}}` areas with the
+ supplied view.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var MyView = Ember.View.extend({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('Child view: {{outlet "main"}} ')
+ });
+ var myView = MyView.create();
+ myView.appendTo('body');
+ // The html for myView now looks like:
+ // <div id="ember228" class="ember-view">Child view: </div>
+ var FooView = Ember.View.extend({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('<h1>Foo</h1> ')
+ });
+ var fooView = FooView.create();
+ myView.connectOutlet('main', fooView);
+ // The html for myView now looks like:
+ // <div id="ember228" class="ember-view">Child view:
+ // <div id="ember234" class="ember-view"><h1>Foo</h1> </div>
+ // </div>
+ ```
+ @method connectOutlet
+ @param {String} outletName A unique name for the outlet
+ @param {Object} view An Ember.View
+ */
+ connectOutlet: function(outletName, view) {
+ if (this._pendingDisconnections) {
+ delete this._pendingDisconnections[outletName];
+ }
+ if (this._hasEquivalentView(outletName, view)) {
+ view.destroy();
+ return;
+ }
+ var outlets = get(this, '_outlets');
+ var container = get(this, 'container');
+ var router = container && container.lookup('router:main');
+ var renderedName = get(view, 'renderedName');
+ set(outlets, outletName, view);
+ if (router && renderedName) {
+ router._connectActiveView(renderedName, view);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Determines if the view has already been created by checking if
+ the view has the same constructor, template, and context as the
+ view in the `_outlets` object.
+ @private
+ @method _hasEquivalentView
+ @param {String} outletName The name of the outlet we are checking
+ @param {Object} view An Ember.View
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ _hasEquivalentView: function(outletName, view) {
+ var existingView = get(this, '_outlets.'+outletName);
+ return existingView &&
+ existingView.constructor === view.constructor &&
+ existingView.get('template') === view.get('template') &&
+ existingView.get('context') === view.get('context');
+ },
+ /**
+ Removes an outlet from the view.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var MyView = Ember.View.extend({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('Child view: {{outlet "main"}} ')
+ });
+ var myView = MyView.create();
+ myView.appendTo('body');
+ // myView's html:
+ // <div id="ember228" class="ember-view">Child view: </div>
+ var FooView = Ember.View.extend({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('<h1>Foo</h1> ')
+ });
+ var fooView = FooView.create();
+ myView.connectOutlet('main', fooView);
+ // myView's html:
+ // <div id="ember228" class="ember-view">Child view:
+ // <div id="ember234" class="ember-view"><h1>Foo</h1> </div>
+ // </div>
+ myView.disconnectOutlet('main');
+ // myView's html:
+ // <div id="ember228" class="ember-view">Child view: </div>
+ ```
+ @method disconnectOutlet
+ @param {String} outletName The name of the outlet to be removed
+ */
+ disconnectOutlet: function(outletName) {
+ if (!this._pendingDisconnections) {
+ this._pendingDisconnections = {};
+ }
+ this._pendingDisconnections[outletName] = true;
+ run.once(this, '_finishDisconnections');
+ },
+ /**
+ Gets an outlet that is pending disconnection and then
+ nullifys the object on the `_outlet` object.
+ @private
+ @method _finishDisconnections
+ */
+ _finishDisconnections: function() {
+ if (this.isDestroyed) return; // _outlets will be gone anyway
+ var outlets = get(this, '_outlets');
+ var pendingDisconnections = this._pendingDisconnections;
+ this._pendingDisconnections = null;
+ for (var outletName in pendingDisconnections) {
+ set(outlets, outletName, null);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberView;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // deprecate, assert
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ /**
+ Ember.Location returns an instance of the correct implementation of
+ the `location` API.
+ ## Implementations
+ You can pass an implementation name (`hash`, `history`, `none`) to force a
+ particular implementation to be used in your application.
+ ### HashLocation
+ Using `HashLocation` results in URLs with a `#` (hash sign) separating the
+ server side URL portion of the URL from the portion that is used by Ember.
+ This relies upon the `hashchange` event existing in the browser.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource('posts', function() {
+ this.route('new');
+ });
+ });
+ App.Router.reopen({
+ location: 'hash'
+ });
+ ```
+ This will result in a url of `/#/posts/new`.
+ ### HistoryLocation
+ Using `HistoryLocation` results in URLs that are indistinguishable from a
+ standard URL. This relies upon the browser's `history` API.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource('posts', function() {
+ this.route('new');
+ });
+ });
+ App.Router.reopen({
+ location: 'history'
+ });
+ ```
+ This will result in a url of `/posts/new`.
+ Keep in mind that your server must serve the Ember app at all the routes you
+ define.
+ ### AutoLocation
+ Using `AutoLocation`, the router will use the best Location class supported by
+ the browser it is running in.
+ Browsers that support the `history` API will use `HistoryLocation`, those that
+ do not, but still support the `hashchange` event will use `HashLocation`, and
+ in the rare case neither is supported will use `NoneLocation`.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource('posts', function() {
+ this.route('new');
+ });
+ });
+ App.Router.reopen({
+ location: 'auto'
+ });
+ ```
+ This will result in a url of `/posts/new` for modern browsers that
+ support the `history` api or `/#/posts/new` for older ones, like Internet
+ Explorer 9 and below.
+ When a user visits a link to your application, they will be automatically
+ upgraded or downgraded to the appropriate `Location` class, with the URL
+ transformed accordingly, if needed.
+ Keep in mind that since some of your users will use `HistoryLocation`, your
+ server must serve the Ember app at all the routes you define.
+ ### NoneLocation
+ Using `NoneLocation` causes Ember to not store the applications URL state
+ in the actual URL. This is generally used for testing purposes, and is one
+ of the changes made when calling `App.setupForTesting()`.
+ ## Location API
+ Each location implementation must provide the following methods:
+ * implementation: returns the string name used to reference the implementation.
+ * getURL: returns the current URL.
+ * setURL(path): sets the current URL.
+ * replaceURL(path): replace the current URL (optional).
+ * onUpdateURL(callback): triggers the callback when the URL changes.
+ * formatURL(url): formats `url` to be placed into `href` attribute.
+ Calling setURL or replaceURL will not trigger onUpdateURL callbacks.
+ @class Location
+ @namespace Ember
+ @static
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = {
+ /**
+ This is deprecated in favor of using the container to lookup the location
+ implementation as desired.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ // Given a location registered as follows:
+ container.register('location:history-test', HistoryTestLocation);
+ // You could create a new instance via:
+ container.lookup('location:history-test');
+ ```
+ @method create
+ @param {Object} options
+ @return {Object} an instance of an implementation of the `location` API
+ @deprecated Use the container to lookup the location implementation that you
+ need.
+ */
+ create: function(options) {
+ var implementation = options && options.implementation;
+ Ember.assert("Ember.Location.create: you must specify a 'implementation' option", !!implementation);
+ var implementationClass = this.implementations[implementation];
+ Ember.assert("Ember.Location.create: " + implementation + " is not a valid implementation", !!implementationClass);
+ return implementationClass.create.apply(implementationClass, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ This is deprecated in favor of using the container to register the
+ location implementation as desired.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ Application.initializer({
+ name: "history-test-location",
+ initialize: function(container, application) {
+ application.register('location:history-test', HistoryTestLocation);
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method registerImplementation
+ @param {String} name
+ @param {Object} implementation of the `location` API
+ @deprecated Register your custom location implementation with the
+ container directly.
+ */
+ registerImplementation: function(name, implementation) {
+ Ember.deprecate('Using the Ember.Location.registerImplementation is no longer supported.' +
+ ' Register your custom location implementation with the container instead.', false);
+ this.implementations[name] = implementation;
+ },
+ implementations: {},
+ _location: window.location,
+ /**
+ Returns the current `location.hash` by parsing location.href since browsers
+ inconsistently URL-decode `location.hash`.
+ @private
+ @method getHash
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ _getHash: function () {
+ // AutoLocation has it at _location, HashLocation at .location.
+ // Being nice and not changing
+ var href = (this._location || this.location).href;
+ var hashIndex = href.indexOf('#');
+ if (hashIndex === -1) {
+ return '';
+ } else {
+ return href.substr(hashIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_set","ember-routing/location/api","ember-routing/location/history_location","ember-routing/location/hash_location","ember-routing/location/none_location","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var set = __dependency2__.set;
+ var EmberLocation = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var HistoryLocation = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var HashLocation = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var NoneLocation = __dependency6__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ /**
+ Ember.AutoLocation will select the best location option based off browser
+ support with the priority order: history, hash, none.
+ Clean pushState paths accessed by hashchange-only browsers will be redirected
+ to the hash-equivalent and vice versa so future transitions are consistent.
+ Keep in mind that since some of your users will use `HistoryLocation`, your
+ server must serve the Ember app at all the routes you define.
+ @class AutoLocation
+ @namespace Ember
+ @static
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = {
+ /**
+ @private
+ This property is used by router:main to know whether to cancel the routing
+ setup process, which is needed while we redirect the browser.
+ @since 1.5.1
+ @property cancelRouterSetup
+ @default false
+ */
+ cancelRouterSetup: false,
+ /**
+ @private
+ Will be pre-pended to path upon state change.
+ @since 1.5.1
+ @property rootURL
+ @default '/'
+ */
+ rootURL: '/',
+ /**
+ @private
+ Attached for mocking in tests
+ @since 1.5.1
+ @property _window
+ @default window
+ */
+ _window: window,
+ /**
+ @private
+ Attached for mocking in tests
+ @property location
+ @default window.location
+ */
+ _location: window.location,
+ /**
+ @private
+ Attached for mocking in tests
+ @since 1.5.1
+ @property _history
+ @default window.history
+ */
+ _history: window.history,
+ /**
+ @private
+ Attached for mocking in tests
+ @since 1.5.1
+ @property _HistoryLocation
+ @default Ember.HistoryLocation
+ */
+ _HistoryLocation: HistoryLocation,
+ /**
+ @private
+ Attached for mocking in tests
+ @since 1.5.1
+ @property _HashLocation
+ @default Ember.HashLocation
+ */
+ _HashLocation: HashLocation,
+ /**
+ @private
+ Attached for mocking in tests
+ @since 1.5.1
+ @property _NoneLocation
+ @default Ember.NoneLocation
+ */
+ _NoneLocation: NoneLocation,
+ /**
+ @private
+ Returns location.origin or builds it if device doesn't support it.
+ @method _getOrigin
+ */
+ _getOrigin: function () {
+ var location = this._location;
+ var origin = location.origin;
+ // Older browsers, especially IE, don't have origin
+ if (!origin) {
+ origin = location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname;
+ if (location.port) {
+ origin += ':' + location.port;
+ }
+ }
+ return origin;
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ We assume that if the history object has a pushState method, the host should
+ support HistoryLocation.
+ @method _getSupportsHistory
+ */
+ _getSupportsHistory: function () {
+ // Boosted from Modernizr:
+ // The stock browser on Android 2.2 & 2.3 returns positive on history support
+ // Unfortunately support is really buggy and there is no clean way to detect
+ // these bugs, so we fall back to a user agent sniff :(
+ var userAgent = this._window.navigator.userAgent;
+ // We only want Android 2, stock browser, and not Chrome which identifies
+ // itself as 'Mobile Safari' as well
+ if (userAgent.indexOf('Android 2') !== -1 &&
+ userAgent.indexOf('Mobile Safari') !== -1 &&
+ userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') === -1) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return !!(this._history && 'pushState' in this._history);
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ IE8 running in IE7 compatibility mode gives false positive, so we must also
+ check documentMode.
+ @method _getSupportsHashChange
+ */
+ _getSupportsHashChange: function () {
+ var _window = this._window;
+ var documentMode = _window.document.documentMode;
+ return ('onhashchange' in _window && (documentMode === undefined || documentMode > 7 ));
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ Redirects the browser using location.replace, prepending the locatin.origin
+ to prevent phishing attempts
+ @method _replacePath
+ */
+ _replacePath: function (path) {
+ this._location.replace(this._getOrigin() + path);
+ },
+ /**
+ @since 1.5.1
+ @private
+ @method _getRootURL
+ */
+ _getRootURL: function () {
+ return this.rootURL;
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ Returns the current `location.pathname`, normalized for IE inconsistencies.
+ @method _getPath
+ */
+ _getPath: function () {
+ var pathname = this._location.pathname;
+ // Various versions of IE/Opera don't always return a leading slash
+ if (pathname.charAt(0) !== '/') {
+ pathname = '/' + pathname;
+ }
+ return pathname;
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ Returns normalized location.hash as an alias to Ember.Location._getHash
+ @since 1.5.1
+ @method _getHash
+ */
+ _getHash: EmberLocation._getHash,
+ /**
+ @private
+ Returns
+ @since 1.5.1
+ @method _getQuery
+ */
+ _getQuery: function () {
+ return;
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ Returns the full pathname including query and hash
+ @method _getFullPath
+ */
+ _getFullPath: function () {
+ return this._getPath() + this._getQuery() + this._getHash();
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ Returns the current path as it should appear for HistoryLocation supported
+ browsers. This may very well differ from the real current path (e.g. if it
+ starts off as a hashed URL)
+ @method _getHistoryPath
+ */
+ _getHistoryPath: function () {
+ var rootURL = this._getRootURL();
+ var path = this._getPath();
+ var hash = this._getHash();
+ var query = this._getQuery();
+ var rootURLIndex = path.indexOf(rootURL);
+ var routeHash, hashParts;
+ Ember.assert('Path ' + path + ' does not start with the provided rootURL ' + rootURL, rootURLIndex === 0);
+ // By convention, Ember.js routes using HashLocation are required to start
+ // with `#/`. Anything else should NOT be considered a route and should
+ // be passed straight through, without transformation.
+ if (hash.substr(0, 2) === '#/') {
+ // There could be extra hash segments after the route
+ hashParts = hash.substr(1).split('#');
+ // The first one is always the route url
+ routeHash = hashParts.shift();
+ // If the path already has a trailing slash, remove the one
+ // from the hashed route so we don't double up.
+ if (path.slice(-1) === '/') {
+ routeHash = routeHash.substr(1);
+ }
+ // This is the "expected" final order
+ path += routeHash;
+ path += query;
+ if (hashParts.length) {
+ path += '#' + hashParts.join('#');
+ }
+ } else {
+ path += query;
+ path += hash;
+ }
+ return path;
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ Returns the current path as it should appear for HashLocation supported
+ browsers. This may very well differ from the real current path.
+ @method _getHashPath
+ */
+ _getHashPath: function () {
+ var rootURL = this._getRootURL();
+ var path = rootURL;
+ var historyPath = this._getHistoryPath();
+ var routePath = historyPath.substr(rootURL.length);
+ if (routePath !== '') {
+ if (routePath.charAt(0) !== '/') {
+ routePath = '/' + routePath;
+ }
+ path += '#' + routePath;
+ }
+ return path;
+ },
+ /**
+ Selects the best location option based off browser support and returns an
+ instance of that Location class.
+ @see Ember.AutoLocation
+ @method create
+ */
+ create: function (options) {
+ if (options && options.rootURL) {
+ Ember.assert('rootURL must end with a trailing forward slash e.g. "/app/"',
+ options.rootURL.charAt(options.rootURL.length-1) === '/');
+ this.rootURL = options.rootURL;
+ }
+ var historyPath, hashPath;
+ var cancelRouterSetup = false;
+ var implementationClass = this._NoneLocation;
+ var currentPath = this._getFullPath();
+ if (this._getSupportsHistory()) {
+ historyPath = this._getHistoryPath();
+ // Since we support history paths, let's be sure we're using them else
+ // switch the location over to it.
+ if (currentPath === historyPath) {
+ implementationClass = this._HistoryLocation;
+ } else {
+ if (currentPath.substr(0, 2) === '/#') {
+ this._history.replaceState({ path: historyPath }, null, historyPath);
+ implementationClass = this._HistoryLocation;
+ } else {
+ cancelRouterSetup = true;
+ this._replacePath(historyPath);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (this._getSupportsHashChange()) {
+ hashPath = this._getHashPath();
+ // Be sure we're using a hashed path, otherwise let's switch over it to so
+ // we start off clean and consistent. We'll count an index path with no
+ // hash as "good enough" as well.
+ if (currentPath === hashPath || (currentPath === '/' && hashPath === '/#/')) {
+ implementationClass = this._HashLocation;
+ } else {
+ // Our URL isn't in the expected hash-supported format, so we want to
+ // cancel the router setup and replace the URL to start off clean
+ cancelRouterSetup = true;
+ this._replacePath(hashPath);
+ }
+ }
+ var implementation = implementationClass.create.apply(implementationClass, arguments);
+ if (cancelRouterSetup) {
+ set(implementation, 'cancelRouterSetup', true);
+ }
+ return implementation;
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/utils","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-routing/location/api","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var set = __dependency3__.set;
+ var run = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var guidFor = __dependency5__.guidFor;
+ var EmberObject = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var EmberLocation = __dependency7__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ /**
+ `Ember.HashLocation` implements the location API using the browser's
+ hash. At present, it relies on a `hashchange` event existing in the
+ browser.
+ @class HashLocation
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberObject.extend({
+ implementation: 'hash',
+ init: function() {
+ set(this, 'location', get(this, '_location') || window.location);
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ Returns normalized location.hash
+ @since 1.5.1
+ @method getHash
+ */
+ getHash: EmberLocation._getHash,
+ /**
+ Returns the normalized URL, constructed from `location.hash`.
+ e.g. `#/foo` => `/foo` as well as `#/foo#bar` => `/foo#bar`.
+ By convention, hashed paths must begin with a forward slash, otherwise they
+ are not treated as a path so we can distinguish intent.
+ @private
+ @method getURL
+ */
+ getURL: function() {
+ var originalPath = this.getHash().substr(1);
+ var outPath = originalPath;
+ if (outPath.charAt(0) !== '/') {
+ outPath = '/';
+ // Only add the # if the path isn't empty.
+ // We do NOT want `/#` since the ampersand
+ // is only included (conventionally) when
+ // the location.hash has a value
+ if (originalPath) {
+ outPath += '#' + originalPath;
+ }
+ }
+ return outPath;
+ },
+ /**
+ Set the `location.hash` and remembers what was set. This prevents
+ `onUpdateURL` callbacks from triggering when the hash was set by
+ `HashLocation`.
+ @private
+ @method setURL
+ @param path {String}
+ */
+ setURL: function(path) {
+ get(this, 'location').hash = path;
+ set(this, 'lastSetURL', path);
+ },
+ /**
+ Uses location.replace to update the url without a page reload
+ or history modification.
+ @private
+ @method replaceURL
+ @param path {String}
+ */
+ replaceURL: function(path) {
+ get(this, 'location').replace('#' + path);
+ set(this, 'lastSetURL', path);
+ },
+ /**
+ Register a callback to be invoked when the hash changes. These
+ callbacks will execute when the user presses the back or forward
+ button, but not after `setURL` is invoked.
+ @private
+ @method onUpdateURL
+ @param callback {Function}
+ */
+ onUpdateURL: function(callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ var guid = guidFor(this);
+ Ember.$(window).on('hashchange.ember-location-'+guid, function() {
+ run(function() {
+ var path = self.getURL();
+ if (get(self, 'lastSetURL') === path) { return; }
+ set(self, 'lastSetURL', null);
+ callback(path);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ Given a URL, formats it to be placed into the page as part
+ of an element's `href` attribute.
+ This is used, for example, when using the {{action}} helper
+ to generate a URL based on an event.
+ @private
+ @method formatURL
+ @param url {String}
+ */
+ formatURL: function(url) {
+ return '#' + url;
+ },
+ /**
+ Cleans up the HashLocation event listener.
+ @private
+ @method willDestroy
+ */
+ willDestroy: function() {
+ var guid = guidFor(this);
+ Ember.$(window).off('hashchange.ember-location-'+guid);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/utils","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-routing/location/api","ember-views/system/jquery","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var set = __dependency2__.set;
+ var guidFor = __dependency3__.guidFor;
+ var EmberObject = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var EmberLocation = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var jQuery = __dependency6__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ var popstateFired = false;
+ var supportsHistoryState = window.history && 'state' in window.history;
+ /**
+ Ember.HistoryLocation implements the location API using the browser's
+ history.pushState API.
+ @class HistoryLocation
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberObject.extend({
+ implementation: 'history',
+ init: function() {
+ set(this, 'location', get(this, 'location') || window.location);
+ set(this, 'baseURL', jQuery('base').attr('href') || '');
+ },
+ /**
+ Used to set state on first call to setURL
+ @private
+ @method initState
+ */
+ initState: function() {
+ set(this, 'history', get(this, 'history') || window.history);
+ this.replaceState(this.formatURL(this.getURL()));
+ },
+ /**
+ Will be pre-pended to path upon state change
+ @property rootURL
+ @default '/'
+ */
+ rootURL: '/',
+ /**
+ Returns the current `location.pathname` without `rootURL` or `baseURL`
+ @private
+ @method getURL
+ @return url {String}
+ */
+ getURL: function() {
+ var rootURL = get(this, 'rootURL');
+ var location = get(this, 'location');
+ var path = location.pathname;
+ var baseURL = get(this, 'baseURL');
+ rootURL = rootURL.replace(/\/$/, '');
+ baseURL = baseURL.replace(/\/$/, '');
+ var url = path.replace(baseURL, '').replace(rootURL, '');
+ var search = || '';
+ url += search;
+ url += this.getHash();
+ return url;
+ },
+ /**
+ Uses `history.pushState` to update the url without a page reload.
+ @private
+ @method setURL
+ @param path {String}
+ */
+ setURL: function(path) {
+ var state = this.getState();
+ path = this.formatURL(path);
+ if (!state || state.path !== path) {
+ this.pushState(path);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Uses `history.replaceState` to update the url without a page reload
+ or history modification.
+ @private
+ @method replaceURL
+ @param path {String}
+ */
+ replaceURL: function(path) {
+ var state = this.getState();
+ path = this.formatURL(path);
+ if (!state || state.path !== path) {
+ this.replaceState(path);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Get the current `history.state`. Checks for if a polyfill is
+ required and if so fetches this._historyState. The state returned
+ from getState may be null if an iframe has changed a window's
+ history.
+ @private
+ @method getState
+ @return state {Object}
+ */
+ getState: function() {
+ return supportsHistoryState ? get(this, 'history').state : this._historyState;
+ },
+ /**
+ Pushes a new state.
+ @private
+ @method pushState
+ @param path {String}
+ */
+ pushState: function(path) {
+ var state = { path: path };
+ get(this, 'history').pushState(state, null, path);
+ // store state if browser doesn't support `history.state`
+ if (!supportsHistoryState) {
+ this._historyState = state;
+ }
+ // used for webkit workaround
+ this._previousURL = this.getURL();
+ },
+ /**
+ Replaces the current state.
+ @private
+ @method replaceState
+ @param path {String}
+ */
+ replaceState: function(path) {
+ var state = { path: path };
+ get(this, 'history').replaceState(state, null, path);
+ // store state if browser doesn't support `history.state`
+ if (!supportsHistoryState) {
+ this._historyState = state;
+ }
+ // used for webkit workaround
+ this._previousURL = this.getURL();
+ },
+ /**
+ Register a callback to be invoked whenever the browser
+ history changes, including using forward and back buttons.
+ @private
+ @method onUpdateURL
+ @param callback {Function}
+ */
+ onUpdateURL: function(callback) {
+ var guid = guidFor(this);
+ var self = this;
+ jQuery(window).on('popstate.ember-location-'+guid, function(e) {
+ // Ignore initial page load popstate event in Chrome
+ if (!popstateFired) {
+ popstateFired = true;
+ if (self.getURL() === self._previousURL) { return; }
+ }
+ callback(self.getURL());
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ Used when using `{{action}}` helper. The url is always appended to the rootURL.
+ @private
+ @method formatURL
+ @param url {String}
+ @return formatted url {String}
+ */
+ formatURL: function(url) {
+ var rootURL = get(this, 'rootURL');
+ var baseURL = get(this, 'baseURL');
+ if (url !== '') {
+ rootURL = rootURL.replace(/\/$/, '');
+ baseURL = baseURL.replace(/\/$/, '');
+ } else if(baseURL.match(/^\//) && rootURL.match(/^\//)) {
+ baseURL = baseURL.replace(/\/$/, '');
+ }
+ return baseURL + rootURL + url;
+ },
+ /**
+ Cleans up the HistoryLocation event listener.
+ @private
+ @method willDestroy
+ */
+ willDestroy: function() {
+ var guid = guidFor(this);
+ jQuery(window).off('popstate.ember-location-'+guid);
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ Returns normalized location.hash
+ @method getHash
+ */
+ getHash: EmberLocation._getHash
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-runtime/system/object","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var set = __dependency2__.set;
+ var EmberObject = __dependency3__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ /**
+ Ember.NoneLocation does not interact with the browser. It is useful for
+ testing, or when you need to manage state with your Router, but temporarily
+ don't want it to muck with the URL (for example when you embed your
+ application in a larger page).
+ @class NoneLocation
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberObject.extend({
+ implementation: 'none',
+ path: '',
+ /**
+ Returns the current path.
+ @private
+ @method getURL
+ @return {String} path
+ */
+ getURL: function() {
+ return get(this, 'path');
+ },
+ /**
+ Set the path and remembers what was set. Using this method
+ to change the path will not invoke the `updateURL` callback.
+ @private
+ @method setURL
+ @param path {String}
+ */
+ setURL: function(path) {
+ set(this, 'path', path);
+ },
+ /**
+ Register a callback to be invoked when the path changes. These
+ callbacks will execute when the user presses the back or forward
+ button, but not after `setURL` is invoked.
+ @private
+ @method onUpdateURL
+ @param callback {Function}
+ */
+ onUpdateURL: function(callback) {
+ this.updateCallback = callback;
+ },
+ /**
+ Sets the path and calls the `updateURL` callback.
+ @private
+ @method handleURL
+ @param callback {Function}
+ */
+ handleURL: function(url) {
+ set(this, 'path', url);
+ this.updateCallback(url);
+ },
+ /**
+ Given a URL, formats it to be placed into the page as part
+ of an element's `href` attribute.
+ This is used, for example, when using the {{action}} helper
+ to generate a URL based on an event.
+ @private
+ @method formatURL
+ @param url {String}
+ @return {String} url
+ */
+ formatURL: function(url) {
+ // The return value is not overly meaningful, but we do not want to throw
+ // errors when test code renders templates containing {{action href=true}}
+ // helpers.
+ return url;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-runtime/system/object","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var EmberObject = __dependency1__["default"];
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberObject.extend({
+ init: function() {
+ this.cache = {};
+ },
+ has: function(bucketKey) {
+ return bucketKey in this.cache;
+ },
+ stash: function(bucketKey, key, value) {
+ var bucket = this.cache[bucketKey];
+ if (!bucket) {
+ bucket = this.cache[bucketKey] = {};
+ }
+ bucket[key] = value;
+ },
+ lookup: function(bucketKey, prop, defaultValue) {
+ var cache = this.cache;
+ if (!(bucketKey in cache)) {
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+ var bucket = cache[bucketKey];
+ if (prop in bucket) {
+ return bucket[prop];
+ } else {
+ return defaultValue;
+ }
+ },
+ cache: null
+ });
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ /**
+ Finds a controller instance.
+ @for Ember
+ @method controllerFor
+ @private
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function controllerFor(container, controllerName, lookupOptions) {
+ return container.lookup('controller:' + controllerName, lookupOptions);
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // FEATURES, assert
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ function DSL(name) {
+ this.parent = name;
+ this.matches = [];
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = DSL;
+ DSL.prototype = {
+ route: function(name, options, callback) {
+ if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof options === 'function') {
+ callback = options;
+ options = {};
+ }
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ var type = options.resetNamespace === true ? 'resource' : 'route';
+ Ember.assert("'basic' cannot be used as a " + type + " name.", name !== 'basic');
+ if (callback) {
+ var fullName = getFullName(this, name, options.resetNamespace);
+ var dsl = new DSL(fullName);
+ createRoute(dsl, 'loading');
+ createRoute(dsl, 'error', { path: "/_unused_dummy_error_path_route_" + name + "/:error" });
+ createRoute(this, name, options, dsl.generate());
+ } else {
+ createRoute(this, name, options);
+ }
+ },
+ push: function(url, name, callback) {
+ var parts = name.split('.');
+ if (url === "" || url === "/" || parts[parts.length-1] === "index") { this.explicitIndex = true; }
+ this.matches.push([url, name, callback]);
+ },
+ resource: function(name, options, callback) {
+ if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof options === 'function') {
+ callback = options;
+ options = {};
+ }
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ options = {};
+ }
+ options.resetNamespace = true;
+ this.route(name, options, callback);
+ },
+ generate: function() {
+ var dslMatches = this.matches;
+ if (!this.explicitIndex) {
+ this.route("index", { path: "/" });
+ }
+ return function(match) {
+ for (var i=0, l=dslMatches.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var dslMatch = dslMatches[i];
+ match(dslMatch[0]).to(dslMatch[1], dslMatch[2]);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ function canNest(dsl) {
+ return dsl.parent && dsl.parent !== 'application';
+ }
+ function getFullName(dsl, name, resetNamespace) {
+ if (canNest(dsl) && resetNamespace !== true) {
+ return dsl.parent + "." + name;
+ } else {
+ return name;
+ }
+ }
+ function createRoute(dsl, name, options, callback) {
+ options = options || {};
+ var fullName = getFullName(dsl, name, options.resetNamespace);
+ if (typeof options.path !== 'string') {
+ options.path = "/" + name;
+ }
+ dsl.push(options.path, fullName, callback);
+ }
+ = function(callback) {
+ var dsl = new DSL();
+ return dsl;
+ };
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Logger
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var isArray = __dependency3__.isArray;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ /**
+ Generates a controller factory
+ The type of the generated controller factory is derived
+ from the context. If the context is an array an array controller
+ is generated, if an object, an object controller otherwise, a basic
+ controller is generated.
+ You can customize your generated controllers by defining
+ `App.ObjectController` or `App.ArrayController`.
+ @for Ember
+ @method generateControllerFactory
+ @private
+ */
+ function generateControllerFactory(container, controllerName, context) {
+ var Factory, fullName, factoryName, controllerType;
+ if (context && isArray(context)) {
+ controllerType = 'array';
+ } else if (context) {
+ controllerType = 'object';
+ } else {
+ controllerType = 'basic';
+ }
+ factoryName = 'controller:' + controllerType;
+ Factory = container.lookupFactory(factoryName).extend({
+ isGenerated: true,
+ toString: function() {
+ return "(generated " + controllerName + " controller)";
+ }
+ });
+ fullName = 'controller:' + controllerName;
+ container.register(fullName, Factory);
+ return Factory;
+ }
+ __exports__.generateControllerFactory = generateControllerFactory;/**
+ Generates and instantiates a controller.
+ The type of the generated controller factory is derived
+ from the context. If the context is an array an array controller
+ is generated, if an object, an object controller otherwise, a basic
+ controller is generated.
+ @for Ember
+ @method generateController
+ @private
+ @since 1.3.0
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function generateController(container, controllerName, context) {
+ generateControllerFactory(container, controllerName, context);
+ var fullName = 'controller:' + controllerName;
+ var instance = container.lookup(fullName);
+ if (get(instance, 'namespace.LOG_ACTIVE_GENERATION')) {
+"generated -> " + fullName, { fullName: fullName });
+ }
+ return instance;
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/get_properties","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/is_none","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/keys","ember-runtime/copy","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-runtime/mixins/evented","ember-runtime/mixins/action_handler","ember-routing/system/generate_controller","ember-routing/utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __dependency15__, __dependency16__, __dependency17__, __dependency18__, __dependency19__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // FEATURES, K, A, deprecate, assert, Logger
+ var EmberError = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency3__.get;
+ var set = __dependency4__.set;
+ var getProperties = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var forEach = __dependency6__.forEach;
+ var replace = __dependency6__.replace;
+ var isNone = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var computed = __dependency8__.computed;
+ var merge = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var isArray = __dependency10__.isArray;
+ var typeOf = __dependency10__.typeOf;
+ var run = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var keys = __dependency12__["default"];
+ var copy = __dependency13__["default"];
+ var classify = __dependency14__.classify;
+ var EmberObject = __dependency15__["default"];
+ var Evented = __dependency16__["default"];
+ var ActionHandler = __dependency17__["default"];
+ var generateController = __dependency18__["default"];
+ var stashParamNames = __dependency19__.stashParamNames;
+ var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ /**
+ The `Ember.Route` class is used to define individual routes. Refer to
+ the [routing guide]( for documentation.
+ @class Route
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ @uses Ember.ActionHandler
+ */
+ var Route = EmberObject.extend(ActionHandler, {
+ /**
+ Configuration hash for this route's queryParams. The possible
+ configuration options and their defaults are as follows
+ (assuming a query param whose URL key is `page`):
+ ```javascript
+ queryParams: {
+ page: {
+ // By default, controller query param properties don't
+ // cause a full transition when they are changed, but
+ // rather only cause the URL to update. Setting
+ // `refreshModel` to true will cause an "in-place"
+ // transition to occur, whereby the model hooks for
+ // this route (and any child routes) will re-fire, allowing
+ // you to reload models (e.g., from the server) using the
+ // updated query param values.
+ refreshModel: false,
+ // By default, changes to controller query param properties
+ // cause the URL to update via `pushState`, which means an
+ // item will be added to the browser's history, allowing
+ // you to use the back button to restore the app to the
+ // previous state before the query param property was changed.
+ // Setting `replace` to true will use `replaceState` (or its
+ // hash location equivalent), which causes no browser history
+ // item to be added. This options name and default value are
+ // the same as the `link-to` helper's `replace` option.
+ replace: false
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ @property queryParams
+ @for Ember.Route
+ @type Hash
+ */
+ queryParams: {},
+ /**
+ @private
+ @property _qp
+ */
+ _qp: computed(function() {
+ var controllerName = this.controllerName || this.routeName;
+ var controllerClass = this.container.lookupFactory('controller:' + controllerName);
+ if (!controllerClass) {
+ return defaultQPMeta;
+ }
+ var controllerProto = controllerClass.proto();
+ var qpProps = get(controllerProto, '_normalizedQueryParams');
+ var cacheMeta = get(controllerProto, '_cacheMeta');
+ var qps = [], map = {}, self = this;
+ for (var propName in qpProps) {
+ if (!qpProps.hasOwnProperty(propName)) { continue; }
+ var desc = qpProps[propName];
+ var urlKey = || this.serializeQueryParamKey(propName);
+ var defaultValue = get(controllerProto, propName);
+ if (isArray(defaultValue)) {
+ defaultValue = Ember.A(defaultValue.slice());
+ }
+ var type = typeOf(defaultValue);
+ var defaultValueSerialized = this.serializeQueryParam(defaultValue, urlKey, type);
+ var fprop = controllerName + ':' + propName;
+ var qp = {
+ def: defaultValue,
+ sdef: defaultValueSerialized,
+ type: type,
+ urlKey: urlKey,
+ prop: propName,
+ fprop: fprop,
+ ctrl: controllerName,
+ cProto: controllerProto,
+ svalue: defaultValueSerialized,
+ cacheType: desc.scope,
+ route: this,
+ cacheMeta: cacheMeta[propName]
+ };
+ map[propName] = map[urlKey] = map[fprop] = qp;
+ qps.push(qp);
+ }
+ return {
+ qps: qps,
+ map: map,
+ states: {
+ active: function(controller, prop) {
+ return self._activeQPChanged(controller, map[prop]);
+ },
+ allowOverrides: function(controller, prop) {
+ return self._updatingQPChanged(controller, map[prop]);
+ },
+ changingKeys: function(controller, prop) {
+ return self._updateSerializedQPValue(controller, map[prop]);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }),
+ /**
+ @private
+ @property _names
+ */
+ _names: null,
+ /**
+ @private
+ @method _stashNames
+ */
+ _stashNames: function(_handlerInfo, dynamicParent) {
+ var handlerInfo = _handlerInfo;
+ if (this._names) { return; }
+ var names = this._names = handlerInfo._names;
+ if (!names.length) {
+ handlerInfo = dynamicParent;
+ names = handlerInfo && handlerInfo._names || [];
+ }
+ var qps = get(this, '_qp.qps');
+ var len = qps.length;
+ var namePaths = new Array(names.length);
+ for (var a = 0, nlen = names.length; a < nlen; ++a) {
+ namePaths[a] = + '.' + names[a];
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ var qp = qps[i];
+ var cacheMeta = qp.cacheMeta;
+ if (cacheMeta.scope === 'model') {
+ = namePaths;
+ }
+ cacheMeta.prefix = qp.ctrl;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ @property _updateSerializedQPValue
+ */
+ _updateSerializedQPValue: function(controller, qp) {
+ var value = get(controller, qp.prop);
+ qp.svalue = this.serializeQueryParam(value, qp.urlKey, qp.type);
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ @property _activeQPChanged
+ */
+ _activeQPChanged: function(controller, qp) {
+ var value = get(controller, qp.prop);
+ this.router._queuedQPChanges[qp.fprop] = value;
+ run.once(this, this._fireQueryParamTransition);
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ @method _updatingQPChanged
+ */
+ _updatingQPChanged: function(controller, qp) {
+ var router = this.router;
+ if (!router._qpUpdates) {
+ router._qpUpdates = {};
+ }
+ router._qpUpdates[qp.urlKey] = true;
+ },
+ mergedProperties: ['events', 'queryParams'],
+ /**
+ Retrieves parameters, for current route using the state.params
+ variable and getQueryParamsFor, using the supplied routeName.
+ @method paramsFor
+ @param {String} routename
+ */
+ paramsFor: function(name) {
+ var route = this.container.lookup('route:' + name);
+ if (!route) {
+ return {};
+ }
+ var transition = this.router.router.activeTransition;
+ var state = transition ? transition.state : this.router.router.state;
+ var params = {};
+ merge(params, state.params[name]);
+ merge(params, getQueryParamsFor(route, state));
+ return params;
+ },
+ /**
+ Serializes the query parameter key
+ @method serializeQueryParamKey
+ @param {String} controllerPropertyName
+ */
+ serializeQueryParamKey: function(controllerPropertyName) {
+ return controllerPropertyName;
+ },
+ /**
+ Serializes value of the query parameter based on defaultValueType
+ @method serializeQueryParam
+ @param {Object} value
+ @param {String} urlKey
+ @param {String} defaultValueType
+ */
+ serializeQueryParam: function(value, urlKey, defaultValueType) {
+ // urlKey isn't used here, but anyone overriding
+ // can use it to provide serialization specific
+ // to a certain query param.
+ if (defaultValueType === 'array') {
+ return JSON.stringify(value);
+ }
+ return '' + value;
+ },
+ /**
+ Deserializes value of the query parameter based on defaultValueType
+ @method deserializeQueryParam
+ @param {Object} value
+ @param {String} urlKey
+ @param {String} defaultValueType
+ */
+ deserializeQueryParam: function(value, urlKey, defaultValueType) {
+ // urlKey isn't used here, but anyone overriding
+ // can use it to provide deserialization specific
+ // to a certain query param.
+ // Use the defaultValueType of the default value (the initial value assigned to a
+ // controller query param property), to intelligently deserialize and cast.
+ if (defaultValueType === 'boolean') {
+ return (value === 'true') ? true : false;
+ } else if (defaultValueType === 'number') {
+ return (Number(value)).valueOf();
+ } else if (defaultValueType === 'array') {
+ return Ember.A(JSON.parse(value));
+ }
+ return value;
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ @property _fireQueryParamTransition
+ */
+ _fireQueryParamTransition: function() {
+ this.transitionTo({ queryParams: this.router._queuedQPChanges });
+ this.router._queuedQPChanges = {};
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ @property _optionsForQueryParam
+ */
+ _optionsForQueryParam: function(qp) {
+ return get(this, 'queryParams.' + qp.urlKey) || get(this, 'queryParams.' + qp.prop) || {};
+ },
+ /**
+ A hook you can use to reset controller values either when the model
+ changes or the route is exiting.
+ ```javascript
+ App.ArticlesRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ // ...
+ resetController: function (controller, isExiting, transition) {
+ if (isExiting) {
+ controller.set('page', 1);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method resetController
+ @param {Controller} controller instance
+ @param {Boolean} isExiting
+ @param {Object} transition
+ @since 1.7.0
+ */
+ resetController: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ @private
+ @method exit
+ */
+ exit: function() {
+ this.deactivate();
+ this.trigger('deactivate');
+ this.teardownViews();
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ @method _reset
+ @since 1.7.0
+ */
+ _reset: function(isExiting, transition) {
+ var controller = this.controller;
+ controller._qpDelegate = get(this, '_qp.states.inactive');
+ this.resetController(controller, isExiting, transition);
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ @method enter
+ */
+ enter: function() {
+ this.activate();
+ this.trigger('activate');
+ },
+ /**
+ The name of the view to use by default when rendering this routes template.
+ When rendering a template, the route will, by default, determine the
+ template and view to use from the name of the route itself. If you need to
+ define a specific view, set this property.
+ This is useful when multiple routes would benefit from using the same view
+ because it doesn't require a custom `renderTemplate` method. For example,
+ the following routes will all render using the `App.PostsListView` view:
+ ```javascript
+ var PostsList = Ember.Route.extend({
+ viewName: 'postsList'
+ });
+ App.PostsIndexRoute = PostsList.extend();
+ App.PostsArchivedRoute = PostsList.extend();
+ ```
+ @property viewName
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ viewName: null,
+ /**
+ The name of the template to use by default when rendering this routes
+ template.
+ This is similar with `viewName`, but is useful when you just want a custom
+ template without a view.
+ ```javascript
+ var PostsList = Ember.Route.extend({
+ templateName: 'posts/list'
+ });
+ App.PostsIndexRoute = PostsList.extend();
+ App.PostsArchivedRoute = PostsList.extend();
+ ```
+ @property templateName
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ templateName: null,
+ /**
+ The name of the controller to associate with this route.
+ By default, Ember will lookup a route's controller that matches the name
+ of the route (i.e. `App.PostController` for `App.PostRoute`). However,
+ if you would like to define a specific controller to use, you can do so
+ using this property.
+ This is useful in many ways, as the controller specified will be:
+ * passed to the `setupController` method.
+ * used as the controller for the view being rendered by the route.
+ * returned from a call to `controllerFor` for the route.
+ @property controllerName
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ controllerName: null,
+ /**
+ The `willTransition` action is fired at the beginning of any
+ attempted transition with a `Transition` object as the sole
+ argument. This action can be used for aborting, redirecting,
+ or decorating the transition from the currently active routes.
+ A good example is preventing navigation when a form is
+ half-filled out:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ContactFormRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ willTransition: function(transition) {
+ if (this.controller.get('userHasEnteredData')) {
+ this.controller.displayNavigationConfirm();
+ transition.abort();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ You can also redirect elsewhere by calling
+ `this.transitionTo('elsewhere')` from within `willTransition`.
+ Note that `willTransition` will not be fired for the
+ redirecting `transitionTo`, since `willTransition` doesn't
+ fire when there is already a transition underway. If you want
+ subsequent `willTransition` actions to fire for the redirecting
+ transition, you must first explicitly call
+ `transition.abort()`.
+ @event willTransition
+ @param {Transition} transition
+ */
+ /**
+ The `didTransition` action is fired after a transition has
+ successfully been completed. This occurs after the normal model
+ hooks (`beforeModel`, `model`, `afterModel`, `setupController`)
+ have resolved. The `didTransition` action has no arguments,
+ however, it can be useful for tracking page views or resetting
+ state on the controller.
+ ```javascript
+ App.LoginRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ didTransition: function() {
+ this.controller.get('errors.base').clear();
+ return true; // Bubble the didTransition event
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @event didTransition
+ @since 1.2.0
+ */
+ /**
+ The `loading` action is fired on the route when a route's `model`
+ hook returns a promise that is not already resolved. The current
+ `Transition` object is the first parameter and the route that
+ triggered the loading event is the second parameter.
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ loading: function(transition, route) {
+ var view = Ember.View.create({
+ classNames: ['app-loading']
+ })
+ .append();
+'didTransition', function() {
+ view.destroy();
+ });
+ return true; // Bubble the loading event
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @event loading
+ @param {Transition} transition
+ @param {Ember.Route} route The route that triggered the loading event
+ @since 1.2.0
+ */
+ /**
+ When attempting to transition into a route, any of the hooks
+ may return a promise that rejects, at which point an `error`
+ action will be fired on the partially-entered routes, allowing
+ for per-route error handling logic, or shared error handling
+ logic defined on a parent route.
+ Here is an example of an error handler that will be invoked
+ for rejected promises from the various hooks on the route,
+ as well as any unhandled errors from child routes:
+ ```javascript
+ App.AdminRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ beforeModel: function() {
+ return Ember.RSVP.reject('bad things!');
+ },
+ actions: {
+ error: function(error, transition) {
+ // Assuming we got here due to the error in `beforeModel`,
+ // we can expect that error === "bad things!",
+ // but a promise model rejecting would also
+ // call this hook, as would any errors encountered
+ // in `afterModel`.
+ // The `error` hook is also provided the failed
+ // `transition`, which can be stored and later
+ // `.retry()`d if desired.
+ this.transitionTo('login');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ `error` actions that bubble up all the way to `ApplicationRoute`
+ will fire a default error handler that logs the error. You can
+ specify your own global default error handler by overriding the
+ `error` handler on `ApplicationRoute`:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ error: function(error, transition) {
+ this.controllerFor('banner').displayError(error.message);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @event error
+ @param {Error} error
+ @param {Transition} transition
+ */
+ /**
+ The controller associated with this route.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ App.FormRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ willTransition: function(transition) {
+ if (this.controller.get('userHasEnteredData') &&
+ !confirm('Are you sure you want to abandon progress?')) {
+ transition.abort();
+ } else {
+ // Bubble the `willTransition` action so that
+ // parent routes can decide whether or not to abort.
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @property controller
+ @type Ember.Controller
+ @since 1.6.0
+ */
+ _actions: {
+ queryParamsDidChange: function(changed, totalPresent, removed) {
+ var qpMap = this.get('_qp').map;
+ var totalChanged = keys(changed).concat(keys(removed));
+ for (var i = 0, len = totalChanged.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var qp = qpMap[totalChanged[i]];
+ if (qp && get(this._optionsForQueryParam(qp), 'refreshModel')) {
+ this.refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ finalizeQueryParamChange: function(params, finalParams, transition) {
+ if (this.routeName !== 'application') { return true; }
+ // Transition object is absent for intermediate transitions.
+ if (!transition) { return; }
+ var handlerInfos = transition.state.handlerInfos;
+ var router = this.router;
+ var qpMeta = router._queryParamsFor(handlerInfos[handlerInfos.length-1].name);
+ var changes = router._qpUpdates;
+ var replaceUrl;
+ stashParamNames(router, handlerInfos);
+ for (var i = 0, len = qpMeta.qps.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var qp = qpMeta.qps[i];
+ var route = qp.route;
+ var controller = route.controller;
+ var presentKey = qp.urlKey in params && qp.urlKey;
+ // Do a reverse lookup to see if the changed query
+ // param URL key corresponds to a QP property on
+ // this controller.
+ var value, svalue;
+ if (changes && qp.urlKey in changes) {
+ // Value updated in/before setupController
+ value = get(controller, qp.prop);
+ svalue = route.serializeQueryParam(value, qp.urlKey, qp.type);
+ } else {
+ if (presentKey) {
+ svalue = params[presentKey];
+ value = route.deserializeQueryParam(svalue, qp.urlKey, qp.type);
+ } else {
+ // No QP provided; use default value.
+ svalue = qp.sdef;
+ value = copyDefaultValue(qp.def);
+ }
+ }
+ controller._qpDelegate = get(this, '_qp.states.inactive');
+ var thisQueryParamChanged = (svalue !== qp.svalue);
+ if (thisQueryParamChanged) {
+ if (transition.queryParamsOnly && replaceUrl !== false) {
+ var options = route._optionsForQueryParam(qp);
+ var replaceConfigValue = get(options, 'replace');
+ if (replaceConfigValue) {
+ replaceUrl = true;
+ } else if (replaceConfigValue === false) {
+ // Explicit pushState wins over any other replaceStates.
+ replaceUrl = false;
+ }
+ }
+ set(controller, qp.prop, value);
+ }
+ // Stash current serialized value of controller.
+ qp.svalue = svalue;
+ var thisQueryParamHasDefaultValue = (qp.sdef === svalue);
+ if (!thisQueryParamHasDefaultValue) {
+ finalParams.push({
+ value: svalue,
+ visible: true,
+ key: presentKey || qp.urlKey
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (replaceUrl) {
+ transition.method('replace');
+ }
+ forEach(qpMeta.qps, function(qp) {
+ var routeQpMeta = get(qp.route, '_qp');
+ var finalizedController = qp.route.controller;
+ finalizedController._qpDelegate = get(routeQpMeta, '');
+ });
+ router._qpUpdates = null;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ @deprecated
+ Please use `actions` instead.
+ @method events
+ */
+ events: null,
+ /**
+ This hook is executed when the router completely exits this route. It is
+ not executed when the model for the route changes.
+ @method deactivate
+ */
+ deactivate: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ This hook is executed when the router enters the route. It is not executed
+ when the model for the route changes.
+ @method activate
+ */
+ activate: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ Transition the application into another route. The route may
+ be either a single route or route path:
+ ```javascript
+ this.transitionTo('blogPosts');
+ this.transitionTo('blogPosts.recentEntries');
+ ```
+ Optionally supply a model for the route in question. The model
+ will be serialized into the URL using the `serialize` hook of
+ the route:
+ ```javascript
+ this.transitionTo('blogPost', aPost);
+ ```
+ If a literal is passed (such as a number or a string), it will
+ be treated as an identifier instead. In this case, the `model`
+ hook of the route will be triggered:
+ ```javascript
+ this.transitionTo('blogPost', 1);
+ ```
+ Multiple models will be applied last to first recursively up the
+ resource tree.
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource('blogPost', { path:':blogPostId' }, function() {
+ this.resource('blogComment', { path: ':blogCommentId' });
+ });
+ });
+ this.transitionTo('blogComment', aPost, aComment);
+ this.transitionTo('blogComment', 1, 13);
+ ```
+ It is also possible to pass a URL (a string that starts with a
+ `/`). This is intended for testing and debugging purposes and
+ should rarely be used in production code.
+ ```javascript
+ this.transitionTo('/');
+ this.transitionTo('/blog/post/1/comment/13');
+ ```
+ See also 'replaceWith'.
+ Simple Transition Example
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.route('index');
+ this.route('secret');
+ this.route('fourOhFour', { path: '*:' });
+ });
+ App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ moveToSecret: function(context) {
+ if (authorized()) {
+ this.transitionTo('secret', context);
+ } else {
+ this.transitionTo('fourOhFour');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ Transition to a nested route
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource('articles', { path: '/articles' }, function() {
+ this.route('new');
+ });
+ });
+ App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ transitionToNewArticle: function() {
+ this.transitionTo('');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ Multiple Models Example
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.route('index');
+ this.resource('breakfast', { path: ':breakfastId' }, function() {
+ this.resource('cereal', { path: ':cerealId' });
+ });
+ });
+ App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ moveToChocolateCereal: function() {
+ var cereal = { cerealId: 'ChocolateYumminess' };
+ var breakfast = { breakfastId: 'CerealAndMilk' };
+ this.transitionTo('cereal', breakfast, cereal);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method transitionTo
+ @param {String} name the name of the route or a URL
+ @param {...Object} models the model(s) or identifier(s) to be used while
+ transitioning to the route.
+ @return {Transition} the transition object associated with this
+ attempted transition
+ */
+ transitionTo: function(name, context) {
+ var router = this.router;
+ return router.transitionTo.apply(router, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ Perform a synchronous transition into another route without attempting
+ to resolve promises, update the URL, or abort any currently active
+ asynchronous transitions (i.e. regular transitions caused by
+ `transitionTo` or URL changes).
+ This method is handy for performing intermediate transitions on the
+ way to a final destination route, and is called internally by the
+ default implementations of the `error` and `loading` handlers.
+ @method intermediateTransitionTo
+ @param {String} name the name of the route
+ @param {...Object} models the model(s) to be used while transitioning
+ to the route.
+ @since 1.2.0
+ */
+ intermediateTransitionTo: function() {
+ var router = this.router;
+ router.intermediateTransitionTo.apply(router, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ Refresh the model on this route and any child routes, firing the
+ `beforeModel`, `model`, and `afterModel` hooks in a similar fashion
+ to how routes are entered when transitioning in from other route.
+ The current route params (e.g. `article_id`) will be passed in
+ to the respective model hooks, and if a different model is returned,
+ `setupController` and associated route hooks will re-fire as well.
+ An example usage of this method is re-querying the server for the
+ latest information using the same parameters as when the route
+ was first entered.
+ Note that this will cause `model` hooks to fire even on routes
+ that were provided a model object when the route was initially
+ entered.
+ @method refresh
+ @return {Transition} the transition object associated with this
+ attempted transition
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ refresh: function() {
+ return this.router.router.refresh(this);
+ },
+ /**
+ Transition into another route while replacing the current URL, if possible.
+ This will replace the current history entry instead of adding a new one.
+ Beside that, it is identical to `transitionTo` in all other respects. See
+ 'transitionTo' for additional information regarding multiple models.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.route('index');
+ this.route('secret');
+ });
+ App.SecretRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ afterModel: function() {
+ if (!authorized()){
+ this.replaceWith('index');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method replaceWith
+ @param {String} name the name of the route or a URL
+ @param {...Object} models the model(s) or identifier(s) to be used while
+ transitioning to the route.
+ @return {Transition} the transition object associated with this
+ attempted transition
+ */
+ replaceWith: function() {
+ var router = this.router;
+ return router.replaceWith.apply(router, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ Sends an action to the router, which will delegate it to the currently
+ active route hierarchy per the bubbling rules explained under `actions`.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.route("index");
+ });
+ App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ track: function(arg) {
+ console.log(arg, 'was clicked');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ trackIfDebug: function(arg) {
+ if (debug) {
+ this.send('track', arg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method send
+ @param {String} name the name of the action to trigger
+ @param {...*} args
+ */
+ send: function() {
+ if (this.router || !Ember.testing) {
+ this.router.send.apply(this.router, arguments);
+ } else {
+ var name = arguments[0];
+ var args =, 1);
+ var action = this._actions[name];
+ if (action) {
+ return this._actions[name].apply(this, args);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ This hook is the entry point for router.js
+ @private
+ @method setup
+ */
+ setup: function(context, transition) {
+ var controllerName = this.controllerName || this.routeName;
+ var controller = this.controllerFor(controllerName, true);
+ if (!controller) {
+ controller = this.generateController(controllerName, context);
+ }
+ // Assign the route's controller so that it can more easily be
+ // referenced in action handlers
+ this.controller = controller;
+ if (this.setupControllers) {
+ Ember.deprecate("Ember.Route.setupControllers is deprecated. Please use Ember.Route.setupController(controller, model) instead.");
+ this.setupControllers(controller, context);
+ } else {
+ var states = get(this, '_qp.states');
+ if (transition) {
+ // Update the model dep values used to calculate cache keys.
+ stashParamNames(this.router, transition.state.handlerInfos);
+ controller._qpDelegate = states.changingKeys;
+ controller._updateCacheParams(transition.params);
+ }
+ controller._qpDelegate = states.allowOverrides;
+ if (transition) {
+ var qpValues = getQueryParamsFor(this, transition.state);
+ controller.setProperties(qpValues);
+ }
+ this.setupController(controller, context, transition);
+ }
+ if (this.renderTemplates) {
+ Ember.deprecate("Ember.Route.renderTemplates is deprecated. Please use Ember.Route.renderTemplate(controller, model) instead.");
+ this.renderTemplates(context);
+ } else {
+ this.renderTemplate(controller, context);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ This hook is the first of the route entry validation hooks
+ called when an attempt is made to transition into a route
+ or one of its children. It is called before `model` and
+ `afterModel`, and is appropriate for cases when:
+ 1) A decision can be made to redirect elsewhere without
+ needing to resolve the model first.
+ 2) Any async operations need to occur first before the
+ model is attempted to be resolved.
+ This hook is provided the current `transition` attempt
+ as a parameter, which can be used to `.abort()` the transition,
+ save it for a later `.retry()`, or retrieve values set
+ on it from a previous hook. You can also just call
+ `this.transitionTo` to another route to implicitly
+ abort the `transition`.
+ You can return a promise from this hook to pause the
+ transition until the promise resolves (or rejects). This could
+ be useful, for instance, for retrieving async code from
+ the server that is required to enter a route.
+ ```javascript
+ App.PostRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ beforeModel: function(transition) {
+ if (!App.Post) {
+ return Ember.$.getScript('/models/post.js');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ If `App.Post` doesn't exist in the above example,
+ `beforeModel` will use jQuery's `getScript`, which
+ returns a promise that resolves after the server has
+ successfully retrieved and executed the code from the
+ server. Note that if an error were to occur, it would
+ be passed to the `error` hook on `Ember.Route`, but
+ it's also possible to handle errors specific to
+ `beforeModel` right from within the hook (to distinguish
+ from the shared error handling behavior of the `error`
+ hook):
+ ```javascript
+ App.PostRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ beforeModel: function(transition) {
+ if (!App.Post) {
+ var self = this;
+ return Ember.$.getScript('post.js').then(null, function(e) {
+ self.transitionTo('help');
+ // Note that the above transitionTo will implicitly
+ // halt the transition. If you were to return
+ // nothing from this promise reject handler,
+ // according to promise semantics, that would
+ // convert the reject into a resolve and the
+ // transition would continue. To propagate the
+ // error so that it'd be handled by the `error`
+ // hook, you would have to either
+ return Ember.RSVP.reject(e);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method beforeModel
+ @param {Transition} transition
+ @param {Object} queryParams the active query params for this route
+ @return {Promise} if the value returned from this hook is
+ a promise, the transition will pause until the transition
+ resolves. Otherwise, non-promise return values are not
+ utilized in any way.
+ */
+ beforeModel: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ This hook is called after this route's model has resolved.
+ It follows identical async/promise semantics to `beforeModel`
+ but is provided the route's resolved model in addition to
+ the `transition`, and is therefore suited to performing
+ logic that can only take place after the model has already
+ resolved.
+ ```javascript
+ App.PostsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ afterModel: function(posts, transition) {
+ if (posts.get('length') === 1) {
+ this.transitionTo('', posts.get('firstObject'));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ Refer to documentation for `beforeModel` for a description
+ of transition-pausing semantics when a promise is returned
+ from this hook.
+ @method afterModel
+ @param {Object} resolvedModel the value returned from `model`,
+ or its resolved value if it was a promise
+ @param {Transition} transition
+ @param {Object} queryParams the active query params for this handler
+ @return {Promise} if the value returned from this hook is
+ a promise, the transition will pause until the transition
+ resolves. Otherwise, non-promise return values are not
+ utilized in any way.
+ */
+ afterModel: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ A hook you can implement to optionally redirect to another route.
+ If you call `this.transitionTo` from inside of this hook, this route
+ will not be entered in favor of the other hook.
+ `redirect` and `afterModel` behave very similarly and are
+ called almost at the same time, but they have an important
+ distinction in the case that, from one of these hooks, a
+ redirect into a child route of this route occurs: redirects
+ from `afterModel` essentially invalidate the current attempt
+ to enter this route, and will result in this route's `beforeModel`,
+ `model`, and `afterModel` hooks being fired again within
+ the new, redirecting transition. Redirects that occur within
+ the `redirect` hook, on the other hand, will _not_ cause
+ these hooks to be fired again the second time around; in
+ other words, by the time the `redirect` hook has been called,
+ both the resolved model and attempted entry into this route
+ are considered to be fully validated.
+ @method redirect
+ @param {Object} model the model for this route
+ @param {Transition} transition the transition object associated with the current transition
+ */
+ redirect: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ Called when the context is changed by router.js.
+ @private
+ @method contextDidChange
+ */
+ contextDidChange: function() {
+ this.currentModel = this.context;
+ },
+ /**
+ A hook you can implement to convert the URL into the model for
+ this route.
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource('post', { path: '/posts/:post_id' });
+ });
+ ```
+ The model for the `post` route is `store.find('post', params.post_id)`.
+ By default, if your route has a dynamic segment ending in `_id`:
+ * The model class is determined from the segment (`post_id`'s
+ class is `App.Post`)
+ * The find method is called on the model class with the value of
+ the dynamic segment.
+ Note that for routes with dynamic segments, this hook is not always
+ executed. If the route is entered through a transition (e.g. when
+ using the `link-to` Handlebars helper or the `transitionTo` method
+ of routes), and a model context is already provided this hook
+ is not called.
+ A model context does not include a primitive string or number,
+ which does cause the model hook to be called.
+ Routes without dynamic segments will always execute the model hook.
+ ```javascript
+ // no dynamic segment, model hook always called
+ this.transitionTo('posts');
+ // model passed in, so model hook not called
+ thePost = store.find('post', 1);
+ this.transitionTo('post', thePost);
+ // integer passed in, model hook is called
+ this.transitionTo('post', 1);
+ ```
+ This hook follows the asynchronous/promise semantics
+ described in the documentation for `beforeModel`. In particular,
+ if a promise returned from `model` fails, the error will be
+ handled by the `error` hook on `Ember.Route`.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ App.PostRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ model: function(params) {
+ return'post', params.post_id);
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method model
+ @param {Object} params the parameters extracted from the URL
+ @param {Transition} transition
+ @param {Object} queryParams the query params for this route
+ @return {Object|Promise} the model for this route. If
+ a promise is returned, the transition will pause until
+ the promise resolves, and the resolved value of the promise
+ will be used as the model for this route.
+ */
+ model: function(params, transition) {
+ var match, name, sawParams, value;
+ var queryParams = get(this, '');
+ for (var prop in params) {
+ if (prop === 'queryParams' || (queryParams && prop in queryParams)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (match = prop.match(/^(.*)_id$/)) {
+ name = match[1];
+ value = params[prop];
+ }
+ sawParams = true;
+ }
+ if (!name && sawParams) { return copy(params); }
+ else if (!name) {
+ if (transition.resolveIndex < 1) { return; }
+ var parentModel = transition.state.handlerInfos[transition.resolveIndex-1].context;
+ return parentModel;
+ }
+ return this.findModel(name, value);
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ @method deserialize
+ @param {Object} params the parameters extracted from the URL
+ @param {Transition} transition
+ @return {Object|Promise} the model for this route.
+ Router.js hook.
+ */
+ deserialize: function(params, transition) {
+ return this.model(this.paramsFor(this.routeName), transition);
+ },
+ /**
+ @method findModel
+ @param {String} type the model type
+ @param {Object} value the value passed to find
+ */
+ findModel: function(){
+ var store = get(this, 'store');
+ return store.find.apply(store, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ Store property provides a hook for data persistence libraries to inject themselves.
+ By default, this store property provides the exact same functionality previously
+ in the model hook.
+ Currently, the required interface is:
+ `store.find(modelName, findArguments)`
+ @method store
+ @param {Object} store
+ */
+ store: computed(function(){
+ var container = this.container;
+ var routeName = this.routeName;
+ var namespace = get(this, 'router.namespace');
+ return {
+ find: function(name, value) {
+ var modelClass = container.lookupFactory('model:' + name);
+ Ember.assert("You used the dynamic segment " + name + "_id in your route " +
+ routeName + ", but " + namespace + "." + classify(name) +
+ " did not exist and you did not override your route's `model` " +
+ "hook.", modelClass);
+ if (!modelClass) { return; }
+ Ember.assert(classify(name) + ' has no method `find`.', typeof modelClass.find === 'function');
+ return modelClass.find(value);
+ }
+ };
+ }),
+ /**
+ A hook you can implement to convert the route's model into parameters
+ for the URL.
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource('post', { path: '/posts/:post_id' });
+ });
+ App.PostRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ model: function(params) {
+ // the server returns `{ id: 12 }`
+ return Ember.$.getJSON('/posts/' + params.post_id);
+ },
+ serialize: function(model) {
+ // this will make the URL `/posts/12`
+ return { post_id: };
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ The default `serialize` method will insert the model's `id` into the
+ route's dynamic segment (in this case, `:post_id`) if the segment contains '_id'.
+ If the route has multiple dynamic segments or does not contain '_id', `serialize`
+ will return `Ember.getProperties(model, params)`
+ This method is called when `transitionTo` is called with a context
+ in order to populate the URL.
+ @method serialize
+ @param {Object} model the route's model
+ @param {Array} params an Array of parameter names for the current
+ route (in the example, `['post_id']`.
+ @return {Object} the serialized parameters
+ */
+ serialize: function(model, params) {
+ if (params.length < 1) { return; }
+ if (!model) { return; }
+ var name = params[0], object = {};
+ if (/_id$/.test(name) && params.length === 1) {
+ object[name] = get(model, "id");
+ } else {
+ object = getProperties(model, params);
+ }
+ return object;
+ },
+ /**
+ A hook you can use to setup the controller for the current route.
+ This method is called with the controller for the current route and the
+ model supplied by the `model` hook.
+ By default, the `setupController` hook sets the `model` property of
+ the controller to the `model`.
+ If you implement the `setupController` hook in your Route, it will
+ prevent this default behavior. If you want to preserve that behavior
+ when implementing your `setupController` function, make sure to call
+ `_super`:
+ ```javascript
+ App.PhotosRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ model: function() {
+ return'photo');
+ },
+ setupController: function (controller, model) {
+ // Call _super for default behavior
+ this._super(controller, model);
+ // Implement your custom setup after
+ this.controllerFor('application').set('showingPhotos', true);
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ This means that your template will get a proxy for the model as its
+ context, and you can act as though the model itself was the context.
+ The provided controller will be one resolved based on the name
+ of this route.
+ If no explicit controller is defined, Ember will automatically create
+ an appropriate controller for the model.
+ * if the model is an `Ember.Array` (including record arrays from Ember
+ Data), the controller is an `Ember.ArrayController`.
+ * otherwise, the controller is an `Ember.ObjectController`.
+ As an example, consider the router:
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource('post', { path: '/posts/:post_id' });
+ });
+ ```
+ For the `post` route, a controller named `App.PostController` would
+ be used if it is defined. If it is not defined, an `Ember.ObjectController`
+ instance would be used.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ App.PostRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ setupController: function(controller, model) {
+ controller.set('model', model);
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method setupController
+ @param {Controller} controller instance
+ @param {Object} model
+ */
+ setupController: function(controller, context, transition) {
+ if (controller && (context !== undefined)) {
+ set(controller, 'model', context);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns the controller for a particular route or name.
+ The controller instance must already have been created, either through entering the
+ associated route or using `generateController`.
+ ```javascript
+ App.PostRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ setupController: function(controller, post) {
+ this._super(controller, post);
+ this.controllerFor('posts').set('currentPost', post);
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method controllerFor
+ @param {String} name the name of the route or controller
+ @return {Ember.Controller}
+ */
+ controllerFor: function(name, _skipAssert) {
+ var container = this.container;
+ var route = container.lookup('route:'+name);
+ var controller;
+ if (route && route.controllerName) {
+ name = route.controllerName;
+ }
+ controller = container.lookup('controller:' + name);
+ // NOTE: We're specifically checking that skipAssert is true, because according
+ // to the old API the second parameter was model. We do not want people who
+ // passed a model to skip the assertion.
+ Ember.assert("The controller named '"+name+"' could not be found. Make sure " +
+ "that this route exists and has already been entered at least " +
+ "once. If you are accessing a controller not associated with a " +
+ "route, make sure the controller class is explicitly defined.",
+ controller || _skipAssert === true);
+ return controller;
+ },
+ /**
+ Generates a controller for a route.
+ If the optional model is passed then the controller type is determined automatically,
+ e.g., an ArrayController for arrays.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ App.PostRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ setupController: function(controller, post) {
+ this._super(controller, post);
+ this.generateController('posts', post);
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method generateController
+ @param {String} name the name of the controller
+ @param {Object} model the model to infer the type of the controller (optional)
+ */
+ generateController: function(name, model) {
+ var container = this.container;
+ model = model || this.modelFor(name);
+ return generateController(container, name, model);
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns the model of a parent (or any ancestor) route
+ in a route hierarchy. During a transition, all routes
+ must resolve a model object, and if a route
+ needs access to a parent route's model in order to
+ resolve a model (or just reuse the model from a parent),
+ it can call `this.modelFor(theNameOfParentRoute)` to
+ retrieve it.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource('post', { path: '/post/:post_id' }, function() {
+ this.resource('comments');
+ });
+ });
+ App.CommentsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ afterModel: function() {
+ this.set('post', this.modelFor('post'));
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method modelFor
+ @param {String} name the name of the route
+ @return {Object} the model object
+ */
+ modelFor: function(name) {
+ var route = this.container.lookup('route:' + name);
+ var transition = this.router ? this.router.router.activeTransition : null;
+ // If we are mid-transition, we want to try and look up
+ // resolved parent contexts on the current transitionEvent.
+ if (transition) {
+ var modelLookupName = (route && route.routeName) || name;
+ if (transition.resolvedModels.hasOwnProperty(modelLookupName)) {
+ return transition.resolvedModels[modelLookupName];
+ }
+ }
+ return route && route.currentModel;
+ },
+ /**
+ A hook you can use to render the template for the current route.
+ This method is called with the controller for the current route and the
+ model supplied by the `model` hook. By default, it renders the route's
+ template, configured with the controller for the route.
+ This method can be overridden to set up and render additional or
+ alternative templates.
+ ```javascript
+ App.PostsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ renderTemplate: function(controller, model) {
+ var favController = this.controllerFor('favoritePost');
+ // Render the `favoritePost` template into
+ // the outlet `posts`, and display the `favoritePost`
+ // controller.
+ this.render('favoritePost', {
+ outlet: 'posts',
+ controller: favController
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method renderTemplate
+ @param {Object} controller the route's controller
+ @param {Object} model the route's model
+ */
+ renderTemplate: function(controller, model) {
+ this.render();
+ },
+ /**
+ `render` is used to render a template into a region of another template
+ (indicated by an `{{outlet}}`). `render` is used both during the entry
+ phase of routing (via the `renderTemplate` hook) and later in response to
+ user interaction.
+ For example, given the following minimal router and templates:
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ this.resource('photos');
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ <!-- application.hbs -->
+ <div class='something-in-the-app-hbs'>
+ {{outlet "anOutletName"}}
+ </div>
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ <!-- photos.hbs -->
+ <h1>Photos</h1>
+ ```
+ You can render `photos.hbs` into the `"anOutletName"` outlet of
+ `application.hbs` by calling `render`:
+ ```javascript
+ // posts route
+ Ember.Route.extend({
+ renderTemplate: function(){
+ this.render('photos', {
+ into: 'application',
+ outlet: 'anOutletName'
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ `render` additionally allows you to supply which `view`, `controller`, and
+ `model` objects should be loaded and associated with the rendered template.
+ ```javascript
+ // posts route
+ Ember.Route.extend({
+ renderTemplate: function(controller, model){
+ this.render('posts', { // the template to render, referenced by name
+ into: 'application', // the template to render into, referenced by name
+ outlet: 'anOutletName', // the outlet inside `options.template` to render into.
+ view: 'aViewName', // the view to use for this template, referenced by name
+ controller: 'someControllerName', // the controller to use for this template, referenced by name
+ model: model // the model to set on `options.controller`.
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ The string values provided for the template name, view, and controller
+ will eventually pass through to the resolver for lookup. See
+ Ember.Resolver for how these are mapped to JavaScript objects in your
+ application.
+ Not all options need to be passed to `render`. Default values will be used
+ based on the name of the route specified in the router or the Route's
+ `controllerName`, `viewName` and `templateName` properties.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ // router
+ {
+ this.route('index');
+ this.resource('post', { path: '/posts/:post_id' });
+ });
+ ```
+ ```javascript
+ // post route
+ PostRoute = App.Route.extend({
+ renderTemplate: function() {
+ this.render(); // all defaults apply
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ The name of the `PostRoute`, defined by the router, is `post`.
+ The following equivalent default options will be applied when
+ the Route calls `render`:
+ ```javascript
+ //
+ this.render('post', { // the template name associated with 'post' Route
+ into: 'application', // the parent route to 'post' Route
+ outlet: 'main', // {{outlet}} and {{outlet 'main' are synonymous}},
+ view: 'post', // the view associated with the 'post' Route
+ controller: 'post', // the controller associated with the 'post' Route
+ })
+ ```
+ By default the controller's `model` will be the route's model, so it does not
+ need to be passed unless you wish to change which model is being used.
+ @method render
+ @param {String} name the name of the template to render
+ @param {Object} [options] the options
+ @param {String} [options.into] the template to render into,
+ referenced by name. Defaults to the parent template
+ @param {String} [options.outlet] the outlet inside `options.template` to render into.
+ Defaults to 'main'
+ @param {String} [options.controller] the controller to use for this template,
+ referenced by name. Defaults to the Route's paired controller
+ @param {String} [options.model] the model object to set on `options.controller`
+ Defaults to the return value of the Route's model hook
+ */
+ render: function(name, options) {
+ Ember.assert("The name in the given arguments is undefined", arguments.length > 0 ? !isNone(arguments[0]) : true);
+ var namePassed = typeof name === 'string' && !!name;
+ if (typeof name === 'object' && !options) {
+ options = name;
+ name = this.routeName;
+ }
+ options = options || {};
+ options.namePassed = namePassed;
+ var templateName;
+ if (name) {
+ name = name.replace(/\//g, '.');
+ templateName = name;
+ } else {
+ name = this.routeName;
+ templateName = this.templateName || name;
+ }
+ var viewName = options.view || namePassed && name || this.viewName || name;
+ var container = this.container;
+ var view = container.lookup('view:' + viewName);
+ var template = view ? view.get('template') : null;
+ if (!template) {
+ template = container.lookup('template:' + templateName);
+ }
+ if (!view && !template) {
+ Ember.assert("Could not find \"" + name + "\" template or view.", Ember.isEmpty(arguments[0]));
+ if (get(this.router, 'namespace.LOG_VIEW_LOOKUPS')) {
+"Could not find \"" + name + "\" template or view. Nothing will be rendered", { fullName: 'template:' + name });
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ options = normalizeOptions(this, name, template, options);
+ view = setupView(view, container, options);
+ if (options.outlet === 'main') { this.lastRenderedTemplate = name; }
+ appendView(this, view, options);
+ },
+ /**
+ Disconnects a view that has been rendered into an outlet.
+ You may pass any or all of the following options to `disconnectOutlet`:
+ * `outlet`: the name of the outlet to clear (default: 'main')
+ * `parentView`: the name of the view containing the outlet to clear
+ (default: the view rendered by the parent route)
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationRoute = App.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ showModal: function(evt) {
+ this.render(evt.modalName, {
+ outlet: 'modal',
+ into: 'application'
+ });
+ },
+ hideModal: function(evt) {
+ this.disconnectOutlet({
+ outlet: 'modal',
+ parentView: 'application'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ Alternatively, you can pass the `outlet` name directly as a string.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ hideModal: function(evt) {
+ this.disconnectOutlet('modal');
+ }
+ ```
+ @method disconnectOutlet
+ @param {Object|String} options the options hash or outlet name
+ */
+ disconnectOutlet: function(options) {
+ if (!options || typeof options === "string") {
+ var outletName = options;
+ options = {};
+ options.outlet = outletName;
+ }
+ options.parentView = options.parentView ? options.parentView.replace(/\//g, '.') : parentTemplate(this);
+ options.outlet = options.outlet || 'main';
+ var parentView = this.router._lookupActiveView(options.parentView);
+ if (parentView) { parentView.disconnectOutlet(options.outlet); }
+ },
+ willDestroy: function() {
+ this.teardownViews();
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ @method teardownViews
+ */
+ teardownViews: function() {
+ // Tear down the top level view
+ if (this.teardownTopLevelView) { this.teardownTopLevelView(); }
+ // Tear down any outlets rendered with 'into'
+ var teardownOutletViews = this.teardownOutletViews || [];
+ forEach(teardownOutletViews, function(teardownOutletView) {
+ teardownOutletView();
+ });
+ delete this.teardownTopLevelView;
+ delete this.teardownOutletViews;
+ delete this.lastRenderedTemplate;
+ }
+ });
+ // TODO add mixin directly to `Route` class definition above, once this
+ // feature is merged:
+ Route.reopen(Evented);
+ var defaultQPMeta = {
+ qps: [],
+ map: {},
+ states: {}
+ };
+ function parentRoute(route) {
+ var handlerInfo = handlerInfoFor(route, route.router.router.state.handlerInfos, -1);
+ return handlerInfo && handlerInfo.handler;
+ }
+ function handlerInfoFor(route, handlerInfos, _offset) {
+ if (!handlerInfos) { return; }
+ var offset = _offset || 0, current;
+ for (var i=0, l=handlerInfos.length; i<l; i++) {
+ current = handlerInfos[i].handler;
+ if (current === route) { return handlerInfos[i+offset]; }
+ }
+ }
+ function parentTemplate(route) {
+ var parent = parentRoute(route), template;
+ if (!parent) { return; }
+ if (template = parent.lastRenderedTemplate) {
+ return template;
+ } else {
+ return parentTemplate(parent);
+ }
+ }
+ function normalizeOptions(route, name, template, options) {
+ options = options || {};
+ options.into = options.into ? options.into.replace(/\//g, '.') : parentTemplate(route);
+ options.outlet = options.outlet || 'main';
+ = name;
+ options.template = template;
+ options.LOG_VIEW_LOOKUPS = get(route.router, 'namespace.LOG_VIEW_LOOKUPS');
+ Ember.assert("An outlet ("+options.outlet+") was specified but was not found.", options.outlet === 'main' || options.into);
+ var controller = options.controller;
+ var model = options.model;
+ if (options.controller) {
+ controller = options.controller;
+ } else if (options.namePassed) {
+ controller = route.container.lookup('controller:' + name) || route.controllerName || route.routeName;
+ } else {
+ controller = route.controllerName || route.container.lookup('controller:' + name);
+ }
+ if (typeof controller === 'string') {
+ var controllerName = controller;
+ controller = route.container.lookup('controller:' + controllerName);
+ if (!controller) {
+ throw new EmberError("You passed `controller: '" + controllerName + "'` into the `render` method, but no such controller could be found.");
+ }
+ }
+ if (model) {
+ controller.set('model', model);
+ }
+ options.controller = controller;
+ return options;
+ }
+ function setupView(view, container, options) {
+ if (view) {
+ if (options.LOG_VIEW_LOOKUPS) {
+"Rendering " + + " with " + view, { fullName: 'view:' + });
+ }
+ } else {
+ var defaultView = options.into ? 'view:default' : 'view:toplevel';
+ view = container.lookup(defaultView);
+ if (options.LOG_VIEW_LOOKUPS) {
+"Rendering " + + " with default view " + view, { fullName: 'view:' + });
+ }
+ }
+ if (!get(view, 'templateName')) {
+ set(view, 'template', options.template);
+ set(view, '_debugTemplateName',;
+ }
+ set(view, 'renderedName',;
+ set(view, 'controller', options.controller);
+ return view;
+ }
+ function appendView(route, view, options) {
+ if (options.into) {
+ var parentView = route.router._lookupActiveView(options.into);
+ var teardownOutletView = generateOutletTeardown(parentView, options.outlet);
+ if (!route.teardownOutletViews) { route.teardownOutletViews = []; }
+ replace(route.teardownOutletViews, 0, 0, [teardownOutletView]);
+ parentView.connectOutlet(options.outlet, view);
+ } else {
+ var rootElement = get(route, 'router.namespace.rootElement');
+ // tear down view if one is already rendered
+ if (route.teardownTopLevelView) {
+ route.teardownTopLevelView();
+ }
+ route.router._connectActiveView(, view);
+ route.teardownTopLevelView = generateTopLevelTeardown(view);
+ view.appendTo(rootElement);
+ }
+ }
+ function generateTopLevelTeardown(view) {
+ return function() {
+ view.destroy();
+ };
+ }
+ function generateOutletTeardown(parentView, outlet) {
+ return function() {
+ parentView.disconnectOutlet(outlet);
+ };
+ }
+ function getFullQueryParams(router, state) {
+ if (state.fullQueryParams) { return state.fullQueryParams; }
+ state.fullQueryParams = {};
+ merge(state.fullQueryParams, state.queryParams);
+ var targetRouteName = state.handlerInfos[state.handlerInfos.length-1].name;
+ router._deserializeQueryParams(targetRouteName, state.fullQueryParams);
+ return state.fullQueryParams;
+ }
+ function getQueryParamsFor(route, state) {
+ state.queryParamsFor = state.queryParamsFor || {};
+ var name = route.routeName;
+ if (state.queryParamsFor[name]) { return state.queryParamsFor[name]; }
+ var fullQueryParams = getFullQueryParams(route.router, state);
+ var params = state.queryParamsFor[name] = {};
+ // Copy over all the query params for this route/controller into params hash.
+ var qpMeta = get(route, '_qp');
+ var qps = qpMeta.qps;
+ for (var i = 0, len = qps.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ // Put deserialized qp on params hash.
+ var qp = qps[i];
+ var qpValueWasPassedIn = (qp.prop in fullQueryParams);
+ params[qp.prop] = qpValueWasPassedIn ?
+ fullQueryParams[qp.prop] :
+ copyDefaultValue(qp.def);
+ }
+ return params;
+ }
+ function copyDefaultValue(value) {
+ if (isArray(value)) {
+ return Ember.A(value.slice());
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = Route;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-runtime/mixins/evented","ember-routing/system/dsl","ember-views/views/view","ember-routing/location/api","ember-handlebars/views/metamorph_view","ember-routing/utils","ember-metal/platform","router","router/transition","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __dependency15__, __dependency16__, __dependency17__, __dependency18__, __dependency19__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // FEATURES, Logger, K, assert
+ var EmberError = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency3__.get;
+ var set = __dependency4__.set;
+ var defineProperty = __dependency5__.defineProperty;
+ var computed = __dependency6__.computed;
+ var merge = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var fmt = __dependency9__.fmt;
+ var EmberObject = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var Evented = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var EmberRouterDSL = __dependency12__["default"];
+ var EmberView = __dependency13__["default"];
+ var EmberLocation = __dependency14__["default"];
+ var _MetamorphView = __dependency15__["default"];
+ var routeArgs = __dependency16__.routeArgs;
+ var getActiveTargetName = __dependency16__.getActiveTargetName;
+ var stashParamNames = __dependency16__.stashParamNames;
+ var create = __dependency17__.create;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-routing
+ */
+ var Router = __dependency18__["default"];
+ var slice = [].slice;
+ /**
+ The `Ember.Router` class manages the application state and URLs. Refer to
+ the [routing guide]( for documentation.
+ @class Router
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ */
+ var EmberRouter = EmberObject.extend(Evented, {
+ /**
+ The `location` property determines the type of URL's that your
+ application will use.
+ The following location types are currently available:
+ * `hash`
+ * `history`
+ * `none`
+ @property location
+ @default 'hash'
+ @see {Ember.Location}
+ */
+ location: 'hash',
+ /**
+ Represents the URL of the root of the application, often '/'. This prefix is
+ assumed on all routes defined on this router.
+ @property rootURL
+ @default '/'
+ */
+ rootURL: '/',
+ init: function() {
+ this.router = this.constructor.router ||;
+ this._activeViews = {};
+ this._setupLocation();
+ this._qpCache = {};
+ this._queuedQPChanges = {};
+ if (get(this, 'namespace.LOG_TRANSITIONS_INTERNAL')) {
+ this.router.log = Ember.Logger.debug;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Represents the current URL.
+ @method url
+ @return {String} The current URL.
+ */
+ url: computed(function() {
+ return get(this, 'location').getURL();
+ }),
+ /**
+ Initializes the current router instance and sets up the change handling
+ event listeners used by the instances `location` implementation.
+ A property named `initialURL` will be used to determine the initial URL.
+ If no value is found `/` will be used.
+ @method startRouting
+ @private
+ */
+ startRouting: function() {
+ this.router = this.router ||;
+ var router = this.router;
+ var location = get(this, 'location');
+ var container = this.container;
+ var self = this;
+ var initialURL = get(this, 'initialURL');
+ var initialTransition;
+ // Allow the Location class to cancel the router setup while it refreshes
+ // the page
+ if (get(location, 'cancelRouterSetup')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._setupRouter(router, location);
+ container.register('view:default', _MetamorphView);
+ container.register('view:toplevel', EmberView.extend());
+ location.onUpdateURL(function(url) {
+ self.handleURL(url);
+ });
+ if (typeof initialURL === "undefined") {
+ initialURL = location.getURL();
+ }
+ initialTransition = this.handleURL(initialURL);
+ if (initialTransition && initialTransition.error) {
+ throw initialTransition.error;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Handles updating the paths and notifying any listeners of the URL
+ change.
+ Triggers the router level `didTransition` hook.
+ @method didTransition
+ @private
+ @since 1.2.0
+ */
+ didTransition: function(infos) {
+ updatePaths(this);
+ this._cancelLoadingEvent();
+ this.notifyPropertyChange('url');
+ // Put this in the runloop so url will be accurate. Seems
+ // less surprising than didTransition being out of sync.
+ run.once(this, this.trigger, 'didTransition');
+ if (get(this, 'namespace').LOG_TRANSITIONS) {
+ Ember.Logger.log("Transitioned into '" + EmberRouter._routePath(infos) + "'");
+ }
+ },
+ handleURL: function(url) {
+ // Until we have an ember-idiomatic way of accessing #hashes, we need to
+ // remove it because router.js doesn't know how to handle it.
+ url = url.split(/#(.+)?/)[0];
+ return this._doURLTransition('handleURL', url);
+ },
+ _doURLTransition: function(routerJsMethod, url) {
+ var transition = this.router[routerJsMethod](url || '/');
+ listenForTransitionErrors(transition);
+ return transition;
+ },
+ transitionTo: function() {
+ var args =, queryParams;
+ if (resemblesURL(args[0])) {
+ return this._doURLTransition('transitionTo', args[0]);
+ }
+ var possibleQueryParams = args[args.length-1];
+ if (possibleQueryParams && possibleQueryParams.hasOwnProperty('queryParams')) {
+ queryParams = args.pop().queryParams;
+ } else {
+ queryParams = {};
+ }
+ var targetRouteName = args.shift();
+ return this._doTransition(targetRouteName, args, queryParams);
+ },
+ intermediateTransitionTo: function() {
+ this.router.intermediateTransitionTo.apply(this.router, arguments);
+ updatePaths(this);
+ var infos = this.router.currentHandlerInfos;
+ if (get(this, 'namespace').LOG_TRANSITIONS) {
+ Ember.Logger.log("Intermediate-transitioned into '" + EmberRouter._routePath(infos) + "'");
+ }
+ },
+ replaceWith: function() {
+ return this.transitionTo.apply(this, arguments).method('replace');
+ },
+ generate: function() {
+ var url = this.router.generate.apply(this.router, arguments);
+ return this.location.formatURL(url);
+ },
+ /**
+ Determines if the supplied route is currently active.
+ @method isActive
+ @param routeName
+ @return {Boolean}
+ @private
+ */
+ isActive: function(routeName) {
+ var router = this.router;
+ return router.isActive.apply(router, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ An alternative form of `isActive` that doesn't require
+ manual concatenation of the arguments into a single
+ array.
+ @method isActiveIntent
+ @param routeName
+ @param models
+ @param queryParams
+ @return {Boolean}
+ @private
+ @since 1.7.0
+ */
+ isActiveIntent: function(routeName, models, queryParams) {
+ var router = this.router;
+ return router.isActive.apply(router, arguments);
+ },
+ send: function(name, context) {
+ this.router.trigger.apply(this.router, arguments);
+ },
+ /**
+ Does this router instance have the given route.
+ @method hasRoute
+ @return {Boolean}
+ @private
+ */
+ hasRoute: function(route) {
+ return this.router.hasRoute(route);
+ },
+ /**
+ Resets the state of the router by clearing the current route
+ handlers and deactivating them.
+ @private
+ @method reset
+ */
+ reset: function() {
+ this.router.reset();
+ },
+ _lookupActiveView: function(templateName) {
+ var active = this._activeViews[templateName];
+ return active && active[0];
+ },
+ _connectActiveView: function(templateName, view) {
+ var existing = this._activeViews[templateName];
+ if (existing) {
+ existing[0].off('willDestroyElement', this, existing[1]);
+ }
+ function disconnectActiveView() {
+ delete this._activeViews[templateName];
+ }
+ this._activeViews[templateName] = [view, disconnectActiveView];
+'willDestroyElement', this, disconnectActiveView);
+ },
+ _setupLocation: function() {
+ var location = get(this, 'location');
+ var rootURL = get(this, 'rootURL');
+ if (rootURL && this.container && !this.container.has('-location-setting:root-url')) {
+ this.container.register('-location-setting:root-url', rootURL, {
+ instantiate: false
+ });
+ }
+ if ('string' === typeof location && this.container) {
+ var resolvedLocation = this.container.lookup('location:' + location);
+ if ('undefined' !== typeof resolvedLocation) {
+ location = set(this, 'location', resolvedLocation);
+ } else {
+ // Allow for deprecated registration of custom location API's
+ var options = {
+ implementation: location
+ };
+ location = set(this, 'location', EmberLocation.create(options));
+ }
+ }
+ if (location !== null && typeof location === 'object') {
+ if (rootURL && typeof rootURL === 'string') {
+ location.rootURL = rootURL;
+ }
+ // ensure that initState is called AFTER the rootURL is set on
+ // the location instance
+ if (typeof location.initState === 'function') {
+ location.initState();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _getHandlerFunction: function() {
+ var seen = create(null);
+ var container = this.container;
+ var DefaultRoute = container.lookupFactory('route:basic');
+ var self = this;
+ return function(name) {
+ var routeName = 'route:' + name;
+ var handler = container.lookup(routeName);
+ if (seen[name]) {
+ return handler;
+ }
+ seen[name] = true;
+ if (!handler) {
+ container.register(routeName, DefaultRoute.extend());
+ handler = container.lookup(routeName);
+ if (get(self, 'namespace.LOG_ACTIVE_GENERATION')) {
+"generated -> " + routeName, { fullName: routeName });
+ }
+ }
+ handler.routeName = name;
+ return handler;
+ };
+ },
+ _setupRouter: function(router, location) {
+ var lastURL, emberRouter = this;
+ router.getHandler = this._getHandlerFunction();
+ var doUpdateURL = function() {
+ location.setURL(lastURL);
+ };
+ router.updateURL = function(path) {
+ lastURL = path;
+ run.once(doUpdateURL);
+ };
+ if (location.replaceURL) {
+ var doReplaceURL = function() {
+ location.replaceURL(lastURL);
+ };
+ router.replaceURL = function(path) {
+ lastURL = path;
+ run.once(doReplaceURL);
+ };
+ }
+ router.didTransition = function(infos) {
+ emberRouter.didTransition(infos);
+ };
+ },
+ _serializeQueryParams: function(targetRouteName, queryParams) {
+ var groupedByUrlKey = {};
+ forEachQueryParam(this, targetRouteName, queryParams, function(key, value, qp) {
+ var urlKey = qp.urlKey;
+ if (!groupedByUrlKey[urlKey]) {
+ groupedByUrlKey[urlKey] = [];
+ }
+ groupedByUrlKey[urlKey].push({
+ qp: qp,
+ value: value
+ });
+ delete queryParams[key];
+ });
+ for (var key in groupedByUrlKey) {
+ var qps = groupedByUrlKey[key];
+ if (qps.length > 1) {
+ var qp0 = qps[0].qp, qp1=qps[1].qp;
+ Ember.assert(fmt("You're not allowed to have more than one controller property map to the same query param key, but both `%@` and `%@` map to `%@`. You can fix this by mapping one of the controller properties to a different query param key via the `as` config option, e.g. `%@: { as: 'other-%@' }`", [qp0.fprop, qp1.fprop, qp0.urlKey, qp0.prop, qp0.prop]), false);
+ }
+ var qp = qps[0].qp;
+ queryParams[qp.urlKey] = qp.route.serializeQueryParam(qps[0].value, qp.urlKey, qp.type);
+ }
+ },
+ _deserializeQueryParams: function(targetRouteName, queryParams) {
+ forEachQueryParam(this, targetRouteName, queryParams, function(key, value, qp) {
+ delete queryParams[key];
+ queryParams[qp.prop] = qp.route.deserializeQueryParam(value, qp.urlKey, qp.type);
+ });
+ },
+ _pruneDefaultQueryParamValues: function(targetRouteName, queryParams) {
+ var qps = this._queryParamsFor(targetRouteName);
+ for (var key in queryParams) {
+ var qp =[key];
+ if (qp && qp.sdef === queryParams[key]) {
+ delete queryParams[key];
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _doTransition: function(_targetRouteName, models, _queryParams) {
+ var targetRouteName = _targetRouteName || getActiveTargetName(this.router);
+ Ember.assert("The route " + targetRouteName + " was not found", targetRouteName && this.router.hasRoute(targetRouteName));
+ var queryParams = {};
+ merge(queryParams, _queryParams);
+ this._prepareQueryParams(targetRouteName, models, queryParams);
+ var transitionArgs = routeArgs(targetRouteName, models, queryParams);
+ var transitionPromise = this.router.transitionTo.apply(this.router, transitionArgs);
+ listenForTransitionErrors(transitionPromise);
+ return transitionPromise;
+ },
+ _prepareQueryParams: function(targetRouteName, models, queryParams) {
+ this._hydrateUnsuppliedQueryParams(targetRouteName, models, queryParams);
+ this._serializeQueryParams(targetRouteName, queryParams);
+ this._pruneDefaultQueryParamValues(targetRouteName, queryParams);
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns a merged query params meta object for a given route.
+ Useful for asking a route what its known query params are.
+ */
+ _queryParamsFor: function(leafRouteName) {
+ if (this._qpCache[leafRouteName]) {
+ return this._qpCache[leafRouteName];
+ }
+ var map = {}, qps = [];
+ this._qpCache[leafRouteName] = {
+ map: map,
+ qps: qps
+ };
+ var routerjs = this.router;
+ var recogHandlerInfos = routerjs.recognizer.handlersFor(leafRouteName);
+ for (var i = 0, len = recogHandlerInfos.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var recogHandler = recogHandlerInfos[i];
+ var route = routerjs.getHandler(recogHandler.handler);
+ var qpMeta = get(route, '_qp');
+ if (!qpMeta) { continue; }
+ merge(map,;
+ qps.push.apply(qps, qpMeta.qps);
+ }
+ return {
+ qps: qps,
+ map: map
+ };
+ },
+ /*
+ becomeResolved: function(payload, resolvedContext) {
+ var params = this.serialize(resolvedContext);
+ if (payload) {
+ this.stashResolvedModel(payload, resolvedContext);
+ payload.params = payload.params || {};
+ payload.params[] = params;
+ }
+ return this.factory('resolved', {
+ context: resolvedContext,
+ name:,
+ handler: this.handler,
+ params: params
+ });
+ },
+ */
+ _hydrateUnsuppliedQueryParams: function(leafRouteName, contexts, queryParams) {
+ var state = calculatePostTransitionState(this, leafRouteName, contexts);
+ var handlerInfos = state.handlerInfos;
+ var appCache = this._bucketCache;
+ stashParamNames(this, handlerInfos);
+ for (var i = 0, len = handlerInfos.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var route = handlerInfos[i].handler;
+ var qpMeta = get(route, '_qp');
+ for (var j = 0, qpLen = qpMeta.qps.length; j < qpLen; ++j) {
+ var qp = qpMeta.qps[j];
+ var presentProp = qp.prop in queryParams && qp.prop ||
+ qp.fprop in queryParams && qp.fprop;
+ if (presentProp) {
+ if (presentProp !== qp.fprop) {
+ queryParams[qp.fprop] = queryParams[presentProp];
+ delete queryParams[presentProp];
+ }
+ } else {
+ var controllerProto = qp.cProto;
+ var cacheMeta = get(controllerProto, '_cacheMeta');
+ var cacheKey = controllerProto._calculateCacheKey(qp.ctrl, cacheMeta[qp.prop].parts, state.params);
+ queryParams[qp.fprop] = appCache.lookup(cacheKey, qp.prop, qp.def);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _scheduleLoadingEvent: function(transition, originRoute) {
+ this._cancelLoadingEvent();
+ this._loadingStateTimer = run.scheduleOnce('routerTransitions', this, '_fireLoadingEvent', transition, originRoute);
+ },
+ _fireLoadingEvent: function(transition, originRoute) {
+ if (!this.router.activeTransition) {
+ // Don't fire an event if we've since moved on from
+ // the transition that put us in a loading state.
+ return;
+ }
+ transition.trigger(true, 'loading', transition, originRoute);
+ },
+ _cancelLoadingEvent: function () {
+ if (this._loadingStateTimer) {
+ run.cancel(this._loadingStateTimer);
+ }
+ this._loadingStateTimer = null;
+ }
+ });
+ /*
+ Helper function for iterating root-ward, starting
+ from (but not including) the provided `originRoute`.
+ Returns true if the last callback fired requested
+ to bubble upward.
+ @private
+ */
+ function forEachRouteAbove(originRoute, transition, callback) {
+ var handlerInfos = transition.state.handlerInfos;
+ var originRouteFound = false;
+ var handlerInfo, route;
+ for (var i = handlerInfos.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ handlerInfo = handlerInfos[i];
+ route = handlerInfo.handler;
+ if (!originRouteFound) {
+ if (originRoute === route) {
+ originRouteFound = true;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (callback(route, handlerInfos[i + 1].handler) !== true) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // These get invoked when an action bubbles above ApplicationRoute
+ // and are not meant to be overridable.
+ var defaultActionHandlers = {
+ willResolveModel: function(transition, originRoute) {
+ originRoute.router._scheduleLoadingEvent(transition, originRoute);
+ },
+ error: function(error, transition, originRoute) {
+ // Attempt to find an appropriate error substate to enter.
+ var router = originRoute.router;
+ var tryTopLevel = forEachRouteAbove(originRoute, transition, function(route, childRoute) {
+ var childErrorRouteName = findChildRouteName(route, childRoute, 'error');
+ if (childErrorRouteName) {
+ router.intermediateTransitionTo(childErrorRouteName, error);
+ return;
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ if (tryTopLevel) {
+ // Check for top-level error state to enter.
+ if (routeHasBeenDefined(originRoute.router, 'application_error')) {
+ router.intermediateTransitionTo('application_error', error);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ logError(error, 'Error while processing route: ' + transition.targetName);
+ },
+ loading: function(transition, originRoute) {
+ // Attempt to find an appropriate loading substate to enter.
+ var router = originRoute.router;
+ var tryTopLevel = forEachRouteAbove(originRoute, transition, function(route, childRoute) {
+ var childLoadingRouteName = findChildRouteName(route, childRoute, 'loading');
+ if (childLoadingRouteName) {
+ router.intermediateTransitionTo(childLoadingRouteName);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Don't bubble above pivot route.
+ if (transition.pivotHandler !== route) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (tryTopLevel) {
+ // Check for top-level loading state to enter.
+ if (routeHasBeenDefined(originRoute.router, 'application_loading')) {
+ router.intermediateTransitionTo('application_loading');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function logError(error, initialMessage) {
+ var errorArgs = [];
+ if (initialMessage) { errorArgs.push(initialMessage); }
+ if (error) {
+ if (error.message) { errorArgs.push(error.message); }
+ if (error.stack) { errorArgs.push(error.stack); }
+ if (typeof error === "string") { errorArgs.push(error); }
+ }
+ Ember.Logger.error.apply(this, errorArgs);
+ }
+ function findChildRouteName(parentRoute, originatingChildRoute, name) {
+ var router = parentRoute.router;
+ var childName;
+ var targetChildRouteName = originatingChildRoute.routeName.split('.').pop();
+ var namespace = parentRoute.routeName === 'application' ? '' : parentRoute.routeName + '.';
+ // Second, try general loading state, e.g. 'loading'
+ childName = namespace + name;
+ if (routeHasBeenDefined(router, childName)) {
+ return childName;
+ }
+ }
+ function routeHasBeenDefined(router, name) {
+ var container = router.container;
+ return router.hasRoute(name) &&
+ (container.has('template:' + name) || container.has('route:' + name));
+ }
+ function triggerEvent(handlerInfos, ignoreFailure, args) {
+ var name = args.shift();
+ if (!handlerInfos) {
+ if (ignoreFailure) { return; }
+ throw new EmberError("Can't trigger action '" + name + "' because your app hasn't finished transitioning into its first route. To trigger an action on destination routes during a transition, you can call `.send()` on the `Transition` object passed to the `model/beforeModel/afterModel` hooks.");
+ }
+ var eventWasHandled = false;
+ var handlerInfo, handler;
+ for (var i = handlerInfos.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ handlerInfo = handlerInfos[i];
+ handler = handlerInfo.handler;
+ if (handler._actions && handler._actions[name]) {
+ if (handler._actions[name].apply(handler, args) === true) {
+ eventWasHandled = true;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (defaultActionHandlers[name]) {
+ defaultActionHandlers[name].apply(null, args);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!eventWasHandled && !ignoreFailure) {
+ throw new EmberError("Nothing handled the action '" + name + "'. If you did handle the action, this error can be caused by returning true from an action handler in a controller, causing the action to bubble.");
+ }
+ }
+ function calculatePostTransitionState(emberRouter, leafRouteName, contexts) {
+ var routerjs = emberRouter.router;
+ var state = routerjs.applyIntent(leafRouteName, contexts);
+ var handlerInfos = state.handlerInfos;
+ var params = state.params;
+ for (var i = 0, len = handlerInfos.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var handlerInfo = handlerInfos[i];
+ if (!handlerInfo.isResolved) {
+ handlerInfo = handlerInfo.becomeResolved(null, handlerInfo.context);
+ }
+ params[] = handlerInfo.params;
+ }
+ return state;
+ }
+ function updatePaths(router) {
+ var appController = router.container.lookup('controller:application');
+ if (!appController) {
+ // appController might not exist when top-level loading/error
+ // substates have been entered since ApplicationRoute hasn't
+ // actually been entered at that point.
+ return;
+ }
+ var infos = router.router.currentHandlerInfos;
+ var path = EmberRouter._routePath(infos);
+ if (!('currentPath' in appController)) {
+ defineProperty(appController, 'currentPath');
+ }
+ set(appController, 'currentPath', path);
+ if (!('currentRouteName' in appController)) {
+ defineProperty(appController, 'currentRouteName');
+ }
+ set(appController, 'currentRouteName', infos[infos.length - 1].name);
+ }
+ EmberRouter.reopenClass({
+ router: null,
+ /**
+ The `` function allows you to define mappings from URLs to routes
+ and resources in your application. These mappings are defined within the
+ supplied callback function using `this.resource` and `this.route`.
+ ```javascript
+ this.route('about');
+ this.resource('article');
+ }));
+ ```
+ For more detailed examples please see
+ [the guides](
+ @method map
+ @param callback
+ */
+ map: function(callback) {
+ var router = this.router;
+ if (!router) {
+ router = new Router();
+ router._triggerWillChangeContext = Ember.K;
+ router._triggerWillLeave = Ember.K;
+ router.callbacks = [];
+ router.triggerEvent = triggerEvent;
+ this.reopenClass({ router: router });
+ }
+ var dsl = {
+ this.resource('application', { path: "/" }, function() {
+ for (var i=0; i < router.callbacks.length; i++) {
+ router.callbacks[i].call(this);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ router.callbacks.push(callback);
+ return router;
+ },
+ _routePath: function(handlerInfos) {
+ var path = [];
+ // We have to handle coalescing resource names that
+ // are prefixed with their parent's names, e.g.
+ // ['foo', ''] => '', not ''
+ function intersectionMatches(a1, a2) {
+ for (var i = 0, len = a1.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ if (a1[i] !== a2[i]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ var name, nameParts, oldNameParts;
+ for (var i=1, l=handlerInfos.length; i<l; i++) {
+ name = handlerInfos[i].name;
+ nameParts = name.split(".");
+ oldNameParts =;
+ while (oldNameParts.length) {
+ if (intersectionMatches(oldNameParts, nameParts)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ oldNameParts.shift();
+ }
+ path.push.apply(path, nameParts.slice(oldNameParts.length));
+ }
+ return path.join(".");
+ }
+ });
+ function listenForTransitionErrors(transition) {
+ transition.then(null, function(error) {
+ if (!error || ! { return; }
+ if ( === "UnrecognizedURLError") {
+ Ember.assert("The URL '" + error.message + "' did not match any routes in your application");
+ }
+ return error;
+ }, 'Ember: Process errors from Router');
+ }
+ function resemblesURL(str) {
+ return typeof str === 'string' && ( str === '' || str.charAt(0) === '/');
+ }
+ function forEachQueryParam(router, targetRouteName, queryParams, callback) {
+ var qpCache = router._queryParamsFor(targetRouteName);
+ for (var key in queryParams) {
+ if (!queryParams.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
+ var value = queryParams[key];
+ var qp =[key];
+ if (qp) {
+ callback(key, value, qp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberRouter;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var typeOf = __dependency1__.typeOf;
+ function routeArgs(targetRouteName, models, queryParams) {
+ var args = [];
+ if (typeOf(targetRouteName) === 'string') {
+ args.push('' + targetRouteName);
+ }
+ args.push.apply(args, models);
+ args.push({ queryParams: queryParams });
+ return args;
+ }
+ __exports__.routeArgs = routeArgs;function getActiveTargetName(router) {
+ var handlerInfos = router.activeTransition ?
+ router.activeTransition.state.handlerInfos :
+ router.state.handlerInfos;
+ return handlerInfos[handlerInfos.length - 1].name;
+ }
+ __exports__.getActiveTargetName = getActiveTargetName;function stashParamNames(router, handlerInfos) {
+ if (handlerInfos._namesStashed) { return; }
+ // This helper exists because router.js/route-recognizer.js awkwardly
+ // keeps separate a handlerInfo's list of parameter names depending
+ // on whether a URL transition or named transition is happening.
+ // Hopefully we can remove this in the future.
+ var targetRouteName = handlerInfos[handlerInfos.length-1].name;
+ var recogHandlers = router.router.recognizer.handlersFor(targetRouteName);
+ var dynamicParent = null;
+ for (var i = 0, len = handlerInfos.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var handlerInfo = handlerInfos[i];
+ var names = recogHandlers[i].names;
+ if (names.length) {
+ dynamicParent = handlerInfo;
+ }
+ handlerInfo._names = names;
+ var route = handlerInfo.handler;
+ route._stashNames(handlerInfo, dynamicParent);
+ }
+ handlerInfos._namesStashed = true;
+ }
+ __exports__.stashParamNames = stashParamNames;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal","ember-runtime/core","ember-runtime/compare","ember-runtime/copy","ember-runtime/inject","ember-runtime/system/namespace","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-runtime/system/tracked_array","ember-runtime/system/subarray","ember-runtime/system/container","ember-runtime/system/array_proxy","ember-runtime/system/object_proxy","ember-runtime/system/core_object","ember-runtime/system/each_proxy","ember-runtime/system/native_array","ember-runtime/system/set","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-runtime/system/deferred","ember-runtime/system/lazy_load","ember-runtime/mixins/array","ember-runtime/mixins/comparable","ember-runtime/mixins/copyable","ember-runtime/mixins/enumerable","ember-runtime/mixins/freezable","ember-runtime/mixins/-proxy","ember-runtime/mixins/observable","ember-runtime/mixins/action_handler","ember-runtime/mixins/deferred","ember-runtime/mixins/mutable_enumerable","ember-runtime/mixins/mutable_array","ember-runtime/mixins/target_action_support","ember-runtime/mixins/evented","ember-runtime/mixins/promise_proxy","ember-runtime/mixins/sortable","ember-runtime/computed/array_computed","ember-runtime/computed/reduce_computed","ember-runtime/computed/reduce_computed_macros","ember-runtime/controllers/array_controller","ember-runtime/controllers/object_controller","ember-runtime/controllers/controller","ember-runtime/mixins/controller","ember-runtime/system/service","ember-runtime/ext/rsvp","ember-runtime/ext/string","ember-runtime/ext/function","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __dependency15__, __dependency16__, __dependency17__, __dependency18__, __dependency19__, __dependency20__, __dependency21__, __dependency22__, __dependency23__, __dependency24__, __dependency25__, __dependency26__, __dependency27__, __dependency28__, __dependency29__, __dependency30__, __dependency31__, __dependency32__, __dependency33__, __dependency34__, __dependency35__, __dependency36__, __dependency37__, __dependency38__, __dependency39__, __dependency40__, __dependency41__, __dependency42__, __dependency43__, __dependency44__, __dependency45__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ Ember Runtime
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ @requires ember-metal
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var isEqual = __dependency2__.isEqual;
+ var compare = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var copy = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var inject = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var Namespace = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var EmberObject = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var TrackedArray = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var SubArray = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var Container = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var ArrayProxy = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var ObjectProxy = __dependency12__["default"];
+ var CoreObject = __dependency13__["default"];
+ var EachArray = __dependency14__.EachArray;
+ var EachProxy = __dependency14__.EachProxy;
+ var NativeArray = __dependency15__["default"];
+ var Set = __dependency16__["default"];
+ var EmberStringUtils = __dependency17__["default"];
+ var Deferred = __dependency18__["default"];
+ var onLoad = __dependency19__.onLoad;
+ var runLoadHooks = __dependency19__.runLoadHooks;
+ var EmberArray = __dependency20__["default"];
+ var Comparable = __dependency21__["default"];
+ var Copyable = __dependency22__["default"];
+ var Enumerable = __dependency23__["default"];
+ var Freezable = __dependency24__.Freezable;
+ var FROZEN_ERROR = __dependency24__.FROZEN_ERROR;
+ var _ProxyMixin = __dependency25__["default"];
+ var Observable = __dependency26__["default"];
+ var ActionHandler = __dependency27__["default"];
+ var DeferredMixin = __dependency28__["default"];
+ var MutableEnumerable = __dependency29__["default"];
+ var MutableArray = __dependency30__["default"];
+ var TargetActionSupport = __dependency31__["default"];
+ var Evented = __dependency32__["default"];
+ var PromiseProxyMixin = __dependency33__["default"];
+ var SortableMixin = __dependency34__["default"];
+ var arrayComputed = __dependency35__.arrayComputed;
+ var ArrayComputedProperty = __dependency35__.ArrayComputedProperty;
+ var reduceComputed = __dependency36__.reduceComputed;
+ var ReduceComputedProperty = __dependency36__.ReduceComputedProperty;
+ var sum = __dependency37__.sum;
+ var min = __dependency37__.min;
+ var max = __dependency37__.max;
+ var map =;
+ var sort = __dependency37__.sort;
+ var setDiff = __dependency37__.setDiff;
+ var mapBy = __dependency37__.mapBy;
+ var mapProperty = __dependency37__.mapProperty;
+ var filter = __dependency37__.filter;
+ var filterBy = __dependency37__.filterBy;
+ var filterProperty = __dependency37__.filterProperty;
+ var uniq = __dependency37__.uniq;
+ var union = __dependency37__.union;
+ var intersect = __dependency37__.intersect;
+ var ArrayController = __dependency38__["default"];
+ var ObjectController = __dependency39__["default"];
+ var Controller = __dependency40__["default"];
+ var ControllerMixin = __dependency41__["default"];
+ var Service = __dependency42__["default"];
+ var RSVP = __dependency43__["default"];
+ // just for side effect of extending Ember.RSVP
+ // just for side effect of extending String.prototype
+ // just for side effect of extending Function.prototype
+ = compare;
+ Ember.copy = copy;
+ Ember.isEqual = isEqual;
+ Ember.Array = EmberArray;
+ Ember.Comparable = Comparable;
+ Ember.Copyable = Copyable;
+ Ember.SortableMixin = SortableMixin;
+ Ember.Freezable = Freezable;
+ Ember.DeferredMixin = DeferredMixin;
+ Ember.MutableEnumerable = MutableEnumerable;
+ Ember.MutableArray = MutableArray;
+ Ember.TargetActionSupport = TargetActionSupport;
+ Ember.Evented = Evented;
+ Ember.PromiseProxyMixin = PromiseProxyMixin;
+ Ember.Observable = Observable;
+ Ember.arrayComputed = arrayComputed;
+ Ember.ArrayComputedProperty = ArrayComputedProperty;
+ Ember.reduceComputed = reduceComputed;
+ Ember.ReduceComputedProperty = ReduceComputedProperty;
+ // ES6TODO: this seems a less than ideal way/place to add properties to Ember.computed
+ var EmComputed = Ember.computed;
+ EmComputed.sum = sum;
+ EmComputed.min = min;
+ EmComputed.max = max;
+ = map;
+ EmComputed.sort = sort;
+ EmComputed.setDiff = setDiff;
+ EmComputed.mapBy = mapBy;
+ EmComputed.mapProperty = mapProperty;
+ EmComputed.filter = filter;
+ EmComputed.filterBy = filterBy;
+ EmComputed.filterProperty = filterProperty;
+ EmComputed.uniq = uniq;
+ EmComputed.union = union;
+ EmComputed.intersect = intersect;
+ Ember.String = EmberStringUtils;
+ Ember.Object = EmberObject;
+ Ember.TrackedArray = TrackedArray;
+ Ember.SubArray = SubArray;
+ Ember.Container = Container;
+ Ember.Namespace = Namespace;
+ Ember.Enumerable = Enumerable;
+ Ember.ArrayProxy = ArrayProxy;
+ Ember.ObjectProxy = ObjectProxy;
+ Ember.ActionHandler = ActionHandler;
+ Ember.CoreObject = CoreObject;
+ Ember.EachArray = EachArray;
+ Ember.EachProxy = EachProxy;
+ Ember.NativeArray = NativeArray;
+ // ES6TODO: Currently we must rely on the global from ember-metal/core to avoid circular deps
+ // Ember.A = A;
+ Ember.Set = Set;
+ Ember.Deferred = Deferred;
+ Ember.onLoad = onLoad;
+ Ember.runLoadHooks = runLoadHooks;
+ Ember.ArrayController = ArrayController;
+ Ember.ObjectController = ObjectController;
+ Ember.Controller = Controller;
+ Ember.ControllerMixin = ControllerMixin;
+ Ember._ProxyMixin = _ProxyMixin;
+ Ember.RSVP = RSVP;
+ __exports__["default"] = Ember;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/utils","ember-runtime/mixins/comparable","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var typeOf = __dependency1__.typeOf;
+ var Comparable = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var TYPE_ORDER = {
+ 'undefined': 0,
+ 'null': 1,
+ 'boolean': 2,
+ 'number': 3,
+ 'string': 4,
+ 'array': 5,
+ 'object': 6,
+ 'instance': 7,
+ 'function': 8,
+ 'class': 9,
+ 'date': 10
+ };
+ //
+ // the spaceship operator
+ //
+ function spaceship(a, b) {
+ var diff = a - b;
+ return (diff > 0) - (diff < 0);
+ }
+ /**
+ This will compare two javascript values of possibly different types.
+ It will tell you which one is greater than the other by returning:
+ - -1 if the first is smaller than the second,
+ - 0 if both are equal,
+ - 1 if the first is greater than the second.
+ The order is calculated based on `Ember.ORDER_DEFINITION`, if types are different.
+ In case they have the same type an appropriate comparison for this type is made.
+ ```javascript
+'hello', 'hello'); // 0
+'abc', 'dfg'); // -1
+, 1); // 1
+ ```
+ @method compare
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} v First value to compare
+ @param {Object} w Second value to compare
+ @return {Number} -1 if v < w, 0 if v = w and 1 if v > w.
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function compare(v, w) {
+ if (v === w) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ var type1 = typeOf(v);
+ var type2 = typeOf(w);
+ if (Comparable) {
+ if (type1 ==='instance' && Comparable.detect(v.constructor)) {
+ return, w);
+ }
+ if (type2 === 'instance' && Comparable.detect(w.constructor)) {
+ return 1 -, v);
+ }
+ }
+ var res = spaceship(TYPE_ORDER[type1], TYPE_ORDER[type2]);
+ if (res !== 0) {
+ return res;
+ }
+ // types are equal - so we have to check values now
+ switch (type1) {
+ case 'boolean':
+ case 'number':
+ return spaceship(v,w);
+ case 'string':
+ return spaceship(v.localeCompare(w), 0);
+ case 'array':
+ var vLen = v.length;
+ var wLen = w.length;
+ var len = Math.min(vLen, wLen);
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ var r = compare(v[i], w[i]);
+ if (r !== 0) {
+ return r;
+ }
+ }
+ // all elements are equal now
+ // shorter array should be ordered first
+ return spaceship(vLen, wLen);
+ case 'instance':
+ if (Comparable && Comparable.detect(v)) {
+ return, w);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ case 'date':
+ return spaceship(v.getTime(), w.getTime());
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-runtime/computed/reduce_computed","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/observer","ember-metal/error","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var ReduceComputedProperty = __dependency2__.ReduceComputedProperty;
+ var forEach = __dependency3__.forEach;
+ var o_create = __dependency4__.create;
+ var addObserver = __dependency5__.addObserver;
+ var EmberError = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var a_slice = [].slice;
+ function ArrayComputedProperty() {
+ var cp = this;
+ ReduceComputedProperty.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.func = (function(reduceFunc) {
+ return function (propertyName) {
+ if (!cp._hasInstanceMeta(this, propertyName)) {
+ // When we recompute an array computed property, we need already
+ // retrieved arrays to be updated; we can't simply empty the cache and
+ // hope the array is re-retrieved.
+ forEach(cp._dependentKeys, function(dependentKey) {
+ addObserver(this, dependentKey, function() {
+, propertyName);
+ });
+ }, this);
+ }
+ return reduceFunc.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ })(this.func);
+ return this;
+ }
+ ArrayComputedProperty.prototype = o_create(ReduceComputedProperty.prototype);
+ ArrayComputedProperty.prototype.initialValue = function () {
+ return Ember.A();
+ };
+ ArrayComputedProperty.prototype.resetValue = function (array) {
+ array.clear();
+ return array;
+ };
+ // This is a stopgap to keep the reference counts correct with lazy CPs.
+ ArrayComputedProperty.prototype.didChange = function (obj, keyName) {
+ return;
+ };
+ /**
+ Creates a computed property which operates on dependent arrays and
+ is updated with "one at a time" semantics. When items are added or
+ removed from the dependent array(s) an array computed only operates
+ on the change instead of re-evaluating the entire array. This should
+ return an array, if you'd like to use "one at a time" semantics and
+ compute some value other then an array look at
+ `Ember.reduceComputed`.
+ If there are more than one arguments the first arguments are
+ considered to be dependent property keys. The last argument is
+ required to be an options object. The options object can have the
+ following three properties.
+ `initialize` - An optional initialize function. Typically this will be used
+ to set up state on the instanceMeta object.
+ `removedItem` - A function that is called each time an element is
+ removed from the array.
+ `addedItem` - A function that is called each time an element is
+ added to the array.
+ The `initialize` function has the following signature:
+ ```javascript
+ function(array, changeMeta, instanceMeta)
+ ```
+ `array` - The initial value of the arrayComputed, an empty array.
+ `changeMeta` - An object which contains meta information about the
+ computed. It contains the following properties:
+ - `property` the computed property
+ - `propertyName` the name of the property on the object
+ `instanceMeta` - An object that can be used to store meta
+ information needed for calculating your computed. For example a
+ unique computed might use this to store the number of times a given
+ element is found in the dependent array.
+ The `removedItem` and `addedItem` functions both have the following signature:
+ ```javascript
+ function(accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta)
+ ```
+ `accumulatedValue` - The value returned from the last time
+ `removedItem` or `addedItem` was called or an empty array.
+ `item` - the element added or removed from the array
+ `changeMeta` - An object which contains meta information about the
+ change. It contains the following properties:
+ - `property` the computed property
+ - `propertyName` the name of the property on the object
+ - `index` the index of the added or removed item
+ - `item` the added or removed item: this is exactly the same as
+ the second arg
+ - `arrayChanged` the array that triggered the change. Can be
+ useful when depending on multiple arrays.
+ For property changes triggered on an item property change (when
+ depKey is something like `someArray.@each.someProperty`),
+ `changeMeta` will also contain the following property:
+ - `previousValues` an object whose keys are the properties that changed on
+ the item, and whose values are the item's previous values.
+ `previousValues` is important Ember coalesces item property changes via
+ This means that by the time removedItem gets called, item has
+ the new values, but you may need the previous value (eg for sorting &
+ filtering).
+ `instanceMeta` - An object that can be used to store meta
+ information needed for calculating your computed. For example a
+ unique computed might use this to store the number of times a given
+ element is found in the dependent array.
+ The `removedItem` and `addedItem` functions should return the accumulated
+ value. It is acceptable to not return anything (ie return undefined)
+ to invalidate the computation. This is generally not a good idea for
+ arrayComputed but it's used in eg max and min.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ = function(dependentKey, callback) {
+ var options = {
+ addedItem: function(array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ var mapped = callback(item);
+ array.insertAt(changeMeta.index, mapped);
+ return array;
+ },
+ removedItem: function(array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ array.removeAt(changeMeta.index, 1);
+ return array;
+ }
+ };
+ return Ember.arrayComputed(dependentKey, options);
+ };
+ ```
+ @method arrayComputed
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} [dependentKeys*]
+ @param {Object} options
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty}
+ */
+ function arrayComputed (options) {
+ var args;
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ args =, 0, -1);
+ options =, -1)[0];
+ }
+ if (typeof options !== 'object') {
+ throw new EmberError('Array Computed Property declared without an options hash');
+ }
+ var cp = new ArrayComputedProperty(options);
+ if (args) {
+, args);
+ }
+ return cp;
+ }
+ __exports__.arrayComputed = arrayComputed;
+ __exports__.ArrayComputedProperty = ArrayComputedProperty;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/property_events","ember-metal/expand_properties","ember-metal/observer","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-runtime/system/tracked_array","ember-runtime/mixins/array","ember-metal/run_loop","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var e_get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var guidFor = __dependency3__.guidFor;
+ var metaFor = __dependency3__.meta;
+ var EmberError = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var propertyWillChange = __dependency5__.propertyWillChange;
+ var propertyDidChange = __dependency5__.propertyDidChange;
+ var expandProperties = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var addObserver = __dependency7__.addObserver;
+ var removeObserver = __dependency7__.removeObserver;
+ var addBeforeObserver = __dependency7__.addBeforeObserver;
+ var removeBeforeObserver = __dependency7__.removeBeforeObserver;
+ var ComputedProperty = __dependency8__.ComputedProperty;
+ var cacheFor = __dependency8__.cacheFor;
+ var o_create = __dependency9__.create;
+ var forEach = __dependency10__.forEach;
+ var TrackedArray = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var EmberArray = __dependency12__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency13__["default"];
+ var isArray = __dependency3__.isArray;
+ var cacheSet = cacheFor.set;
+ var cacheGet = cacheFor.get;
+ var cacheRemove = cacheFor.remove;
+ var a_slice = [].slice;
+ // Here we explicitly don't allow ``; it would require some special
+ // testing, but there's no particular reason why it should be disallowed.
+ var eachPropertyPattern = /^(.*)\.@each\.(.*)/;
+ var doubleEachPropertyPattern = /(.*\.@each){2,}/;
+ var arrayBracketPattern = /\.\[\]$/;
+ function get(obj, key) {
+ if (key === '@this') {
+ return obj;
+ }
+ return e_get(obj, key);
+ }
+ /*
+ Tracks changes to dependent arrays, as well as to properties of items in
+ dependent arrays.
+ @class DependentArraysObserver
+ */
+ function DependentArraysObserver(callbacks, cp, instanceMeta, context, propertyName, sugarMeta) {
+ // user specified callbacks for `addedItem` and `removedItem`
+ this.callbacks = callbacks;
+ // the computed property: remember these are shared across instances
+ this.cp = cp;
+ // the ReduceComputedPropertyInstanceMeta this DependentArraysObserver is
+ // associated with
+ this.instanceMeta = instanceMeta;
+ // A map of array guids to dependentKeys, for the given context. We track
+ // this because we want to set up the computed property potentially before the
+ // dependent array even exists, but when the array observer fires, we lack
+ // enough context to know what to update: we can recover that context by
+ // getting the dependentKey.
+ this.dependentKeysByGuid = {};
+ // a map of dependent array guids -> TrackedArray instances. We use
+ // this to lazily recompute indexes for item property observers.
+ this.trackedArraysByGuid = {};
+ // We suspend observers to ignore replacements from `reset` when totally
+ // recomputing. Unfortunately we cannot properly suspend the observers
+ // because we only have the key; instead we make the observers no-ops
+ this.suspended = false;
+ // This is used to coalesce item changes from property observers within a
+ // single item.
+ this.changedItems = {};
+ // This is used to coalesce item changes for multiple items that depend on
+ // some shared state.
+ this.changedItemCount = 0;
+ }
+ function ItemPropertyObserverContext (dependentArray, index, trackedArray) {
+ Ember.assert('Internal error: trackedArray is null or undefined', trackedArray);
+ this.dependentArray = dependentArray;
+ this.index = index;
+ this.item = dependentArray.objectAt(index);
+ this.trackedArray = trackedArray;
+ this.beforeObserver = null;
+ = null;
+ this.destroyed = false;
+ }
+ DependentArraysObserver.prototype = {
+ setValue: function (newValue) {
+ this.instanceMeta.setValue(newValue, true);
+ },
+ getValue: function () {
+ return this.instanceMeta.getValue();
+ },
+ setupObservers: function (dependentArray, dependentKey) {
+ this.dependentKeysByGuid[guidFor(dependentArray)] = dependentKey;
+ dependentArray.addArrayObserver(this, {
+ willChange: 'dependentArrayWillChange',
+ didChange: 'dependentArrayDidChange'
+ });
+ if (this.cp._itemPropertyKeys[dependentKey]) {
+ this.setupPropertyObservers(dependentKey, this.cp._itemPropertyKeys[dependentKey]);
+ }
+ },
+ teardownObservers: function (dependentArray, dependentKey) {
+ var itemPropertyKeys = this.cp._itemPropertyKeys[dependentKey] || [];
+ delete this.dependentKeysByGuid[guidFor(dependentArray)];
+ this.teardownPropertyObservers(dependentKey, itemPropertyKeys);
+ dependentArray.removeArrayObserver(this, {
+ willChange: 'dependentArrayWillChange',
+ didChange: 'dependentArrayDidChange'
+ });
+ },
+ suspendArrayObservers: function (callback, binding) {
+ var oldSuspended = this.suspended;
+ this.suspended = true;
+ this.suspended = oldSuspended;
+ },
+ setupPropertyObservers: function (dependentKey, itemPropertyKeys) {
+ var dependentArray = get(this.instanceMeta.context, dependentKey);
+ var length = get(dependentArray, 'length');
+ var observerContexts = new Array(length);
+ this.resetTransformations(dependentKey, observerContexts);
+ forEach(dependentArray, function (item, index) {
+ var observerContext = this.createPropertyObserverContext(dependentArray, index, this.trackedArraysByGuid[dependentKey]);
+ observerContexts[index] = observerContext;
+ forEach(itemPropertyKeys, function (propertyKey) {
+ addBeforeObserver(item, propertyKey, this, observerContext.beforeObserver);
+ addObserver(item, propertyKey, this,;
+ }, this);
+ }, this);
+ },
+ teardownPropertyObservers: function (dependentKey, itemPropertyKeys) {
+ var dependentArrayObserver = this;
+ var trackedArray = this.trackedArraysByGuid[dependentKey];
+ var beforeObserver, observer, item;
+ if (!trackedArray) { return; }
+ trackedArray.apply(function (observerContexts, offset, operation) {
+ if (operation === TrackedArray.DELETE) { return; }
+ forEach(observerContexts, function (observerContext) {
+ observerContext.destroyed = true;
+ beforeObserver = observerContext.beforeObserver;
+ observer =;
+ item = observerContext.item;
+ forEach(itemPropertyKeys, function (propertyKey) {
+ removeBeforeObserver(item, propertyKey, dependentArrayObserver, beforeObserver);
+ removeObserver(item, propertyKey, dependentArrayObserver, observer);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ createPropertyObserverContext: function (dependentArray, index, trackedArray) {
+ var observerContext = new ItemPropertyObserverContext(dependentArray, index, trackedArray);
+ this.createPropertyObserver(observerContext);
+ return observerContext;
+ },
+ createPropertyObserver: function (observerContext) {
+ var dependentArrayObserver = this;
+ observerContext.beforeObserver = function (obj, keyName) {
+ return dependentArrayObserver.itemPropertyWillChange(obj, keyName, observerContext.dependentArray, observerContext);
+ };
+ = function (obj, keyName) {
+ return dependentArrayObserver.itemPropertyDidChange(obj, keyName, observerContext.dependentArray, observerContext);
+ };
+ },
+ resetTransformations: function (dependentKey, observerContexts) {
+ this.trackedArraysByGuid[dependentKey] = new TrackedArray(observerContexts);
+ },
+ trackAdd: function (dependentKey, index, newItems) {
+ var trackedArray = this.trackedArraysByGuid[dependentKey];
+ if (trackedArray) {
+ trackedArray.addItems(index, newItems);
+ }
+ },
+ trackRemove: function (dependentKey, index, removedCount) {
+ var trackedArray = this.trackedArraysByGuid[dependentKey];
+ if (trackedArray) {
+ return trackedArray.removeItems(index, removedCount);
+ }
+ return [];
+ },
+ updateIndexes: function (trackedArray, array) {
+ var length = get(array, 'length');
+ // OPTIMIZE: we could stop updating once we hit the object whose observer
+ // fired; ie partially apply the transformations
+ trackedArray.apply(function (observerContexts, offset, operation, operationIndex) {
+ // we don't even have observer contexts for removed items, even if we did,
+ // they no longer have any index in the array
+ if (operation === TrackedArray.DELETE) { return; }
+ if (operationIndex === 0 && operation === TrackedArray.RETAIN && observerContexts.length === length && offset === 0) {
+ // If we update many items we don't want to walk the array each time: we
+ // only need to update the indexes at most once per run loop.
+ return;
+ }
+ forEach(observerContexts, function (context, index) {
+ context.index = index + offset;
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ dependentArrayWillChange: function (dependentArray, index, removedCount, addedCount) {
+ if (this.suspended) { return; }
+ var removedItem = this.callbacks.removedItem;
+ var changeMeta;
+ var guid = guidFor(dependentArray);
+ var dependentKey = this.dependentKeysByGuid[guid];
+ var itemPropertyKeys = this.cp._itemPropertyKeys[dependentKey] || [];
+ var length = get(dependentArray, 'length');
+ var normalizedIndex = normalizeIndex(index, length, 0);
+ var normalizedRemoveCount = normalizeRemoveCount(normalizedIndex, length, removedCount);
+ var item, itemIndex, sliceIndex, observerContexts;
+ observerContexts = this.trackRemove(dependentKey, normalizedIndex, normalizedRemoveCount);
+ function removeObservers(propertyKey) {
+ observerContexts[sliceIndex].destroyed = true;
+ removeBeforeObserver(item, propertyKey, this, observerContexts[sliceIndex].beforeObserver);
+ removeObserver(item, propertyKey, this, observerContexts[sliceIndex].observer);
+ }
+ for (sliceIndex = normalizedRemoveCount - 1; sliceIndex >= 0; --sliceIndex) {
+ itemIndex = normalizedIndex + sliceIndex;
+ if (itemIndex >= length) { break; }
+ item = dependentArray.objectAt(itemIndex);
+ forEach(itemPropertyKeys, removeObservers, this);
+ changeMeta = new ChangeMeta(dependentArray, item, itemIndex, this.instanceMeta.propertyName, this.cp, normalizedRemoveCount);
+ this.setValue(
+ this.instanceMeta.context, this.getValue(), item, changeMeta, this.instanceMeta.sugarMeta));
+ }
+, this.getValue(), this.instanceMeta.sugarMeta);
+ },
+ dependentArrayDidChange: function (dependentArray, index, removedCount, addedCount) {
+ if (this.suspended) { return; }
+ var addedItem = this.callbacks.addedItem;
+ var guid = guidFor(dependentArray);
+ var dependentKey = this.dependentKeysByGuid[guid];
+ var observerContexts = new Array(addedCount);
+ var itemPropertyKeys = this.cp._itemPropertyKeys[dependentKey];
+ var length = get(dependentArray, 'length');
+ var normalizedIndex = normalizeIndex(index, length, addedCount);
+ var endIndex = normalizedIndex + addedCount;
+ var changeMeta, observerContext;
+ forEach(dependentArray.slice(normalizedIndex, endIndex), function (item, sliceIndex) {
+ if (itemPropertyKeys) {
+ observerContext = this.createPropertyObserverContext(dependentArray, normalizedIndex + sliceIndex,
+ this.trackedArraysByGuid[dependentKey]);
+ observerContexts[sliceIndex] = observerContext;
+ forEach(itemPropertyKeys, function (propertyKey) {
+ addBeforeObserver(item, propertyKey, this, observerContext.beforeObserver);
+ addObserver(item, propertyKey, this,;
+ }, this);
+ }
+ changeMeta = new ChangeMeta(dependentArray, item, normalizedIndex + sliceIndex, this.instanceMeta.propertyName, this.cp, addedCount);
+ this.setValue(
+ this.instanceMeta.context, this.getValue(), item, changeMeta, this.instanceMeta.sugarMeta));
+ }, this);
+, this.getValue(), this.instanceMeta.sugarMeta);
+ this.trackAdd(dependentKey, normalizedIndex, observerContexts);
+ },
+ itemPropertyWillChange: function (obj, keyName, array, observerContext) {
+ var guid = guidFor(obj);
+ if (!this.changedItems[guid]) {
+ this.changedItems[guid] = {
+ array: array,
+ observerContext: observerContext,
+ obj: obj,
+ previousValues: {}
+ };
+ }
+ ++this.changedItemCount;
+ this.changedItems[guid].previousValues[keyName] = get(obj, keyName);
+ },
+ itemPropertyDidChange: function (obj, keyName, array, observerContext) {
+ if (--this.changedItemCount === 0) {
+ this.flushChanges();
+ }
+ },
+ flushChanges: function () {
+ var changedItems = this.changedItems;
+ var key, c, changeMeta;
+ for (key in changedItems) {
+ c = changedItems[key];
+ if (c.observerContext.destroyed) { continue; }
+ this.updateIndexes(c.observerContext.trackedArray, c.observerContext.dependentArray);
+ changeMeta = new ChangeMeta(c.array, c.obj, c.observerContext.index, this.instanceMeta.propertyName, this.cp, changedItems.length, c.previousValues);
+ this.setValue(
+, this.getValue(), c.obj, changeMeta, this.instanceMeta.sugarMeta));
+ this.setValue(
+, this.getValue(), c.obj, changeMeta, this.instanceMeta.sugarMeta));
+ }
+ this.changedItems = {};
+, this.getValue(), this.instanceMeta.sugarMeta);
+ }
+ };
+ function normalizeIndex(index, length, newItemsOffset) {
+ if (index < 0) {
+ return Math.max(0, length + index);
+ } else if (index < length) {
+ return index;
+ } else /* index > length */ {
+ return Math.min(length - newItemsOffset, index);
+ }
+ }
+ function normalizeRemoveCount(index, length, removedCount) {
+ return Math.min(removedCount, length - index);
+ }
+ function ChangeMeta(dependentArray, item, index, propertyName, property, changedCount, previousValues){
+ this.arrayChanged = dependentArray;
+ this.index = index;
+ this.item = item;
+ this.propertyName = propertyName;
+ = property;
+ this.changedCount = changedCount;
+ if (previousValues) {
+ // previous values only available for item property changes
+ this.previousValues = previousValues;
+ }
+ }
+ function addItems(dependentArray, callbacks, cp, propertyName, meta) {
+ forEach(dependentArray, function (item, index) {
+ meta.setValue(
+ this, meta.getValue(), item, new ChangeMeta(dependentArray, item, index, propertyName, cp, dependentArray.length), meta.sugarMeta));
+ }, this);
+, meta.getValue(), meta.sugarMeta);
+ }
+ function reset(cp, propertyName) {
+ var hadMeta = cp._hasInstanceMeta(this, propertyName);
+ var meta = cp._instanceMeta(this, propertyName);
+ if (hadMeta) { meta.setValue(cp.resetValue(meta.getValue())); }
+ if (cp.options.initialize) {
+, meta.getValue(), {
+ property: cp,
+ propertyName: propertyName
+ }, meta.sugarMeta);
+ }
+ }
+ function partiallyRecomputeFor(obj, dependentKey) {
+ if (arrayBracketPattern.test(dependentKey)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var value = get(obj, dependentKey);
+ return EmberArray.detect(value);
+ }
+ function ReduceComputedPropertyInstanceMeta(context, propertyName, initialValue) {
+ this.context = context;
+ this.propertyName = propertyName;
+ this.cache = metaFor(context).cache;
+ this.dependentArrays = {};
+ this.sugarMeta = {};
+ this.initialValue = initialValue;
+ }
+ ReduceComputedPropertyInstanceMeta.prototype = {
+ getValue: function () {
+ var value = cacheGet(this.cache, this.propertyName);
+ if (value !== undefined) {
+ return value;
+ } else {
+ return this.initialValue;
+ }
+ },
+ setValue: function(newValue, triggerObservers) {
+ // This lets sugars force a recomputation, handy for very simple
+ // implementations of eg max.
+ if (newValue === cacheGet(this.cache, this.propertyName)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (triggerObservers) {
+ propertyWillChange(this.context, this.propertyName);
+ }
+ if (newValue === undefined) {
+ cacheRemove(this.cache, this.propertyName);
+ } else {
+ cacheSet(this.cache, this.propertyName, newValue);
+ }
+ if (triggerObservers) {
+ propertyDidChange(this.context, this.propertyName);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ A computed property whose dependent keys are arrays and which is updated with
+ "one at a time" semantics.
+ @class ReduceComputedProperty
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.ComputedProperty
+ @constructor
+ */
+ __exports__.ReduceComputedProperty = ReduceComputedProperty;
+ // TODO: default export
+ function ReduceComputedProperty(options) {
+ var cp = this;
+ this.options = options;
+ this._dependentKeys = null;
+ // A map of dependentKey -> [itemProperty, ...] that tracks what properties of
+ // items in the array we must track to update this property.
+ this._itemPropertyKeys = {};
+ this._previousItemPropertyKeys = {};
+ this.readOnly();
+ this.cacheable();
+ this.recomputeOnce = function(propertyName) {
+ // What we really want to do is coalesce by <cp, propertyName>.
+ // We need a form of `scheduleOnce` that accepts an arbitrary token to
+ // coalesce by, in addition to the target and method.
+ run.once(this, recompute, propertyName);
+ };
+ var recompute = function(propertyName) {
+ var meta = cp._instanceMeta(this, propertyName);
+ var callbacks = cp._callbacks();
+, cp, propertyName);
+ meta.dependentArraysObserver.suspendArrayObservers(function () {
+ forEach(cp._dependentKeys, function (dependentKey) {
+ Ember.assert(
+ 'dependent array ' + dependentKey + ' must be an `Ember.Array`. ' +
+ 'If you are not extending arrays, you will need to wrap native arrays with `Ember.A`',
+ !(isArray(get(this, dependentKey)) && !EmberArray.detect(get(this, dependentKey))));
+ if (!partiallyRecomputeFor(this, dependentKey)) { return; }
+ var dependentArray = get(this, dependentKey);
+ var previousDependentArray = meta.dependentArrays[dependentKey];
+ if (dependentArray === previousDependentArray) {
+ // The array may be the same, but our item property keys may have
+ // changed, so we set them up again. We can't easily tell if they've
+ // changed: the array may be the same object, but with different
+ // contents.
+ if (cp._previousItemPropertyKeys[dependentKey]) {
+ delete cp._previousItemPropertyKeys[dependentKey];
+ meta.dependentArraysObserver.setupPropertyObservers(dependentKey, cp._itemPropertyKeys[dependentKey]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ meta.dependentArrays[dependentKey] = dependentArray;
+ if (previousDependentArray) {
+ meta.dependentArraysObserver.teardownObservers(previousDependentArray, dependentKey);
+ }
+ if (dependentArray) {
+ meta.dependentArraysObserver.setupObservers(dependentArray, dependentKey);
+ }
+ }
+ }, this);
+ }, this);
+ forEach(cp._dependentKeys, function(dependentKey) {
+ if (!partiallyRecomputeFor(this, dependentKey)) { return; }
+ var dependentArray = get(this, dependentKey);
+ if (dependentArray) {
+, dependentArray, callbacks, cp, propertyName, meta);
+ }
+ }, this);
+ };
+ this.func = function (propertyName) {
+ Ember.assert('Computed reduce values require at least one dependent key', cp._dependentKeys);
+, propertyName);
+ return cp._instanceMeta(this, propertyName).getValue();
+ };
+ }
+ ReduceComputedProperty.prototype = o_create(ComputedProperty.prototype);
+ function defaultCallback(computedValue) {
+ return computedValue;
+ }
+ ReduceComputedProperty.prototype._callbacks = function () {
+ if (!this.callbacks) {
+ var options = this.options;
+ this.callbacks = {
+ removedItem: options.removedItem || defaultCallback,
+ addedItem: options.addedItem || defaultCallback,
+ flushedChanges: options.flushedChanges || defaultCallback
+ };
+ }
+ return this.callbacks;
+ };
+ ReduceComputedProperty.prototype._hasInstanceMeta = function (context, propertyName) {
+ return !!metaFor(context).cacheMeta[propertyName];
+ };
+ ReduceComputedProperty.prototype._instanceMeta = function (context, propertyName) {
+ var cacheMeta = metaFor(context).cacheMeta;
+ var meta = cacheMeta[propertyName];
+ if (!meta) {
+ meta = cacheMeta[propertyName] = new ReduceComputedPropertyInstanceMeta(context, propertyName, this.initialValue());
+ meta.dependentArraysObserver = new DependentArraysObserver(this._callbacks(), this, meta, context, propertyName, meta.sugarMeta);
+ }
+ return meta;
+ };
+ ReduceComputedProperty.prototype.initialValue = function () {
+ if (typeof this.options.initialValue === 'function') {
+ return this.options.initialValue();
+ }
+ else {
+ return this.options.initialValue;
+ }
+ };
+ ReduceComputedProperty.prototype.resetValue = function (value) {
+ return this.initialValue();
+ };
+ ReduceComputedProperty.prototype.itemPropertyKey = function (dependentArrayKey, itemPropertyKey) {
+ this._itemPropertyKeys[dependentArrayKey] = this._itemPropertyKeys[dependentArrayKey] || [];
+ this._itemPropertyKeys[dependentArrayKey].push(itemPropertyKey);
+ };
+ ReduceComputedProperty.prototype.clearItemPropertyKeys = function (dependentArrayKey) {
+ if (this._itemPropertyKeys[dependentArrayKey]) {
+ this._previousItemPropertyKeys[dependentArrayKey] = this._itemPropertyKeys[dependentArrayKey];
+ this._itemPropertyKeys[dependentArrayKey] = [];
+ }
+ };
+ = function () {
+ var cp = this;
+ var args =;
+ var propertyArgs = {};
+ var match, dependentArrayKey;
+ forEach(args, function (dependentKey) {
+ if (doubleEachPropertyPattern.test(dependentKey)) {
+ throw new EmberError('Nested @each properties not supported: ' + dependentKey);
+ } else if (match = eachPropertyPattern.exec(dependentKey)) {
+ dependentArrayKey = match[1];
+ var itemPropertyKeyPattern = match[2];
+ var addItemPropertyKey = function (itemPropertyKey) {
+ cp.itemPropertyKey(dependentArrayKey, itemPropertyKey);
+ };
+ expandProperties(itemPropertyKeyPattern, addItemPropertyKey);
+ propertyArgs[guidFor(dependentArrayKey)] = dependentArrayKey;
+ } else {
+ propertyArgs[guidFor(dependentKey)] = dependentKey;
+ }
+ });
+ var propertyArgsToArray = [];
+ for (var guid in propertyArgs) {
+ propertyArgsToArray.push(propertyArgs[guid]);
+ }
+ return, propertyArgsToArray);
+ };
+ /**
+ Creates a computed property which operates on dependent arrays and
+ is updated with "one at a time" semantics. When items are added or
+ removed from the dependent array(s) a reduce computed only operates
+ on the change instead of re-evaluating the entire array.
+ If there are more than one arguments the first arguments are
+ considered to be dependent property keys. The last argument is
+ required to be an options object. The options object can have the
+ following four properties:
+ `initialValue` - A value or function that will be used as the initial
+ value for the computed. If this property is a function the result of calling
+ the function will be used as the initial value. This property is required.
+ `initialize` - An optional initialize function. Typically this will be used
+ to set up state on the instanceMeta object.
+ `removedItem` - A function that is called each time an element is removed
+ from the array.
+ `addedItem` - A function that is called each time an element is added to
+ the array.
+ The `initialize` function has the following signature:
+ ```javascript
+ function(initialValue, changeMeta, instanceMeta)
+ ```
+ `initialValue` - The value of the `initialValue` property from the
+ options object.
+ `changeMeta` - An object which contains meta information about the
+ computed. It contains the following properties:
+ - `property` the computed property
+ - `propertyName` the name of the property on the object
+ `instanceMeta` - An object that can be used to store meta
+ information needed for calculating your computed. For example a
+ unique computed might use this to store the number of times a given
+ element is found in the dependent array.
+ The `removedItem` and `addedItem` functions both have the following signature:
+ ```javascript
+ function(accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta)
+ ```
+ `accumulatedValue` - The value returned from the last time
+ `removedItem` or `addedItem` was called or `initialValue`.
+ `item` - the element added or removed from the array
+ `changeMeta` - An object which contains meta information about the
+ change. It contains the following properties:
+ - `property` the computed property
+ - `propertyName` the name of the property on the object
+ - `index` the index of the added or removed item
+ - `item` the added or removed item: this is exactly the same as
+ the second arg
+ - `arrayChanged` the array that triggered the change. Can be
+ useful when depending on multiple arrays.
+ For property changes triggered on an item property change (when
+ depKey is something like `someArray.@each.someProperty`),
+ `changeMeta` will also contain the following property:
+ - `previousValues` an object whose keys are the properties that changed on
+ the item, and whose values are the item's previous values.
+ `previousValues` is important Ember coalesces item property changes via
+ This means that by the time removedItem gets called, item has
+ the new values, but you may need the previous value (eg for sorting &
+ filtering).
+ `instanceMeta` - An object that can be used to store meta
+ information needed for calculating your computed. For example a
+ unique computed might use this to store the number of times a given
+ element is found in the dependent array.
+ The `removedItem` and `addedItem` functions should return the accumulated
+ value. It is acceptable to not return anything (ie return undefined)
+ to invalidate the computation. This is generally not a good idea for
+ arrayComputed but it's used in eg max and min.
+ Note that observers will be fired if either of these functions return a value
+ that differs from the accumulated value. When returning an object that
+ mutates in response to array changes, for example an array that maps
+ everything from some other array (see ``), it is usually
+ important that the *same* array be returned to avoid accidentally triggering observers.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.computed.max = function(dependentKey) {
+ return Ember.reduceComputed(dependentKey, {
+ initialValue: -Infinity,
+ addedItem: function(accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ return Math.max(accumulatedValue, item);
+ },
+ removedItem: function(accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ if (item < accumulatedValue) {
+ return accumulatedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ ```
+ Dependent keys may refer to `@this` to observe changes to the object itself,
+ which must be array-like, rather than a property of the object. This is
+ mostly useful for array proxies, to ensure objects are retrieved via
+ `objectAtContent`. This is how you could sort items by properties defined on an item controller.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ App.PeopleController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
+ itemController: 'person',
+ sortedPeople: Ember.computed.sort('@this.@each.reversedName', function(personA, personB) {
+ // `reversedName` isn't defined on Person, but we have access to it via
+ // the item controller App.PersonController. If we'd used
+ // `content.@each.reversedName` above, we would be getting the objects
+ // directly and not have access to `reversedName`.
+ //
+ var reversedNameA = get(personA, 'reversedName');
+ var reversedNameB = get(personB, 'reversedName');
+ return, reversedNameB);
+ })
+ });
+ App.PersonController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ reversedName: function() {
+ return reverse(get(this, 'name'));
+ }.property('name')
+ });
+ ```
+ Dependent keys whose values are not arrays are treated as regular
+ dependencies: when they change, the computed property is completely
+ recalculated. It is sometimes useful to have dependent arrays with similar
+ semantics. Dependent keys which end in `.[]` do not use "one at a time"
+ semantics. When an item is added or removed from such a dependency, the
+ computed property is completely recomputed.
+ When the computed property is completely recomputed, the `accumulatedValue`
+ is discarded, it starts with `initialValue` again, and each item is passed
+ to `addedItem` in turn.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Object.extend({
+ // When `string` is changed, `computed` is completely recomputed.
+ string: 'a string',
+ // When an item is added to `array`, `addedItem` is called.
+ array: [],
+ // When an item is added to `anotherArray`, `computed` is completely
+ // recomputed.
+ anotherArray: [],
+ computed: Ember.reduceComputed('string', 'array', 'anotherArray.[]', {
+ addedItem: addedItemCallback,
+ removedItem: removedItemCallback
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ @method reduceComputed
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} [dependentKeys*]
+ @param {Object} options
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty}
+ */
+ function reduceComputed(options) {
+ var args;
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ args =, 0, -1);
+ options =, -1)[0];
+ }
+ if (typeof options !== 'object') {
+ throw new EmberError('Reduce Computed Property declared without an options hash');
+ }
+ if (!('initialValue' in options)) {
+ throw new EmberError('Reduce Computed Property declared without an initial value');
+ }
+ var cp = new ReduceComputedProperty(options);
+ if (args) {
+, args);
+ }
+ return cp;
+ }
+ __exports__.reduceComputed = reduceComputed;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/observer","ember-runtime/computed/array_computed","ember-runtime/computed/reduce_computed","ember-runtime/system/subarray","ember-metal/keys","ember-runtime/compare","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var isArray = __dependency3__.isArray;
+ var guidFor = __dependency3__.guidFor;
+ var EmberError = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var forEach = __dependency5__.forEach;
+ var run = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var addObserver = __dependency7__.addObserver;
+ var arrayComputed = __dependency8__.arrayComputed;
+ var reduceComputed = __dependency9__.reduceComputed;
+ var SubArray = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var keys = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var compare = __dependency12__["default"];
+ var a_slice = [].slice;
+ /**
+ A computed property that returns the sum of the value
+ in the dependent array.
+ @method computed.sum
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computes the sum of all values in the dependentKey's array
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ function sum(dependentKey){
+ return reduceComputed(dependentKey, {
+ initialValue: 0,
+ addedItem: function(accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta){
+ return accumulatedValue + item;
+ },
+ removedItem: function(accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta){
+ return accumulatedValue - item;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ __exports__.sum = sum;/**
+ A computed property that calculates the maximum value in the
+ dependent array. This will return `-Infinity` when the dependent
+ array is empty.
+ ```javascript
+ var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ childAges: Ember.computed.mapBy('children', 'age'),
+ maxChildAge: Ember.computed.max('childAges')
+ });
+ var lordByron = Person.create({ children: [] });
+ lordByron.get('maxChildAge'); // -Infinity
+ lordByron.get('children').pushObject({
+ name: 'Augusta Ada Byron', age: 7
+ });
+ lordByron.get('maxChildAge'); // 7
+ lordByron.get('children').pushObjects([{
+ name: 'Allegra Byron',
+ age: 5
+ }, {
+ name: 'Elizabeth Medora Leigh',
+ age: 8
+ }]);
+ lordByron.get('maxChildAge'); // 8
+ ```
+ @method computed.max
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computes the largest value in the dependentKey's array
+ */
+ function max(dependentKey) {
+ return reduceComputed(dependentKey, {
+ initialValue: -Infinity,
+ addedItem: function (accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ return Math.max(accumulatedValue, item);
+ },
+ removedItem: function (accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ if (item < accumulatedValue) {
+ return accumulatedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ __exports__.max = max;/**
+ A computed property that calculates the minimum value in the
+ dependent array. This will return `Infinity` when the dependent
+ array is empty.
+ ```javascript
+ var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ childAges: Ember.computed.mapBy('children', 'age'),
+ minChildAge: Ember.computed.min('childAges')
+ });
+ var lordByron = Person.create({ children: [] });
+ lordByron.get('minChildAge'); // Infinity
+ lordByron.get('children').pushObject({
+ name: 'Augusta Ada Byron', age: 7
+ });
+ lordByron.get('minChildAge'); // 7
+ lordByron.get('children').pushObjects([{
+ name: 'Allegra Byron',
+ age: 5
+ }, {
+ name: 'Elizabeth Medora Leigh',
+ age: 8
+ }]);
+ lordByron.get('minChildAge'); // 5
+ ```
+ @method computed.min
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computes the smallest value in the dependentKey's array
+ */
+ function min(dependentKey) {
+ return reduceComputed(dependentKey, {
+ initialValue: Infinity,
+ addedItem: function (accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ return Math.min(accumulatedValue, item);
+ },
+ removedItem: function (accumulatedValue, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ if (item > accumulatedValue) {
+ return accumulatedValue;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ __exports__.min = min;/**
+ Returns an array mapped via the callback
+ The callback method you provide should have the following signature.
+ `item` is the current item in the iteration.
+ `index` is the integer index of the current item in the iteration.
+ ```javascript
+ function(item, index);
+ ```
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ excitingChores:'chores', function(chore, index) {
+ return chore.toUpperCase() + '!';
+ })
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create({
+ chores: ['clean', 'write more unit tests']
+ });
+ hamster.get('excitingChores'); // ['CLEAN!', 'WRITE MORE UNIT TESTS!']
+ ```
+ @method
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @param {Function} callback
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} an array mapped via the callback
+ */
+ function map(dependentKey, callback) {
+ var options = {
+ addedItem: function(array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ var mapped =, item, changeMeta.index);
+ array.insertAt(changeMeta.index, mapped);
+ return array;
+ },
+ removedItem: function(array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ array.removeAt(changeMeta.index, 1);
+ return array;
+ }
+ };
+ return arrayComputed(dependentKey, options);
+ }
+ = map;/**
+ Returns an array mapped to the specified key.
+ ```javascript
+ var Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ childAges: Ember.computed.mapBy('children', 'age')
+ });
+ var lordByron = Person.create({ children: [] });
+ lordByron.get('childAges'); // []
+ lordByron.get('children').pushObject({ name: 'Augusta Ada Byron', age: 7 });
+ lordByron.get('childAges'); // [7]
+ lordByron.get('children').pushObjects([{
+ name: 'Allegra Byron',
+ age: 5
+ }, {
+ name: 'Elizabeth Medora Leigh',
+ age: 8
+ }]);
+ lordByron.get('childAges'); // [7, 5, 8]
+ ```
+ @method computed.mapBy
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @param {String} propertyKey
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} an array mapped to the specified key
+ */
+ function mapBy (dependentKey, propertyKey) {
+ var callback = function(item) { return get(item, propertyKey); };
+ return map(dependentKey + '.@each.' + propertyKey, callback);
+ }
+ __exports__.mapBy = mapBy;/**
+ @method computed.mapProperty
+ @for Ember
+ @deprecated Use `Ember.computed.mapBy` instead
+ @param dependentKey
+ @param propertyKey
+ */
+ var mapProperty = mapBy;
+ __exports__.mapProperty = mapProperty;
+ /**
+ Filters the array by the callback.
+ The callback method you provide should have the following signature.
+ `item` is the current item in the iteration.
+ `index` is the integer index of the current item in the iteration.
+ ```javascript
+ function(item, index);
+ ```
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ remainingChores: Ember.computed.filter('chores', function(chore, index) {
+ return !chore.done;
+ })
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create({
+ chores: [
+ { name: 'cook', done: true },
+ { name: 'clean', done: true },
+ { name: 'write more unit tests', done: false }
+ ]
+ });
+ hamster.get('remainingChores'); // [{name: 'write more unit tests', done: false}]
+ ```
+ @method computed.filter
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @param {Function} callback
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} the filtered array
+ */
+ function filter(dependentKey, callback) {
+ var options = {
+ initialize: function (array, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ instanceMeta.filteredArrayIndexes = new SubArray();
+ },
+ addedItem: function (array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ var match = !!, item, changeMeta.index);
+ var filterIndex = instanceMeta.filteredArrayIndexes.addItem(changeMeta.index, match);
+ if (match) {
+ array.insertAt(filterIndex, item);
+ }
+ return array;
+ },
+ removedItem: function(array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ var filterIndex = instanceMeta.filteredArrayIndexes.removeItem(changeMeta.index);
+ if (filterIndex > -1) {
+ array.removeAt(filterIndex);
+ }
+ return array;
+ }
+ };
+ return arrayComputed(dependentKey, options);
+ }
+ __exports__.filter = filter;/**
+ Filters the array by the property and value
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ remainingChores: Ember.computed.filterBy('chores', 'done', false)
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create({
+ chores: [
+ { name: 'cook', done: true },
+ { name: 'clean', done: true },
+ { name: 'write more unit tests', done: false }
+ ]
+ });
+ hamster.get('remainingChores'); // [{ name: 'write more unit tests', done: false }]
+ ```
+ @method computed.filterBy
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @param {String} propertyKey
+ @param {*} value
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} the filtered array
+ */
+ function filterBy (dependentKey, propertyKey, value) {
+ var callback;
+ if (arguments.length === 2) {
+ callback = function(item) {
+ return get(item, propertyKey);
+ };
+ } else {
+ callback = function(item) {
+ return get(item, propertyKey) === value;
+ };
+ }
+ return filter(dependentKey + '.@each.' + propertyKey, callback);
+ }
+ __exports__.filterBy = filterBy;/**
+ @method computed.filterProperty
+ @for Ember
+ @param dependentKey
+ @param propertyKey
+ @param value
+ @deprecated Use `Ember.computed.filterBy` instead
+ */
+ var filterProperty = filterBy;
+ __exports__.filterProperty = filterProperty;
+ /**
+ A computed property which returns a new array with all the unique
+ elements from one or more dependent arrays.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ uniqueFruits: Ember.computed.uniq('fruits')
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create({
+ fruits: [
+ 'banana',
+ 'grape',
+ 'kale',
+ 'banana'
+ ]
+ });
+ hamster.get('uniqueFruits'); // ['banana', 'grape', 'kale']
+ ```
+ @method computed.uniq
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} propertyKey*
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computes a new array with all the
+ unique elements from the dependent array
+ */
+ function uniq() {
+ var args =;
+ args.push({
+ initialize: function(array, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ instanceMeta.itemCounts = {};
+ },
+ addedItem: function(array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ var guid = guidFor(item);
+ if (!instanceMeta.itemCounts[guid]) {
+ instanceMeta.itemCounts[guid] = 1;
+ array.pushObject(item);
+ } else {
+ ++instanceMeta.itemCounts[guid];
+ }
+ return array;
+ },
+ removedItem: function(array, item, _, instanceMeta) {
+ var guid = guidFor(item);
+ var itemCounts = instanceMeta.itemCounts;
+ if (--itemCounts[guid] === 0) {
+ array.removeObject(item);
+ }
+ return array;
+ }
+ });
+ return arrayComputed.apply(null, args);
+ }
+ __exports__.uniq = uniq;/**
+ Alias for [Ember.computed.uniq](/api/#method_computed_uniq).
+ @method computed.union
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} propertyKey*
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computes a new array with all the
+ unique elements from the dependent array
+ */
+ var union = uniq;
+ __exports__.union = union;
+ /**
+ A computed property which returns a new array with all the duplicated
+ elements from two or more dependent arrays.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var obj = Ember.Object.createWithMixins({
+ adaFriends: ['Charles Babbage', 'John Hobhouse', 'William King', 'Mary Somerville'],
+ charlesFriends: ['William King', 'Mary Somerville', 'Ada Lovelace', 'George Peacock'],
+ friendsInCommon: Ember.computed.intersect('adaFriends', 'charlesFriends')
+ });
+ obj.get('friendsInCommon'); // ['William King', 'Mary Somerville']
+ ```
+ @method computed.intersect
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} propertyKey*
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computes a new array with all the
+ duplicated elements from the dependent arrays
+ */
+ function intersect() {
+ var args =;
+ args.push({
+ initialize: function (array, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ instanceMeta.itemCounts = {};
+ },
+ addedItem: function(array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ var itemGuid = guidFor(item);
+ var dependentGuid = guidFor(changeMeta.arrayChanged);
+ var numberOfDependentArrays =;
+ var itemCounts = instanceMeta.itemCounts;
+ if (!itemCounts[itemGuid]) {
+ itemCounts[itemGuid] = {};
+ }
+ if (itemCounts[itemGuid][dependentGuid] === undefined) {
+ itemCounts[itemGuid][dependentGuid] = 0;
+ }
+ if (++itemCounts[itemGuid][dependentGuid] === 1 &&
+ numberOfDependentArrays === keys(itemCounts[itemGuid]).length) {
+ array.addObject(item);
+ }
+ return array;
+ },
+ removedItem: function(array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ var itemGuid = guidFor(item);
+ var dependentGuid = guidFor(changeMeta.arrayChanged);
+ var numberOfArraysItemAppearsIn;
+ var itemCounts = instanceMeta.itemCounts;
+ if (itemCounts[itemGuid][dependentGuid] === undefined) {
+ itemCounts[itemGuid][dependentGuid] = 0;
+ }
+ if (--itemCounts[itemGuid][dependentGuid] === 0) {
+ delete itemCounts[itemGuid][dependentGuid];
+ numberOfArraysItemAppearsIn = keys(itemCounts[itemGuid]).length;
+ if (numberOfArraysItemAppearsIn === 0) {
+ delete itemCounts[itemGuid];
+ }
+ array.removeObject(item);
+ }
+ return array;
+ }
+ });
+ return arrayComputed.apply(null, args);
+ }
+ __exports__.intersect = intersect;/**
+ A computed property which returns a new array with all the
+ properties from the first dependent array that are not in the second
+ dependent array.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var Hamster = Ember.Object.extend({
+ likes: ['banana', 'grape', 'kale'],
+ wants: Ember.computed.setDiff('likes', 'fruits')
+ });
+ var hamster = Hamster.create({
+ fruits: [
+ 'grape',
+ 'kale',
+ ]
+ });
+ hamster.get('wants'); // ['banana']
+ ```
+ @method computed.setDiff
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} setAProperty
+ @param {String} setBProperty
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computes a new array with all the
+ items from the first dependent array that are not in the second
+ dependent array
+ */
+ function setDiff(setAProperty, setBProperty) {
+ if (arguments.length !== 2) {
+ throw new EmberError('setDiff requires exactly two dependent arrays.');
+ }
+ return arrayComputed(setAProperty, setBProperty, {
+ addedItem: function (array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ var setA = get(this, setAProperty);
+ var setB = get(this, setBProperty);
+ if (changeMeta.arrayChanged === setA) {
+ if (!setB.contains(item)) {
+ array.addObject(item);
+ }
+ } else {
+ array.removeObject(item);
+ }
+ return array;
+ },
+ removedItem: function (array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ var setA = get(this, setAProperty);
+ var setB = get(this, setBProperty);
+ if (changeMeta.arrayChanged === setB) {
+ if (setA.contains(item)) {
+ array.addObject(item);
+ }
+ } else {
+ array.removeObject(item);
+ }
+ return array;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ __exports__.setDiff = setDiff;function binarySearch(array, item, low, high) {
+ var mid, midItem, res, guidMid, guidItem;
+ if (arguments.length < 4) {
+ high = get(array, 'length');
+ }
+ if (arguments.length < 3) {
+ low = 0;
+ }
+ if (low === high) {
+ return low;
+ }
+ mid = low + Math.floor((high - low) / 2);
+ midItem = array.objectAt(mid);
+ guidMid = guidFor(midItem);
+ guidItem = guidFor(item);
+ if (guidMid === guidItem) {
+ return mid;
+ }
+ res = this.order(midItem, item);
+ if (res === 0) {
+ res = guidMid < guidItem ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ if (res < 0) {
+ return this.binarySearch(array, item, mid+1, high);
+ } else if (res > 0) {
+ return this.binarySearch(array, item, low, mid);
+ }
+ return mid;
+ }
+ /**
+ A computed property which returns a new array with all the
+ properties from the first dependent array sorted based on a property
+ or sort function.
+ The callback method you provide should have the following signature:
+ ```javascript
+ function(itemA, itemB);
+ ```
+ - `itemA` the first item to compare.
+ - `itemB` the second item to compare.
+ This function should return negative number (e.g. `-1`) when `itemA` should come before
+ `itemB`. It should return positive number (e.g. `1`) when `itemA` should come after
+ `itemB`. If the `itemA` and `itemB` are equal this function should return `0`.
+ Therefore, if this function is comparing some numeric values, simple `itemA - itemB` or
+ `itemA.get( 'foo' ) - itemB.get( 'foo' )` can be used instead of series of `if`.
+ Example
+ ```javascript
+ var ToDoList = Ember.Object.extend({
+ // using standard ascending sort
+ todosSorting: ['name'],
+ sortedTodos: Ember.computed.sort('todos', 'todosSorting'),
+ // using descending sort
+ todosSortingDesc: ['name:desc'],
+ sortedTodosDesc: Ember.computed.sort('todos', 'todosSortingDesc'),
+ // using a custom sort function
+ priorityTodos: Ember.computed.sort('todos', function(a, b){
+ if (a.priority > b.priority) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (a.priority < b.priority) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ })
+ });
+ var todoList = ToDoList.create({todos: [
+ { name: 'Unit Test', priority: 2 },
+ { name: 'Documentation', priority: 3 },
+ { name: 'Release', priority: 1 }
+ ]});
+ todoList.get('sortedTodos'); // [{ name:'Documentation', priority:3 }, { name:'Release', priority:1 }, { name:'Unit Test', priority:2 }]
+ todoList.get('sortedTodosDesc'); // [{ name:'Unit Test', priority:2 }, { name:'Release', priority:1 }, { name:'Documentation', priority:3 }]
+ todoList.get('priorityTodos'); // [{ name:'Release', priority:1 }, { name:'Unit Test', priority:2 }, { name:'Documentation', priority:3 }]
+ ```
+ @method computed.sort
+ @for Ember
+ @param {String} dependentKey
+ @param {String or Function} sortDefinition a dependent key to an
+ array of sort properties (add `:desc` to the arrays sort properties to sort descending) or a function to use when sorting
+ @return {Ember.ComputedProperty} computes a new sorted array based
+ on the sort property array or callback function
+ */
+ function sort(itemsKey, sortDefinition) {
+ Ember.assert('Ember.computed.sort requires two arguments: an array key to sort and ' +
+ 'either a sort properties key or sort function', arguments.length === 2);
+ if (typeof sortDefinition === 'function') {
+ return customSort(itemsKey, sortDefinition);
+ } else {
+ return propertySort(itemsKey, sortDefinition);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.sort = sort;function customSort(itemsKey, comparator) {
+ return arrayComputed(itemsKey, {
+ initialize: function (array, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ instanceMeta.order = comparator;
+ instanceMeta.binarySearch = binarySearch;
+ instanceMeta.waitingInsertions = [];
+ instanceMeta.insertWaiting = function() {
+ var index, item;
+ var waiting = instanceMeta.waitingInsertions;
+ instanceMeta.waitingInsertions = [];
+ for (var i=0; i<waiting.length; i++) {
+ item = waiting[i];
+ index = instanceMeta.binarySearch(array, item);
+ array.insertAt(index, item);
+ }
+ };
+ instanceMeta.insertLater = function(item) {
+ this.waitingInsertions.push(item);
+ };
+ },
+ addedItem: function (array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ instanceMeta.insertLater(item);
+ return array;
+ },
+ removedItem: function (array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ array.removeObject(item);
+ return array;
+ },
+ flushedChanges: function(array, instanceMeta) {
+ instanceMeta.insertWaiting();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function propertySort(itemsKey, sortPropertiesKey) {
+ return arrayComputed(itemsKey, {
+ initialize: function (array, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ function setupSortProperties() {
+ var sortPropertyDefinitions = get(this, sortPropertiesKey);
+ var sortProperties = instanceMeta.sortProperties = [];
+ var sortPropertyAscending = instanceMeta.sortPropertyAscending = {};
+ var sortProperty, idx, asc;
+ Ember.assert('Cannot sort: \'' + sortPropertiesKey + '\' is not an array.',
+ isArray(sortPropertyDefinitions));
+ forEach(sortPropertyDefinitions, function (sortPropertyDefinition) {
+ if ((idx = sortPropertyDefinition.indexOf(':')) !== -1) {
+ sortProperty = sortPropertyDefinition.substring(0, idx);
+ asc = sortPropertyDefinition.substring(idx+1).toLowerCase() !== 'desc';
+ } else {
+ sortProperty = sortPropertyDefinition;
+ asc = true;
+ }
+ sortProperties.push(sortProperty);
+ sortPropertyAscending[sortProperty] = asc;
+, sortProperty);
+ });
+ sortPropertyDefinitions.addObserver('@each', this, updateSortPropertiesOnce);
+ }
+ function updateSortPropertiesOnce() {
+ run.once(this, updateSortProperties, changeMeta.propertyName);
+ }
+ function updateSortProperties(propertyName) {
+, propertyName);
+ }
+ addObserver(this, sortPropertiesKey, updateSortPropertiesOnce);
+ instanceMeta.order = function (itemA, itemB) {
+ var sortProperty, result, asc;
+ var keyA = this.keyFor(itemA);
+ var keyB = this.keyFor(itemB);
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.sortProperties.length; ++i) {
+ sortProperty = this.sortProperties[i];
+ result = compare(keyA[sortProperty], keyB[sortProperty]);
+ if (result !== 0) {
+ asc = this.sortPropertyAscending[sortProperty];
+ return asc ? result : (-1 * result);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ };
+ instanceMeta.binarySearch = binarySearch;
+ setupKeyCache(instanceMeta);
+ },
+ addedItem: function (array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ var index = instanceMeta.binarySearch(array, item);
+ array.insertAt(index, item);
+ return array;
+ },
+ removedItem: function (array, item, changeMeta, instanceMeta) {
+ var index = instanceMeta.binarySearch(array, item);
+ array.removeAt(index);
+ instanceMeta.dropKeyFor(item);
+ return array;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function setupKeyCache(instanceMeta) {
+ instanceMeta.keyFor = function(item) {
+ var guid = guidFor(item);
+ if (this.keyCache[guid]) {
+ return this.keyCache[guid];
+ }
+ var sortProperty;
+ var key = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.sortProperties.length; ++i) {
+ sortProperty = this.sortProperties[i];
+ key[sortProperty] = get(item, sortProperty);
+ }
+ return this.keyCache[guid] = key;
+ };
+ instanceMeta.dropKeyFor = function(item) {
+ var guid = guidFor(item);
+ this.keyCache[guid] = null;
+ };
+ instanceMeta.keyCache = {};
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-runtime/system/array_proxy","ember-runtime/mixins/sortable","ember-runtime/mixins/controller","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/error","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var forEach = __dependency3__.forEach;
+ var replace = __dependency3__.replace;
+ var ArrayProxy = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var SortableMixin = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var ControllerMixin = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var computed = __dependency7__.computed;
+ var EmberError = __dependency8__["default"];
+ /**
+ `Ember.ArrayController` provides a way for you to publish a collection of
+ objects so that you can easily bind to the collection from a Handlebars
+ `#each` helper, an `Ember.CollectionView`, or other controllers.
+ The advantage of using an `ArrayController` is that you only have to set up
+ your view bindings once; to change what's displayed, simply swap out the
+ `model` property on the controller.
+ For example, imagine you wanted to display a list of items fetched via an XHR
+ request. Create an `Ember.ArrayController` and set its `model` property:
+ ```javascript
+ MyApp.listController = Ember.ArrayController.create();
+ $.get('people.json', function(data) {
+ MyApp.listController.set('model', data);
+ });
+ ```
+ Then, create a view that binds to your new controller:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#each person in MyApp.listController}}
+ {{person.firstName}} {{person.lastName}}
+ {{/each}}
+ ```
+ Although you are binding to the controller, the behavior of this controller
+ is to pass through any methods or properties to the underlying array. This
+ capability comes from `Ember.ArrayProxy`, which this class inherits from.
+ Sometimes you want to display computed properties within the body of an
+ `#each` helper that depend on the underlying items in `model`, but are not
+ present on those items. To do this, set `itemController` to the name of a
+ controller (probably an `ObjectController`) that will wrap each individual item.
+ For example:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#each post in controller}}
+ <li>{{post.title}} ({{post.titleLength}} characters)</li>
+ {{/each}}
+ ```
+ ```javascript
+ App.PostsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
+ itemController: 'post'
+ });
+ App.PostController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ // the `title` property will be proxied to the underlying post.
+ titleLength: function() {
+ return this.get('title').length;
+ }.property('title')
+ });
+ ```
+ In some cases it is helpful to return a different `itemController` depending
+ on the particular item. Subclasses can do this by overriding
+ `lookupItemController`.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.MyArrayController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
+ lookupItemController: function( object ) {
+ if (object.get('isSpecial')) {
+ return "special"; // use App.SpecialController
+ } else {
+ return "regular"; // use App.RegularController
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ The itemController instances will have a `parentController` property set to
+ the `ArrayController` instance.
+ @class ArrayController
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.ArrayProxy
+ @uses Ember.SortableMixin
+ @uses Ember.ControllerMixin
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = ArrayProxy.extend(ControllerMixin, SortableMixin, {
+ /**
+ The controller used to wrap items, if any. If the value is a string, it will
+ be used to lookup the container for the controller. As an alternative, you
+ can also provide a controller class as the value.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.MyArrayController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
+ itemController: Ember.ObjectController.extend({
+ //Item Controller Implementation
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ @property itemController
+ @type String | Ember.Controller
+ @default null
+ */
+ itemController: null,
+ /**
+ Return the name of the controller to wrap items, or `null` if items should
+ be returned directly. The default implementation simply returns the
+ `itemController` property, but subclasses can override this method to return
+ different controllers for different objects.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.MyArrayController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
+ lookupItemController: function( object ) {
+ if (object.get('isSpecial')) {
+ return "special"; // use App.SpecialController
+ } else {
+ return "regular"; // use App.RegularController
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method lookupItemController
+ @param {Object} object
+ @return {String}
+ */
+ lookupItemController: function(object) {
+ return get(this, 'itemController');
+ },
+ objectAtContent: function(idx) {
+ var length = get(this, 'length');
+ var arrangedContent = get(this, 'arrangedContent');
+ var object = arrangedContent && arrangedContent.objectAt(idx);
+ var controllerClass;
+ if (idx >= 0 && idx < length) {
+ controllerClass = this.lookupItemController(object);
+ if (controllerClass) {
+ return this.controllerAt(idx, object, controllerClass);
+ }
+ }
+ // When `controllerClass` is falsy, we have not opted in to using item
+ // controllers, so return the object directly.
+ // When the index is out of range, we want to return the "out of range"
+ // value, whatever that might be. Rather than make assumptions
+ // (e.g. guessing `null` or `undefined`) we defer this to `arrangedContent`.
+ return object;
+ },
+ arrangedContentDidChange: function() {
+ this._super();
+ this._resetSubControllers();
+ },
+ arrayContentDidChange: function(idx, removedCnt, addedCnt) {
+ var subControllers = this._subControllers;
+ if (subControllers.length) {
+ var subControllersToRemove = subControllers.slice(idx, idx + removedCnt);
+ forEach(subControllersToRemove, function(subController) {
+ if (subController) {
+ subController.destroy();
+ }
+ });
+ replace(subControllers, idx, removedCnt, new Array(addedCnt));
+ }
+ // The shadow array of subcontrollers must be updated before we trigger
+ // observers, otherwise observers will get the wrong subcontainer when
+ // calling `objectAt`
+ this._super(idx, removedCnt, addedCnt);
+ },
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ this._subControllers = [];
+ },
+ model: computed(function () {
+ return Ember.A();
+ }),
+ /**
+ * Flag to mark as being "virtual". Used to keep this instance
+ * from participating in the parentController hierarchy.
+ *
+ * @private
+ * @property _isVirtual
+ * @type Boolean
+ */
+ _isVirtual: false,
+ controllerAt: function(idx, object, controllerClass) {
+ var container = get(this, 'container');
+ var subControllers = this._subControllers;
+ var fullName, subController, subControllerFactory, parentController, options;
+ if (subControllers.length > idx) {
+ subController = subControllers[idx];
+ if (subController) {
+ return subController;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._isVirtual) {
+ parentController = get(this, 'parentController');
+ } else {
+ parentController = this;
+ }
+ fullName = 'controller:' + controllerClass;
+ if (!container.has(fullName)) {
+ throw new EmberError('Could not resolve itemController: "' + controllerClass + '"');
+ }
+ subController = container.lookupFactory(fullName).create({
+ target: parentController,
+ parentController: parentController,
+ model: object
+ });
+ subControllers[idx] = subController;
+ return subController;
+ },
+ _subControllers: null,
+ _resetSubControllers: function() {
+ var controller;
+ var subControllers = this._subControllers;
+ if (subControllers.length) {
+ for (var i = 0, length = subControllers.length; length > i; i++) {
+ controller = subControllers[i];
+ if (controller) {
+ controller.destroy();
+ }
+ }
+ subControllers.length = 0;
+ }
+ },
+ willDestroy: function() {
+ this._resetSubControllers();
+ this._super();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-runtime/mixins/controller","ember-runtime/inject","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var EmberObject = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var Mixin = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var createInjectionHelper = __dependency4__.createInjectionHelper;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ /**
+ @class Controller
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ @uses Ember.ControllerMixin
+ */
+ var Controller = EmberObject.extend(Mixin);
+ function controllerInjectionHelper(factory) {
+ Ember.assert("Defining an injected controller property on a " +
+ "non-controller is not allowed.", Controller.detect(factory));
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = Controller;
+ });
+ ["ember-runtime/mixins/controller","ember-runtime/system/object_proxy","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var ControllerMixin = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var ObjectProxy = __dependency2__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ /**
+ `Ember.ObjectController` is part of Ember's Controller layer. It is intended
+ to wrap a single object, proxying unhandled attempts to `get` and `set` to the underlying
+ model object, and to forward unhandled action attempts to its `target`.
+ `Ember.ObjectController` derives this functionality from its superclass
+ `Ember.ObjectProxy` and the `Ember.ControllerMixin` mixin.
+ @class ObjectController
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.ObjectProxy
+ @uses Ember.ControllerMixin
+ **/
+ __exports__["default"] = ObjectProxy.extend(ControllerMixin);
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/utils","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-runtime/mixins/copyable","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var indexOf = __dependency1__.indexOf;
+ var typeOf = __dependency2__.typeOf;
+ var EmberObject = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var Copyable = __dependency4__["default"];
+ function _copy(obj, deep, seen, copies) {
+ var ret, loc, key;
+ // primitive data types are immutable, just return them.
+ if (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) {
+ return obj;
+ }
+ // avoid cyclical loops
+ if (deep && (loc = indexOf(seen, obj)) >= 0) {
+ return copies[loc];
+ }
+ Ember.assert('Cannot clone an Ember.Object that does not implement Ember.Copyable',
+ !(obj instanceof EmberObject) || (Copyable && Copyable.detect(obj)));
+ // IMPORTANT: this specific test will detect a native array only. Any other
+ // object will need to implement Copyable.
+ if (typeOf(obj) === 'array') {
+ ret = obj.slice();
+ if (deep) {
+ loc = ret.length;
+ while (--loc >= 0) {
+ ret[loc] = _copy(ret[loc], deep, seen, copies);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (Copyable && Copyable.detect(obj)) {
+ ret = obj.copy(deep, seen, copies);
+ } else if (obj instanceof Date) {
+ ret = new Date(obj.getTime());
+ } else {
+ ret = {};
+ for (key in obj) {
+ // support Null prototype
+ if (!, key)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Prevents browsers that don't respect non-enumerability from
+ // copying internal Ember properties
+ if (key.substring(0, 2) === '__') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ret[key] = deep ? _copy(obj[key], deep, seen, copies) : obj[key];
+ }
+ }
+ if (deep) {
+ seen.push(obj);
+ copies.push(ret);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ Creates a clone of the passed object. This function can take just about
+ any type of object and create a clone of it, including primitive values
+ (which are not actually cloned because they are immutable).
+ If the passed object implements the `copy()` method, then this function
+ will simply call that method and return the result. Please see
+ `Ember.Copyable` for further details.
+ @method copy
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} obj The object to clone
+ @param {Boolean} deep If true, a deep copy of the object is made
+ @return {Object} The cloned object
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function copy(obj, deep) {
+ // fast paths
+ if ('object' !== typeof obj || obj === null) {
+ return obj; // can't copy primitives
+ }
+ if (Copyable && Copyable.detect(obj)) {
+ return obj.copy(deep);
+ }
+ return _copy(obj, deep, deep ? [] : null, deep ? [] : null);
+ }
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ /**
+ Compares two objects, returning true if they are logically equal. This is
+ a deeper comparison than a simple triple equal. For sets it will compare the
+ internal objects. For any other object that implements `isEqual()` it will
+ respect that method.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.isEqual('hello', 'hello'); // true
+ Ember.isEqual(1, 2); // false
+ Ember.isEqual([4, 2], [4, 2]); // false
+ ```
+ @method isEqual
+ @for Ember
+ @param {Object} a first object to compare
+ @param {Object} b second object to compare
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ var isEqual = function isEqual(a, b) {
+ if (a && typeof a.isEqual === 'function') {
+ return a.isEqual(b);
+ }
+ if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) {
+ return a.getTime() === b.getTime();
+ }
+ return a === b;
+ };
+ __exports__.isEqual = isEqual;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/expand_properties","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/mixin"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES, Ember.assert
+ var expandProperties = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var computed = __dependency3__.computed;
+ var observer =;
+ var a_slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+ var FunctionPrototype = Function.prototype;
+ if (Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES === true || Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Function) {
+ /**
+ The `property` extension of Javascript's Function prototype is available
+ when `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES` or `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Function` is
+ `true`, which is the default.
+ Computed properties allow you to treat a function like a property:
+ ```javascript
+ MyApp.President = Ember.Object.extend({
+ firstName: '',
+ lastName: '',
+ fullName: function() {
+ return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');
+ }.property() // Call this flag to mark the function as a property
+ });
+ var president = MyApp.President.create({
+ firstName: 'Barack',
+ lastName: 'Obama'
+ });
+ president.get('fullName'); // 'Barack Obama'
+ ```
+ Treating a function like a property is useful because they can work with
+ bindings, just like any other property.
+ Many computed properties have dependencies on other properties. For
+ example, in the above example, the `fullName` property depends on
+ `firstName` and `lastName` to determine its value. You can tell Ember
+ about these dependencies like this:
+ ```javascript
+ MyApp.President = Ember.Object.extend({
+ firstName: '',
+ lastName: '',
+ fullName: function() {
+ return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');
+ // Tell Ember.js that this computed property depends on firstName
+ // and lastName
+ }.property('firstName', 'lastName')
+ });
+ ```
+ Make sure you list these dependencies so Ember knows when to update
+ bindings that connect to a computed property. Changing a dependency
+ will not immediately trigger an update of the computed property, but
+ will instead clear the cache so that it is updated when the next `get`
+ is called on the property.
+ See [Ember.ComputedProperty](/api/classes/Ember.ComputedProperty.html), [Ember.computed](/api/#method_computed).
+ @method property
+ @for Function
+ */
+ = function () {
+ var ret = computed(this);
+ // expands properties; no need for us to
+ // do so here.
+ return, arguments);
+ };
+ /**
+ The `observes` extension of Javascript's Function prototype is available
+ when `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES` or `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Function` is
+ true, which is the default.
+ You can observe property changes simply by adding the `observes`
+ call to the end of your method declarations in classes that you write.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Object.extend({
+ valueObserver: function() {
+ // Executes whenever the "value" property changes
+ }.observes('value')
+ });
+ ```
+ In the future this method may become asynchronous. If you want to ensure
+ synchronous behavior, use `observesImmediately`.
+ See ``.
+ @method observes
+ @for Function
+ */
+ FunctionPrototype.observes = function() {
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var args = new Array(length);
+ for (var x = 0; x < length; x++) {
+ args[x] = arguments[x];
+ }
+ return observer.apply(this, args.concat(this));
+ };
+ /**
+ The `observesImmediately` extension of Javascript's Function prototype is
+ available when `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES` or
+ `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Function` is true, which is the default.
+ You can observe property changes simply by adding the `observesImmediately`
+ call to the end of your method declarations in classes that you write.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Object.extend({
+ valueObserver: function() {
+ // Executes immediately after the "value" property changes
+ }.observesImmediately('value')
+ });
+ ```
+ In the future, `observes` may become asynchronous. In this event,
+ `observesImmediately` will maintain the synchronous behavior.
+ See `Ember.immediateObserver`.
+ @method observesImmediately
+ @for Function
+ */
+ FunctionPrototype.observesImmediately = function () {
+ for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var arg = arguments[i];
+ Ember.assert('Immediate observers must observe internal properties only, ' +
+ 'not properties on other objects.', arg.indexOf('.') === -1);
+ }
+ // observes handles property expansion
+ return this.observes.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ /**
+ The `observesBefore` extension of Javascript's Function prototype is
+ available when `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES` or
+ `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Function` is true, which is the default.
+ You can get notified when a property change is about to happen by
+ by adding the `observesBefore` call to the end of your method
+ declarations in classes that you write. For example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Object.extend({
+ valueObserver: function() {
+ // Executes whenever the "value" property is about to change
+ }.observesBefore('value')
+ });
+ ```
+ See `Ember.beforeObserver`.
+ @method observesBefore
+ @for Function
+ */
+ FunctionPrototype.observesBefore = function () {
+ var watched = [];
+ var addWatchedProperty = function (obs) {
+ watched.push(obs);
+ };
+ for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; ++i) {
+ expandProperties(arguments[i], addWatchedProperty);
+ }
+ this.__ember_observesBefore__ = watched;
+ return this;
+ };
+ /**
+ The `on` extension of Javascript's Function prototype is available
+ when `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES` or `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Function` is
+ true, which is the default.
+ You can listen for events simply by adding the `on` call to the end of
+ your method declarations in classes or mixins that you write. For example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Mixin.create({
+ doSomethingWithElement: function() {
+ // Executes whenever the "didInsertElement" event fires
+ }.on('didInsertElement')
+ });
+ ```
+ See `Ember.on`.
+ @method on
+ @for Function
+ */
+ FunctionPrototype.on = function () {
+ var events =;
+ this.__ember_listens__ = events;
+ return this;
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/logger","ember-metal/run_loop","rsvp","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /* globals RSVP:true */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var Logger = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency3__["default"];
+ // this is technically incorrect (per @wycats)
+ // it should be `import * as RSVP from 'rsvp';` but
+ // Esprima does not support this syntax yet (and neither does
+ // es6-module-transpiler 0.4.0 - 0.6.2).
+ var RSVP = __dependency4__;
+ var testModuleName = 'ember-testing/test';
+ var Test;
+ var asyncStart = function() {
+ if (Ember.Test && Ember.Test.adapter) {
+ Ember.Test.adapter.asyncStart();
+ }
+ };
+ var asyncEnd = function() {
+ if (Ember.Test && Ember.Test.adapter) {
+ Ember.Test.adapter.asyncEnd();
+ }
+ };
+ RSVP.configure('async', function(callback, promise) {
+ var async = !run.currentRunLoop;
+ if (Ember.testing && async) { asyncStart(); }
+ run.backburner.schedule('actions', function(){
+ if (Ember.testing && async) { asyncEnd(); }
+ callback(promise);
+ });
+ });
+ = function(callback, label){
+ Ember.deprecate(' has been renamed as RSVP.Promise.catch');
+ return this['catch'](callback, label);
+ };
+ RSVP.onerrorDefault = function (error) {
+ if (error && !== 'TransitionAborted') {
+ if (Ember.testing) {
+ // ES6TODO: remove when possible
+ if (!Test && Ember.__loader.registry[testModuleName]) {
+ Test = requireModule(testModuleName)['default'];
+ }
+ if (Test && Test.adapter) {
+ Test.adapter.exception(error);
+ Logger.error(error.stack);
+ } else {
+ throw error;
+ }
+ } else if (Ember.onerror) {
+ Ember.onerror(error);
+ } else {
+ Logger.error(error.stack);
+ Ember.assert(error, false);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ RSVP.on('error', RSVP.onerrorDefault);
+ __exports__["default"] = RSVP;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-runtime/system/string"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES, Ember.assert, Ember.FEATURES
+ var fmt = __dependency2__.fmt;
+ var w = __dependency2__.w;
+ var loc = __dependency2__.loc;
+ var camelize = __dependency2__.camelize;
+ var decamelize = __dependency2__.decamelize;
+ var dasherize = __dependency2__.dasherize;
+ var underscore = __dependency2__.underscore;
+ var capitalize = __dependency2__.capitalize;
+ var classify = __dependency2__.classify;
+ var StringPrototype = String.prototype;
+ if (Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES === true || Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.String) {
+ /**
+ See [Ember.String.fmt](/api/classes/Ember.String.html#method_fmt).
+ @method fmt
+ @for String
+ */
+ StringPrototype.fmt = function () {
+ return fmt(this, arguments);
+ };
+ /**
+ See [Ember.String.w](/api/classes/Ember.String.html#method_w).
+ @method w
+ @for String
+ */
+ StringPrototype.w = function () {
+ return w(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ See [Ember.String.loc](/api/classes/Ember.String.html#method_loc).
+ @method loc
+ @for String
+ */
+ StringPrototype.loc = function () {
+ return loc(this, arguments);
+ };
+ /**
+ See [Ember.String.camelize](/api/classes/Ember.String.html#method_camelize).
+ @method camelize
+ @for String
+ */
+ StringPrototype.camelize = function () {
+ return camelize(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ See [Ember.String.decamelize](/api/classes/Ember.String.html#method_decamelize).
+ @method decamelize
+ @for String
+ */
+ StringPrototype.decamelize = function () {
+ return decamelize(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ See [Ember.String.dasherize](/api/classes/Ember.String.html#method_dasherize).
+ @method dasherize
+ @for String
+ */
+ StringPrototype.dasherize = function () {
+ return dasherize(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ See [Ember.String.underscore](/api/classes/Ember.String.html#method_underscore).
+ @method underscore
+ @for String
+ */
+ StringPrototype.underscore = function () {
+ return underscore(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ See [Ember.String.classify](/api/classes/Ember.String.html#method_classify).
+ @method classify
+ @for String
+ */
+ StringPrototype.classify = function () {
+ return classify(this);
+ };
+ /**
+ See [Ember.String.capitalize](/api/classes/Ember.String.html#method_capitalize).
+ @method capitalize
+ @for String
+ */
+ StringPrototype.capitalize = function () {
+ return capitalize(this);
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/injected_property","ember-metal/keys","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var indexOf = __dependency2__.indexOf;
+ var InjectedProperty = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var keys = __dependency4__["default"];
+ /**
+ Namespace for injection helper methods.
+ @class inject
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ function inject() {
+ Ember.assert("Injected properties must be created through helpers, see `" +
+ keys(inject).join("`, `") + "`");
+ }
+ // Dictionary of injection validations by type, added to by `createInjectionHelper`
+ var typeValidators = {};
+ /**
+ This method allows other Ember modules to register injection helpers for a
+ given container type. Helpers are exported to the `inject` namespace as the
+ container type itself.
+ @private
+ @method createInjectionHelper
+ @namespace Ember
+ @param {String} type The container type the helper will inject
+ @param {Function} validator A validation callback that is executed at mixin-time
+ */
+ function createInjectionHelper(type, validator) {
+ typeValidators[type] = validator;
+ inject[type] = function(name) {
+ return new InjectedProperty(type, name);
+ };
+ }
+ __exports__.createInjectionHelper = createInjectionHelper;/**
+ Validation function intended to be invoked at when extending a factory with
+ injected properties. Runs per-type validation functions once for each injected
+ type encountered.
+ Note that this currently modifies the mixin themselves, which is technically
+ dubious but is practically of little consequence. This may change in the
+ future.
+ @private
+ @method validatePropertyInjections
+ @namespace Ember
+ @param {Object} factory The factory object being extended
+ @param {Object} props A hash of properties to be added to the factory
+ */
+ function validatePropertyInjections(factory, props) {
+ var types = [];
+ var key, desc, validator, i, l;
+ for (key in props) {
+ desc = props[key];
+ if (desc instanceof InjectedProperty && indexOf(types, desc.type) === -1) {
+ types.push(desc.type);
+ }
+ }
+ if (types.length) {
+ for (i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i++) {
+ validator = typeValidators[types[i]];
+ if (typeof validator === 'function') {
+ validator(factory);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ __exports__.validatePropertyInjections = validatePropertyInjections;__exports__["default"] = inject;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/observer","ember-metal/property_events","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/mixin","ember-runtime/system/string","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var set = __dependency3__.set;
+ var meta = __dependency4__.meta;
+ var addObserver = __dependency5__.addObserver;
+ var removeObserver = __dependency5__.removeObserver;
+ var addBeforeObserver = __dependency5__.addBeforeObserver;
+ var removeBeforeObserver = __dependency5__.removeBeforeObserver;
+ var propertyWillChange = __dependency6__.propertyWillChange;
+ var propertyDidChange = __dependency6__.propertyDidChange;
+ var computed = __dependency7__.computed;
+ var defineProperty = __dependency8__.defineProperty;
+ var Mixin = __dependency9__.Mixin;
+ var observer =;
+ var fmt = __dependency10__.fmt;
+ function contentPropertyWillChange(content, contentKey) {
+ var key = contentKey.slice(8); // remove "content."
+ if (key in this) { return; } // if shadowed in proxy
+ propertyWillChange(this, key);
+ }
+ function contentPropertyDidChange(content, contentKey) {
+ var key = contentKey.slice(8); // remove "content."
+ if (key in this) { return; } // if shadowed in proxy
+ propertyDidChange(this, key);
+ }
+ /**
+ `Ember.ProxyMixin` forwards all properties not defined by the proxy itself
+ to a proxied `content` object. See Ember.ObjectProxy for more details.
+ @class ProxyMixin
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create({
+ /**
+ The object whose properties will be forwarded.
+ @property content
+ @type Ember.Object
+ @default null
+ */
+ content: null,
+ _contentDidChange: observer('content', function() {
+ Ember.assert("Can't set Proxy's content to itself", get(this, 'content') !== this);
+ }),
+ isTruthy: computed.bool('content'),
+ _debugContainerKey: null,
+ willWatchProperty: function (key) {
+ var contentKey = 'content.' + key;
+ addBeforeObserver(this, contentKey, null, contentPropertyWillChange);
+ addObserver(this, contentKey, null, contentPropertyDidChange);
+ },
+ didUnwatchProperty: function (key) {
+ var contentKey = 'content.' + key;
+ removeBeforeObserver(this, contentKey, null, contentPropertyWillChange);
+ removeObserver(this, contentKey, null, contentPropertyDidChange);
+ },
+ unknownProperty: function (key) {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ if (content) {
+ return get(content, key);
+ }
+ },
+ setUnknownProperty: function (key, value) {
+ var m = meta(this);
+ if (m.proto === this) {
+ // if marked as prototype then just defineProperty
+ // rather than delegate
+ defineProperty(this, key, null, value);
+ return value;
+ }
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ Ember.assert(fmt("Cannot delegate set('%@', %@) to the 'content' property of" +
+ " object proxy %@: its 'content' is undefined.", [key, value, this]), content);
+ return set(content, key, value);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var merge = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var Mixin = __dependency2__.Mixin;
+ var get = __dependency3__.get;
+ var typeOf = __dependency4__.typeOf;
+ /**
+ The `Ember.ActionHandler` mixin implements support for moving an `actions`
+ property to an `_actions` property at extend time, and adding `_actions`
+ to the object's mergedProperties list.
+ `Ember.ActionHandler` is available on some familiar classes including
+ `Ember.Route`, `Ember.View`, `Ember.Component`, and controllers such as
+ `Ember.Controller` and `Ember.ObjectController`.
+ (Internally the mixin is used by `Ember.CoreView`, `Ember.ControllerMixin`,
+ and `Ember.Route` and available to the above classes through
+ inheritance.)
+ @class ActionHandler
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ var ActionHandler = Mixin.create({
+ mergedProperties: ['_actions'],
+ /**
+ The collection of functions, keyed by name, available on this
+ `ActionHandler` as action targets.
+ These functions will be invoked when a matching `{{action}}` is triggered
+ from within a template and the application's current route is this route.
+ Actions can also be invoked from other parts of your application
+ via `ActionHandler#send`.
+ The `actions` hash will inherit action handlers from
+ the `actions` hash defined on extended parent classes
+ or mixins rather than just replace the entire hash, e.g.:
+ ```js
+ App.CanDisplayBanner = Ember.Mixin.create({
+ actions: {
+ displayBanner: function(msg) {
+ // ...
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ App.WelcomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend(App.CanDisplayBanner, {
+ actions: {
+ playMusic: function() {
+ // ...
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // `WelcomeRoute`, when active, will be able to respond
+ // to both actions, since the actions hash is merged rather
+ // then replaced when extending mixins / parent classes.
+ this.send('displayBanner');
+ this.send('playMusic');
+ ```
+ Within a Controller, Route, View or Component's action handler,
+ the value of the `this` context is the Controller, Route, View or
+ Component object:
+ ```js
+ App.SongRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ myAction: function() {
+ this.controllerFor("song");
+ this.transitionTo("other.route");
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ It is also possible to call `this._super()` from within an
+ action handler if it overrides a handler defined on a parent
+ class or mixin:
+ Take for example the following routes:
+ ```js
+ App.DebugRoute = Ember.Mixin.create({
+ actions: {
+ debugRouteInformation: function() {
+ console.debug("trololo");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ App.AnnoyingDebugRoute = Ember.Route.extend(App.DebugRoute, {
+ actions: {
+ debugRouteInformation: function() {
+ // also call the debugRouteInformation of mixed in App.DebugRoute
+ this._super();
+ // show additional annoyance
+ window.alert(...);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ ## Bubbling
+ By default, an action will stop bubbling once a handler defined
+ on the `actions` hash handles it. To continue bubbling the action,
+ you must return `true` from the handler:
+ ```js
+ {
+ this.resource("album", function() {
+ this.route("song");
+ });
+ });
+ App.AlbumRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ startPlaying: function() {
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ App.AlbumSongRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ startPlaying: function() {
+ // ...
+ if (actionShouldAlsoBeTriggeredOnParentRoute) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @property actions
+ @type Hash
+ @default null
+ */
+ /**
+ Moves `actions` to `_actions` at extend time. Note that this currently
+ modifies the mixin themselves, which is technically dubious but
+ is practically of little consequence. This may change in the future.
+ @private
+ @method willMergeMixin
+ */
+ willMergeMixin: function(props) {
+ var hashName;
+ if (!props._actions) {
+ Ember.assert("'actions' should not be a function", typeof(props.actions) !== 'function');
+ if (typeOf(props.actions) === 'object') {
+ hashName = 'actions';
+ } else if (typeOf( === 'object') {
+ Ember.deprecate('Action handlers contained in an `events` object are deprecated in favor' +
+ ' of putting them in an `actions` object', false);
+ hashName = 'events';
+ }
+ if (hashName) {
+ props._actions = merge(props._actions || {}, props[hashName]);
+ }
+ delete props[hashName];
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Triggers a named action on the `ActionHandler`. Any parameters
+ supplied after the `actionName` string will be passed as arguments
+ to the action target function.
+ If the `ActionHandler` has its `target` property set, actions may
+ bubble to the `target`. Bubbling happens when an `actionName` can
+ not be found in the `ActionHandler`'s `actions` hash or if the
+ action target function returns `true`.
+ Example
+ ```js
+ App.WelcomeRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
+ actions: {
+ playTheme: function() {
+ this.send('playMusic', 'theme.mp3');
+ },
+ playMusic: function(track) {
+ // ...
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method send
+ @param {String} actionName The action to trigger
+ @param {*} context a context to send with the action
+ */
+ send: function(actionName) {
+ var args = [], 1);
+ var target;
+ if (this._actions && this._actions[actionName]) {
+ if (this._actions[actionName].apply(this, args) === true) {
+ // handler returned true, so this action will bubble
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (target = get(this, 'target')) {
+ Ember.assert("The `target` for " + this + " (" + target +
+ ") does not have a `send` method", typeof target.send === 'function');
+ target.send.apply(target, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = ActionHandler;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/is_none","ember-runtime/mixins/enumerable","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/property_events","ember-metal/events","ember-metal/watching","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // ES6TODO: Ember.A
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var computed = __dependency3__.computed;
+ var cacheFor = __dependency3__.cacheFor;
+ var isNone = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var Enumerable = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var map =;
+ var Mixin = __dependency7__.Mixin;
+ var required = __dependency7__.required;
+ var propertyWillChange = __dependency8__.propertyWillChange;
+ var propertyDidChange = __dependency8__.propertyDidChange;
+ var addListener = __dependency9__.addListener;
+ var removeListener = __dependency9__.removeListener;
+ var sendEvent = __dependency9__.sendEvent;
+ var hasListeners = __dependency9__.hasListeners;
+ var isWatching = __dependency10__.isWatching;
+ function arrayObserversHelper(obj, target, opts, operation, notify) {
+ var willChange = (opts && opts.willChange) || 'arrayWillChange';
+ var didChange = (opts && opts.didChange) || 'arrayDidChange';
+ var hasObservers = get(obj, 'hasArrayObservers');
+ if (hasObservers === notify) {
+ propertyWillChange(obj, 'hasArrayObservers');
+ }
+ operation(obj, '@array:before', target, willChange);
+ operation(obj, '@array:change', target, didChange);
+ if (hasObservers === notify) {
+ propertyDidChange(obj, 'hasArrayObservers');
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ // ..........................................................
+ // ARRAY
+ //
+ /**
+ This mixin implements Observer-friendly Array-like behavior. It is not a
+ concrete implementation, but it can be used up by other classes that want
+ to appear like arrays.
+ For example, ArrayProxy and ArrayController are both concrete classes that can
+ be instantiated to implement array-like behavior. Both of these classes use
+ the Array Mixin by way of the MutableArray mixin, which allows observable
+ changes to be made to the underlying array.
+ Unlike `Ember.Enumerable,` this mixin defines methods specifically for
+ collections that provide index-ordered access to their contents. When you
+ are designing code that needs to accept any kind of Array-like object, you
+ should use these methods instead of Array primitives because these will
+ properly notify observers of changes to the array.
+ Although these methods are efficient, they do add a layer of indirection to
+ your application so it is a good idea to use them only when you need the
+ flexibility of using both true JavaScript arrays and "virtual" arrays such
+ as controllers and collections.
+ You can use the methods defined in this module to access and modify array
+ contents in a KVO-friendly way. You can also be notified whenever the
+ membership of an array changes by using `.observes('myArray.[]')`.
+ To support `Ember.Array` in your own class, you must override two
+ primitives to use it: `replace()` and `objectAt()`.
+ Note that the Ember.Array mixin also incorporates the `Ember.Enumerable`
+ mixin. All `Ember.Array`-like objects are also enumerable.
+ @class Array
+ @namespace Ember
+ @uses Ember.Enumerable
+ @since Ember 0.9.0
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create(Enumerable, {
+ /**
+ Your array must support the `length` property. Your replace methods should
+ set this property whenever it changes.
+ @property {Number} length
+ */
+ length: required(),
+ /**
+ Returns the object at the given `index`. If the given `index` is negative
+ or is greater or equal than the array length, returns `undefined`.
+ This is one of the primitives you must implement to support `Ember.Array`.
+ If your object supports retrieving the value of an array item using `get()`
+ (i.e. `myArray.get(0)`), then you do not need to implement this method
+ yourself.
+ ```javascript
+ var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
+ arr.objectAt(0); // 'a'
+ arr.objectAt(3); // 'd'
+ arr.objectAt(-1); // undefined
+ arr.objectAt(4); // undefined
+ arr.objectAt(5); // undefined
+ ```
+ @method objectAt
+ @param {Number} idx The index of the item to return.
+ @return {*} item at index or undefined
+ */
+ objectAt: function(idx) {
+ if (idx < 0 || idx >= get(this, 'length')) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return get(this, idx);
+ },
+ /**
+ This returns the objects at the specified indexes, using `objectAt`.
+ ```javascript
+ var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];
+ arr.objectsAt([0, 1, 2]); // ['a', 'b', 'c']
+ arr.objectsAt([2, 3, 4]); // ['c', 'd', undefined]
+ ```
+ @method objectsAt
+ @param {Array} indexes An array of indexes of items to return.
+ @return {Array}
+ */
+ objectsAt: function(indexes) {
+ var self = this;
+ return map(indexes, function(idx) {
+ return self.objectAt(idx);
+ });
+ },
+ // overrides Ember.Enumerable version
+ nextObject: function(idx) {
+ return this.objectAt(idx);
+ },
+ /**
+ This is the handler for the special array content property. If you get
+ this property, it will return this. If you set this property to a new
+ array, it will replace the current content.
+ This property overrides the default property defined in `Ember.Enumerable`.
+ @property []
+ @return this
+ */
+ '[]': computed(function(key, value) {
+ if (value !== undefined) {
+ this.replace(0, get(this, 'length'), value);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }),
+ firstObject: computed(function() {
+ return this.objectAt(0);
+ }),
+ lastObject: computed(function() {
+ return this.objectAt(get(this, 'length') - 1);
+ }),
+ // optimized version from Enumerable
+ contains: function(obj) {
+ return this.indexOf(obj) >= 0;
+ },
+ // Add any extra methods to Ember.Array that are native to the built-in Array.
+ /**
+ Returns a new array that is a slice of the receiver. This implementation
+ uses the observable array methods to retrieve the objects for the new
+ slice.
+ ```javascript
+ var arr = ['red', 'green', 'blue'];
+ arr.slice(0); // ['red', 'green', 'blue']
+ arr.slice(0, 2); // ['red', 'green']
+ arr.slice(1, 100); // ['green', 'blue']
+ ```
+ @method slice
+ @param {Integer} beginIndex (Optional) index to begin slicing from.
+ @param {Integer} endIndex (Optional) index to end the slice at (but not included).
+ @return {Array} New array with specified slice
+ */
+ slice: function(beginIndex, endIndex) {
+ var ret = Ember.A();
+ var length = get(this, 'length');
+ if (isNone(beginIndex)) {
+ beginIndex = 0;
+ }
+ if (isNone(endIndex) || (endIndex > length)) {
+ endIndex = length;
+ }
+ if (beginIndex < 0) {
+ beginIndex = length + beginIndex;
+ }
+ if (endIndex < 0) {
+ endIndex = length + endIndex;
+ }
+ while (beginIndex < endIndex) {
+ ret[ret.length] = this.objectAt(beginIndex++);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns the index of the given object's first occurrence.
+ If no `startAt` argument is given, the starting location to
+ search is 0. If it's negative, will count backward from
+ the end of the array. Returns -1 if no match is found.
+ ```javascript
+ var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a'];
+ arr.indexOf('a'); // 0
+ arr.indexOf('z'); // -1
+ arr.indexOf('a', 2); // 4
+ arr.indexOf('a', -1); // 4
+ arr.indexOf('b', 3); // -1
+ arr.indexOf('a', 100); // -1
+ ```
+ @method indexOf
+ @param {Object} object the item to search for
+ @param {Number} startAt optional starting location to search, default 0
+ @return {Number} index or -1 if not found
+ */
+ indexOf: function(object, startAt) {
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ var idx;
+ if (startAt === undefined) {
+ startAt = 0;
+ }
+ if (startAt < 0) {
+ startAt += len;
+ }
+ for (idx = startAt; idx < len; idx++) {
+ if (this.objectAt(idx) === object) {
+ return idx;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns the index of the given object's last occurrence.
+ If no `startAt` argument is given, the search starts from
+ the last position. If it's negative, will count backward
+ from the end of the array. Returns -1 if no match is found.
+ ```javascript
+ var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a'];
+ arr.lastIndexOf('a'); // 4
+ arr.lastIndexOf('z'); // -1
+ arr.lastIndexOf('a', 2); // 0
+ arr.lastIndexOf('a', -1); // 4
+ arr.lastIndexOf('b', 3); // 1
+ arr.lastIndexOf('a', 100); // 4
+ ```
+ @method lastIndexOf
+ @param {Object} object the item to search for
+ @param {Number} startAt optional starting location to search, default 0
+ @return {Number} index or -1 if not found
+ */
+ lastIndexOf: function(object, startAt) {
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ var idx;
+ if (startAt === undefined || startAt >= len) {
+ startAt = len-1;
+ }
+ if (startAt < 0) {
+ startAt += len;
+ }
+ for (idx = startAt; idx >= 0; idx--) {
+ if (this.objectAt(idx) === object) {
+ return idx;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ },
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ Adds an array observer to the receiving array. The array observer object
+ normally must implement two methods:
+ * `arrayWillChange(observedObj, start, removeCount, addCount)` - This method will be
+ called just before the array is modified.
+ * `arrayDidChange(observedObj, start, removeCount, addCount)` - This method will be
+ called just after the array is modified.
+ Both callbacks will be passed the observed object, starting index of the
+ change as well a a count of the items to be removed and added. You can use
+ these callbacks to optionally inspect the array during the change, clear
+ caches, or do any other bookkeeping necessary.
+ In addition to passing a target, you can also include an options hash
+ which you can use to override the method names that will be invoked on the
+ target.
+ @method addArrayObserver
+ @param {Object} target The observer object.
+ @param {Hash} opts Optional hash of configuration options including
+ `willChange` and `didChange` option.
+ @return {Ember.Array} receiver
+ */
+ addArrayObserver: function(target, opts) {
+ return arrayObserversHelper(this, target, opts, addListener, false);
+ },
+ /**
+ Removes an array observer from the object if the observer is current
+ registered. Calling this method multiple times with the same object will
+ have no effect.
+ @method removeArrayObserver
+ @param {Object} target The object observing the array.
+ @param {Hash} opts Optional hash of configuration options including
+ `willChange` and `didChange` option.
+ @return {Ember.Array} receiver
+ */
+ removeArrayObserver: function(target, opts) {
+ return arrayObserversHelper(this, target, opts, removeListener, true);
+ },
+ /**
+ Becomes true whenever the array currently has observers watching changes
+ on the array.
+ @property {Boolean} hasArrayObservers
+ */
+ hasArrayObservers: computed(function() {
+ return hasListeners(this, '@array:change') || hasListeners(this, '@array:before');
+ }),
+ /**
+ If you are implementing an object that supports `Ember.Array`, call this
+ method just before the array content changes to notify any observers and
+ invalidate any related properties. Pass the starting index of the change
+ as well as a delta of the amounts to change.
+ @method arrayContentWillChange
+ @param {Number} startIdx The starting index in the array that will change.
+ @param {Number} removeAmt The number of items that will be removed. If you
+ pass `null` assumes 0
+ @param {Number} addAmt The number of items that will be added. If you
+ pass `null` assumes 0.
+ @return {Ember.Array} receiver
+ */
+ arrayContentWillChange: function(startIdx, removeAmt, addAmt) {
+ var removing, lim;
+ // if no args are passed assume everything changes
+ if (startIdx === undefined) {
+ startIdx = 0;
+ removeAmt = addAmt = -1;
+ } else {
+ if (removeAmt === undefined) {
+ removeAmt = -1;
+ }
+ if (addAmt === undefined) {
+ addAmt = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure the @each proxy is set up if anyone is observing @each
+ if (isWatching(this, '@each')) {
+ get(this, '@each');
+ }
+ sendEvent(this, '@array:before', [this, startIdx, removeAmt, addAmt]);
+ if (startIdx >= 0 && removeAmt >= 0 && get(this, 'hasEnumerableObservers')) {
+ removing = [];
+ lim = startIdx + removeAmt;
+ for (var idx = startIdx; idx < lim; idx++) {
+ removing.push(this.objectAt(idx));
+ }
+ } else {
+ removing = removeAmt;
+ }
+ this.enumerableContentWillChange(removing, addAmt);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ If you are implementing an object that supports `Ember.Array`, call this
+ method just after the array content changes to notify any observers and
+ invalidate any related properties. Pass the starting index of the change
+ as well as a delta of the amounts to change.
+ @method arrayContentDidChange
+ @param {Number} startIdx The starting index in the array that did change.
+ @param {Number} removeAmt The number of items that were removed. If you
+ pass `null` assumes 0
+ @param {Number} addAmt The number of items that were added. If you
+ pass `null` assumes 0.
+ @return {Ember.Array} receiver
+ */
+ arrayContentDidChange: function(startIdx, removeAmt, addAmt) {
+ var adding, lim;
+ // if no args are passed assume everything changes
+ if (startIdx === undefined) {
+ startIdx = 0;
+ removeAmt = addAmt = -1;
+ } else {
+ if (removeAmt === undefined) {
+ removeAmt = -1;
+ }
+ if (addAmt === undefined) {
+ addAmt = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (startIdx >= 0 && addAmt >= 0 && get(this, 'hasEnumerableObservers')) {
+ adding = [];
+ lim = startIdx + addAmt;
+ for (var idx = startIdx; idx < lim; idx++) {
+ adding.push(this.objectAt(idx));
+ }
+ } else {
+ adding = addAmt;
+ }
+ this.enumerableContentDidChange(removeAmt, adding);
+ sendEvent(this, '@array:change', [this, startIdx, removeAmt, addAmt]);
+ var length = get(this, 'length');
+ var cachedFirst = cacheFor(this, 'firstObject');
+ var cachedLast = cacheFor(this, 'lastObject');
+ if (this.objectAt(0) !== cachedFirst) {
+ propertyWillChange(this, 'firstObject');
+ propertyDidChange(this, 'firstObject');
+ }
+ if (this.objectAt(length-1) !== cachedLast) {
+ propertyWillChange(this, 'lastObject');
+ propertyDidChange(this, 'lastObject');
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ Returns a special object that can be used to observe individual properties
+ on the array. Just get an equivalent property on this object and it will
+ return an enumerable that maps automatically to the named key on the
+ member objects.
+ If you merely want to watch for any items being added or removed to the array,
+ use the `[]` property instead of `@each`.
+ @property @each
+ */
+ '@each': computed(function() {
+ if (!this.__each) {
+ var EachProxy = requireModule('ember-runtime/system/each_proxy')['EachProxy'];
+ this.__each = new EachProxy(this);
+ }
+ return this.__each;
+ })
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/mixin","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Mixin = __dependency1__.Mixin;
+ var required = __dependency1__.required;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ /**
+ Implements some standard methods for comparing objects. Add this mixin to
+ any class you create that can compare its instances.
+ You should implement the `compare()` method.
+ @class Comparable
+ @namespace Ember
+ @since Ember 0.9
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create({
+ /**
+ Override to return the result of the comparison of the two parameters. The
+ compare method should return:
+ - `-1` if `a < b`
+ - `0` if `a == b`
+ - `1` if `a > b`
+ Default implementation raises an exception.
+ @method compare
+ @param a {Object} the first object to compare
+ @param b {Object} the second object to compare
+ @return {Integer} the result of the comparison
+ */
+ compare: required(Function)
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/computed","ember-runtime/mixins/action_handler","ember-runtime/mixins/controller_content_model_alias_deprecation","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Mixin = __dependency1__.Mixin;
+ var computed = __dependency2__.computed;
+ var ActionHandler = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var ControllerContentModelAliasDeprecation = __dependency4__["default"];
+ /**
+ `Ember.ControllerMixin` provides a standard interface for all classes that
+ compose Ember's controller layer: `Ember.Controller`,
+ `Ember.ArrayController`, and `Ember.ObjectController`.
+ @class ControllerMixin
+ @namespace Ember
+ @uses Ember.ActionHandler
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create(ActionHandler, ControllerContentModelAliasDeprecation, {
+ /* ducktype as a controller */
+ isController: true,
+ /**
+ The object to which actions from the view should be sent.
+ For example, when a Handlebars template uses the `{{action}}` helper,
+ it will attempt to send the action to the view's controller's `target`.
+ By default, the value of the target property is set to the router, and
+ is injected when a controller is instantiated. This injection is defined
+ in Ember.Application#buildContainer, and is applied as part of the
+ applications initialization process. It can also be set after a controller
+ has been instantiated, for instance when using the render helper in a
+ template, or when a controller is used as an `itemController`. In most
+ cases the `target` property will automatically be set to the logical
+ consumer of actions for the controller.
+ @property target
+ @default null
+ */
+ target: null,
+ container: null,
+ parentController: null,
+ store: null,
+ /**
+ The controller's current model. When retrieving or modifying a controller's
+ model, this property should be used instead of the `content` property.
+ @property model
+ @public
+ */
+ model: null,
+ /**
+ @private
+ */
+ content: computed.alias('model')
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/mixin","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.deprecate
+ var Mixin = __dependency2__.Mixin;
+ /**
+ The ControllerContentModelAliasDeprecation mixin is used to provide a useful
+ deprecation warning when specifying `content` directly on a `Ember.Controller`
+ (without also specifying `model`).
+ Ember versions prior to 1.7 used `model` as an alias of `content`, but due to
+ much confusion this alias was reversed (so `content` is now an alias of `model).
+ This change reduces many caveats with model/content, and also sets a
+ simple ground rule: Never set a controllers content, rather always set
+ it's model and ember will do the right thing.
+ `Ember.ControllerContentModelAliasDeprecation` is used internally by Ember in
+ `Ember.Controller`.
+ @class ControllerContentModelAliasDeprecation
+ @namespace Ember
+ @private
+ @since 1.7.0
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create({
+ /**
+ @private
+ Moves `content` to `model` at extend time if a `model` is not also specified.
+ Note that this currently modifies the mixin themselves, which is technically
+ dubious but is practically of little consequence. This may change in the
+ future.
+ @method willMergeMixin
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ willMergeMixin: function(props) {
+ // Calling super is only OK here since we KNOW that
+ // there is another Mixin loaded first.
+ this._super.apply(this, arguments);
+ var modelSpecified = !!props.model;
+ if (props.content && !modelSpecified) {
+ props.model = props.content;
+ delete props['content'];
+ Ember.deprecate('Do not specify `content` on a Controller, use `model` instead.', false);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/mixin","ember-runtime/mixins/freezable","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-metal/error","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var required = __dependency2__.required;
+ var Freezable = __dependency3__.Freezable;
+ var Mixin = __dependency2__.Mixin;
+ var fmt = __dependency4__.fmt;
+ var EmberError = __dependency5__["default"];
+ /**
+ Implements some standard methods for copying an object. Add this mixin to
+ any object you create that can create a copy of itself. This mixin is
+ added automatically to the built-in array.
+ You should generally implement the `copy()` method to return a copy of the
+ receiver.
+ Note that `frozenCopy()` will only work if you also implement
+ `Ember.Freezable`.
+ @class Copyable
+ @namespace Ember
+ @since Ember 0.9
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create({
+ /**
+ Override to return a copy of the receiver. Default implementation raises
+ an exception.
+ @method copy
+ @param {Boolean} deep if `true`, a deep copy of the object should be made
+ @return {Object} copy of receiver
+ */
+ copy: required(Function),
+ /**
+ If the object implements `Ember.Freezable`, then this will return a new
+ copy if the object is not frozen and the receiver if the object is frozen.
+ Raises an exception if you try to call this method on a object that does
+ not support freezing.
+ You should use this method whenever you want a copy of a freezable object
+ since a freezable object can simply return itself without actually
+ consuming more memory.
+ @method frozenCopy
+ @return {Object} copy of receiver or receiver
+ */
+ frozenCopy: function() {
+ if (Freezable && Freezable.detect(this)) {
+ return get(this, 'isFrozen') ? this : this.copy().freeze();
+ } else {
+ throw new EmberError(fmt("%@ does not support freezing", [this]));
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/computed","ember-runtime/ext/rsvp","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.FEATURES, Ember.Test
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var Mixin = __dependency3__.Mixin;
+ var computed = __dependency4__.computed;
+ var RSVP = __dependency5__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ /**
+ @class Deferred
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create({
+ /**
+ Add handlers to be called when the Deferred object is resolved or rejected.
+ @method then
+ @param {Function} resolve a callback function to be called when done
+ @param {Function} reject a callback function to be called when failed
+ */
+ then: function(resolve, reject, label) {
+ var deferred, promise, entity;
+ entity = this;
+ deferred = get(this, '_deferred');
+ promise = deferred.promise;
+ function fulfillmentHandler(fulfillment) {
+ if (fulfillment === promise) {
+ return resolve(entity);
+ } else {
+ return resolve(fulfillment);
+ }
+ }
+ return promise.then(resolve && fulfillmentHandler, reject, label);
+ },
+ /**
+ Resolve a Deferred object and call any `doneCallbacks` with the given args.
+ @method resolve
+ */
+ resolve: function(value) {
+ var deferred, promise;
+ deferred = get(this, '_deferred');
+ promise = deferred.promise;
+ if (value === this) {
+ deferred.resolve(promise);
+ } else {
+ deferred.resolve(value);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Reject a Deferred object and call any `failCallbacks` with the given args.
+ @method reject
+ */
+ reject: function(value) {
+ get(this, '_deferred').reject(value);
+ },
+ _deferred: computed(function() {
+ Ember.deprecate('Usage of Ember.DeferredMixin or Ember.Deferred is deprecated.', this._suppressDeferredDeprecation);
+ return RSVP.defer('Ember: DeferredMixin - ' + this);
+ })
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/property_events","ember-metal/events","ember-runtime/compare","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var set = __dependency3__.set;
+ var apply = __dependency4__.apply;
+ var Mixin = __dependency5__.Mixin;
+ var required = __dependency5__.required;
+ var aliasMethod = __dependency5__.aliasMethod;
+ var indexOf = __dependency6__.indexOf;
+ var computed = __dependency7__.computed;
+ var propertyWillChange = __dependency8__.propertyWillChange;
+ var propertyDidChange = __dependency8__.propertyDidChange;
+ var addListener = __dependency9__.addListener;
+ var removeListener = __dependency9__.removeListener;
+ var sendEvent = __dependency9__.sendEvent;
+ var hasListeners = __dependency9__.hasListeners;
+ var compare = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var a_slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+ var contexts = [];
+ function popCtx() {
+ return contexts.length === 0 ? {} : contexts.pop();
+ }
+ function pushCtx(ctx) {
+ contexts.push(ctx);
+ return null;
+ }
+ function iter(key, value) {
+ var valueProvided = arguments.length === 2;
+ function i(item) {
+ var cur = get(item, key);
+ return valueProvided ? value === cur : !!cur;
+ }
+ return i;
+ }
+ /**
+ This mixin defines the common interface implemented by enumerable objects
+ in Ember. Most of these methods follow the standard Array iteration
+ API defined up to JavaScript 1.8 (excluding language-specific features that
+ cannot be emulated in older versions of JavaScript).
+ This mixin is applied automatically to the Array class on page load, so you
+ can use any of these methods on simple arrays. If Array already implements
+ one of these methods, the mixin will not override them.
+ ## Writing Your Own Enumerable
+ To make your own custom class enumerable, you need two items:
+ 1. You must have a length property. This property should change whenever
+ the number of items in your enumerable object changes. If you use this
+ with an `Ember.Object` subclass, you should be sure to change the length
+ property using `set().`
+ 2. You must implement `nextObject().` See documentation.
+ Once you have these two methods implemented, apply the `Ember.Enumerable` mixin
+ to your class and you will be able to enumerate the contents of your object
+ like any other collection.
+ ## Using Ember Enumeration with Other Libraries
+ Many other libraries provide some kind of iterator or enumeration like
+ facility. This is often where the most common API conflicts occur.
+ Ember's API is designed to be as friendly as possible with other
+ libraries by implementing only methods that mostly correspond to the
+ JavaScript 1.8 API.
+ @class Enumerable
+ @namespace Ember
+ @since Ember 0.9
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create({
+ /**
+ Implement this method to make your class enumerable.
+ This method will be call repeatedly during enumeration. The index value
+ will always begin with 0 and increment monotonically. You don't have to
+ rely on the index value to determine what object to return, but you should
+ always check the value and start from the beginning when you see the
+ requested index is 0.
+ The `previousObject` is the object that was returned from the last call
+ to `nextObject` for the current iteration. This is a useful way to
+ manage iteration if you are tracing a linked list, for example.
+ Finally the context parameter will always contain a hash you can use as
+ a "scratchpad" to maintain any other state you need in order to iterate
+ properly. The context object is reused and is not reset between
+ iterations so make sure you setup the context with a fresh state whenever
+ the index parameter is 0.
+ Generally iterators will continue to call `nextObject` until the index
+ reaches the your current length-1. If you run out of data before this
+ time for some reason, you should simply return undefined.
+ The default implementation of this method simply looks up the index.
+ This works great on any Array-like objects.
+ @method nextObject
+ @param {Number} index the current index of the iteration
+ @param {Object} previousObject the value returned by the last call to
+ `nextObject`.
+ @param {Object} context a context object you can use to maintain state.
+ @return {Object} the next object in the iteration or undefined
+ */
+ nextObject: required(Function),
+ /**
+ Helper method returns the first object from a collection. This is usually
+ used by bindings and other parts of the framework to extract a single
+ object if the enumerable contains only one item.
+ If you override this method, you should implement it so that it will
+ always return the same value each time it is called. If your enumerable
+ contains only one object, this method should always return that object.
+ If your enumerable is empty, this method should return `undefined`.
+ ```javascript
+ var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
+ arr.get('firstObject'); // 'a'
+ var arr = [];
+ arr.get('firstObject'); // undefined
+ ```
+ @property firstObject
+ @return {Object} the object or undefined
+ */
+ firstObject: computed('[]', function() {
+ if (get(this, 'length') === 0) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ // handle generic enumerables
+ var context = popCtx();
+ var ret = this.nextObject(0, null, context);
+ pushCtx(context);
+ return ret;
+ }),
+ /**
+ Helper method returns the last object from a collection. If your enumerable
+ contains only one object, this method should always return that object.
+ If your enumerable is empty, this method should return `undefined`.
+ ```javascript
+ var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
+ arr.get('lastObject'); // 'c'
+ var arr = [];
+ arr.get('lastObject'); // undefined
+ ```
+ @property lastObject
+ @return {Object} the last object or undefined
+ */
+ lastObject: computed('[]', function() {
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ if (len === 0) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ var context = popCtx();
+ var idx = 0;
+ var last = null;
+ var cur;
+ do {
+ last = cur;
+ cur = this.nextObject(idx++, last, context);
+ } while (cur !== undefined);
+ pushCtx(context);
+ return last;
+ }),
+ /**
+ Returns `true` if the passed object can be found in the receiver. The
+ default version will iterate through the enumerable until the object
+ is found. You may want to override this with a more efficient version.
+ ```javascript
+ var arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
+ arr.contains('a'); // true
+ arr.contains('z'); // false
+ ```
+ @method contains
+ @param {Object} obj The object to search for.
+ @return {Boolean} `true` if object is found in enumerable.
+ */
+ contains: function(obj) {
+ var found = this.find(function(item) {
+ return item === obj;
+ });
+ return found !== undefined;
+ },
+ /**
+ Iterates through the enumerable, calling the passed function on each
+ item. This method corresponds to the `forEach()` method defined in
+ JavaScript 1.6.
+ The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
+ parameters are optional):
+ ```javascript
+ function(item, index, enumerable);
+ ```
+ - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
+ - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
+ - `enumerable` is the enumerable object itself.
+ Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
+ object that will be set as `this` on the context. This is a good way
+ to give your iterator function access to the current object.
+ @method forEach
+ @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
+ @return {Object} receiver
+ */
+ forEach: function(callback, target) {
+ if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
+ throw new TypeError();
+ }
+ var context = popCtx();
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ var last = null;
+ if (target === undefined) {
+ target = null;
+ }
+ for(var idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
+ var next = this.nextObject(idx, last, context) ;
+, next, idx, this);
+ last = next ;
+ }
+ last = null ;
+ context = pushCtx(context);
+ return this ;
+ },
+ /**
+ Alias for `mapBy`
+ @method getEach
+ @param {String} key name of the property
+ @return {Array} The mapped array.
+ */
+ getEach: function(key) {
+ return this.mapBy(key);
+ },
+ /**
+ Sets the value on the named property for each member. This is more
+ efficient than using other methods defined on this helper. If the object
+ implements Ember.Observable, the value will be changed to `set(),` otherwise
+ it will be set directly. `null` objects are skipped.
+ @method setEach
+ @param {String} key The key to set
+ @param {Object} value The object to set
+ @return {Object} receiver
+ */
+ setEach: function(key, value) {
+ return this.forEach(function(item) {
+ set(item, key, value);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ Maps all of the items in the enumeration to another value, returning
+ a new array. This method corresponds to `map()` defined in JavaScript 1.6.
+ The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
+ parameters are optional):
+ ```javascript
+ function(item, index, enumerable);
+ ```
+ - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
+ - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
+ - `enumerable` is the enumerable object itself.
+ It should return the mapped value.
+ Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
+ object that will be set as `this` on the context. This is a good way
+ to give your iterator function access to the current object.
+ @method map
+ @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
+ @return {Array} The mapped array.
+ */
+ map: function(callback, target) {
+ var ret = Ember.A();
+ this.forEach(function(x, idx, i) {
+ ret[idx] =, x, idx,i);
+ });
+ return ret ;
+ },
+ /**
+ Similar to map, this specialized function returns the value of the named
+ property on all items in the enumeration.
+ @method mapBy
+ @param {String} key name of the property
+ @return {Array} The mapped array.
+ */
+ mapBy: function(key) {
+ return {
+ return get(next, key);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ Similar to map, this specialized function returns the value of the named
+ property on all items in the enumeration.
+ @method mapProperty
+ @param {String} key name of the property
+ @return {Array} The mapped array.
+ @deprecated Use `mapBy` instead
+ */
+ mapProperty: aliasMethod('mapBy'),
+ /**
+ Returns an array with all of the items in the enumeration that the passed
+ function returns true for. This method corresponds to `filter()` defined in
+ JavaScript 1.6.
+ The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
+ parameters are optional):
+ ```javascript
+ function(item, index, enumerable);
+ ```
+ - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
+ - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
+ - `enumerable` is the enumerable object itself.
+ It should return `true` to include the item in the results, `false`
+ otherwise.
+ Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
+ object that will be set as `this` on the context. This is a good way
+ to give your iterator function access to the current object.
+ @method filter
+ @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
+ @return {Array} A filtered array.
+ */
+ filter: function(callback, target) {
+ var ret = Ember.A();
+ this.forEach(function(x, idx, i) {
+ if (, x, idx, i)) {
+ ret.push(x);
+ }
+ });
+ return ret ;
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns an array with all of the items in the enumeration where the passed
+ function returns false for. This method is the inverse of filter().
+ The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
+ parameters are optional):
+ ```javascript
+ function(item, index, enumerable);
+ ```
+ - *item* is the current item in the iteration.
+ - *index* is the current index in the iteration
+ - *enumerable* is the enumerable object itself.
+ It should return the a falsey value to include the item in the results.
+ Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
+ object that will be set as "this" on the context. This is a good way
+ to give your iterator function access to the current object.
+ @method reject
+ @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
+ @return {Array} A rejected array.
+ */
+ reject: function(callback, target) {
+ return this.filter(function() {
+ return !(apply(target, callback, arguments));
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns an array with just the items with the matched property. You
+ can pass an optional second argument with the target value. Otherwise
+ this will match any property that evaluates to `true`.
+ @method filterBy
+ @param {String} key the property to test
+ @param {*} [value] optional value to test against.
+ @return {Array} filtered array
+ */
+ filterBy: function(key, value) {
+ return this.filter(apply(this, iter, arguments));
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns an array with just the items with the matched property. You
+ can pass an optional second argument with the target value. Otherwise
+ this will match any property that evaluates to `true`.
+ @method filterProperty
+ @param {String} key the property to test
+ @param {String} [value] optional value to test against.
+ @return {Array} filtered array
+ @deprecated Use `filterBy` instead
+ */
+ filterProperty: aliasMethod('filterBy'),
+ /**
+ Returns an array with the items that do not have truthy values for
+ key. You can pass an optional second argument with the target value. Otherwise
+ this will match any property that evaluates to false.
+ @method rejectBy
+ @param {String} key the property to test
+ @param {String} [value] optional value to test against.
+ @return {Array} rejected array
+ */
+ rejectBy: function(key, value) {
+ var exactValue = function(item) {
+ return get(item, key) === value;
+ };
+ var hasValue = function(item) {
+ return !!get(item, key);
+ };
+ var use = (arguments.length === 2 ? exactValue : hasValue);
+ return this.reject(use);
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns an array with the items that do not have truthy values for
+ key. You can pass an optional second argument with the target value. Otherwise
+ this will match any property that evaluates to false.
+ @method rejectProperty
+ @param {String} key the property to test
+ @param {String} [value] optional value to test against.
+ @return {Array} rejected array
+ @deprecated Use `rejectBy` instead
+ */
+ rejectProperty: aliasMethod('rejectBy'),
+ /**
+ Returns the first item in the array for which the callback returns true.
+ This method works similar to the `filter()` method defined in JavaScript 1.6
+ except that it will stop working on the array once a match is found.
+ The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
+ parameters are optional):
+ ```javascript
+ function(item, index, enumerable);
+ ```
+ - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
+ - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
+ - `enumerable` is the enumerable object itself.
+ It should return the `true` to include the item in the results, `false`
+ otherwise.
+ Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
+ object that will be set as `this` on the context. This is a good way
+ to give your iterator function access to the current object.
+ @method find
+ @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
+ @return {Object} Found item or `undefined`.
+ */
+ find: function(callback, target) {
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ if (target === undefined) {
+ target = null;
+ }
+ var context = popCtx();
+ var found = false;
+ var last = null;
+ var next, ret;
+ for(var idx = 0; idx < len && !found; idx++) {
+ next = this.nextObject(idx, last, context);
+ if (found =, next, idx, this)) {
+ ret = next;
+ }
+ last = next;
+ }
+ next = last = null;
+ context = pushCtx(context);
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns the first item with a property matching the passed value. You
+ can pass an optional second argument with the target value. Otherwise
+ this will match any property that evaluates to `true`.
+ This method works much like the more generic `find()` method.
+ @method findBy
+ @param {String} key the property to test
+ @param {String} [value] optional value to test against.
+ @return {Object} found item or `undefined`
+ */
+ findBy: function(key, value) {
+ return this.find(apply(this, iter, arguments));
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns the first item with a property matching the passed value. You
+ can pass an optional second argument with the target value. Otherwise
+ this will match any property that evaluates to `true`.
+ This method works much like the more generic `find()` method.
+ @method findProperty
+ @param {String} key the property to test
+ @param {String} [value] optional value to test against.
+ @return {Object} found item or `undefined`
+ @deprecated Use `findBy` instead
+ */
+ findProperty: aliasMethod('findBy'),
+ /**
+ Returns `true` if the passed function returns true for every item in the
+ enumeration. This corresponds with the `every()` method in JavaScript 1.6.
+ The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
+ parameters are optional):
+ ```javascript
+ function(item, index, enumerable);
+ ```
+ - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
+ - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
+ - `enumerable` is the enumerable object itself.
+ It should return the `true` or `false`.
+ Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
+ object that will be set as `this` on the context. This is a good way
+ to give your iterator function access to the current object.
+ Example Usage:
+ ```javascript
+ if (people.every(isEngineer)) {
+ Paychecks.addBigBonus();
+ }
+ ```
+ @method every
+ @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ every: function(callback, target) {
+ return !this.find(function(x, idx, i) {
+ return !, x, idx, i);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ @method everyBy
+ @param {String} key the property to test
+ @param {String} [value] optional value to test against.
+ @deprecated Use `isEvery` instead
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ everyBy: aliasMethod('isEvery'),
+ /**
+ @method everyProperty
+ @param {String} key the property to test
+ @param {String} [value] optional value to test against.
+ @deprecated Use `isEvery` instead
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ everyProperty: aliasMethod('isEvery'),
+ /**
+ Returns `true` if the passed property resolves to `true` for all items in
+ the enumerable. This method is often simpler/faster than using a callback.
+ @method isEvery
+ @param {String} key the property to test
+ @param {String} [value] optional value to test against.
+ @return {Boolean}
+ @since 1.3.0
+ */
+ isEvery: function(key, value) {
+ return this.every(apply(this, iter, arguments));
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns `true` if the passed function returns true for any item in the
+ enumeration. This corresponds with the `some()` method in JavaScript 1.6.
+ The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
+ parameters are optional):
+ ```javascript
+ function(item, index, enumerable);
+ ```
+ - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
+ - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
+ - `enumerable` is the enumerable object itself.
+ It should return the `true` to include the item in the results, `false`
+ otherwise.
+ Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
+ object that will be set as `this` on the context. This is a good way
+ to give your iterator function access to the current object.
+ Usage Example:
+ ```javascript
+ if (people.any(isManager)) {
+ Paychecks.addBiggerBonus();
+ }
+ ```
+ @method any
+ @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
+ @return {Boolean} `true` if the passed function returns `true` for any item
+ */
+ any: function(callback, target) {
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ var context = popCtx();
+ var found = false;
+ var last = null;
+ var next, idx;
+ if (target === undefined) {
+ target = null;
+ }
+ for (idx = 0; idx < len && !found; idx++) {
+ next = this.nextObject(idx, last, context);
+ found =, next, idx, this);
+ last = next;
+ }
+ next = last = null;
+ context = pushCtx(context);
+ return found;
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns `true` if the passed function returns true for any item in the
+ enumeration. This corresponds with the `some()` method in JavaScript 1.6.
+ The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
+ parameters are optional):
+ ```javascript
+ function(item, index, enumerable);
+ ```
+ - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
+ - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
+ - `enumerable` is the enumerable object itself.
+ It should return the `true` to include the item in the results, `false`
+ otherwise.
+ Note that in addition to a callback, you can also pass an optional target
+ object that will be set as `this` on the context. This is a good way
+ to give your iterator function access to the current object.
+ Usage Example:
+ ```javascript
+ if (people.some(isManager)) {
+ Paychecks.addBiggerBonus();
+ }
+ ```
+ @method some
+ @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ @param {Object} [target] The target object to use
+ @return {Boolean} `true` if the passed function returns `true` for any item
+ @deprecated Use `any` instead
+ */
+ some: aliasMethod('any'),
+ /**
+ Returns `true` if the passed property resolves to `true` for any item in
+ the enumerable. This method is often simpler/faster than using a callback.
+ @method isAny
+ @param {String} key the property to test
+ @param {String} [value] optional value to test against.
+ @return {Boolean} `true` if the passed function returns `true` for any item
+ @since 1.3.0
+ */
+ isAny: function(key, value) {
+ return this.any(apply(this, iter, arguments));
+ },
+ /**
+ @method anyBy
+ @param {String} key the property to test
+ @param {String} [value] optional value to test against.
+ @return {Boolean} `true` if the passed function returns `true` for any item
+ @deprecated Use `isAny` instead
+ */
+ anyBy: aliasMethod('isAny'),
+ /**
+ @method someProperty
+ @param {String} key the property to test
+ @param {String} [value] optional value to test against.
+ @return {Boolean} `true` if the passed function returns `true` for any item
+ @deprecated Use `isAny` instead
+ */
+ someProperty: aliasMethod('isAny'),
+ /**
+ This will combine the values of the enumerator into a single value. It
+ is a useful way to collect a summary value from an enumeration. This
+ corresponds to the `reduce()` method defined in JavaScript 1.8.
+ The callback method you provide should have the following signature (all
+ parameters are optional):
+ ```javascript
+ function(previousValue, item, index, enumerable);
+ ```
+ - `previousValue` is the value returned by the last call to the iterator.
+ - `item` is the current item in the iteration.
+ - `index` is the current index in the iteration.
+ - `enumerable` is the enumerable object itself.
+ Return the new cumulative value.
+ In addition to the callback you can also pass an `initialValue`. An error
+ will be raised if you do not pass an initial value and the enumerator is
+ empty.
+ Note that unlike the other methods, this method does not allow you to
+ pass a target object to set as this for the callback. It's part of the
+ spec. Sorry.
+ @method reduce
+ @param {Function} callback The callback to execute
+ @param {Object} initialValue Initial value for the reduce
+ @param {String} reducerProperty internal use only.
+ @return {Object} The reduced value.
+ */
+ reduce: function(callback, initialValue, reducerProperty) {
+ if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
+ throw new TypeError();
+ }
+ var ret = initialValue;
+ this.forEach(function(item, i) {
+ ret = callback(ret, item, i, this, reducerProperty);
+ }, this);
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ Invokes the named method on every object in the receiver that
+ implements it. This method corresponds to the implementation in
+ Prototype 1.6.
+ @method invoke
+ @param {String} methodName the name of the method
+ @param {Object...} args optional arguments to pass as well.
+ @return {Array} return values from calling invoke.
+ */
+ invoke: function(methodName) {
+ var ret = Ember.A();
+ var args;
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ args =, 1);
+ }
+ this.forEach(function(x, idx) {
+ var method = x && x[methodName];
+ if ('function' === typeof method) {
+ ret[idx] = args ? apply(x, method, args) : x[methodName]();
+ }
+ }, this);
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ Simply converts the enumerable into a genuine array. The order is not
+ guaranteed. Corresponds to the method implemented by Prototype.
+ @method toArray
+ @return {Array} the enumerable as an array.
+ */
+ toArray: function() {
+ var ret = Ember.A();
+ this.forEach(function(o, idx) {
+ ret[idx] = o;
+ });
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns a copy of the array with all `null` and `undefined` elements removed.
+ ```javascript
+ var arr = ['a', null, 'c', undefined];
+ arr.compact(); // ['a', 'c']
+ ```
+ @method compact
+ @return {Array} the array without null and undefined elements.
+ */
+ compact: function() {
+ return this.filter(function(value) {
+ return value != null;
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns a new enumerable that excludes the passed value. The default
+ implementation returns an array regardless of the receiver type unless
+ the receiver does not contain the value.
+ ```javascript
+ var arr = ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c'];
+ arr.without('a'); // ['b', 'c']
+ ```
+ @method without
+ @param {Object} value
+ @return {Ember.Enumerable}
+ */
+ without: function(value) {
+ if (!this.contains(value)) {
+ return this; // nothing to do
+ }
+ var ret = Ember.A();
+ this.forEach(function(k) {
+ if (k !== value) {
+ ret[ret.length] = k;
+ }
+ });
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns a new enumerable that contains only unique values. The default
+ implementation returns an array regardless of the receiver type.
+ ```javascript
+ var arr = ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b'];
+ arr.uniq(); // ['a', 'b']
+ ```
+ This only works on primitive data types, e.g. Strings, Numbers, etc.
+ @method uniq
+ @return {Ember.Enumerable}
+ */
+ uniq: function() {
+ var ret = Ember.A();
+ this.forEach(function(k) {
+ if (indexOf(ret, k) < 0) {
+ ret.push(k);
+ }
+ });
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ This property will trigger anytime the enumerable's content changes.
+ You can observe this property to be notified of changes to the enumerables
+ content.
+ For plain enumerables, this property is read only. `Array` overrides
+ this method.
+ @property []
+ @type Array
+ @return this
+ */
+ '[]': computed(function(key, value) {
+ return this;
+ }),
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ Registers an enumerable observer. Must implement `Ember.EnumerableObserver`
+ mixin.
+ @method addEnumerableObserver
+ @param {Object} target
+ @param {Hash} [opts]
+ @return this
+ */
+ addEnumerableObserver: function(target, opts) {
+ var willChange = (opts && opts.willChange) || 'enumerableWillChange';
+ var didChange = (opts && opts.didChange) || 'enumerableDidChange';
+ var hasObservers = get(this, 'hasEnumerableObservers');
+ if (!hasObservers) {
+ propertyWillChange(this, 'hasEnumerableObservers');
+ }
+ addListener(this, '@enumerable:before', target, willChange);
+ addListener(this, '@enumerable:change', target, didChange);
+ if (!hasObservers) {
+ propertyDidChange(this, 'hasEnumerableObservers');
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Removes a registered enumerable observer.
+ @method removeEnumerableObserver
+ @param {Object} target
+ @param {Hash} [opts]
+ @return this
+ */
+ removeEnumerableObserver: function(target, opts) {
+ var willChange = (opts && opts.willChange) || 'enumerableWillChange';
+ var didChange = (opts && opts.didChange) || 'enumerableDidChange';
+ var hasObservers = get(this, 'hasEnumerableObservers');
+ if (hasObservers) {
+ propertyWillChange(this, 'hasEnumerableObservers');
+ }
+ removeListener(this, '@enumerable:before', target, willChange);
+ removeListener(this, '@enumerable:change', target, didChange);
+ if (hasObservers) {
+ propertyDidChange(this, 'hasEnumerableObservers');
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Becomes true whenever the array currently has observers watching changes
+ on the array.
+ @property hasEnumerableObservers
+ @type Boolean
+ */
+ hasEnumerableObservers: computed(function() {
+ return hasListeners(this, '@enumerable:change') || hasListeners(this, '@enumerable:before');
+ }),
+ /**
+ Invoke this method just before the contents of your enumerable will
+ change. You can either omit the parameters completely or pass the objects
+ to be removed or added if available or just a count.
+ @method enumerableContentWillChange
+ @param {Ember.Enumerable|Number} removing An enumerable of the objects to
+ be removed or the number of items to be removed.
+ @param {Ember.Enumerable|Number} adding An enumerable of the objects to be
+ added or the number of items to be added.
+ @chainable
+ */
+ enumerableContentWillChange: function(removing, adding) {
+ var removeCnt, addCnt, hasDelta;
+ if ('number' === typeof removing) {
+ removeCnt = removing;
+ } else if (removing) {
+ removeCnt = get(removing, 'length');
+ } else {
+ removeCnt = removing = -1;
+ }
+ if ('number' === typeof adding) {
+ addCnt = adding;
+ } else if (adding) {
+ addCnt = get(adding,'length');
+ } else {
+ addCnt = adding = -1;
+ }
+ hasDelta = addCnt < 0 || removeCnt < 0 || addCnt - removeCnt !== 0;
+ if (removing === -1) {
+ removing = null;
+ }
+ if (adding === -1) {
+ adding = null;
+ }
+ propertyWillChange(this, '[]');
+ if (hasDelta) {
+ propertyWillChange(this, 'length');
+ }
+ sendEvent(this, '@enumerable:before', [this, removing, adding]);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Invoke this method when the contents of your enumerable has changed.
+ This will notify any observers watching for content changes. If you are
+ implementing an ordered enumerable (such as an array), also pass the
+ start and end values where the content changed so that it can be used to
+ notify range observers.
+ @method enumerableContentDidChange
+ @param {Ember.Enumerable|Number} removing An enumerable of the objects to
+ be removed or the number of items to be removed.
+ @param {Ember.Enumerable|Number} adding An enumerable of the objects to
+ be added or the number of items to be added.
+ @chainable
+ */
+ enumerableContentDidChange: function(removing, adding) {
+ var removeCnt, addCnt, hasDelta;
+ if ('number' === typeof removing) {
+ removeCnt = removing;
+ } else if (removing) {
+ removeCnt = get(removing, 'length');
+ } else {
+ removeCnt = removing = -1;
+ }
+ if ('number' === typeof adding) {
+ addCnt = adding;
+ } else if (adding) {
+ addCnt = get(adding, 'length');
+ } else {
+ addCnt = adding = -1;
+ }
+ hasDelta = addCnt < 0 || removeCnt < 0 || addCnt - removeCnt !== 0;
+ if (removing === -1) {
+ removing = null;
+ }
+ if (adding === -1) {
+ adding = null;
+ }
+ sendEvent(this, '@enumerable:change', [this, removing, adding]);
+ if (hasDelta) {
+ propertyDidChange(this, 'length');
+ }
+ propertyDidChange(this, '[]');
+ return this ;
+ },
+ /**
+ Converts the enumerable into an array and sorts by the keys
+ specified in the argument.
+ You may provide multiple arguments to sort by multiple properties.
+ @method sortBy
+ @param {String} property name(s) to sort on
+ @return {Array} The sorted array.
+ @since 1.2.0
+ */
+ sortBy: function() {
+ var sortKeys = arguments;
+ return this.toArray().sort(function(a, b){
+ for(var i = 0; i < sortKeys.length; i++) {
+ var key = sortKeys[i];
+ var propA = get(a, key);
+ var propB = get(b, key);
+ // return 1 or -1 else continue to the next sortKey
+ var compareValue = compare(propA, propB);
+ if (compareValue) {
+ return compareValue;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/events","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Mixin = __dependency1__.Mixin;
+ var addListener = __dependency2__.addListener;
+ var removeListener = __dependency2__.removeListener;
+ var hasListeners = __dependency2__.hasListeners;
+ var sendEvent = __dependency2__.sendEvent;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ /**
+ This mixin allows for Ember objects to subscribe to and emit events.
+ ```javascript
+ App.Person = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.Evented, {
+ greet: function() {
+ // ...
+ this.trigger('greet');
+ }
+ });
+ var person = App.Person.create();
+ person.on('greet', function() {
+ console.log('Our person has greeted');
+ });
+ person.greet();
+ // outputs: 'Our person has greeted'
+ ```
+ You can also chain multiple event subscriptions:
+ ```javascript
+ person.on('greet', function() {
+ console.log('Our person has greeted');
+ }).one('greet', function() {
+ console.log('Offer one-time special');
+ }).off('event', this, forgetThis);
+ ```
+ @class Evented
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create({
+ /**
+ Subscribes to a named event with given function.
+ ```javascript
+ person.on('didLoad', function() {
+ // fired once the person has loaded
+ });
+ ```
+ An optional target can be passed in as the 2nd argument that will
+ be set as the "this" for the callback. This is a good way to give your
+ function access to the object triggering the event. When the target
+ parameter is used the callback becomes the third argument.
+ @method on
+ @param {String} name The name of the event
+ @param {Object} [target] The "this" binding for the callback
+ @param {Function} method The callback to execute
+ @return this
+ */
+ on: function(name, target, method) {
+ addListener(this, name, target, method);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Subscribes a function to a named event and then cancels the subscription
+ after the first time the event is triggered. It is good to use ``one`` when
+ you only care about the first time an event has taken place.
+ This function takes an optional 2nd argument that will become the "this"
+ value for the callback. If this argument is passed then the 3rd argument
+ becomes the function.
+ @method one
+ @param {String} name The name of the event
+ @param {Object} [target] The "this" binding for the callback
+ @param {Function} method The callback to execute
+ @return this
+ */
+ one: function(name, target, method) {
+ if (!method) {
+ method = target;
+ target = null;
+ }
+ addListener(this, name, target, method, true);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Triggers a named event for the object. Any additional arguments
+ will be passed as parameters to the functions that are subscribed to the
+ event.
+ ```javascript
+ person.on('didEat', function(food) {
+ console.log('person ate some ' + food);
+ });
+ person.trigger('didEat', 'broccoli');
+ // outputs: person ate some broccoli
+ ```
+ @method trigger
+ @param {String} name The name of the event
+ @param {Object...} args Optional arguments to pass on
+ */
+ trigger: function(name) {
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var args = new Array(length - 1);
+ for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) {
+ args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ sendEvent(this, name, args);
+ },
+ /**
+ Cancels subscription for given name, target, and method.
+ @method off
+ @param {String} name The name of the event
+ @param {Object} target The target of the subscription
+ @param {Function} method The function of the subscription
+ @return this
+ */
+ off: function(name, target, method) {
+ removeListener(this, name, target, method);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Checks to see if object has any subscriptions for named event.
+ @method has
+ @param {String} name The name of the event
+ @return {Boolean} does the object have a subscription for event
+ */
+ has: function(name) {
+ return hasListeners(this, name);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Mixin = __dependency1__.Mixin;
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var set = __dependency3__.set;
+ /**
+ The `Ember.Freezable` mixin implements some basic methods for marking an
+ object as frozen. Once an object is frozen it should be read only. No changes
+ may be made the internal state of the object.
+ ## Enforcement
+ To fully support freezing in your subclass, you must include this mixin and
+ override any method that might alter any property on the object to instead
+ raise an exception. You can check the state of an object by checking the
+ `isFrozen` property.
+ Although future versions of JavaScript may support language-level freezing
+ object objects, that is not the case today. Even if an object is freezable,
+ it is still technically possible to modify the object, even though it could
+ break other parts of your application that do not expect a frozen object to
+ change. It is, therefore, very important that you always respect the
+ `isFrozen` property on all freezable objects.
+ ## Example Usage
+ The example below shows a simple object that implement the `Ember.Freezable`
+ protocol.
+ ```javascript
+ Contact = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.Freezable, {
+ firstName: null,
+ lastName: null,
+ // swaps the names
+ swapNames: function() {
+ if (this.get('isFrozen')) throw Ember.FROZEN_ERROR;
+ var tmp = this.get('firstName');
+ this.set('firstName', this.get('lastName'));
+ this.set('lastName', tmp);
+ return this;
+ }
+ });
+ c = Contact.create({ firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe" });
+ c.swapNames(); // returns c
+ c.freeze();
+ c.swapNames(); // EXCEPTION
+ ```
+ ## Copying
+ Usually the `Ember.Freezable` protocol is implemented in cooperation with the
+ `Ember.Copyable` protocol, which defines a `frozenCopy()` method that will
+ return a frozen object, if the object implements this method as well.
+ @class Freezable
+ @namespace Ember
+ @since Ember 0.9
+ */
+ var Freezable = Mixin.create({
+ /**
+ Set to `true` when the object is frozen. Use this property to detect
+ whether your object is frozen or not.
+ @property isFrozen
+ @type Boolean
+ */
+ isFrozen: false,
+ /**
+ Freezes the object. Once this method has been called the object should
+ no longer allow any properties to be edited.
+ @method freeze
+ @return {Object} receiver
+ */
+ freeze: function() {
+ if (get(this, 'isFrozen')) return this;
+ set(this, 'isFrozen', true);
+ return this;
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__.Freezable = Freezable;
+ var FROZEN_ERROR = "Frozen object cannot be modified.";
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/mixin","ember-runtime/mixins/array","ember-runtime/mixins/mutable_enumerable","ember-runtime/mixins/enumerable","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ // require('ember-runtime/mixins/array');
+ // require('ember-runtime/mixins/mutable_enumerable');
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ var OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION = "Index out of range";
+ var EMPTY = [];
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var isArray = __dependency2__.isArray;
+ var EmberError = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var Mixin = __dependency4__.Mixin;
+ var required = __dependency4__.required;
+ var EmberArray = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var MutableEnumerable = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var Enumerable = __dependency7__["default"];
+ /**
+ This mixin defines the API for modifying array-like objects. These methods
+ can be applied only to a collection that keeps its items in an ordered set.
+ It builds upon the Array mixin and adds methods to modify the array.
+ Concrete implementations of this class include ArrayProxy and ArrayController.
+ It is important to use the methods in this class to modify arrays so that
+ changes are observable. This allows the binding system in Ember to function
+ correctly.
+ Note that an Array can change even if it does not implement this mixin.
+ For example, one might implement a SparseArray that cannot be directly
+ modified, but if its underlying enumerable changes, it will change also.
+ @class MutableArray
+ @namespace Ember
+ @uses Ember.Array
+ @uses Ember.MutableEnumerable
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create(EmberArray, MutableEnumerable, {
+ /**
+ __Required.__ You must implement this method to apply this mixin.
+ This is one of the primitives you must implement to support `Ember.Array`.
+ You should replace amt objects started at idx with the objects in the
+ passed array. You should also call `this.enumerableContentDidChange()`
+ @method replace
+ @param {Number} idx Starting index in the array to replace. If
+ idx >= length, then append to the end of the array.
+ @param {Number} amt Number of elements that should be removed from
+ the array, starting at *idx*.
+ @param {Array} objects An array of zero or more objects that should be
+ inserted into the array at *idx*
+ */
+ replace: required(),
+ /**
+ Remove all elements from the array. This is useful if you
+ want to reuse an existing array without having to recreate it.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
+ color.length(); // 3
+ colors.clear(); // []
+ colors.length(); // 0
+ ```
+ @method clear
+ @return {Ember.Array} An empty Array.
+ */
+ clear: function () {
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ if (len === 0) return this;
+ this.replace(0, len, EMPTY);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ This will use the primitive `replace()` method to insert an object at the
+ specified index.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
+ colors.insertAt(2, "yellow"); // ["red", "green", "yellow", "blue"]
+ colors.insertAt(5, "orange"); // Error: Index out of range
+ ```
+ @method insertAt
+ @param {Number} idx index of insert the object at.
+ @param {Object} object object to insert
+ @return {Ember.Array} receiver
+ */
+ insertAt: function(idx, object) {
+ if (idx > get(this, 'length')) throw new EmberError(OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION);
+ this.replace(idx, 0, [object]);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Remove an object at the specified index using the `replace()` primitive
+ method. You can pass either a single index, or a start and a length.
+ If you pass a start and length that is beyond the
+ length this method will throw an `OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION`.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "orange"];
+ colors.removeAt(0); // ["green", "blue", "yellow", "orange"]
+ colors.removeAt(2, 2); // ["green", "blue"]
+ colors.removeAt(4, 2); // Error: Index out of range
+ ```
+ @method removeAt
+ @param {Number} start index, start of range
+ @param {Number} len length of passing range
+ @return {Ember.Array} receiver
+ */
+ removeAt: function(start, len) {
+ if ('number' === typeof start) {
+ if ((start < 0) || (start >= get(this, 'length'))) {
+ throw new EmberError(OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION);
+ }
+ // fast case
+ if (len === undefined) len = 1;
+ this.replace(start, len, EMPTY);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Push the object onto the end of the array. Works just like `push()` but it
+ is KVO-compliant.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = ["red", "green"];
+ colors.pushObject("black"); // ["red", "green", "black"]
+ colors.pushObject(["yellow"]); // ["red", "green", ["yellow"]]
+ ```
+ @method pushObject
+ @param {*} obj object to push
+ @return object same object passed as a param
+ */
+ pushObject: function(obj) {
+ this.insertAt(get(this, 'length'), obj);
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ Add the objects in the passed numerable to the end of the array. Defers
+ notifying observers of the change until all objects are added.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = ["red"];
+ colors.pushObjects(["yellow", "orange"]); // ["red", "yellow", "orange"]
+ ```
+ @method pushObjects
+ @param {Ember.Enumerable} objects the objects to add
+ @return {Ember.Array} receiver
+ */
+ pushObjects: function(objects) {
+ if (!(Enumerable.detect(objects) || isArray(objects))) {
+ throw new TypeError("Must pass Ember.Enumerable to Ember.MutableArray#pushObjects");
+ }
+ this.replace(get(this, 'length'), 0, objects);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Pop object from array or nil if none are left. Works just like `pop()` but
+ it is KVO-compliant.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
+ colors.popObject(); // "blue"
+ console.log(colors); // ["red", "green"]
+ ```
+ @method popObject
+ @return object
+ */
+ popObject: function() {
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ if (len === 0) return null;
+ var ret = this.objectAt(len-1);
+ this.removeAt(len-1, 1);
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ Shift an object from start of array or nil if none are left. Works just
+ like `shift()` but it is KVO-compliant.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
+ colors.shiftObject(); // "red"
+ console.log(colors); // ["green", "blue"]
+ ```
+ @method shiftObject
+ @return object
+ */
+ shiftObject: function() {
+ if (get(this, 'length') === 0) return null;
+ var ret = this.objectAt(0);
+ this.removeAt(0);
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ Unshift an object to start of array. Works just like `unshift()` but it is
+ KVO-compliant.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = ["red"];
+ colors.unshiftObject("yellow"); // ["yellow", "red"]
+ colors.unshiftObject(["black"]); // [["black"], "yellow", "red"]
+ ```
+ @method unshiftObject
+ @param {*} obj object to unshift
+ @return object same object passed as a param
+ */
+ unshiftObject: function(obj) {
+ this.insertAt(0, obj);
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ Adds the named objects to the beginning of the array. Defers notifying
+ observers until all objects have been added.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = ["red"];
+ colors.unshiftObjects(["black", "white"]); // ["black", "white", "red"]
+ colors.unshiftObjects("yellow"); // Type Error: 'undefined' is not a function
+ ```
+ @method unshiftObjects
+ @param {Ember.Enumerable} objects the objects to add
+ @return {Ember.Array} receiver
+ */
+ unshiftObjects: function(objects) {
+ this.replace(0, 0, objects);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Reverse objects in the array. Works just like `reverse()` but it is
+ KVO-compliant.
+ @method reverseObjects
+ @return {Ember.Array} receiver
+ */
+ reverseObjects: function() {
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ if (len === 0) return this;
+ var objects = this.toArray().reverse();
+ this.replace(0, len, objects);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Replace all the receiver's content with content of the argument.
+ If argument is an empty array receiver will be cleared.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"];
+ colors.setObjects(["black", "white"]); // ["black", "white"]
+ colors.setObjects([]); // []
+ ```
+ @method setObjects
+ @param {Ember.Array} objects array whose content will be used for replacing
+ the content of the receiver
+ @return {Ember.Array} receiver with the new content
+ */
+ setObjects: function(objects) {
+ if (objects.length === 0) return this.clear();
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ this.replace(0, len, objects);
+ return this;
+ },
+ // ..........................................................
+ // IMPLEMENT Ember.MutableEnumerable
+ //
+ /**
+ Remove all occurrences of an object in the array.
+ ```javascript
+ var cities = ["Chicago", "Berlin", "Lima", "Chicago"];
+ cities.removeObject("Chicago"); // ["Berlin", "Lima"]
+ cities.removeObject("Lima"); // ["Berlin"]
+ cities.removeObject("Tokyo") // ["Berlin"]
+ ```
+ @method removeObject
+ @param {*} obj object to remove
+ @return {Ember.Array} receiver
+ */
+ removeObject: function(obj) {
+ var loc = get(this, 'length') || 0;
+ while(--loc >= 0) {
+ var curObject = this.objectAt(loc);
+ if (curObject === obj) this.removeAt(loc);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Push the object onto the end of the array if it is not already
+ present in the array.
+ ```javascript
+ var cities = ["Chicago", "Berlin"];
+ cities.addObject("Lima"); // ["Chicago", "Berlin", "Lima"]
+ cities.addObject("Berlin"); // ["Chicago", "Berlin", "Lima"]
+ ```
+ @method addObject
+ @param {*} obj object to add, if not already present
+ @return {Ember.Array} receiver
+ */
+ addObject: function(obj) {
+ if (!this.contains(obj)) this.pushObject(obj);
+ return this;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-runtime/mixins/enumerable","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/property_events","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var forEach = __dependency1__.forEach;
+ var Enumerable = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var Mixin = __dependency3__.Mixin;
+ var required = __dependency3__.required;
+ var beginPropertyChanges = __dependency4__.beginPropertyChanges;
+ var endPropertyChanges = __dependency4__.endPropertyChanges;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ /**
+ This mixin defines the API for modifying generic enumerables. These methods
+ can be applied to an object regardless of whether it is ordered or
+ unordered.
+ Note that an Enumerable can change even if it does not implement this mixin.
+ For example, a MappedEnumerable cannot be directly modified but if its
+ underlying enumerable changes, it will change also.
+ ## Adding Objects
+ To add an object to an enumerable, use the `addObject()` method. This
+ method will only add the object to the enumerable if the object is not
+ already present and is of a type supported by the enumerable.
+ ```javascript
+ set.addObject(contact);
+ ```
+ ## Removing Objects
+ To remove an object from an enumerable, use the `removeObject()` method. This
+ will only remove the object if it is present in the enumerable, otherwise
+ this method has no effect.
+ ```javascript
+ set.removeObject(contact);
+ ```
+ ## Implementing In Your Own Code
+ If you are implementing an object and want to support this API, just include
+ this mixin in your class and implement the required methods. In your unit
+ tests, be sure to apply the Ember.MutableEnumerableTests to your object.
+ @class MutableEnumerable
+ @namespace Ember
+ @uses Ember.Enumerable
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create(Enumerable, {
+ /**
+ __Required.__ You must implement this method to apply this mixin.
+ Attempts to add the passed object to the receiver if the object is not
+ already present in the collection. If the object is present, this method
+ has no effect.
+ If the passed object is of a type not supported by the receiver,
+ then this method should raise an exception.
+ @method addObject
+ @param {Object} object The object to add to the enumerable.
+ @return {Object} the passed object
+ */
+ addObject: required(Function),
+ /**
+ Adds each object in the passed enumerable to the receiver.
+ @method addObjects
+ @param {Ember.Enumerable} objects the objects to add.
+ @return {Object} receiver
+ */
+ addObjects: function(objects) {
+ beginPropertyChanges(this);
+ forEach(objects, function(obj) { this.addObject(obj); }, this);
+ endPropertyChanges(this);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ __Required.__ You must implement this method to apply this mixin.
+ Attempts to remove the passed object from the receiver collection if the
+ object is present in the collection. If the object is not present,
+ this method has no effect.
+ If the passed object is of a type not supported by the receiver,
+ then this method should raise an exception.
+ @method removeObject
+ @param {Object} object The object to remove from the enumerable.
+ @return {Object} the passed object
+ */
+ removeObject: required(Function),
+ /**
+ Removes each object in the passed enumerable from the receiver.
+ @method removeObjects
+ @param {Ember.Enumerable} objects the objects to remove
+ @return {Object} receiver
+ */
+ removeObjects: function(objects) {
+ beginPropertyChanges(this);
+ for (var i = objects.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ this.removeObject(objects[i]);
+ }
+ endPropertyChanges(this);
+ return this;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/get_properties","ember-metal/set_properties","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/events","ember-metal/property_events","ember-metal/observer","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/is_none","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var getWithDefault = __dependency2__.getWithDefault;
+ var set = __dependency3__.set;
+ var apply = __dependency4__.apply;
+ var getProperties = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var setProperties = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var Mixin = __dependency7__.Mixin;
+ var hasListeners = __dependency8__.hasListeners;
+ var beginPropertyChanges = __dependency9__.beginPropertyChanges;
+ var propertyWillChange = __dependency9__.propertyWillChange;
+ var propertyDidChange = __dependency9__.propertyDidChange;
+ var endPropertyChanges = __dependency9__.endPropertyChanges;
+ var addObserver = __dependency10__.addObserver;
+ var addBeforeObserver = __dependency10__.addBeforeObserver;
+ var removeObserver = __dependency10__.removeObserver;
+ var observersFor = __dependency10__.observersFor;
+ var cacheFor = __dependency11__.cacheFor;
+ var isNone = __dependency12__["default"];
+ var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+ /**
+ ## Overview
+ This mixin provides properties and property observing functionality, core
+ features of the Ember object model.
+ Properties and observers allow one object to observe changes to a
+ property on another object. This is one of the fundamental ways that
+ models, controllers and views communicate with each other in an Ember
+ application.
+ Any object that has this mixin applied can be used in observer
+ operations. That includes `Ember.Object` and most objects you will
+ interact with as you write your Ember application.
+ Note that you will not generally apply this mixin to classes yourself,
+ but you will use the features provided by this module frequently, so it
+ is important to understand how to use it.
+ ## Using `get()` and `set()`
+ Because of Ember's support for bindings and observers, you will always
+ access properties using the get method, and set properties using the
+ set method. This allows the observing objects to be notified and
+ computed properties to be handled properly.
+ More documentation about `get` and `set` are below.
+ ## Observing Property Changes
+ You typically observe property changes simply by adding the `observes`
+ call to the end of your method declarations in classes that you write.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Object.extend({
+ valueObserver: function() {
+ // Executes whenever the "value" property changes
+ }.observes('value')
+ });
+ ```
+ Although this is the most common way to add an observer, this capability
+ is actually built into the `Ember.Object` class on top of two methods
+ defined in this mixin: `addObserver` and `removeObserver`. You can use
+ these two methods to add and remove observers yourself if you need to
+ do so at runtime.
+ To add an observer for a property, call:
+ ```javascript
+ object.addObserver('propertyKey', targetObject, targetAction)
+ ```
+ This will call the `targetAction` method on the `targetObject` whenever
+ the value of the `propertyKey` changes.
+ Note that if `propertyKey` is a computed property, the observer will be
+ called when any of the property dependencies are changed, even if the
+ resulting value of the computed property is unchanged. This is necessary
+ because computed properties are not computed until `get` is called.
+ @class Observable
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create({
+ /**
+ Retrieves the value of a property from the object.
+ This method is usually similar to using `object[keyName]` or `object.keyName`,
+ however it supports both computed properties and the unknownProperty
+ handler.
+ Because `get` unifies the syntax for accessing all these kinds
+ of properties, it can make many refactorings easier, such as replacing a
+ simple property with a computed property, or vice versa.
+ ### Computed Properties
+ Computed properties are methods defined with the `property` modifier
+ declared at the end, such as:
+ ```javascript
+ fullName: function() {
+ return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');
+ }.property('firstName', 'lastName')
+ ```
+ When you call `get` on a computed property, the function will be
+ called and the return value will be returned instead of the function
+ itself.
+ ### Unknown Properties
+ Likewise, if you try to call `get` on a property whose value is
+ `undefined`, the `unknownProperty()` method will be called on the object.
+ If this method returns any value other than `undefined`, it will be returned
+ instead. This allows you to implement "virtual" properties that are
+ not defined upfront.
+ @method get
+ @param {String} keyName The property to retrieve
+ @return {Object} The property value or undefined.
+ */
+ get: function(keyName) {
+ return get(this, keyName);
+ },
+ /**
+ To get the values of multiple properties at once, call `getProperties`
+ with a list of strings or an array:
+ ```javascript
+ record.getProperties('firstName', 'lastName', 'zipCode');
+ // { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', zipCode: '10011' }
+ ```
+ is equivalent to:
+ ```javascript
+ record.getProperties(['firstName', 'lastName', 'zipCode']);
+ // { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe', zipCode: '10011' }
+ ```
+ @method getProperties
+ @param {String...|Array} list of keys to get
+ @return {Hash}
+ */
+ getProperties: function() {
+ return apply(null, getProperties, [this].concat(;
+ },
+ /**
+ Sets the provided key or path to the value.
+ This method is generally very similar to calling `object[key] = value` or
+ `object.key = value`, except that it provides support for computed
+ properties, the `setUnknownProperty()` method and property observers.
+ ### Computed Properties
+ If you try to set a value on a key that has a computed property handler
+ defined (see the `get()` method for an example), then `set()` will call
+ that method, passing both the value and key instead of simply changing
+ the value itself. This is useful for those times when you need to
+ implement a property that is composed of one or more member
+ properties.
+ ### Unknown Properties
+ If you try to set a value on a key that is undefined in the target
+ object, then the `setUnknownProperty()` handler will be called instead. This
+ gives you an opportunity to implement complex "virtual" properties that
+ are not predefined on the object. If `setUnknownProperty()` returns
+ undefined, then `set()` will simply set the value on the object.
+ ### Property Observers
+ In addition to changing the property, `set()` will also register a property
+ change with the object. Unless you have placed this call inside of a
+ `beginPropertyChanges()` and `endPropertyChanges(),` any "local" observers
+ (i.e. observer methods declared on the same object), will be called
+ immediately. Any "remote" observers (i.e. observer methods declared on
+ another object) will be placed in a queue and called at a later time in a
+ coalesced manner.
+ ### Chaining
+ In addition to property changes, `set()` returns the value of the object
+ itself so you can do chaining like this:
+ ```javascript
+ record.set('firstName', 'Charles').set('lastName', 'Jolley');
+ ```
+ @method set
+ @param {String} keyName The property to set
+ @param {Object} value The value to set or `null`.
+ @return {Ember.Observable}
+ */
+ set: function(keyName, value) {
+ set(this, keyName, value);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Sets a list of properties at once. These properties are set inside
+ a single `beginPropertyChanges` and `endPropertyChanges` batch, so
+ observers will be buffered.
+ ```javascript
+ record.setProperties({ firstName: 'Charles', lastName: 'Jolley' });
+ ```
+ @method setProperties
+ @param {Hash} hash the hash of keys and values to set
+ @return {Ember.Observable}
+ */
+ setProperties: function(hash) {
+ return setProperties(this, hash);
+ },
+ /**
+ Begins a grouping of property changes.
+ You can use this method to group property changes so that notifications
+ will not be sent until the changes are finished. If you plan to make a
+ large number of changes to an object at one time, you should call this
+ method at the beginning of the changes to begin deferring change
+ notifications. When you are done making changes, call
+ `endPropertyChanges()` to deliver the deferred change notifications and end
+ deferring.
+ @method beginPropertyChanges
+ @return {Ember.Observable}
+ */
+ beginPropertyChanges: function() {
+ beginPropertyChanges();
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Ends a grouping of property changes.
+ You can use this method to group property changes so that notifications
+ will not be sent until the changes are finished. If you plan to make a
+ large number of changes to an object at one time, you should call
+ `beginPropertyChanges()` at the beginning of the changes to defer change
+ notifications. When you are done making changes, call this method to
+ deliver the deferred change notifications and end deferring.
+ @method endPropertyChanges
+ @return {Ember.Observable}
+ */
+ endPropertyChanges: function() {
+ endPropertyChanges();
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Notify the observer system that a property is about to change.
+ Sometimes you need to change a value directly or indirectly without
+ actually calling `get()` or `set()` on it. In this case, you can use this
+ method and `propertyDidChange()` instead. Calling these two methods
+ together will notify all observers that the property has potentially
+ changed value.
+ Note that you must always call `propertyWillChange` and `propertyDidChange`
+ as a pair. If you do not, it may get the property change groups out of
+ order and cause notifications to be delivered more often than you would
+ like.
+ @method propertyWillChange
+ @param {String} keyName The property key that is about to change.
+ @return {Ember.Observable}
+ */
+ propertyWillChange: function(keyName) {
+ propertyWillChange(this, keyName);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Notify the observer system that a property has just changed.
+ Sometimes you need to change a value directly or indirectly without
+ actually calling `get()` or `set()` on it. In this case, you can use this
+ method and `propertyWillChange()` instead. Calling these two methods
+ together will notify all observers that the property has potentially
+ changed value.
+ Note that you must always call `propertyWillChange` and `propertyDidChange`
+ as a pair. If you do not, it may get the property change groups out of
+ order and cause notifications to be delivered more often than you would
+ like.
+ @method propertyDidChange
+ @param {String} keyName The property key that has just changed.
+ @return {Ember.Observable}
+ */
+ propertyDidChange: function(keyName) {
+ propertyDidChange(this, keyName);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Convenience method to call `propertyWillChange` and `propertyDidChange` in
+ succession.
+ @method notifyPropertyChange
+ @param {String} keyName The property key to be notified about.
+ @return {Ember.Observable}
+ */
+ notifyPropertyChange: function(keyName) {
+ this.propertyWillChange(keyName);
+ this.propertyDidChange(keyName);
+ return this;
+ },
+ addBeforeObserver: function(key, target, method) {
+ addBeforeObserver(this, key, target, method);
+ },
+ /**
+ Adds an observer on a property.
+ This is the core method used to register an observer for a property.
+ Once you call this method, any time the key's value is set, your observer
+ will be notified. Note that the observers are triggered any time the
+ value is set, regardless of whether it has actually changed. Your
+ observer should be prepared to handle that.
+ You can also pass an optional context parameter to this method. The
+ context will be passed to your observer method whenever it is triggered.
+ Note that if you add the same target/method pair on a key multiple times
+ with different context parameters, your observer will only be called once
+ with the last context you passed.
+ ### Observer Methods
+ Observer methods you pass should generally have the following signature if
+ you do not pass a `context` parameter:
+ ```javascript
+ fooDidChange: function(sender, key, value, rev) { };
+ ```
+ The sender is the object that changed. The key is the property that
+ changes. The value property is currently reserved and unused. The rev
+ is the last property revision of the object when it changed, which you can
+ use to detect if the key value has really changed or not.
+ If you pass a `context` parameter, the context will be passed before the
+ revision like so:
+ ```javascript
+ fooDidChange: function(sender, key, value, context, rev) { };
+ ```
+ Usually you will not need the value, context or revision parameters at
+ the end. In this case, it is common to write observer methods that take
+ only a sender and key value as parameters or, if you aren't interested in
+ any of these values, to write an observer that has no parameters at all.
+ @method addObserver
+ @param {String} key The key to observer
+ @param {Object} target The target object to invoke
+ @param {String|Function} method The method to invoke.
+ */
+ addObserver: function(key, target, method) {
+ addObserver(this, key, target, method);
+ },
+ /**
+ Remove an observer you have previously registered on this object. Pass
+ the same key, target, and method you passed to `addObserver()` and your
+ target will no longer receive notifications.
+ @method removeObserver
+ @param {String} key The key to observer
+ @param {Object} target The target object to invoke
+ @param {String|Function} method The method to invoke.
+ */
+ removeObserver: function(key, target, method) {
+ removeObserver(this, key, target, method);
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns `true` if the object currently has observers registered for a
+ particular key. You can use this method to potentially defer performing
+ an expensive action until someone begins observing a particular property
+ on the object.
+ @method hasObserverFor
+ @param {String} key Key to check
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ hasObserverFor: function(key) {
+ return hasListeners(this, key+':change');
+ },
+ /**
+ Retrieves the value of a property, or a default value in the case that the
+ property returns `undefined`.
+ ```javascript
+ person.getWithDefault('lastName', 'Doe');
+ ```
+ @method getWithDefault
+ @param {String} keyName The name of the property to retrieve
+ @param {Object} defaultValue The value to return if the property value is undefined
+ @return {Object} The property value or the defaultValue.
+ */
+ getWithDefault: function(keyName, defaultValue) {
+ return getWithDefault(this, keyName, defaultValue);
+ },
+ /**
+ Set the value of a property to the current value plus some amount.
+ ```javascript
+ person.incrementProperty('age');
+ team.incrementProperty('score', 2);
+ ```
+ @method incrementProperty
+ @param {String} keyName The name of the property to increment
+ @param {Number} increment The amount to increment by. Defaults to 1
+ @return {Number} The new property value
+ */
+ incrementProperty: function(keyName, increment) {
+ if (isNone(increment)) { increment = 1; }
+ Ember.assert("Must pass a numeric value to incrementProperty", (!isNaN(parseFloat(increment)) && isFinite(increment)));
+ set(this, keyName, (parseFloat(get(this, keyName)) || 0) + increment);
+ return get(this, keyName);
+ },
+ /**
+ Set the value of a property to the current value minus some amount.
+ ```javascript
+ player.decrementProperty('lives');
+ orc.decrementProperty('health', 5);
+ ```
+ @method decrementProperty
+ @param {String} keyName The name of the property to decrement
+ @param {Number} decrement The amount to decrement by. Defaults to 1
+ @return {Number} The new property value
+ */
+ decrementProperty: function(keyName, decrement) {
+ if (isNone(decrement)) { decrement = 1; }
+ Ember.assert("Must pass a numeric value to decrementProperty", (!isNaN(parseFloat(decrement)) && isFinite(decrement)));
+ set(this, keyName, (get(this, keyName) || 0) - decrement);
+ return get(this, keyName);
+ },
+ /**
+ Set the value of a boolean property to the opposite of it's
+ current value.
+ ```javascript
+ starship.toggleProperty('warpDriveEngaged');
+ ```
+ @method toggleProperty
+ @param {String} keyName The name of the property to toggle
+ @return {Object} The new property value
+ */
+ toggleProperty: function(keyName) {
+ set(this, keyName, !get(this, keyName));
+ return get(this, keyName);
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns the cached value of a computed property, if it exists.
+ This allows you to inspect the value of a computed property
+ without accidentally invoking it if it is intended to be
+ generated lazily.
+ @method cacheFor
+ @param {String} keyName
+ @return {Object} The cached value of the computed property, if any
+ */
+ cacheFor: function(keyName) {
+ return cacheFor(this, keyName);
+ },
+ // intended for debugging purposes
+ observersForKey: function(keyName) {
+ return observersFor(this, keyName);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/set_properties","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/error","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var setProperties = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var computed = __dependency3__.computed;
+ var Mixin = __dependency4__.Mixin;
+ var EmberError = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var not = computed.not;
+ var or = computed.or;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ function tap(proxy, promise) {
+ setProperties(proxy, {
+ isFulfilled: false,
+ isRejected: false
+ });
+ return promise.then(function(value) {
+ setProperties(proxy, {
+ content: value,
+ isFulfilled: true
+ });
+ return value;
+ }, function(reason) {
+ setProperties(proxy, {
+ reason: reason,
+ isRejected: true
+ });
+ throw reason;
+ }, "Ember: PromiseProxy");
+ }
+ /**
+ A low level mixin making ObjectProxy, ObjectController or ArrayController's promise aware.
+ ```javascript
+ var ObjectPromiseController = Ember.ObjectController.extend(Ember.PromiseProxyMixin);
+ var controller = ObjectPromiseController.create({
+ promise: $.getJSON('/some/remote/data.json')
+ });
+ controller.then(function(json){
+ // the json
+ }, function(reason) {
+ // the reason why you have no json
+ });
+ ```
+ the controller has bindable attributes which
+ track the promises life cycle
+ ```javascript
+ controller.get('isPending') //=> true
+ controller.get('isSettled') //=> false
+ controller.get('isRejected') //=> false
+ controller.get('isFulfilled') //=> false
+ ```
+ When the the $.getJSON completes, and the promise is fulfilled
+ with json, the life cycle attributes will update accordingly.
+ ```javascript
+ controller.get('isPending') //=> false
+ controller.get('isSettled') //=> true
+ controller.get('isRejected') //=> false
+ controller.get('isFulfilled') //=> true
+ ```
+ As the controller is an ObjectController, and the json now its content,
+ all the json properties will be available directly from the controller.
+ ```javascript
+ // Assuming the following json:
+ {
+ firstName: 'Stefan',
+ lastName: 'Penner'
+ }
+ // both properties will accessible on the controller
+ controller.get('firstName') //=> 'Stefan'
+ controller.get('lastName') //=> 'Penner'
+ ```
+ If the controller is backing a template, the attributes are
+ bindable from within that template
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#if isPending}}
+ loading...
+ {{else}}
+ firstName: {{firstName}}
+ lastName: {{lastName}}
+ {{/if}}
+ ```
+ @class Ember.PromiseProxyMixin
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create({
+ /**
+ If the proxied promise is rejected this will contain the reason
+ provided.
+ @property reason
+ @default null
+ */
+ reason: null,
+ /**
+ Once the proxied promise has settled this will become `false`.
+ @property isPending
+ @default true
+ */
+ isPending: not('isSettled').readOnly(),
+ /**
+ Once the proxied promise has settled this will become `true`.
+ @property isSettled
+ @default false
+ */
+ isSettled: or('isRejected', 'isFulfilled').readOnly(),
+ /**
+ Will become `true` if the proxied promise is rejected.
+ @property isRejected
+ @default false
+ */
+ isRejected: false,
+ /**
+ Will become `true` if the proxied promise is fulfilled.
+ @property isFulfilled
+ @default false
+ */
+ isFulfilled: false,
+ /**
+ The promise whose fulfillment value is being proxied by this object.
+ This property must be specified upon creation, and should not be
+ changed once created.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.ObjectController.extend(Ember.PromiseProxyMixin).create({
+ promise: <thenable>
+ });
+ ```
+ @property promise
+ */
+ promise: computed(function(key, promise) {
+ if (arguments.length === 2) {
+ return tap(this, promise);
+ } else {
+ throw new EmberError("PromiseProxy's promise must be set");
+ }
+ }),
+ /**
+ An alias to the proxied promise's `then`.
+ See RSVP.Promise.then.
+ @method then
+ @param {Function} callback
+ @return {RSVP.Promise}
+ */
+ then: promiseAlias('then'),
+ /**
+ An alias to the proxied promise's `catch`.
+ See RSVP.Promise.catch.
+ @method catch
+ @param {Function} callback
+ @return {RSVP.Promise}
+ @since 1.3.0
+ */
+ 'catch': promiseAlias('catch'),
+ /**
+ An alias to the proxied promise's `finally`.
+ See RSVP.Promise.finally.
+ @method finally
+ @param {Function} callback
+ @return {RSVP.Promise}
+ @since 1.3.0
+ */
+ 'finally': promiseAlias('finally')
+ });
+ function promiseAlias(name) {
+ return function () {
+ var promise = get(this, 'promise');
+ return promise[name].apply(promise, arguments);
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/mixin","ember-runtime/mixins/mutable_enumerable","ember-runtime/compare","ember-metal/observer","ember-metal/computed","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert, Ember.A
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var forEach = __dependency3__.forEach;
+ var Mixin = __dependency4__.Mixin;
+ var MutableEnumerable = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var compare = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var addObserver = __dependency7__.addObserver;
+ var removeObserver = __dependency7__.removeObserver;
+ var computed = __dependency8__.computed;
+ var beforeObserver = __dependency4__.beforeObserver;
+ var observer =;
+ //ES6TODO: should we access these directly from their package or from how their exposed in ember-metal?
+ /**
+ `Ember.SortableMixin` provides a standard interface for array proxies
+ to specify a sort order and maintain this sorting when objects are added,
+ removed, or updated without changing the implicit order of their underlying
+ model array:
+ ```javascript
+ songs = [
+ {trackNumber: 4, title: 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da'},
+ {trackNumber: 2, title: 'Back in the U.S.S.R.'},
+ {trackNumber: 3, title: 'Glass Onion'},
+ ];
+ songsController = Ember.ArrayController.create({
+ model: songs,
+ sortProperties: ['trackNumber'],
+ sortAscending: true
+ });
+ songsController.get('firstObject'); // {trackNumber: 2, title: 'Back in the U.S.S.R.'}
+ songsController.addObject({trackNumber: 1, title: 'Dear Prudence'});
+ songsController.get('firstObject'); // {trackNumber: 1, title: 'Dear Prudence'}
+ ```
+ If you add or remove the properties to sort by or change the sort direction the model
+ sort order will be automatically updated.
+ ```javascript
+ songsController.set('sortProperties', ['title']);
+ songsController.get('firstObject'); // {trackNumber: 2, title: 'Back in the U.S.S.R.'}
+ songsController.toggleProperty('sortAscending');
+ songsController.get('firstObject'); // {trackNumber: 4, title: 'Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da'}
+ ```
+ `SortableMixin` works by sorting the `arrangedContent` array, which is the array that
+ `ArrayProxy` displays. Due to the fact that the underlying 'content' array is not changed, that
+ array will not display the sorted list:
+ ```javascript
+ songsController.get('content').get('firstObject'); // Returns the unsorted original content
+ songsController.get('firstObject'); // Returns the sorted content.
+ ```
+ Although the sorted content can also be accessed through the `arrangedContent` property,
+ it is preferable to use the proxied class and not the `arrangedContent` array directly.
+ @class SortableMixin
+ @namespace Ember
+ @uses Ember.MutableEnumerable
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create(MutableEnumerable, {
+ /**
+ Specifies which properties dictate the `arrangedContent`'s sort order.
+ When specifying multiple properties the sorting will use properties
+ from the `sortProperties` array prioritized from first to last.
+ @property {Array} sortProperties
+ */
+ sortProperties: null,
+ /**
+ Specifies the `arrangedContent`'s sort direction.
+ Sorts the content in ascending order by default. Set to `false` to
+ use descending order.
+ @property {Boolean} sortAscending
+ @default true
+ */
+ sortAscending: true,
+ /**
+ The function used to compare two values. You can override this if you
+ want to do custom comparisons. Functions must be of the type expected by
+ Array#sort, i.e.,
+ * return 0 if the two parameters are equal,
+ * return a negative value if the first parameter is smaller than the second or
+ * return a positive value otherwise:
+ ```javascript
+ function(x, y) { // These are assumed to be integers
+ if (x === y)
+ return 0;
+ return x < y ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ ```
+ @property sortFunction
+ @type {Function}
+ @default
+ */
+ sortFunction: compare,
+ orderBy: function(item1, item2) {
+ var result = 0;
+ var sortProperties = get(this, 'sortProperties');
+ var sortAscending = get(this, 'sortAscending');
+ var sortFunction = get(this, 'sortFunction');
+ Ember.assert("you need to define `sortProperties`", !!sortProperties);
+ forEach(sortProperties, function(propertyName) {
+ if (result === 0) {
+ result =, get(item1, propertyName), get(item2, propertyName));
+ if ((result !== 0) && !sortAscending) {
+ result = (-1) * result;
+ }
+ }
+ }, this);
+ return result;
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ var sortProperties = get(this, 'sortProperties');
+ if (content && sortProperties) {
+ forEach(content, function(item) {
+ forEach(sortProperties, function(sortProperty) {
+ removeObserver(item, sortProperty, this, 'contentItemSortPropertyDidChange');
+ }, this);
+ }, this);
+ }
+ return this._super();
+ },
+ isSorted: computed.notEmpty('sortProperties'),
+ /**
+ Overrides the default `arrangedContent` from `ArrayProxy` in order to sort by `sortFunction`.
+ Also sets up observers for each `sortProperty` on each item in the content Array.
+ @property arrangedContent
+ */
+ arrangedContent: computed('content', 'sortProperties.@each', function(key, value) {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ var isSorted = get(this, 'isSorted');
+ var sortProperties = get(this, 'sortProperties');
+ var self = this;
+ if (content && isSorted) {
+ content = content.slice();
+ content.sort(function(item1, item2) {
+ return self.orderBy(item1, item2);
+ });
+ forEach(content, function(item) {
+ forEach(sortProperties, function(sortProperty) {
+ addObserver(item, sortProperty, this, 'contentItemSortPropertyDidChange');
+ }, this);
+ }, this);
+ return Ember.A(content);
+ }
+ return content;
+ }),
+ _contentWillChange: beforeObserver('content', function() {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ var sortProperties = get(this, 'sortProperties');
+ if (content && sortProperties) {
+ forEach(content, function(item) {
+ forEach(sortProperties, function(sortProperty) {
+ removeObserver(item, sortProperty, this, 'contentItemSortPropertyDidChange');
+ }, this);
+ }, this);
+ }
+ this._super();
+ }),
+ sortPropertiesWillChange: beforeObserver('sortProperties', function() {
+ this._lastSortAscending = undefined;
+ }),
+ sortPropertiesDidChange: observer('sortProperties', function() {
+ this._lastSortAscending = undefined;
+ }),
+ sortAscendingWillChange: beforeObserver('sortAscending', function() {
+ this._lastSortAscending = get(this, 'sortAscending');
+ }),
+ sortAscendingDidChange: observer('sortAscending', function() {
+ if (this._lastSortAscending !== undefined && get(this, 'sortAscending') !== this._lastSortAscending) {
+ var arrangedContent = get(this, 'arrangedContent');
+ arrangedContent.reverseObjects();
+ }
+ }),
+ contentArrayWillChange: function(array, idx, removedCount, addedCount) {
+ var isSorted = get(this, 'isSorted');
+ if (isSorted) {
+ var arrangedContent = get(this, 'arrangedContent');
+ var removedObjects = array.slice(idx, idx+removedCount);
+ var sortProperties = get(this, 'sortProperties');
+ forEach(removedObjects, function(item) {
+ arrangedContent.removeObject(item);
+ forEach(sortProperties, function(sortProperty) {
+ removeObserver(item, sortProperty, this, 'contentItemSortPropertyDidChange');
+ }, this);
+ }, this);
+ }
+ return this._super(array, idx, removedCount, addedCount);
+ },
+ contentArrayDidChange: function(array, idx, removedCount, addedCount) {
+ var isSorted = get(this, 'isSorted');
+ var sortProperties = get(this, 'sortProperties');
+ if (isSorted) {
+ var addedObjects = array.slice(idx, idx+addedCount);
+ forEach(addedObjects, function(item) {
+ this.insertItemSorted(item);
+ forEach(sortProperties, function(sortProperty) {
+ addObserver(item, sortProperty, this, 'contentItemSortPropertyDidChange');
+ }, this);
+ }, this);
+ }
+ return this._super(array, idx, removedCount, addedCount);
+ },
+ insertItemSorted: function(item) {
+ var arrangedContent = get(this, 'arrangedContent');
+ var length = get(arrangedContent, 'length');
+ var idx = this._binarySearch(item, 0, length);
+ arrangedContent.insertAt(idx, item);
+ },
+ contentItemSortPropertyDidChange: function(item) {
+ var arrangedContent = get(this, 'arrangedContent');
+ var oldIndex = arrangedContent.indexOf(item);
+ var leftItem = arrangedContent.objectAt(oldIndex - 1);
+ var rightItem = arrangedContent.objectAt(oldIndex + 1);
+ var leftResult = leftItem && this.orderBy(item, leftItem);
+ var rightResult = rightItem && this.orderBy(item, rightItem);
+ if (leftResult < 0 || rightResult > 0) {
+ arrangedContent.removeObject(item);
+ this.insertItemSorted(item);
+ }
+ },
+ _binarySearch: function(item, low, high) {
+ var mid, midItem, res, arrangedContent;
+ if (low === high) {
+ return low;
+ }
+ arrangedContent = get(this, 'arrangedContent');
+ mid = low + Math.floor((high - low) / 2);
+ midItem = arrangedContent.objectAt(mid);
+ res = this.orderBy(midItem, item);
+ if (res < 0) {
+ return this._binarySearch(item, mid+1, high);
+ } else if (res > 0) {
+ return this._binarySearch(item, low, mid);
+ }
+ return mid;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/computed","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.lookup, Ember.assert
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var typeOf = __dependency3__.typeOf;
+ var Mixin = __dependency4__.Mixin;
+ var computed = __dependency5__.computed;
+ /**
+ `Ember.TargetActionSupport` is a mixin that can be included in a class
+ to add a `triggerAction` method with semantics similar to the Handlebars
+ `{{action}}` helper. In normal Ember usage, the `{{action}}` helper is
+ usually the best choice. This mixin is most often useful when you are
+ doing more complex event handling in View objects.
+ See also `Ember.ViewTargetActionSupport`, which has
+ view-aware defaults for target and actionContext.
+ @class TargetActionSupport
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Mixin
+ */
+ var TargetActionSupport = Mixin.create({
+ target: null,
+ action: null,
+ actionContext: null,
+ targetObject: computed(function() {
+ var target = get(this, 'target');
+ if (typeOf(target) === "string") {
+ var value = get(this, target);
+ if (value === undefined) { value = get(Ember.lookup, target); }
+ return value;
+ } else {
+ return target;
+ }
+ }).property('target'),
+ actionContextObject: computed(function() {
+ var actionContext = get(this, 'actionContext');
+ if (typeOf(actionContext) === "string") {
+ var value = get(this, actionContext);
+ if (value === undefined) { value = get(Ember.lookup, actionContext); }
+ return value;
+ } else {
+ return actionContext;
+ }
+ }).property('actionContext'),
+ /**
+ Send an `action` with an `actionContext` to a `target`. The action, actionContext
+ and target will be retrieved from properties of the object. For example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.SaveButtonView = Ember.View.extend(Ember.TargetActionSupport, {
+ target: Ember.computed.alias('controller'),
+ action: 'save',
+ actionContext: Ember.computed.alias('context'),
+ click: function() {
+ this.triggerAction(); // Sends the `save` action, along with the current context
+ // to the current controller
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ The `target`, `action`, and `actionContext` can be provided as properties of
+ an optional object argument to `triggerAction` as well.
+ ```javascript
+ App.SaveButtonView = Ember.View.extend(Ember.TargetActionSupport, {
+ click: function() {
+ this.triggerAction({
+ action: 'save',
+ target: this.get('controller'),
+ actionContext: this.get('context')
+ }); // Sends the `save` action, along with the current context
+ // to the current controller
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ The `actionContext` defaults to the object you are mixing `TargetActionSupport` into.
+ But `target` and `action` must be specified either as properties or with the argument
+ to `triggerAction`, or a combination:
+ ```javascript
+ App.SaveButtonView = Ember.View.extend(Ember.TargetActionSupport, {
+ target: Ember.computed.alias('controller'),
+ click: function() {
+ this.triggerAction({
+ action: 'save'
+ }); // Sends the `save` action, along with a reference to `this`,
+ // to the current controller
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method triggerAction
+ @param opts {Hash} (optional, with the optional keys action, target and/or actionContext)
+ @return {Boolean} true if the action was sent successfully and did not return false
+ */
+ triggerAction: function(opts) {
+ opts = opts || {};
+ var action = opts.action || get(this, 'action');
+ var target = || get(this, 'targetObject');
+ var actionContext = opts.actionContext;
+ function args(options, actionName) {
+ var ret = [];
+ if (actionName) { ret.push(actionName); }
+ return ret.concat(options);
+ }
+ if (typeof actionContext === 'undefined') {
+ actionContext = get(this, 'actionContextObject') || this;
+ }
+ if (target && action) {
+ var ret;
+ if (target.send) {
+ ret = target.send.apply(target, args(actionContext, action));
+ } else {
+ Ember.assert("The action '" + action + "' did not exist on " + target, typeof target[action] === 'function');
+ ret = target[action].apply(target, args(actionContext));
+ }
+ if (ret !== false) ret = true;
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = TargetActionSupport;
+ });
+ ["ember-runtime/system/namespace","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Namespace = __dependency1__["default"];
+ __exports__["default"] = Namespace.extend();
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/property_events","ember-metal/error","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-runtime/mixins/mutable_array","ember-runtime/mixins/enumerable","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-metal/alias","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.K, Ember.assert
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var isArray = __dependency3__.isArray;
+ var apply = __dependency3__.apply;
+ var computed = __dependency4__.computed;
+ var beforeObserver = __dependency5__.beforeObserver;
+ var observer =;
+ var beginPropertyChanges = __dependency6__.beginPropertyChanges;
+ var endPropertyChanges = __dependency6__.endPropertyChanges;
+ var EmberError = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var EmberObject = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var MutableArray = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var Enumerable = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var fmt = __dependency11__.fmt;
+ var alias = __dependency12__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION = "Index out of range";
+ var EMPTY = [];
+ var K = Ember.K;
+ /**
+ An ArrayProxy wraps any other object that implements `Ember.Array` and/or
+ `Ember.MutableArray,` forwarding all requests. This makes it very useful for
+ a number of binding use cases or other cases where being able to swap
+ out the underlying array is useful.
+ A simple example of usage:
+ ```javascript
+ var pets = ['dog', 'cat', 'fish'];
+ var ap = Ember.ArrayProxy.create({ content: Ember.A(pets) });
+ ap.get('firstObject'); // 'dog'
+ ap.set('content', ['amoeba', 'paramecium']);
+ ap.get('firstObject'); // 'amoeba'
+ ```
+ This class can also be useful as a layer to transform the contents of
+ an array, as they are accessed. This can be done by overriding
+ `objectAtContent`:
+ ```javascript
+ var pets = ['dog', 'cat', 'fish'];
+ var ap = Ember.ArrayProxy.create({
+ content: Ember.A(pets),
+ objectAtContent: function(idx) {
+ return this.get('content').objectAt(idx).toUpperCase();
+ }
+ });
+ ap.get('firstObject'); // . 'DOG'
+ ```
+ @class ArrayProxy
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ @uses Ember.MutableArray
+ */
+ var ArrayProxy = EmberObject.extend(MutableArray, {
+ /**
+ The content array. Must be an object that implements `Ember.Array` and/or
+ `Ember.MutableArray.`
+ @property content
+ @type Ember.Array
+ */
+ content: null,
+ /**
+ The array that the proxy pretends to be. In the default `ArrayProxy`
+ implementation, this and `content` are the same. Subclasses of `ArrayProxy`
+ can override this property to provide things like sorting and filtering.
+ @property arrangedContent
+ */
+ arrangedContent: alias('content'),
+ /**
+ Should actually retrieve the object at the specified index from the
+ content. You can override this method in subclasses to transform the
+ content item to something new.
+ This method will only be called if content is non-`null`.
+ @method objectAtContent
+ @param {Number} idx The index to retrieve.
+ @return {Object} the value or undefined if none found
+ */
+ objectAtContent: function(idx) {
+ return get(this, 'arrangedContent').objectAt(idx);
+ },
+ /**
+ Should actually replace the specified objects on the content array.
+ You can override this method in subclasses to transform the content item
+ into something new.
+ This method will only be called if content is non-`null`.
+ @method replaceContent
+ @param {Number} idx The starting index
+ @param {Number} amt The number of items to remove from the content.
+ @param {Array} objects Optional array of objects to insert or null if no
+ objects.
+ @return {void}
+ */
+ replaceContent: function(idx, amt, objects) {
+ get(this, 'content').replace(idx, amt, objects);
+ },
+ /**
+ Invoked when the content property is about to change. Notifies observers that the
+ entire array content will change.
+ @private
+ @method _contentWillChange
+ */
+ _contentWillChange: beforeObserver('content', function() {
+ this._teardownContent();
+ }),
+ _teardownContent: function() {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ if (content) {
+ content.removeArrayObserver(this, {
+ willChange: 'contentArrayWillChange',
+ didChange: 'contentArrayDidChange'
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Override to implement content array `willChange` observer.
+ @method contentArrayWillChange
+ @param {Ember.Array} contentArray the content array
+ @param {Number} start starting index of the change
+ @param {Number} removeCount count of items removed
+ @param {Number} addCount count of items added
+ */
+ contentArrayWillChange: K,
+ /**
+ Override to implement content array `didChange` observer.
+ @method contentArrayDidChange
+ @param {Ember.Array} contentArray the content array
+ @param {Number} start starting index of the change
+ @param {Number} removeCount count of items removed
+ @param {Number} addCount count of items added
+ */
+ contentArrayDidChange: K,
+ /**
+ Invoked when the content property changes. Notifies observers that the
+ entire array content has changed.
+ @private
+ @method _contentDidChange
+ */
+ _contentDidChange: observer('content', function() {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ Ember.assert("Can't set ArrayProxy's content to itself", content !== this);
+ this._setupContent();
+ }),
+ _setupContent: function() {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ if (content) {
+ Ember.assert(fmt('ArrayProxy expects an Array or ' +
+ 'Ember.ArrayProxy, but you passed %@', [typeof content]),
+ isArray(content) || content.isDestroyed);
+ content.addArrayObserver(this, {
+ willChange: 'contentArrayWillChange',
+ didChange: 'contentArrayDidChange'
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _arrangedContentWillChange: beforeObserver('arrangedContent', function() {
+ var arrangedContent = get(this, 'arrangedContent');
+ var len = arrangedContent ? get(arrangedContent, 'length') : 0;
+ this.arrangedContentArrayWillChange(this, 0, len, undefined);
+ this.arrangedContentWillChange(this);
+ this._teardownArrangedContent(arrangedContent);
+ }),
+ _arrangedContentDidChange: observer('arrangedContent', function() {
+ var arrangedContent = get(this, 'arrangedContent');
+ var len = arrangedContent ? get(arrangedContent, 'length') : 0;
+ Ember.assert("Can't set ArrayProxy's content to itself", arrangedContent !== this);
+ this._setupArrangedContent();
+ this.arrangedContentDidChange(this);
+ this.arrangedContentArrayDidChange(this, 0, undefined, len);
+ }),
+ _setupArrangedContent: function() {
+ var arrangedContent = get(this, 'arrangedContent');
+ if (arrangedContent) {
+ Ember.assert(fmt('ArrayProxy expects an Array or ' +
+ 'Ember.ArrayProxy, but you passed %@', [typeof arrangedContent]),
+ isArray(arrangedContent) || arrangedContent.isDestroyed);
+ arrangedContent.addArrayObserver(this, {
+ willChange: 'arrangedContentArrayWillChange',
+ didChange: 'arrangedContentArrayDidChange'
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _teardownArrangedContent: function() {
+ var arrangedContent = get(this, 'arrangedContent');
+ if (arrangedContent) {
+ arrangedContent.removeArrayObserver(this, {
+ willChange: 'arrangedContentArrayWillChange',
+ didChange: 'arrangedContentArrayDidChange'
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ arrangedContentWillChange: K,
+ arrangedContentDidChange: K,
+ objectAt: function(idx) {
+ return get(this, 'content') && this.objectAtContent(idx);
+ },
+ length: computed(function() {
+ var arrangedContent = get(this, 'arrangedContent');
+ return arrangedContent ? get(arrangedContent, 'length') : 0;
+ // No dependencies since Enumerable notifies length of change
+ }),
+ _replace: function(idx, amt, objects) {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ Ember.assert('The content property of '+ this.constructor + ' should be set before modifying it', content);
+ if (content) this.replaceContent(idx, amt, objects);
+ return this;
+ },
+ replace: function() {
+ if (get(this, 'arrangedContent') === get(this, 'content')) {
+ apply(this, this._replace, arguments);
+ } else {
+ throw new EmberError("Using replace on an arranged ArrayProxy is not allowed.");
+ }
+ },
+ _insertAt: function(idx, object) {
+ if (idx > get(this, 'content.length')) throw new EmberError(OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION);
+ this._replace(idx, 0, [object]);
+ return this;
+ },
+ insertAt: function(idx, object) {
+ if (get(this, 'arrangedContent') === get(this, 'content')) {
+ return this._insertAt(idx, object);
+ } else {
+ throw new EmberError("Using insertAt on an arranged ArrayProxy is not allowed.");
+ }
+ },
+ removeAt: function(start, len) {
+ if ('number' === typeof start) {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ var arrangedContent = get(this, 'arrangedContent');
+ var indices = [];
+ var i;
+ if ((start < 0) || (start >= get(this, 'length'))) {
+ throw new EmberError(OUT_OF_RANGE_EXCEPTION);
+ }
+ if (len === undefined) len = 1;
+ // Get a list of indices in original content to remove
+ for (i=start; i<start+len; i++) {
+ // Use arrangedContent here so we avoid confusion with objects transformed by objectAtContent
+ indices.push(content.indexOf(arrangedContent.objectAt(i)));
+ }
+ // Replace in reverse order since indices will change
+ indices.sort(function(a,b) { return b - a; });
+ beginPropertyChanges();
+ for (i=0; i<indices.length; i++) {
+ this._replace(indices[i], 1, EMPTY);
+ }
+ endPropertyChanges();
+ }
+ return this ;
+ },
+ pushObject: function(obj) {
+ this._insertAt(get(this, 'content.length'), obj) ;
+ return obj ;
+ },
+ pushObjects: function(objects) {
+ if (!(Enumerable.detect(objects) || isArray(objects))) {
+ throw new TypeError("Must pass Ember.Enumerable to Ember.MutableArray#pushObjects");
+ }
+ this._replace(get(this, 'length'), 0, objects);
+ return this;
+ },
+ setObjects: function(objects) {
+ if (objects.length === 0) return this.clear();
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ this._replace(0, len, objects);
+ return this;
+ },
+ unshiftObject: function(obj) {
+ this._insertAt(0, obj) ;
+ return obj ;
+ },
+ unshiftObjects: function(objects) {
+ this._replace(0, 0, objects);
+ return this;
+ },
+ slice: function() {
+ var arr = this.toArray();
+ return arr.slice.apply(arr, arguments);
+ },
+ arrangedContentArrayWillChange: function(item, idx, removedCnt, addedCnt) {
+ this.arrayContentWillChange(idx, removedCnt, addedCnt);
+ },
+ arrangedContentArrayDidChange: function(item, idx, removedCnt, addedCnt) {
+ this.arrayContentDidChange(idx, removedCnt, addedCnt);
+ },
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ this._setupContent();
+ this._setupArrangedContent();
+ },
+ willDestroy: function() {
+ this._teardownArrangedContent();
+ this._teardownContent();
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = ArrayProxy;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_set","container","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var set = __dependency1__.set;
+ var Container = __dependency2__["default"];
+ Container.set = set;
+ __exports__["default"] = Container;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/chains","ember-metal/events","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/keys","ember-runtime/mixins/action_handler","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/binding","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/injected_property","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/watching","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __dependency15__, __dependency16__, __dependency17__, __exports__) {
+ // Remove "use strict"; from transpiled module until
+ // is fixed
+ //
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert, Ember.K, Ember.config
+ // NOTE: this object should never be included directly. Instead use `Ember.Object`.
+ // We only define this separately so that `Ember.Set` can depend on it.
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var guidFor = __dependency3__.guidFor;
+ var apply = __dependency3__.apply;
+ var o_create = __dependency4__.create;
+ var generateGuid = __dependency3__.generateGuid;
+ var GUID_KEY = __dependency3__.GUID_KEY;
+ var meta = __dependency3__.meta;
+ var makeArray = __dependency3__.makeArray;
+ var finishChains = __dependency5__.finishChains;
+ var sendEvent = __dependency6__.sendEvent;
+ var IS_BINDING = __dependency7__.IS_BINDING;
+ var Mixin = __dependency7__.Mixin;
+ var required = __dependency7__.required;
+ var indexOf = __dependency8__.indexOf;
+ var EmberError = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var o_defineProperty = __dependency4__.defineProperty;
+ var keys = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var ActionHandler = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var defineProperty = __dependency12__.defineProperty;
+ var Binding = __dependency13__.Binding;
+ var ComputedProperty = __dependency14__.ComputedProperty;
+ var computed = __dependency14__.computed;
+ var InjectedProperty = __dependency15__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency16__["default"];
+ var destroy = __dependency17__.destroy;
+ var K = __dependency1__.K;
+ var hasPropertyAccessors = __dependency4__.hasPropertyAccessors;
+ var schedule = run.schedule;
+ var applyMixin = Mixin._apply;
+ var finishPartial = Mixin.finishPartial;
+ var reopen = Mixin.prototype.reopen;
+ var hasCachedComputedProperties = false;
+ var undefinedDescriptor = {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ value: undefined
+ };
+ var nullDescriptor = {
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: true,
+ enumerable: false,
+ value: null
+ };
+ function makeCtor() {
+ // Note: avoid accessing any properties on the object since it makes the
+ // method a lot faster. This is glue code so we want it to be as fast as
+ // possible.
+ var wasApplied = false;
+ var initMixins, initProperties;
+ var Class = function() {
+ if (!wasApplied) {
+ Class.proto(); // prepare prototype...
+ }
+ o_defineProperty(this, GUID_KEY, nullDescriptor);
+ o_defineProperty(this, '__nextSuper', undefinedDescriptor);
+ var m = meta(this);
+ var proto = m.proto;
+ m.proto = this;
+ if (initMixins) {
+ // capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable
+ var mixins = initMixins;
+ initMixins = null;
+ apply(this, this.reopen, mixins);
+ }
+ if (initProperties) {
+ // capture locally so we can clear the closed over variable
+ var props = initProperties;
+ initProperties = null;
+ var concatenatedProperties = this.concatenatedProperties;
+ for (var i = 0, l = props.length; i < l; i++) {
+ var properties = props[i];
+ Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports mixing in other definitions, use createWithMixins instead.", !(properties instanceof Mixin));
+ if (typeof properties !== 'object' && properties !== undefined) {
+ throw new EmberError("Ember.Object.create only accepts objects.");
+ }
+ if (!properties) { continue; }
+ var keyNames = keys(properties);
+ for (var j = 0, ll = keyNames.length; j < ll; j++) {
+ var keyName = keyNames[j];
+ var value = properties[keyName];
+ if (IS_BINDING.test(keyName)) {
+ var bindings = m.bindings;
+ if (!bindings) {
+ bindings = m.bindings = {};
+ } else if (!m.hasOwnProperty('bindings')) {
+ bindings = m.bindings = o_create(m.bindings);
+ }
+ bindings[keyName] = value;
+ }
+ var desc = m.descs[keyName];
+ Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining computed properties. Define computed properties using extend() or reopen() before calling create().", !(value instanceof ComputedProperty));
+ Ember.assert("Ember.Object.create no longer supports defining methods that call _super.", !(typeof value === 'function' && value.toString().indexOf('._super') !== -1));
+ Ember.assert("`actions` must be provided at extend time, not at create " +
+ "time, when Ember.ActionHandler is used (i.e. views, " +
+ "controllers & routes).", !((keyName === 'actions') && ActionHandler.detect(this)));
+ if (concatenatedProperties &&
+ concatenatedProperties.length > 0 &&
+ indexOf(concatenatedProperties, keyName) >= 0) {
+ var baseValue = this[keyName];
+ if (baseValue) {
+ if ('function' === typeof baseValue.concat) {
+ value = baseValue.concat(value);
+ } else {
+ value = makeArray(baseValue).concat(value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ value = makeArray(value);
+ }
+ }
+ if (desc) {
+ desc.set(this, keyName, value);
+ } else {
+ if (typeof this.setUnknownProperty === 'function' && !(keyName in this)) {
+ this.setUnknownProperty(keyName, value);
+ } else {
+ if (hasPropertyAccessors) {
+ defineProperty(this, keyName, null, value); // setup mandatory setter
+ } else {
+ this[keyName] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ finishPartial(this, m);
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var args = new Array(length);
+ for (var x = 0; x < length; x++) {
+ args[x] = arguments[x];
+ }
+ apply(this, this.init, args);
+ m.proto = proto;
+ finishChains(this);
+ sendEvent(this, "init");
+ };
+ Class.toString = Mixin.prototype.toString;
+ Class.willReopen = function() {
+ if (wasApplied) {
+ Class.PrototypeMixin = Mixin.create(Class.PrototypeMixin);
+ }
+ wasApplied = false;
+ };
+ Class._initMixins = function(args) { initMixins = args; };
+ Class._initProperties = function(args) { initProperties = args; };
+ Class.proto = function() {
+ var superclass = Class.superclass;
+ if (superclass) { superclass.proto(); }
+ if (!wasApplied) {
+ wasApplied = true;
+ Class.PrototypeMixin.applyPartial(Class.prototype);
+ }
+ return this.prototype;
+ };
+ return Class;
+ }
+ /**
+ @class CoreObject
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ var CoreObject = makeCtor();
+ CoreObject.toString = function() { return "Ember.CoreObject"; };
+ CoreObject.PrototypeMixin = Mixin.create({
+ reopen: function() {
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var args = new Array(length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ args[i] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ applyMixin(this, args, true);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ An overridable method called when objects are instantiated. By default,
+ does nothing unless it is overridden during class definition.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ init: function() {
+ alert('Name is ' + this.get('name'));
+ }
+ });
+ var steve = App.Person.create({
+ name: "Steve"
+ });
+ // alerts 'Name is Steve'.
+ ```
+ NOTE: If you do override `init` for a framework class like `Ember.View` or
+ `Ember.ArrayController`, be sure to call `this._super()` in your
+ `init` declaration! If you don't, Ember may not have an opportunity to
+ do important setup work, and you'll see strange behavior in your
+ application.
+ @method init
+ */
+ init: function() {},
+ /**
+ Defines the properties that will be concatenated from the superclass
+ (instead of overridden).
+ By default, when you extend an Ember class a property defined in
+ the subclass overrides a property with the same name that is defined
+ in the superclass. However, there are some cases where it is preferable
+ to build up a property's value by combining the superclass' property
+ value with the subclass' value. An example of this in use within Ember
+ is the `classNames` property of `Ember.View`.
+ Here is some sample code showing the difference between a concatenated
+ property and a normal one:
+ ```javascript
+ App.BarView = Ember.View.extend({
+ someNonConcatenatedProperty: ['bar'],
+ classNames: ['bar']
+ });
+ App.FooBarView = App.BarView.extend({
+ someNonConcatenatedProperty: ['foo'],
+ classNames: ['foo']
+ });
+ var fooBarView = App.FooBarView.create();
+ fooBarView.get('someNonConcatenatedProperty'); // ['foo']
+ fooBarView.get('classNames'); // ['ember-view', 'bar', 'foo']
+ ```
+ This behavior extends to object creation as well. Continuing the
+ above example:
+ ```javascript
+ var view = App.FooBarView.create({
+ someNonConcatenatedProperty: ['baz'],
+ classNames: ['baz']
+ })
+ view.get('someNonConcatenatedProperty'); // ['baz']
+ view.get('classNames'); // ['ember-view', 'bar', 'foo', 'baz']
+ ```
+ Adding a single property that is not an array will just add it in the array:
+ ```javascript
+ var view = App.FooBarView.create({
+ classNames: 'baz'
+ })
+ view.get('classNames'); // ['ember-view', 'bar', 'foo', 'baz']
+ ```
+ Using the `concatenatedProperties` property, we can tell to Ember that mix
+ the content of the properties.
+ In `Ember.View` the `classNameBindings` and `attributeBindings` properties
+ are also concatenated, in addition to `classNames`.
+ This feature is available for you to use throughout the Ember object model,
+ although typical app developers are likely to use it infrequently. Since
+ it changes expectations about behavior of properties, you should properly
+ document its usage in each individual concatenated property (to not
+ mislead your users to think they can override the property in a subclass).
+ @property concatenatedProperties
+ @type Array
+ @default null
+ */
+ concatenatedProperties: null,
+ /**
+ Destroyed object property flag.
+ if this property is `true` the observers and bindings were already
+ removed by the effect of calling the `destroy()` method.
+ @property isDestroyed
+ @default false
+ */
+ isDestroyed: false,
+ /**
+ Destruction scheduled flag. The `destroy()` method has been called.
+ The object stays intact until the end of the run loop at which point
+ the `isDestroyed` flag is set.
+ @property isDestroying
+ @default false
+ */
+ isDestroying: false,
+ /**
+ Destroys an object by setting the `isDestroyed` flag and removing its
+ metadata, which effectively destroys observers and bindings.
+ If you try to set a property on a destroyed object, an exception will be
+ raised.
+ Note that destruction is scheduled for the end of the run loop and does not
+ happen immediately. It will set an isDestroying flag immediately.
+ @method destroy
+ @return {Ember.Object} receiver
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ if (this.isDestroying) { return; }
+ this.isDestroying = true;
+ schedule('actions', this, this.willDestroy);
+ schedule('destroy', this, this._scheduledDestroy);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Override to implement teardown.
+ @method willDestroy
+ */
+ willDestroy: K,
+ /**
+ Invoked by the run loop to actually destroy the object. This is
+ scheduled for execution by the `destroy` method.
+ @private
+ @method _scheduledDestroy
+ */
+ _scheduledDestroy: function() {
+ if (this.isDestroyed) { return; }
+ destroy(this);
+ this.isDestroyed = true;
+ },
+ bind: function(to, from) {
+ if (!(from instanceof Binding)) { from = Binding.from(from); }
+ return from;
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns a string representation which attempts to provide more information
+ than Javascript's `toString` typically does, in a generic way for all Ember
+ objects.
+ ```javascript
+ App.Person = Em.Object.extend()
+ person = App.Person.create()
+ person.toString() //=> "<App.Person:ember1024>"
+ ```
+ If the object's class is not defined on an Ember namespace, it will
+ indicate it is a subclass of the registered superclass:
+ ```javascript
+ Student = App.Person.extend()
+ student = Student.create()
+ student.toString() //=> "<(subclass of App.Person):ember1025>"
+ ```
+ If the method `toStringExtension` is defined, its return value will be
+ included in the output.
+ ```javascript
+ App.Teacher = App.Person.extend({
+ toStringExtension: function() {
+ return this.get('fullName');
+ }
+ });
+ teacher = App.Teacher.create()
+ teacher.toString(); //=> "<App.Teacher:ember1026:Tom Dale>"
+ ```
+ @method toString
+ @return {String} string representation
+ */
+ toString: function toString() {
+ var hasToStringExtension = typeof this.toStringExtension === 'function';
+ var extension = hasToStringExtension ? ":" + this.toStringExtension() : '';
+ var ret = '<'+this.constructor.toString()+':'+guidFor(this)+extension+'>';
+ this.toString = makeToString(ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ });
+ CoreObject.PrototypeMixin.ownerConstructor = CoreObject;
+ function makeToString(ret) {
+ return function() { return ret; };
+ }
+ if (Ember.config.overridePrototypeMixin) {
+ Ember.config.overridePrototypeMixin(CoreObject.PrototypeMixin);
+ }
+ CoreObject.__super__ = null;
+ var ClassMixinProps = {
+ ClassMixin: required(),
+ PrototypeMixin: required(),
+ isClass: true,
+ isMethod: false,
+ /**
+ Creates a new subclass.
+ ```javascript
+ App.Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ say: function(thing) {
+ alert(thing);
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ This defines a new subclass of Ember.Object: `App.Person`. It contains one method: `say()`.
+ You can also create a subclass from any existing class by calling its `extend()` method. For example, you might want to create a subclass of Ember's built-in `Ember.View` class:
+ ```javascript
+ App.PersonView = Ember.View.extend({
+ tagName: 'li',
+ classNameBindings: ['isAdministrator']
+ });
+ ```
+ When defining a subclass, you can override methods but still access the implementation of your parent class by calling the special `_super()` method:
+ ```javascript
+ App.Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ say: function(thing) {
+ var name = this.get('name');
+ alert(name + ' says: ' + thing);
+ }
+ });
+ App.Soldier = App.Person.extend({
+ say: function(thing) {
+ this._super(thing + ", sir!");
+ },
+ march: function(numberOfHours) {
+ alert(this.get('name') + ' marches for ' + numberOfHours + ' hours.')
+ }
+ });
+ var yehuda = App.Soldier.create({
+ name: "Yehuda Katz"
+ });
+ yehuda.say("Yes"); // alerts "Yehuda Katz says: Yes, sir!"
+ ```
+ The `create()` on line #17 creates an *instance* of the `App.Soldier` class. The `extend()` on line #8 creates a *subclass* of `App.Person`. Any instance of the `App.Person` class will *not* have the `march()` method.
+ You can also pass `Mixin` classes to add additional properties to the subclass.
+ ```javascript
+ App.Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ say: function(thing) {
+ alert(this.get('name') + ' says: ' + thing);
+ }
+ });
+ App.SingingMixin = Mixin.create({
+ sing: function(thing){
+ alert(this.get('name') + ' sings: la la la ' + thing);
+ }
+ });
+ App.BroadwayStar = App.Person.extend(App.SingingMixin, {
+ dance: function() {
+ alert(this.get('name') + ' dances: tap tap tap tap ');
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ The `App.BroadwayStar` class contains three methods: `say()`, `sing()`, and `dance()`.
+ @method extend
+ @static
+ @param {Mixin} [mixins]* One or more Mixin classes
+ @param {Object} [arguments]* Object containing values to use within the new class
+ */
+ extend: function extend() {
+ var Class = makeCtor();
+ var proto;
+ Class.ClassMixin = Mixin.create(this.ClassMixin);
+ Class.PrototypeMixin = Mixin.create(this.PrototypeMixin);
+ Class.ClassMixin.ownerConstructor = Class;
+ Class.PrototypeMixin.ownerConstructor = Class;
+ reopen.apply(Class.PrototypeMixin, arguments);
+ Class.superclass = this;
+ Class.__super__ = this.prototype;
+ proto = Class.prototype = o_create(this.prototype);
+ proto.constructor = Class;
+ generateGuid(proto);
+ meta(proto).proto = proto; // this will disable observers on prototype
+ Class.ClassMixin.apply(Class);
+ return Class;
+ },
+ /**
+ Equivalent to doing `extend(arguments).create()`.
+ If possible use the normal `create` method instead.
+ @method createWithMixins
+ @static
+ @param [arguments]*
+ */
+ createWithMixins: function() {
+ var C = this;
+ var l= arguments.length;
+ if (l > 0) {
+ var args = new Array(l);
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ args[i] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ this._initMixins(args);
+ }
+ return new C();
+ },
+ /**
+ Creates an instance of a class. Accepts either no arguments, or an object
+ containing values to initialize the newly instantiated object with.
+ ```javascript
+ App.Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ helloWorld: function() {
+ alert("Hi, my name is " + this.get('name'));
+ }
+ });
+ var tom = App.Person.create({
+ name: 'Tom Dale'
+ });
+ tom.helloWorld(); // alerts "Hi, my name is Tom Dale".
+ ```
+ `create` will call the `init` function if defined during
+ `Ember.AnyObject.extend`
+ If no arguments are passed to `create`, it will not set values to the new
+ instance during initialization:
+ ```javascript
+ var noName = App.Person.create();
+ noName.helloWorld(); // alerts undefined
+ ```
+ NOTE: For performance reasons, you cannot declare methods or computed
+ properties during `create`. You should instead declare methods and computed
+ properties when using `extend` or use the `createWithMixins` shorthand.
+ @method create
+ @static
+ @param [arguments]*
+ */
+ create: function() {
+ var C = this;
+ var l = arguments.length;
+ if (l > 0) {
+ var args = new Array(l);
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ args[i] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ this._initProperties(args);
+ }
+ return new C();
+ },
+ /**
+ Augments a constructor's prototype with additional
+ properties and functions:
+ ```javascript
+ MyObject = Ember.Object.extend({
+ name: 'an object'
+ });
+ o = MyObject.create();
+ o.get('name'); // 'an object'
+ MyObject.reopen({
+ say: function(msg){
+ console.log(msg);
+ }
+ })
+ o2 = MyObject.create();
+ o2.say("hello"); // logs "hello"
+ o.say("goodbye"); // logs "goodbye"
+ ```
+ To add functions and properties to the constructor itself,
+ see `reopenClass`
+ @method reopen
+ */
+ reopen: function() {
+ this.willReopen();
+ var l = arguments.length;
+ var args = new Array(l);
+ if (l > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ args[i] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ }
+ apply(this.PrototypeMixin, reopen, args);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Augments a constructor's own properties and functions:
+ ```javascript
+ MyObject = Ember.Object.extend({
+ name: 'an object'
+ });
+ MyObject.reopenClass({
+ canBuild: false
+ });
+ MyObject.canBuild; // false
+ o = MyObject.create();
+ ```
+ In other words, this creates static properties and functions for the class. These are only available on the class
+ and not on any instance of that class.
+ ```javascript
+ App.Person = Ember.Object.extend({
+ name : "",
+ sayHello : function(){
+ alert("Hello. My name is " + this.get('name'));
+ }
+ });
+ App.Person.reopenClass({
+ species : "Homo sapiens",
+ createPerson: function(newPersonsName){
+ return App.Person.create({
+ name:newPersonsName
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ var tom = App.Person.create({
+ name : "Tom Dale"
+ });
+ var yehuda = App.Person.createPerson("Yehuda Katz");
+ tom.sayHello(); // "Hello. My name is Tom Dale"
+ yehuda.sayHello(); // "Hello. My name is Yehuda Katz"
+ alert(App.Person.species); // "Homo sapiens"
+ ```
+ Note that `species` and `createPerson` are *not* valid on the `tom` and `yehuda`
+ variables. They are only valid on `App.Person`.
+ To add functions and properties to instances of
+ a constructor by extending the constructor's prototype
+ see `reopen`
+ @method reopenClass
+ */
+ reopenClass: function() {
+ var l = arguments.length;
+ var args = new Array(l);
+ if (l > 0) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
+ args[i] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ }
+ apply(this.ClassMixin, reopen, args);
+ applyMixin(this, arguments, false);
+ return this;
+ },
+ detect: function(obj) {
+ if ('function' !== typeof obj) { return false; }
+ while(obj) {
+ if (obj===this) { return true; }
+ obj = obj.superclass;
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ detectInstance: function(obj) {
+ return obj instanceof this;
+ },
+ /**
+ In some cases, you may want to annotate computed properties with additional
+ metadata about how they function or what values they operate on. For
+ example, computed property functions may close over variables that are then
+ no longer available for introspection.
+ You can pass a hash of these values to a computed property like this:
+ ```javascript
+ person: function() {
+ var personId = this.get('personId');
+ return App.Person.create({ id: personId });
+ }.property().meta({ type: App.Person })
+ ```
+ Once you've done this, you can retrieve the values saved to the computed
+ property from your class like this:
+ ```javascript
+ MyClass.metaForProperty('person');
+ ```
+ This will return the original hash that was passed to `meta()`.
+ @method metaForProperty
+ @param key {String} property name
+ */
+ metaForProperty: function(key) {
+ var meta = this.proto()['__ember_meta__'];
+ var desc = meta && meta.descs[key];
+ Ember.assert("metaForProperty() could not find a computed property with key '"+key+"'.", !!desc && desc instanceof ComputedProperty);
+ return desc._meta || {};
+ },
+ _computedProperties: computed(function() {
+ hasCachedComputedProperties = true;
+ var proto = this.proto();
+ var descs = meta(proto).descs;
+ var property;
+ var properties = [];
+ for (var name in descs) {
+ property = descs[name];
+ if (property instanceof ComputedProperty) {
+ properties.push({
+ name: name,
+ meta: property._meta
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return properties;
+ }).readOnly(),
+ /**
+ Iterate over each computed property for the class, passing its name
+ and any associated metadata (see `metaForProperty`) to the callback.
+ @method eachComputedProperty
+ @param {Function} callback
+ @param {Object} binding
+ */
+ eachComputedProperty: function(callback, binding) {
+ var property, name;
+ var empty = {};
+ var properties = get(this, '_computedProperties');
+ for (var i = 0, length = properties.length; i < length; i++) {
+ property = properties[i];
+ name =;
+ || this,, property.meta || empty);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var ClassMixin = Mixin.create(ClassMixinProps);
+ ClassMixin.ownerConstructor = CoreObject;
+ if (Ember.config.overrideClassMixin) {
+ Ember.config.overrideClassMixin(ClassMixin);
+ }
+ CoreObject.ClassMixin = ClassMixin;
+ ClassMixin.apply(CoreObject);
+ CoreObject.reopen({
+ didDefineProperty: function(proto, key, value) {
+ if (hasCachedComputedProperties === false) { return; }
+ if (value instanceof Ember.ComputedProperty) {
+ var cache = Ember.meta(this.constructor).cache;
+ if (cache._computedProperties !== undefined) {
+ cache._computedProperties = undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = CoreObject;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-runtime/mixins/deferred","ember-runtime/system/object","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var DeferredMixin = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var EmberObject = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var Deferred = EmberObject.extend(DeferredMixin, {
+ init: function() {
+ Ember.deprecate('Usage of Ember.Deferred is deprecated.');
+ this._super();
+ }
+ });
+ Deferred.reopenClass({
+ promise: function(callback, binding) {
+ var deferred = Deferred.create();
+, deferred);
+ return deferred;
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = Deferred;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/array","ember-runtime/mixins/array","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/observer","ember-metal/events","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/property_events","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var guidFor = __dependency3__.guidFor;
+ var forEach = __dependency4__.forEach;
+ var indexOf = __dependency5__.indexOf;
+ var EmberArray = __dependency6__["default"];
+ // ES6TODO: WAT? Circular dep?
+ var EmberObject = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var computed = __dependency8__.computed;
+ var addObserver = __dependency9__.addObserver;
+ var addBeforeObserver = __dependency9__.addBeforeObserver;
+ var removeBeforeObserver = __dependency9__.removeBeforeObserver;
+ var removeObserver = __dependency9__.removeObserver;
+ var typeOf = __dependency3__.typeOf;
+ var watchedEvents = __dependency10__.watchedEvents;
+ var defineProperty = __dependency11__.defineProperty;
+ var beginPropertyChanges = __dependency12__.beginPropertyChanges;
+ var propertyDidChange = __dependency12__.propertyDidChange;
+ var propertyWillChange = __dependency12__.propertyWillChange;
+ var endPropertyChanges = __dependency12__.endPropertyChanges;
+ var changeProperties = __dependency12__.changeProperties;
+ var EachArray = EmberObject.extend(EmberArray, {
+ init: function(content, keyName, owner) {
+ this._super();
+ this._keyName = keyName;
+ this._owner = owner;
+ this._content = content;
+ },
+ objectAt: function(idx) {
+ var item = this._content.objectAt(idx);
+ return item && get(item, this._keyName);
+ },
+ length: computed(function() {
+ var content = this._content;
+ return content ? get(content, 'length') : 0;
+ })
+ });
+ var IS_OBSERVER = /^.+:(before|change)$/;
+ function addObserverForContentKey(content, keyName, proxy, idx, loc) {
+ var objects = proxy._objects;
+ var guid;
+ if (!objects) objects = proxy._objects = {};
+ while(--loc>=idx) {
+ var item = content.objectAt(loc);
+ if (item) {
+ Ember.assert('When using @each to observe the array ' + content + ', the array must return an object', typeOf(item) === 'instance' || typeOf(item) === 'object');
+ addBeforeObserver(item, keyName, proxy, 'contentKeyWillChange');
+ addObserver(item, keyName, proxy, 'contentKeyDidChange');
+ // keep track of the index each item was found at so we can map
+ // it back when the obj changes.
+ guid = guidFor(item);
+ if (!objects[guid]) objects[guid] = [];
+ objects[guid].push(loc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function removeObserverForContentKey(content, keyName, proxy, idx, loc) {
+ var objects = proxy._objects;
+ if (!objects) objects = proxy._objects = {};
+ var indicies, guid;
+ while(--loc>=idx) {
+ var item = content.objectAt(loc);
+ if (item) {
+ removeBeforeObserver(item, keyName, proxy, 'contentKeyWillChange');
+ removeObserver(item, keyName, proxy, 'contentKeyDidChange');
+ guid = guidFor(item);
+ indicies = objects[guid];
+ indicies[, loc)] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ This is the object instance returned when you get the `@each` property on an
+ array. It uses the unknownProperty handler to automatically create
+ EachArray instances for property names.
+ @private
+ @class EachProxy
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ */
+ var EachProxy = EmberObject.extend({
+ init: function(content) {
+ this._super();
+ this._content = content;
+ content.addArrayObserver(this);
+ // in case someone is already observing some keys make sure they are
+ // added
+ forEach(watchedEvents(this), function(eventName) {
+ this.didAddListener(eventName);
+ }, this);
+ },
+ /**
+ You can directly access mapped properties by simply requesting them.
+ The `unknownProperty` handler will generate an EachArray of each item.
+ @method unknownProperty
+ @param keyName {String}
+ @param value {*}
+ */
+ unknownProperty: function(keyName, value) {
+ var ret;
+ ret = new EachArray(this._content, keyName, this);
+ defineProperty(this, keyName, null, ret);
+ this.beginObservingContentKey(keyName);
+ return ret;
+ },
+ // ..........................................................
+ // Invokes whenever the content array itself changes.
+ arrayWillChange: function(content, idx, removedCnt, addedCnt) {
+ var keys = this._keys;
+ var key, lim;
+ lim = removedCnt>0 ? idx+removedCnt : -1;
+ beginPropertyChanges(this);
+ for(key in keys) {
+ if (!keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
+ if (lim>0) { removeObserverForContentKey(content, key, this, idx, lim); }
+ propertyWillChange(this, key);
+ }
+ propertyWillChange(this._content, '@each');
+ endPropertyChanges(this);
+ },
+ arrayDidChange: function(content, idx, removedCnt, addedCnt) {
+ var keys = this._keys;
+ var lim;
+ lim = addedCnt>0 ? idx+addedCnt : -1;
+ changeProperties(function() {
+ for(var key in keys) {
+ if (!keys.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue; }
+ if (lim>0) { addObserverForContentKey(content, key, this, idx, lim); }
+ propertyDidChange(this, key);
+ }
+ propertyDidChange(this._content, '@each');
+ }, this);
+ },
+ // ..........................................................
+ // Start monitoring keys based on who is listening...
+ didAddListener: function(eventName) {
+ if (IS_OBSERVER.test(eventName)) {
+ this.beginObservingContentKey(eventName.slice(0, -7));
+ }
+ },
+ didRemoveListener: function(eventName) {
+ if (IS_OBSERVER.test(eventName)) {
+ this.stopObservingContentKey(eventName.slice(0, -7));
+ }
+ },
+ // ..........................................................
+ // Actual watch keys on the source content.
+ beginObservingContentKey: function(keyName) {
+ var keys = this._keys;
+ if (!keys) keys = this._keys = {};
+ if (!keys[keyName]) {
+ keys[keyName] = 1;
+ var content = this._content;
+ var len = get(content, 'length');
+ addObserverForContentKey(content, keyName, this, 0, len);
+ } else {
+ keys[keyName]++;
+ }
+ },
+ stopObservingContentKey: function(keyName) {
+ var keys = this._keys;
+ if (keys && (keys[keyName]>0) && (--keys[keyName]<=0)) {
+ var content = this._content;
+ var len = get(content, 'length');
+ removeObserverForContentKey(content, keyName, this, 0, len);
+ }
+ },
+ contentKeyWillChange: function(obj, keyName) {
+ propertyWillChange(this, keyName);
+ },
+ contentKeyDidChange: function(obj, keyName) {
+ propertyDidChange(this, keyName);
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__.EachArray = EachArray;
+ __exports__.EachProxy = EachProxy;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/array","ember-runtime/system/native_array","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /*globals CustomEvent */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var forEach = __dependency2__.forEach;
+ // make sure Ember.A is setup.
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var loadHooks = Ember.ENV.EMBER_LOAD_HOOKS || {};
+ var loaded = {};
+ /**
+ Detects when a specific package of Ember (e.g. 'Ember.Handlebars')
+ has fully loaded and is available for extension.
+ The provided `callback` will be called with the `name` passed
+ resolved from a string into the object:
+ ``` javascript
+ Ember.onLoad('Ember.Handlebars' function(hbars) {
+ hbars.registerHelper(...);
+ });
+ ```
+ @method onLoad
+ @for Ember
+ @param name {String} name of hook
+ @param callback {Function} callback to be called
+ */
+ function onLoad(name, callback) {
+ var object;
+ loadHooks[name] = loadHooks[name] || Ember.A();
+ loadHooks[name].pushObject(callback);
+ if (object = loaded[name]) {
+ callback(object);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.onLoad = onLoad;/**
+ Called when an Ember.js package (e.g Ember.Handlebars) has finished
+ loading. Triggers any callbacks registered for this event.
+ @method runLoadHooks
+ @for Ember
+ @param name {String} name of hook
+ @param object {Object} object to pass to callbacks
+ */
+ function runLoadHooks(name, object) {
+ loaded[name] = object;
+ if (typeof window === 'object' && typeof window.dispatchEvent === 'function' && typeof CustomEvent === "function") {
+ var event = new CustomEvent(name, {detail: object, name: name});
+ window.dispatchEvent(event);
+ }
+ if (loadHooks[name]) {
+[name], function(callback) {
+ callback(object);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.runLoadHooks = runLoadHooks;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/array","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/mixin","ember-runtime/system/object","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ // Ember.lookup, Ember.BOOTED, Ember.deprecate, Ember.NAME_KEY, Ember.anyUnprocessedMixins
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var indexOf = __dependency3__.indexOf;
+ var GUID_KEY = __dependency4__.GUID_KEY;
+ var guidFor = __dependency4__.guidFor;
+ var Mixin = __dependency5__.Mixin;
+ var EmberObject = __dependency6__["default"];
+ /**
+ A Namespace is an object usually used to contain other objects or methods
+ such as an application or framework. Create a namespace anytime you want
+ to define one of these new containers.
+ # Example Usage
+ ```javascript
+ MyFramework = Ember.Namespace.create({
+ VERSION: '1.0.0'
+ });
+ ```
+ @class Namespace
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ */
+ var Namespace = EmberObject.extend({
+ isNamespace: true,
+ init: function() {
+ Namespace.NAMESPACES.push(this);
+ Namespace.PROCESSED = false;
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ var name = get(this, 'name') || get(this, 'modulePrefix');
+ if (name) { return name; }
+ findNamespaces();
+ return this[NAME_KEY];
+ },
+ nameClasses: function() {
+ processNamespace([this.toString()], this, {});
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ var namespaces = Namespace.NAMESPACES;
+ var toString = this.toString();
+ if (toString) {
+ Ember.lookup[toString] = undefined;
+ delete Namespace.NAMESPACES_BY_ID[toString];
+ }
+ namespaces.splice(, this), 1);
+ this._super();
+ }
+ });
+ Namespace.reopenClass({
+ NAMESPACES: [Ember],
+ PROCESSED: false,
+ processAll: processAllNamespaces,
+ byName: function(name) {
+ if (!Ember.BOOTED) {
+ processAllNamespaces();
+ }
+ return NAMESPACES_BY_ID[name];
+ }
+ });
+ var hasOwnProp = ({}).hasOwnProperty;
+ function processNamespace(paths, root, seen) {
+ var idx = paths.length;
+ NAMESPACES_BY_ID[paths.join('.')] = root;
+ // Loop over all of the keys in the namespace, looking for classes
+ for(var key in root) {
+ if (!, key)) { continue; }
+ var obj = root[key];
+ // If we are processing the `Ember` namespace, for example, the
+ // `paths` will start with `["Ember"]`. Every iteration through
+ // the loop will update the **second** element of this list with
+ // the key, so processing `Ember.View` will make the Array
+ // `['Ember', 'View']`.
+ paths[idx] = key;
+ // If we have found an unprocessed class
+ if (obj && obj.toString === classToString) {
+ // Replace the class' `toString` with the dot-separated path
+ // and set its `NAME_KEY`
+ obj.toString = makeToString(paths.join('.'));
+ obj[NAME_KEY] = paths.join('.');
+ // Support nested namespaces
+ } else if (obj && obj.isNamespace) {
+ // Skip aliased namespaces
+ if (seen[guidFor(obj)]) { continue; }
+ seen[guidFor(obj)] = true;
+ // Process the child namespace
+ processNamespace(paths, obj, seen);
+ }
+ }
+ paths.length = idx; // cut out last item
+ }
+ function tryIsNamespace(lookup, prop) {
+ try {
+ var obj = lookup[prop];
+ return obj && obj.isNamespace && obj;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // continue
+ }
+ }
+ function findNamespaces() {
+ var lookup = Ember.lookup;
+ var obj;
+ if (Namespace.PROCESSED) { return; }
+ for (var prop in lookup) {
+ // Only process entities that start with uppercase A-Z
+ if (!STARTS_WITH_UPPERCASE.test(prop)) { continue; }
+ // Unfortunately, some versions of IE don't support window.hasOwnProperty
+ if (lookup.hasOwnProperty && !lookup.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { continue; }
+ // At times we are not allowed to access certain properties for security reasons.
+ // There are also times where even if we can access them, we are not allowed to access their properties.
+ obj = tryIsNamespace(lookup, prop);
+ if (obj) {
+ obj[NAME_KEY] = prop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var NAME_KEY = Ember.NAME_KEY = GUID_KEY + '_name';
+ function superClassString(mixin) {
+ var superclass = mixin.superclass;
+ if (superclass) {
+ if (superclass[NAME_KEY]) { return superclass[NAME_KEY]; }
+ else { return superClassString(superclass); }
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ function classToString() {
+ if (!Ember.BOOTED && !this[NAME_KEY]) {
+ processAllNamespaces();
+ }
+ var ret;
+ if (this[NAME_KEY]) {
+ ret = this[NAME_KEY];
+ } else if (this._toString) {
+ ret = this._toString;
+ } else {
+ var str = superClassString(this);
+ if (str) {
+ ret = "(subclass of " + str + ")";
+ } else {
+ ret = "(unknown mixin)";
+ }
+ this.toString = makeToString(ret);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ function processAllNamespaces() {
+ var unprocessedNamespaces = !Namespace.PROCESSED;
+ var unprocessedMixins = Ember.anyUnprocessedMixins;
+ if (unprocessedNamespaces) {
+ findNamespaces();
+ Namespace.PROCESSED = true;
+ }
+ if (unprocessedNamespaces || unprocessedMixins) {
+ var namespaces = Namespace.NAMESPACES;
+ var namespace;
+ for (var i=0, l=namespaces.length; i<l; i++) {
+ namespace = namespaces[i];
+ processNamespace([namespace.toString()], namespace, {});
+ }
+ Ember.anyUnprocessedMixins = false;
+ }
+ }
+ function makeToString(ret) {
+ return function() { return ret; };
+ }
+ Mixin.prototype.toString = classToString; // ES6TODO: altering imported objects. SBB.
+ __exports__["default"] = Namespace;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/array","ember-runtime/mixins/array","ember-runtime/mixins/mutable_array","ember-runtime/mixins/observable","ember-runtime/mixins/copyable","ember-runtime/mixins/freezable","ember-runtime/copy","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var replace = __dependency3__._replace;
+ var forEach = __dependency3__.forEach;
+ var Mixin = __dependency4__.Mixin;
+ var indexOf = __dependency5__.indexOf;
+ var lastIndexOf = __dependency5__.lastIndexOf;
+ var EmberArray = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var MutableArray = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var Observable = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var Copyable = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var FROZEN_ERROR = __dependency10__.FROZEN_ERROR;
+ var copy = __dependency11__["default"];
+ // Add Ember.Array to Array.prototype. Remove methods with native
+ // implementations and supply some more optimized versions of generic methods
+ // because they are so common.
+ /**
+ The NativeArray mixin contains the properties needed to to make the native
+ Array support Ember.MutableArray and all of its dependent APIs. Unless you
+ have `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES` or `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Array` set to
+ false, this will be applied automatically. Otherwise you can apply the mixin
+ at anytime by calling `Ember.NativeArray.activate`.
+ @class NativeArray
+ @namespace Ember
+ @uses Ember.MutableArray
+ @uses Ember.Observable
+ @uses Ember.Copyable
+ */
+ var NativeArray = Mixin.create(MutableArray, Observable, Copyable, {
+ // because length is a built-in property we need to know to just get the
+ // original property.
+ get: function(key) {
+ if (key==='length') return this.length;
+ else if ('number' === typeof key) return this[key];
+ else return this._super(key);
+ },
+ objectAt: function(idx) {
+ return this[idx];
+ },
+ // primitive for array support.
+ replace: function(idx, amt, objects) {
+ if (this.isFrozen) throw FROZEN_ERROR;
+ // if we replaced exactly the same number of items, then pass only the
+ // replaced range. Otherwise, pass the full remaining array length
+ // since everything has shifted
+ var len = objects ? get(objects, 'length') : 0;
+ this.arrayContentWillChange(idx, amt, len);
+ if (len === 0) {
+ this.splice(idx, amt);
+ } else {
+ replace(this, idx, amt, objects);
+ }
+ this.arrayContentDidChange(idx, amt, len);
+ return this;
+ },
+ // If you ask for an unknown property, then try to collect the value
+ // from member items.
+ unknownProperty: function(key, value) {
+ var ret;// = this.reducedProperty(key, value) ;
+ if (value !== undefined && ret === undefined) {
+ ret = this[key] = value;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ indexOf: indexOf,
+ lastIndexOf: lastIndexOf,
+ copy: function(deep) {
+ if (deep) {
+ return { return copy(item, true); });
+ }
+ return this.slice();
+ }
+ });
+ // Remove any methods implemented natively so we don't override them
+ var ignore = ['length'];
+ forEach(NativeArray.keys(), function(methodName) {
+ if (Array.prototype[methodName]) ignore.push(methodName);
+ });
+ if (ignore.length > 0) {
+ NativeArray = NativeArray.without.apply(NativeArray, ignore);
+ }
+ /**
+ Creates an `Ember.NativeArray` from an Array like object.
+ Does not modify the original object. Ember.A is not needed if
+ `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES` is `true` (the default value). However,
+ it is recommended that you use Ember.A when creating addons for
+ ember or when you can not guarantee that `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES`
+ will be `true`.
+ Example
+ ```js
+ var Pagination = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
+ tagName: 'ul',
+ classNames: ['pagination'],
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ if (!this.get('content')) {
+ this.set('content', Ember.A());
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method A
+ @for Ember
+ @return {Ember.NativeArray}
+ */
+ var A = function(arr) {
+ if (arr === undefined) { arr = []; }
+ return EmberArray.detect(arr) ? arr : NativeArray.apply(arr);
+ };
+ /**
+ Activates the mixin on the Array.prototype if not already applied. Calling
+ this method more than once is safe. This will be called when ember is loaded
+ unless you have `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES` or `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Array`
+ set to `false`.
+ Example
+ ```js
+ if (Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES === true || Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Array) {
+ Ember.NativeArray.activate();
+ }
+ ```
+ @method activate
+ @for Ember.NativeArray
+ @static
+ @return {void}
+ */
+ NativeArray.activate = function() {
+ NativeArray.apply(Array.prototype);
+ A = function(arr) { return arr || []; };
+ };
+ if (Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES === true || Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.Array) {
+ NativeArray.activate();
+ }
+ Ember.A = A; // ES6TODO: Setting A onto the object returned by ember-metal/core to avoid circles
+ __exports__.A = A;
+ __exports__.NativeArray = NativeArray;
+ __exports__["default"] = NativeArray;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-runtime/system/core_object","ember-runtime/mixins/observable","ember-runtime/inject","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var CoreObject = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var Observable = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var validatePropertyInjections = __dependency4__.validatePropertyInjections;
+ /**
+ `Ember.Object` is the main base class for all Ember objects. It is a subclass
+ of `Ember.CoreObject` with the `Ember.Observable` mixin applied. For details,
+ see the documentation for each of these.
+ @class Object
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.CoreObject
+ @uses Ember.Observable
+ */
+ var EmberObject = CoreObject.extend(Observable);
+ EmberObject.toString = function() {
+ return "Ember.Object";
+ };
+ function injectedPropertyAssertion(props) {
+ // Injection validations are a debugging aid only, so ensure that they are
+ // not performed in production builds by invoking from an assertion
+ Ember.assert("Injected properties are invalid", validatePropertyInjections(this.constructor, props));
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberObject;
+ });
+ ["ember-runtime/system/object","ember-runtime/mixins/-proxy","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var EmberObject = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var _ProxyMixin = __dependency2__["default"];
+ /**
+ `Ember.ObjectProxy` forwards all properties not defined by the proxy itself
+ to a proxied `content` object.
+ ```javascript
+ object = Ember.Object.create({
+ name: 'Foo'
+ });
+ proxy = Ember.ObjectProxy.create({
+ content: object
+ });
+ // Access and change existing properties
+ proxy.get('name') // 'Foo'
+ proxy.set('name', 'Bar');
+ object.get('name') // 'Bar'
+ // Create new 'description' property on `object`
+ proxy.set('description', 'Foo is a whizboo baz');
+ object.get('description') // 'Foo is a whizboo baz'
+ ```
+ While `content` is unset, setting a property to be delegated will throw an
+ Error.
+ ```javascript
+ proxy = Ember.ObjectProxy.create({
+ content: null,
+ flag: null
+ });
+ proxy.set('flag', true);
+ proxy.get('flag'); // true
+ proxy.get('foo'); // undefined
+ proxy.set('foo', 'data'); // throws Error
+ ```
+ Delegated properties can be bound to and will change when content is updated.
+ Computed properties on the proxy itself can depend on delegated properties.
+ ```javascript
+ ProxyWithComputedProperty = Ember.ObjectProxy.extend({
+ fullName: function () {
+ var firstName = this.get('firstName'),
+ lastName = this.get('lastName');
+ if (firstName && lastName) {
+ return firstName + ' ' + lastName;
+ }
+ return firstName || lastName;
+ }.property('firstName', 'lastName')
+ });
+ proxy = ProxyWithComputedProperty.create();
+ proxy.get('fullName'); // undefined
+ proxy.set('content', {
+ firstName: 'Tom', lastName: 'Dale'
+ }); // triggers property change for fullName on proxy
+ proxy.get('fullName'); // 'Tom Dale'
+ ```
+ @class ObjectProxy
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ @extends Ember._ProxyMixin
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberObject.extend(_ProxyMixin);
+ });
+ ["ember-runtime/system/object","ember-runtime/inject","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Object = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var createInjectionHelper = __dependency2__.createInjectionHelper;
+ var Service;
+ __exports__["default"] = Service;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/is_none","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-runtime/system/core_object","ember-runtime/mixins/mutable_enumerable","ember-runtime/mixins/enumerable","ember-runtime/mixins/copyable","ember-runtime/mixins/freezable","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/property_events","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/computed","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __dependency15__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.isNone, Ember.A
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var set = __dependency3__.set;
+ var guidFor = __dependency4__.guidFor;
+ var isNone = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var fmt = __dependency6__.fmt;
+ var CoreObject = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var MutableEnumerable = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var Enumerable = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var Copyable = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var Freezable = __dependency11__.Freezable;
+ var FROZEN_ERROR = __dependency11__.FROZEN_ERROR;
+ var EmberError = __dependency12__["default"];
+ var propertyWillChange = __dependency13__.propertyWillChange;
+ var propertyDidChange = __dependency13__.propertyDidChange;
+ var aliasMethod = __dependency14__.aliasMethod;
+ var computed = __dependency15__.computed;
+ /**
+ An unordered collection of objects.
+ A Set works a bit like an array except that its items are not ordered. You
+ can create a set to efficiently test for membership for an object. You can
+ also iterate through a set just like an array, even accessing objects by
+ index, however there is no guarantee as to their order.
+ All Sets are observable via the Enumerable Observer API - which works
+ on any enumerable object including both Sets and Arrays.
+ ## Creating a Set
+ You can create a set like you would most objects using
+ `new Ember.Set()`. Most new sets you create will be empty, but you can
+ also initialize the set with some content by passing an array or other
+ enumerable of objects to the constructor.
+ Finally, you can pass in an existing set and the set will be copied. You
+ can also create a copy of a set by calling `Ember.Set#copy()`.
+ ```javascript
+ // creates a new empty set
+ var foundNames = new Ember.Set();
+ // creates a set with four names in it.
+ var names = new Ember.Set(["Charles", "Tom", "Juan", "Alex"]); // :P
+ // creates a copy of the names set.
+ var namesCopy = new Ember.Set(names);
+ // same as above.
+ var anotherNamesCopy = names.copy();
+ ```
+ ## Adding/Removing Objects
+ You generally add or remove objects from a set using `add()` or
+ `remove()`. You can add any type of object including primitives such as
+ numbers, strings, and booleans.
+ Unlike arrays, objects can only exist one time in a set. If you call `add()`
+ on a set with the same object multiple times, the object will only be added
+ once. Likewise, calling `remove()` with the same object multiple times will
+ remove the object the first time and have no effect on future calls until
+ you add the object to the set again.
+ NOTE: You cannot add/remove `null` or `undefined` to a set. Any attempt to do
+ so will be ignored.
+ In addition to add/remove you can also call `push()`/`pop()`. Push behaves
+ just like `add()` but `pop()`, unlike `remove()` will pick an arbitrary
+ object, remove it and return it. This is a good way to use a set as a job
+ queue when you don't care which order the jobs are executed in.
+ ## Testing for an Object
+ To test for an object's presence in a set you simply call
+ `Ember.Set#contains()`.
+ ## Observing changes
+ When using `Ember.Set`, you can observe the `"[]"` property to be
+ alerted whenever the content changes. You can also add an enumerable
+ observer to the set to be notified of specific objects that are added and
+ removed from the set. See [Ember.Enumerable](/api/classes/Ember.Enumerable.html)
+ for more information on enumerables.
+ This is often unhelpful. If you are filtering sets of objects, for instance,
+ it is very inefficient to re-filter all of the items each time the set
+ changes. It would be better if you could just adjust the filtered set based
+ on what was changed on the original set. The same issue applies to merging
+ sets, as well.
+ ## Other Methods
+ `Ember.Set` primary implements other mixin APIs. For a complete reference
+ on the methods you will use with `Ember.Set`, please consult these mixins.
+ The most useful ones will be `Ember.Enumerable` and
+ `Ember.MutableEnumerable` which implement most of the common iterator
+ methods you are used to on Array.
+ Note that you can also use the `Ember.Copyable` and `Ember.Freezable`
+ APIs on `Ember.Set` as well. Once a set is frozen it can no longer be
+ modified. The benefit of this is that when you call `frozenCopy()` on it,
+ Ember will avoid making copies of the set. This allows you to write
+ code that can know with certainty when the underlying set data will or
+ will not be modified.
+ @class Set
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.CoreObject
+ @uses Ember.MutableEnumerable
+ @uses Ember.Copyable
+ @uses Ember.Freezable
+ @since Ember 0.9
+ @deprecated
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = CoreObject.extend(MutableEnumerable, Copyable, Freezable, {
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ This property will change as the number of objects in the set changes.
+ @property length
+ @type number
+ @default 0
+ */
+ length: 0,
+ /**
+ Clears the set. This is useful if you want to reuse an existing set
+ without having to recreate it.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = new Ember.Set(["red", "green", "blue"]);
+ colors.length; // 3
+ colors.clear();
+ colors.length; // 0
+ ```
+ @method clear
+ @return {Ember.Set} An empty Set
+ */
+ clear: function() {
+ if (this.isFrozen) { throw new EmberError(FROZEN_ERROR); }
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ if (len === 0) { return this; }
+ var guid;
+ this.enumerableContentWillChange(len, 0);
+ propertyWillChange(this, 'firstObject');
+ propertyWillChange(this, 'lastObject');
+ for (var i=0; i < len; i++) {
+ guid = guidFor(this[i]);
+ delete this[guid];
+ delete this[i];
+ }
+ set(this, 'length', 0);
+ propertyDidChange(this, 'firstObject');
+ propertyDidChange(this, 'lastObject');
+ this.enumerableContentDidChange(len, 0);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Returns true if the passed object is also an enumerable that contains the
+ same objects as the receiver.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"],
+ same_colors = new Ember.Set(colors);
+ same_colors.isEqual(colors); // true
+ same_colors.isEqual(["purple", "brown"]); // false
+ ```
+ @method isEqual
+ @param {Ember.Set} obj the other object.
+ @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ isEqual: function(obj) {
+ // fail fast
+ if (!Enumerable.detect(obj)) return false;
+ var loc = get(this, 'length');
+ if (get(obj, 'length') !== loc) return false;
+ while(--loc >= 0) {
+ if (!obj.contains(this[loc])) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ Adds an object to the set. Only non-`null` objects can be added to a set
+ and those can only be added once. If the object is already in the set or
+ the passed value is null this method will have no effect.
+ This is an alias for `Ember.MutableEnumerable.addObject()`.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = new Ember.Set();
+ colors.add("blue"); // ["blue"]
+ colors.add("blue"); // ["blue"]
+ colors.add("red"); // ["blue", "red"]
+ colors.add(null); // ["blue", "red"]
+ colors.add(undefined); // ["blue", "red"]
+ ```
+ @method add
+ @param {Object} obj The object to add.
+ @return {Ember.Set} The set itself.
+ */
+ add: aliasMethod('addObject'),
+ /**
+ Removes the object from the set if it is found. If you pass a `null` value
+ or an object that is already not in the set, this method will have no
+ effect. This is an alias for `Ember.MutableEnumerable.removeObject()`.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = new Ember.Set(["red", "green", "blue"]);
+ colors.remove("red"); // ["blue", "green"]
+ colors.remove("purple"); // ["blue", "green"]
+ colors.remove(null); // ["blue", "green"]
+ ```
+ @method remove
+ @param {Object} obj The object to remove
+ @return {Ember.Set} The set itself.
+ */
+ remove: aliasMethod('removeObject'),
+ /**
+ Removes the last element from the set and returns it, or `null` if it's empty.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = new Ember.Set(["green", "blue"]);
+ colors.pop(); // "blue"
+ colors.pop(); // "green"
+ colors.pop(); // null
+ ```
+ @method pop
+ @return {Object} The removed object from the set or null.
+ */
+ pop: function() {
+ if (get(this, 'isFrozen')) throw new EmberError(FROZEN_ERROR);
+ var obj = this.length > 0 ? this[this.length-1] : null;
+ this.remove(obj);
+ return obj;
+ },
+ /**
+ Inserts the given object on to the end of the set. It returns
+ the set itself.
+ This is an alias for `Ember.MutableEnumerable.addObject()`.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = new Ember.Set();
+ colors.push("red"); // ["red"]
+ colors.push("green"); // ["red", "green"]
+ colors.push("blue"); // ["red", "green", "blue"]
+ ```
+ @method push
+ @return {Ember.Set} The set itself.
+ */
+ push: aliasMethod('addObject'),
+ /**
+ Removes the last element from the set and returns it, or `null` if it's empty.
+ This is an alias for `Ember.Set.pop()`.
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = new Ember.Set(["green", "blue"]);
+ colors.shift(); // "blue"
+ colors.shift(); // "green"
+ colors.shift(); // null
+ ```
+ @method shift
+ @return {Object} The removed object from the set or null.
+ */
+ shift: aliasMethod('pop'),
+ /**
+ Inserts the given object on to the end of the set. It returns
+ the set itself.
+ This is an alias of `Ember.Set.push()`
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = new Ember.Set();
+ colors.unshift("red"); // ["red"]
+ colors.unshift("green"); // ["red", "green"]
+ colors.unshift("blue"); // ["red", "green", "blue"]
+ ```
+ @method unshift
+ @return {Ember.Set} The set itself.
+ */
+ unshift: aliasMethod('push'),
+ /**
+ Adds each object in the passed enumerable to the set.
+ This is an alias of `Ember.MutableEnumerable.addObjects()`
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = new Ember.Set();
+ colors.addEach(["red", "green", "blue"]); // ["red", "green", "blue"]
+ ```
+ @method addEach
+ @param {Ember.Enumerable} objects the objects to add.
+ @return {Ember.Set} The set itself.
+ */
+ addEach: aliasMethod('addObjects'),
+ /**
+ Removes each object in the passed enumerable to the set.
+ This is an alias of `Ember.MutableEnumerable.removeObjects()`
+ ```javascript
+ var colors = new Ember.Set(["red", "green", "blue"]);
+ colors.removeEach(["red", "blue"]); // ["green"]
+ ```
+ @method removeEach
+ @param {Ember.Enumerable} objects the objects to remove.
+ @return {Ember.Set} The set itself.
+ */
+ removeEach: aliasMethod('removeObjects'),
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ init: function(items) {
+ Ember.deprecate('Ember.Set is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.');
+ this._super();
+ if (items) this.addObjects(items);
+ },
+ // implement Ember.Enumerable
+ nextObject: function(idx) {
+ return this[idx];
+ },
+ // more optimized version
+ firstObject: computed(function() {
+ return this.length > 0 ? this[0] : undefined;
+ }),
+ // more optimized version
+ lastObject: computed(function() {
+ return this.length > 0 ? this[this.length-1] : undefined;
+ }),
+ // implements Ember.MutableEnumerable
+ addObject: function(obj) {
+ if (get(this, 'isFrozen')) throw new EmberError(FROZEN_ERROR);
+ if (isNone(obj)) return this; // nothing to do
+ var guid = guidFor(obj);
+ var idx = this[guid];
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ var added;
+ if (idx>=0 && idx<len && (this[idx] === obj)) return this; // added
+ added = [obj];
+ this.enumerableContentWillChange(null, added);
+ propertyWillChange(this, 'lastObject');
+ len = get(this, 'length');
+ this[guid] = len;
+ this[len] = obj;
+ set(this, 'length', len+1);
+ propertyDidChange(this, 'lastObject');
+ this.enumerableContentDidChange(null, added);
+ return this;
+ },
+ // implements Ember.MutableEnumerable
+ removeObject: function(obj) {
+ if (get(this, 'isFrozen')) throw new EmberError(FROZEN_ERROR);
+ if (isNone(obj)) return this; // nothing to do
+ var guid = guidFor(obj);
+ var idx = this[guid];
+ var len = get(this, 'length');
+ var isFirst = idx === 0;
+ var isLast = idx === len-1;
+ var last, removed;
+ if (idx>=0 && idx<len && (this[idx] === obj)) {
+ removed = [obj];
+ this.enumerableContentWillChange(removed, null);
+ if (isFirst) { propertyWillChange(this, 'firstObject'); }
+ if (isLast) { propertyWillChange(this, 'lastObject'); }
+ // swap items - basically move the item to the end so it can be removed
+ if (idx < len-1) {
+ last = this[len-1];
+ this[idx] = last;
+ this[guidFor(last)] = idx;
+ }
+ delete this[guid];
+ delete this[len-1];
+ set(this, 'length', len-1);
+ if (isFirst) { propertyDidChange(this, 'firstObject'); }
+ if (isLast) { propertyDidChange(this, 'lastObject'); }
+ this.enumerableContentDidChange(removed, null);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ // optimized version
+ contains: function(obj) {
+ return this[guidFor(obj)]>=0;
+ },
+ copy: function() {
+ var C = this.constructor, ret = new C(), loc = get(this, 'length');
+ set(ret, 'length', loc);
+ while(--loc>=0) {
+ ret[loc] = this[loc];
+ ret[guidFor(this[loc])] = loc;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ var len = this.length, idx, array = [];
+ for(idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
+ array[idx] = this[idx];
+ }
+ return fmt("Ember.Set<%@>", [array.join(',')]);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/cache","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-runtime
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.STRINGS, Ember.FEATURES
+ var isArray = __dependency2__.isArray;
+ var emberInspect = __dependency2__.inspect;
+ var Cache = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var STRING_DASHERIZE_REGEXP = (/[ _]/g);
+ var STRING_DASHERIZE_CACHE = new Cache(1000, function(key) {
+ return decamelize(key).replace(STRING_DASHERIZE_REGEXP, '-');
+ });
+ var CAMELIZE_CACHE = new Cache(1000, function(key) {
+ return key.replace(STRING_CAMELIZE_REGEXP, function(match, separator, chr) {
+ return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '';
+ }).replace(/^([A-Z])/, function(match, separator, chr) {
+ return match.toLowerCase();
+ });
+ });
+ var CLASSIFY_CACHE = new Cache(1000, function(str) {
+ var parts = str.split(".");
+ var out = [];
+ for (var i=0, l=parts.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var camelized = camelize(parts[i]);
+ out.push(camelized.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + camelized.substr(1));
+ }
+ return out.join(".");
+ });
+ var UNDERSCORE_CACHE = new Cache(1000, function(str) {
+ return str.replace(STRING_UNDERSCORE_REGEXP_1, '$1_$2').
+ replace(STRING_UNDERSCORE_REGEXP_2, '_').toLowerCase();
+ });
+ var CAPITALIZE_CACHE = new Cache(1000, function(str) {
+ return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1);
+ });
+ var DECAMELIZE_CACHE = new Cache(1000, function(str) {
+ return str.replace(STRING_DECAMELIZE_REGEXP, '$1_$2').toLowerCase();
+ });
+ var STRING_DECAMELIZE_REGEXP = (/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g);
+ var STRING_CAMELIZE_REGEXP = (/(\-|_|\.|\s)+(.)?/g);
+ var STRING_UNDERSCORE_REGEXP_1 = (/([a-z\d])([A-Z]+)/g);
+ var STRING_UNDERSCORE_REGEXP_2 = (/\-|\s+/g);
+ function fmt(str, formats) {
+ var cachedFormats = formats;
+ if (!isArray(cachedFormats) || arguments.length > 2) {
+ cachedFormats = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
+ for (var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
+ cachedFormats[i - 1] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // first, replace any ORDERED replacements.
+ var idx = 0; // the current index for non-numerical replacements
+ return str.replace(/%@([0-9]+)?/g, function(s, argIndex) {
+ argIndex = (argIndex) ? parseInt(argIndex, 10) - 1 : idx++;
+ s = cachedFormats[argIndex];
+ return (s === null) ? '(null)' : (s === undefined) ? '' : emberInspect(s);
+ });
+ }
+ function loc(str, formats) {
+ if (!isArray(formats) || arguments.length > 2) {
+ formats =, 1);
+ }
+ str = Ember.STRINGS[str] || str;
+ return fmt(str, formats);
+ }
+ function w(str) {
+ return str.split(/\s+/);
+ }
+ function decamelize(str) {
+ return DECAMELIZE_CACHE.get(str);
+ }
+ function dasherize(str) {
+ return STRING_DASHERIZE_CACHE.get(str);
+ }
+ function camelize(str) {
+ return CAMELIZE_CACHE.get(str);
+ }
+ function classify(str) {
+ return CLASSIFY_CACHE.get(str);
+ }
+ function underscore(str) {
+ return UNDERSCORE_CACHE.get(str);
+ }
+ function capitalize(str) {
+ return CAPITALIZE_CACHE.get(str);
+ }
+ /**
+ Defines the hash of localized strings for the current language. Used by
+ the `Ember.String.loc()` helper. To localize, add string values to this
+ hash.
+ @property STRINGS
+ @for Ember
+ @type Hash
+ */
+ Ember.STRINGS = {};
+ /**
+ Defines string helper methods including string formatting and localization.
+ Unless `Ember.EXTEND_PROTOTYPES.String` is `false` these methods will also be
+ added to the `String.prototype` as well.
+ @class String
+ @namespace Ember
+ @static
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = {
+ /**
+ Apply formatting options to the string. This will look for occurrences
+ of "%@" in your string and substitute them with the arguments you pass into
+ this method. If you want to control the specific order of replacement,
+ you can add a number after the key as well to indicate which argument
+ you want to insert.
+ Ordered insertions are most useful when building loc strings where values
+ you need to insert may appear in different orders.
+ ```javascript
+ "Hello %@ %@".fmt('John', 'Doe'); // "Hello John Doe"
+ "Hello %@2, %@1".fmt('John', 'Doe'); // "Hello Doe, John"
+ ```
+ @method fmt
+ @param {String} str The string to format
+ @param {Array} formats An array of parameters to interpolate into string.
+ @return {String} formatted string
+ */
+ fmt: fmt,
+ /**
+ Formats the passed string, but first looks up the string in the localized
+ strings hash. This is a convenient way to localize text. See
+ `Ember.String.fmt()` for more information on formatting.
+ Note that it is traditional but not required to prefix localized string
+ keys with an underscore or other character so you can easily identify
+ localized strings.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.STRINGS = {
+ '_Hello World': 'Bonjour le monde',
+ '_Hello %@ %@': 'Bonjour %@ %@'
+ };
+ Ember.String.loc("_Hello World"); // 'Bonjour le monde';
+ Ember.String.loc("_Hello %@ %@", ["John", "Smith"]); // "Bonjour John Smith";
+ ```
+ @method loc
+ @param {String} str The string to format
+ @param {Array} formats Optional array of parameters to interpolate into string.
+ @return {String} formatted string
+ */
+ loc: loc,
+ /**
+ Splits a string into separate units separated by spaces, eliminating any
+ empty strings in the process. This is a convenience method for split that
+ is mostly useful when applied to the `String.prototype`.
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.String.w("alpha beta gamma").forEach(function(key) {
+ console.log(key);
+ });
+ // > alpha
+ // > beta
+ // > gamma
+ ```
+ @method w
+ @param {String} str The string to split
+ @return {Array} array containing the split strings
+ */
+ w: w,
+ /**
+ Converts a camelized string into all lower case separated by underscores.
+ ```javascript
+ 'innerHTML'.decamelize(); // 'inner_html'
+ 'action_name'.decamelize(); // 'action_name'
+ 'css-class-name'.decamelize(); // 'css-class-name'
+ 'my favorite items'.decamelize(); // 'my favorite items'
+ ```
+ @method decamelize
+ @param {String} str The string to decamelize.
+ @return {String} the decamelized string.
+ */
+ decamelize: decamelize,
+ /**
+ Replaces underscores, spaces, or camelCase with dashes.
+ ```javascript
+ 'innerHTML'.dasherize(); // 'inner-html'
+ 'action_name'.dasherize(); // 'action-name'
+ 'css-class-name'.dasherize(); // 'css-class-name'
+ 'my favorite items'.dasherize(); // 'my-favorite-items'
+ ```
+ @method dasherize
+ @param {String} str The string to dasherize.
+ @return {String} the dasherized string.
+ */
+ dasherize: dasherize,
+ /**
+ Returns the lowerCamelCase form of a string.
+ ```javascript
+ 'innerHTML'.camelize(); // 'innerHTML'
+ 'action_name'.camelize(); // 'actionName'
+ 'css-class-name'.camelize(); // 'cssClassName'
+ 'my favorite items'.camelize(); // 'myFavoriteItems'
+ 'My Favorite Items'.camelize(); // 'myFavoriteItems'
+ ```
+ @method camelize
+ @param {String} str The string to camelize.
+ @return {String} the camelized string.
+ */
+ camelize: camelize,
+ /**
+ Returns the UpperCamelCase form of a string.
+ ```javascript
+ 'innerHTML'.classify(); // 'InnerHTML'
+ 'action_name'.classify(); // 'ActionName'
+ 'css-class-name'.classify(); // 'CssClassName'
+ 'my favorite items'.classify(); // 'MyFavoriteItems'
+ ```
+ @method classify
+ @param {String} str the string to classify
+ @return {String} the classified string
+ */
+ classify: classify,
+ /**
+ More general than decamelize. Returns the lower\_case\_and\_underscored
+ form of a string.
+ ```javascript
+ 'innerHTML'.underscore(); // 'inner_html'
+ 'action_name'.underscore(); // 'action_name'
+ 'css-class-name'.underscore(); // 'css_class_name'
+ 'my favorite items'.underscore(); // 'my_favorite_items'
+ ```
+ @method underscore
+ @param {String} str The string to underscore.
+ @return {String} the underscored string.
+ */
+ underscore: underscore,
+ /**
+ Returns the Capitalized form of a string
+ ```javascript
+ 'innerHTML'.capitalize() // 'InnerHTML'
+ 'action_name'.capitalize() // 'Action_name'
+ 'css-class-name'.capitalize() // 'Css-class-name'
+ 'my favorite items'.capitalize() // 'My favorite items'
+ ```
+ @method capitalize
+ @param {String} str The string to capitalize.
+ @return {String} The capitalized string.
+ */
+ capitalize: capitalize
+ };
+ __exports__.fmt = fmt;
+ __exports__.loc = loc;
+ __exports__.w = w;
+ __exports__.decamelize = decamelize;
+ __exports__.dasherize = dasherize;
+ __exports__.camelize = camelize;
+ __exports__.classify = classify;
+ __exports__.underscore = underscore;
+ __exports__.capitalize = capitalize;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/error","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var EmberError = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var EnumerableUtils = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var RETAIN = 'r';
+ var FILTER = 'f';
+ function Operation(type, count) {
+ this.type = type;
+ this.count = count;
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = SubArray;
+ /**
+ An `Ember.SubArray` tracks an array in a way similar to, but more specialized
+ than, `Ember.TrackedArray`. It is useful for keeping track of the indexes of
+ items within a filtered array.
+ @class SubArray
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ function SubArray (length) {
+ if (arguments.length < 1) { length = 0; }
+ if (length > 0) {
+ this._operations = [new Operation(RETAIN, length)];
+ } else {
+ this._operations = [];
+ }
+ }
+ SubArray.prototype = {
+ /**
+ Track that an item was added to the tracked array.
+ @method addItem
+ @param {Number} index The index of the item in the tracked array.
+ @param {Boolean} match `true` iff the item is included in the subarray.
+ @return {number} The index of the item in the subarray.
+ */
+ addItem: function(index, match) {
+ var returnValue = -1;
+ var itemType = match ? RETAIN : FILTER;
+ var self = this;
+ this._findOperation(index, function(operation, operationIndex, rangeStart, rangeEnd, seenInSubArray) {
+ var newOperation, splitOperation;
+ if (itemType === operation.type) {
+ ++operation.count;
+ } else if (index === rangeStart) {
+ // insert to the left of `operation`
+ self._operations.splice(operationIndex, 0, new Operation(itemType, 1));
+ } else {
+ newOperation = new Operation(itemType, 1);
+ splitOperation = new Operation(operation.type, rangeEnd - index + 1);
+ operation.count = index - rangeStart;
+ self._operations.splice(operationIndex + 1, 0, newOperation, splitOperation);
+ }
+ if (match) {
+ if (operation.type === RETAIN) {
+ returnValue = seenInSubArray + (index - rangeStart);
+ } else {
+ returnValue = seenInSubArray;
+ }
+ }
+ self._composeAt(operationIndex);
+ }, function(seenInSubArray) {
+ self._operations.push(new Operation(itemType, 1));
+ if (match) {
+ returnValue = seenInSubArray;
+ }
+ self._composeAt(self._operations.length-1);
+ });
+ return returnValue;
+ },
+ /**
+ Track that an item was removed from the tracked array.
+ @method removeItem
+ @param {Number} index The index of the item in the tracked array.
+ @return {number} The index of the item in the subarray, or `-1` if the item
+ was not in the subarray.
+ */
+ removeItem: function(index) {
+ var returnValue = -1;
+ var self = this;
+ this._findOperation(index, function (operation, operationIndex, rangeStart, rangeEnd, seenInSubArray) {
+ if (operation.type === RETAIN) {
+ returnValue = seenInSubArray + (index - rangeStart);
+ }
+ if (operation.count > 1) {
+ --operation.count;
+ } else {
+ self._operations.splice(operationIndex, 1);
+ self._composeAt(operationIndex);
+ }
+ }, function() {
+ throw new EmberError("Can't remove an item that has never been added.");
+ });
+ return returnValue;
+ },
+ _findOperation: function (index, foundCallback, notFoundCallback) {
+ var seenInSubArray = 0;
+ var operationIndex, len, operation, rangeStart, rangeEnd;
+ // OPTIMIZE: change to balanced tree
+ // find leftmost operation to the right of `index`
+ for (operationIndex = rangeStart = 0, len = this._operations.length; operationIndex < len; rangeStart = rangeEnd + 1, ++operationIndex) {
+ operation = this._operations[operationIndex];
+ rangeEnd = rangeStart + operation.count - 1;
+ if (index >= rangeStart && index <= rangeEnd) {
+ foundCallback(operation, operationIndex, rangeStart, rangeEnd, seenInSubArray);
+ return;
+ } else if (operation.type === RETAIN) {
+ seenInSubArray += operation.count;
+ }
+ }
+ notFoundCallback(seenInSubArray);
+ },
+ _composeAt: function(index) {
+ var op = this._operations[index];
+ var otherOp;
+ if (!op) {
+ // Composing out of bounds is a no-op, as when removing the last operation
+ // in the list.
+ return;
+ }
+ if (index > 0) {
+ otherOp = this._operations[index-1];
+ if (otherOp.type === op.type) {
+ op.count += otherOp.count;
+ this._operations.splice(index-1, 1);
+ --index;
+ }
+ }
+ if (index < this._operations.length-1) {
+ otherOp = this._operations[index+1];
+ if (otherOp.type === op.type) {
+ op.count += otherOp.count;
+ this._operations.splice(index+1, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ toString: function () {
+ var str = "";
+ EnumerableUtils.forEach(this._operations, function (operation) {
+ str += " " + operation.type + ":" + operation.count;
+ });
+ return str.substring(1);
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var forEach = __dependency2__.forEach;
+ var RETAIN = 'r';
+ var INSERT = 'i';
+ var DELETE = 'd';
+ __exports__["default"] = TrackedArray;
+ /**
+ An `Ember.TrackedArray` tracks array operations. It's useful when you want to
+ lazily compute the indexes of items in an array after they've been shifted by
+ subsequent operations.
+ @class TrackedArray
+ @namespace Ember
+ @param {Array} [items=[]] The array to be tracked. This is used just to get
+ the initial items for the starting state of retain:n.
+ */
+ function TrackedArray(items) {
+ if (arguments.length < 1) { items = []; }
+ var length = get(items, 'length');
+ if (length) {
+ this._operations = [new ArrayOperation(RETAIN, length, items)];
+ } else {
+ this._operations = [];
+ }
+ }
+ TrackedArray.RETAIN = RETAIN;
+ TrackedArray.INSERT = INSERT;
+ TrackedArray.DELETE = DELETE;
+ TrackedArray.prototype = {
+ /**
+ Track that `newItems` were added to the tracked array at `index`.
+ @method addItems
+ @param index
+ @param newItems
+ */
+ addItems: function (index, newItems) {
+ var count = get(newItems, 'length');
+ if (count < 1) { return; }
+ var match = this._findArrayOperation(index);
+ var arrayOperation = match.operation;
+ var arrayOperationIndex = match.index;
+ var arrayOperationRangeStart = match.rangeStart;
+ var composeIndex, newArrayOperation;
+ newArrayOperation = new ArrayOperation(INSERT, count, newItems);
+ if (arrayOperation) {
+ if (!match.split) {
+ // insert left of arrayOperation
+ this._operations.splice(arrayOperationIndex, 0, newArrayOperation);
+ composeIndex = arrayOperationIndex;
+ } else {
+ this._split(arrayOperationIndex, index - arrayOperationRangeStart, newArrayOperation);
+ composeIndex = arrayOperationIndex + 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // insert at end
+ this._operations.push(newArrayOperation);
+ composeIndex = arrayOperationIndex;
+ }
+ this._composeInsert(composeIndex);
+ },
+ /**
+ Track that `count` items were removed at `index`.
+ @method removeItems
+ @param index
+ @param count
+ */
+ removeItems: function (index, count) {
+ if (count < 1) { return; }
+ var match = this._findArrayOperation(index);
+ var arrayOperationIndex = match.index;
+ var arrayOperationRangeStart = match.rangeStart;
+ var newArrayOperation, composeIndex;
+ newArrayOperation = new ArrayOperation(DELETE, count);
+ if (!match.split) {
+ // insert left of arrayOperation
+ this._operations.splice(arrayOperationIndex, 0, newArrayOperation);
+ composeIndex = arrayOperationIndex;
+ } else {
+ this._split(arrayOperationIndex, index - arrayOperationRangeStart, newArrayOperation);
+ composeIndex = arrayOperationIndex + 1;
+ }
+ return this._composeDelete(composeIndex);
+ },
+ /**
+ Apply all operations, reducing them to retain:n, for `n`, the number of
+ items in the array.
+ `callback` will be called for each operation and will be passed the following arguments:
+ * {array} items The items for the given operation
+ * {number} offset The computed offset of the items, ie the index in the
+ array of the first item for this operation.
+ * {string} operation The type of the operation. One of
+ `Ember.TrackedArray.{RETAIN, DELETE, INSERT}`
+ @method apply
+ @param {Function} callback
+ */
+ apply: function (callback) {
+ var items = [];
+ var offset = 0;
+ forEach(this._operations, function (arrayOperation, operationIndex) {
+ callback(arrayOperation.items, offset, arrayOperation.type, operationIndex);
+ if (arrayOperation.type !== DELETE) {
+ offset += arrayOperation.count;
+ items = items.concat(arrayOperation.items);
+ }
+ });
+ this._operations = [new ArrayOperation(RETAIN, items.length, items)];
+ },
+ /**
+ Return an `ArrayOperationMatch` for the operation that contains the item at `index`.
+ @method _findArrayOperation
+ @param {Number} index the index of the item whose operation information
+ should be returned.
+ @private
+ */
+ _findArrayOperation: function (index) {
+ var split = false;
+ var arrayOperationIndex, arrayOperation,
+ arrayOperationRangeStart, arrayOperationRangeEnd,
+ len;
+ // OPTIMIZE: we could search these faster if we kept a balanced tree.
+ // find leftmost arrayOperation to the right of `index`
+ for (arrayOperationIndex = arrayOperationRangeStart = 0, len = this._operations.length; arrayOperationIndex < len; ++arrayOperationIndex) {
+ arrayOperation = this._operations[arrayOperationIndex];
+ if (arrayOperation.type === DELETE) { continue; }
+ arrayOperationRangeEnd = arrayOperationRangeStart + arrayOperation.count - 1;
+ if (index === arrayOperationRangeStart) {
+ break;
+ } else if (index > arrayOperationRangeStart && index <= arrayOperationRangeEnd) {
+ split = true;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ arrayOperationRangeStart = arrayOperationRangeEnd + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return new ArrayOperationMatch(arrayOperation, arrayOperationIndex, split, arrayOperationRangeStart);
+ },
+ _split: function (arrayOperationIndex, splitIndex, newArrayOperation) {
+ var arrayOperation = this._operations[arrayOperationIndex];
+ var splitItems = arrayOperation.items.slice(splitIndex);
+ var splitArrayOperation = new ArrayOperation(arrayOperation.type, splitItems.length, splitItems);
+ // truncate LHS
+ arrayOperation.count = splitIndex;
+ arrayOperation.items = arrayOperation.items.slice(0, splitIndex);
+ this._operations.splice(arrayOperationIndex + 1, 0, newArrayOperation, splitArrayOperation);
+ },
+ // see SubArray for a better implementation.
+ _composeInsert: function (index) {
+ var newArrayOperation = this._operations[index];
+ var leftArrayOperation = this._operations[index-1]; // may be undefined
+ var rightArrayOperation = this._operations[index+1]; // may be undefined
+ var leftOp = leftArrayOperation && leftArrayOperation.type;
+ var rightOp = rightArrayOperation && rightArrayOperation.type;
+ if (leftOp === INSERT) {
+ // merge left
+ leftArrayOperation.count += newArrayOperation.count;
+ leftArrayOperation.items = leftArrayOperation.items.concat(newArrayOperation.items);
+ if (rightOp === INSERT) {
+ // also merge right (we have split an insert with an insert)
+ leftArrayOperation.count += rightArrayOperation.count;
+ leftArrayOperation.items = leftArrayOperation.items.concat(rightArrayOperation.items);
+ this._operations.splice(index, 2);
+ } else {
+ // only merge left
+ this._operations.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ } else if (rightOp === INSERT) {
+ // merge right
+ newArrayOperation.count += rightArrayOperation.count;
+ newArrayOperation.items = newArrayOperation.items.concat(rightArrayOperation.items);
+ this._operations.splice(index + 1, 1);
+ }
+ },
+ _composeDelete: function (index) {
+ var arrayOperation = this._operations[index];
+ var deletesToGo = arrayOperation.count;
+ var leftArrayOperation = this._operations[index-1]; // may be undefined
+ var leftOp = leftArrayOperation && leftArrayOperation.type;
+ var nextArrayOperation;
+ var nextOp;
+ var nextCount;
+ var removeNewAndNextOp = false;
+ var removedItems = [];
+ if (leftOp === DELETE) {
+ arrayOperation = leftArrayOperation;
+ index -= 1;
+ }
+ for (var i = index + 1; deletesToGo > 0; ++i) {
+ nextArrayOperation = this._operations[i];
+ nextOp = nextArrayOperation.type;
+ nextCount = nextArrayOperation.count;
+ if (nextOp === DELETE) {
+ arrayOperation.count += nextCount;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (nextCount > deletesToGo) {
+ // d:2 {r,i}:5 we reduce the retain or insert, but it stays
+ removedItems = removedItems.concat(nextArrayOperation.items.splice(0, deletesToGo));
+ nextArrayOperation.count -= deletesToGo;
+ // In the case where we truncate the last arrayOperation, we don't need to
+ // remove it; also the deletesToGo reduction is not the entirety of
+ // nextCount
+ i -= 1;
+ nextCount = deletesToGo;
+ deletesToGo = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (nextCount === deletesToGo) {
+ // Handle edge case of d:2 i:2 in which case both operations go away
+ // during composition.
+ removeNewAndNextOp = true;
+ }
+ removedItems = removedItems.concat(nextArrayOperation.items);
+ deletesToGo -= nextCount;
+ }
+ if (nextOp === INSERT) {
+ // d:2 i:3 will result in delete going away
+ arrayOperation.count -= nextCount;
+ }
+ }
+ if (arrayOperation.count > 0) {
+ // compose our new delete with possibly several operations to the right of
+ // disparate types
+ this._operations.splice(index+1, i-1-index);
+ } else {
+ // The delete operation can go away; it has merely reduced some other
+ // operation, as in d:3 i:4; it may also have eliminated that operation,
+ // as in d:3 i:3.
+ this._operations.splice(index, removeNewAndNextOp ? 2 : 1);
+ }
+ return removedItems;
+ },
+ toString: function () {
+ var str = "";
+ forEach(this._operations, function (operation) {
+ str += " " + operation.type + ":" + operation.count;
+ });
+ return str.substring(1);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ Internal data structure to represent an array operation.
+ @method ArrayOperation
+ @private
+ @param {String} type The type of the operation. One of
+ `Ember.TrackedArray.{RETAIN, INSERT, DELETE}`
+ @param {Number} count The number of items in this operation.
+ @param {Array} items The items of the operation, if included. RETAIN and
+ INSERT include their items, DELETE does not.
+ */
+ function ArrayOperation (operation, count, items) {
+ this.type = operation; // RETAIN | INSERT | DELETE
+ this.count = count;
+ this.items = items;
+ }
+ /**
+ Internal data structure used to include information when looking up operations
+ by item index.
+ @method ArrayOperationMatch
+ @private
+ @param {ArrayOperation} operation
+ @param {Number} index The index of `operation` in the array of operations.
+ @param {Boolean} split Whether or not the item index searched for would
+ require a split for a new operation type.
+ @param {Number} rangeStart The index of the first item in the operation,
+ with respect to the tracked array. The index of the last item can be computed
+ from `rangeStart` and `operation.count`.
+ */
+ function ArrayOperationMatch(operation, index, split, rangeStart) {
+ this.operation = operation;
+ this.index = index;
+ this.split = split;
+ this.rangeStart = rangeStart;
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-testing/initializers","ember-testing/support","ember-testing/setup_for_testing","ember-testing/test","ember-testing/adapters/adapter","ember-testing/adapters/qunit","ember-testing/helpers"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // to setup initializer
+ // to handle various edge cases
+ var setupForTesting = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var Test = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var Adapter = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var QUnitAdapter = __dependency7__["default"];
+ // adds helpers to helpers object in Test
+ /**
+ Ember Testing
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-testing
+ @requires ember-application
+ */
+ Ember.Test = Test;
+ Ember.Test.Adapter = Adapter;
+ Ember.Test.QUnitAdapter = QUnitAdapter;
+ Ember.setupForTesting = setupForTesting;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-runtime/system/object","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.K
+ var EmberObject = __dependency2__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-testing
+ */
+ /**
+ The primary purpose of this class is to create hooks that can be implemented
+ by an adapter for various test frameworks.
+ @class Adapter
+ @namespace Ember.Test
+ */
+ var Adapter = EmberObject.extend({
+ /**
+ This callback will be called whenever an async operation is about to start.
+ Override this to call your framework's methods that handle async
+ operations.
+ @public
+ @method asyncStart
+ */
+ asyncStart: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ This callback will be called whenever an async operation has completed.
+ @public
+ @method asyncEnd
+ */
+ asyncEnd: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ Override this method with your testing framework's false assertion.
+ This function is called whenever an exception occurs causing the testing
+ promise to fail.
+ QUnit example:
+ ```javascript
+ exception: function(error) {
+ ok(false, error);
+ };
+ ```
+ @public
+ @method exception
+ @param {String} error The exception to be raised.
+ */
+ exception: function(error) {
+ throw error;
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = Adapter;
+ });
+ ["ember-testing/adapters/adapter","ember-metal/utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Adapter = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var inspect = __dependency2__.inspect;
+ /**
+ This class implements the methods defined by Ember.Test.Adapter for the
+ QUnit testing framework.
+ @class QUnitAdapter
+ @namespace Ember.Test
+ @extends Ember.Test.Adapter
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Adapter.extend({
+ asyncStart: function() {
+ QUnit.stop();
+ },
+ asyncEnd: function() {
+ QUnit.start();
+ },
+ exception: function(error) {
+ ok(false, inspect(error));
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-views/system/jquery","ember-testing/test"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var get = __dependency1__.get;
+ var EmberError = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var jQuery = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var Test = __dependency5__["default"];
+ /**
+ * @module ember
+ * @submodule ember-testing
+ */
+ var helper = Test.registerHelper;
+ var asyncHelper = Test.registerAsyncHelper;
+ var countAsync = 0;
+ function currentRouteName(app){
+ var appController = app.__container__.lookup('controller:application');
+ return get(appController, 'currentRouteName');
+ }
+ function currentPath(app){
+ var appController = app.__container__.lookup('controller:application');
+ return get(appController, 'currentPath');
+ }
+ function currentURL(app){
+ var router = app.__container__.lookup('router:main');
+ return get(router, 'location').getURL();
+ }
+ function pauseTest(){
+ Test.adapter.asyncStart();
+ return new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(){ }, 'TestAdapter paused promise');
+ }
+ function visit(app, url) {
+ var router = app.__container__.lookup('router:main');
+ router.location.setURL(url);
+ if (app._readinessDeferrals > 0) {
+ router['initialURL'] = url;
+ run(app, 'advanceReadiness');
+ delete router['initialURL'];
+ } else {
+ run(app, app.handleURL, url);
+ }
+ return app.testHelpers.wait();
+ }
+ function click(app, selector, context) {
+ var $el = app.testHelpers.findWithAssert(selector, context);
+ run($el, 'mousedown');
+ if ($':input')) {
+ var type = $el.prop('type');
+ if (type !== 'checkbox' && type !== 'radio' && type !== 'hidden') {
+ run($el, function(){
+ // Firefox does not trigger the `focusin` event if the window
+ // does not have focus. If the document doesn't have focus just
+ // use trigger('focusin') instead.
+ if (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) {
+ this.focus();
+ } else {
+ this.trigger('focusin');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ run($el, 'mouseup');
+ run($el, 'click');
+ return app.testHelpers.wait();
+ }
+ function triggerEvent(app, selector, contextOrType, typeOrOptions, possibleOptions){
+ var arity = arguments.length;
+ var context, type, options;
+ if (arity === 3) {
+ // context and options are optional, so this is
+ // app, selector, type
+ context = null;
+ type = contextOrType;
+ options = {};
+ } else if (arity === 4) {
+ // context and options are optional, so this is
+ if (typeof typeOrOptions === "object") { // either
+ // app, selector, type, options
+ context = null;
+ type = contextOrType;
+ options = typeOrOptions;
+ } else { // or
+ // app, selector, context, type
+ context = contextOrType;
+ type = typeOrOptions;
+ options = {};
+ }
+ } else {
+ context = contextOrType;
+ type = typeOrOptions;
+ options = possibleOptions;
+ }
+ var $el = app.testHelpers.findWithAssert(selector, context);
+ var event = jQuery.Event(type, options);
+ run($el, 'trigger', event);
+ return app.testHelpers.wait();
+ }
+ function keyEvent(app, selector, contextOrType, typeOrKeyCode, keyCode) {
+ var context, type;
+ if (typeof keyCode === 'undefined') {
+ context = null;
+ keyCode = typeOrKeyCode;
+ type = contextOrType;
+ } else {
+ context = contextOrType;
+ type = typeOrKeyCode;
+ }
+ return app.testHelpers.triggerEvent(selector, context, type, { keyCode: keyCode, which: keyCode });
+ }
+ function fillIn(app, selector, contextOrText, text) {
+ var $el, context;
+ if (typeof text === 'undefined') {
+ text = contextOrText;
+ } else {
+ context = contextOrText;
+ }
+ $el = app.testHelpers.findWithAssert(selector, context);
+ run(function() {
+ $el.val(text).change();
+ });
+ return app.testHelpers.wait();
+ }
+ function findWithAssert(app, selector, context) {
+ var $el = app.testHelpers.find(selector, context);
+ if ($el.length === 0) {
+ throw new EmberError("Element " + selector + " not found.");
+ }
+ return $el;
+ }
+ function find(app, selector, context) {
+ var $el;
+ context = context || get(app, 'rootElement');
+ $el = app.$(selector, context);
+ return $el;
+ }
+ function andThen(app, callback) {
+ return app.testHelpers.wait(callback(app));
+ }
+ function wait(app, value) {
+ return Test.promise(function(resolve) {
+ // If this is the first async promise, kick off the async test
+ if (++countAsync === 1) {
+ Test.adapter.asyncStart();
+ }
+ // Every 10ms, poll for the async thing to have finished
+ var watcher = setInterval(function() {
+ // 1. If the router is loading, keep polling
+ var routerIsLoading = !!app.__container__.lookup('router:main').router.activeTransition;
+ if (routerIsLoading) { return; }
+ // 2. If there are pending Ajax requests, keep polling
+ if (Test.pendingAjaxRequests) { return; }
+ // 3. If there are scheduled timers or we are inside of a run loop, keep polling
+ if (run.hasScheduledTimers() || run.currentRunLoop) { return; }
+ if (Test.waiters && Test.waiters.any(function(waiter) {
+ var context = waiter[0];
+ var callback = waiter[1];
+ return !;
+ })) { return; }
+ // Stop polling
+ clearInterval(watcher);
+ // If this is the last async promise, end the async test
+ if (--countAsync === 0) {
+ Test.adapter.asyncEnd();
+ }
+ // Synchronously resolve the promise
+ run(null, resolve, value);
+ }, 10);
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Loads a route, sets up any controllers, and renders any templates associated
+ * with the route as though a real user had triggered the route change while
+ * using your app.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * ```javascript
+ * visit('posts/index').then(function() {
+ * // assert something
+ * });
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @method visit
+ * @param {String} url the name of the route
+ * @return {RSVP.Promise}
+ */
+ asyncHelper('visit', visit);
+ /**
+ * Clicks an element and triggers any actions triggered by the element's `click`
+ * event.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * ```javascript
+ * click('.some-jQuery-selector').then(function() {
+ * // assert something
+ * });
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @method click
+ * @param {String} selector jQuery selector for finding element on the DOM
+ * @return {RSVP.Promise}
+ */
+ asyncHelper('click', click);
+ /**
+ * Simulates a key event, e.g. `keypress`, `keydown`, `keyup` with the desired keyCode
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * ```javascript
+ * keyEvent('.some-jQuery-selector', 'keypress', 13).then(function() {
+ * // assert something
+ * });
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @method keyEvent
+ * @param {String} selector jQuery selector for finding element on the DOM
+ * @param {String} type the type of key event, e.g. `keypress`, `keydown`, `keyup`
+ * @param {Number} keyCode the keyCode of the simulated key event
+ * @return {RSVP.Promise}
+ * @since 1.5.0
+ */
+ asyncHelper('keyEvent', keyEvent);
+ /**
+ * Fills in an input element with some text.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * ```javascript
+ * fillIn('#email', '').then(function() {
+ * // assert something
+ * });
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @method fillIn
+ * @param {String} selector jQuery selector finding an input element on the DOM
+ * to fill text with
+ * @param {String} text text to place inside the input element
+ * @return {RSVP.Promise}
+ */
+ asyncHelper('fillIn', fillIn);
+ /**
+ * Finds an element in the context of the app's container element. A simple alias
+ * for `app.$(selector)`.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * ```javascript
+ * var $el = find('.my-selector');
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @method find
+ * @param {String} selector jQuery string selector for element lookup
+ * @return {Object} jQuery object representing the results of the query
+ */
+ helper('find', find);
+ /**
+ * Like `find`, but throws an error if the element selector returns no results.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * ```javascript
+ * var $el = findWithAssert('.doesnt-exist'); // throws error
+ * ```
+ *
+ * @method findWithAssert
+ * @param {String} selector jQuery selector string for finding an element within
+ * the DOM
+ * @return {Object} jQuery object representing the results of the query
+ * @throws {Error} throws error if jQuery object returned has a length of 0
+ */
+ helper('findWithAssert', findWithAssert);
+ /**
+ Causes the run loop to process any pending events. This is used to ensure that
+ any async operations from other helpers (or your assertions) have been processed.
+ This is most often used as the return value for the helper functions (see 'click',
+ 'fillIn','visit',etc).
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Test.registerAsyncHelper('loginUser', function(app, username, password) {
+ visit('secured/path/here')
+ .fillIn('#username', username)
+ .fillIn('#password', password)
+ .click('.submit')
+ return app.testHelpers.wait();
+ });
+ @method wait
+ @param {Object} value The value to be returned.
+ @return {RSVP.Promise}
+ */
+ asyncHelper('wait', wait);
+ asyncHelper('andThen', andThen);
+ /**
+ Returns the currently active route name.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ function validateRouteName(){
+ equal(currentRouteName(), 'some.path', "correct route was transitioned into.");
+ }
+ visit('/some/path').then(validateRouteName)
+ ```
+ @method currentRouteName
+ @return {Object} The name of the currently active route.
+ @since 1.5.0
+ */
+ helper('currentRouteName', currentRouteName);
+ /**
+ Returns the current path.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ function validateURL(){
+ equal(currentPath(), 'some.path.index', "correct path was transitioned into.");
+ }
+ click('#some-link-id').then(validateURL);
+ ```
+ @method currentPath
+ @return {Object} The currently active path.
+ @since 1.5.0
+ */
+ helper('currentPath', currentPath);
+ /**
+ Returns the current URL.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ function validateURL(){
+ equal(currentURL(), '/some/path', "correct URL was transitioned into.");
+ }
+ click('#some-link-id').then(validateURL);
+ ```
+ @method currentURL
+ @return {Object} The currently active URL.
+ @since 1.5.0
+ */
+ helper('currentURL', currentURL);
+ /**
+ Pauses the current test - this is useful for debugging while testing or for test-driving.
+ It allows you to inspect the state of your application at any point.
+ Example (The test will pause before clicking the button):
+ ```javascript
+ visit('/')
+ return pauseTest();
+ click('.btn');
+ ```
+ @method pauseTest
+ @return {Object} A promise that will never resolve
+ */
+ helper('pauseTest', pauseTest);
+ /**
+ Triggers the given DOM event on the element identified by the provided selector.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ triggerEvent('#some-elem-id', 'blur');
+ ```
+ This is actually used internally by the `keyEvent` helper like so:
+ ```javascript
+ triggerEvent('#some-elem-id', 'keypress', { keyCode: 13 });
+ ```
+ @method triggerEvent
+ @param {String} selector jQuery selector for finding element on the DOM
+ @param {String} [context] jQuery selector that will limit the selector
+ argument to find only within the context's children
+ @param {String} type The event type to be triggered.
+ @param {Object} [options] The options to be passed to jQuery.Event.
+ @return {RSVP.Promise}
+ @since 1.5.0
+ */
+ asyncHelper('triggerEvent', triggerEvent);
+ });
+ ["ember-runtime/system/lazy_load"],
+ function(__dependency1__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var onLoad = __dependency1__.onLoad;
+ var name = 'deferReadiness in `testing` mode';
+ onLoad('Ember.Application', function(Application) {
+ if (!Application.initializers[name]) {
+ Application.initializer({
+ name: name,
+ initialize: function(container, application){
+ if (application.testing) {
+ application.deferReadiness();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-testing/adapters/qunit","ember-views/system/jquery","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // import Test from "ember-testing/test"; // ES6TODO: fix when cycles are supported
+ var QUnitAdapter = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var jQuery = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var Test, requests;
+ function incrementAjaxPendingRequests(_, xhr){
+ requests.push(xhr);
+ Test.pendingAjaxRequests = requests.length;
+ }
+ function decrementAjaxPendingRequests(_, xhr){
+ for (var i=0;i<requests.length;i++) {
+ if (xhr === requests[i]) {
+ requests.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ Test.pendingAjaxRequests = requests.length;
+ }
+ /**
+ Sets Ember up for testing. This is useful to perform
+ basic setup steps in order to unit test.
+ Use `App.setupForTesting` to perform integration tests (full
+ application testing).
+ @method setupForTesting
+ @namespace Ember
+ @since 1.5.0
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function setupForTesting() {
+ if (!Test) { Test = requireModule('ember-testing/test')['default']; }
+ Ember.testing = true;
+ // if adapter is not manually set default to QUnit
+ if (!Test.adapter) {
+ Test.adapter = QUnitAdapter.create();
+ }
+ requests = [];
+ Test.pendingAjaxRequests = requests.length;
+ jQuery(document).off('ajaxSend', incrementAjaxPendingRequests);
+ jQuery(document).off('ajaxComplete', decrementAjaxPendingRequests);
+ jQuery(document).on('ajaxSend', incrementAjaxPendingRequests);
+ jQuery(document).on('ajaxComplete', decrementAjaxPendingRequests);
+ }
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-views/system/jquery"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var jQuery = __dependency2__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-testing
+ */
+ var $ = jQuery;
+ /**
+ This method creates a checkbox and triggers the click event to fire the
+ passed in handler. It is used to correct for a bug in older versions
+ of jQuery (e.g 1.8.3).
+ @private
+ @method testCheckboxClick
+ */
+ function testCheckboxClick(handler) {
+ $('<input type="checkbox">')
+ .css({ position: 'absolute', left: '-1000px', top: '-1000px' })
+ .appendTo('body')
+ .on('click', handler)
+ .trigger('click')
+ .remove();
+ }
+ $(function() {
+ /*
+ Determine whether a checkbox checked using jQuery's "click" method will have
+ the correct value for its checked property.
+ If we determine that the current jQuery version exhibits this behavior,
+ patch it to work correctly as in the commit for the actual fix:
+ */
+ testCheckboxClick(function() {
+ if (!this.checked && !$ {
+ $ = {
+ // For checkbox, fire native event so checked state will be right
+ trigger: function() {
+ if ($.nodeName( this, "input" ) && this.type === "checkbox" && {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ // Try again to verify that the patch took effect or blow up.
+ testCheckboxClick(function() {
+ Ember.warn("clicked checkboxes should be checked! the jQuery patch didn't work", this.checked);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/platform","ember-runtime/compare","ember-runtime/ext/rsvp","ember-testing/setup_for_testing","ember-application/system/application","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var emberRun = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency3__.create;
+ var compare = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var RSVP = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var setupForTesting = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var EmberApplication = __dependency7__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-testing
+ */
+ var slice = [].slice;
+ var helpers = {};
+ var injectHelpersCallbacks = [];
+ /**
+ This is a container for an assortment of testing related functionality:
+ * Choose your default test adapter (for your framework of choice).
+ * Register/Unregister additional test helpers.
+ * Setup callbacks to be fired when the test helpers are injected into
+ your application.
+ @class Test
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ var Test = {
+ /**
+ Hash containing all known test helpers.
+ @property _helpers
+ @private
+ @since 1.7.0
+ */
+ _helpers: helpers,
+ /**
+ `registerHelper` is used to register a test helper that will be injected
+ when `App.injectTestHelpers` is called.
+ The helper method will always be called with the current Application as
+ the first parameter.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Test.registerHelper('boot', function(app) {
+, app.advanceReadiness);
+ });
+ ```
+ This helper can later be called without arguments because it will be
+ called with `app` as the first parameter.
+ ```javascript
+ App = Ember.Application.create();
+ App.injectTestHelpers();
+ boot();
+ ```
+ @public
+ @method registerHelper
+ @param {String} name The name of the helper method to add.
+ @param {Function} helperMethod
+ @param options {Object}
+ */
+ registerHelper: function(name, helperMethod) {
+ helpers[name] = {
+ method: helperMethod,
+ meta: { wait: false }
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ `registerAsyncHelper` is used to register an async test helper that will be injected
+ when `App.injectTestHelpers` is called.
+ The helper method will always be called with the current Application as
+ the first parameter.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Test.registerAsyncHelper('boot', function(app) {
+, app.advanceReadiness);
+ });
+ ```
+ The advantage of an async helper is that it will not run
+ until the last async helper has completed. All async helpers
+ after it will wait for it complete before running.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Test.registerAsyncHelper('deletePost', function(app, postId) {
+ click('.delete-' + postId);
+ });
+ // ... in your test
+ visit('/post/2');
+ deletePost(2);
+ visit('/post/3');
+ deletePost(3);
+ ```
+ @public
+ @method registerAsyncHelper
+ @param {String} name The name of the helper method to add.
+ @param {Function} helperMethod
+ @since 1.2.0
+ */
+ registerAsyncHelper: function(name, helperMethod) {
+ helpers[name] = {
+ method: helperMethod,
+ meta: { wait: true }
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ Remove a previously added helper method.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Test.unregisterHelper('wait');
+ ```
+ @public
+ @method unregisterHelper
+ @param {String} name The helper to remove.
+ */
+ unregisterHelper: function(name) {
+ delete helpers[name];
+ delete Test.Promise.prototype[name];
+ },
+ /**
+ Used to register callbacks to be fired whenever `App.injectTestHelpers`
+ is called.
+ The callback will receive the current application as an argument.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Test.onInjectHelpers(function() {
+ Ember.$(document).ajaxSend(function() {
+ Test.pendingAjaxRequests++;
+ });
+ Ember.$(document).ajaxComplete(function() {
+ Test.pendingAjaxRequests--;
+ });
+ });
+ ```
+ @public
+ @method onInjectHelpers
+ @param {Function} callback The function to be called.
+ */
+ onInjectHelpers: function(callback) {
+ injectHelpersCallbacks.push(callback);
+ },
+ /**
+ This returns a thenable tailored for testing. It catches failed
+ `onSuccess` callbacks and invokes the `Ember.Test.adapter.exception`
+ callback in the last chained then.
+ This method should be returned by async helpers such as `wait`.
+ @public
+ @method promise
+ @param {Function} resolver The function used to resolve the promise.
+ */
+ promise: function(resolver) {
+ return new Test.Promise(resolver);
+ },
+ /**
+ Used to allow ember-testing to communicate with a specific testing
+ framework.
+ You can manually set it before calling `App.setupForTesting()`.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Test.adapter = MyCustomAdapter.create()
+ ```
+ If you do not set it, ember-testing will default to `Ember.Test.QUnitAdapter`.
+ @public
+ @property adapter
+ @type {Class} The adapter to be used.
+ @default Ember.Test.QUnitAdapter
+ */
+ adapter: null,
+ /**
+ Replacement for `Ember.RSVP.resolve`
+ The only difference is this uses
+ an instance of `Ember.Test.Promise`
+ @public
+ @method resolve
+ @param {Mixed} The value to resolve
+ @since 1.2.0
+ */
+ resolve: function(val) {
+ return Test.promise(function(resolve) {
+ return resolve(val);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ This allows ember-testing to play nicely with other asynchronous
+ events, such as an application that is waiting for a CSS3
+ transition or an IndexDB transaction.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Test.registerWaiter(function() {
+ return myPendingTransactions() == 0;
+ });
+ ```
+ The `context` argument allows you to optionally specify the `this`
+ with which your callback will be invoked.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.Test.registerWaiter(MyDB, MyDB.hasPendingTransactions);
+ ```
+ @public
+ @method registerWaiter
+ @param {Object} context (optional)
+ @param {Function} callback
+ @since 1.2.0
+ */
+ registerWaiter: function(context, callback) {
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ callback = context;
+ context = null;
+ }
+ if (!this.waiters) {
+ this.waiters = Ember.A();
+ }
+ this.waiters.push([context, callback]);
+ },
+ /**
+ `unregisterWaiter` is used to unregister a callback that was
+ registered with `registerWaiter`.
+ @public
+ @method unregisterWaiter
+ @param {Object} context (optional)
+ @param {Function} callback
+ @since 1.2.0
+ */
+ unregisterWaiter: function(context, callback) {
+ var pair;
+ if (!this.waiters) { return; }
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ callback = context;
+ context = null;
+ }
+ pair = [context, callback];
+ this.waiters = Ember.A(this.waiters.filter(function(elt) {
+ return compare(elt, pair)!==0;
+ }));
+ }
+ };
+ function helper(app, name) {
+ var fn = helpers[name].method;
+ var meta = helpers[name].meta;
+ return function() {
+ var args =;
+ var lastPromise = Test.lastPromise;
+ args.unshift(app);
+ // some helpers are not async and
+ // need to return a value immediately.
+ // example: `find`
+ if (!meta.wait) {
+ return fn.apply(app, args);
+ }
+ if (!lastPromise) {
+ // It's the first async helper in current context
+ lastPromise = fn.apply(app, args);
+ } else {
+ // wait for last helper's promise to resolve
+ // and then execute
+ run(function() {
+ lastPromise = Test.resolve(lastPromise).then(function() {
+ return fn.apply(app, args);
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ return lastPromise;
+ };
+ }
+ function run(fn) {
+ if (!emberRun.currentRunLoop) {
+ emberRun(fn);
+ } else {
+ fn();
+ }
+ }
+ EmberApplication.reopen({
+ /**
+ This property contains the testing helpers for the current application. These
+ are created once you call `injectTestHelpers` on your `Ember.Application`
+ instance. The included helpers are also available on the `window` object by
+ default, but can be used from this object on the individual application also.
+ @property testHelpers
+ @type {Object}
+ @default {}
+ */
+ testHelpers: {},
+ /**
+ This property will contain the original methods that were registered
+ on the `helperContainer` before `injectTestHelpers` is called.
+ When `removeTestHelpers` is called, these methods are restored to the
+ `helperContainer`.
+ @property originalMethods
+ @type {Object}
+ @default {}
+ @private
+ @since 1.3.0
+ */
+ originalMethods: {},
+ /**
+ This property indicates whether or not this application is currently in
+ testing mode. This is set when `setupForTesting` is called on the current
+ application.
+ @property testing
+ @type {Boolean}
+ @default false
+ @since 1.3.0
+ */
+ testing: false,
+ /**
+ This hook defers the readiness of the application, so that you can start
+ the app when your tests are ready to run. It also sets the router's
+ location to 'none', so that the window's location will not be modified
+ (preventing both accidental leaking of state between tests and interference
+ with your testing framework).
+ Example:
+ ```
+ App.setupForTesting();
+ ```
+ @method setupForTesting
+ */
+ setupForTesting: function() {
+ setupForTesting();
+ this.testing = true;
+ this.Router.reopen({
+ location: 'none'
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ This will be used as the container to inject the test helpers into. By
+ default the helpers are injected into `window`.
+ @property helperContainer
+ @type {Object} The object to be used for test helpers.
+ @default window
+ @since 1.2.0
+ */
+ helperContainer: window,
+ /**
+ This injects the test helpers into the `helperContainer` object. If an object is provided
+ it will be used as the helperContainer. If `helperContainer` is not set it will default
+ to `window`. If a function of the same name has already been defined it will be cached
+ (so that it can be reset if the helper is removed with `unregisterHelper` or
+ `removeTestHelpers`).
+ Any callbacks registered with `onInjectHelpers` will be called once the
+ helpers have been injected.
+ Example:
+ ```
+ App.injectTestHelpers();
+ ```
+ @method injectTestHelpers
+ */
+ injectTestHelpers: function(helperContainer) {
+ if (helperContainer) { this.helperContainer = helperContainer; }
+ this.testHelpers = {};
+ for (var name in helpers) {
+ this.originalMethods[name] = this.helperContainer[name];
+ this.testHelpers[name] = this.helperContainer[name] = helper(this, name);
+ protoWrap(Test.Promise.prototype, name, helper(this, name), helpers[name].meta.wait);
+ }
+ for(var i = 0, l = injectHelpersCallbacks.length; i < l; i++) {
+ injectHelpersCallbacks[i](this);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ This removes all helpers that have been registered, and resets and functions
+ that were overridden by the helpers.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.removeTestHelpers();
+ ```
+ @public
+ @method removeTestHelpers
+ */
+ removeTestHelpers: function() {
+ for (var name in helpers) {
+ this.helperContainer[name] = this.originalMethods[name];
+ delete this.testHelpers[name];
+ delete this.originalMethods[name];
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // This method is no longer needed
+ // But still here for backwards compatibility
+ // of helper chaining
+ function protoWrap(proto, name, callback, isAsync) {
+ proto[name] = function() {
+ var args = arguments;
+ if (isAsync) {
+ return callback.apply(this, args);
+ } else {
+ return this.then(function() {
+ return callback.apply(this, args);
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ Test.Promise = function() {
+ RSVP.Promise.apply(this, arguments);
+ Test.lastPromise = this;
+ };
+ Test.Promise.prototype = create(RSVP.Promise.prototype);
+ Test.Promise.prototype.constructor = Test.Promise;
+ // Patch `then` to isolate async methods
+ // specifically `Ember.Test.lastPromise`
+ var originalThen = RSVP.Promise.prototype.then;
+ Test.Promise.prototype.then = function(onSuccess, onFailure) {
+ return, function(val) {
+ return isolate(onSuccess, val);
+ }, onFailure);
+ };
+ // This method isolates nested async methods
+ // so that they don't conflict with other last promises.
+ //
+ // 1. Set `Ember.Test.lastPromise` to null
+ // 2. Invoke method
+ // 3. Return the last promise created during method
+ // 4. Restore `Ember.Test.lastPromise` to original value
+ function isolate(fn, val) {
+ var value, lastPromise;
+ // Reset lastPromise for nested helpers
+ Test.lastPromise = null;
+ value = fn(val);
+ lastPromise = Test.lastPromise;
+ // If the method returned a promise
+ // return that promise. If not,
+ // return the last async helper's promise
+ if ((value && (value instanceof Test.Promise)) || !lastPromise) {
+ return value;
+ } else {
+ run(function() {
+ lastPromise = Test.resolve(lastPromise).then(function() {
+ return value;
+ });
+ });
+ return lastPromise;
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = Test;
+ });
+ ["ember-runtime","ember-views/system/jquery","ember-views/system/utils","ember-views/system/render_buffer","ember-views/system/ext","ember-views/views/states","ember-views/views/core_view","ember-views/views/view","ember-views/views/container_view","ember-views/views/collection_view","ember-views/views/component","ember-views/system/event_dispatcher","ember-views/mixins/view_target_action_support","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ Ember Views
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ @requires ember-runtime
+ @main ember-views
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var jQuery = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var isSimpleClick = __dependency3__.isSimpleClick;
+ var getViewClientRects = __dependency3__.getViewClientRects;
+ var getViewBoundingClientRect = __dependency3__.getViewBoundingClientRect;
+ var RenderBuffer = __dependency4__["default"];
+ // for the side effect of extending
+ var cloneStates = __dependency6__.cloneStates;
+ var states = __dependency6__.states;
+ var CoreView = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var View = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var ContainerView = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var CollectionView = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var Component = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var EventDispatcher = __dependency12__["default"];
+ var ViewTargetActionSupport = __dependency13__["default"];
+ /**
+ Alias for jQuery
+ @method $
+ @for Ember
+ */
+ Ember.$ = jQuery;
+ Ember.ViewTargetActionSupport = ViewTargetActionSupport;
+ Ember.RenderBuffer = RenderBuffer;
+ var ViewUtils = Ember.ViewUtils = {};
+ ViewUtils.isSimpleClick = isSimpleClick;
+ ViewUtils.getViewClientRects = getViewClientRects;
+ ViewUtils.getViewBoundingClientRect = getViewBoundingClientRect;
+ Ember.CoreView = CoreView;
+ Ember.View = View;
+ Ember.View.states = states;
+ Ember.View.cloneStates = cloneStates;
+ Ember.ContainerView = ContainerView;
+ Ember.CollectionView = CollectionView;
+ Ember.Component = Component;
+ Ember.EventDispatcher = EventDispatcher;
+ __exports__["default"] = Ember;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/mixin","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.deprecate
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var Mixin = __dependency3__.Mixin;
+ /**
+ The ComponentTemplateDeprecation mixin is used to provide a useful
+ deprecation warning when using either `template` or `templateName` with
+ a component. The `template` and `templateName` properties specified at
+ extend time are moved to `layout` and `layoutName` respectively.
+ `Ember.ComponentTemplateDeprecation` is used internally by Ember in
+ `Ember.Component`.
+ @class ComponentTemplateDeprecation
+ @namespace Ember
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create({
+ /**
+ @private
+ Moves `templateName` to `layoutName` and `template` to `layout` at extend
+ time if a layout is not also specified.
+ Note that this currently modifies the mixin themselves, which is technically
+ dubious but is practically of little consequence. This may change in the
+ future.
+ @method willMergeMixin
+ @since 1.4.0
+ */
+ willMergeMixin: function(props) {
+ // must call _super here to ensure that the ActionHandler
+ // mixin is setup properly (moves actions -> _actions)
+ //
+ // Calling super is only OK here since we KNOW that
+ // there is another Mixin loaded first.
+ this._super.apply(this, arguments);
+ var deprecatedProperty, replacementProperty;
+ var layoutSpecified = (props.layoutName || props.layout || get(this, 'layoutName'));
+ if (props.templateName && !layoutSpecified) {
+ deprecatedProperty = 'templateName';
+ replacementProperty = 'layoutName';
+ props.layoutName = props.templateName;
+ delete props['templateName'];
+ }
+ if (props.template && !layoutSpecified) {
+ deprecatedProperty = 'template';
+ replacementProperty = 'layout';
+ props.layout = props.template;
+ delete props['template'];
+ }
+ if (deprecatedProperty) {
+ Ember.deprecate('Do not specify ' + deprecatedProperty + ' on a Component, use ' + replacementProperty + ' instead.', false);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/mixin","ember-runtime/mixins/target_action_support","ember-metal/alias","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Mixin = __dependency1__.Mixin;
+ var TargetActionSupport = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var alias = __dependency3__["default"];
+ /**
+ `Ember.ViewTargetActionSupport` is a mixin that can be included in a
+ view class to add a `triggerAction` method with semantics similar to
+ the Handlebars `{{action}}` helper. It provides intelligent defaults
+ for the action's target: the view's controller; and the context that is
+ sent with the action: the view's context.
+ Note: In normal Ember usage, the `{{action}}` helper is usually the best
+ choice. This mixin is most often useful when you are doing more complex
+ event handling in custom View subclasses.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ App.SaveButtonView = Ember.View.extend(Ember.ViewTargetActionSupport, {
+ action: 'save',
+ click: function() {
+ this.triggerAction(); // Sends the `save` action, along with the current context
+ // to the current controller
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ The `action` can be provided as properties of an optional object argument
+ to `triggerAction` as well.
+ ```javascript
+ App.SaveButtonView = Ember.View.extend(Ember.ViewTargetActionSupport, {
+ click: function() {
+ this.triggerAction({
+ action: 'save'
+ }); // Sends the `save` action, along with the current context
+ // to the current controller
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @class ViewTargetActionSupport
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.TargetActionSupport
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = Mixin.create(TargetActionSupport, {
+ /**
+ @property target
+ */
+ target: alias('controller'),
+ /**
+ @property actionContext
+ */
+ actionContext: alias('context')
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/path_cache","ember-metal/streams/stream","ember-metal/streams/simple","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var merge = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency3__.create;
+ var isGlobal = __dependency4__.isGlobal;
+ var Stream = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var SimpleStream = __dependency6__["default"];
+ function ContextStream(view) {
+ Ember.assert("ContextStream error: the argument is not a view", view && view.isView);
+ this.view = view;
+ }
+ ContextStream.prototype = create(Stream.prototype);
+ merge(ContextStream.prototype, {
+ value: function() {},
+ _makeChildStream: function(key, _fullPath) {
+ var stream;
+ if (key === '' || key === 'this') {
+ stream = this.view._baseContext;
+ } else if (isGlobal(key) && Ember.lookup[key]) {
+ Ember.deprecate("Global lookup of " + _fullPath + " from a Handlebars template is deprecated.");
+ stream = new SimpleStream(Ember.lookup[key]);
+ stream._isGlobal = true;
+ } else if (key in this.view._keywords) {
+ stream = new SimpleStream(this.view._keywords[key]);
+ } else {
+ stream = new SimpleStream(this.view._baseContext.get(key));
+ }
+ stream._isRoot = true;
+ if (key === 'controller') {
+ stream._isController = true;
+ }
+ return stream;
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = ContextStream;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/observer","ember-metal/streams/stream","ember-metal/streams/read","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var merge = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency3__.create;
+ var get = __dependency4__.get;
+ var set = __dependency5__.set;
+ var addObserver = __dependency6__.addObserver;
+ var removeObserver = __dependency6__.removeObserver;
+ var Stream = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var read =;
+ function KeyStream(source, key) {
+ Ember.assert("KeyStream error: key must be a non-empty string", typeof key === 'string' && key.length > 0);
+ Ember.assert("KeyStream error: key must not have a '.'", key.indexOf('.') === -1);
+ this.source = source;
+ this.obj = undefined;
+ this.key = key;
+ if (source && source.isStream) {
+ source.subscribe(this._didChange, this);
+ }
+ }
+ KeyStream.prototype = create(Stream.prototype);
+ merge(KeyStream.prototype, {
+ valueFn: function() {
+ var prevObj = this.obj;
+ var nextObj = read(this.source);
+ if (nextObj !== prevObj) {
+ if (prevObj && typeof prevObj === 'object') {
+ removeObserver(prevObj, this.key, this, this._didChange);
+ }
+ if (nextObj && typeof nextObj === 'object') {
+ addObserver(nextObj, this.key, this, this._didChange);
+ }
+ this.obj = nextObj;
+ }
+ if (nextObj) {
+ return get(nextObj, this.key);
+ }
+ },
+ setValue: function(value) {
+ if (this.obj) {
+ set(this.obj, this.key, value);
+ }
+ },
+ setSource: function(nextSource) {
+ Ember.assert("KeyStream error: source must be an object", typeof nextSource === 'object');
+ var prevSource = this.source;
+ if (nextSource !== prevSource) {
+ if (prevSource && prevSource.isStream) {
+ prevSource.unsubscribe(this._didChange, this);
+ }
+ if (nextSource && nextSource.isStream) {
+ nextSource.subscribe(this._didChange, this);
+ }
+ this.source = nextSource;
+ this.notify();
+ }
+ },
+ _didChange: function() {
+ this.notify();
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ if (this.source && this.source.isStream) {
+ this.source.unsubscribe(this._didChange, this);
+ }
+ if (this.obj && typeof this.obj === 'object') {
+ removeObserver(this.obj, this.key, this, this._didChange);
+ }
+ this.source = undefined;
+ this.obj = undefined;
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = KeyStream;
+ // The transpiler does not resolve cycles, so we export
+ // the `_makeChildStream` method onto `Stream` here.
+ Stream.prototype._makeChildStream = function(key) {
+ return new KeyStream(this, key);
+ };
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/path_cache","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-metal/streams/read","ember-views/views/view","ember-runtime/mixins/controller","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var isGlobal = __dependency3__.isGlobal;
+ var fmt = __dependency4__.fmt;
+ var read =;
+ var View = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var ControllerMixin = __dependency7__["default"];
+ function readViewFactory(object, container) {
+ var value = read(object);
+ var viewClass;
+ if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ if (isGlobal(value)) {
+ viewClass = get(null, value);
+ Ember.deprecate('Resolved the view "'+value+'" on the global context. Pass a view name to be looked up on the container instead, such as {{view "select"}}.', !viewClass);
+ } else {
+ Ember.assert("View requires a container to resolve views not passed in through the context", !!container);
+ viewClass = container.lookupFactory('view:'+value);
+ }
+ } else {
+ viewClass = value;
+ }
+ Ember.assert(fmt(value+" must be a subclass of Ember.View, not %@", [viewClass]), View.detect(viewClass));
+ return viewClass;
+ }
+ __exports__.readViewFactory = readViewFactory;function readUnwrappedModel(object) {
+ if (object && object.isStream) {
+ var result = object.value();
+ // If the path is exactly `controller` then we don't unwrap it.
+ if (!object._isController) {
+ while (ControllerMixin.detect(result)) {
+ result = get(result, 'model');
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ return object;
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.readUnwrappedModel = readUnwrappedModel;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ function ActionManager() {}
+ /**
+ Global action id hash.
+ @private
+ @property registeredActions
+ @type Object
+ */
+ ActionManager.registeredActions = {};
+ __exports__["default"] = ActionManager;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/is_none","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/utils","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-views/system/jquery","ember-views/system/action_manager","ember-views/views/view","ember-metal/merge","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var get = __dependency2__.get;
+ var set = __dependency3__.set;
+ var isNone = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var typeOf = __dependency6__.typeOf;
+ var fmt = __dependency7__.fmt;
+ var EmberObject = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var jQuery = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var ActionManager = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var View = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var merge = __dependency12__["default"];
+ //ES6TODO:
+ // find a better way to do Ember.View.views without global state
+ /**
+ `Ember.EventDispatcher` handles delegating browser events to their
+ corresponding `Ember.Views.` For example, when you click on a view,
+ `Ember.EventDispatcher` ensures that that view's `mouseDown` method gets
+ called.
+ @class EventDispatcher
+ @namespace Ember
+ @private
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberObject.extend({
+ /**
+ The set of events names (and associated handler function names) to be setup
+ and dispatched by the `EventDispatcher`. Custom events can added to this list at setup
+ time, generally via the `Ember.Application.customEvents` hash. Only override this
+ default set to prevent the EventDispatcher from listening on some events all together.
+ This set will be modified by `setup` to also include any events added at that time.
+ @property events
+ @type Object
+ */
+ events: {
+ touchstart : 'touchStart',
+ touchmove : 'touchMove',
+ touchend : 'touchEnd',
+ touchcancel : 'touchCancel',
+ keydown : 'keyDown',
+ keyup : 'keyUp',
+ keypress : 'keyPress',
+ mousedown : 'mouseDown',
+ mouseup : 'mouseUp',
+ contextmenu : 'contextMenu',
+ click : 'click',
+ dblclick : 'doubleClick',
+ mousemove : 'mouseMove',
+ focusin : 'focusIn',
+ focusout : 'focusOut',
+ mouseenter : 'mouseEnter',
+ mouseleave : 'mouseLeave',
+ submit : 'submit',
+ input : 'input',
+ change : 'change',
+ dragstart : 'dragStart',
+ drag : 'drag',
+ dragenter : 'dragEnter',
+ dragleave : 'dragLeave',
+ dragover : 'dragOver',
+ drop : 'drop',
+ dragend : 'dragEnd'
+ },
+ /**
+ The root DOM element to which event listeners should be attached. Event
+ listeners will be attached to the document unless this is overridden.
+ Can be specified as a DOMElement or a selector string.
+ The default body is a string since this may be evaluated before document.body
+ exists in the DOM.
+ @private
+ @property rootElement
+ @type DOMElement
+ @default 'body'
+ */
+ rootElement: 'body',
+ /**
+ It enables events to be dispatched to the view's `eventManager.` When present,
+ this object takes precedence over handling of events on the view itself.
+ Note that most Ember applications do not use this feature. If your app also
+ does not use it, consider setting this property to false to gain some performance
+ improvement by allowing the EventDispatcher to skip the search for the
+ `eventManager` on the view tree.
+ ```javascript
+ var EventDispatcher = Em.EventDispatcher.extend({
+ events: {
+ click : 'click',
+ focusin : 'focusIn',
+ focusout : 'focusOut',
+ change : 'change'
+ },
+ canDispatchToEventManager: false
+ });
+ container.register('event_dispatcher:main', EventDispatcher);
+ ```
+ @property canDispatchToEventManager
+ @type boolean
+ @default 'true'
+ @since 1.7.0
+ */
+ canDispatchToEventManager: true,
+ /**
+ Sets up event listeners for standard browser events.
+ This will be called after the browser sends a `DOMContentReady` event. By
+ default, it will set up all of the listeners on the document body. If you
+ would like to register the listeners on a different element, set the event
+ dispatcher's `root` property.
+ @private
+ @method setup
+ @param addedEvents {Hash}
+ */
+ setup: function(addedEvents, rootElement) {
+ var event, events = get(this, 'events');
+ merge(events, addedEvents || {});
+ if (!isNone(rootElement)) {
+ set(this, 'rootElement', rootElement);
+ }
+ rootElement = jQuery(get(this, 'rootElement'));
+ Ember.assert(fmt('You cannot use the same root element (%@) multiple times in an Ember.Application', [rootElement.selector || rootElement[0].tagName]), !'.ember-application'));
+ Ember.assert('You cannot make a new Ember.Application using a root element that is a descendent of an existing Ember.Application', !rootElement.closest('.ember-application').length);
+ Ember.assert('You cannot make a new Ember.Application using a root element that is an ancestor of an existing Ember.Application', !rootElement.find('.ember-application').length);
+ rootElement.addClass('ember-application');
+ Ember.assert('Unable to add "ember-application" class to rootElement. Make sure you set rootElement to the body or an element in the body.','.ember-application'));
+ for (event in events) {
+ if (events.hasOwnProperty(event)) {
+ this.setupHandler(rootElement, event, events[event]);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Registers an event listener on the rootElement. If the given event is
+ triggered, the provided event handler will be triggered on the target view.
+ If the target view does not implement the event handler, or if the handler
+ returns `false`, the parent view will be called. The event will continue to
+ bubble to each successive parent view until it reaches the top.
+ @private
+ @method setupHandler
+ @param {Element} rootElement
+ @param {String} event the browser-originated event to listen to
+ @param {String} eventName the name of the method to call on the view
+ */
+ setupHandler: function(rootElement, event, eventName) {
+ var self = this;
+ rootElement.on(event + '.ember', '.ember-view', function(evt, triggeringManager) {
+ var view = View.views[];
+ var result = true;
+ var manager = self.canDispatchToEventManager ? self._findNearestEventManager(view, eventName) : null;
+ if (manager && manager !== triggeringManager) {
+ result = self._dispatchEvent(manager, evt, eventName, view);
+ } else if (view) {
+ result = self._bubbleEvent(view, evt, eventName);
+ }
+ return result;
+ });
+ rootElement.on(event + '.ember', '[data-ember-action]', function(evt) {
+ var actionId = jQuery(evt.currentTarget).attr('data-ember-action');
+ var action = ActionManager.registeredActions[actionId];
+ // We have to check for action here since in some cases, jQuery will trigger
+ // an event on `removeChild` (i.e. focusout) after we've already torn down the
+ // action handlers for the view.
+ if (action && action.eventName === eventName) {
+ return action.handler(evt);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _findNearestEventManager: function(view, eventName) {
+ var manager = null;
+ while (view) {
+ manager = get(view, 'eventManager');
+ if (manager && manager[eventName]) { break; }
+ view = get(view, 'parentView');
+ }
+ return manager;
+ },
+ _dispatchEvent: function(object, evt, eventName, view) {
+ var result = true;
+ var handler = object[eventName];
+ if (typeOf(handler) === 'function') {
+ result = run(object, handler, evt, view);
+ // Do not preventDefault in eventManagers.
+ evt.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ else {
+ result = this._bubbleEvent(view, evt, eventName);
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ _bubbleEvent: function(view, evt, eventName) {
+ return run.join(view, view.handleEvent, eventName, evt);
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ var rootElement = get(this, 'rootElement');
+ jQuery(rootElement).off('.ember', '**').removeClass('ember-application');
+ return this._super();
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ return '(EventDispatcher)';
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/run_loop"],
+ function(__dependency1__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ var run = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Add a new named queue for rendering views that happens
+ // after bindings have synced, and a queue for scheduling actions
+ // that that should occur after view rendering.
+ run._addQueue('render', 'actions');
+ run._addQueue('afterRender', 'render');
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ // ES6TODO: the functions on EnumerableUtils need their own exports
+ var forEach = __dependency2__.forEach;
+ /**
+ Ember Views
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ @requires ember-runtime
+ @main ember-views
+ */
+ var jQuery = (Ember.imports && Ember.imports.jQuery) || (this && this.jQuery);
+ if (!jQuery && typeof eriuqer === 'function') {
+ jQuery = eriuqer('jquery');
+ }
+ Ember.assert("Ember Views require jQuery between 1.7 and 2.1", jQuery &&
+ (jQuery().jquery.match(/^((1\.(7|8|9|10|11))|(2\.(0|1)))(\.\d+)?(pre|rc\d?)?/) ||
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ if (jQuery) {
+ //
+ var dragEvents = [
+ 'dragstart',
+ 'drag',
+ 'dragenter',
+ 'dragleave',
+ 'dragover',
+ 'drop',
+ 'dragend'
+ ];
+ // Copies the `dataTransfer` property from a browser event object onto the
+ // jQuery event object for the specified events
+ forEach(dragEvents, function(eventName) {
+ jQuery.event.fixHooks[eventName] = {
+ props: ['dataTransfer']
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = jQuery;
+ });
+ ["ember-views/system/jquery","morph","ember-metal/core","ember-metal/platform","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ var jQuery = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var DOMHelper = __dependency2__.DOMHelper;
+ var Ember = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency4__.create;
+ // The HTML spec allows for "omitted start tags". These tags are optional
+ // when their intended child is the first thing in the parent tag. For
+ // example, this is a tbody start tag:
+ //
+ // <table>
+ // <tbody>
+ // <tr>
+ //
+ // The tbody may be omitted, and the browser will accept and render:
+ //
+ // <table>
+ // <tr>
+ //
+ // However, the omitted start tag will still be added to the DOM. Here
+ // we test the string and context to see if the browser is about to
+ // perform this cleanup, but with a special allowance for disregarding
+ // <script tags. This disregarding of <script being the first child item
+ // may bend the offical spec a bit, and is only needed for Handlebars
+ // templates.
+ //
+ //
+ // describes which tags are omittable. The spec for tbody and colgroup
+ // explains this behavior:
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ var omittedStartTagChildren = {
+ tr: document.createElement('tbody'),
+ col: document.createElement('colgroup')
+ };
+ var omittedStartTagChildTest = /(?:<script)*.*?<([\w:]+)/i;
+ function detectOmittedStartTag(string, contextualElement){
+ // Omitted start tags are only inside table tags.
+ if (contextualElement.tagName === 'TABLE') {
+ var omittedStartTagChildMatch = omittedStartTagChildTest.exec(string);
+ if (omittedStartTagChildMatch) {
+ // It is already asserted that the contextual element is a table
+ // and not the proper start tag. Just look up the start tag.
+ return omittedStartTagChildren[omittedStartTagChildMatch[1].toLowerCase()];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function ClassSet() {
+ this.seen = create(null);
+ this.list = [];
+ }
+ ClassSet.prototype = {
+ add: function(string) {
+ if (this.seen[string] === true) { return; }
+ this.seen[string] = true;
+ this.list.push(string);
+ }
+ };
+ var BAD_TAG_NAME_TEST_REGEXP = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/;
+ var BAD_TAG_NAME_REPLACE_REGEXP = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\-]/g;
+ function stripTagName(tagName) {
+ if (!tagName) {
+ return tagName;
+ }
+ if (!BAD_TAG_NAME_TEST_REGEXP.test(tagName)) {
+ return tagName;
+ }
+ return tagName.replace(BAD_TAG_NAME_REPLACE_REGEXP, '');
+ }
+ var BAD_CHARS_REGEXP = /&(?!\w+;)|[<>"'`]/g;
+ var POSSIBLE_CHARS_REGEXP = /[&<>"'`]/;
+ function escapeAttribute(value) {
+ // Stolen shamelessly from Handlebars
+ var escape = {
+ "<": "&lt;",
+ ">": "&gt;",
+ '"': "&quot;",
+ "'": "&#x27;",
+ "`": "&#x60;"
+ };
+ var escapeChar = function(chr) {
+ return escape[chr] || "&amp;";
+ };
+ var string = value.toString();
+ if(!POSSIBLE_CHARS_REGEXP.test(string)) { return string; }
+ return string.replace(BAD_CHARS_REGEXP, escapeChar);
+ }
+ // IE 6/7 have bugs around setting names on inputs during creation.
+ // From
+ // "To include the NAME attribute at run time on objects created with the createElement method, use the eTag."
+ var canSetNameOnInputs = (function() {
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ var el = document.createElement('input');
+ el.setAttribute('name', 'foo');
+ div.appendChild(el);
+ return !!div.innerHTML.match('foo');
+ })();
+ /**
+ `Ember.renderBuffer` gathers information regarding the view and generates the
+ final representation. `Ember.renderBuffer` will generate HTML which can be pushed
+ to the DOM.
+ ```javascript
+ var buffer = Ember.renderBuffer('div', contextualElement);
+ ```
+ @method renderBuffer
+ @namespace Ember
+ @param {String} tagName tag name (such as 'div' or 'p') used for the buffer
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function renderBuffer(tagName, contextualElement) {
+ return new _RenderBuffer(tagName, contextualElement); // jshint ignore:line
+ }
+ function _RenderBuffer(tagName, contextualElement) {
+ this.tagName = tagName;
+ this._outerContextualElement = contextualElement;
+ this.buffer = null;
+ this.childViews = [];
+ this.dom = new DOMHelper();
+ }
+ _RenderBuffer.prototype = {
+ reset: function(tagName, contextualElement) {
+ this.tagName = tagName;
+ this.buffer = null;
+ this._element = null;
+ this._outerContextualElement = contextualElement;
+ this.elementClasses = null;
+ this.elementId = null;
+ this.elementAttributes = null;
+ this.elementProperties = null;
+ this.elementTag = null;
+ this.elementStyle = null;
+ this.childViews.length = 0;
+ },
+ // The root view's element
+ _element: null,
+ // The root view's contextualElement
+ _outerContextualElement: null,
+ /**
+ An internal set used to de-dupe class names when `addClass()` is
+ used. After each call to `addClass()`, the `classes` property
+ will be updated.
+ @private
+ @property elementClasses
+ @type Array
+ @default null
+ */
+ elementClasses: null,
+ /**
+ Array of class names which will be applied in the class attribute.
+ You can use `setClasses()` to set this property directly. If you
+ use `addClass()`, it will be maintained for you.
+ @property classes
+ @type Array
+ @default null
+ */
+ classes: null,
+ /**
+ The id in of the element, to be applied in the id attribute.
+ You should not set this property yourself, rather, you should use
+ the `id()` method of `Ember.RenderBuffer`.
+ @property elementId
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ */
+ elementId: null,
+ /**
+ A hash keyed on the name of the attribute and whose value will be
+ applied to that attribute. For example, if you wanted to apply a
+ `data-view=""` property to an element, you would set the
+ elementAttributes hash to `{'data-view':''}`.
+ You should not maintain this hash yourself, rather, you should use
+ the `attr()` method of `Ember.RenderBuffer`.
+ @property elementAttributes
+ @type Hash
+ @default {}
+ */
+ elementAttributes: null,
+ /**
+ A hash keyed on the name of the properties and whose value will be
+ applied to that property. For example, if you wanted to apply a
+ `checked=true` property to an element, you would set the
+ elementProperties hash to `{'checked':true}`.
+ You should not maintain this hash yourself, rather, you should use
+ the `prop()` method of `Ember.RenderBuffer`.
+ @property elementProperties
+ @type Hash
+ @default {}
+ */
+ elementProperties: null,
+ /**
+ The tagname of the element an instance of `Ember.RenderBuffer` represents.
+ Usually, this gets set as the first parameter to `Ember.RenderBuffer`. For
+ example, if you wanted to create a `p` tag, then you would call
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.RenderBuffer('p', contextualElement)
+ ```
+ @property elementTag
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ */
+ elementTag: null,
+ /**
+ A hash keyed on the name of the style attribute and whose value will
+ be applied to that attribute. For example, if you wanted to apply a
+ `background-color:black;` style to an element, you would set the
+ elementStyle hash to `{'background-color':'black'}`.
+ You should not maintain this hash yourself, rather, you should use
+ the `style()` method of `Ember.RenderBuffer`.
+ @property elementStyle
+ @type Hash
+ @default {}
+ */
+ elementStyle: null,
+ pushChildView: function (view) {
+ var index = this.childViews.length;
+ this.childViews[index] = view;
+ this.push("<script id='morph-"+index+"' type='text/x-placeholder'>\x3C/script>");
+ },
+ hydrateMorphs: function (contextualElement) {
+ var childViews = this.childViews;
+ var el = this._element;
+ for (var i=0,l=childViews.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var childView = childViews[i];
+ var ref = el.querySelector('#morph-'+i);
+ Ember.assert('An error occured while setting up template bindings. Please check ' +
+ (childView && childView._parentView && childView._parentView._debugTemplateName ?
+ '"' + childView._parentView._debugTemplateName + '" template ' :
+ ''
+ ) + 'for invalid markup or bindings within HTML comments.',
+ ref);
+ var parent = ref.parentNode;
+ childView._morph = this.dom.insertMorphBefore(
+ parent,
+ ref,
+ parent.nodeType === 1 ? parent : contextualElement
+ );
+ parent.removeChild(ref);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Adds a string of HTML to the `RenderBuffer`.
+ @method push
+ @param {String} string HTML to push into the buffer
+ @chainable
+ */
+ push: function(content) {
+ if (this.buffer === null) {
+ this.buffer = '';
+ }
+ this.buffer += content;
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Adds a class to the buffer, which will be rendered to the class attribute.
+ @method addClass
+ @param {String} className Class name to add to the buffer
+ @chainable
+ */
+ addClass: function(className) {
+ // lazily create elementClasses
+ this.elementClasses = (this.elementClasses || new ClassSet());
+ this.elementClasses.add(className);
+ this.classes = this.elementClasses.list;
+ return this;
+ },
+ setClasses: function(classNames) {
+ this.elementClasses = null;
+ var len = classNames.length;
+ var i;
+ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ this.addClass(classNames[i]);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Sets the elementID to be used for the element.
+ @method id
+ @param {String} id
+ @chainable
+ */
+ id: function(id) {
+ this.elementId = id;
+ return this;
+ },
+ // duck type attribute functionality like jQuery so a render buffer
+ // can be used like a jQuery object in attribute binding scenarios.
+ /**
+ Adds an attribute which will be rendered to the element.
+ @method attr
+ @param {String} name The name of the attribute
+ @param {String} value The value to add to the attribute
+ @chainable
+ @return {Ember.RenderBuffer|String} this or the current attribute value
+ */
+ attr: function(name, value) {
+ var attributes = this.elementAttributes = (this.elementAttributes || {});
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ return attributes[name];
+ } else {
+ attributes[name] = value;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Remove an attribute from the list of attributes to render.
+ @method removeAttr
+ @param {String} name The name of the attribute
+ @chainable
+ */
+ removeAttr: function(name) {
+ var attributes = this.elementAttributes;
+ if (attributes) { delete attributes[name]; }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Adds a property which will be rendered to the element.
+ @method prop
+ @param {String} name The name of the property
+ @param {String} value The value to add to the property
+ @chainable
+ @return {Ember.RenderBuffer|String} this or the current property value
+ */
+ prop: function(name, value) {
+ var properties = this.elementProperties = (this.elementProperties || {});
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ return properties[name];
+ } else {
+ properties[name] = value;
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Remove an property from the list of properties to render.
+ @method removeProp
+ @param {String} name The name of the property
+ @chainable
+ */
+ removeProp: function(name) {
+ var properties = this.elementProperties;
+ if (properties) { delete properties[name]; }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Adds a style to the style attribute which will be rendered to the element.
+ @method style
+ @param {String} name Name of the style
+ @param {String} value
+ @chainable
+ */
+ style: function(name, value) {
+ this.elementStyle = (this.elementStyle || {});
+ this.elementStyle[name] = value;
+ return this;
+ },
+ generateElement: function() {
+ var tagName = this.tagName;
+ var id = this.elementId;
+ var classes = this.classes;
+ var attrs = this.elementAttributes;
+ var props = this.elementProperties;
+ var style = this.elementStyle;
+ var styleBuffer = '';
+ var attr, prop, tagString;
+ if (attrs && && !canSetNameOnInputs) {
+ // IE allows passing a tag to createElement. See note on `canSetNameOnInputs` above as well.
+ tagString = '<'+stripTagName(tagName)+' name="'+escapeAttribute('">';
+ } else {
+ tagString = tagName;
+ }
+ var element = this.dom.createElement(tagString, this.outerContextualElement());
+ var $element = jQuery(element);
+ if (id) {
+ this.dom.setAttribute(element, 'id', id);
+ this.elementId = null;
+ }
+ if (classes) {
+ this.dom.setAttribute(element, 'class', classes.join(' '));
+ this.classes = null;
+ this.elementClasses = null;
+ }
+ if (style) {
+ for (prop in style) {
+ if (style.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
+ styleBuffer += (prop + ':' + style[prop] + ';');
+ }
+ }
+ this.dom.setAttribute(element, 'style', styleBuffer);
+ this.elementStyle = null;
+ }
+ if (attrs) {
+ for (attr in attrs) {
+ if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr)) {
+ this.dom.setAttribute(element, attr, attrs[attr]);
+ }
+ }
+ this.elementAttributes = null;
+ }
+ if (props) {
+ for (prop in props) {
+ if (props.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
+ $element.prop(prop, props[prop]);
+ }
+ }
+ this.elementProperties = null;
+ }
+ this._element = element;
+ },
+ /**
+ @method element
+ @return {DOMElement} The element corresponding to the generated HTML
+ of this buffer
+ */
+ element: function() {
+ var content = this.innerContent();
+ // No content means a text node buffer, with the content
+ // in _element. HandlebarsBoundView is an example.
+ if (content === null) {
+ return this._element;
+ }
+ var contextualElement = this.innerContextualElement(content);
+ this.dom.detectNamespace(contextualElement);
+ if (!this._element) {
+ this._element = document.createDocumentFragment();
+ }
+ var nodes = this.dom.parseHTML(content, contextualElement);
+ while (nodes[0]) {
+ this._element.appendChild(nodes[0]);
+ }
+ this.hydrateMorphs(contextualElement);
+ return this._element;
+ },
+ /**
+ Generates the HTML content for this buffer.
+ @method string
+ @return {String} The generated HTML
+ */
+ string: function() {
+ if (this._element) {
+ // Firefox versions < 11 do not have support for element.outerHTML.
+ var thisElement = this.element();
+ var outerHTML = thisElement.outerHTML;
+ if (typeof outerHTML === 'undefined') {
+ return jQuery('<div/>').append(thisElement).html();
+ }
+ return outerHTML;
+ } else {
+ return this.innerString();
+ }
+ },
+ outerContextualElement: function() {
+ if (!this._outerContextualElement) {
+ Ember.deprecate("The render buffer expects an outer contextualElement to exist." +
+ " This ensures DOM that requires context is correctly generated (tr, SVG tags)." +
+ " Defaulting to document.body, but this will be removed in the future");
+ this.outerContextualElement = document.body;
+ }
+ return this._outerContextualElement;
+ },
+ innerContextualElement: function(html) {
+ var innerContextualElement;
+ if (this._element && this._element.nodeType === 1) {
+ innerContextualElement = this._element;
+ } else {
+ innerContextualElement = this.outerContextualElement();
+ }
+ var omittedStartTag;
+ if (html) {
+ omittedStartTag = detectOmittedStartTag(html, innerContextualElement);
+ }
+ return omittedStartTag || innerContextualElement;
+ },
+ innerString: function() {
+ var content = this.innerContent();
+ if (content && !content.nodeType) {
+ return content;
+ }
+ },
+ innerContent: function() {
+ return this.buffer;
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal-views/renderer","ember-metal/platform","ember-views/system/render_buffer","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/instrumentation","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var Renderer = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency3__.create;
+ var renderBuffer = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var set = __dependency6__.set;
+ var _instrumentStart = __dependency7__._instrumentStart;
+ var subscribers = __dependency7__.subscribers;
+ function EmberRenderer() {
+ this.buffer = renderBuffer();
+ this._super$constructor();
+ }
+ EmberRenderer.prototype = create(Renderer.prototype);
+ EmberRenderer.prototype.constructor = EmberRenderer;
+ EmberRenderer.prototype._super$constructor = Renderer;
+ EmberRenderer.prototype.scheduleRender =
+ function EmberRenderer_scheduleRender(ctx, fn) {
+ return run.scheduleOnce('render', ctx, fn);
+ };
+ EmberRenderer.prototype.cancelRender =
+ function EmberRenderer_cancelRender(id) {
+ run.cancel(id);
+ };
+ EmberRenderer.prototype.createElement =
+ function EmberRenderer_createElement(view, contextualElement) {
+ // If this is the top-most view, start a new buffer. Otherwise,
+ // create a new buffer relative to the original using the
+ // provided buffer operation (for example, `insertAfter` will
+ // insert a new buffer after the "parent buffer").
+ var tagName = view.tagName;
+ var classNameBindings = view.classNameBindings;
+ var taglessViewWithClassBindings = tagName === '' && classNameBindings.length > 0;
+ if (tagName === null || tagName === undefined) {
+ tagName = 'div';
+ }
+ Ember.assert('You cannot use `classNameBindings` on a tag-less view: ' + view.toString(), !taglessViewWithClassBindings);
+ var buffer = view.buffer = this.buffer;
+ buffer.reset(tagName, contextualElement);
+ if (view.beforeRender) {
+ view.beforeRender(buffer);
+ }
+ if (tagName !== '') {
+ if (view.applyAttributesToBuffer) {
+ view.applyAttributesToBuffer(buffer);
+ }
+ buffer.generateElement();
+ }
+ if (view.render) {
+ view.render(buffer);
+ }
+ if (view.afterRender) {
+ view.afterRender(buffer);
+ }
+ var element = buffer.element();
+ view.buffer = null;
+ if (element && element.nodeType === 1) {
+ // We have hooks, we shouldn't make element observable
+ // consider just doing view.element = element
+ set(view, 'element', element);
+ }
+ return element;
+ };
+ EmberRenderer.prototype.destroyView = function destroyView(view) {
+ view.removedFromDOM = true;
+ view.destroy();
+ };
+ EmberRenderer.prototype.childViews = function childViews(view) {
+ return view._childViews;
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.willCreateElement = function (view) {
+ if (subscribers.length && view.instrumentDetails) {
+ view._instrumentEnd = _instrumentStart('render.'+view.instrumentName, function viewInstrumentDetails() {
+ var details = {};
+ view.instrumentDetails(details);
+ return details;
+ });
+ }
+ if (view._transitionTo) {
+ view._transitionTo('inBuffer');
+ }
+ }; // inBuffer
+ Renderer.prototype.didCreateElement = function (view) {
+ if (view._transitionTo) {
+ view._transitionTo('hasElement');
+ }
+ if (view._instrumentEnd) {
+ view._instrumentEnd();
+ }
+ }; // hasElement
+ Renderer.prototype.willInsertElement = function (view) {
+ if (view.trigger) { view.trigger('willInsertElement'); }
+ }; // will place into DOM
+ Renderer.prototype.didInsertElement = function (view) {
+ if (view._transitionTo) {
+ view._transitionTo('inDOM');
+ }
+ if (view.trigger) { view.trigger('didInsertElement'); }
+ }; // inDOM // placed into DOM
+ Renderer.prototype.willRemoveElement = function (view) {};
+ Renderer.prototype.willDestroyElement = function (view) {
+ if (view.trigger) { view.trigger('willDestroyElement'); }
+ if (view.trigger) { view.trigger('willClearRender'); }
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.didDestroyElement = function (view) {
+ set(view, 'element', null);
+ if (view._transitionTo) {
+ view._transitionTo('preRender');
+ }
+ }; // element destroyed so view.destroy shouldn't try to remove it removedFromDOM
+ __exports__["default"] = EmberRenderer;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ function isSimpleClick(event) {
+ var modifier = event.shiftKey || event.metaKey || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey;
+ var secondaryClick = event.which > 1; // IE9 may return undefined
+ return !modifier && !secondaryClick;
+ }
+ __exports__.isSimpleClick = isSimpleClick;/**
+ @private
+ @method getViewRange
+ @param {Ember.View} view
+ */
+ function getViewRange(view) {
+ var range = document.createRange();
+ range.setStartAfter(view._morph.start);
+ range.setEndBefore(view._morph.end);
+ return range;
+ }
+ /**
+ `getViewClientRects` provides information about the position of the border
+ box edges of a view relative to the viewport.
+ It is only intended to be used by development tools like the Ember Inpsector
+ and may not work on older browsers.
+ @private
+ @method getViewClientRects
+ @param {Ember.View} view
+ */
+ function getViewClientRects(view) {
+ var range = getViewRange(view);
+ return range.getClientRects();
+ }
+ __exports__.getViewClientRects = getViewClientRects;/**
+ `getViewBoundingClientRect` provides information about the position of the
+ bounding border box edges of a view relative to the viewport.
+ It is only intended to be used by development tools like the Ember Inpsector
+ and may not work on older browsers.
+ @private
+ @method getViewBoundingClientRect
+ @param {Ember.View} view
+ */
+ function getViewBoundingClientRect(view) {
+ var range = getViewRange(view);
+ return range.getBoundingClientRect();
+ }
+ __exports__.getViewBoundingClientRect = getViewBoundingClientRect;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/binding","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-views/views/container_view","ember-views/views/core_view","ember-views/views/view","ember-metal/mixin","ember-views/streams/read","ember-runtime/mixins/array","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var isGlobalPath = __dependency2__.isGlobalPath;
+ var get = __dependency3__.get;
+ var set = __dependency4__.set;
+ var fmt = __dependency5__.fmt;
+ var ContainerView = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var CoreView = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var View = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var observer =;
+ var beforeObserver = __dependency9__.beforeObserver;
+ var readViewFactory = __dependency10__.readViewFactory;
+ var EmberArray = __dependency11__["default"];
+ /**
+ `Ember.CollectionView` is an `Ember.View` descendent responsible for managing
+ a collection (an array or array-like object) by maintaining a child view object
+ and associated DOM representation for each item in the array and ensuring
+ that child views and their associated rendered HTML are updated when items in
+ the array are added, removed, or replaced.
+ ## Setting content
+ The managed collection of objects is referenced as the `Ember.CollectionView`
+ instance's `content` property.
+ ```javascript
+ someItemsView = Ember.CollectionView.create({
+ content: ['A', 'B','C']
+ })
+ ```
+ The view for each item in the collection will have its `content` property set
+ to the item.
+ ## Specifying `itemViewClass`
+ By default the view class for each item in the managed collection will be an
+ instance of `Ember.View`. You can supply a different class by setting the
+ `CollectionView`'s `itemViewClass` property.
+ Given the following application code:
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create();
+ App.ItemListView = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
+ classNames: ['a-collection'],
+ content: ['A','B','C'],
+ itemViewClass: Ember.View.extend({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("the letter: {{view.content}}")
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ And a simple application template:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{view 'item-list'}}
+ ```
+ The following HTML will result:
+ ```html
+ <div class="ember-view a-collection">
+ <div class="ember-view">the letter: A</div>
+ <div class="ember-view">the letter: B</div>
+ <div class="ember-view">the letter: C</div>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ ## Automatic matching of parent/child tagNames
+ Setting the `tagName` property of a `CollectionView` to any of
+ "ul", "ol", "table", "thead", "tbody", "tfoot", "tr", or "select" will result
+ in the item views receiving an appropriately matched `tagName` property.
+ Given the following application code:
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create();
+ App.UnorderedListView = Ember.CollectionView.create({
+ tagName: 'ul',
+ content: ['A','B','C'],
+ itemViewClass: Ember.View.extend({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("the letter: {{view.content}}")
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ And a simple application template:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{view 'unordered-list-view'}}
+ ```
+ The following HTML will result:
+ ```html
+ <ul class="ember-view a-collection">
+ <li class="ember-view">the letter: A</li>
+ <li class="ember-view">the letter: B</li>
+ <li class="ember-view">the letter: C</li>
+ </ul>
+ ```
+ Additional `tagName` pairs can be provided by adding to
+ `Ember.CollectionView.CONTAINER_MAP`. For example:
+ ```javascript
+ Ember.CollectionView.CONTAINER_MAP['article'] = 'section'
+ ```
+ ## Programmatic creation of child views
+ For cases where additional customization beyond the use of a single
+ `itemViewClass` or `tagName` matching is required CollectionView's
+ `createChildView` method can be overidden:
+ ```javascript
+ App.CustomCollectionView = Ember.CollectionView.extend({
+ createChildView: function(viewClass, attrs) {
+ if (attrs.content.kind == 'album') {
+ viewClass = App.AlbumView;
+ } else {
+ viewClass = App.SongView;
+ }
+ return this._super(viewClass, attrs);
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ ## Empty View
+ You can provide an `Ember.View` subclass to the `Ember.CollectionView`
+ instance as its `emptyView` property. If the `content` property of a
+ `CollectionView` is set to `null` or an empty array, an instance of this view
+ will be the `CollectionView`s only child.
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create();
+ App.ListWithNothing = Ember.CollectionView.create({
+ classNames: ['nothing'],
+ content: null,
+ emptyView: Ember.View.extend({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("The collection is empty")
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ And a simple application template:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{view 'list-with-nothing'}}
+ ```
+ The following HTML will result:
+ ```html
+ <div class="ember-view nothing">
+ <div class="ember-view">
+ The collection is empty
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ ## Adding and Removing items
+ The `childViews` property of a `CollectionView` should not be directly
+ manipulated. Instead, add, remove, replace items from its `content` property.
+ This will trigger appropriate changes to its rendered HTML.
+ @class CollectionView
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.ContainerView
+ @since Ember 0.9
+ */
+ var CollectionView = ContainerView.extend({
+ /**
+ A list of items to be displayed by the `Ember.CollectionView`.
+ @property content
+ @type Ember.Array
+ @default null
+ */
+ content: null,
+ /**
+ This provides metadata about what kind of empty view class this
+ collection would like if it is being instantiated from another
+ system (like Handlebars)
+ @private
+ @property emptyViewClass
+ */
+ emptyViewClass: View,
+ /**
+ An optional view to display if content is set to an empty array.
+ @property emptyView
+ @type Ember.View
+ @default null
+ */
+ emptyView: null,
+ /**
+ @property itemViewClass
+ @type Ember.View
+ @default Ember.View
+ */
+ itemViewClass: View,
+ /**
+ Setup a CollectionView
+ @method init
+ */
+ init: function() {
+ var ret = this._super();
+ this._contentDidChange();
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ Invoked when the content property is about to change. Notifies observers that the
+ entire array content will change.
+ @private
+ @method _contentWillChange
+ */
+ _contentWillChange: beforeObserver('content', function() {
+ var content = this.get('content');
+ if (content) { content.removeArrayObserver(this); }
+ var len = content ? get(content, 'length') : 0;
+ this.arrayWillChange(content, 0, len);
+ }),
+ /**
+ Check to make sure that the content has changed, and if so,
+ update the children directly. This is always scheduled
+ asynchronously, to allow the element to be created before
+ bindings have synchronized and vice versa.
+ @private
+ @method _contentDidChange
+ */
+ _contentDidChange: observer('content', function() {
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ if (content) {
+ this._assertArrayLike(content);
+ content.addArrayObserver(this);
+ }
+ var len = content ? get(content, 'length') : 0;
+ this.arrayDidChange(content, 0, null, len);
+ }),
+ /**
+ Ensure that the content implements Ember.Array
+ @private
+ @method _assertArrayLike
+ */
+ _assertArrayLike: function(content) {
+ Ember.assert(fmt("an Ember.CollectionView's content must implement Ember.Array. You passed %@", [content]), EmberArray.detect(content));
+ },
+ /**
+ Removes the content and content observers.
+ @method destroy
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ if (!this._super()) { return; }
+ var content = get(this, 'content');
+ if (content) { content.removeArrayObserver(this); }
+ if (this._createdEmptyView) {
+ this._createdEmptyView.destroy();
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Called when a mutation to the underlying content array will occur.
+ This method will remove any views that are no longer in the underlying
+ content array.
+ Invokes whenever the content array itself will change.
+ @method arrayWillChange
+ @param {Array} content the managed collection of objects
+ @param {Number} start the index at which the changes will occurr
+ @param {Number} removed number of object to be removed from content
+ */
+ arrayWillChange: function(content, start, removedCount) {
+ // If the contents were empty before and this template collection has an
+ // empty view remove it now.
+ var emptyView = get(this, 'emptyView');
+ if (emptyView && emptyView instanceof View) {
+ emptyView.removeFromParent();
+ }
+ // Loop through child views that correspond with the removed items.
+ // Note that we loop from the end of the array to the beginning because
+ // we are mutating it as we go.
+ var childViews = this._childViews;
+ var childView, idx;
+ for (idx = start + removedCount - 1; idx >= start; idx--) {
+ childView = childViews[idx];
+ childView.destroy();
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Called when a mutation to the underlying content array occurs.
+ This method will replay that mutation against the views that compose the
+ `Ember.CollectionView`, ensuring that the view reflects the model.
+ This array observer is added in `contentDidChange`.
+ @method arrayDidChange
+ @param {Array} content the managed collection of objects
+ @param {Number} start the index at which the changes occurred
+ @param {Number} removed number of object removed from content
+ @param {Number} added number of object added to content
+ */
+ arrayDidChange: function(content, start, removed, added) {
+ var addedViews = [];
+ var view, item, idx, len, itemViewClass, emptyView, itemViewProps;
+ len = content ? get(content, 'length') : 0;
+ if (len) {
+ itemViewProps = this._itemViewProps || {};
+ itemViewClass = get(this, 'itemViewClass');
+ itemViewClass = readViewFactory(itemViewClass, this.container);
+ for (idx = start; idx < start+added; idx++) {
+ item = content.objectAt(idx);
+ itemViewProps.content = item;
+ itemViewProps.contentIndex = idx;
+ view = this.createChildView(itemViewClass, itemViewProps);
+ addedViews.push(view);
+ }
+ } else {
+ emptyView = get(this, 'emptyView');
+ if (!emptyView) { return; }
+ if ('string' === typeof emptyView && isGlobalPath(emptyView)) {
+ emptyView = get(emptyView) || emptyView;
+ }
+ emptyView = this.createChildView(emptyView);
+ addedViews.push(emptyView);
+ set(this, 'emptyView', emptyView);
+ if (CoreView.detect(emptyView)) {
+ this._createdEmptyView = emptyView;
+ }
+ }
+ this.replace(start, 0, addedViews);
+ },
+ /**
+ Instantiates a view to be added to the childViews array during view
+ initialization. You generally will not call this method directly unless
+ you are overriding `createChildViews()`. Note that this method will
+ automatically configure the correct settings on the new view instance to
+ act as a child of the parent.
+ The tag name for the view will be set to the tagName of the viewClass
+ passed in.
+ @method createChildView
+ @param {Class} viewClass
+ @param {Hash} [attrs] Attributes to add
+ @return {Ember.View} new instance
+ */
+ createChildView: function(view, attrs) {
+ view = this._super(view, attrs);
+ var itemTagName = get(view, 'tagName');
+ if (itemTagName === null || itemTagName === undefined) {
+ itemTagName = CollectionView.CONTAINER_MAP[get(this, 'tagName')];
+ set(view, 'tagName', itemTagName);
+ }
+ return view;
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ A map of parent tags to their default child tags. You can add
+ additional parent tags if you want collection views that use
+ a particular parent tag to default to a child tag.
+ @property CONTAINER_MAP
+ @type Hash
+ @static
+ @final
+ */
+ CollectionView.CONTAINER_MAP = {
+ ul: 'li',
+ ol: 'li',
+ table: 'tr',
+ thead: 'tr',
+ tbody: 'tr',
+ tfoot: 'tr',
+ tr: 'td',
+ select: 'option'
+ };
+ __exports__["default"] = CollectionView;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-views/mixins/component_template_deprecation","ember-runtime/mixins/target_action_support","ember-views/views/view","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/is_none","ember-metal/computed","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert, Ember.Handlebars
+ var ComponentTemplateDeprecation = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var TargetActionSupport = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var View = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency5__.get;
+ var set = __dependency6__.set;
+ var isNone = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var computed = __dependency8__.computed;
+ var a_slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ /**
+ An `Ember.Component` is a view that is completely
+ isolated. Property access in its templates go
+ to the view object and actions are targeted at
+ the view object. There is no access to the
+ surrounding context or outer controller; all
+ contextual information must be passed in.
+ The easiest way to create an `Ember.Component` is via
+ a template. If you name a template
+ `components/my-foo`, you will be able to use
+ `{{my-foo}}` in other templates, which will make
+ an instance of the isolated component.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{app-profile person=currentUser}}
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ <!-- app-profile template -->
+ <h1>{{person.title}}</h1>
+ <img {{bind-attr src=person.avatar}}>
+ <p class='signature'>{{person.signature}}</p>
+ ```
+ You can use `yield` inside a template to
+ include the **contents** of any block attached to
+ the component. The block will be executed in the
+ context of the surrounding context or outer controller:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#app-profile person=currentUser}}
+ <p>Admin mode</p>
+ {{! Executed in the controller's context. }}
+ {{/app-profile}}
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ <!-- app-profile template -->
+ <h1>{{person.title}}</h1>
+ {{! Executed in the components context. }}
+ {{yield}} {{! block contents }}
+ ```
+ If you want to customize the component, in order to
+ handle events or actions, you implement a subclass
+ of `Ember.Component` named after the name of the
+ component. Note that `Component` needs to be appended to the name of
+ your subclass like `AppProfileComponent`.
+ For example, you could implement the action
+ `hello` for the `app-profile` component:
+ ```javascript
+ App.AppProfileComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
+ actions: {
+ hello: function(name) {
+ console.log("Hello", name);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ And then use it in the component's template:
+ ```handlebars
+ <!-- app-profile template -->
+ <h1>{{person.title}}</h1>
+ {{yield}} <!-- block contents -->
+ <button {{action 'hello'}}>
+ Say Hello to {{}}
+ </button>
+ ```
+ Components must have a `-` in their name to avoid
+ conflicts with built-in controls that wrap HTML
+ elements. This is consistent with the same
+ requirement in web components.
+ @class Component
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.View
+ */
+ var Component = View.extend(TargetActionSupport, ComponentTemplateDeprecation, {
+ instrumentName: 'component',
+ instrumentDisplay: computed(function() {
+ if (this._debugContainerKey) {
+ return '{{' + this._debugContainerKey.split(':')[1] + '}}';
+ }
+ }),
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ set(this, 'context', this);
+ set(this, 'controller', this);
+ },
+ defaultLayout: function(context, options){
+ Ember.Handlebars.helpers['yield'].call(context, options);
+ },
+ /**
+ A components template property is set by passing a block
+ during its invocation. It is executed within the parent context.
+ Example:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#my-component}}
+ // something that is run in the context
+ // of the parent context
+ {{/my-component}}
+ ```
+ Specifying a template directly to a component is deprecated without
+ also specifying the layout property.
+ @deprecated
+ @property template
+ */
+ template: computed(function(key, value) {
+ if (value !== undefined) { return value; }
+ var templateName = get(this, 'templateName');
+ var template = this.templateForName(templateName, 'template');
+ Ember.assert("You specified the templateName " + templateName + " for " + this + ", but it did not exist.", !templateName || template);
+ return template || get(this, 'defaultTemplate');
+ }).property('templateName'),
+ /**
+ Specifying a components `templateName` is deprecated without also
+ providing the `layout` or `layoutName` properties.
+ @deprecated
+ @property templateName
+ */
+ templateName: null,
+ _setupKeywords: function() {
+ this._keywords.view.setSource(this);
+ },
+ _yield: function(context, options) {
+ var view =;
+ var parentView = this._parentView;
+ var template = get(this, 'template');
+ if (template) {
+ Ember.assert("A Component must have a parent view in order to yield.", parentView);
+ view.appendChild(View, {
+ isVirtual: true,
+ tagName: '',
+ _contextView: parentView,
+ template: template,
+ context: get(parentView, 'context'),
+ controller: get(parentView, 'controller'),
+ templateData: { keywords: {} }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ If the component is currently inserted into the DOM of a parent view, this
+ property will point to the controller of the parent view.
+ @property targetObject
+ @type Ember.Controller
+ @default null
+ */
+ targetObject: computed(function(key) {
+ var parentView = get(this, '_parentView');
+ return parentView ? get(parentView, 'controller') : null;
+ }).property('_parentView'),
+ /**
+ Triggers a named action on the controller context where the component is used if
+ this controller has registered for notifications of the action.
+ For example a component for playing or pausing music may translate click events
+ into action notifications of "play" or "stop" depending on some internal state
+ of the component:
+ ```javascript
+ App.PlayButtonComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
+ click: function(){
+ if (this.get('isPlaying')) {
+ this.sendAction('play');
+ } else {
+ this.sendAction('stop');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ When used inside a template these component actions are configured to
+ trigger actions in the outer application context:
+ ```handlebars
+ {{! application.hbs }}
+ {{play-button play="musicStarted" stop="musicStopped"}}
+ ```
+ When the component receives a browser `click` event it translate this
+ interaction into application-specific semantics ("play" or "stop") and
+ triggers the specified action name on the controller for the template
+ where the component is used:
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ actions: {
+ musicStarted: function(){
+ // called when the play button is clicked
+ // and the music started playing
+ },
+ musicStopped: function(){
+ // called when the play button is clicked
+ // and the music stopped playing
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ If no action name is passed to `sendAction` a default name of "action"
+ is assumed.
+ ```javascript
+ App.NextButtonComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
+ click: function(){
+ this.sendAction();
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ ```handlebars
+ {{! application.hbs }}
+ {{next-button action="playNextSongInAlbum"}}
+ ```
+ ```javascript
+ App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
+ actions: {
+ playNextSongInAlbum: function(){
+ ...
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ @method sendAction
+ @param [action] {String} the action to trigger
+ @param [context] {*} a context to send with the action
+ */
+ sendAction: function(action) {
+ var actionName;
+ var contexts =, 1);
+ // Send the default action
+ if (action === undefined) {
+ actionName = get(this, 'action');
+ Ember.assert("The default action was triggered on the component " + this.toString() +
+ ", but the action name (" + actionName + ") was not a string.",
+ isNone(actionName) || typeof actionName === 'string');
+ } else {
+ actionName = get(this, action);
+ Ember.assert("The " + action + " action was triggered on the component " +
+ this.toString() + ", but the action name (" + actionName +
+ ") was not a string.",
+ isNone(actionName) || typeof actionName === 'string');
+ }
+ // If no action name for that action could be found, just abort.
+ if (actionName === undefined) { return; }
+ this.triggerAction({
+ action: actionName,
+ actionContext: contexts
+ });
+ },
+ send: function(actionName) {
+ var args = [], 1);
+ var target;
+ var hasAction = this._actions && this._actions[actionName];
+ if (hasAction) {
+ if (this._actions[actionName].apply(this, args) === true) {
+ // handler returned true, so this action will bubble
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (target = get(this, 'target')) {
+ Ember.assert("The `target` for " + this + " (" + target +
+ ") does not have a `send` method", typeof target.send === 'function');
+ target.send.apply(target, arguments);
+ } else {
+ if (!hasAction) {
+ throw new Error(Ember.inspect(this) + ' had no action handler for: ' + actionName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = Component;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/merge","ember-runtime/mixins/mutable_array","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-views/views/view","ember-views/views/states","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/mixin","ember-runtime/system/native_array","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert, Ember.K
+ var merge = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var MutableArray = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency4__.get;
+ var set = __dependency5__.set;
+ var View = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var cloneStates = __dependency7__.cloneStates;
+ var EmberViewStates = __dependency7__.states;
+ var EmberError = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var forEach = __dependency9__.forEach;
+ var computed = __dependency10__.computed;
+ var run = __dependency11__["default"];
+ var defineProperty = __dependency12__.defineProperty;
+ var observer =;
+ var beforeObserver = __dependency13__.beforeObserver;
+ var emberA = __dependency14__.A;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ var states = cloneStates(EmberViewStates);
+ /**
+ A `ContainerView` is an `Ember.View` subclass that implements `Ember.MutableArray`
+ allowing programmatic management of its child views.
+ ## Setting Initial Child Views
+ The initial array of child views can be set in one of two ways. You can
+ provide a `childViews` property at creation time that contains instance of
+ `Ember.View`:
+ ```javascript
+ aContainer = Ember.ContainerView.create({
+ childViews: [Ember.View.create(), Ember.View.create()]
+ });
+ ```
+ You can also provide a list of property names whose values are instances of
+ `Ember.View`:
+ ```javascript
+ aContainer = Ember.ContainerView.create({
+ childViews: ['aView', 'bView', 'cView'],
+ aView: Ember.View.create(),
+ bView: Ember.View.create(),
+ cView: Ember.View.create()
+ });
+ ```
+ The two strategies can be combined:
+ ```javascript
+ aContainer = Ember.ContainerView.create({
+ childViews: ['aView', Ember.View.create()],
+ aView: Ember.View.create()
+ });
+ ```
+ Each child view's rendering will be inserted into the container's rendered
+ HTML in the same order as its position in the `childViews` property.
+ ## Adding and Removing Child Views
+ The container view implements `Ember.MutableArray` allowing programmatic management of its child views.
+ To remove a view, pass that view into a `removeObject` call on the container view.
+ Given an empty `<body>` the following code
+ ```javascript
+ aContainer = Ember.ContainerView.create({
+ classNames: ['the-container'],
+ childViews: ['aView', 'bView'],
+ aView: Ember.View.create({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("A")
+ }),
+ bView: Ember.View.create({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("B")
+ })
+ });
+ aContainer.appendTo('body');
+ ```
+ Results in the HTML
+ ```html
+ <div class="ember-view the-container">
+ <div class="ember-view">A</div>
+ <div class="ember-view">B</div>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ Removing a view
+ ```javascript
+ aContainer.toArray(); // [aContainer.aView, aContainer.bView]
+ aContainer.removeObject(aContainer.get('bView'));
+ aContainer.toArray(); // [aContainer.aView]
+ ```
+ Will result in the following HTML
+ ```html
+ <div class="ember-view the-container">
+ <div class="ember-view">A</div>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ Similarly, adding a child view is accomplished by adding `Ember.View` instances to the
+ container view.
+ Given an empty `<body>` the following code
+ ```javascript
+ aContainer = Ember.ContainerView.create({
+ classNames: ['the-container'],
+ childViews: ['aView', 'bView'],
+ aView: Ember.View.create({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("A")
+ }),
+ bView: Ember.View.create({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("B")
+ })
+ });
+ aContainer.appendTo('body');
+ ```
+ Results in the HTML
+ ```html
+ <div class="ember-view the-container">
+ <div class="ember-view">A</div>
+ <div class="ember-view">B</div>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ Adding a view
+ ```javascript
+ AnotherViewClass = Ember.View.extend({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("Another view")
+ });
+ aContainer.toArray(); // [aContainer.aView, aContainer.bView]
+ aContainer.pushObject(AnotherViewClass.create());
+ aContainer.toArray(); // [aContainer.aView, aContainer.bView, <AnotherViewClass instance>]
+ ```
+ Will result in the following HTML
+ ```html
+ <div class="ember-view the-container">
+ <div class="ember-view">A</div>
+ <div class="ember-view">B</div>
+ <div class="ember-view">Another view</div>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ ## Templates and Layout
+ A `template`, `templateName`, `defaultTemplate`, `layout`, `layoutName` or
+ `defaultLayout` property on a container view will not result in the template
+ or layout being rendered. The HTML contents of a `Ember.ContainerView`'s DOM
+ representation will only be the rendered HTML of its child views.
+ @class ContainerView
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.View
+ */
+ var ContainerView = View.extend(MutableArray, {
+ _states: states,
+ willWatchProperty: function(prop){
+ Ember.deprecate(
+ "ContainerViews should not be observed as arrays. This behavior will change in future implementations of ContainerView.",
+ !prop.match(/\[]/) && prop.indexOf('@') !== 0
+ );
+ },
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ var childViews = get(this, 'childViews');
+ Ember.deprecate('Setting `childViews` on a Container is deprecated.', Ember.isEmpty(childViews));
+ // redefine view's childViews property that was obliterated
+ defineProperty(this, 'childViews', View.childViewsProperty);
+ var _childViews = this._childViews;
+ forEach(childViews, function(viewName, idx) {
+ var view;
+ if ('string' === typeof viewName) {
+ view = get(this, viewName);
+ view = this.createChildView(view);
+ set(this, viewName, view);
+ } else {
+ view = this.createChildView(viewName);
+ }
+ _childViews[idx] = view;
+ }, this);
+ var currentView = get(this, 'currentView');
+ if (currentView) {
+ if (!_childViews.length) { _childViews = this._childViews = this._childViews.slice(); }
+ _childViews.push(this.createChildView(currentView));
+ }
+ },
+ replace: function(idx, removedCount, addedViews) {
+ var addedCount = addedViews ? get(addedViews, 'length') : 0;
+ var self = this;
+ Ember.assert("You can't add a child to a container - the child is already a child of another view", emberA(addedViews).every(function(item) { return !get(item, '_parentView') || get(item, '_parentView') === self; }));
+ this.arrayContentWillChange(idx, removedCount, addedCount);
+ this.childViewsWillChange(this._childViews, idx, removedCount);
+ if (addedCount === 0) {
+ this._childViews.splice(idx, removedCount) ;
+ } else {
+ var args = [idx, removedCount].concat(addedViews);
+ if (addedViews.length && !this._childViews.length) { this._childViews = this._childViews.slice(); }
+ this._childViews.splice.apply(this._childViews, args);
+ }
+ this.arrayContentDidChange(idx, removedCount, addedCount);
+ this.childViewsDidChange(this._childViews, idx, removedCount, addedCount);
+ return this;
+ },
+ objectAt: function(idx) {
+ return this._childViews[idx];
+ },
+ length: computed(function () {
+ return this._childViews.length;
+ })["volatile"](),
+ /**
+ Instructs each child view to render to the passed render buffer.
+ @private
+ @method render
+ @param {Ember.RenderBuffer} buffer the buffer to render to
+ */
+ render: function(buffer) {
+ var element = buffer.element();
+ var dom = buffer.dom;
+ if (this.tagName === '') {
+ element = dom.createDocumentFragment();
+ buffer._element = element;
+ this._childViewsMorph = dom.appendMorph(element, this._morph.contextualElement);
+ } else {
+ this._childViewsMorph = dom.createMorph(element, element.lastChild, null);
+ }
+ return element;
+ },
+ instrumentName: 'container',
+ /**
+ When a child view is removed, destroy its element so that
+ it is removed from the DOM.
+ The array observer that triggers this action is set up in the
+ `renderToBuffer` method.
+ @private
+ @method childViewsWillChange
+ @param {Ember.Array} views the child views array before mutation
+ @param {Number} start the start position of the mutation
+ @param {Number} removed the number of child views removed
+ **/
+ childViewsWillChange: function(views, start, removed) {
+ this.propertyWillChange('childViews');
+ if (removed > 0) {
+ var changedViews = views.slice(start, start+removed);
+ // transition to preRender before clearing parentView
+ this.currentState.childViewsWillChange(this, views, start, removed);
+ this.initializeViews(changedViews, null, null);
+ }
+ },
+ removeChild: function(child) {
+ this.removeObject(child);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ When a child view is added, make sure the DOM gets updated appropriately.
+ If the view has already rendered an element, we tell the child view to
+ create an element and insert it into the DOM. If the enclosing container
+ view has already written to a buffer, but not yet converted that buffer
+ into an element, we insert the string representation of the child into the
+ appropriate place in the buffer.
+ @private
+ @method childViewsDidChange
+ @param {Ember.Array} views the array of child views after the mutation has occurred
+ @param {Number} start the start position of the mutation
+ @param {Number} removed the number of child views removed
+ @param {Number} added the number of child views added
+ */
+ childViewsDidChange: function(views, start, removed, added) {
+ if (added > 0) {
+ var changedViews = views.slice(start, start+added);
+ this.initializeViews(changedViews, this, get(this, 'templateData'));
+ this.currentState.childViewsDidChange(this, views, start, added);
+ }
+ this.propertyDidChange('childViews');
+ },
+ initializeViews: function(views, parentView, templateData) {
+ forEach(views, function(view) {
+ set(view, '_parentView', parentView);
+ if (!view.container && parentView) {
+ set(view, 'container', parentView.container);
+ }
+ if (!get(view, 'templateData')) {
+ set(view, 'templateData', templateData);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ currentView: null,
+ _currentViewWillChange: beforeObserver('currentView', function() {
+ var currentView = get(this, 'currentView');
+ if (currentView) {
+ currentView.destroy();
+ }
+ }),
+ _currentViewDidChange: observer('currentView', function() {
+ var currentView = get(this, 'currentView');
+ if (currentView) {
+ Ember.assert("You tried to set a current view that already has a parent. Make sure you don't have multiple outlets in the same view.", !get(currentView, '_parentView'));
+ this.pushObject(currentView);
+ }
+ }),
+ _ensureChildrenAreInDOM: function () {
+ this.currentState.ensureChildrenAreInDOM(this);
+ }
+ });
+ merge(states._default, {
+ childViewsWillChange: Ember.K,
+ childViewsDidChange: Ember.K,
+ ensureChildrenAreInDOM: Ember.K
+ });
+ merge(states.inBuffer, {
+ childViewsDidChange: function(parentView, views, start, added) {
+ throw new EmberError('You cannot modify child views while in the inBuffer state');
+ }
+ });
+ merge(states.hasElement, {
+ childViewsWillChange: function(view, views, start, removed) {
+ for (var i=start; i<start+removed; i++) {
+ var _view = views[i];
+ _view._unsubscribeFromStreamBindings();
+ _view.remove();
+ }
+ },
+ childViewsDidChange: function(view, views, start, added) {
+ run.scheduleOnce('render', view, '_ensureChildrenAreInDOM');
+ },
+ ensureChildrenAreInDOM: function(view) {
+ var childViews = view._childViews;
+ var renderer = view._renderer;
+ var i, len, childView;
+ for (i = 0, len = childViews.length; i < len; i++) {
+ childView = childViews[i];
+ if (!childView._elementCreated) {
+ renderer.renderTree(childView, view, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = ContainerView;
+ });
+ ["ember-views/system/renderer","ember-views/views/states","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-runtime/mixins/evented","ember-runtime/mixins/action_handler","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Rerender = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var cloneStates = __dependency2__.cloneStates;
+ var states = __dependency2__.states;
+ var EmberObject = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var Evented = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var ActionHandler = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency6__.get;
+ var computed = __dependency7__.computed;
+ var typeOf = __dependency8__.typeOf;
+ /**
+ `Ember.CoreView` is an abstract class that exists to give view-like behavior
+ to both Ember's main view class `Ember.View` and other classes like
+ `Ember._SimpleMetamorphView` that don't need the fully functionaltiy of
+ `Ember.View`.
+ Unless you have specific needs for `CoreView`, you will use `Ember.View`
+ in your applications.
+ @class CoreView
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ @uses Ember.Evented
+ @uses Ember.ActionHandler
+ */
+ var CoreView = EmberObject.extend(Evented, ActionHandler, {
+ isView: true,
+ isVirtual: false,
+ _states: cloneStates(states),
+ init: function() {
+ this._super();
+ this._transitionTo('preRender');
+ this._isVisible = get(this, 'isVisible');
+ },
+ /**
+ If the view is currently inserted into the DOM of a parent view, this
+ property will point to the parent of the view.
+ @property parentView
+ @type Ember.View
+ @default null
+ */
+ parentView: computed('_parentView', function() {
+ var parent = this._parentView;
+ if (parent && parent.isVirtual) {
+ return get(parent, 'parentView');
+ } else {
+ return parent;
+ }
+ }),
+ _state: null,
+ _parentView: null,
+ // return the current view, not including virtual views
+ concreteView: computed('parentView', function() {
+ if (!this.isVirtual) { return this; }
+ else { return get(this, 'parentView.concreteView'); }
+ }),
+ instrumentName: 'core_view',
+ instrumentDetails: function(hash) {
+ hash.object = this.toString();
+ hash.containerKey = this._debugContainerKey;
+ hash.view = this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Override the default event firing from `Ember.Evented` to
+ also call methods with the given name.
+ @method trigger
+ @param name {String}
+ @private
+ */
+ trigger: function() {
+ this._super.apply(this, arguments);
+ var name = arguments[0];
+ var method = this[name];
+ if (method) {
+ var length = arguments.length;
+ var args = new Array(length - 1);
+ for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) {
+ args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ return method.apply(this, args);
+ }
+ },
+ has: function(name) {
+ return typeOf(this[name]) === 'function' || this._super(name);
+ },
+ destroy: function() {
+ var parent = this._parentView;
+ if (!this._super()) { return; }
+ // destroy the element -- this will avoid each child view destroying
+ // the element over and over again...
+ if (!this.removedFromDOM && this._renderer) {
+ this._renderer.remove(this, true);
+ }
+ // remove from parent if found. Don't call removeFromParent,
+ // as removeFromParent will try to remove the element from
+ // the DOM again.
+ if (parent) { parent.removeChild(this); }
+ this._transitionTo('destroying', false);
+ return this;
+ },
+ clearRenderedChildren: Ember.K,
+ _transitionTo: Ember.K,
+ destroyElement: Ember.K
+ });
+ CoreView.reopenClass({
+ renderer: new Rerender()
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = CoreView;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/merge","ember-views/views/states/default","ember-views/views/states/pre_render","ember-views/views/states/in_buffer","ember-views/views/states/has_element","ember-views/views/states/in_dom","ember-views/views/states/destroying","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var create = __dependency1__.create;
+ var merge = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var _default = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var preRender = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var inBuffer = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var hasElement = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var inDOM = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var destroying = __dependency8__["default"];
+ function cloneStates(from) {
+ var into = {};
+ into._default = {};
+ into.preRender = create(into._default);
+ into.destroying = create(into._default);
+ into.inBuffer = create(into._default);
+ into.hasElement = create(into._default);
+ into.inDOM = create(into.hasElement);
+ for (var stateName in from) {
+ if (!from.hasOwnProperty(stateName)) { continue; }
+ merge(into[stateName], from[stateName]);
+ }
+ return into;
+ }
+ __exports__.cloneStates = cloneStates;var states = {
+ _default: _default,
+ preRender: preRender,
+ inDOM: inDOM,
+ inBuffer: inBuffer,
+ hasElement: hasElement,
+ destroying: destroying
+ };
+ __exports__.states = states;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/error","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.K
+ var EmberError = __dependency2__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = {
+ // appendChild is only legal while rendering the buffer.
+ appendChild: function() {
+ throw new EmberError("You can't use appendChild outside of the rendering process");
+ },
+ $: function() {
+ return undefined;
+ },
+ getElement: function() {
+ return null;
+ },
+ // Handle events from `Ember.EventDispatcher`
+ handleEvent: function() {
+ return true; // continue event propagation
+ },
+ destroyElement: function(view) {
+ if (view._renderer)
+ view._renderer.remove(view, false);
+ return view;
+ },
+ rerender: Ember.K,
+ invokeObserver: Ember.K
+ };
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/platform","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-views/views/states/default","ember-metal/error","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var merge = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency2__.create;
+ var fmt = __dependency3__.fmt;
+ var _default = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var EmberError = __dependency5__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ var destroyingError = "You can't call %@ on a view being destroyed";
+ var destroying = create(_default);
+ merge(destroying, {
+ appendChild: function() {
+ throw new EmberError(fmt(destroyingError, ['appendChild']));
+ },
+ rerender: function() {
+ throw new EmberError(fmt(destroyingError, ['rerender']));
+ },
+ destroyElement: function() {
+ throw new EmberError(fmt(destroyingError, ['destroyElement']));
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = destroying;
+ });
+ ["ember-views/views/states/default","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/platform","ember-views/system/jquery","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/property_get","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var _default = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var merge = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency4__.create;
+ var jQuery = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var EmberError = __dependency6__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ var get = __dependency7__.get;
+ var hasElement = create(_default);
+ merge(hasElement, {
+ $: function(view, sel) {
+ var elem = view.get('concreteView').element;
+ return sel ? jQuery(sel, elem) : jQuery(elem);
+ },
+ getElement: function(view) {
+ var parent = get(view, 'parentView');
+ if (parent) { parent = get(parent, 'element'); }
+ if (parent) { return view.findElementInParentElement(parent); }
+ return jQuery("#" + get(view, 'elementId'))[0];
+ },
+ // once the view has been inserted into the DOM, rerendering is
+ // deferred to allow bindings to synchronize.
+ rerender: function(view) {
+ if (view._root._morph && !view._elementInserted) {
+ throw new EmberError("Something you did caused a view to re-render after it rendered but before it was inserted into the DOM.");
+ }
+ // TODO: should be scheduled with renderer
+ run.scheduleOnce('render', function () {
+ if (view.isDestroying) return;
+ view._renderer.renderTree(view, view._parentView);
+ });
+ },
+ // once the view is already in the DOM, destroying it removes it
+ // from the DOM, nukes its element, and puts it back into the
+ // preRender state if inDOM.
+ destroyElement: function(view) {
+ view._renderer.remove(view, false);
+ return view;
+ },
+ // Handle events from `Ember.EventDispatcher`
+ handleEvent: function(view, eventName, evt) {
+ if (view.has(eventName)) {
+ // Handler should be able to re-dispatch events, so we don't
+ // preventDefault or stopPropagation.
+ return view.trigger(eventName, evt);
+ } else {
+ return true; // continue event propagation
+ }
+ },
+ invokeObserver: function(target, observer) {
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = hasElement;
+ });
+ ["ember-views/views/states/default","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/core","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/merge","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var _default = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var EmberError = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var Ember = __dependency3__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var create = __dependency4__.create;
+ var merge = __dependency5__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ var inBuffer = create(_default);
+ merge(inBuffer, {
+ $: function(view, sel) {
+ // if we don't have an element yet, someone calling this.$() is
+ // trying to update an element that isn't in the DOM. Instead,
+ // rerender the view to allow the render method to reflect the
+ // changes.
+ view.rerender();
+ return Ember.$();
+ },
+ // when a view is rendered in a buffer, rerendering it simply
+ // replaces the existing buffer with a new one
+ rerender: function(view) {
+ throw new EmberError("Something you did caused a view to re-render after it rendered but before it was inserted into the DOM.");
+ },
+ // when a view is rendered in a buffer, appending a child
+ // view will render that view and append the resulting
+ // buffer into its buffer.
+ appendChild: function(view, childView, options) {
+ var buffer = view.buffer;
+ var _childViews = view._childViews;
+ childView = view.createChildView(childView, options);
+ if (!_childViews.length) { _childViews = view._childViews = _childViews.slice(); }
+ _childViews.push(childView);
+ if (!childView._morph) {
+ buffer.pushChildView(childView);
+ }
+ view.propertyDidChange('childViews');
+ return childView;
+ },
+ invokeObserver: function(target, observer) {
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = inBuffer;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/platform","ember-metal/merge","ember-metal/error","ember-views/views/states/has_element","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ // Ember.assert
+ var create = __dependency2__.create;
+ var merge = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var EmberError = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var hasElement = __dependency5__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ var inDOM = create(hasElement);
+ var View;
+ merge(inDOM, {
+ enter: function(view) {
+ if (!View) { View = requireModule('ember-views/views/view')["default"]; } // ES6TODO: this sucks. Have to avoid cycles...
+ // Register the view for event handling. This hash is used by
+ // Ember.EventDispatcher to dispatch incoming events.
+ if (!view.isVirtual) {
+ Ember.assert("Attempted to register a view with an id already in use: "+view.elementId, !View.views[view.elementId]);
+ View.views[view.elementId] = view;
+ }
+ view.addBeforeObserver('elementId', function() {
+ throw new EmberError("Changing a view's elementId after creation is not allowed");
+ });
+ },
+ exit: function(view) {
+ if (!View) { View = requireModule('ember-views/views/view')["default"]; } // ES6TODO: this sucks. Have to avoid cycles...
+ if (!this.isVirtual) delete View.views[view.elementId];
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = inDOM;
+ });
+ ["ember-views/views/states/default","ember-metal/platform","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var _default = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency2__.create;
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ var preRender = create(_default);
+ __exports__["default"] = preRender;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal/core","ember-metal/platform","ember-runtime/mixins/evented","ember-runtime/system/object","ember-metal/error","ember-metal/property_get","ember-metal/property_set","ember-metal/set_properties","ember-metal/run_loop","ember-metal/observer","ember-metal/properties","ember-metal/utils","ember-metal/computed","ember-metal/mixin","ember-metal/streams/simple","ember-views/streams/key_stream","ember-metal/streams/stream_binding","ember-views/streams/context_stream","ember-metal/is_none","ember-metal/deprecate_property","ember-runtime/system/native_array","ember-runtime/system/string","ember-metal/enumerable_utils","ember-metal/property_events","ember-views/system/jquery","ember-views/system/ext","ember-views/views/core_view","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __dependency15__, __dependency16__, __dependency17__, __dependency18__, __dependency19__, __dependency20__, __dependency21__, __dependency22__, __dependency23__, __dependency24__, __dependency25__, __dependency26__, __dependency27__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ // Ember.assert, Ember.deprecate, Ember.warn, Ember.TEMPLATES,
+ // Ember.K, jQuery, Ember.lookup,
+ // Ember.ContainerView circular dependency
+ // Ember.ENV
+ var Ember = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var create = __dependency2__.create;
+ var Evented = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var EmberObject = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var EmberError = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var get = __dependency6__.get;
+ var set = __dependency7__.set;
+ var setProperties = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var run = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var addObserver = __dependency10__.addObserver;
+ var removeObserver = __dependency10__.removeObserver;
+ var defineProperty = __dependency11__.defineProperty;
+ var guidFor = __dependency12__.guidFor;
+ var computed = __dependency13__.computed;
+ var observer =;
+ var SimpleStream = __dependency15__["default"];
+ var KeyStream = __dependency16__["default"];
+ var StreamBinding = __dependency17__["default"];
+ var ContextStream = __dependency18__["default"];
+ var typeOf = __dependency12__.typeOf;
+ var isArray = __dependency12__.isArray;
+ var isNone = __dependency19__["default"];
+ var Mixin = __dependency14__.Mixin;
+ var deprecateProperty = __dependency20__.deprecateProperty;
+ var emberA = __dependency21__.A;
+ var dasherize = __dependency22__.dasherize;
+ // ES6TODO: functions on EnumerableUtils should get their own export
+ var forEach = __dependency23__.forEach;
+ var addObject = __dependency23__.addObject;
+ var removeObject = __dependency23__.removeObject;
+ var beforeObserver = __dependency14__.beforeObserver;
+ var propertyWillChange = __dependency24__.propertyWillChange;
+ var propertyDidChange = __dependency24__.propertyDidChange;
+ var jQuery = __dependency25__["default"];
+ // for the side effect of extending
+ var CoreView = __dependency27__["default"];
+ /**
+ @module ember
+ @submodule ember-views
+ */
+ var childViewsProperty = computed(function() {
+ var childViews = this._childViews;
+ var ret = emberA();
+ forEach(childViews, function(view) {
+ var currentChildViews;
+ if (view.isVirtual) {
+ if (currentChildViews = get(view, 'childViews')) {
+ ret.pushObjects(currentChildViews);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ret.push(view);
+ }
+ });
+ ret.replace = function (idx, removedCount, addedViews) {
+ throw new EmberError("childViews is immutable");
+ };
+ return ret;
+ });
+ Ember.warn("The VIEW_PRESERVES_CONTEXT flag has been removed and the functionality can no longer be disabled.", Ember.ENV.VIEW_PRESERVES_CONTEXT !== false);
+ /**
+ Global hash of shared templates. This will automatically be populated
+ by the build tools so that you can store your Handlebars templates in
+ separate files that get loaded into JavaScript at buildtime.
+ @property TEMPLATES
+ @for Ember
+ @type Hash
+ */
+ Ember.TEMPLATES = {};
+ var EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
+ /**
+ `Ember.View` is the class in Ember responsible for encapsulating templates of
+ HTML content, combining templates with data to render as sections of a page's
+ DOM, and registering and responding to user-initiated events.
+ ## HTML Tag
+ The default HTML tag name used for a view's DOM representation is `div`. This
+ can be customized by setting the `tagName` property. The following view
+ class:
+ ```javascript
+ ParagraphView = Ember.View.extend({
+ tagName: 'em'
+ });
+ ```
+ Would result in instances with the following HTML:
+ ```html
+ <em id="ember1" class="ember-view"></em>
+ ```
+ ## HTML `class` Attribute
+ The HTML `class` attribute of a view's tag can be set by providing a
+ `classNames` property that is set to an array of strings:
+ ```javascript
+ MyView = Ember.View.extend({
+ classNames: ['my-class', 'my-other-class']
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view my-class my-other-class"></div>
+ ```
+ `class` attribute values can also be set by providing a `classNameBindings`
+ property set to an array of properties names for the view. The return value
+ of these properties will be added as part of the value for the view's `class`
+ attribute. These properties can be computed properties:
+ ```javascript
+ MyView = Ember.View.extend({
+ classNameBindings: ['propertyA', 'propertyB'],
+ propertyA: 'from-a',
+ propertyB: function() {
+ if (someLogic) { return 'from-b'; }
+ }.property()
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view from-a from-b"></div>
+ ```
+ If the value of a class name binding returns a boolean the property name
+ itself will be used as the class name if the property is true. The class name
+ will not be added if the value is `false` or `undefined`.
+ ```javascript
+ MyView = Ember.View.extend({
+ classNameBindings: ['hovered'],
+ hovered: true
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view hovered"></div>
+ ```
+ When using boolean class name bindings you can supply a string value other
+ than the property name for use as the `class` HTML attribute by appending the
+ preferred value after a ":" character when defining the binding:
+ ```javascript
+ MyView = Ember.View.extend({
+ classNameBindings: ['awesome:so-very-cool'],
+ awesome: true
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view so-very-cool"></div>
+ ```
+ Boolean value class name bindings whose property names are in a
+ camelCase-style format will be converted to a dasherized format:
+ ```javascript
+ MyView = Ember.View.extend({
+ classNameBindings: ['isUrgent'],
+ isUrgent: true
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view is-urgent"></div>
+ ```
+ Class name bindings can also refer to object values that are found by
+ traversing a path relative to the view itself:
+ ```javascript
+ MyView = Ember.View.extend({
+ classNameBindings: ['messages.empty']
+ messages: Ember.Object.create({
+ empty: true
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view empty"></div>
+ ```
+ If you want to add a class name for a property which evaluates to true and
+ and a different class name if it evaluates to false, you can pass a binding
+ like this:
+ ```javascript
+ // Applies 'enabled' class when isEnabled is true and 'disabled' when isEnabled is false
+ Ember.View.extend({
+ classNameBindings: ['isEnabled:enabled:disabled']
+ isEnabled: true
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view enabled"></div>
+ ```
+ When isEnabled is `false`, the resulting HTML reprensentation looks like
+ this:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view disabled"></div>
+ ```
+ This syntax offers the convenience to add a class if a property is `false`:
+ ```javascript
+ // Applies no class when isEnabled is true and class 'disabled' when isEnabled is false
+ Ember.View.extend({
+ classNameBindings: ['isEnabled::disabled']
+ isEnabled: true
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view"></div>
+ ```
+ When the `isEnabled` property on the view is set to `false`, it will result
+ in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view disabled"></div>
+ ```
+ Updates to the the value of a class name binding will result in automatic
+ update of the HTML `class` attribute in the view's rendered HTML
+ representation. If the value becomes `false` or `undefined` the class name
+ will be removed.
+ Both `classNames` and `classNameBindings` are concatenated properties. See
+ [Ember.Object](/api/classes/Ember.Object.html) documentation for more
+ information about concatenated properties.
+ ## HTML Attributes
+ The HTML attribute section of a view's tag can be set by providing an
+ `attributeBindings` property set to an array of property names on the view.
+ The return value of these properties will be used as the value of the view's
+ HTML associated attribute:
+ ```javascript
+ AnchorView = Ember.View.extend({
+ tagName: 'a',
+ attributeBindings: ['href'],
+ href: ''
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <a id="ember1" class="ember-view" href=""></a>
+ ```
+ One property can be mapped on to another by placing a ":" between
+ the source property and the destination property:
+ ```javascript
+ AnchorView = Ember.View.extend({
+ tagName: 'a',
+ attributeBindings: ['url:href'],
+ url: ''
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <a id="ember1" class="ember-view" href=""></a>
+ ```
+ If the return value of an `attributeBindings` monitored property is a boolean
+ the property will follow HTML's pattern of repeating the attribute's name as
+ its value:
+ ```javascript
+ MyTextInput = Ember.View.extend({
+ tagName: 'input',
+ attributeBindings: ['disabled'],
+ disabled: true
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <input id="ember1" class="ember-view" disabled="disabled" />
+ ```
+ `attributeBindings` can refer to computed properties:
+ ```javascript
+ MyTextInput = Ember.View.extend({
+ tagName: 'input',
+ attributeBindings: ['disabled'],
+ disabled: function() {
+ if (someLogic) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }.property()
+ });
+ ```
+ Updates to the the property of an attribute binding will result in automatic
+ update of the HTML attribute in the view's rendered HTML representation.
+ `attributeBindings` is a concatenated property. See [Ember.Object](/api/classes/Ember.Object.html)
+ documentation for more information about concatenated properties.
+ ## Templates
+ The HTML contents of a view's rendered representation are determined by its
+ template. Templates can be any function that accepts an optional context
+ parameter and returns a string of HTML that will be inserted within the
+ view's tag. Most typically in Ember this function will be a compiled
+ `Ember.Handlebars` template.
+ ```javascript
+ AView = Ember.View.extend({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('I am the template')
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view">I am the template</div>
+ ```
+ Within an Ember application is more common to define a Handlebars templates as
+ part of a page:
+ ```html
+ <script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='some-template'>
+ Hello
+ </script>
+ ```
+ And associate it by name using a view's `templateName` property:
+ ```javascript
+ AView = Ember.View.extend({
+ templateName: 'some-template'
+ });
+ ```
+ If you have nested resources, your Handlebars template will look like this:
+ ```html
+ <script type='text/x-handlebars' data-template-name='posts/new'>
+ <h1>New Post</h1>
+ </script>
+ ```
+ And `templateName` property:
+ ```javascript
+ AView = Ember.View.extend({
+ templateName: 'posts/new'
+ });
+ ```
+ Using a value for `templateName` that does not have a Handlebars template
+ with a matching `data-template-name` attribute will throw an error.
+ For views classes that may have a template later defined (e.g. as the block
+ portion of a `{{view}}` Handlebars helper call in another template or in
+ a subclass), you can provide a `defaultTemplate` property set to compiled
+ template function. If a template is not later provided for the view instance
+ the `defaultTemplate` value will be used:
+ ```javascript
+ AView = Ember.View.extend({
+ defaultTemplate: Ember.Handlebars.compile('I was the default'),
+ template: null,
+ templateName: null
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view">I was the default</div>
+ ```
+ If a `template` or `templateName` is provided it will take precedence over
+ `defaultTemplate`:
+ ```javascript
+ AView = Ember.View.extend({
+ defaultTemplate: Ember.Handlebars.compile('I was the default')
+ });
+ aView = AView.create({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('I was the template, not default')
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in the following HTML representation when rendered:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view">I was the template, not default</div>
+ ```
+ ## View Context
+ The default context of the compiled template is the view's controller:
+ ```javascript
+ AView = Ember.View.extend({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('Hello {{excitedGreeting}}')
+ });
+ aController = Ember.Object.create({
+ firstName: 'Barry',
+ excitedGreeting: function() {
+ return this.get("content.firstName") + "!!!"
+ }.property()
+ });
+ aView = AView.create({
+ controller: aController
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view">Hello Barry!!!</div>
+ ```
+ A context can also be explicitly supplied through the view's `context`
+ property. If the view has neither `context` nor `controller` properties, the
+ `parentView`'s context will be used.
+ ## Layouts
+ Views can have a secondary template that wraps their main template. Like
+ primary templates, layouts can be any function that accepts an optional
+ context parameter and returns a string of HTML that will be inserted inside
+ view's tag. Views whose HTML element is self closing (e.g. `<input />`)
+ cannot have a layout and this property will be ignored.
+ Most typically in Ember a layout will be a compiled `Ember.Handlebars`
+ template.
+ A view's layout can be set directly with the `layout` property or reference
+ an existing Handlebars template by name with the `layoutName` property.
+ A template used as a layout must contain a single use of the Handlebars
+ `{{yield}}` helper. The HTML contents of a view's rendered `template` will be
+ inserted at this location:
+ ```javascript
+ AViewWithLayout = Ember.View.extend({
+ layout: Ember.Handlebars.compile("<div class='my-decorative-class'>{{yield}}</div>"),
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("I got wrapped")
+ });
+ ```
+ Will result in view instances with an HTML representation of:
+ ```html
+ <div id="ember1" class="ember-view">
+ <div class="my-decorative-class">
+ I got wrapped
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ ```
+ See [Ember.Handlebars.helpers.yield](/api/classes/Ember.Handlebars.helpers.html#method_yield)
+ for more information.
+ ## Responding to Browser Events
+ Views can respond to user-initiated events in one of three ways: method
+ implementation, through an event manager, and through `{{action}}` helper use
+ in their template or layout.
+ ### Method Implementation
+ Views can respond to user-initiated events by implementing a method that
+ matches the event name. A `jQuery.Event` object will be passed as the
+ argument to this method.
+ ```javascript
+ AView = Ember.View.extend({
+ click: function(event) {
+ // will be called when when an instance's
+ // rendered element is clicked
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ ### Event Managers
+ Views can define an object as their `eventManager` property. This object can
+ then implement methods that match the desired event names. Matching events
+ that occur on the view's rendered HTML or the rendered HTML of any of its DOM
+ descendants will trigger this method. A `jQuery.Event` object will be passed
+ as the first argument to the method and an `Ember.View` object as the
+ second. The `Ember.View` will be the view whose rendered HTML was interacted
+ with. This may be the view with the `eventManager` property or one of its
+ descendent views.
+ ```javascript
+ AView = Ember.View.extend({
+ eventManager: Ember.Object.create({
+ doubleClick: function(event, view) {
+ // will be called when when an instance's
+ // rendered element or any rendering
+ // of this views's descendent
+ // elements is clicked
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ An event defined for an event manager takes precedence over events of the
+ same name handled through methods on the view.
+ ```javascript
+ AView = Ember.View.extend({
+ mouseEnter: function(event) {
+ // will never trigger.
+ },
+ eventManager: Ember.Object.create({
+ mouseEnter: function(event, view) {
+ // takes precedence over AView#mouseEnter
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ ```
+ Similarly a view's event manager will take precedence for events of any views
+ rendered as a descendent. A method name that matches an event name will not
+ be called if the view instance was rendered inside the HTML representation of
+ a view that has an `eventManager` property defined that handles events of the
+ name. Events not handled by the event manager will still trigger method calls
+ on the descendent.
+ ```javascript
+ var App = Ember.Application.create();
+ App.OuterView = Ember.View.extend({
+ template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("outer {{#view 'inner'}}inner{{/view}} outer"),
+ eventManager: Ember.Object.create({
+ mouseEnter: function(event, view) {
+ // view might be instance of either
+ // OuterView or InnerView depending on
+ // where on the page the user interaction occured
+ }
+ })
+ });
+ App.InnerView = Ember.View.extend({
+ click: function(event) {
+ // will be called if rendered inside
+ // an OuterView because OuterView's
+ // eventManager doesn't handle click events
+ },
+ mouseEnter: function(event) {
+ // will never be called if rendered inside
+ // an OuterView.
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ ### Handlebars `{{action}}` Helper
+ See [Handlebars.helpers.action](/api/classes/Ember.Handlebars.helpers.html#method_action).
+ ### Event Names
+ All of the event handling approaches described above respond to the same set
+ of events. The names of the built-in events are listed below. (The hash of
+ built-in events exists in `Ember.EventDispatcher`.) Additional, custom events
+ can be registered by using `Ember.Application.customEvents`.
+ Touch events:
+ * `touchStart`
+ * `touchMove`
+ * `touchEnd`
+ * `touchCancel`
+ Keyboard events
+ * `keyDown`
+ * `keyUp`
+ * `keyPress`
+ Mouse events
+ * `mouseDown`
+ * `mouseUp`
+ * `contextMenu`
+ * `click`
+ * `doubleClick`
+ * `mouseMove`
+ * `focusIn`
+ * `focusOut`
+ * `mouseEnter`
+ * `mouseLeave`
+ Form events:
+ * `submit`
+ * `change`
+ * `focusIn`
+ * `focusOut`
+ * `input`
+ HTML5 drag and drop events:
+ * `dragStart`
+ * `drag`
+ * `dragEnter`
+ * `dragLeave`
+ * `dragOver`
+ * `dragEnd`
+ * `drop`
+ ## Handlebars `{{view}}` Helper
+ Other `Ember.View` instances can be included as part of a view's template by
+ using the `{{view}}` Handlebars helper. See [Ember.Handlebars.helpers.view](/api/classes/Ember.Handlebars.helpers.html#method_view)
+ for additional information.
+ @class View
+ @namespace Ember
+ @extends Ember.CoreView
+ */
+ var View = CoreView.extend({
+ concatenatedProperties: ['classNames', 'classNameBindings', 'attributeBindings'],
+ /**
+ @property isView
+ @type Boolean
+ @default true
+ @static
+ */
+ isView: true,
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ The name of the template to lookup if no template is provided.
+ By default `Ember.View` will lookup a template with this name in
+ `Ember.TEMPLATES` (a shared global object).
+ @property templateName
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ */
+ templateName: null,
+ /**
+ The name of the layout to lookup if no layout is provided.
+ By default `Ember.View` will lookup a template with this name in
+ `Ember.TEMPLATES` (a shared global object).
+ @property layoutName
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ */
+ layoutName: null,
+ /**
+ Used to identify this view during debugging
+ @property instrumentDisplay
+ @type String
+ */
+ instrumentDisplay: computed(function() {
+ if (this.helperName) {
+ return '{{' + this.helperName + '}}';
+ }
+ }),
+ /**
+ The template used to render the view. This should be a function that
+ accepts an optional context parameter and returns a string of HTML that
+ will be inserted into the DOM relative to its parent view.
+ In general, you should set the `templateName` property instead of setting
+ the template yourself.
+ @property template
+ @type Function
+ */
+ template: computed('templateName', function(key, value) {
+ if (value !== undefined) { return value; }
+ var templateName = get(this, 'templateName');
+ var template = this.templateForName(templateName, 'template');
+ Ember.assert("You specified the templateName " + templateName + " for " + this + ", but it did not exist.", !templateName || template);
+ return template || get(this, 'defaultTemplate');
+ }),
+ /**
+ The controller managing this view. If this property is set, it will be
+ made available for use by the template.
+ @property controller
+ @type Object
+ */
+ controller: computed('_parentView', function(key) {
+ var parentView = get(this, '_parentView');
+ return parentView ? get(parentView, 'controller') : null;
+ }),
+ /**
+ A view may contain a layout. A layout is a regular template but
+ supersedes the `template` property during rendering. It is the
+ responsibility of the layout template to retrieve the `template`
+ property from the view (or alternatively, call `Handlebars.helpers.yield`,
+ `{{yield}}`) to render it in the correct location.
+ This is useful for a view that has a shared wrapper, but which delegates
+ the rendering of the contents of the wrapper to the `template` property
+ on a subclass.
+ @property layout
+ @type Function
+ */
+ layout: computed(function(key) {
+ var layoutName = get(this, 'layoutName');
+ var layout = this.templateForName(layoutName, 'layout');
+ Ember.assert("You specified the layoutName " + layoutName + " for " + this + ", but it did not exist.", !layoutName || layout);
+ return layout || get(this, 'defaultLayout');
+ }).property('layoutName'),
+ _yield: function(context, options) {
+ var template = get(this, 'template');
+ if (template) { template(context, options); }
+ },
+ templateForName: function(name, type) {
+ if (!name) { return; }
+ Ember.assert("templateNames are not allowed to contain periods: "+name, name.indexOf('.') === -1);
+ if (!this.container) {
+ throw new EmberError('Container was not found when looking up a views template. ' +
+ 'This is most likely due to manually instantiating an Ember.View. ' +
+ 'See:');
+ }
+ return this.container.lookup('template:' + name);
+ },
+ /**
+ The object from which templates should access properties.
+ This object will be passed to the template function each time the render
+ method is called, but it is up to the individual function to decide what
+ to do with it.
+ By default, this will be the view's controller.
+ @property context
+ @type Object
+ */
+ context: computed(function(key, value) {
+ if (arguments.length === 2) {
+ set(this, '_context', value);
+ return value;
+ } else {
+ return get(this, '_context');
+ }
+ })["volatile"](),
+ /**
+ Private copy of the view's template context. This can be set directly
+ by Handlebars without triggering the observer that causes the view
+ to be re-rendered.
+ The context of a view is looked up as follows:
+ 1. Supplied context (usually by Handlebars)
+ 2. Specified controller
+ 3. `parentView`'s context (for a child of a ContainerView)
+ The code in Handlebars that overrides the `_context` property first
+ checks to see whether the view has a specified controller. This is
+ something of a hack and should be revisited.
+ @property _context
+ @private
+ */
+ _context: computed(function(key) {
+ var parentView, controller;
+ if (controller = get(this, 'controller')) {
+ return controller;
+ }
+ parentView = this._parentView;
+ if (parentView) {
+ return get(parentView, '_context');
+ }
+ return null;
+ }),
+ /**
+ If a value that affects template rendering changes, the view should be
+ re-rendered to reflect the new value.
+ @method _contextDidChange
+ @private
+ */
+ _contextDidChange: observer('context', function() {
+ this.rerender();
+ }),
+ /**
+ If `false`, the view will appear hidden in DOM.
+ @property isVisible
+ @type Boolean
+ @default null
+ */
+ isVisible: true,
+ /**
+ Array of child views. You should never edit this array directly.
+ Instead, use `appendChild` and `removeFromParent`.
+ @property childViews
+ @type Array
+ @default []
+ @private
+ */
+ childViews: childViewsProperty,
+ _childViews: EMPTY_ARRAY,
+ // When it's a virtual view, we need to notify the parent that their
+ // childViews will change.
+ _childViewsWillChange: beforeObserver('childViews', function() {
+ if (this.isVirtual) {
+ var parentView = get(this, 'parentView');
+ if (parentView) { propertyWillChange(parentView, 'childViews'); }
+ }
+ }),
+ // When it's a virtual view, we need to notify the parent that their
+ // childViews did change.
+ _childViewsDidChange: observer('childViews', function() {
+ if (this.isVirtual) {
+ var parentView = get(this, 'parentView');
+ if (parentView) { propertyDidChange(parentView, 'childViews'); }
+ }
+ }),
+ /**
+ Return the nearest ancestor that is an instance of the provided
+ class.
+ @method nearestInstanceOf
+ @param {Class} klass Subclass of Ember.View (or Ember.View itself)
+ @return Ember.View
+ @deprecated
+ */
+ nearestInstanceOf: function(klass) {
+ Ember.deprecate("nearestInstanceOf is deprecated and will be removed from future releases. Use nearestOfType.");
+ var view = get(this, 'parentView');
+ while (view) {
+ if (view instanceof klass) { return view; }
+ view = get(view, 'parentView');
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Return the nearest ancestor that is an instance of the provided
+ class or mixin.
+ @method nearestOfType
+ @param {Class,Mixin} klass Subclass of Ember.View (or Ember.View itself),
+ or an instance of Ember.Mixin.
+ @return Ember.View
+ */
+ nearestOfType: function(klass) {
+ var view = get(this, 'parentView');
+ var isOfType = klass instanceof Mixin ?
+ function(view) { return klass.detect(view); } :
+ function(view) { return klass.detect(view.constructor); };
+ while (view) {
+ if (isOfType(view)) { return view; }
+ view = get(view, 'parentView');
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Return the nearest ancestor that has a given property.
+ @method nearestWithProperty
+ @param {String} property A property name
+ @return Ember.View
+ */
+ nearestWithProperty: function(property) {
+ var view = get(this, 'parentView');
+ while (view) {
+ if (property in view) { return view; }
+ view = get(view, 'parentView');
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Return the nearest ancestor whose parent is an instance of
+ `klass`.
+ @method nearestChildOf
+ @param {Class} klass Subclass of Ember.View (or Ember.View itself)
+ @return Ember.View
+ */
+ nearestChildOf: function(klass) {
+ var view = get(this, 'parentView');
+ while (view) {
+ if (get(view, 'parentView') instanceof klass) { return view; }
+ view = get(view, 'parentView');
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ When the parent view changes, recursively invalidate `controller`
+ @method _parentViewDidChange
+ @private
+ */
+ _parentViewDidChange: observer('_parentView', function() {
+ if (this.isDestroying) { return; }
+ this._setupKeywords();
+ this.trigger('parentViewDidChange');
+ if (get(this, 'parentView.controller') && !get(this, 'controller')) {
+ this.notifyPropertyChange('controller');
+ }
+ }),
+ _controllerDidChange: observer('controller', function() {
+ if (this.isDestroying) { return; }
+ this.rerender();
+ this.forEachChildView(function(view) {
+ view.propertyDidChange('controller');
+ });
+ }),
+ _setupKeywords: function() {
+ var keywords = this._keywords;
+ var contextView = this._contextView || this._parentView;
+ if (contextView) {
+ var parentKeywords = contextView._keywords;
+ keywords.view.setSource(this.isVirtual ? parentKeywords.view : this);
+ for (var name in parentKeywords) {
+ if (keywords[name]) continue;
+ keywords[name] = parentKeywords[name];
+ }
+ } else {
+ keywords.view.setSource(this.isVirtual ? null : this);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Called on your view when it should push strings of HTML into a
+ `Ember.RenderBuffer`. Most users will want to override the `template`
+ or `templateName` properties instead of this method.
+ By default, `Ember.View` will look for a function in the `template`
+ property and invoke it with the value of `context`. The value of
+ `context` will be the view's controller unless you override it.
+ @method render
+ @param {Ember.RenderBuffer} buffer The render buffer
+ */
+ render: function(buffer) {
+ // If this view has a layout, it is the responsibility of the
+ // the layout to render the view's template. Otherwise, render the template
+ // directly.
+ var template = get(this, 'layout') || get(this, 'template');
+ if (template) {
+ var context = get(this, 'context');
+ var output;
+ var data = {
+ view: this,
+ buffer: buffer,
+ isRenderData: true
+ };
+ // Invoke the template with the provided template context, which
+ // is the view's controller by default. A hash of data is also passed that provides
+ // the template with access to the view and render buffer.
+ Ember.assert('template must be a function. Did you mean to call Ember.Handlebars.compile("...") or specify templateName instead?', typeof template === 'function');
+ // The template should write directly to the render buffer instead
+ // of returning a string.
+ output = template(context, { data: data });
+ // If the template returned a string instead of writing to the buffer,
+ // push the string onto the buffer.
+ if (output !== undefined) { buffer.push(output); }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Renders the view again. This will work regardless of whether the
+ view is already in the DOM or not. If the view is in the DOM, the
+ rendering process will be deferred to give bindings a chance
+ to synchronize.
+ If children were added during the rendering process using `appendChild`,
+ `rerender` will remove them, because they will be added again
+ if needed by the next `render`.
+ In general, if the display of your view changes, you should modify
+ the DOM element directly instead of manually calling `rerender`, which can
+ be slow.
+ @method rerender
+ */
+ rerender: function() {
+ return this.currentState.rerender(this);
+ },
+ /**
+ Iterates over the view's `classNameBindings` array, inserts the value
+ of the specified property into the `classNames` array, then creates an
+ observer to update the view's element if the bound property ever changes
+ in the future.
+ @method _applyClassNameBindings
+ @private
+ */
+ _applyClassNameBindings: function(classBindings) {
+ var classNames = this.classNames;
+ var elem, newClass, dasherizedClass;
+ // Loop through all of the configured bindings. These will be either
+ // property names ('isUrgent') or property paths relative to the view
+ // ('content.isUrgent')
+ forEach(classBindings, function(binding) {
+ var parsedPath;
+ if (typeof binding === 'string') {
+ Ember.assert("classNameBindings must not have spaces in them. Multiple class name bindings can be provided as elements of an array, e.g. ['foo', ':bar']", binding.indexOf(' ') === -1);
+ parsedPath = View._parsePropertyPath(binding);
+ if (parsedPath.path === '') {
+ = new SimpleStream(true);
+ } else {
+ = this.getStream('_view.' + parsedPath.path);
+ }
+ } else {
+ parsedPath = binding;
+ }
+ // Variable in which the old class value is saved. The observer function
+ // closes over this variable, so it knows which string to remove when
+ // the property changes.
+ var oldClass;
+ // Set up an observer on the context. If the property changes, toggle the
+ // class name.
+ var observer = this._wrapAsScheduled(function() {
+ // Get the current value of the property
+ newClass = this._classStringForProperty(parsedPath);
+ elem = this.$();
+ // If we had previously added a class to the element, remove it.
+ if (oldClass) {
+ elem.removeClass(oldClass);
+ // Also remove from classNames so that if the view gets rerendered,
+ // the class doesn't get added back to the DOM.
+ classNames.removeObject(oldClass);
+ }
+ // If necessary, add a new class. Make sure we keep track of it so
+ // it can be removed in the future.
+ if (newClass) {
+ elem.addClass(newClass);
+ oldClass = newClass;
+ } else {
+ oldClass = null;
+ }
+ });
+ // Get the class name for the property at its current value
+ dasherizedClass = this._classStringForProperty(parsedPath);
+ if (dasherizedClass) {
+ // Ensure that it gets into the classNames array
+ // so it is displayed when we render.
+ addObject(classNames, dasherizedClass);
+ // Save a reference to the class name so we can remove it
+ // if the observer fires. Remember that this variable has
+ // been closed over by the observer.
+ oldClass = dasherizedClass;
+ }
+, this);
+ // Remove className so when the view is rerendered,
+ // the className is added based on binding reevaluation
+'willClearRender', function() {
+ if (oldClass) {
+ classNames.removeObject(oldClass);
+ oldClass = null;
+ }
+ });
+ }, this);
+ },
+ _unspecifiedAttributeBindings: null,
+ /**
+ Iterates through the view's attribute bindings, sets up observers for each,
+ then applies the current value of the attributes to the passed render buffer.
+ @method _applyAttributeBindings
+ @param {Ember.RenderBuffer} buffer
+ @private
+ */
+ _applyAttributeBindings: function(buffer, attributeBindings) {
+ var attributeValue;
+ var unspecifiedAttributeBindings = this._unspecifiedAttributeBindings = this._unspecifiedAttributeBindings || {};
+ forEach(attributeBindings, function(binding) {
+ var split = binding.split(':');
+ var property = split[0];
+ var attributeName = split[1] || property;
+ Ember.assert('You cannot use class as an attributeBinding, use classNameBindings instead.', attributeName !== 'class');
+ if (property in this) {
+ this._setupAttributeBindingObservation(property, attributeName);
+ // Determine the current value and add it to the render buffer
+ // if necessary.
+ attributeValue = get(this, property);
+ View.applyAttributeBindings(buffer, attributeName, attributeValue);
+ } else {
+ unspecifiedAttributeBindings[property] = attributeName;
+ }
+ }, this);
+ // Lazily setup setUnknownProperty after attributeBindings are initially applied
+ this.setUnknownProperty = this._setUnknownProperty;
+ },
+ _setupAttributeBindingObservation: function(property, attributeName) {
+ var attributeValue, elem;
+ // Create an observer to add/remove/change the attribute if the
+ // JavaScript property changes.
+ var observer = function() {
+ elem = this.$();
+ attributeValue = get(this, property);
+ View.applyAttributeBindings(elem, attributeName, attributeValue);
+ };
+ this.registerObserver(this, property, observer);
+ },
+ /**
+ We're using setUnknownProperty as a hook to setup attributeBinding observers for
+ properties that aren't defined on a view at initialization time.
+ Note: setUnknownProperty will only be called once for each property.
+ @method setUnknownProperty
+ @param key
+ @param value
+ @private
+ */
+ setUnknownProperty: null, // Gets defined after initialization by _applyAttributeBindings
+ _setUnknownProperty: function(key, value) {
+ var attributeName = this._unspecifiedAttributeBindings && this._unspecifiedAttributeBindings[key];
+ if (attributeName) {
+ this._setupAttributeBindingObservation(key, attributeName);
+ }
+ defineProperty(this, key);
+ return set(this, key, value);
+ },
+ /**
+ Given a property name, returns a dasherized version of that
+ property name if the property evaluates to a non-falsy value.
+ For example, if the view has property `isUrgent` that evaluates to true,
+ passing `isUrgent` to this method will return `"is-urgent"`.
+ @method _classStringForProperty
+ @param property
+ @private
+ */
+ _classStringForProperty: function(parsedPath) {
+ return View._classStringForValue(parsedPath.path,, parsedPath.className, parsedPath.falsyClassName);
+ },
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ Returns the current DOM element for the view.
+ @property element
+ @type DOMElement
+ */
+ element: null,
+ /**
+ Returns a jQuery object for this view's element. If you pass in a selector
+ string, this method will return a jQuery object, using the current element
+ as its buffer.
+ For example, calling `view.$('li')` will return a jQuery object containing
+ all of the `li` elements inside the DOM element of this view.
+ @method $
+ @param {String} [selector] a jQuery-compatible selector string
+ @return {jQuery} the jQuery object for the DOM node
+ */
+ $: function(sel) {
+ return this.currentState.$(this, sel);
+ },
+ mutateChildViews: function(callback) {
+ var childViews = this._childViews;
+ var idx = childViews.length;
+ var view;
+ while(--idx >= 0) {
+ view = childViews[idx];
+ callback(this, view, idx);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ forEachChildView: function(callback) {
+ var childViews = this._childViews;
+ if (!childViews) { return this; }
+ var len = childViews.length;
+ var view, idx;
+ for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
+ view = childViews[idx];
+ callback(view);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Appends the view's element to the specified parent element.
+ If the view does not have an HTML representation yet, `createElement()`
+ will be called automatically.
+ Note that this method just schedules the view to be appended; the DOM
+ element will not be appended to the given element until all bindings have
+ finished synchronizing.
+ This is not typically a function that you will need to call directly when
+ building your application. You might consider using `Ember.ContainerView`
+ instead. If you do need to use `appendTo`, be sure that the target element
+ you are providing is associated with an `Ember.Application` and does not
+ have an ancestor element that is associated with an Ember view.
+ @method appendTo
+ @param {String|DOMElement|jQuery} A selector, element, HTML string, or jQuery object
+ @return {Ember.View} receiver
+ */
+ appendTo: function(selector) {
+ var target = jQuery(selector);
+ Ember.assert("You tried to append to (" + selector + ") but that isn't in the DOM", target.length > 0);
+ Ember.assert("You cannot append to an existing Ember.View. Consider using Ember.ContainerView instead.", !'.ember-view') && !target.parents().is('.ember-view'));
+ this.constructor.renderer.appendTo(this, target[0]);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Replaces the content of the specified parent element with this view's
+ element. If the view does not have an HTML representation yet,
+ `createElement()` will be called automatically.
+ Note that this method just schedules the view to be appended; the DOM
+ element will not be appended to the given element until all bindings have
+ finished synchronizing
+ @method replaceIn
+ @param {String|DOMElement|jQuery} target A selector, element, HTML string, or jQuery object
+ @return {Ember.View} received
+ */
+ replaceIn: function(selector) {
+ var target = jQuery(selector);
+ Ember.assert("You tried to replace in (" + selector + ") but that isn't in the DOM", target.length > 0);
+ Ember.assert("You cannot replace an existing Ember.View. Consider using Ember.ContainerView instead.", !'.ember-view') && !target.parents().is('.ember-view'));
+ this.constructor.renderer.replaceIn(this, target[0]);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Appends the view's element to the document body. If the view does
+ not have an HTML representation yet, `createElement()` will be called
+ automatically.
+ If your application uses the `rootElement` property, you must append
+ the view within that element. Rendering views outside of the `rootElement`
+ is not supported.
+ Note that this method just schedules the view to be appended; the DOM
+ element will not be appended to the document body until all bindings have
+ finished synchronizing.
+ @method append
+ @return {Ember.View} receiver
+ */
+ append: function() {
+ return this.appendTo(document.body);
+ },
+ /**
+ Removes the view's element from the element to which it is attached.
+ @method remove
+ @return {Ember.View} receiver
+ */
+ remove: function() {
+ // What we should really do here is wait until the end of the run loop
+ // to determine if the element has been re-appended to a different
+ // element.
+ // In the interim, we will just re-render if that happens. It is more
+ // important than elements get garbage collected.
+ if (!this.removedFromDOM) { this.destroyElement(); }
+ },
+ elementId: null,
+ /**
+ Attempts to discover the element in the parent element. The default
+ implementation looks for an element with an ID of `elementId` (or the
+ view's guid if `elementId` is null). You can override this method to
+ provide your own form of lookup. For example, if you want to discover your
+ element using a CSS class name instead of an ID.
+ @method findElementInParentElement
+ @param {DOMElement} parentElement The parent's DOM element
+ @return {DOMElement} The discovered element
+ */
+ findElementInParentElement: function(parentElem) {
+ var id = "#" + this.elementId;
+ return jQuery(id)[0] || jQuery(id, parentElem)[0];
+ },
+ /**
+ Creates a DOM representation of the view and all of its child views by
+ recursively calling the `render()` method.
+ After the element has been inserted into the DOM, `didInsertElement` will
+ be called on this view and all of its child views.
+ @method createElement
+ @return {Ember.View} receiver
+ */
+ createElement: function() {
+ if (this.element) { return this; }
+ this._didCreateElementWithoutMorph = true;
+ this.constructor.renderer.renderTree(this);
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Called when a view is going to insert an element into the DOM.
+ @event willInsertElement
+ */
+ willInsertElement: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ Called when the element of the view has been inserted into the DOM
+ or after the view was re-rendered. Override this function to do any
+ set up that requires an element in the document body.
+ When a view has children, didInsertElement will be called on the
+ child view(s) first, bubbling upwards through the hierarchy.
+ @event didInsertElement
+ */
+ didInsertElement: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ Called when the view is about to rerender, but before anything has
+ been torn down. This is a good opportunity to tear down any manual
+ observers you have installed based on the DOM state
+ @event willClearRender
+ */
+ willClearRender: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ Destroys any existing element along with the element for any child views
+ as well. If the view does not currently have a element, then this method
+ will do nothing.
+ If you implement `willDestroyElement()` on your view, then this method will
+ be invoked on your view before your element is destroyed to give you a
+ chance to clean up any event handlers, etc.
+ If you write a `willDestroyElement()` handler, you can assume that your
+ `didInsertElement()` handler was called earlier for the same element.
+ You should not call or override this method yourself, but you may
+ want to implement the above callbacks.
+ @method destroyElement
+ @return {Ember.View} receiver
+ */
+ destroyElement: function() {
+ return this.currentState.destroyElement(this);
+ },
+ /**
+ Called when the element of the view is going to be destroyed. Override
+ this function to do any teardown that requires an element, like removing
+ event listeners.
+ Please note: any property changes made during this event will have no
+ effect on object observers.
+ @event willDestroyElement
+ */
+ willDestroyElement: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ Called when the parentView property has changed.
+ @event parentViewDidChange
+ */
+ parentViewDidChange: Ember.K,
+ instrumentName: 'view',
+ instrumentDetails: function(hash) {
+ hash.template = get(this, 'templateName');
+ this._super(hash);
+ },
+ beforeRender: function(buffer) {},
+ afterRender: function(buffer) {},
+ applyAttributesToBuffer: function(buffer) {
+ // Creates observers for all registered class name and attribute bindings,
+ // then adds them to the element.
+ var classNameBindings = get(this, 'classNameBindings');
+ if (classNameBindings.length) {
+ this._applyClassNameBindings(classNameBindings);
+ }
+ // Pass the render buffer so the method can apply attributes directly.
+ // This isn't needed for class name bindings because they use the
+ // existing classNames infrastructure.
+ var attributeBindings = get(this, 'attributeBindings');
+ if (attributeBindings.length) {
+ this._applyAttributeBindings(buffer, attributeBindings);
+ }
+ buffer.setClasses(this.classNames);
+ var role = get(this, 'ariaRole');
+ if (role) {
+ buffer.attr('role', role);
+ }
+ if (get(this, 'isVisible') === false) {
+'display', 'none');
+ }
+ },
+ // ..........................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ Tag name for the view's outer element. The tag name is only used when an
+ element is first created. If you change the `tagName` for an element, you
+ must destroy and recreate the view element.
+ By default, the render buffer will use a `<div>` tag for views.
+ @property tagName
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ */
+ // We leave this null by default so we can tell the difference between
+ // the default case and a user-specified tag.
+ tagName: null,
+ /**
+ The WAI-ARIA role of the control represented by this view. For example, a
+ button may have a role of type 'button', or a pane may have a role of
+ type 'alertdialog'. This property is used by assistive software to help
+ visually challenged users navigate rich web applications.
+ The full list of valid WAI-ARIA roles is available at:
+ [](
+ @property ariaRole
+ @type String
+ @default null
+ */
+ ariaRole: null,
+ /**
+ Standard CSS class names to apply to the view's outer element. This
+ property automatically inherits any class names defined by the view's
+ superclasses as well.
+ @property classNames
+ @type Array
+ @default ['ember-view']
+ */
+ classNames: ['ember-view'],
+ /**
+ A list of properties of the view to apply as class names. If the property
+ is a string value, the value of that string will be applied as a class
+ name.
+ ```javascript
+ // Applies the 'high' class to the view element
+ Ember.View.extend({
+ classNameBindings: ['priority']
+ priority: 'high'
+ });
+ ```
+ If the value of the property is a Boolean, the name of that property is
+ added as a dasherized class name.
+ ```javascript
+ // Applies the 'is-urgent' class to the view element
+ Ember.View.extend({
+ classNameBindings: ['isUrgent']
+ isUrgent: true
+ });
+ ```
+ If you would prefer to use a custom value instead of the dasherized
+ property name, you can pass a binding like this:
+ ```javascript
+ // Applies the 'urgent' class to the view element
+ Ember.View.extend({
+ classNameBindings: ['isUrgent:urgent']
+ isUrgent: true
+ });
+ ```
+ This list of properties is inherited from the view's superclasses as well.
+ @property classNameBindings
+ @type Array
+ @default []
+ */
+ classNameBindings: EMPTY_ARRAY,
+ /**
+ A list of properties of the view to apply as attributes. If the property is
+ a string value, the value of that string will be applied as the attribute.
+ ```javascript
+ // Applies the type attribute to the element
+ // with the value "button", like <div type="button">
+ Ember.View.extend({
+ attributeBindings: ['type'],
+ type: 'button'
+ });
+ ```
+ If the value of the property is a Boolean, the name of that property is
+ added as an attribute.
+ ```javascript
+ // Renders something like <div enabled="enabled">
+ Ember.View.extend({
+ attributeBindings: ['enabled'],
+ enabled: true
+ });
+ ```
+ @property attributeBindings
+ */
+ attributeBindings: EMPTY_ARRAY,
+ // .......................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ Setup a view, but do not finish waking it up.
+ * configure `childViews`
+ * register the view with the global views hash, which is used for event
+ dispatch
+ @method init
+ @private
+ */
+ init: function() {
+ if (!this.isVirtual && !this.elementId) {
+ this.elementId = guidFor(this);
+ }
+ this._super();
+ // setup child views. be sure to clone the child views array first
+ this._childViews = this._childViews.slice();
+ this._baseContext = undefined;
+ this._contextStream = undefined;
+ this._streamBindings = undefined;
+ if (!this._keywords) {
+ this._keywords = create(null);
+ }
+ this._keywords.view = new SimpleStream();
+ this._keywords._view = this;
+ this._keywords.controller = new KeyStream(this, 'controller');
+ this._setupKeywords();
+ Ember.assert("Only arrays are allowed for 'classNameBindings'", typeOf(this.classNameBindings) === 'array');
+ this.classNameBindings = emberA(this.classNameBindings.slice());
+ Ember.assert("Only arrays are allowed for 'classNames'", typeOf(this.classNames) === 'array');
+ this.classNames = emberA(this.classNames.slice());
+ },
+ appendChild: function(view, options) {
+ return this.currentState.appendChild(this, view, options);
+ },
+ /**
+ Removes the child view from the parent view.
+ @method removeChild
+ @param {Ember.View} view
+ @return {Ember.View} receiver
+ */
+ removeChild: function(view) {
+ // If we're destroying, the entire subtree will be
+ // freed, and the DOM will be handled separately,
+ // so no need to mess with childViews.
+ if (this.isDestroying) { return; }
+ // update parent node
+ set(view, '_parentView', null);
+ // remove view from childViews array.
+ var childViews = this._childViews;
+ removeObject(childViews, view);
+ this.propertyDidChange('childViews'); // HUH?! what happened to will change?
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Removes all children from the `parentView`.
+ @method removeAllChildren
+ @return {Ember.View} receiver
+ */
+ removeAllChildren: function() {
+ return this.mutateChildViews(function(parentView, view) {
+ parentView.removeChild(view);
+ });
+ },
+ destroyAllChildren: function() {
+ return this.mutateChildViews(function(parentView, view) {
+ view.destroy();
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ Removes the view from its `parentView`, if one is found. Otherwise
+ does nothing.
+ @method removeFromParent
+ @return {Ember.View} receiver
+ */
+ removeFromParent: function() {
+ var parent = this._parentView;
+ // Remove DOM element from parent
+ this.remove();
+ if (parent) { parent.removeChild(this); }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ You must call `destroy` on a view to destroy the view (and all of its
+ child views). This will remove the view from any parent node, then make
+ sure that the DOM element managed by the view can be released by the
+ memory manager.
+ @method destroy
+ */
+ destroy: function() {
+ // get parentView before calling super because it'll be destroyed
+ var nonVirtualParentView = get(this, 'parentView');
+ var viewName = this.viewName;
+ if (!this._super()) { return; }
+ // remove from non-virtual parent view if viewName was specified
+ if (viewName && nonVirtualParentView) {
+ nonVirtualParentView.set(viewName, null);
+ }
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ Instantiates a view to be added to the childViews array during view
+ initialization. You generally will not call this method directly unless
+ you are overriding `createChildViews()`. Note that this method will
+ automatically configure the correct settings on the new view instance to
+ act as a child of the parent.
+ @method createChildView
+ @param {Class|String} viewClass
+ @param {Hash} [attrs] Attributes to add
+ @return {Ember.View} new instance
+ */
+ createChildView: function(view, attrs) {
+ if (!view) {
+ throw new TypeError("createChildViews first argument must exist");
+ }
+ if (view.isView && view._parentView === this && view.container === this.container) {
+ return view;
+ }
+ attrs = attrs || {};
+ attrs._parentView = this;
+ if (CoreView.detect(view)) {
+ attrs.templateData = attrs.templateData || get(this, 'templateData');
+ attrs.container = this.container;
+ view = view.create(attrs);
+ // don't set the property on a virtual view, as they are invisible to
+ // consumers of the view API
+ if (view.viewName) {
+ set(get(this, 'concreteView'), view.viewName, view);
+ }
+ } else if ('string' === typeof view) {
+ var fullName = 'view:' + view;
+ var ViewKlass = this.container.lookupFactory(fullName);
+ Ember.assert("Could not find view: '" + fullName + "'", !!ViewKlass);
+ attrs.templateData = get(this, 'templateData');
+ view = ViewKlass.create(attrs);
+ } else {
+ Ember.assert('You must pass instance or subclass of View', view.isView);
+ attrs.container = this.container;
+ if (!get(view, 'templateData')) {
+ attrs.templateData = get(this, 'templateData');
+ }
+ setProperties(view, attrs);
+ }
+ return view;
+ },
+ becameVisible: Ember.K,
+ becameHidden: Ember.K,
+ /**
+ When the view's `isVisible` property changes, toggle the visibility
+ element of the actual DOM element.
+ @method _isVisibleDidChange
+ @private
+ */
+ _isVisibleDidChange: observer('isVisible', function() {
+ if (this._isVisible === get(this, 'isVisible')) { return ; }
+ run.scheduleOnce('render', this, this._toggleVisibility);
+ }),
+ _toggleVisibility: function() {
+ var $el = this.$();
+ var isVisible = get(this, 'isVisible');
+ if (this._isVisible === isVisible) { return ; }
+ // It's important to keep these in sync, even if we don't yet have
+ // an element in the DOM to manipulate:
+ this._isVisible = isVisible;
+ if (!$el) { return; }
+ $el.toggle(isVisible);
+ if (this._isAncestorHidden()) { return; }
+ if (isVisible) {
+ this._notifyBecameVisible();
+ } else {
+ this._notifyBecameHidden();
+ }
+ },
+ _notifyBecameVisible: function() {
+ this.trigger('becameVisible');
+ this.forEachChildView(function(view) {
+ var isVisible = get(view, 'isVisible');
+ if (isVisible || isVisible === null) {
+ view._notifyBecameVisible();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _notifyBecameHidden: function() {
+ this.trigger('becameHidden');
+ this.forEachChildView(function(view) {
+ var isVisible = get(view, 'isVisible');
+ if (isVisible || isVisible === null) {
+ view._notifyBecameHidden();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _isAncestorHidden: function() {
+ var parent = get(this, 'parentView');
+ while (parent) {
+ if (get(parent, 'isVisible') === false) { return true; }
+ parent = get(parent, 'parentView');
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ transitionTo: function(state, children) {
+ Ember.deprecate("Ember.View#transitionTo has been deprecated, it is for internal use only");
+ this._transitionTo(state, children);
+ },
+ _transitionTo: function(state, children) {
+ var priorState = this.currentState;
+ var currentState = this.currentState = this._states[state];
+ this._state = state;
+ if (priorState && priorState.exit) { priorState.exit(this); }
+ if (currentState.enter) { currentState.enter(this); }
+ },
+ // .......................................................
+ //
+ /**
+ Handle events from `Ember.EventDispatcher`
+ @method handleEvent
+ @param eventName {String}
+ @param evt {Event}
+ @private
+ */
+ handleEvent: function(eventName, evt) {
+ return this.currentState.handleEvent(this, eventName, evt);
+ },
+ registerObserver: function(root, path, target, observer) {
+ if (!observer && 'function' === typeof target) {
+ observer = target;
+ target = null;
+ }
+ if (!root || typeof root !== 'object') {
+ return;
+ }
+ var scheduledObserver = this._wrapAsScheduled(observer);
+ addObserver(root, path, target, scheduledObserver);
+'willClearRender', function() {
+ removeObserver(root, path, target, scheduledObserver);
+ });
+ },
+ _wrapAsScheduled: function(fn) {
+ var view = this;
+ var stateCheckedFn = function() {
+ view.currentState.invokeObserver(this, fn);
+ };
+ var scheduledFn = function() {
+ run.scheduleOnce('render', this, stateCheckedFn);
+ };
+ return scheduledFn;
+ },
+ getStream: function(path) {
+ return this._getContextStream().get(path);
+ },
+ _getBindingForStream: function(path) {
+ if (this._streamBindings === undefined) {
+ this._streamBindings = create(null);
+'willDestroyElement', this, this._destroyStreamBindings);
+ }
+ if (this._streamBindings[path] !== undefined) {
+ return this._streamBindings[path];
+ } else {
+ var stream = this._getContextStream().get(path);
+ return this._streamBindings[path] = new StreamBinding(stream);
+ }
+ },
+ _destroyStreamBindings: function() {
+ var streamBindings = this._streamBindings;
+ for (var path in streamBindings) {
+ streamBindings[path].destroy();
+ }
+ this._streamBindings = undefined;
+ },
+ _getContextStream: function() {
+ if (this._contextStream === undefined) {
+ this._baseContext = new KeyStream(this, 'context');
+ this._contextStream = new ContextStream(this);
+'willDestroyElement', this, this._destroyContextStream);
+ }
+ return this._contextStream;
+ },
+ _destroyContextStream: function() {
+ this._baseContext.destroy();
+ this._baseContext = undefined;
+ this._contextStream.destroy();
+ this._contextStream = undefined;
+ },
+ _unsubscribeFromStreamBindings: function() {
+ for (var key in this._streamBindingSubscriptions) {
+ var streamBinding = this[key + 'Binding'];
+ var callback = this._streamBindingSubscriptions[key];
+ streamBinding.unsubscribe(callback);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ deprecateProperty(View.prototype, 'state', '_state');
+ deprecateProperty(View.prototype, 'states', '_states');
+ /*
+ Describe how the specified actions should behave in the various
+ states that a view can exist in. Possible states:
+ * preRender: when a view is first instantiated, and after its
+ element was destroyed, it is in the preRender state
+ * inBuffer: once a view has been rendered, but before it has
+ been inserted into the DOM, it is in the inBuffer state
+ * hasElement: the DOM representation of the view is created,
+ and is ready to be inserted
+ * inDOM: once a view has been inserted into the DOM it is in
+ the inDOM state. A view spends the vast majority of its
+ existence in this state.
+ * destroyed: once a view has been destroyed (using the destroy
+ method), it is in this state. No further actions can be invoked
+ on a destroyed view.
+ */
+ // in the destroyed state, everything is illegal
+ // before rendering has begun, all legal manipulations are noops.
+ // inside the buffer, legal manipulations are done on the buffer
+ // once the view has been inserted into the DOM, legal manipulations
+ // are done on the DOM element.
+ View.reopenClass({
+ /**
+ Parse a path and return an object which holds the parsed properties.
+ For example a path like "content.isEnabled:enabled:disabled" will return the
+ following object:
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ path: "content.isEnabled",
+ className: "enabled",
+ falsyClassName: "disabled",
+ classNames: ":enabled:disabled"
+ }
+ ```
+ @method _parsePropertyPath
+ @static
+ @private
+ */
+ _parsePropertyPath: function(path) {
+ var split = path.split(':');
+ var propertyPath = split[0];
+ var classNames = "";
+ var className, falsyClassName;
+ // check if the property is defined as prop:class or prop:trueClass:falseClass
+ if (split.length > 1) {
+ className = split[1];
+ if (split.length === 3) { falsyClassName = split[2]; }
+ classNames = ':' + className;
+ if (falsyClassName) { classNames += ":" + falsyClassName; }
+ }
+ return {
+ stream: undefined,
+ path: propertyPath,
+ classNames: classNames,
+ className: (className === '') ? undefined : className,
+ falsyClassName: falsyClassName
+ };
+ },
+ /**
+ Get the class name for a given value, based on the path, optional
+ `className` and optional `falsyClassName`.
+ - if a `className` or `falsyClassName` has been specified:
+ - if the value is truthy and `className` has been specified,
+ `className` is returned
+ - if the value is falsy and `falsyClassName` has been specified,
+ `falsyClassName` is returned
+ - otherwise `null` is returned
+ - if the value is `true`, the dasherized last part of the supplied path
+ is returned
+ - if the value is not `false`, `undefined` or `null`, the `value`
+ is returned
+ - if none of the above rules apply, `null` is returned
+ @method _classStringForValue
+ @param path
+ @param val
+ @param className
+ @param falsyClassName
+ @static
+ @private
+ */
+ _classStringForValue: function(path, val, className, falsyClassName) {
+ if(isArray(val)) {
+ val = get(val, 'length') !== 0;
+ }
+ // When using the colon syntax, evaluate the truthiness or falsiness
+ // of the value to determine which className to return
+ if (className || falsyClassName) {
+ if (className && !!val) {
+ return className;
+ } else if (falsyClassName && !val) {
+ return falsyClassName;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // If value is a Boolean and true, return the dasherized property
+ // name.
+ } else if (val === true) {
+ // Normalize property path to be suitable for use
+ // as a class name. For exaple,
+ // becomes bar-baz.
+ var parts = path.split('.');
+ return dasherize(parts[parts.length-1]);
+ // If the value is not false, undefined, or null, return the current
+ // value of the property.
+ } else if (val !== false && val != null) {
+ return val;
+ // Nothing to display. Return null so that the old class is removed
+ // but no new class is added.
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var mutation = EmberObject.extend(Evented).create();
+ View.addMutationListener = function(callback) {
+ mutation.on('change', callback);
+ };
+ View.removeMutationListener = function(callback) {
+'change', callback);
+ };
+ View.notifyMutationListeners = function() {
+ mutation.trigger('change');
+ };
+ /**
+ Global views hash
+ @property views
+ @static
+ @type Hash
+ */
+ View.views = {};
+ // If someone overrides the child views computed property when
+ // defining their class, we want to be able to process the user's
+ // supplied childViews and then restore the original computed property
+ // at view initialization time. This happens in Ember.ContainerView's init
+ // method.
+ View.childViewsProperty = childViewsProperty;
+ View.applyAttributeBindings = function(elem, name, value) {
+ var type = typeOf(value);
+ // if this changes, also change the logic in ember-handlebars/lib/helpers/binding.js
+ if (name !== 'value' && (type === 'string' || (type === 'number' && !isNaN(value)))) {
+ if (value !== elem.attr(name)) {
+ elem.attr(name, value);
+ }
+ } else if (name === 'value' || type === 'boolean') {
+ if (isNone(value) || value === false) {
+ // `null`, `undefined` or `false` should remove attribute
+ elem.removeAttr(name);
+ // In IE8 `prop` couldn't remove attribute when name is `required`.
+ if (name === 'required') {
+ elem.removeProp(name);
+ } else {
+ elem.prop(name, '');
+ }
+ } else if (value !== elem.prop(name)) {
+ // value should always be properties
+ elem.prop(name, value);
+ }
+ } else if (!value) {
+ elem.removeAttr(name);
+ }
+ };
+ __exports__["default"] = View;
+ });
+ ["ember-metal","ember-runtime","ember-handlebars","ember-views","ember-routing","ember-routing-handlebars","ember-application","ember-extension-support"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /* global navigator */
+ // require the main entry points for each of these packages
+ // this is so that the global exports occur properly
+ // do this to ensure that Ember.Test is defined properly on the global
+ // if it is present.
+ if (Ember.__loader.registry['ember-testing']) {
+ requireModule('ember-testing');
+ }
+ /**
+ Ember
+ @module ember
+ */
+ Ember.deprecate('Usage of Ember is deprecated for Internet Explorer 6 and 7, support will be removed in the next major version.', !navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE [67]/));
+ });
+ ["./morph/morph","./morph/dom-helper","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Morph = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var Morph;
+ __exports__.Morph = Morph;
+ var DOMHelper = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var DOMHelper;
+ __exports__.DOMHelper = DOMHelper;
+ });
+ ["../morph/morph","./dom-helper/build-html-dom","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Morph = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var buildHTMLDOM = __dependency2__.buildHTMLDOM;
+ var svgNamespace = __dependency2__.svgNamespace;
+ var svgHTMLIntegrationPoints = __dependency2__.svgHTMLIntegrationPoints;
+ var deletesBlankTextNodes = (function(){
+ var element = document.createElement('div');
+ element.appendChild( document.createTextNode('') );
+ var clonedElement = element.cloneNode(true);
+ return clonedElement.childNodes.length === 0;
+ })();
+ var ignoresCheckedAttribute = (function(){
+ var element = document.createElement('input');
+ element.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
+ var clonedElement = element.cloneNode(false);
+ return !clonedElement.checked;
+ })();
+ function isSVG(ns){
+ return ns === svgNamespace;
+ }
+ // This is not the namespace of the element, but of
+ // the elements inside that elements.
+ function interiorNamespace(element){
+ if (
+ element &&
+ element.namespaceURI === svgNamespace &&
+ !svgHTMLIntegrationPoints[element.tagName]
+ ) {
+ return svgNamespace;
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ // The HTML spec allows for "omitted start tags". These tags are optional
+ // when their intended child is the first thing in the parent tag. For
+ // example, this is a tbody start tag:
+ //
+ // <table>
+ // <tbody>
+ // <tr>
+ //
+ // The tbody may be omitted, and the browser will accept and render:
+ //
+ // <table>
+ // <tr>
+ //
+ // However, the omitted start tag will still be added to the DOM. Here
+ // we test the string and context to see if the browser is about to
+ // perform this cleanup.
+ //
+ //
+ // describes which tags are omittable. The spec for tbody and colgroup
+ // explains this behavior:
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ //
+ var omittedStartTagChildTest = /<([\w:]+)/;
+ function detectOmittedStartTag(string, contextualElement){
+ // Omitted start tags are only inside table tags.
+ if (contextualElement.tagName === 'TABLE') {
+ var omittedStartTagChildMatch = omittedStartTagChildTest.exec(string);
+ if (omittedStartTagChildMatch) {
+ var omittedStartTagChild = omittedStartTagChildMatch[1];
+ // It is already asserted that the contextual element is a table
+ // and not the proper start tag. Just see if a tag was omitted.
+ return omittedStartTagChild === 'tr' ||
+ omittedStartTagChild === 'col';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function buildSVGDOM(html, dom){
+ var div = dom.document.createElement('div');
+ div.innerHTML = '<svg>'+html+'</svg>';
+ return div.firstChild.childNodes;
+ }
+ /*
+ * A class wrapping DOM functions to address environment compatibility,
+ * namespaces, contextual elements for morph un-escaped content
+ * insertion.
+ *
+ * When entering a template, a DOMHelper should be passed:
+ *
+ * template(context, { hooks: hooks, dom: new DOMHelper() });
+ *
+ * TODO: support foreignObject as a passed contextual element. It has
+ * a namespace (svg) that does not match its internal namespace
+ * (xhtml).
+ *
+ * @class DOMHelper
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {HTMLDocument} _document The document DOM methods are proxied to
+ */
+ function DOMHelper(_document){
+ this.document = _document || window.document;
+ this.namespace = null;
+ }
+ var prototype = DOMHelper.prototype;
+ prototype.constructor = DOMHelper;
+ prototype.insertBefore = function(element, childElement, referenceChild) {
+ return element.insertBefore(childElement, referenceChild);
+ };
+ prototype.appendChild = function(element, childElement) {
+ return element.appendChild(childElement);
+ };
+ prototype.appendText = function(element, text) {
+ return element.appendChild(this.document.createTextNode(text));
+ };
+ prototype.setAttribute = function(element, name, value) {
+ element.setAttribute(name, value);
+ };
+ if (document.createElementNS) {
+ // Only opt into namespace detection if a contextualElement
+ // is passed.
+ prototype.createElement = function(tagName, contextualElement) {
+ var namespace = this.namespace;
+ if (contextualElement) {
+ if (tagName === 'svg') {
+ namespace = svgNamespace;
+ } else {
+ namespace = interiorNamespace(contextualElement);
+ }
+ }
+ if (namespace) {
+ return this.document.createElementNS(namespace, tagName);
+ } else {
+ return this.document.createElement(tagName);
+ }
+ };
+ } else {
+ prototype.createElement = function(tagName) {
+ return this.document.createElement(tagName);
+ };
+ }
+ prototype.setNamespace = function(ns) {
+ this.namespace = ns;
+ };
+ prototype.detectNamespace = function(element) {
+ this.namespace = interiorNamespace(element);
+ };
+ prototype.createDocumentFragment = function(){
+ return this.document.createDocumentFragment();
+ };
+ prototype.createTextNode = function(text){
+ return this.document.createTextNode(text);
+ };
+ prototype.repairClonedNode = function(element, blankChildTextNodes, isChecked){
+ if (deletesBlankTextNodes && blankChildTextNodes.length > 0) {
+ for (var i=0, len=blankChildTextNodes.length;i<len;i++){
+ var textNode = this.document.createTextNode(''),
+ offset = blankChildTextNodes[i],
+ before = element.childNodes[offset];
+ if (before) {
+ element.insertBefore(textNode, before);
+ } else {
+ element.appendChild(textNode);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ignoresCheckedAttribute && isChecked) {
+ element.setAttribute('checked', 'checked');
+ }
+ };
+ prototype.cloneNode = function(element, deep){
+ var clone = element.cloneNode(!!deep);
+ return clone;
+ };
+ prototype.createMorph = function(parent, start, end, contextualElement){
+ if (!contextualElement && parent.nodeType === 1) {
+ contextualElement = parent;
+ }
+ return new Morph(parent, start, end, this, contextualElement);
+ };
+ // This helper is just to keep the templates good looking,
+ // passing integers instead of element references.
+ prototype.createMorphAt = function(parent, startIndex, endIndex, contextualElement){
+ var childNodes = parent.childNodes,
+ start = startIndex === -1 ? null : childNodes[startIndex],
+ end = endIndex === -1 ? null : childNodes[endIndex];
+ return this.createMorph(parent, start, end, contextualElement);
+ };
+ prototype.insertMorphBefore = function(element, referenceChild, contextualElement) {
+ var start = this.document.createTextNode('');
+ var end = this.document.createTextNode('');
+ element.insertBefore(start, referenceChild);
+ element.insertBefore(end, referenceChild);
+ return this.createMorph(element, start, end, contextualElement);
+ };
+ prototype.appendMorph = function(element, contextualElement) {
+ var start = this.document.createTextNode('');
+ var end = this.document.createTextNode('');
+ element.appendChild(start);
+ element.appendChild(end);
+ return this.createMorph(element, start, end, contextualElement);
+ };
+ prototype.parseHTML = function(html, contextualElement) {
+ var isSVGContent = (
+ isSVG(this.namespace) &&
+ !svgHTMLIntegrationPoints[contextualElement.tagName]
+ );
+ if (isSVGContent) {
+ return buildSVGDOM(html, this);
+ } else {
+ var nodes = buildHTMLDOM(html, contextualElement, this);
+ if (detectOmittedStartTag(html, contextualElement)) {
+ var node = nodes[0];
+ while (node && node.nodeType !== 1) {
+ node = node.nextSibling;
+ }
+ return node.childNodes;
+ } else {
+ return nodes;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ __exports__["default"] = DOMHelper;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var svgHTMLIntegrationPoints = {foreignObject: 1, desc: 1, title: 1};
+ __exports__.svgHTMLIntegrationPoints = svgHTMLIntegrationPoints;var svgNamespace = '';
+ __exports__.svgNamespace = svgNamespace;
+ // Safari does not like using innerHTML on SVG HTML integration
+ // points (desc/title/foreignObject).
+ var needsIntegrationPointFix = document && document.createElementNS && (function() {
+ // In FF title will not accept innerHTML.
+ var testEl = document.createElementNS(svgNamespace, 'title');
+ testEl.innerHTML = "<div></div>";
+ return testEl.childNodes.length === 0 || testEl.childNodes[0].nodeType !== 1;
+ })();
+ // Internet Explorer prior to 9 does not allow setting innerHTML if the first element
+ // is a "zero-scope" element. This problem can be worked around by making
+ // the first node an invisible text node. We, like Modernizr, use &shy;
+ var needsShy = document && (function() {
+ var testEl = document.createElement('div');
+ testEl.innerHTML = "<div></div>";
+ testEl.firstChild.innerHTML = "<script><\/script>";
+ return testEl.firstChild.innerHTML === '';
+ })();
+ // IE 8 (and likely earlier) likes to move whitespace preceeding
+ // a script tag to appear after it. This means that we can
+ // accidentally remove whitespace when updating a morph.
+ var movesWhitespace = document && (function() {
+ var testEl = document.createElement('div');
+ testEl.innerHTML = "Test: <script type='text/x-placeholder'><\/script>Value";
+ return testEl.childNodes[0].nodeValue === 'Test:' &&
+ testEl.childNodes[2].nodeValue === ' Value';
+ })();
+ // IE8 create a selected attribute where they should only
+ // create a property
+ var createsSelectedAttribute = document && (function() {
+ var testEl = document.createElement('div');
+ testEl.innerHTML = "<select><option></option></select>";
+ return testEl.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].getAttribute('selected') === 'selected';
+ })();
+ var detectAutoSelectedOption;
+ if (createsSelectedAttribute) {
+ var detectAutoSelectedOptionRegex = /<option[^>]*selected/;
+ detectAutoSelectedOption = function detectAutoSelectedOption(select, option, html) { //jshint ignore:line
+ return select.selectedIndex === 0 &&
+ !detectAutoSelectedOptionRegex.test(html);
+ };
+ } else {
+ detectAutoSelectedOption = function detectAutoSelectedOption(select, option, html) { //jshint ignore:line
+ var selectedAttribute = option.getAttribute('selected');
+ return select.selectedIndex === 0 && (
+ selectedAttribute === null ||
+ ( selectedAttribute !== '' && selectedAttribute.toLowerCase() !== 'selected' )
+ );
+ };
+ }
+ // IE 9 and earlier don't allow us to set innerHTML on col, colgroup, frameset,
+ // html, style, table, tbody, tfoot, thead, title, tr. Detect this and add
+ // them to an initial list of corrected tags.
+ //
+ // Here we are only dealing with the ones which can have child nodes.
+ //
+ var tagNamesRequiringInnerHTMLFix, tableNeedsInnerHTMLFix;
+ var tableInnerHTMLTestElement = document.createElement('table');
+ try {
+ tableInnerHTMLTestElement.innerHTML = '<tbody></tbody>';
+ } catch (e) {
+ } finally {
+ tableNeedsInnerHTMLFix = (tableInnerHTMLTestElement.childNodes.length === 0);
+ }
+ if (tableNeedsInnerHTMLFix) {
+ tagNamesRequiringInnerHTMLFix = {
+ colgroup: ['table'],
+ table: [],
+ tbody: ['table'],
+ tfoot: ['table'],
+ thead: ['table'],
+ tr: ['table', 'tbody']
+ };
+ }
+ // IE 8 doesn't allow setting innerHTML on a select tag. Detect this and
+ // add it to the list of corrected tags.
+ //
+ var selectInnerHTMLTestElement = document.createElement('select');
+ selectInnerHTMLTestElement.innerHTML = '<option></option>';
+ if (selectInnerHTMLTestElement) {
+ tagNamesRequiringInnerHTMLFix = tagNamesRequiringInnerHTMLFix || {};
+ = [];
+ }
+ function scriptSafeInnerHTML(element, html) {
+ // without a leading text node, IE will drop a leading script tag.
+ html = '&shy;'+html;
+ element.innerHTML = html;
+ var nodes = element.childNodes;
+ // Look for &shy; to remove it.
+ var shyElement = nodes[0];
+ while (shyElement.nodeType === 1 && !shyElement.nodeName) {
+ shyElement = shyElement.firstChild;
+ }
+ // At this point it's the actual unicode character.
+ if (shyElement.nodeType === 3 && shyElement.nodeValue.charAt(0) === "\u00AD") {
+ var newValue = shyElement.nodeValue.slice(1);
+ if (newValue.length) {
+ shyElement.nodeValue = shyElement.nodeValue.slice(1);
+ } else {
+ shyElement.parentNode.removeChild(shyElement);
+ }
+ }
+ return nodes;
+ }
+ function buildDOMWithFix(html, contextualElement){
+ var tagName = contextualElement.tagName;
+ // Firefox versions < 11 do not have support for element.outerHTML.
+ var outerHTML = contextualElement.outerHTML || new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(contextualElement);
+ if (!outerHTML) {
+ throw "Can't set innerHTML on "+tagName+" in this browser";
+ }
+ var wrappingTags = tagNamesRequiringInnerHTMLFix[tagName.toLowerCase()];
+ var startTag = outerHTML.match(new RegExp("<"+tagName+"([^>]*)>", 'i'))[0];
+ var endTag = '</'+tagName+'>';
+ var wrappedHTML = [startTag, html, endTag];
+ var i = wrappingTags.length;
+ var wrappedDepth = 1 + i;
+ while(i--) {
+ wrappedHTML.unshift('<'+wrappingTags[i]+'>');
+ wrappedHTML.push('</'+wrappingTags[i]+'>');
+ }
+ var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
+ scriptSafeInnerHTML(wrapper, wrappedHTML.join(''));
+ var element = wrapper;
+ while (wrappedDepth--) {
+ element = element.firstChild;
+ while (element && element.nodeType !== 1) {
+ element = element.nextSibling;
+ }
+ }
+ while (element && element.tagName !== tagName) {
+ element = element.nextSibling;
+ }
+ return element ? element.childNodes : [];
+ }
+ var buildDOM;
+ if (needsShy) {
+ buildDOM = function buildDOM(html, contextualElement, dom){
+ contextualElement = dom.cloneNode(contextualElement, false);
+ scriptSafeInnerHTML(contextualElement, html);
+ return contextualElement.childNodes;
+ };
+ } else {
+ buildDOM = function buildDOM(html, contextualElement, dom){
+ contextualElement = dom.cloneNode(contextualElement, false);
+ contextualElement.innerHTML = html;
+ return contextualElement.childNodes;
+ };
+ }
+ var buildIESafeDOM;
+ if (tagNamesRequiringInnerHTMLFix || movesWhitespace) {
+ buildIESafeDOM = function buildIESafeDOM(html, contextualElement, dom) {
+ // Make a list of the leading text on script nodes. Include
+ // script tags without any whitespace for easier processing later.
+ var spacesBefore = [];
+ var spacesAfter = [];
+ html = html.replace(/(\s*)(<script)/g, function(match, spaces, tag) {
+ spacesBefore.push(spaces);
+ return tag;
+ });
+ html = html.replace(/(<\/script>)(\s*)/g, function(match, tag, spaces) {
+ spacesAfter.push(spaces);
+ return tag;
+ });
+ // Fetch nodes
+ var nodes;
+ if (tagNamesRequiringInnerHTMLFix[contextualElement.tagName.toLowerCase()]) {
+ // buildDOMWithFix uses string wrappers for problematic innerHTML.
+ nodes = buildDOMWithFix(html, contextualElement);
+ } else {
+ nodes = buildDOM(html, contextualElement, dom);
+ }
+ // Build a list of script tags, the nodes themselves will be
+ // mutated as we add test nodes.
+ var i, j, node, nodeScriptNodes;
+ var scriptNodes = [];
+ for (i=0;node=nodes[i];i++) {
+ if (node.nodeType !== 1) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (node.tagName === 'SCRIPT') {
+ scriptNodes.push(node);
+ } else {
+ nodeScriptNodes = node.getElementsByTagName('script');
+ for (j=0;j<nodeScriptNodes.length;j++) {
+ scriptNodes.push(nodeScriptNodes[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Walk the script tags and put back their leading text nodes.
+ var scriptNode, textNode, spaceBefore, spaceAfter;
+ for (i=0;scriptNode=scriptNodes[i];i++) {
+ spaceBefore = spacesBefore[i];
+ if (spaceBefore && spaceBefore.length > 0) {
+ textNode = dom.document.createTextNode(spaceBefore);
+ scriptNode.parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, scriptNode);
+ }
+ spaceAfter = spacesAfter[i];
+ if (spaceAfter && spaceAfter.length > 0) {
+ textNode = dom.document.createTextNode(spaceAfter);
+ scriptNode.parentNode.insertBefore(textNode, scriptNode.nextSibling);
+ }
+ }
+ return nodes;
+ };
+ } else {
+ buildIESafeDOM = buildDOM;
+ }
+ // When parsing innerHTML, the browser may set up DOM with some things
+ // not desired. For example, with a select element context and option
+ // innerHTML the first option will be marked selected.
+ //
+ // This method cleans up some of that, resetting those values back to
+ // their defaults.
+ //
+ function buildSafeDOM(html, contextualElement, dom) {
+ var childNodes = buildIESafeDOM(html, contextualElement, dom);
+ if (contextualElement.tagName === 'SELECT') {
+ // Walk child nodes
+ for (var i = 0; childNodes[i]; i++) {
+ // Find and process the first option child node
+ if (childNodes[i].tagName === 'OPTION') {
+ if (detectAutoSelectedOption(childNodes[i].parentNode, childNodes[i], html)) {
+ // If the first node is selected but does not have an attribute,
+ // presume it is not really selected.
+ childNodes[i].parentNode.selectedIndex = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return childNodes;
+ }
+ var buildHTMLDOM;
+ if (needsIntegrationPointFix) {
+ buildHTMLDOM = function buildHTMLDOM(html, contextualElement, dom){
+ if (svgHTMLIntegrationPoints[contextualElement.tagName]) {
+ return buildSafeDOM(html, document.createElement('div'), dom);
+ } else {
+ return buildSafeDOM(html, contextualElement, dom);
+ }
+ };
+ } else {
+ buildHTMLDOM = buildSafeDOM;
+ }
+ __exports__.buildHTMLDOM = buildHTMLDOM;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var splice = Array.prototype.splice;
+ function ensureStartEnd(start, end) {
+ if (start === null || end === null) {
+ throw new Error('a fragment parent must have boundary nodes in order to detect insertion');
+ }
+ }
+ function ensureContext(contextualElement) {
+ if (!contextualElement || contextualElement.nodeType !== 1) {
+ throw new Error('An element node must be provided for a contextualElement, you provided ' +
+ (contextualElement ? 'nodeType ' + contextualElement.nodeType : 'nothing'));
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: this is an internal API, this should be an assert
+ function Morph(parent, start, end, domHelper, contextualElement) {
+ if (parent.nodeType === 11) {
+ ensureStartEnd(start, end);
+ this.element = null;
+ } else {
+ this.element = parent;
+ }
+ this._parent = parent;
+ this.start = start;
+ this.end = end;
+ this.domHelper = domHelper;
+ ensureContext(contextualElement);
+ this.contextualElement = contextualElement;
+ this.reset();
+ }
+ Morph.prototype.reset = function() {
+ this.text = null;
+ this.owner = null;
+ this.morphs = null;
+ this.before = null;
+ this.after = null;
+ this.escaped = true;
+ };
+ Morph.prototype.parent = function () {
+ if (!this.element) {
+ var parent = this.start.parentNode;
+ if (this._parent !== parent) {
+ this.element = this._parent = parent;
+ }
+ }
+ return this._parent;
+ };
+ Morph.prototype.destroy = function () {
+ if (this.owner) {
+ this.owner.removeMorph(this);
+ } else {
+ clear(this.element || this.parent(), this.start, this.end);
+ }
+ };
+ Morph.prototype.removeMorph = function (morph) {
+ var morphs = this.morphs;
+ for (var i=0, l=morphs.length; i<l; i++) {
+ if (morphs[i] === morph) {
+ this.replace(i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Morph.prototype.update = function (nodeOrString) {
+ this._update(this.element || this.parent(), nodeOrString);
+ };
+ Morph.prototype.updateNode = function (node) {
+ var parent = this.element || this.parent();
+ if (!node) return this._updateText(parent, '');
+ this._updateNode(parent, node);
+ };
+ Morph.prototype.updateText = function (text) {
+ this._updateText(this.element || this.parent(), text);
+ };
+ Morph.prototype.updateHTML = function (html) {
+ var parent = this.element || this.parent();
+ if (!html) return this._updateText(parent, '');
+ this._updateHTML(parent, html);
+ };
+ Morph.prototype._update = function (parent, nodeOrString) {
+ if (nodeOrString === null || nodeOrString === undefined) {
+ this._updateText(parent, '');
+ } else if (typeof nodeOrString === 'string') {
+ if (this.escaped) {
+ this._updateText(parent, nodeOrString);
+ } else {
+ this._updateHTML(parent, nodeOrString);
+ }
+ } else if (nodeOrString.nodeType) {
+ this._updateNode(parent, nodeOrString);
+ } else if (nodeOrString.string) { // duck typed SafeString
+ this._updateHTML(parent, nodeOrString.string);
+ } else {
+ this._updateText(parent, nodeOrString.toString());
+ }
+ };
+ Morph.prototype._updateNode = function (parent, node) {
+ if (this.text) {
+ if (node.nodeType === 3) {
+ this.text.nodeValue = node.nodeValue;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ this.text = null;
+ }
+ }
+ var start = this.start, end = this.end;
+ clear(parent, start, end);
+ parent.insertBefore(node, end);
+ if (this.before !== null) {
+ this.before.end = start.nextSibling;
+ }
+ if (this.after !== null) {
+ this.after.start = end.previousSibling;
+ }
+ };
+ Morph.prototype._updateText = function (parent, text) {
+ if (this.text) {
+ this.text.nodeValue = text;
+ return;
+ }
+ var node = this.domHelper.createTextNode(text);
+ this.text = node;
+ clear(parent, this.start, this.end);
+ parent.insertBefore(node, this.end);
+ if (this.before !== null) {
+ this.before.end = node;
+ }
+ if (this.after !== null) {
+ this.after.start = node;
+ }
+ };
+ Morph.prototype._updateHTML = function (parent, html) {
+ var start = this.start, end = this.end;
+ clear(parent, start, end);
+ this.text = null;
+ var childNodes = this.domHelper.parseHTML(html, this.contextualElement);
+ appendChildren(parent, end, childNodes);
+ if (this.before !== null) {
+ this.before.end = start.nextSibling;
+ }
+ if (this.after !== null) {
+ this.after.start = end.previousSibling;
+ }
+ };
+ Morph.prototype.append = function (node) {
+ if (this.morphs === null) this.morphs = [];
+ var index = this.morphs.length;
+ return this.insert(index, node);
+ };
+ Morph.prototype.insert = function (index, node) {
+ if (this.morphs === null) this.morphs = [];
+ var parent = this.element || this.parent();
+ var morphs = this.morphs;
+ var before = index > 0 ? morphs[index-1] : null;
+ var after = index < morphs.length ? morphs[index] : null;
+ var start = before === null ? this.start : (before.end === null ? parent.lastChild : before.end.previousSibling);
+ var end = after === null ? this.end : (after.start === null ? parent.firstChild : after.start.nextSibling);
+ var morph = new Morph(parent, start, end, this.domHelper, this.contextualElement);
+ morph.owner = this;
+ morph._update(parent, node);
+ if (before !== null) {
+ morph.before = before;
+ before.end = start.nextSibling;
+ before.after = morph;
+ }
+ if (after !== null) {
+ morph.after = after;
+ after.before = morph;
+ after.start = end.previousSibling;
+ }
+ this.morphs.splice(index, 0, morph);
+ return morph;
+ };
+ Morph.prototype.replace = function (index, removedLength, addedNodes) {
+ if (this.morphs === null) this.morphs = [];
+ var parent = this.element || this.parent();
+ var morphs = this.morphs;
+ var before = index > 0 ? morphs[index-1] : null;
+ var after = index+removedLength < morphs.length ? morphs[index+removedLength] : null;
+ var start = before === null ? this.start : (before.end === null ? parent.lastChild : before.end.previousSibling);
+ var end = after === null ? this.end : (after.start === null ? parent.firstChild : after.start.nextSibling);
+ var addedLength = addedNodes === undefined ? 0 : addedNodes.length;
+ var args, i, current;
+ if (removedLength > 0) {
+ clear(parent, start, end);
+ }
+ if (addedLength === 0) {
+ if (before !== null) {
+ before.after = after;
+ before.end = end;
+ }
+ if (after !== null) {
+ after.before = before;
+ after.start = start;
+ }
+ morphs.splice(index, removedLength);
+ return;
+ }
+ args = new Array(addedLength+2);
+ if (addedLength > 0) {
+ for (i=0; i<addedLength; i++) {
+ args[i+2] = current = new Morph(parent, start, end, this.domHelper, this.contextualElement);
+ current._update(parent, addedNodes[i]);
+ current.owner = this;
+ if (before !== null) {
+ current.before = before;
+ before.end = start.nextSibling;
+ before.after = current;
+ }
+ before = current;
+ start = end === null ? parent.lastChild : end.previousSibling;
+ }
+ if (after !== null) {
+ current.after = after;
+ after.before = current;
+ after.start = end.previousSibling;
+ }
+ }
+ args[0] = index;
+ args[1] = removedLength;
+ splice.apply(morphs, args);
+ };
+ function appendChildren(parent, end, nodeList) {
+ var ref = end;
+ var i = nodeList.length;
+ var node;
+ while (i--) {
+ node = nodeList[i];
+ parent.insertBefore(node, ref);
+ ref = node;
+ }
+ }
+ function clear(parent, start, end) {
+ var current, previous;
+ if (end === null) {
+ current = parent.lastChild;
+ } else {
+ current = end.previousSibling;
+ }
+ while (current !== null && current !== start) {
+ previous = current.previousSibling;
+ parent.removeChild(current);
+ current = previous;
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = Morph;
+ });
+ ["route-recognizer/dsl","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var map = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var specials = [
+ '/', '.', '*', '+', '?', '|',
+ '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', '\\'
+ ];
+ var escapeRegex = new RegExp('(\\' + specials.join('|\\') + ')', 'g');
+ function isArray(test) {
+ return === "[object Array]";
+ }
+ // A Segment represents a segment in the original route description.
+ // Each Segment type provides an `eachChar` and `regex` method.
+ //
+ // The `eachChar` method invokes the callback with one or more character
+ // specifications. A character specification consumes one or more input
+ // characters.
+ //
+ // The `regex` method returns a regex fragment for the segment. If the
+ // segment is a dynamic of star segment, the regex fragment also includes
+ // a capture.
+ //
+ // A character specification contains:
+ //
+ // * `validChars`: a String with a list of all valid characters, or
+ // * `invalidChars`: a String with a list of all invalid characters
+ // * `repeat`: true if the character specification can repeat
+ function StaticSegment(string) { this.string = string; }
+ StaticSegment.prototype = {
+ eachChar: function(callback) {
+ var string = this.string, ch;
+ for (var i=0, l=string.length; i<l; i++) {
+ ch = string.charAt(i);
+ callback({ validChars: ch });
+ }
+ },
+ regex: function() {
+ return this.string.replace(escapeRegex, '\\$1');
+ },
+ generate: function() {
+ return this.string;
+ }
+ };
+ function DynamicSegment(name) { = name; }
+ DynamicSegment.prototype = {
+ eachChar: function(callback) {
+ callback({ invalidChars: "/", repeat: true });
+ },
+ regex: function() {
+ return "([^/]+)";
+ },
+ generate: function(params) {
+ return params[];
+ }
+ };
+ function StarSegment(name) { = name; }
+ StarSegment.prototype = {
+ eachChar: function(callback) {
+ callback({ invalidChars: "", repeat: true });
+ },
+ regex: function() {
+ return "(.+)";
+ },
+ generate: function(params) {
+ return params[];
+ }
+ };
+ function EpsilonSegment() {}
+ EpsilonSegment.prototype = {
+ eachChar: function() {},
+ regex: function() { return ""; },
+ generate: function() { return ""; }
+ };
+ function parse(route, names, types) {
+ // normalize route as not starting with a "/". Recognition will
+ // also normalize.
+ if (route.charAt(0) === "/") { route = route.substr(1); }
+ var segments = route.split("/"), results = [];
+ for (var i=0, l=segments.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var segment = segments[i], match;
+ if (match = segment.match(/^:([^\/]+)$/)) {
+ results.push(new DynamicSegment(match[1]));
+ names.push(match[1]);
+ types.dynamics++;
+ } else if (match = segment.match(/^\*([^\/]+)$/)) {
+ results.push(new StarSegment(match[1]));
+ names.push(match[1]);
+ types.stars++;
+ } else if(segment === "") {
+ results.push(new EpsilonSegment());
+ } else {
+ results.push(new StaticSegment(segment));
+ types.statics++;
+ }
+ }
+ return results;
+ }
+ // A State has a character specification and (`charSpec`) and a list of possible
+ // subsequent states (`nextStates`).
+ //
+ // If a State is an accepting state, it will also have several additional
+ // properties:
+ //
+ // * `regex`: A regular expression that is used to extract parameters from paths
+ // that reached this accepting state.
+ // * `handlers`: Information on how to convert the list of captures into calls
+ // to registered handlers with the specified parameters
+ // * `types`: How many static, dynamic or star segments in this route. Used to
+ // decide which route to use if multiple registered routes match a path.
+ //
+ // Currently, State is implemented naively by looping over `nextStates` and
+ // comparing a character specification against a character. A more efficient
+ // implementation would use a hash of keys pointing at one or more next states.
+ function State(charSpec) {
+ this.charSpec = charSpec;
+ this.nextStates = [];
+ }
+ State.prototype = {
+ get: function(charSpec) {
+ var nextStates = this.nextStates;
+ for (var i=0, l=nextStates.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var child = nextStates[i];
+ var isEqual = child.charSpec.validChars === charSpec.validChars;
+ isEqual = isEqual && child.charSpec.invalidChars === charSpec.invalidChars;
+ if (isEqual) { return child; }
+ }
+ },
+ put: function(charSpec) {
+ var state;
+ // If the character specification already exists in a child of the current
+ // state, just return that state.
+ if (state = this.get(charSpec)) { return state; }
+ // Make a new state for the character spec
+ state = new State(charSpec);
+ // Insert the new state as a child of the current state
+ this.nextStates.push(state);
+ // If this character specification repeats, insert the new state as a child
+ // of itself. Note that this will not trigger an infinite loop because each
+ // transition during recognition consumes a character.
+ if (charSpec.repeat) {
+ state.nextStates.push(state);
+ }
+ // Return the new state
+ return state;
+ },
+ // Find a list of child states matching the next character
+ match: function(ch) {
+ // DEBUG "Processing `" + ch + "`:"
+ var nextStates = this.nextStates,
+ child, charSpec, chars;
+ // DEBUG " " + debugState(this)
+ var returned = [];
+ for (var i=0, l=nextStates.length; i<l; i++) {
+ child = nextStates[i];
+ charSpec = child.charSpec;
+ if (typeof (chars = charSpec.validChars) !== 'undefined') {
+ if (chars.indexOf(ch) !== -1) { returned.push(child); }
+ } else if (typeof (chars = charSpec.invalidChars) !== 'undefined') {
+ if (chars.indexOf(ch) === -1) { returned.push(child); }
+ }
+ }
+ return returned;
+ }
+ /** IF DEBUG
+ , debug: function() {
+ var charSpec = this.charSpec,
+ debug = "[",
+ chars = charSpec.validChars || charSpec.invalidChars;
+ if (charSpec.invalidChars) { debug += "^"; }
+ debug += chars;
+ debug += "]";
+ if (charSpec.repeat) { debug += "+"; }
+ return debug;
+ }
+ END IF **/
+ };
+ /** IF DEBUG
+ function debug(log) {
+ console.log(log);
+ }
+ function debugState(state) {
+ return {
+ if (n.nextStates.length === 0) { return "( " + n.debug() + " [accepting] )"; }
+ return "( " + n.debug() + " <then> " + { return s.debug() }).join(" or ") + " )";
+ }).join(", ")
+ }
+ END IF **/
+ // This is a somewhat naive strategy, but should work in a lot of cases
+ // A better strategy would properly resolve /posts/:id/new and /posts/edit/:id.
+ //
+ // This strategy generally prefers more static and less dynamic matching.
+ // Specifically, it
+ //
+ // * prefers fewer stars to more, then
+ // * prefers using stars for less of the match to more, then
+ // * prefers fewer dynamic segments to more, then
+ // * prefers more static segments to more
+ function sortSolutions(states) {
+ return states.sort(function(a, b) {
+ if (a.types.stars !== b.types.stars) { return a.types.stars - b.types.stars; }
+ if (a.types.stars) {
+ if (a.types.statics !== b.types.statics) { return b.types.statics - a.types.statics; }
+ if (a.types.dynamics !== b.types.dynamics) { return b.types.dynamics - a.types.dynamics; }
+ }
+ if (a.types.dynamics !== b.types.dynamics) { return a.types.dynamics - b.types.dynamics; }
+ if (a.types.statics !== b.types.statics) { return b.types.statics - a.types.statics; }
+ return 0;
+ });
+ }
+ function recognizeChar(states, ch) {
+ var nextStates = [];
+ for (var i=0, l=states.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var state = states[i];
+ nextStates = nextStates.concat(state.match(ch));
+ }
+ return nextStates;
+ }
+ var oCreate = Object.create || function(proto) {
+ function F() {}
+ F.prototype = proto;
+ return new F();
+ };
+ function RecognizeResults(queryParams) {
+ this.queryParams = queryParams || {};
+ }
+ RecognizeResults.prototype = oCreate({
+ splice: Array.prototype.splice,
+ slice: Array.prototype.slice,
+ push: Array.prototype.push,
+ length: 0,
+ queryParams: null
+ });
+ function findHandler(state, path, queryParams) {
+ var handlers = state.handlers, regex = state.regex;
+ var captures = path.match(regex), currentCapture = 1;
+ var result = new RecognizeResults(queryParams);
+ for (var i=0, l=handlers.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var handler = handlers[i], names = handler.names, params = {};
+ for (var j=0, m=names.length; j<m; j++) {
+ params[names[j]] = captures[currentCapture++];
+ }
+ result.push({ handler: handler.handler, params: params, isDynamic: !!names.length });
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ function addSegment(currentState, segment) {
+ segment.eachChar(function(ch) {
+ var state;
+ currentState = currentState.put(ch);
+ });
+ return currentState;
+ }
+ // The main interface
+ var RouteRecognizer = function() {
+ this.rootState = new State();
+ this.names = {};
+ };
+ RouteRecognizer.prototype = {
+ add: function(routes, options) {
+ var currentState = this.rootState, regex = "^",
+ types = { statics: 0, dynamics: 0, stars: 0 },
+ handlers = [], allSegments = [], name;
+ var isEmpty = true;
+ for (var i=0, l=routes.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var route = routes[i], names = [];
+ var segments = parse(route.path, names, types);
+ allSegments = allSegments.concat(segments);
+ for (var j=0, m=segments.length; j<m; j++) {
+ var segment = segments[j];
+ if (segment instanceof EpsilonSegment) { continue; }
+ isEmpty = false;
+ // Add a "/" for the new segment
+ currentState = currentState.put({ validChars: "/" });
+ regex += "/";
+ // Add a representation of the segment to the NFA and regex
+ currentState = addSegment(currentState, segment);
+ regex += segment.regex();
+ }
+ var handler = { handler: route.handler, names: names };
+ handlers.push(handler);
+ }
+ if (isEmpty) {
+ currentState = currentState.put({ validChars: "/" });
+ regex += "/";
+ }
+ currentState.handlers = handlers;
+ currentState.regex = new RegExp(regex + "$");
+ currentState.types = types;
+ if (name = options && {
+ this.names[name] = {
+ segments: allSegments,
+ handlers: handlers
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ handlersFor: function(name) {
+ var route = this.names[name], result = [];
+ if (!route) { throw new Error("There is no route named " + name); }
+ for (var i=0, l=route.handlers.length; i<l; i++) {
+ result.push(route.handlers[i]);
+ }
+ return result;
+ },
+ hasRoute: function(name) {
+ return !!this.names[name];
+ },
+ generate: function(name, params) {
+ var route = this.names[name], output = "";
+ if (!route) { throw new Error("There is no route named " + name); }
+ var segments = route.segments;
+ for (var i=0, l=segments.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var segment = segments[i];
+ if (segment instanceof EpsilonSegment) { continue; }
+ output += "/";
+ output += segment.generate(params);
+ }
+ if (output.charAt(0) !== '/') { output = '/' + output; }
+ if (params && params.queryParams) {
+ output += this.generateQueryString(params.queryParams, route.handlers);
+ }
+ return output;
+ },
+ generateQueryString: function(params, handlers) {
+ var pairs = [];
+ var keys = [];
+ for(var key in params) {
+ if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ keys.push(key);
+ }
+ }
+ keys.sort();
+ for (var i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
+ key = keys[i];
+ var value = params[key];
+ if (value == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var pair = encodeURIComponent(key);
+ if (isArray(value)) {
+ for (var j = 0, l = value.length; j < l; j++) {
+ var arrayPair = key + '[]' + '=' + encodeURIComponent(value[j]);
+ pairs.push(arrayPair);
+ }
+ } else {
+ pair += "=" + encodeURIComponent(value);
+ pairs.push(pair);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pairs.length === 0) { return ''; }
+ return "?" + pairs.join("&");
+ },
+ parseQueryString: function(queryString) {
+ var pairs = queryString.split("&"), queryParams = {};
+ for(var i=0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
+ var pair = pairs[i].split('='),
+ key = decodeURIComponent(pair[0]),
+ keyLength = key.length,
+ isArray = false,
+ value;
+ if (pair.length === 1) {
+ value = 'true';
+ } else {
+ //Handle arrays
+ if (keyLength > 2 && key.slice(keyLength -2) === '[]') {
+ isArray = true;
+ key = key.slice(0, keyLength - 2);
+ if(!queryParams[key]) {
+ queryParams[key] = [];
+ }
+ }
+ value = pair[1] ? decodeURIComponent(pair[1]) : '';
+ }
+ if (isArray) {
+ queryParams[key].push(value);
+ } else {
+ queryParams[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ return queryParams;
+ },
+ recognize: function(path) {
+ var states = [ this.rootState ],
+ pathLen, i, l, queryStart, queryParams = {},
+ isSlashDropped = false;
+ queryStart = path.indexOf('?');
+ if (queryStart !== -1) {
+ var queryString = path.substr(queryStart + 1, path.length);
+ path = path.substr(0, queryStart);
+ queryParams = this.parseQueryString(queryString);
+ }
+ path = decodeURI(path);
+ // DEBUG GROUP path
+ if (path.charAt(0) !== "/") { path = "/" + path; }
+ pathLen = path.length;
+ if (pathLen > 1 && path.charAt(pathLen - 1) === "/") {
+ path = path.substr(0, pathLen - 1);
+ isSlashDropped = true;
+ }
+ for (i=0, l=path.length; i<l; i++) {
+ states = recognizeChar(states, path.charAt(i));
+ if (!states.length) { break; }
+ }
+ var solutions = [];
+ for (i=0, l=states.length; i<l; i++) {
+ if (states[i].handlers) { solutions.push(states[i]); }
+ }
+ states = sortSolutions(solutions);
+ var state = solutions[0];
+ if (state && state.handlers) {
+ // if a trailing slash was dropped and a star segment is the last segment
+ // specified, put the trailing slash back
+ if (isSlashDropped && state.regex.source.slice(-5) === "(.+)$") {
+ path = path + "/";
+ }
+ return findHandler(state, path, queryParams);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ = map;
+ __exports__["default"] = RouteRecognizer;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ function Target(path, matcher, delegate) {
+ this.path = path;
+ this.matcher = matcher;
+ this.delegate = delegate;
+ }
+ Target.prototype = {
+ to: function(target, callback) {
+ var delegate = this.delegate;
+ if (delegate && delegate.willAddRoute) {
+ target = delegate.willAddRoute(, target);
+ }
+ this.matcher.add(this.path, target);
+ if (callback) {
+ if (callback.length === 0) { throw new Error("You must have an argument in the function passed to `to`"); }
+ this.matcher.addChild(this.path, target, callback, this.delegate);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ };
+ function Matcher(target) {
+ this.routes = {};
+ this.children = {};
+ = target;
+ }
+ Matcher.prototype = {
+ add: function(path, handler) {
+ this.routes[path] = handler;
+ },
+ addChild: function(path, target, callback, delegate) {
+ var matcher = new Matcher(target);
+ this.children[path] = matcher;
+ var match = generateMatch(path, matcher, delegate);
+ if (delegate && delegate.contextEntered) {
+ delegate.contextEntered(target, match);
+ }
+ callback(match);
+ }
+ };
+ function generateMatch(startingPath, matcher, delegate) {
+ return function(path, nestedCallback) {
+ var fullPath = startingPath + path;
+ if (nestedCallback) {
+ nestedCallback(generateMatch(fullPath, matcher, delegate));
+ } else {
+ return new Target(startingPath + path, matcher, delegate);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function addRoute(routeArray, path, handler) {
+ var len = 0;
+ for (var i=0, l=routeArray.length; i<l; i++) {
+ len += routeArray[i].path.length;
+ }
+ path = path.substr(len);
+ var route = { path: path, handler: handler };
+ routeArray.push(route);
+ }
+ function eachRoute(baseRoute, matcher, callback, binding) {
+ var routes = matcher.routes;
+ for (var path in routes) {
+ if (routes.hasOwnProperty(path)) {
+ var routeArray = baseRoute.slice();
+ addRoute(routeArray, path, routes[path]);
+ if (matcher.children[path]) {
+ eachRoute(routeArray, matcher.children[path], callback, binding);
+ } else {
+, routeArray);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = function(callback, addRouteCallback) {
+ var matcher = new Matcher();
+ callback(generateMatch("", matcher, this.delegate));
+ eachRoute([], matcher, function(route) {
+ if (addRouteCallback) { addRouteCallback(this, route); }
+ else { this.add(route); }
+ }, this);
+ }
+ });
+ ["./router/router","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Router = __dependency1__["default"];
+ __exports__["default"] = Router;
+ });
+ ["./utils","rsvp/promise","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var bind = __dependency1__.bind;
+ var merge = __dependency1__.merge;
+ var serialize = __dependency1__.serialize;
+ var promiseLabel = __dependency1__.promiseLabel;
+ var applyHook = __dependency1__.applyHook;
+ var Promise = __dependency2__["default"];
+ function HandlerInfo(_props) {
+ var props = _props || {};
+ merge(this, props);
+ this.initialize(props);
+ }
+ HandlerInfo.prototype = {
+ name: null,
+ handler: null,
+ params: null,
+ context: null,
+ // Injected by the handler info factory.
+ factory: null,
+ initialize: function() {},
+ log: function(payload, message) {
+ if (payload.log) {
+ payload.log( + ': ' + message);
+ }
+ },
+ promiseLabel: function(label) {
+ return promiseLabel("'" + + "' " + label);
+ },
+ getUnresolved: function() {
+ return this;
+ },
+ serialize: function() {
+ return this.params || {};
+ },
+ resolve: function(shouldContinue, payload) {
+ var checkForAbort = bind(this, this.checkForAbort, shouldContinue),
+ beforeModel = bind(this, this.runBeforeModelHook, payload),
+ model = bind(this, this.getModel, payload),
+ afterModel = bind(this, this.runAfterModelHook, payload),
+ becomeResolved = bind(this, this.becomeResolved, payload);
+ return Promise.resolve(undefined, this.promiseLabel("Start handler"))
+ .then(checkForAbort, null, this.promiseLabel("Check for abort"))
+ .then(beforeModel, null, this.promiseLabel("Before model"))
+ .then(checkForAbort, null, this.promiseLabel("Check if aborted during 'beforeModel' hook"))
+ .then(model, null, this.promiseLabel("Model"))
+ .then(checkForAbort, null, this.promiseLabel("Check if aborted in 'model' hook"))
+ .then(afterModel, null, this.promiseLabel("After model"))
+ .then(checkForAbort, null, this.promiseLabel("Check if aborted in 'afterModel' hook"))
+ .then(becomeResolved, null, this.promiseLabel("Become resolved"));
+ },
+ runBeforeModelHook: function(payload) {
+ if (payload.trigger) {
+ payload.trigger(true, 'willResolveModel', payload, this.handler);
+ }
+ return this.runSharedModelHook(payload, 'beforeModel', []);
+ },
+ runAfterModelHook: function(payload, resolvedModel) {
+ // Stash the resolved model on the payload.
+ // This makes it possible for users to swap out
+ // the resolved model in afterModel.
+ var name =;
+ this.stashResolvedModel(payload, resolvedModel);
+ return this.runSharedModelHook(payload, 'afterModel', [resolvedModel])
+ .then(function() {
+ // Ignore the fulfilled value returned from afterModel.
+ // Return the value stashed in resolvedModels, which
+ // might have been swapped out in afterModel.
+ return payload.resolvedModels[name];
+ }, null, this.promiseLabel("Ignore fulfillment value and return model value"));
+ },
+ runSharedModelHook: function(payload, hookName, args) {
+ this.log(payload, "calling " + hookName + " hook");
+ if (this.queryParams) {
+ args.push(this.queryParams);
+ }
+ args.push(payload);
+ var result = applyHook(this.handler, hookName, args);
+ if (result && result.isTransition) {
+ result = null;
+ }
+ return Promise.resolve(result, this.promiseLabel("Resolve value returned from one of the model hooks"));
+ },
+ // overridden by subclasses
+ getModel: null,
+ checkForAbort: function(shouldContinue, promiseValue) {
+ return Promise.resolve(shouldContinue(), this.promiseLabel("Check for abort")).then(function() {
+ // We don't care about shouldContinue's resolve value;
+ // pass along the original value passed to this fn.
+ return promiseValue;
+ }, null, this.promiseLabel("Ignore fulfillment value and continue"));
+ },
+ stashResolvedModel: function(payload, resolvedModel) {
+ payload.resolvedModels = payload.resolvedModels || {};
+ payload.resolvedModels[] = resolvedModel;
+ },
+ becomeResolved: function(payload, resolvedContext) {
+ var params = this.serialize(resolvedContext);
+ if (payload) {
+ this.stashResolvedModel(payload, resolvedContext);
+ payload.params = payload.params || {};
+ payload.params[] = params;
+ }
+ return this.factory('resolved', {
+ context: resolvedContext,
+ name:,
+ handler: this.handler,
+ params: params
+ });
+ },
+ shouldSupercede: function(other) {
+ // Prefer this newer handlerInfo over `other` if:
+ // 1) The other one doesn't exist
+ // 2) The names don't match
+ // 3) This handler has a context that doesn't match
+ // the other one (or the other one doesn't have one).
+ // 4) This handler has parameters that don't match the other.
+ if (!other) { return true; }
+ var contextsMatch = (other.context === this.context);
+ return !== ||
+ (this.hasOwnProperty('context') && !contextsMatch) ||
+ (this.hasOwnProperty('params') && !paramsMatch(this.params, other.params));
+ }
+ };
+ function paramsMatch(a, b) {
+ if ((!a) ^ (!b)) {
+ // Only one is null.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!a) {
+ // Both must be null.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Note: this assumes that both params have the same
+ // number of keys, but since we're comparing the
+ // same handlers, they should.
+ for (var k in a) {
+ if (a.hasOwnProperty(k) && a[k] !== b[k]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = HandlerInfo;
+ });
+ ["router/handler-info/resolved-handler-info","router/handler-info/unresolved-handler-info-by-object","router/handler-info/unresolved-handler-info-by-param","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var ResolvedHandlerInfo = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var UnresolvedHandlerInfoByObject = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var UnresolvedHandlerInfoByParam = __dependency3__["default"];
+ handlerInfoFactory.klasses = {
+ resolved: ResolvedHandlerInfo,
+ param: UnresolvedHandlerInfoByParam,
+ object: UnresolvedHandlerInfoByObject
+ };
+ function handlerInfoFactory(name, props) {
+ var Ctor = handlerInfoFactory.klasses[name],
+ handlerInfo = new Ctor(props || {});
+ handlerInfo.factory = handlerInfoFactory;
+ return handlerInfo;
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = handlerInfoFactory;
+ });
+ ["../handler-info","router/utils","rsvp/promise","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var HandlerInfo = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var subclass = __dependency2__.subclass;
+ var promiseLabel = __dependency2__.promiseLabel;
+ var Promise = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var ResolvedHandlerInfo = subclass(HandlerInfo, {
+ resolve: function(shouldContinue, payload) {
+ // A ResolvedHandlerInfo just resolved with itself.
+ if (payload && payload.resolvedModels) {
+ payload.resolvedModels[] = this.context;
+ }
+ return Promise.resolve(this, this.promiseLabel("Resolve"));
+ },
+ getUnresolved: function() {
+ return this.factory('param', {
+ name:,
+ handler: this.handler,
+ params: this.params
+ });
+ },
+ isResolved: true
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = ResolvedHandlerInfo;
+ });
+ ["../handler-info","router/utils","rsvp/promise","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var HandlerInfo = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var merge = __dependency2__.merge;
+ var subclass = __dependency2__.subclass;
+ var promiseLabel = __dependency2__.promiseLabel;
+ var isParam = __dependency2__.isParam;
+ var Promise = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var UnresolvedHandlerInfoByObject = subclass(HandlerInfo, {
+ getModel: function(payload) {
+ this.log(payload, + ": resolving provided model");
+ return Promise.resolve(this.context);
+ },
+ initialize: function(props) {
+ this.names = props.names || [];
+ this.context = props.context;
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ Serializes a handler using its custom `serialize` method or
+ by a default that looks up the expected property name from
+ the dynamic segment.
+ @param {Object} model the model to be serialized for this handler
+ */
+ serialize: function(_model) {
+ var model = _model || this.context,
+ names = this.names,
+ handler = this.handler;
+ var object = {};
+ if (isParam(model)) {
+ object[names[0]] = model;
+ return object;
+ }
+ // Use custom serialize if it exists.
+ if (handler.serialize) {
+ return handler.serialize(model, names);
+ }
+ if (names.length !== 1) { return; }
+ var name = names[0];
+ if (/_id$/.test(name)) {
+ object[name] =;
+ } else {
+ object[name] = model;
+ }
+ return object;
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = UnresolvedHandlerInfoByObject;
+ });
+ ["../handler-info","router/utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var HandlerInfo = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var resolveHook = __dependency2__.resolveHook;
+ var merge = __dependency2__.merge;
+ var subclass = __dependency2__.subclass;
+ var promiseLabel = __dependency2__.promiseLabel;
+ // Generated by URL transitions and non-dynamic route segments in named Transitions.
+ var UnresolvedHandlerInfoByParam = subclass (HandlerInfo, {
+ initialize: function(props) {
+ this.params = props.params || {};
+ },
+ getModel: function(payload) {
+ var fullParams = this.params;
+ if (payload && payload.queryParams) {
+ fullParams = {};
+ merge(fullParams, this.params);
+ fullParams.queryParams = payload.queryParams;
+ }
+ var handler = this.handler;
+ var hookName = resolveHook(handler, 'deserialize') ||
+ resolveHook(handler, 'model');
+ return this.runSharedModelHook(payload, hookName, [fullParams]);
+ }
+ });
+ __exports__["default"] = UnresolvedHandlerInfoByParam;
+ });
+ ["route-recognizer","rsvp/promise","./utils","./transition-state","./transition","./transition-intent/named-transition-intent","./transition-intent/url-transition-intent","./handler-info","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var RouteRecognizer = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var Promise = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var trigger = __dependency3__.trigger;
+ var log = __dependency3__.log;
+ var slice = __dependency3__.slice;
+ var forEach = __dependency3__.forEach;
+ var merge = __dependency3__.merge;
+ var serialize = __dependency3__.serialize;
+ var extractQueryParams = __dependency3__.extractQueryParams;
+ var getChangelist = __dependency3__.getChangelist;
+ var promiseLabel = __dependency3__.promiseLabel;
+ var callHook = __dependency3__.callHook;
+ var TransitionState = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var logAbort = __dependency5__.logAbort;
+ var Transition = __dependency5__.Transition;
+ var TransitionAborted = __dependency5__.TransitionAborted;
+ var NamedTransitionIntent = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var URLTransitionIntent = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var ResolvedHandlerInfo = __dependency8__.ResolvedHandlerInfo;
+ var pop = Array.prototype.pop;
+ function Router() {
+ this.recognizer = new RouteRecognizer();
+ this.reset();
+ }
+ function getTransitionByIntent(intent, isIntermediate) {
+ var wasTransitioning = !!this.activeTransition;
+ var oldState = wasTransitioning ? this.activeTransition.state : this.state;
+ var newTransition;
+ var newState = intent.applyToState(oldState, this.recognizer, this.getHandler, isIntermediate);
+ var queryParamChangelist = getChangelist(oldState.queryParams, newState.queryParams);
+ if (handlerInfosEqual(newState.handlerInfos, oldState.handlerInfos)) {
+ // This is a no-op transition. See if query params changed.
+ if (queryParamChangelist) {
+ newTransition = this.queryParamsTransition(queryParamChangelist, wasTransitioning, oldState, newState);
+ if (newTransition) {
+ return newTransition;
+ }
+ }
+ // No-op. No need to create a new transition.
+ return new Transition(this);
+ }
+ if (isIntermediate) {
+ setupContexts(this, newState);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create a new transition to the destination route.
+ newTransition = new Transition(this, intent, newState);
+ // Abort and usurp any previously active transition.
+ if (this.activeTransition) {
+ this.activeTransition.abort();
+ }
+ this.activeTransition = newTransition;
+ // Transition promises by default resolve with resolved state.
+ // For our purposes, swap out the promise to resolve
+ // after the transition has been finalized.
+ newTransition.promise = newTransition.promise.then(function(result) {
+ return finalizeTransition(newTransition, result.state);
+ }, null, promiseLabel("Settle transition promise when transition is finalized"));
+ if (!wasTransitioning) {
+ notifyExistingHandlers(this, newState, newTransition);
+ }
+ fireQueryParamDidChange(this, newState, queryParamChangelist);
+ return newTransition;
+ }
+ Router.prototype = {
+ /**
+ The main entry point into the router. The API is essentially
+ the same as the `map` method in `route-recognizer`.
+ This method extracts the String handler at the last `.to()`
+ call and uses it as the name of the whole route.
+ @param {Function} callback
+ */
+ map: function(callback) {
+ this.recognizer.delegate = this.delegate;
+, function(recognizer, routes) {
+ for (var i = routes.length - 1, proceed = true; i >= 0 && proceed; --i) {
+ var route = routes[i];
+ recognizer.add(routes, { as: route.handler });
+ proceed = route.path === '/' || route.path === '' || route.handler.slice(-6) === '.index';
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ hasRoute: function(route) {
+ return this.recognizer.hasRoute(route);
+ },
+ queryParamsTransition: function(changelist, wasTransitioning, oldState, newState) {
+ var router = this;
+ fireQueryParamDidChange(this, newState, changelist);
+ if (!wasTransitioning && this.activeTransition) {
+ // One of the handlers in queryParamsDidChange
+ // caused a transition. Just return that transition.
+ return this.activeTransition;
+ } else {
+ // Running queryParamsDidChange didn't change anything.
+ // Just update query params and be on our way.
+ // We have to return a noop transition that will
+ // perform a URL update at the end. This gives
+ // the user the ability to set the url update
+ // method (default is replaceState).
+ var newTransition = new Transition(this);
+ newTransition.queryParamsOnly = true;
+ oldState.queryParams = finalizeQueryParamChange(this, newState.handlerInfos, newState.queryParams, newTransition);
+ newTransition.promise = newTransition.promise.then(function(result) {
+ updateURL(newTransition, oldState, true);
+ if (router.didTransition) {
+ router.didTransition(router.currentHandlerInfos);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }, null, promiseLabel("Transition complete"));
+ return newTransition;
+ }
+ },
+ // NOTE: this doesn't really belong here, but here
+ // it shall remain until our ES6 transpiler can
+ // handle cyclical deps.
+ transitionByIntent: function(intent, isIntermediate) {
+ try {
+ return getTransitionByIntent.apply(this, arguments);
+ } catch(e) {
+ return new Transition(this, intent, null, e);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Clears the current and target route handlers and triggers exit
+ on each of them starting at the leaf and traversing up through
+ its ancestors.
+ */
+ reset: function() {
+ if (this.state) {
+ forEach(this.state.handlerInfos.slice().reverse(), function(handlerInfo) {
+ var handler = handlerInfo.handler;
+ callHook(handler, 'exit');
+ });
+ }
+ this.state = new TransitionState();
+ this.currentHandlerInfos = null;
+ },
+ activeTransition: null,
+ /**
+ var handler = handlerInfo.handler;
+ The entry point for handling a change to the URL (usually
+ via the back and forward button).
+ Returns an Array of handlers and the parameters associated
+ with those parameters.
+ @param {String} url a URL to process
+ @return {Array} an Array of `[handler, parameter]` tuples
+ */
+ handleURL: function(url) {
+ // Perform a URL-based transition, but don't change
+ // the URL afterward, since it already happened.
+ var args =;
+ if (url.charAt(0) !== '/') { args[0] = '/' + url; }
+ return doTransition(this, args).method(null);
+ },
+ /**
+ Hook point for updating the URL.
+ @param {String} url a URL to update to
+ */
+ updateURL: function() {
+ throw new Error("updateURL is not implemented");
+ },
+ /**
+ Hook point for replacing the current URL, i.e. with replaceState
+ By default this behaves the same as `updateURL`
+ @param {String} url a URL to update to
+ */
+ replaceURL: function(url) {
+ this.updateURL(url);
+ },
+ /**
+ Transition into the specified named route.
+ If necessary, trigger the exit callback on any handlers
+ that are no longer represented by the target route.
+ @param {String} name the name of the route
+ */
+ transitionTo: function(name) {
+ return doTransition(this, arguments);
+ },
+ intermediateTransitionTo: function(name) {
+ return doTransition(this, arguments, true);
+ },
+ refresh: function(pivotHandler) {
+ var state = this.activeTransition ? this.activeTransition.state : this.state;
+ var handlerInfos = state.handlerInfos;
+ var params = {};
+ for (var i = 0, len = handlerInfos.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var handlerInfo = handlerInfos[i];
+ params[] = handlerInfo.params || {};
+ }
+ log(this, "Starting a refresh transition");
+ var intent = new NamedTransitionIntent({
+ name: handlerInfos[handlerInfos.length - 1].name,
+ pivotHandler: pivotHandler || handlerInfos[0].handler,
+ contexts: [], // TODO collect contexts...?
+ queryParams: this._changedQueryParams || state.queryParams || {}
+ });
+ return this.transitionByIntent(intent, false);
+ },
+ /**
+ Identical to `transitionTo` except that the current URL will be replaced
+ if possible.
+ This method is intended primarily for use with `replaceState`.
+ @param {String} name the name of the route
+ */
+ replaceWith: function(name) {
+ return doTransition(this, arguments).method('replace');
+ },
+ /**
+ Take a named route and context objects and generate a
+ URL.
+ @param {String} name the name of the route to generate
+ a URL for
+ @param {...Object} objects a list of objects to serialize
+ @return {String} a URL
+ */
+ generate: function(handlerName) {
+ var partitionedArgs = extractQueryParams(, 1)),
+ suppliedParams = partitionedArgs[0],
+ queryParams = partitionedArgs[1];
+ // Construct a TransitionIntent with the provided params
+ // and apply it to the present state of the router.
+ var intent = new NamedTransitionIntent({ name: handlerName, contexts: suppliedParams });
+ var state = intent.applyToState(this.state, this.recognizer, this.getHandler);
+ var params = {};
+ for (var i = 0, len = state.handlerInfos.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var handlerInfo = state.handlerInfos[i];
+ var handlerParams = handlerInfo.serialize();
+ merge(params, handlerParams);
+ }
+ params.queryParams = queryParams;
+ return this.recognizer.generate(handlerName, params);
+ },
+ applyIntent: function(handlerName, contexts) {
+ var intent = new NamedTransitionIntent({
+ name: handlerName,
+ contexts: contexts
+ });
+ var state = this.activeTransition && this.activeTransition.state || this.state;
+ return intent.applyToState(state, this.recognizer, this.getHandler);
+ },
+ isActiveIntent: function(handlerName, contexts, queryParams) {
+ var targetHandlerInfos = this.state.handlerInfos,
+ found = false, names, object, handlerInfo, handlerObj, i, len;
+ if (!targetHandlerInfos.length) { return false; }
+ var targetHandler = targetHandlerInfos[targetHandlerInfos.length - 1].name;
+ var recogHandlers = this.recognizer.handlersFor(targetHandler);
+ var index = 0;
+ for (len = recogHandlers.length; index < len; ++index) {
+ handlerInfo = targetHandlerInfos[index];
+ if ( === handlerName) { break; }
+ }
+ if (index === recogHandlers.length) {
+ // The provided route name isn't even in the route hierarchy.
+ return false;
+ }
+ var state = new TransitionState();
+ state.handlerInfos = targetHandlerInfos.slice(0, index + 1);
+ recogHandlers = recogHandlers.slice(0, index + 1);
+ var intent = new NamedTransitionIntent({
+ name: targetHandler,
+ contexts: contexts
+ });
+ var newState = intent.applyToHandlers(state, recogHandlers, this.getHandler, targetHandler, true, true);
+ var handlersEqual = handlerInfosEqual(newState.handlerInfos, state.handlerInfos);
+ if (!queryParams || !handlersEqual) {
+ return handlersEqual;
+ }
+ // Get a hash of QPs that will still be active on new route
+ var activeQPsOnNewHandler = {};
+ merge(activeQPsOnNewHandler, queryParams);
+ var activeQueryParams = this.state.queryParams;
+ for (var key in activeQueryParams) {
+ if (activeQueryParams.hasOwnProperty(key) &&
+ activeQPsOnNewHandler.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ activeQPsOnNewHandler[key] = activeQueryParams[key];
+ }
+ }
+ return handlersEqual && !getChangelist(activeQPsOnNewHandler, queryParams);
+ },
+ isActive: function(handlerName) {
+ var partitionedArgs = extractQueryParams(, 1));
+ return this.isActiveIntent(handlerName, partitionedArgs[0], partitionedArgs[1]);
+ },
+ trigger: function(name) {
+ var args =;
+ trigger(this, this.currentHandlerInfos, false, args);
+ },
+ /**
+ Hook point for logging transition status updates.
+ @param {String} message The message to log.
+ */
+ log: null,
+ _willChangeContextEvent: 'willChangeContext',
+ _triggerWillChangeContext: function(handlerInfos, newTransition) {
+ trigger(this, handlerInfos, true, [this._willChangeContextEvent, newTransition]);
+ },
+ _triggerWillLeave: function(handlerInfos, newTransition, leavingChecker) {
+ trigger(this, handlerInfos, true, ['willLeave', newTransition, leavingChecker]);
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ @private
+ Fires queryParamsDidChange event
+ */
+ function fireQueryParamDidChange(router, newState, queryParamChangelist) {
+ // If queryParams changed trigger event
+ if (queryParamChangelist) {
+ // This is a little hacky but we need some way of storing
+ // changed query params given that no activeTransition
+ // is guaranteed to have occurred.
+ router._changedQueryParams = queryParamChangelist.all;
+ trigger(router, newState.handlerInfos, true, ['queryParamsDidChange', queryParamChangelist.changed, queryParamChangelist.all, queryParamChangelist.removed]);
+ router._changedQueryParams = null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ @private
+ Takes an Array of `HandlerInfo`s, figures out which ones are
+ exiting, entering, or changing contexts, and calls the
+ proper handler hooks.
+ For example, consider the following tree of handlers. Each handler is
+ followed by the URL segment it handles.
+ ```
+ |~index ("/")
+ | |~posts ("/posts")
+ | | |-showPost ("/:id")
+ | | |-newPost ("/new")
+ | | |-editPost ("/edit")
+ | |~about ("/about/:id")
+ ```
+ Consider the following transitions:
+ 1. A URL transition to `/posts/1`.
+ 1. Triggers the `*model` callbacks on the
+ `index`, `posts`, and `showPost` handlers
+ 2. Triggers the `enter` callback on the same
+ 3. Triggers the `setup` callback on the same
+ 2. A direct transition to `newPost`
+ 1. Triggers the `exit` callback on `showPost`
+ 2. Triggers the `enter` callback on `newPost`
+ 3. Triggers the `setup` callback on `newPost`
+ 3. A direct transition to `about` with a specified
+ context object
+ 1. Triggers the `exit` callback on `newPost`
+ and `posts`
+ 2. Triggers the `serialize` callback on `about`
+ 3. Triggers the `enter` callback on `about`
+ 4. Triggers the `setup` callback on `about`
+ @param {Router} transition
+ @param {TransitionState} newState
+ */
+ function setupContexts(router, newState, transition) {
+ var partition = partitionHandlers(router.state, newState);
+ forEach(partition.exited, function(handlerInfo) {
+ var handler = handlerInfo.handler;
+ delete handler.context;
+ callHook(handler, 'reset', true, transition);
+ callHook(handler, 'exit', transition);
+ });
+ var oldState = router.oldState = router.state;
+ router.state = newState;
+ var currentHandlerInfos = router.currentHandlerInfos = partition.unchanged.slice();
+ try {
+ forEach(partition.reset, function(handlerInfo) {
+ var handler = handlerInfo.handler;
+ callHook(handler, 'reset', false, transition);
+ });
+ forEach(partition.updatedContext, function(handlerInfo) {
+ return handlerEnteredOrUpdated(currentHandlerInfos, handlerInfo, false, transition);
+ });
+ forEach(partition.entered, function(handlerInfo) {
+ return handlerEnteredOrUpdated(currentHandlerInfos, handlerInfo, true, transition);
+ });
+ } catch(e) {
+ router.state = oldState;
+ router.currentHandlerInfos = oldState.handlerInfos;
+ throw e;
+ }
+ router.state.queryParams = finalizeQueryParamChange(router, currentHandlerInfos, newState.queryParams, transition);
+ }
+ /**
+ @private
+ Helper method used by setupContexts. Handles errors or redirects
+ that may happen in enter/setup.
+ */
+ function handlerEnteredOrUpdated(currentHandlerInfos, handlerInfo, enter, transition) {
+ var handler = handlerInfo.handler,
+ context = handlerInfo.context;
+ if (enter) {
+ callHook(handler, 'enter', transition);
+ }
+ if (transition && transition.isAborted) {
+ throw new TransitionAborted();
+ }
+ handler.context = context;
+ callHook(handler, 'contextDidChange');
+ callHook(handler, 'setup', context, transition);
+ if (transition && transition.isAborted) {
+ throw new TransitionAborted();
+ }
+ currentHandlerInfos.push(handlerInfo);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ @private
+ This function is called when transitioning from one URL to
+ another to determine which handlers are no longer active,
+ which handlers are newly active, and which handlers remain
+ active but have their context changed.
+ Take a list of old handlers and new handlers and partition
+ them into four buckets:
+ * unchanged: the handler was active in both the old and
+ new URL, and its context remains the same
+ * updated context: the handler was active in both the
+ old and new URL, but its context changed. The handler's
+ `setup` method, if any, will be called with the new
+ context.
+ * exited: the handler was active in the old URL, but is
+ no longer active.
+ * entered: the handler was not active in the old URL, but
+ is now active.
+ The PartitionedHandlers structure has four fields:
+ * `updatedContext`: a list of `HandlerInfo` objects that
+ represent handlers that remain active but have a changed
+ context
+ * `entered`: a list of `HandlerInfo` objects that represent
+ handlers that are newly active
+ * `exited`: a list of `HandlerInfo` objects that are no
+ longer active.
+ * `unchanged`: a list of `HanderInfo` objects that remain active.
+ @param {Array[HandlerInfo]} oldHandlers a list of the handler
+ information for the previous URL (or `[]` if this is the
+ first handled transition)
+ @param {Array[HandlerInfo]} newHandlers a list of the handler
+ information for the new URL
+ @return {Partition}
+ */
+ function partitionHandlers(oldState, newState) {
+ var oldHandlers = oldState.handlerInfos;
+ var newHandlers = newState.handlerInfos;
+ var handlers = {
+ updatedContext: [],
+ exited: [],
+ entered: [],
+ unchanged: []
+ };
+ var handlerChanged, contextChanged = false, i, l;
+ for (i=0, l=newHandlers.length; i<l; i++) {
+ var oldHandler = oldHandlers[i], newHandler = newHandlers[i];
+ if (!oldHandler || oldHandler.handler !== newHandler.handler) {
+ handlerChanged = true;
+ }
+ if (handlerChanged) {
+ handlers.entered.push(newHandler);
+ if (oldHandler) { handlers.exited.unshift(oldHandler); }
+ } else if (contextChanged || oldHandler.context !== newHandler.context) {
+ contextChanged = true;
+ handlers.updatedContext.push(newHandler);
+ } else {
+ handlers.unchanged.push(oldHandler);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=newHandlers.length, l=oldHandlers.length; i<l; i++) {
+ handlers.exited.unshift(oldHandlers[i]);
+ }
+ handlers.reset = handlers.updatedContext.slice();
+ handlers.reset.reverse();
+ return handlers;
+ }
+ function updateURL(transition, state, inputUrl) {
+ var urlMethod = transition.urlMethod;
+ if (!urlMethod) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var router = transition.router,
+ handlerInfos = state.handlerInfos,
+ handlerName = handlerInfos[handlerInfos.length - 1].name,
+ params = {};
+ for (var i = handlerInfos.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var handlerInfo = handlerInfos[i];
+ merge(params, handlerInfo.params);
+ if (handlerInfo.handler.inaccessibleByURL) {
+ urlMethod = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (urlMethod) {
+ params.queryParams = transition._visibleQueryParams || state.queryParams;
+ var url = router.recognizer.generate(handlerName, params);
+ if (urlMethod === 'replace') {
+ router.replaceURL(url);
+ } else {
+ router.updateURL(url);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ @private
+ Updates the URL (if necessary) and calls `setupContexts`
+ to update the router's array of `currentHandlerInfos`.
+ */
+ function finalizeTransition(transition, newState) {
+ try {
+ log(transition.router, transition.sequence, "Resolved all models on destination route; finalizing transition.");
+ var router = transition.router,
+ handlerInfos = newState.handlerInfos,
+ seq = transition.sequence;
+ // Run all the necessary enter/setup/exit hooks
+ setupContexts(router, newState, transition);
+ // Check if a redirect occurred in enter/setup
+ if (transition.isAborted) {
+ // TODO: cleaner way? distinguish b/w targetHandlerInfos?
+ router.state.handlerInfos = router.currentHandlerInfos;
+ return Promise.reject(logAbort(transition));
+ }
+ updateURL(transition, newState, transition.intent.url);
+ transition.isActive = false;
+ router.activeTransition = null;
+ trigger(router, router.currentHandlerInfos, true, ['didTransition']);
+ if (router.didTransition) {
+ router.didTransition(router.currentHandlerInfos);
+ }
+ log(router, transition.sequence, "TRANSITION COMPLETE.");
+ // Resolve with the final handler.
+ return handlerInfos[handlerInfos.length - 1].handler;
+ } catch(e) {
+ if (!((e instanceof TransitionAborted))) {
+ //var erroneousHandler = handlerInfos.pop();
+ var infos = transition.state.handlerInfos;
+ transition.trigger(true, 'error', e, transition, infos[infos.length-1].handler);
+ transition.abort();
+ }
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ @private
+ Begins and returns a Transition based on the provided
+ arguments. Accepts arguments in the form of both URL
+ transitions and named transitions.
+ @param {Router} router
+ @param {Array[Object]} args arguments passed to transitionTo,
+ replaceWith, or handleURL
+ */
+ function doTransition(router, args, isIntermediate) {
+ // Normalize blank transitions to root URL transitions.
+ var name = args[0] || '/';
+ var lastArg = args[args.length-1];
+ var queryParams = {};
+ if (lastArg && lastArg.hasOwnProperty('queryParams')) {
+ queryParams =;
+ }
+ var intent;
+ if (args.length === 0) {
+ log(router, "Updating query params");
+ // A query param update is really just a transition
+ // into the route you're already on.
+ var handlerInfos = router.state.handlerInfos;
+ intent = new NamedTransitionIntent({
+ name: handlerInfos[handlerInfos.length - 1].name,
+ contexts: [],
+ queryParams: queryParams
+ });
+ } else if (name.charAt(0) === '/') {
+ log(router, "Attempting URL transition to " + name);
+ intent = new URLTransitionIntent({ url: name });
+ } else {
+ log(router, "Attempting transition to " + name);
+ intent = new NamedTransitionIntent({
+ name: args[0],
+ contexts:, 1),
+ queryParams: queryParams
+ });
+ }
+ return router.transitionByIntent(intent, isIntermediate);
+ }
+ function handlerInfosEqual(handlerInfos, otherHandlerInfos) {
+ if (handlerInfos.length !== otherHandlerInfos.length) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, len = handlerInfos.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ if (handlerInfos[i] !== otherHandlerInfos[i]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function finalizeQueryParamChange(router, resolvedHandlers, newQueryParams, transition) {
+ // We fire a finalizeQueryParamChange event which
+ // gives the new route hierarchy a chance to tell
+ // us which query params it's consuming and what
+ // their final values are. If a query param is
+ // no longer consumed in the final route hierarchy,
+ // its serialized segment will be removed
+ // from the URL.
+ for (var k in newQueryParams) {
+ if (newQueryParams.hasOwnProperty(k) &&
+ newQueryParams[k] === null) {
+ delete newQueryParams[k];
+ }
+ }
+ var finalQueryParamsArray = [];
+ trigger(router, resolvedHandlers, true, ['finalizeQueryParamChange', newQueryParams, finalQueryParamsArray, transition]);
+ if (transition) {
+ transition._visibleQueryParams = {};
+ }
+ var finalQueryParams = {};
+ for (var i = 0, len = finalQueryParamsArray.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var qp = finalQueryParamsArray[i];
+ finalQueryParams[qp.key] = qp.value;
+ if (transition && qp.visible !== false) {
+ transition._visibleQueryParams[qp.key] = qp.value;
+ }
+ }
+ return finalQueryParams;
+ }
+ function notifyExistingHandlers(router, newState, newTransition) {
+ var oldHandlers = router.state.handlerInfos,
+ changing = [],
+ leavingIndex = null,
+ leaving, leavingChecker, i, oldHandlerLen, oldHandler, newHandler;
+ oldHandlerLen = oldHandlers.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < oldHandlerLen; i++) {
+ oldHandler = oldHandlers[i];
+ newHandler = newState.handlerInfos[i];
+ if (!newHandler || !== {
+ leavingIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!newHandler.isResolved) {
+ changing.push(oldHandler);
+ }
+ }
+ if (leavingIndex !== null) {
+ leaving = oldHandlers.slice(leavingIndex, oldHandlerLen);
+ leavingChecker = function(name) {
+ for (var h = 0, len = leaving.length; h < len; h++) {
+ if (leaving[h].name === name) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ router._triggerWillLeave(leaving, newTransition, leavingChecker);
+ }
+ if (changing.length > 0) {
+ router._triggerWillChangeContext(changing, newTransition);
+ }
+ trigger(router, oldHandlers, true, ['willTransition', newTransition]);
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = Router;
+ });
+ ["./utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var merge = __dependency1__.merge;
+ function TransitionIntent(props) {
+ this.initialize(props);
+ // TODO: wat
+ = || {};
+ }
+ TransitionIntent.prototype = {
+ initialize: null,
+ applyToState: null
+ };
+ __exports__["default"] = TransitionIntent;
+ });
+ ["../transition-intent","../transition-state","../handler-info/factory","../utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var TransitionIntent = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var TransitionState = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var handlerInfoFactory = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var isParam = __dependency4__.isParam;
+ var extractQueryParams = __dependency4__.extractQueryParams;
+ var merge = __dependency4__.merge;
+ var subclass = __dependency4__.subclass;
+ __exports__["default"] = subclass(TransitionIntent, {
+ name: null,
+ pivotHandler: null,
+ contexts: null,
+ queryParams: null,
+ initialize: function(props) {
+ =;
+ this.pivotHandler = props.pivotHandler;
+ this.contexts = props.contexts || [];
+ this.queryParams = props.queryParams;
+ },
+ applyToState: function(oldState, recognizer, getHandler, isIntermediate) {
+ var partitionedArgs = extractQueryParams([].concat(this.contexts)),
+ pureArgs = partitionedArgs[0],
+ queryParams = partitionedArgs[1],
+ handlers = recognizer.handlersFor(pureArgs[0]);
+ var targetRouteName = handlers[handlers.length-1].handler;
+ return this.applyToHandlers(oldState, handlers, getHandler, targetRouteName, isIntermediate);
+ },
+ applyToHandlers: function(oldState, handlers, getHandler, targetRouteName, isIntermediate, checkingIfActive) {
+ var i, len;
+ var newState = new TransitionState();
+ var objects = this.contexts.slice(0);
+ var invalidateIndex = handlers.length;
+ // Pivot handlers are provided for refresh transitions
+ if (this.pivotHandler) {
+ for (i = 0, len = handlers.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ if (getHandler(handlers[i].handler) === this.pivotHandler) {
+ invalidateIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var pivotHandlerFound = !this.pivotHandler;
+ for (i = handlers.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ var result = handlers[i];
+ var name = result.handler;
+ var handler = getHandler(name);
+ var oldHandlerInfo = oldState.handlerInfos[i];
+ var newHandlerInfo = null;
+ if (result.names.length > 0) {
+ if (i >= invalidateIndex) {
+ newHandlerInfo = this.createParamHandlerInfo(name, handler, result.names, objects, oldHandlerInfo);
+ } else {
+ newHandlerInfo = this.getHandlerInfoForDynamicSegment(name, handler, result.names, objects, oldHandlerInfo, targetRouteName, i);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // This route has no dynamic segment.
+ // Therefore treat as a param-based handlerInfo
+ // with empty params. This will cause the `model`
+ // hook to be called with empty params, which is desirable.
+ newHandlerInfo = this.createParamHandlerInfo(name, handler, result.names, objects, oldHandlerInfo);
+ }
+ if (checkingIfActive) {
+ // If we're performing an isActive check, we want to
+ // serialize URL params with the provided context, but
+ // ignore mismatches between old and new context.
+ newHandlerInfo = newHandlerInfo.becomeResolved(null, newHandlerInfo.context);
+ var oldContext = oldHandlerInfo && oldHandlerInfo.context;
+ if (result.names.length > 0 && newHandlerInfo.context === oldContext) {
+ // If contexts match in isActive test, assume params also match.
+ // This allows for flexibility in not requiring that every last
+ // handler provide a `serialize` method
+ newHandlerInfo.params = oldHandlerInfo && oldHandlerInfo.params;
+ }
+ newHandlerInfo.context = oldContext;
+ }
+ var handlerToUse = oldHandlerInfo;
+ if (i >= invalidateIndex || newHandlerInfo.shouldSupercede(oldHandlerInfo)) {
+ invalidateIndex = Math.min(i, invalidateIndex);
+ handlerToUse = newHandlerInfo;
+ }
+ if (isIntermediate && !checkingIfActive) {
+ handlerToUse = handlerToUse.becomeResolved(null, handlerToUse.context);
+ }
+ newState.handlerInfos.unshift(handlerToUse);
+ }
+ if (objects.length > 0) {
+ throw new Error("More context objects were passed than there are dynamic segments for the route: " + targetRouteName);
+ }
+ if (!isIntermediate) {
+ this.invalidateChildren(newState.handlerInfos, invalidateIndex);
+ }
+ merge(newState.queryParams, this.queryParams || {});
+ return newState;
+ },
+ invalidateChildren: function(handlerInfos, invalidateIndex) {
+ for (var i = invalidateIndex, l = handlerInfos.length; i < l; ++i) {
+ var handlerInfo = handlerInfos[i];
+ handlerInfos[i] = handlerInfos[i].getUnresolved();
+ }
+ },
+ getHandlerInfoForDynamicSegment: function(name, handler, names, objects, oldHandlerInfo, targetRouteName, i) {
+ var numNames = names.length;
+ var objectToUse;
+ if (objects.length > 0) {
+ // Use the objects provided for this transition.
+ objectToUse = objects[objects.length - 1];
+ if (isParam(objectToUse)) {
+ return this.createParamHandlerInfo(name, handler, names, objects, oldHandlerInfo);
+ } else {
+ objects.pop();
+ }
+ } else if (oldHandlerInfo && === name) {
+ // Reuse the matching oldHandlerInfo
+ return oldHandlerInfo;
+ } else {
+ if (this.preTransitionState) {
+ var preTransitionHandlerInfo = this.preTransitionState.handlerInfos[i];
+ objectToUse = preTransitionHandlerInfo && preTransitionHandlerInfo.context;
+ } else {
+ // Ideally we should throw this error to provide maximal
+ // information to the user that not enough context objects
+ // were provided, but this proves too cumbersome in Ember
+ // in cases where inner template helpers are evaluated
+ // before parent helpers un-render, in which cases this
+ // error somewhat prematurely fires.
+ //throw new Error("Not enough context objects were provided to complete a transition to " + targetRouteName + ". Specifically, the " + name + " route needs an object that can be serialized into its dynamic URL segments [" + names.join(', ') + "]");
+ return oldHandlerInfo;
+ }
+ }
+ return handlerInfoFactory('object', {
+ name: name,
+ handler: handler,
+ context: objectToUse,
+ names: names
+ });
+ },
+ createParamHandlerInfo: function(name, handler, names, objects, oldHandlerInfo) {
+ var params = {};
+ // Soak up all the provided string/numbers
+ var numNames = names.length;
+ while (numNames--) {
+ // Only use old params if the names match with the new handler
+ var oldParams = (oldHandlerInfo && name === && oldHandlerInfo.params) || {};
+ var peek = objects[objects.length - 1];
+ var paramName = names[numNames];
+ if (isParam(peek)) {
+ params[paramName] = "" + objects.pop();
+ } else {
+ // If we're here, this means only some of the params
+ // were string/number params, so try and use a param
+ // value from a previous handler.
+ if (oldParams.hasOwnProperty(paramName)) {
+ params[paramName] = oldParams[paramName];
+ } else {
+ throw new Error("You didn't provide enough string/numeric parameters to satisfy all of the dynamic segments for route " + name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return handlerInfoFactory('param', {
+ name: name,
+ handler: handler,
+ params: params
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ ["../transition-intent","../transition-state","../handler-info/factory","../utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var TransitionIntent = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var TransitionState = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var handlerInfoFactory = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var oCreate = __dependency4__.oCreate;
+ var merge = __dependency4__.merge;
+ var subclass = __dependency4__.subclass;
+ __exports__["default"] = subclass(TransitionIntent, {
+ url: null,
+ initialize: function(props) {
+ this.url = props.url;
+ },
+ applyToState: function(oldState, recognizer, getHandler) {
+ var newState = new TransitionState();
+ var results = recognizer.recognize(this.url),
+ queryParams = {},
+ i, len;
+ if (!results) {
+ throw new UnrecognizedURLError(this.url);
+ }
+ var statesDiffer = false;
+ for (i = 0, len = results.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var result = results[i];
+ var name = result.handler;
+ var handler = getHandler(name);
+ if (handler.inaccessibleByURL) {
+ throw new UnrecognizedURLError(this.url);
+ }
+ var newHandlerInfo = handlerInfoFactory('param', {
+ name: name,
+ handler: handler,
+ params: result.params
+ });
+ var oldHandlerInfo = oldState.handlerInfos[i];
+ if (statesDiffer || newHandlerInfo.shouldSupercede(oldHandlerInfo)) {
+ statesDiffer = true;
+ newState.handlerInfos[i] = newHandlerInfo;
+ } else {
+ newState.handlerInfos[i] = oldHandlerInfo;
+ }
+ }
+ merge(newState.queryParams, results.queryParams);
+ return newState;
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ Promise reject reasons passed to promise rejection
+ handlers for failed transitions.
+ */
+ function UnrecognizedURLError(message) {
+ this.message = (message || "UnrecognizedURLError");
+ = "UnrecognizedURLError";
+ }
+ });
+ ["./handler-info","./utils","rsvp/promise","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var ResolvedHandlerInfo = __dependency1__.ResolvedHandlerInfo;
+ var forEach = __dependency2__.forEach;
+ var promiseLabel = __dependency2__.promiseLabel;
+ var callHook = __dependency2__.callHook;
+ var Promise = __dependency3__["default"];
+ function TransitionState(other) {
+ this.handlerInfos = [];
+ this.queryParams = {};
+ this.params = {};
+ }
+ TransitionState.prototype = {
+ handlerInfos: null,
+ queryParams: null,
+ params: null,
+ promiseLabel: function(label) {
+ var targetName = '';
+ forEach(this.handlerInfos, function(handlerInfo) {
+ if (targetName !== '') {
+ targetName += '.';
+ }
+ targetName +=;
+ });
+ return promiseLabel("'" + targetName + "': " + label);
+ },
+ resolve: function(shouldContinue, payload) {
+ var self = this;
+ // First, calculate params for this state. This is useful
+ // information to provide to the various route hooks.
+ var params = this.params;
+ forEach(this.handlerInfos, function(handlerInfo) {
+ params[] = handlerInfo.params || {};
+ });
+ payload = payload || {};
+ payload.resolveIndex = 0;
+ var currentState = this;
+ var wasAborted = false;
+ // The prelude RSVP.resolve() asyncs us into the promise land.
+ return Promise.resolve(null, this.promiseLabel("Start transition"))
+ .then(resolveOneHandlerInfo, null, this.promiseLabel('Resolve handler'))['catch'](handleError, this.promiseLabel('Handle error'));
+ function innerShouldContinue() {
+ return Promise.resolve(shouldContinue(), currentState.promiseLabel("Check if should continue"))['catch'](function(reason) {
+ // We distinguish between errors that occurred
+ // during resolution (e.g. beforeModel/model/afterModel),
+ // and aborts due to a rejecting promise from shouldContinue().
+ wasAborted = true;
+ return Promise.reject(reason);
+ }, currentState.promiseLabel("Handle abort"));
+ }
+ function handleError(error) {
+ // This is the only possible
+ // reject value of TransitionState#resolve
+ var handlerInfos = currentState.handlerInfos;
+ var errorHandlerIndex = payload.resolveIndex >= handlerInfos.length ?
+ handlerInfos.length - 1 : payload.resolveIndex;
+ return Promise.reject({
+ error: error,
+ handlerWithError: currentState.handlerInfos[errorHandlerIndex].handler,
+ wasAborted: wasAborted,
+ state: currentState
+ });
+ }
+ function proceed(resolvedHandlerInfo) {
+ var wasAlreadyResolved = currentState.handlerInfos[payload.resolveIndex].isResolved;
+ // Swap the previously unresolved handlerInfo with
+ // the resolved handlerInfo
+ currentState.handlerInfos[payload.resolveIndex++] = resolvedHandlerInfo;
+ if (!wasAlreadyResolved) {
+ // Call the redirect hook. The reason we call it here
+ // vs. afterModel is so that redirects into child
+ // routes don't re-run the model hooks for this
+ // already-resolved route.
+ var handler = resolvedHandlerInfo.handler;
+ callHook(handler, 'redirect', resolvedHandlerInfo.context, payload);
+ }
+ // Proceed after ensuring that the redirect hook
+ // didn't abort this transition by transitioning elsewhere.
+ return innerShouldContinue().then(resolveOneHandlerInfo, null, currentState.promiseLabel('Resolve handler'));
+ }
+ function resolveOneHandlerInfo() {
+ if (payload.resolveIndex === currentState.handlerInfos.length) {
+ // This is is the only possible
+ // fulfill value of TransitionState#resolve
+ return {
+ error: null,
+ state: currentState
+ };
+ }
+ var handlerInfo = currentState.handlerInfos[payload.resolveIndex];
+ return handlerInfo.resolve(innerShouldContinue, payload)
+ .then(proceed, null, currentState.promiseLabel('Proceed'));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ __exports__["default"] = TransitionState;
+ });
+ ["rsvp/promise","./handler-info","./utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var ResolvedHandlerInfo = __dependency2__.ResolvedHandlerInfo;
+ var trigger = __dependency3__.trigger;
+ var slice = __dependency3__.slice;
+ var log = __dependency3__.log;
+ var promiseLabel = __dependency3__.promiseLabel;
+ /**
+ @private
+ A Transition is a thennable (a promise-like object) that represents
+ an attempt to transition to another route. It can be aborted, either
+ explicitly via `abort` or by attempting another transition while a
+ previous one is still underway. An aborted transition can also
+ be `retry()`d later.
+ */
+ function Transition(router, intent, state, error) {
+ var transition = this;
+ this.state = state || router.state;
+ this.intent = intent;
+ this.router = router;
+ = this.intent && || {};
+ this.resolvedModels = {};
+ this.queryParams = {};
+ if (error) {
+ this.promise = Promise.reject(error);
+ this.error = error;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (state) {
+ this.params = state.params;
+ this.queryParams = state.queryParams;
+ this.handlerInfos = state.handlerInfos;
+ var len = state.handlerInfos.length;
+ if (len) {
+ this.targetName = state.handlerInfos[len-1].name;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ var handlerInfo = state.handlerInfos[i];
+ // TODO: this all seems hacky
+ if (!handlerInfo.isResolved) { break; }
+ this.pivotHandler = handlerInfo.handler;
+ }
+ this.sequence = Transition.currentSequence++;
+ this.promise = state.resolve(checkForAbort, this)['catch'](function(result) {
+ if (result.wasAborted || transition.isAborted) {
+ return Promise.reject(logAbort(transition));
+ } else {
+ transition.trigger('error', result.error, transition, result.handlerWithError);
+ transition.abort();
+ return Promise.reject(result.error);
+ }
+ }, promiseLabel('Handle Abort'));
+ } else {
+ this.promise = Promise.resolve(this.state);
+ this.params = {};
+ }
+ function checkForAbort() {
+ if (transition.isAborted) {
+ return Promise.reject(undefined, promiseLabel("Transition aborted - reject"));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Transition.currentSequence = 0;
+ Transition.prototype = {
+ targetName: null,
+ urlMethod: 'update',
+ intent: null,
+ params: null,
+ pivotHandler: null,
+ resolveIndex: 0,
+ handlerInfos: null,
+ resolvedModels: null,
+ isActive: true,
+ state: null,
+ queryParamsOnly: false,
+ isTransition: true,
+ isExiting: function(handler) {
+ var handlerInfos = this.handlerInfos;
+ for (var i = 0, len = handlerInfos.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ var handlerInfo = handlerInfos[i];
+ if ( === handler || handlerInfo.handler === handler) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ @public
+ The Transition's internal promise. Calling `.then` on this property
+ is that same as calling `.then` on the Transition object itself, but
+ this property is exposed for when you want to pass around a
+ Transition's promise, but not the Transition object itself, since
+ Transition object can be externally `abort`ed, while the promise
+ cannot.
+ */
+ promise: null,
+ /**
+ @public
+ Custom state can be stored on a Transition's `data` object.
+ This can be useful for decorating a Transition within an earlier
+ hook and shared with a later hook. Properties set on `data` will
+ be copied to new transitions generated by calling `retry` on this
+ transition.
+ */
+ data: null,
+ /**
+ @public
+ A standard promise hook that resolves if the transition
+ succeeds and rejects if it fails/redirects/aborts.
+ Forwards to the internal `promise` property which you can
+ use in situations where you want to pass around a thennable,
+ but not the Transition itself.
+ @param {Function} onFulfilled
+ @param {Function} onRejected
+ @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise}
+ */
+ then: function(onFulfilled, onRejected, label) {
+ return this.promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected, label);
+ },
+ /**
+ @public
+ Forwards to the internal `promise` property which you can
+ use in situations where you want to pass around a thennable,
+ but not the Transition itself.
+ @method catch
+ @param {Function} onRejection
+ @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise}
+ */
+ "catch": function(onRejection, label) {
+ return this.promise["catch"](onRejection, label);
+ },
+ /**
+ @public
+ Forwards to the internal `promise` property which you can
+ use in situations where you want to pass around a thennable,
+ but not the Transition itself.
+ @method finally
+ @param {Function} callback
+ @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise}
+ */
+ "finally": function(callback, label) {
+ return this.promise["finally"](callback, label);
+ },
+ /**
+ @public
+ Aborts the Transition. Note you can also implicitly abort a transition
+ by initiating another transition while a previous one is underway.
+ */
+ abort: function() {
+ if (this.isAborted) { return this; }
+ log(this.router, this.sequence, this.targetName + ": transition was aborted");
+ this.intent.preTransitionState = this.router.state;
+ this.isAborted = true;
+ this.isActive = false;
+ this.router.activeTransition = null;
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ @public
+ Retries a previously-aborted transition (making sure to abort the
+ transition if it's still active). Returns a new transition that
+ represents the new attempt to transition.
+ */
+ retry: function() {
+ // TODO: add tests for merged state retry()s
+ this.abort();
+ return this.router.transitionByIntent(this.intent, false);
+ },
+ /**
+ @public
+ Sets the URL-changing method to be employed at the end of a
+ successful transition. By default, a new Transition will just
+ use `updateURL`, but passing 'replace' to this method will
+ cause the URL to update using 'replaceWith' instead. Omitting
+ a parameter will disable the URL change, allowing for transitions
+ that don't update the URL at completion (this is also used for
+ handleURL, since the URL has already changed before the
+ transition took place).
+ @param {String} method the type of URL-changing method to use
+ at the end of a transition. Accepted values are 'replace',
+ falsy values, or any other non-falsy value (which is
+ interpreted as an updateURL transition).
+ @return {Transition} this transition
+ */
+ method: function(method) {
+ this.urlMethod = method;
+ return this;
+ },
+ /**
+ @public
+ Fires an event on the current list of resolved/resolving
+ handlers within this transition. Useful for firing events
+ on route hierarchies that haven't fully been entered yet.
+ Note: This method is also aliased as `send`
+ @param {Boolean} [ignoreFailure=false] a boolean specifying whether unhandled events throw an error
+ @param {String} name the name of the event to fire
+ */
+ trigger: function (ignoreFailure) {
+ var args =;
+ if (typeof ignoreFailure === 'boolean') {
+ args.shift();
+ } else {
+ // Throw errors on unhandled trigger events by default
+ ignoreFailure = false;
+ }
+ trigger(this.router, this.state.handlerInfos.slice(0, this.resolveIndex + 1), ignoreFailure, args);
+ },
+ /**
+ @public
+ Transitions are aborted and their promises rejected
+ when redirects occur; this method returns a promise
+ that will follow any redirects that occur and fulfill
+ with the value fulfilled by any redirecting transitions
+ that occur.
+ @return {Promise} a promise that fulfills with the same
+ value that the final redirecting transition fulfills with
+ */
+ followRedirects: function() {
+ var router = this.router;
+ return this.promise['catch'](function(reason) {
+ if (router.activeTransition) {
+ return router.activeTransition.followRedirects();
+ }
+ return Promise.reject(reason);
+ });
+ },
+ toString: function() {
+ return "Transition (sequence " + this.sequence + ")";
+ },
+ /**
+ @private
+ */
+ log: function(message) {
+ log(this.router, this.sequence, message);
+ }
+ };
+ // Alias 'trigger' as 'send'
+ Transition.prototype.send = Transition.prototype.trigger;
+ /**
+ @private
+ Logs and returns a TransitionAborted error.
+ */
+ function logAbort(transition) {
+ log(transition.router, transition.sequence, "detected abort.");
+ return new TransitionAborted();
+ }
+ function TransitionAborted(message) {
+ this.message = (message || "TransitionAborted");
+ = "TransitionAborted";
+ }
+ __exports__.Transition = Transition;
+ __exports__.logAbort = logAbort;
+ __exports__.TransitionAborted = TransitionAborted;
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+ var _isArray;
+ if (!Array.isArray) {
+ _isArray = function (x) {
+ return === "[object Array]";
+ };
+ } else {
+ _isArray = Array.isArray;
+ }
+ var isArray = _isArray;
+ __exports__.isArray = isArray;
+ function merge(hash, other) {
+ for (var prop in other) {
+ if (other.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { hash[prop] = other[prop]; }
+ }
+ }
+ var oCreate = Object.create || function(proto) {
+ function F() {}
+ F.prototype = proto;
+ return new F();
+ };
+ __exports__.oCreate = oCreate;
+ /**
+ @private
+ Extracts query params from the end of an array
+ **/
+ function extractQueryParams(array) {
+ var len = (array && array.length), head, queryParams;
+ if(len && len > 0 && array[len - 1] && array[len - 1].hasOwnProperty('queryParams')) {
+ queryParams = array[len - 1].queryParams;
+ head =, 0, len - 1);
+ return [head, queryParams];
+ } else {
+ return [array, null];
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.extractQueryParams = extractQueryParams;/**
+ @private
+ Coerces query param properties and array elements into strings.
+ **/
+ function coerceQueryParamsToString(queryParams) {
+ for (var key in queryParams) {
+ if (typeof queryParams[key] === 'number') {
+ queryParams[key] = '' + queryParams[key];
+ } else if (isArray(queryParams[key])) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = queryParams[key].length; i < l; i++) {
+ queryParams[key][i] = '' + queryParams[key][i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ @private
+ */
+ function log(router, sequence, msg) {
+ if (!router.log) { return; }
+ if (arguments.length === 3) {
+ router.log("Transition #" + sequence + ": " + msg);
+ } else {
+ msg = sequence;
+ router.log(msg);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.log = log;function bind(context, fn) {
+ var boundArgs = arguments;
+ return function(value) {
+ var args =, 2);
+ args.push(value);
+ return fn.apply(context, args);
+ };
+ }
+ __exports__.bind = bind;function isParam(object) {
+ return (typeof object === "string" || object instanceof String || typeof object === "number" || object instanceof Number);
+ }
+ function forEach(array, callback) {
+ for (var i=0, l=array.length; i<l && false !== callback(array[i]); i++) { }
+ }
+ __exports__.forEach = forEach;function trigger(router, handlerInfos, ignoreFailure, args) {
+ if (router.triggerEvent) {
+ router.triggerEvent(handlerInfos, ignoreFailure, args);
+ return;
+ }
+ var name = args.shift();
+ if (!handlerInfos) {
+ if (ignoreFailure) { return; }
+ throw new Error("Could not trigger event '" + name + "'. There are no active handlers");
+ }
+ var eventWasHandled = false;
+ for (var i=handlerInfos.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ var handlerInfo = handlerInfos[i],
+ handler = handlerInfo.handler;
+ if ( &&[name]) {
+ if ([name].apply(handler, args) === true) {
+ eventWasHandled = true;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!eventWasHandled && !ignoreFailure) {
+ throw new Error("Nothing handled the event '" + name + "'.");
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.trigger = trigger;function getChangelist(oldObject, newObject) {
+ var key;
+ var results = {
+ all: {},
+ changed: {},
+ removed: {}
+ };
+ merge(results.all, newObject);
+ var didChange = false;
+ coerceQueryParamsToString(oldObject);
+ coerceQueryParamsToString(newObject);
+ // Calculate removals
+ for (key in oldObject) {
+ if (oldObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ if (!newObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ didChange = true;
+ results.removed[key] = oldObject[key];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Calculate changes
+ for (key in newObject) {
+ if (newObject.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ if (isArray(oldObject[key]) && isArray(newObject[key])) {
+ if (oldObject[key].length !== newObject[key].length) {
+ results.changed[key] = newObject[key];
+ didChange = true;
+ } else {
+ for (var i = 0, l = oldObject[key].length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (oldObject[key][i] !== newObject[key][i]) {
+ results.changed[key] = newObject[key];
+ didChange = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (oldObject[key] !== newObject[key]) {
+ results.changed[key] = newObject[key];
+ didChange = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return didChange && results;
+ }
+ __exports__.getChangelist = getChangelist;function promiseLabel(label) {
+ return 'Router: ' + label;
+ }
+ __exports__.promiseLabel = promiseLabel;function subclass(parentConstructor, proto) {
+ function C(props) {
+, props || {});
+ }
+ C.prototype = oCreate(parentConstructor.prototype);
+ merge(C.prototype, proto);
+ return C;
+ }
+ __exports__.subclass = subclass;function resolveHook(obj, hookName) {
+ if (!obj) { return; }
+ var underscored = "_" + hookName;
+ return obj[underscored] && underscored ||
+ obj[hookName] && hookName;
+ }
+ function callHook(obj, hookName) {
+ var args =, 2);
+ return applyHook(obj, hookName, args);
+ }
+ function applyHook(obj, _hookName, args) {
+ var hookName = resolveHook(obj, _hookName);
+ if (hookName) {
+ return obj[hookName].apply(obj, args);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.merge = merge;
+ __exports__.slice = slice;
+ __exports__.isParam = isParam;
+ __exports__.coerceQueryParamsToString = coerceQueryParamsToString;
+ __exports__.callHook = callHook;
+ __exports__.resolveHook = resolveHook;
+ __exports__.applyHook = applyHook;
+ });
+ ["./rsvp/promise","./rsvp/events","./rsvp/node","./rsvp/all","./rsvp/all-settled","./rsvp/race","./rsvp/hash","./rsvp/hash-settled","./rsvp/rethrow","./rsvp/defer","./rsvp/config","./rsvp/map","./rsvp/resolve","./rsvp/reject","./rsvp/filter","./rsvp/asap","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __dependency9__, __dependency10__, __dependency11__, __dependency12__, __dependency13__, __dependency14__, __dependency15__, __dependency16__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var EventTarget = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var denodeify = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var all = __dependency4__["default"];
+ var allSettled = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var race = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var hash = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var hashSettled = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var rethrow = __dependency9__["default"];
+ var defer = __dependency10__["default"];
+ var config = __dependency11__.config;
+ var configure = __dependency11__.configure;
+ var map = __dependency12__["default"];
+ var resolve = __dependency13__["default"];
+ var reject = __dependency14__["default"];
+ var filter = __dependency15__["default"];
+ var asap = __dependency16__["default"];
+ config.async = asap; // default async is asap;
+ var cast = resolve;
+ function async(callback, arg) {
+ config.async(callback, arg);
+ }
+ function on() {
+ config.on.apply(config, arguments);
+ }
+ function off() {
+, arguments);
+ }
+ // Set up instrumentation through `window.__PROMISE_INTRUMENTATION__`
+ if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window['__PROMISE_INSTRUMENTATION__'] === 'object') {
+ var callbacks = window['__PROMISE_INSTRUMENTATION__'];
+ configure('instrument', true);
+ for (var eventName in callbacks) {
+ if (callbacks.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) {
+ on(eventName, callbacks[eventName]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.cast = cast;
+ __exports__.Promise = Promise;
+ __exports__.EventTarget = EventTarget;
+ __exports__.all = all;
+ __exports__.allSettled = allSettled;
+ __exports__.race = race;
+ __exports__.hash = hash;
+ __exports__.hashSettled = hashSettled;
+ __exports__.rethrow = rethrow;
+ __exports__.defer = defer;
+ __exports__.denodeify = denodeify;
+ __exports__.configure = configure;
+ __exports__.on = on;
+ = off;
+ __exports__.resolve = resolve;
+ __exports__.reject = reject;
+ __exports__.async = async;
+ = map;
+ __exports__.filter = filter;
+ });
+ ["./rsvp"],
+ function(__dependency1__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__.Promise;
+ var allSettled = __dependency1__.allSettled;
+ var hash = __dependency1__.hash;
+ var hashSettled = __dependency1__.hashSettled;
+ var denodeify = __dependency1__.denodeify;
+ var on = __dependency1__.on;
+ var off =;
+ var map =;
+ var filter = __dependency1__.filter;
+ var resolve = __dependency1__.resolve;
+ var reject = __dependency1__.reject;
+ var rethrow = __dependency1__.rethrow;
+ var all = __dependency1__.all;
+ var defer = __dependency1__.defer;
+ var EventTarget = __dependency1__.EventTarget;
+ var configure = __dependency1__.configure;
+ var race = __dependency1__.race;
+ var async = __dependency1__.async;
+ var RSVP = {
+ 'race': race,
+ 'Promise': Promise,
+ 'allSettled': allSettled,
+ 'hash': hash,
+ 'hashSettled': hashSettled,
+ 'denodeify': denodeify,
+ 'on': on,
+ 'off': off,
+ 'map': map,
+ 'filter': filter,
+ 'resolve': resolve,
+ 'reject': reject,
+ 'all': all,
+ 'rethrow': rethrow,
+ 'defer': defer,
+ 'EventTarget': EventTarget,
+ 'configure': configure,
+ 'async': async
+ };
+ /* global define:true module:true window: true */
+ if (typeof enifed === 'function' && enifed['amd']) {
+ enifed(function() { return RSVP; });
+ } else if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module['exports']) {
+ module['exports'] = RSVP;
+ } else if (typeof this !== 'undefined') {
+ this['RSVP'] = RSVP;
+ }
+ });
+ ["./utils","./instrument","./config","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var objectOrFunction = __dependency1__.objectOrFunction;
+ var isFunction = __dependency1__.isFunction;
+ var instrument = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var config = __dependency3__.config;
+ function withOwnPromise() {
+ return new TypeError('A promises callback cannot return that same promise.');
+ }
+ function noop() {}
+ var PENDING = void 0;
+ var FULFILLED = 1;
+ var REJECTED = 2;
+ var GET_THEN_ERROR = new ErrorObject();
+ function getThen(promise) {
+ try {
+ return promise.then;
+ } catch(error) {
+ GET_THEN_ERROR.error = error;
+ return GET_THEN_ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ function tryThen(then, value, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler) {
+ try {
+, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler);
+ } catch(e) {
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ function handleForeignThenable(promise, thenable, then) {
+ config.async(function(promise) {
+ var sealed = false;
+ var error = tryThen(then, thenable, function(value) {
+ if (sealed) { return; }
+ sealed = true;
+ if (thenable !== value) {
+ resolve(promise, value);
+ } else {
+ fulfill(promise, value);
+ }
+ }, function(reason) {
+ if (sealed) { return; }
+ sealed = true;
+ reject(promise, reason);
+ }, 'Settle: ' + (promise._label || ' unknown promise'));
+ if (!sealed && error) {
+ sealed = true;
+ reject(promise, error);
+ }
+ }, promise);
+ }
+ function handleOwnThenable(promise, thenable) {
+ if (thenable._state === FULFILLED) {
+ fulfill(promise, thenable._result);
+ } else if (promise._state === REJECTED) {
+ reject(promise, thenable._result);
+ } else {
+ subscribe(thenable, undefined, function(value) {
+ if (thenable !== value) {
+ resolve(promise, value);
+ } else {
+ fulfill(promise, value);
+ }
+ }, function(reason) {
+ reject(promise, reason);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ function handleMaybeThenable(promise, maybeThenable) {
+ if (maybeThenable.constructor === promise.constructor) {
+ handleOwnThenable(promise, maybeThenable);
+ } else {
+ var then = getThen(maybeThenable);
+ if (then === GET_THEN_ERROR) {
+ reject(promise, GET_THEN_ERROR.error);
+ } else if (then === undefined) {
+ fulfill(promise, maybeThenable);
+ } else if (isFunction(then)) {
+ handleForeignThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then);
+ } else {
+ fulfill(promise, maybeThenable);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function resolve(promise, value) {
+ if (promise === value) {
+ fulfill(promise, value);
+ } else if (objectOrFunction(value)) {
+ handleMaybeThenable(promise, value);
+ } else {
+ fulfill(promise, value);
+ }
+ }
+ function publishRejection(promise) {
+ if (promise._onerror) {
+ promise._onerror(promise._result);
+ }
+ publish(promise);
+ }
+ function fulfill(promise, value) {
+ if (promise._state !== PENDING) { return; }
+ promise._result = value;
+ promise._state = FULFILLED;
+ if (promise._subscribers.length === 0) {
+ if (config.instrument) {
+ instrument('fulfilled', promise);
+ }
+ } else {
+ config.async(publish, promise);
+ }
+ }
+ function reject(promise, reason) {
+ if (promise._state !== PENDING) { return; }
+ promise._state = REJECTED;
+ promise._result = reason;
+ config.async(publishRejection, promise);
+ }
+ function subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) {
+ var subscribers = parent._subscribers;
+ var length = subscribers.length;
+ parent._onerror = null;
+ subscribers[length] = child;
+ subscribers[length + FULFILLED] = onFulfillment;
+ subscribers[length + REJECTED] = onRejection;
+ if (length === 0 && parent._state) {
+ config.async(publish, parent);
+ }
+ }
+ function publish(promise) {
+ var subscribers = promise._subscribers;
+ var settled = promise._state;
+ if (config.instrument) {
+ instrument(settled === FULFILLED ? 'fulfilled' : 'rejected', promise);
+ }
+ if (subscribers.length === 0) { return; }
+ var child, callback, detail = promise._result;
+ for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 3) {
+ child = subscribers[i];
+ callback = subscribers[i + settled];
+ if (child) {
+ invokeCallback(settled, child, callback, detail);
+ } else {
+ callback(detail);
+ }
+ }
+ promise._subscribers.length = 0;
+ }
+ function ErrorObject() {
+ this.error = null;
+ }
+ var TRY_CATCH_ERROR = new ErrorObject();
+ function tryCatch(callback, detail) {
+ try {
+ return callback(detail);
+ } catch(e) {
+ TRY_CATCH_ERROR.error = e;
+ }
+ }
+ function invokeCallback(settled, promise, callback, detail) {
+ var hasCallback = isFunction(callback),
+ value, error, succeeded, failed;
+ if (hasCallback) {
+ value = tryCatch(callback, detail);
+ if (value === TRY_CATCH_ERROR) {
+ failed = true;
+ error = value.error;
+ value = null;
+ } else {
+ succeeded = true;
+ }
+ if (promise === value) {
+ reject(promise, withOwnPromise());
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ value = detail;
+ succeeded = true;
+ }
+ if (promise._state !== PENDING) {
+ // noop
+ } else if (hasCallback && succeeded) {
+ resolve(promise, value);
+ } else if (failed) {
+ reject(promise, error);
+ } else if (settled === FULFILLED) {
+ fulfill(promise, value);
+ } else if (settled === REJECTED) {
+ reject(promise, value);
+ }
+ }
+ function initializePromise(promise, resolver) {
+ try {
+ resolver(function resolvePromise(value){
+ resolve(promise, value);
+ }, function rejectPromise(reason) {
+ reject(promise, reason);
+ });
+ } catch(e) {
+ reject(promise, e);
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.noop = noop;
+ __exports__.resolve = resolve;
+ __exports__.reject = reject;
+ __exports__.fulfill = fulfill;
+ __exports__.subscribe = subscribe;
+ __exports__.publish = publish;
+ __exports__.publishRejection = publishRejection;
+ __exports__.initializePromise = initializePromise;
+ __exports__.invokeCallback = invokeCallback;
+ __exports__.FULFILLED = FULFILLED;
+ __exports__.REJECTED = REJECTED;
+ __exports__.PENDING = PENDING;
+ });
+ ["./enumerator","./promise","./utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Enumerator = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var makeSettledResult = __dependency1__.makeSettledResult;
+ var Promise = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var o_create = __dependency3__.o_create;
+ function AllSettled(Constructor, entries, label) {
+ this._superConstructor(Constructor, entries, false /* don't abort on reject */, label);
+ }
+ AllSettled.prototype = o_create(Enumerator.prototype);
+ AllSettled.prototype._superConstructor = Enumerator;
+ AllSettled.prototype._makeResult = makeSettledResult;
+ AllSettled.prototype._validationError = function() {
+ return new Error('allSettled must be called with an array');
+ };
+ /**
+ `RSVP.allSettled` is similar to `RSVP.all`, but instead of implementing
+ a fail-fast method, it waits until all the promises have returned and
+ shows you all the results. This is useful if you want to handle multiple
+ promises' failure states together as a set.
+ Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the given promises have been
+ settled. The return promise is fulfilled with an array of the states of
+ the promises passed into the `promises` array argument.
+ Each state object will either indicate fulfillment or rejection, and
+ provide the corresponding value or reason. The states will take one of
+ the following formats:
+ ```javascript
+ { state: 'fulfilled', value: value }
+ or
+ { state: 'rejected', reason: reason }
+ ```
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise1 = RSVP.Promise.resolve(1);
+ var promise2 = RSVP.Promise.reject(new Error('2'));
+ var promise3 = RSVP.Promise.reject(new Error('3'));
+ var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];
+ RSVP.allSettled(promises).then(function(array){
+ // array == [
+ // { state: 'fulfilled', value: 1 },
+ // { state: 'rejected', reason: Error },
+ // { state: 'rejected', reason: Error }
+ // ]
+ // Note that for the second item, reason.message will be '2', and for the
+ // third item, reason.message will be '3'.
+ }, function(error) {
+ // Not run. (This block would only be called if allSettled had failed,
+ // for instance if passed an incorrect argument type.)
+ });
+ ```
+ @method allSettled
+ @static
+ @for RSVP
+ @param {Array} promises
+ @param {String} label - optional string that describes the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled with an array of the settled
+ states of the constituent promises.
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function allSettled(entries, label) {
+ return new AllSettled(Promise, entries, label).promise;
+ }
+ });
+ ["./promise","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
+ /**
+ This is a convenient alias for `RSVP.Promise.all`.
+ @method all
+ @static
+ @for RSVP
+ @param {Array} array Array of promises.
+ @param {String} label An optional label. This is useful
+ for tooling.
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function all(array, label) {
+ return Promise.all(array, label);
+ }
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var len = 0;
+ __exports__["default"] = function asap(callback, arg) {
+ queue[len] = callback;
+ queue[len + 1] = arg;
+ len += 2;
+ if (len === 2) {
+ // If len is 1, that means that we need to schedule an async flush.
+ // If additional callbacks are queued before the queue is flushed, they
+ // will be processed by this flush that we are scheduling.
+ scheduleFlush();
+ }
+ }
+ var browserWindow = (typeof window !== 'undefined') ? window : undefined
+ var browserGlobal = browserWindow || {};
+ var BrowserMutationObserver = browserGlobal.MutationObserver || browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver;
+ // test for web worker but not in IE10
+ var isWorker = typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== 'undefined' &&
+ typeof importScripts !== 'undefined' &&
+ typeof MessageChannel !== 'undefined';
+ // node
+ function useNextTick() {
+ return function() {
+ process.nextTick(flush);
+ };
+ }
+ // vertx
+ function useVertxTimer() {
+ return function() {
+ vertxNext(flush);
+ };
+ }
+ function useMutationObserver() {
+ var iterations = 0;
+ var observer = new BrowserMutationObserver(flush);
+ var node = document.createTextNode('');
+ observer.observe(node, { characterData: true });
+ return function() {
+ = (iterations = ++iterations % 2);
+ };
+ }
+ // web worker
+ function useMessageChannel() {
+ var channel = new MessageChannel();
+ channel.port1.onmessage = flush;
+ return function () {
+ channel.port2.postMessage(0);
+ };
+ }
+ function useSetTimeout() {
+ return function() {
+ setTimeout(flush, 1);
+ };
+ }
+ var queue = new Array(1000);
+ function flush() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i+=2) {
+ var callback = queue[i];
+ var arg = queue[i+1];
+ callback(arg);
+ queue[i] = undefined;
+ queue[i+1] = undefined;
+ }
+ len = 0;
+ }
+ function attemptVertex() {
+ try {
+ var vertx = eriuqer('vertx');
+ var vertxNext = vertx.runOnLoop || vertx.runOnContext;
+ return useVertxTimer();
+ } catch(e) {
+ return useSetTimeout();
+ }
+ }
+ var scheduleFlush;
+ // Decide what async method to use to triggering processing of queued callbacks:
+ if (typeof process !== 'undefined' && {} === '[object process]') {
+ scheduleFlush = useNextTick();
+ } else if (BrowserMutationObserver) {
+ scheduleFlush = useMutationObserver();
+ } else if (isWorker) {
+ scheduleFlush = useMessageChannel();
+ } else if (browserWindow === undefined && typeof eriuqer === 'function') {
+ scheduleFlush = attemptVertex();
+ } else {
+ scheduleFlush = useSetTimeout();
+ }
+ });
+ ["./events","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var EventTarget = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var config = {
+ instrument: false
+ };
+ EventTarget.mixin(config);
+ function configure(name, value) {
+ if (name === 'onerror') {
+ // handle for legacy users that expect the actual
+ // error to be passed to their function added via
+ // `RSVP.configure('onerror', someFunctionHere);`
+ config.on('error', value);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (arguments.length === 2) {
+ config[name] = value;
+ } else {
+ return config[name];
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.config = config;
+ __exports__.configure = configure;
+ });
+ ["./promise","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
+ /**
+ `RSVP.defer` returns an object similar to jQuery's `$.Deferred`.
+ `RSVP.defer` should be used when porting over code reliant on `$.Deferred`'s
+ interface. New code should use the `RSVP.Promise` constructor instead.
+ The object returned from `RSVP.defer` is a plain object with three properties:
+ * promise - an `RSVP.Promise`.
+ * reject - a function that causes the `promise` property on this object to
+ become rejected
+ * resolve - a function that causes the `promise` property on this object to
+ become fulfilled.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var deferred = RSVP.defer();
+ deferred.resolve("Success!");
+ defered.promise.then(function(value){
+ // value here is "Success!"
+ });
+ ```
+ @method defer
+ @static
+ @for RSVP
+ @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Object}
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function defer(label) {
+ var deferred = { };
+ deferred['promise'] = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ deferred['resolve'] = resolve;
+ deferred['reject'] = reject;
+ }, label);
+ return deferred;
+ }
+ });
+ ["./utils","./-internal","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var isArray = __dependency1__.isArray;
+ var isMaybeThenable = __dependency1__.isMaybeThenable;
+ var noop = __dependency2__.noop;
+ var reject = __dependency2__.reject;
+ var fulfill = __dependency2__.fulfill;
+ var subscribe = __dependency2__.subscribe;
+ var FULFILLED = __dependency2__.FULFILLED;
+ var REJECTED = __dependency2__.REJECTED;
+ var PENDING = __dependency2__.PENDING;
+ function makeSettledResult(state, position, value) {
+ if (state === FULFILLED) {
+ return {
+ state: 'fulfilled',
+ value: value
+ };
+ } else {
+ return {
+ state: 'rejected',
+ reason: value
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ __exports__.makeSettledResult = makeSettledResult;function Enumerator(Constructor, input, abortOnReject, label) {
+ this._instanceConstructor = Constructor;
+ this.promise = new Constructor(noop, label);
+ this._abortOnReject = abortOnReject;
+ if (this._validateInput(input)) {
+ this._input = input;
+ this.length = input.length;
+ this._remaining = input.length;
+ this._init();
+ if (this.length === 0) {
+ fulfill(this.promise, this._result);
+ } else {
+ this.length = this.length || 0;
+ this._enumerate();
+ if (this._remaining === 0) {
+ fulfill(this.promise, this._result);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ reject(this.promise, this._validationError());
+ }
+ }
+ Enumerator.prototype._validateInput = function(input) {
+ return isArray(input);
+ };
+ Enumerator.prototype._validationError = function() {
+ return new Error('Array Methods must be provided an Array');
+ };
+ Enumerator.prototype._init = function() {
+ this._result = new Array(this.length);
+ };
+ __exports__["default"] = Enumerator;
+ Enumerator.prototype._enumerate = function() {
+ var length = this.length;
+ var promise = this.promise;
+ var input = this._input;
+ for (var i = 0; promise._state === PENDING && i < length; i++) {
+ this._eachEntry(input[i], i);
+ }
+ };
+ Enumerator.prototype._eachEntry = function(entry, i) {
+ var c = this._instanceConstructor;
+ if (isMaybeThenable(entry)) {
+ if (entry.constructor === c && entry._state !== PENDING) {
+ entry._onerror = null;
+ this._settledAt(entry._state, i, entry._result);
+ } else {
+ this._willSettleAt(c.resolve(entry), i);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._remaining--;
+ this._result[i] = this._makeResult(FULFILLED, i, entry);
+ }
+ };
+ Enumerator.prototype._settledAt = function(state, i, value) {
+ var promise = this.promise;
+ if (promise._state === PENDING) {
+ this._remaining--;
+ if (this._abortOnReject && state === REJECTED) {
+ reject(promise, value);
+ } else {
+ this._result[i] = this._makeResult(state, i, value);
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._remaining === 0) {
+ fulfill(promise, this._result);
+ }
+ };
+ Enumerator.prototype._makeResult = function(state, i, value) {
+ return value;
+ };
+ Enumerator.prototype._willSettleAt = function(promise, i) {
+ var enumerator = this;
+ subscribe(promise, undefined, function(value) {
+ enumerator._settledAt(FULFILLED, i, value);
+ }, function(reason) {
+ enumerator._settledAt(REJECTED, i, reason);
+ });
+ };
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ function indexOf(callbacks, callback) {
+ for (var i=0, l=callbacks.length; i<l; i++) {
+ if (callbacks[i] === callback) { return i; }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ function callbacksFor(object) {
+ var callbacks = object._promiseCallbacks;
+ if (!callbacks) {
+ callbacks = object._promiseCallbacks = {};
+ }
+ return callbacks;
+ }
+ /**
+ @class RSVP.EventTarget
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = {
+ /**
+ `RSVP.EventTarget.mixin` extends an object with EventTarget methods. For
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var object = {};
+ RSVP.EventTarget.mixin(object);
+ object.on('finished', function(event) {
+ // handle event
+ });
+ object.trigger('finished', { detail: value });
+ ```
+ `EventTarget.mixin` also works with prototypes:
+ ```javascript
+ var Person = function() {};
+ RSVP.EventTarget.mixin(Person.prototype);
+ var yehuda = new Person();
+ var tom = new Person();
+ yehuda.on('poke', function(event) {
+ console.log('Yehuda says OW');
+ });
+ tom.on('poke', function(event) {
+ console.log('Tom says OW');
+ });
+ yehuda.trigger('poke');
+ tom.trigger('poke');
+ ```
+ @method mixin
+ @for RSVP.EventTarget
+ @private
+ @param {Object} object object to extend with EventTarget methods
+ */
+ mixin: function(object) {
+ object.on = this.on;
+ =;
+ object.trigger = this.trigger;
+ object._promiseCallbacks = undefined;
+ return object;
+ },
+ /**
+ Registers a callback to be executed when `eventName` is triggered
+ ```javascript
+ object.on('event', function(eventInfo){
+ // handle the event
+ });
+ object.trigger('event');
+ ```
+ @method on
+ @for RSVP.EventTarget
+ @private
+ @param {String} eventName name of the event to listen for
+ @param {Function} callback function to be called when the event is triggered.
+ */
+ on: function(eventName, callback) {
+ var allCallbacks = callbacksFor(this), callbacks;
+ callbacks = allCallbacks[eventName];
+ if (!callbacks) {
+ callbacks = allCallbacks[eventName] = [];
+ }
+ if (indexOf(callbacks, callback) === -1) {
+ callbacks.push(callback);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ You can use `off` to stop firing a particular callback for an event:
+ ```javascript
+ function doStuff() { // do stuff! }
+ object.on('stuff', doStuff);
+ object.trigger('stuff'); // doStuff will be called
+ // Unregister ONLY the doStuff callback
+'stuff', doStuff);
+ object.trigger('stuff'); // doStuff will NOT be called
+ ```
+ If you don't pass a `callback` argument to `off`, ALL callbacks for the
+ event will not be executed when the event fires. For example:
+ ```javascript
+ var callback1 = function(){};
+ var callback2 = function(){};
+ object.on('stuff', callback1);
+ object.on('stuff', callback2);
+ object.trigger('stuff'); // callback1 and callback2 will be executed.
+ object.trigger('stuff'); // callback1 and callback2 will not be executed!
+ ```
+ @method off
+ @for RSVP.EventTarget
+ @private
+ @param {String} eventName event to stop listening to
+ @param {Function} callback optional argument. If given, only the function
+ given will be removed from the event's callback queue. If no `callback`
+ argument is given, all callbacks will be removed from the event's callback
+ queue.
+ */
+ off: function(eventName, callback) {
+ var allCallbacks = callbacksFor(this), callbacks, index;
+ if (!callback) {
+ allCallbacks[eventName] = [];
+ return;
+ }
+ callbacks = allCallbacks[eventName];
+ index = indexOf(callbacks, callback);
+ if (index !== -1) { callbacks.splice(index, 1); }
+ },
+ /**
+ Use `trigger` to fire custom events. For example:
+ ```javascript
+ object.on('foo', function(){
+ console.log('foo event happened!');
+ });
+ object.trigger('foo');
+ // 'foo event happened!' logged to the console
+ ```
+ You can also pass a value as a second argument to `trigger` that will be
+ passed as an argument to all event listeners for the event:
+ ```javascript
+ object.on('foo', function(value){
+ console.log(;
+ });
+ object.trigger('foo', { name: 'bar' });
+ // 'bar' logged to the console
+ ```
+ @method trigger
+ @for RSVP.EventTarget
+ @private
+ @param {String} eventName name of the event to be triggered
+ @param {Any} options optional value to be passed to any event handlers for
+ the given `eventName`
+ */
+ trigger: function(eventName, options) {
+ var allCallbacks = callbacksFor(this), callbacks, callback;
+ if (callbacks = allCallbacks[eventName]) {
+ // Don't cache the callbacks.length since it may grow
+ for (var i=0; i<callbacks.length; i++) {
+ callback = callbacks[i];
+ callback(options);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ ["./promise","./utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var isFunction = __dependency2__.isFunction;
+ /**
+ `RSVP.filter` is similar to JavaScript's native `filter` method, except that it
+ waits for all promises to become fulfilled before running the `filterFn` on
+ each item in given to `promises`. `RSVP.filter` returns a promise that will
+ become fulfilled with the result of running `filterFn` on the values the
+ promises become fulfilled with.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
+ var promise2 = RSVP.resolve(2);
+ var promise3 = RSVP.resolve(3);
+ var promises = [promise1, promise2, promise3];
+ var filterFn = function(item){
+ return item > 1;
+ };
+ RSVP.filter(promises, filterFn).then(function(result){
+ // result is [ 2, 3 ]
+ });
+ ```
+ If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.filter` are rejected, the first promise
+ that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promise's
+ rejection handler. For example:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
+ var promise2 = RSVP.reject(new Error('2'));
+ var promise3 = RSVP.reject(new Error('3'));
+ var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];
+ var filterFn = function(item){
+ return item > 1;
+ };
+ RSVP.filter(promises, filterFn).then(function(array){
+ // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises!
+ }, function(reason) {
+ // reason.message === '2'
+ });
+ ```
+ `RSVP.filter` will also wait for any promises returned from `filterFn`.
+ For instance, you may want to fetch a list of users then return a subset
+ of those users based on some asynchronous operation:
+ ```javascript
+ var alice = { name: 'alice' };
+ var bob = { name: 'bob' };
+ var users = [ alice, bob ];
+ var promises ={
+ return RSVP.resolve(user);
+ });
+ var filterFn = function(user){
+ // Here, Alice has permissions to create a blog post, but Bob does not.
+ return getPrivilegesForUser(user).then(function(privs){
+ return privs.can_create_blog_post === true;
+ });
+ };
+ RSVP.filter(promises, filterFn).then(function(users){
+ // true, because the server told us only Alice can create a blog post.
+ users.length === 1;
+ // false, because Alice is the only user present in `users`
+ users[0] === bob;
+ });
+ ```
+ @method filter
+ @static
+ @for RSVP
+ @param {Array} promises
+ @param {Function} filterFn - function to be called on each resolved value to
+ filter the final results.
+ @param {String} label optional string describing the promise. Useful for
+ tooling.
+ @return {Promise}
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function filter(promises, filterFn, label) {
+ return Promise.all(promises, label).then(function(values) {
+ if (!isFunction(filterFn)) {
+ throw new TypeError("You must pass a function as filter's second argument.");
+ }
+ var length = values.length;
+ var filtered = new Array(length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ filtered[i] = filterFn(values[i]);
+ }
+ return Promise.all(filtered, label).then(function(filtered) {
+ var results = new Array(length);
+ var newLength = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (filtered[i]) {
+ results[newLength] = values[i];
+ newLength++;
+ }
+ }
+ results.length = newLength;
+ return results;
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ ["./promise","./enumerator","./promise-hash","./utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var makeSettledResult = __dependency2__.makeSettledResult;
+ var PromiseHash = __dependency3__["default"];
+ var Enumerator = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var o_create = __dependency4__.o_create;
+ function HashSettled(Constructor, object, label) {
+ this._superConstructor(Constructor, object, false, label);
+ }
+ HashSettled.prototype = o_create(PromiseHash.prototype);
+ HashSettled.prototype._superConstructor = Enumerator;
+ HashSettled.prototype._makeResult = makeSettledResult;
+ HashSettled.prototype._validationError = function() {
+ return new Error('hashSettled must be called with an object');
+ };
+ /**
+ `RSVP.hashSettled` is similar to `RSVP.allSettled`, but takes an object
+ instead of an array for its `promises` argument.
+ Unlike `RSVP.all` or `RSVP.hash`, which implement a fail-fast method,
+ but like `RSVP.allSettled`, `hashSettled` waits until all the
+ constituent promises have returned and then shows you all the results
+ with their states and values/reasons. This is useful if you want to
+ handle multiple promises' failure states together as a set.
+ Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the given promises have been
+ settled, or rejected if the passed parameters are invalid.
+ The returned promise is fulfilled with a hash that has the same key names as
+ the `promises` object argument. If any of the values in the object are not
+ promises, they will be copied over to the fulfilled object and marked with state
+ 'fulfilled'.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var promises = {
+ myPromise: RSVP.Promise.resolve(1),
+ yourPromise: RSVP.Promise.resolve(2),
+ theirPromise: RSVP.Promise.resolve(3),
+ notAPromise: 4
+ };
+ RSVP.hashSettled(promises).then(function(hash){
+ // hash here is an object that looks like:
+ // {
+ // myPromise: { state: 'fulfilled', value: 1 },
+ // yourPromise: { state: 'fulfilled', value: 2 },
+ // theirPromise: { state: 'fulfilled', value: 3 },
+ // notAPromise: { state: 'fulfilled', value: 4 }
+ // }
+ });
+ ```
+ If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.hash` are rejected, the state will
+ be set to 'rejected' and the reason for rejection provided.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var promises = {
+ myPromise: RSVP.Promise.resolve(1),
+ rejectedPromise: RSVP.Promise.reject(new Error('rejection')),
+ anotherRejectedPromise: RSVP.Promise.reject(new Error('more rejection')),
+ };
+ RSVP.hashSettled(promises).then(function(hash){
+ // hash here is an object that looks like:
+ // {
+ // myPromise: { state: 'fulfilled', value: 1 },
+ // rejectedPromise: { state: 'rejected', reason: Error },
+ // anotherRejectedPromise: { state: 'rejected', reason: Error },
+ // }
+ // Note that for rejectedPromise, reason.message == 'rejection',
+ // and for anotherRejectedPromise, reason.message == 'more rejection'.
+ });
+ ```
+ An important note: `RSVP.hashSettled` is intended for plain JavaScript objects that
+ are just a set of keys and values. `RSVP.hashSettled` will NOT preserve prototype
+ chains.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ function MyConstructor(){
+ this.example = RSVP.Promise.resolve('Example');
+ }
+ MyConstructor.prototype = {
+ protoProperty: RSVP.Promise.resolve('Proto Property')
+ };
+ var myObject = new MyConstructor();
+ RSVP.hashSettled(myObject).then(function(hash){
+ // protoProperty will not be present, instead you will just have an
+ // object that looks like:
+ // {
+ // example: { state: 'fulfilled', value: 'Example' }
+ // }
+ //
+ // hash.hasOwnProperty('protoProperty'); // false
+ // 'undefined' === typeof hash.protoProperty
+ });
+ ```
+ @method hashSettled
+ @for RSVP
+ @param {Object} promises
+ @param {String} label optional string that describes the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when when all properties of `promises`
+ have been settled.
+ @static
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function hashSettled(object, label) {
+ return new HashSettled(Promise, object, label).promise;
+ }
+ });
+ ["./promise","./promise-hash","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var PromiseHash = __dependency2__["default"];
+ /**
+ `RSVP.hash` is similar to `RSVP.all`, but takes an object instead of an array
+ for its `promises` argument.
+ Returns a promise that is fulfilled when all the given promises have been
+ fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected. The returned promise
+ is fulfilled with a hash that has the same key names as the `promises` object
+ argument. If any of the values in the object are not promises, they will
+ simply be copied over to the fulfilled object.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var promises = {
+ myPromise: RSVP.resolve(1),
+ yourPromise: RSVP.resolve(2),
+ theirPromise: RSVP.resolve(3),
+ notAPromise: 4
+ };
+ RSVP.hash(promises).then(function(hash){
+ // hash here is an object that looks like:
+ // {
+ // myPromise: 1,
+ // yourPromise: 2,
+ // theirPromise: 3,
+ // notAPromise: 4
+ // }
+ });
+ ````
+ If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.hash` are rejected, the first promise
+ that is rejected will be given as the reason to the rejection handler.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var promises = {
+ myPromise: RSVP.resolve(1),
+ rejectedPromise: RSVP.reject(new Error('rejectedPromise')),
+ anotherRejectedPromise: RSVP.reject(new Error('anotherRejectedPromise')),
+ };
+ RSVP.hash(promises).then(function(hash){
+ // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises!
+ }, function(reason) {
+ // reason.message === 'rejectedPromise'
+ });
+ ```
+ An important note: `RSVP.hash` is intended for plain JavaScript objects that
+ are just a set of keys and values. `RSVP.hash` will NOT preserve prototype
+ chains.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ function MyConstructor(){
+ this.example = RSVP.resolve('Example');
+ }
+ MyConstructor.prototype = {
+ protoProperty: RSVP.resolve('Proto Property')
+ };
+ var myObject = new MyConstructor();
+ RSVP.hash(myObject).then(function(hash){
+ // protoProperty will not be present, instead you will just have an
+ // object that looks like:
+ // {
+ // example: 'Example'
+ // }
+ //
+ // hash.hasOwnProperty('protoProperty'); // false
+ // 'undefined' === typeof hash.protoProperty
+ });
+ ```
+ @method hash
+ @static
+ @for RSVP
+ @param {Object} promises
+ @param {String} label optional string that describes the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when all properties of `promises`
+ have been fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected.
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function hash(object, label) {
+ return new PromiseHash(Promise, object, label).promise;
+ }
+ });
+ ["./config","./utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var config = __dependency1__.config;
+ var now =;
+ var queue = [];
+ function scheduleFlush() {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ var entry;
+ for (var i = 0; i < queue.length; i++) {
+ entry = queue[i];
+ var payload = entry.payload;
+ payload.guid = payload.key +;
+ payload.childGuid = payload.key + payload.childId;
+ if (payload.error) {
+ payload.stack = payload.error.stack;
+ }
+ config.trigger(, entry.payload);
+ }
+ queue.length = 0;
+ }, 50);
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = function instrument(eventName, promise, child) {
+ if (1 === queue.push({
+ name: eventName,
+ payload: {
+ key: promise._guidKey,
+ id: promise._id,
+ eventName: eventName,
+ detail: promise._result,
+ childId: child && child._id,
+ label: promise._label,
+ timeStamp: now(),
+ error: config["instrument-with-stack"] ? new Error(promise._label) : null
+ }})) {
+ scheduleFlush();
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ["./promise","./utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var isFunction = __dependency2__.isFunction;
+ /**
+ `` is similar to JavaScript's native `map` method, except that it
+ waits for all promises to become fulfilled before running the `mapFn` on
+ each item in given to `promises`. `` returns a promise that will
+ become fulfilled with the result of running `mapFn` on the values the promises
+ become fulfilled with.
+ For example:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
+ var promise2 = RSVP.resolve(2);
+ var promise3 = RSVP.resolve(3);
+ var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];
+ var mapFn = function(item){
+ return item + 1;
+ };
+, mapFn).then(function(result){
+ // result is [ 2, 3, 4 ]
+ });
+ ```
+ If any of the `promises` given to `` are rejected, the first promise
+ that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promise's
+ rejection handler. For example:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
+ var promise2 = RSVP.reject(new Error('2'));
+ var promise3 = RSVP.reject(new Error('3'));
+ var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];
+ var mapFn = function(item){
+ return item + 1;
+ };
+, mapFn).then(function(array){
+ // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises!
+ }, function(reason) {
+ // reason.message === '2'
+ });
+ ```
+ `` will also wait if a promise is returned from `mapFn`. For example,
+ say you want to get all comments from a set of blog posts, but you need
+ the blog posts first because they contain a url to those comments.
+ ```javscript
+ var mapFn = function(blogPost){
+ // getComments does some ajax and returns an RSVP.Promise that is fulfilled
+ // with some comments data
+ return getComments(blogPost.comments_url);
+ };
+ // getBlogPosts does some ajax and returns an RSVP.Promise that is fulfilled
+ // with some blog post data
+, mapFn).then(function(comments){
+ // comments is the result of asking the server for the comments
+ // of all blog posts returned from getBlogPosts()
+ });
+ ```
+ @method map
+ @static
+ @for RSVP
+ @param {Array} promises
+ @param {Function} mapFn function to be called on each fulfilled promise.
+ @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled with the result of calling
+ `mapFn` on each fulfilled promise or value when they become fulfilled.
+ The promise will be rejected if any of the given `promises` become rejected.
+ @static
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function map(promises, mapFn, label) {
+ return Promise.all(promises, label).then(function(values) {
+ if (!isFunction(mapFn)) {
+ throw new TypeError("You must pass a function as map's second argument.");
+ }
+ var length = values.length;
+ var results = new Array(length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ results[i] = mapFn(values[i]);
+ }
+ return Promise.all(results, label);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ ["./promise","./-internal","./utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var noop = __dependency2__.noop;
+ var resolve = __dependency2__.resolve;
+ var reject = __dependency2__.reject;
+ var isArray = __dependency3__.isArray;
+ function Result() {
+ this.value = undefined;
+ }
+ var ERROR = new Result();
+ var GET_THEN_ERROR = new Result();
+ function getThen(obj) {
+ try {
+ return obj.then;
+ } catch(error) {
+ ERROR.value= error;
+ return ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ function tryApply(f, s, a) {
+ try {
+ f.apply(s, a);
+ } catch(error) {
+ ERROR.value = error;
+ return ERROR;
+ }
+ }
+ function makeObject(_, argumentNames) {
+ var obj = {};
+ var name;
+ var i;
+ var length = _.length;
+ var args = new Array(length);
+ for (var x = 0; x < length; x++) {
+ args[x] = _[x];
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < argumentNames.length; i++) {
+ name = argumentNames[i];
+ obj[name] = args[i + 1];
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ function arrayResult(_) {
+ var length = _.length;
+ var args = new Array(length - 1);
+ for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) {
+ args[i - 1] = _[i];
+ }
+ return args;
+ }
+ function wrapThenable(then, promise) {
+ return {
+ then: function(onFulFillment, onRejection) {
+ return, onFulFillment, onRejection);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ `RSVP.denodeify` takes a 'node-style' function and returns a function that
+ will return an `RSVP.Promise`. You can use `denodeify` in Node.js or the
+ browser when you'd prefer to use promises over using callbacks. For example,
+ `denodeify` transforms the following:
+ ```javascript
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.readFile('myfile.txt', function(err, data){
+ if (err) return handleError(err);
+ handleData(data);
+ });
+ ```
+ into:
+ ```javascript
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ var readFile = RSVP.denodeify(fs.readFile);
+ readFile('myfile.txt').then(handleData, handleError);
+ ```
+ If the node function has multiple success parameters, then `denodeify`
+ just returns the first one:
+ ```javascript
+ var request = RSVP.denodeify(require('request'));
+ request('').then(function(res) {
+ // ...
+ });
+ ```
+ However, if you need all success parameters, setting `denodeify`'s
+ second parameter to `true` causes it to return all success parameters
+ as an array:
+ ```javascript
+ var request = RSVP.denodeify(require('request'), true);
+ request('').then(function(result) {
+ // result[0] -> res
+ // result[1] -> body
+ });
+ ```
+ Or if you pass it an array with names it returns the parameters as a hash:
+ ```javascript
+ var request = RSVP.denodeify(require('request'), ['res', 'body']);
+ request('').then(function(result) {
+ // result.res
+ // result.body
+ });
+ ```
+ Sometimes you need to retain the `this`:
+ ```javascript
+ var app = require('express')();
+ var render = RSVP.denodeify(app.render.bind(app));
+ ```
+ The denodified function inherits from the original function. It works in all
+ environments, except IE 10 and below. Consequently all properties of the original
+ function are available to you. However, any properties you change on the
+ denodeified function won't be changed on the original function. Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var request = RSVP.denodeify(require('request')),
+ cookieJar = request.jar(); // <- Inheritance is used here
+ request('', {jar: cookieJar}).then(function(res) {
+ // cookieJar.cookies holds now the cookies returned by
+ });
+ ```
+ Using `denodeify` makes it easier to compose asynchronous operations instead
+ of using callbacks. For example, instead of:
+ ```javascript
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ fs.readFile('myfile.txt', function(err, data){
+ if (err) { ... } // Handle error
+ fs.writeFile('myfile2.txt', data, function(err){
+ if (err) { ... } // Handle error
+ console.log('done')
+ });
+ });
+ ```
+ you can chain the operations together using `then` from the returned promise:
+ ```javascript
+ var fs = require('fs');
+ var readFile = RSVP.denodeify(fs.readFile);
+ var writeFile = RSVP.denodeify(fs.writeFile);
+ readFile('myfile.txt').then(function(data){
+ return writeFile('myfile2.txt', data);
+ }).then(function(){
+ console.log('done')
+ }).catch(function(error){
+ // Handle error
+ });
+ ```
+ @method denodeify
+ @static
+ @for RSVP
+ @param {Function} nodeFunc a 'node-style' function that takes a callback as
+ its last argument. The callback expects an error to be passed as its first
+ argument (if an error occurred, otherwise null), and the value from the
+ operation as its second argument ('function(err, value){ }').
+ @param {Boolean|Array} argumentNames An optional paramter that if set
+ to `true` causes the promise to fulfill with the callback's success arguments
+ as an array. This is useful if the node function has multiple success
+ paramters. If you set this paramter to an array with names, the promise will
+ fulfill with a hash with these names as keys and the success parameters as
+ values.
+ @return {Function} a function that wraps `nodeFunc` to return an
+ `RSVP.Promise`
+ @static
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function denodeify(nodeFunc, options) {
+ var fn = function() {
+ var self = this;
+ var l = arguments.length;
+ var args = new Array(l + 1);
+ var arg;
+ var promiseInput = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
+ arg = arguments[i];
+ if (!promiseInput) {
+ // TODO: clean this up
+ promiseInput = needsPromiseInput(arg);
+ if (promiseInput === GET_THEN_ERROR) {
+ var p = new Promise(noop);
+ reject(p, GET_THEN_ERROR.value);
+ return p;
+ } else if (promiseInput && promiseInput !== true) {
+ arg = wrapThenable(promiseInput, arg);
+ }
+ }
+ args[i] = arg;
+ }
+ var promise = new Promise(noop);
+ args[l] = function(err, val) {
+ if (err)
+ reject(promise, err);
+ else if (options === undefined)
+ resolve(promise, val);
+ else if (options === true)
+ resolve(promise, arrayResult(arguments));
+ else if (isArray(options))
+ resolve(promise, makeObject(arguments, options));
+ else
+ resolve(promise, val);
+ };
+ if (promiseInput) {
+ return handlePromiseInput(promise, args, nodeFunc, self);
+ } else {
+ return handleValueInput(promise, args, nodeFunc, self);
+ }
+ };
+ fn.__proto__ = nodeFunc;
+ return fn;
+ }
+ function handleValueInput(promise, args, nodeFunc, self) {
+ var result = tryApply(nodeFunc, self, args);
+ if (result === ERROR) {
+ reject(promise, result.value);
+ }
+ return promise;
+ }
+ function handlePromiseInput(promise, args, nodeFunc, self){
+ return Promise.all(args).then(function(args){
+ var result = tryApply(nodeFunc, self, args);
+ if (result === ERROR) {
+ reject(promise, result.value);
+ }
+ return promise;
+ });
+ }
+ function needsPromiseInput(arg) {
+ if (arg && typeof arg === 'object') {
+ if (arg.constructor === Promise) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return getThen(arg);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ ["./enumerator","./-internal","./utils","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Enumerator = __dependency1__["default"];
+ var PENDING = __dependency2__.PENDING;
+ var o_create = __dependency3__.o_create;
+ function PromiseHash(Constructor, object, label) {
+ this._superConstructor(Constructor, object, true, label);
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = PromiseHash;
+ PromiseHash.prototype = o_create(Enumerator.prototype);
+ PromiseHash.prototype._superConstructor = Enumerator;
+ PromiseHash.prototype._init = function() {
+ this._result = {};
+ };
+ PromiseHash.prototype._validateInput = function(input) {
+ return input && typeof input === 'object';
+ };
+ PromiseHash.prototype._validationError = function() {
+ return new Error('Promise.hash must be called with an object');
+ };
+ PromiseHash.prototype._enumerate = function() {
+ var promise = this.promise;
+ var input = this._input;
+ var results = [];
+ for (var key in input) {
+ if (promise._state === PENDING && input.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ results.push({
+ position: key,
+ entry: input[key]
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ var length = results.length;
+ this._remaining = length;
+ var result;
+ for (var i = 0; promise._state === PENDING && i < length; i++) {
+ result = results[i];
+ this._eachEntry(result.entry, result.position);
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ ["./config","./instrument","./utils","./-internal","./promise/all","./promise/race","./promise/resolve","./promise/reject","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __dependency4__, __dependency5__, __dependency6__, __dependency7__, __dependency8__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var config = __dependency1__.config;
+ var instrument = __dependency2__["default"];
+ var isFunction = __dependency3__.isFunction;
+ var now =;
+ var noop = __dependency4__.noop;
+ var subscribe = __dependency4__.subscribe;
+ var initializePromise = __dependency4__.initializePromise;
+ var invokeCallback = __dependency4__.invokeCallback;
+ var FULFILLED = __dependency4__.FULFILLED;
+ var REJECTED = __dependency4__.REJECTED;
+ var all = __dependency5__["default"];
+ var race = __dependency6__["default"];
+ var Resolve = __dependency7__["default"];
+ var Reject = __dependency8__["default"];
+ var guidKey = 'rsvp_' + now() + '-';
+ var counter = 0;
+ function needsResolver() {
+ throw new TypeError('You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor');
+ }
+ function needsNew() {
+ throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.");
+ }
+ __exports__["default"] = Promise;
+ /**
+ Promise objects represent the eventual result of an asynchronous operation. The
+ primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method, which
+ registers callbacks to receive either a promise’s eventual value or the reason
+ why the promise cannot be fulfilled.
+ Terminology
+ -----------
+ - `promise` is an object or function with a `then` method whose behavior conforms to this specification.
+ - `thenable` is an object or function that defines a `then` method.
+ - `value` is any legal JavaScript value (including undefined, a thenable, or a promise).
+ - `exception` is a value that is thrown using the throw statement.
+ - `reason` is a value that indicates why a promise was rejected.
+ - `settled` the final resting state of a promise, fulfilled or rejected.
+ A promise can be in one of three states: pending, fulfilled, or rejected.
+ Promises that are fulfilled have a fulfillment value and are in the fulfilled
+ state. Promises that are rejected have a rejection reason and are in the
+ rejected state. A fulfillment value is never a thenable.
+ Promises can also be said to *resolve* a value. If this value is also a
+ promise, then the original promise's settled state will match the value's
+ settled state. So a promise that *resolves* a promise that rejects will
+ itself reject, and a promise that *resolves* a promise that fulfills will
+ itself fulfill.
+ Basic Usage:
+ ------------
+ ```js
+ var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ // on success
+ resolve(value);
+ // on failure
+ reject(reason);
+ });
+ promise.then(function(value) {
+ // on fulfillment
+ }, function(reason) {
+ // on rejection
+ });
+ ```
+ Advanced Usage:
+ ---------------
+ Promises shine when abstracting away asynchronous interactions such as
+ `XMLHttpRequest`s.
+ ```js
+ function getJSON(url) {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+'GET', url);
+ xhr.onreadystatechange = handler;
+ xhr.responseType = 'json';
+ xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json');
+ xhr.send();
+ function handler() {
+ if (this.readyState === this.DONE) {
+ if (this.status === 200) {
+ resolve(this.response);
+ } else {
+ reject(new Error('getJSON: `' + url + '` failed with status: [' + this.status + ']'));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ getJSON('/posts.json').then(function(json) {
+ // on fulfillment
+ }, function(reason) {
+ // on rejection
+ });
+ ```
+ Unlike callbacks, promises are great composable primitives.
+ ```js
+ Promise.all([
+ getJSON('/posts'),
+ getJSON('/comments')
+ ]).then(function(values){
+ values[0] // => postsJSON
+ values[1] // => commentsJSON
+ return values;
+ });
+ ```
+ @class RSVP.Promise
+ @param {function} resolver
+ @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @constructor
+ */
+ function Promise(resolver, label) {
+ this._id = counter++;
+ this._label = label;
+ this._state = undefined;
+ this._result = undefined;
+ this._subscribers = [];
+ if (config.instrument) {
+ instrument('created', this);
+ }
+ if (noop !== resolver) {
+ if (!isFunction(resolver)) {
+ needsResolver();
+ }
+ if (!(this instanceof Promise)) {
+ needsNew();
+ }
+ initializePromise(this, resolver);
+ }
+ }
+ Promise.cast = Resolve; // deprecated
+ Promise.all = all;
+ Promise.race = race;
+ Promise.resolve = Resolve;
+ Promise.reject = Reject;
+ Promise.prototype = {
+ constructor: Promise,
+ _guidKey: guidKey,
+ _onerror: function (reason) {
+ config.trigger('error', reason);
+ },
+ /**
+ The primary way of interacting with a promise is through its `then` method,
+ which registers callbacks to receive either a promise's eventual value or the
+ reason why the promise cannot be fulfilled.
+ ```js
+ findUser().then(function(user){
+ // user is available
+ }, function(reason){
+ // user is unavailable, and you are given the reason why
+ });
+ ```
+ Chaining
+ --------
+ The return value of `then` is itself a promise. This second, 'downstream'
+ promise is resolved with the return value of the first promise's fulfillment
+ or rejection handler, or rejected if the handler throws an exception.
+ ```js
+ findUser().then(function (user) {
+ return;
+ }, function (reason) {
+ return 'default name';
+ }).then(function (userName) {
+ // If `findUser` fulfilled, `userName` will be the user's name, otherwise it
+ // will be `'default name'`
+ });
+ findUser().then(function (user) {
+ throw new Error('Found user, but still unhappy');
+ }, function (reason) {
+ throw new Error('`findUser` rejected and we're unhappy');
+ }).then(function (value) {
+ // never reached
+ }, function (reason) {
+ // if `findUser` fulfilled, `reason` will be 'Found user, but still unhappy'.
+ // If `findUser` rejected, `reason` will be '`findUser` rejected and we're unhappy'.
+ });
+ ```
+ If the downstream promise does not specify a rejection handler, rejection reasons will be propagated further downstream.
+ ```js
+ findUser().then(function (user) {
+ throw new PedagogicalException('Upstream error');
+ }).then(function (value) {
+ // never reached
+ }).then(function (value) {
+ // never reached
+ }, function (reason) {
+ // The `PedgagocialException` is propagated all the way down to here
+ });
+ ```
+ Assimilation
+ ------------
+ Sometimes the value you want to propagate to a downstream promise can only be
+ retrieved asynchronously. This can be achieved by returning a promise in the
+ fulfillment or rejection handler. The downstream promise will then be pending
+ until the returned promise is settled. This is called *assimilation*.
+ ```js
+ findUser().then(function (user) {
+ return findCommentsByAuthor(user);
+ }).then(function (comments) {
+ // The user's comments are now available
+ });
+ ```
+ If the assimliated promise rejects, then the downstream promise will also reject.
+ ```js
+ findUser().then(function (user) {
+ return findCommentsByAuthor(user);
+ }).then(function (comments) {
+ // If `findCommentsByAuthor` fulfills, we'll have the value here
+ }, function (reason) {
+ // If `findCommentsByAuthor` rejects, we'll have the reason here
+ });
+ ```
+ Simple Example
+ --------------
+ Synchronous Example
+ ```javascript
+ var result;
+ try {
+ result = findResult();
+ // success
+ } catch(reason) {
+ // failure
+ }
+ ```
+ Errback Example
+ ```js
+ findResult(function(result, err){
+ if (err) {
+ // failure
+ } else {
+ // success
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ Promise Example;
+ ```javascript
+ findResult().then(function(result){
+ // success
+ }, function(reason){
+ // failure
+ });
+ ```
+ Advanced Example
+ --------------
+ Synchronous Example
+ ```javascript
+ var author, books;
+ try {
+ author = findAuthor();
+ books = findBooksByAuthor(author);
+ // success
+ } catch(reason) {
+ // failure
+ }
+ ```
+ Errback Example
+ ```js
+ function foundBooks(books) {
+ }
+ function failure(reason) {
+ }
+ findAuthor(function(author, err){
+ if (err) {
+ failure(err);
+ // failure
+ } else {
+ try {
+ findBoooksByAuthor(author, function(books, err) {
+ if (err) {
+ failure(err);
+ } else {
+ try {
+ foundBooks(books);
+ } catch(reason) {
+ failure(reason);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ } catch(error) {
+ failure(err);
+ }
+ // success
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ Promise Example;
+ ```javascript
+ findAuthor().
+ then(findBooksByAuthor).
+ then(function(books){
+ // found books
+ }).catch(function(reason){
+ // something went wrong
+ });
+ ```
+ @method then
+ @param {Function} onFulfilled
+ @param {Function} onRejected
+ @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise}
+ */
+ then: function(onFulfillment, onRejection, label) {
+ var parent = this;
+ var state = parent._state;
+ if (state === FULFILLED && !onFulfillment || state === REJECTED && !onRejection) {
+ if (config.instrument) {
+ instrument('chained', this, this);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ parent._onerror = null;
+ var child = new this.constructor(noop, label);
+ var result = parent._result;
+ if (config.instrument) {
+ instrument('chained', parent, child);
+ }
+ if (state) {
+ var callback = arguments[state - 1];
+ config.async(function(){
+ invokeCallback(state, child, callback, result);
+ });
+ } else {
+ subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection);
+ }
+ return child;
+ },
+ /**
+ `catch` is simply sugar for `then(undefined, onRejection)` which makes it the same
+ as the catch block of a try/catch statement.
+ ```js
+ function findAuthor(){
+ throw new Error('couldn't find that author');
+ }
+ // synchronous
+ try {
+ findAuthor();
+ } catch(reason) {
+ // something went wrong
+ }
+ // async with promises
+ findAuthor().catch(function(reason){
+ // something went wrong
+ });
+ ```
+ @method catch
+ @param {Function} onRejection
+ @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise}
+ */
+ 'catch': function(onRejection, label) {
+ return this.then(null, onRejection, label);
+ },
+ /**
+ `finally` will be invoked regardless of the promise's fate just as native
+ try/catch/finally behaves
+ Synchronous example:
+ ```js
+ findAuthor() {
+ if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
+ throw new Error();
+ }
+ return new Author();
+ }
+ try {
+ return findAuthor(); // succeed or fail
+ } catch(error) {
+ return findOtherAuther();
+ } finally {
+ // always runs
+ // doesn't affect the return value
+ }
+ ```
+ Asynchronous example:
+ ```js
+ findAuthor().catch(function(reason){
+ return findOtherAuther();
+ }).finally(function(){
+ // author was either found, or not
+ });
+ ```
+ @method finally
+ @param {Function} callback
+ @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise}
+ */
+ 'finally': function(callback, label) {
+ var constructor = this.constructor;
+ return this.then(function(value) {
+ return constructor.resolve(callback()).then(function(){
+ return value;
+ });
+ }, function(reason) {
+ return constructor.resolve(callback()).then(function(){
+ throw reason;
+ });
+ }, label);
+ }
+ };
+ });
+ ["../enumerator","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Enumerator = __dependency1__["default"];
+ /**
+ `RSVP.Promise.all` accepts an array of promises, and returns a new promise which
+ is fulfilled with an array of fulfillment values for the passed promises, or
+ rejected with the reason of the first passed promise to be rejected. It casts all
+ elements of the passed iterable to promises as it runs this algorithm.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
+ var promise2 = RSVP.resolve(2);
+ var promise3 = RSVP.resolve(3);
+ var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];
+ RSVP.Promise.all(promises).then(function(array){
+ // The array here would be [ 1, 2, 3 ];
+ });
+ ```
+ If any of the `promises` given to `RSVP.all` are rejected, the first promise
+ that is rejected will be given as an argument to the returned promises's
+ rejection handler. For example:
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise1 = RSVP.resolve(1);
+ var promise2 = RSVP.reject(new Error("2"));
+ var promise3 = RSVP.reject(new Error("3"));
+ var promises = [ promise1, promise2, promise3 ];
+ RSVP.Promise.all(promises).then(function(array){
+ // Code here never runs because there are rejected promises!
+ }, function(error) {
+ // error.message === "2"
+ });
+ ```
+ @method all
+ @static
+ @param {Array} entries array of promises
+ @param {String} label optional string for labeling the promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise} promise that is fulfilled when all `promises` have been
+ fulfilled, or rejected if any of them become rejected.
+ @static
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function all(entries, label) {
+ return new Enumerator(this, entries, true /* abort on reject */, label).promise;
+ }
+ });
+ ["../utils","../-internal","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var isArray = __dependency1__.isArray;
+ var noop = __dependency2__.noop;
+ var resolve = __dependency2__.resolve;
+ var reject = __dependency2__.reject;
+ var subscribe = __dependency2__.subscribe;
+ var PENDING = __dependency2__.PENDING;
+ /**
+ `RSVP.Promise.race` returns a new promise which is settled in the same way as the
+ first passed promise to settle.
+ Example:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise1 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ resolve('promise 1');
+ }, 200);
+ });
+ var promise2 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ resolve('promise 2');
+ }, 100);
+ });
+ RSVP.Promise.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){
+ // result === 'promise 2' because it was resolved before promise1
+ // was resolved.
+ });
+ ```
+ `RSVP.Promise.race` is deterministic in that only the state of the first
+ settled promise matters. For example, even if other promises given to the
+ `promises` array argument are resolved, but the first settled promise has
+ become rejected before the other promises became fulfilled, the returned
+ promise will become rejected:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise1 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ resolve('promise 1');
+ }, 200);
+ });
+ var promise2 = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+ setTimeout(function(){
+ reject(new Error('promise 2'));
+ }, 100);
+ });
+ RSVP.Promise.race([promise1, promise2]).then(function(result){
+ // Code here never runs
+ }, function(reason){
+ // reason.message === 'promise 2' because promise 2 became rejected before
+ // promise 1 became fulfilled
+ });
+ ```
+ An example real-world use case is implementing timeouts:
+ ```javascript
+ RSVP.Promise.race([ajax('foo.json'), timeout(5000)])
+ ```
+ @method race
+ @static
+ @param {Array} promises array of promises to observe
+ @param {String} label optional string for describing the promise returned.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise} a promise which settles in the same way as the first passed
+ promise to settle.
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function race(entries, label) {
+ /*jshint validthis:true */
+ var Constructor = this;
+ var promise = new Constructor(noop, label);
+ if (!isArray(entries)) {
+ reject(promise, new TypeError('You must pass an array to race.'));
+ return promise;
+ }
+ var length = entries.length;
+ function onFulfillment(value) {
+ resolve(promise, value);
+ }
+ function onRejection(reason) {
+ reject(promise, reason);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; promise._state === PENDING && i < length; i++) {
+ subscribe(Constructor.resolve(entries[i]), undefined, onFulfillment, onRejection);
+ }
+ return promise;
+ }
+ });
+ ["../-internal","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var noop = __dependency1__.noop;
+ var _reject = __dependency1__.reject;
+ /**
+ `RSVP.Promise.reject` returns a promise rejected with the passed `reason`.
+ It is shorthand for the following:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+ reject(new Error('WHOOPS'));
+ });
+ promise.then(function(value){
+ // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected!
+ }, function(reason){
+ // reason.message === 'WHOOPS'
+ });
+ ```
+ Instead of writing the above, your code now simply becomes the following:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise = RSVP.Promise.reject(new Error('WHOOPS'));
+ promise.then(function(value){
+ // Code here doesn't run because the promise is rejected!
+ }, function(reason){
+ // reason.message === 'WHOOPS'
+ });
+ ```
+ @method reject
+ @static
+ @param {Any} reason value that the returned promise will be rejected with.
+ @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise} a promise rejected with the given `reason`.
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function reject(reason, label) {
+ /*jshint validthis:true */
+ var Constructor = this;
+ var promise = new Constructor(noop, label);
+ _reject(promise, reason);
+ return promise;
+ }
+ });
+ ["../-internal","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var noop = __dependency1__.noop;
+ var _resolve = __dependency1__.resolve;
+ /**
+ `RSVP.Promise.resolve` returns a promise that will become resolved with the
+ passed `value`. It is shorthand for the following:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+ resolve(1);
+ });
+ promise.then(function(value){
+ // value === 1
+ });
+ ```
+ Instead of writing the above, your code now simply becomes the following:
+ ```javascript
+ var promise = RSVP.Promise.resolve(1);
+ promise.then(function(value){
+ // value === 1
+ });
+ ```
+ @method resolve
+ @static
+ @param {Any} value value that the returned promise will be resolved with
+ @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise} a promise that will become fulfilled with the given
+ `value`
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function resolve(object, label) {
+ /*jshint validthis:true */
+ var Constructor = this;
+ if (object && typeof object === 'object' && object.constructor === Constructor) {
+ return object;
+ }
+ var promise = new Constructor(noop, label);
+ _resolve(promise, object);
+ return promise;
+ }
+ });
+ ["./promise","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
+ /**
+ This is a convenient alias for `RSVP.Promise.race`.
+ @method race
+ @static
+ @for RSVP
+ @param {Array} array Array of promises.
+ @param {String} label An optional label. This is useful
+ for tooling.
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function race(array, label) {
+ return Promise.race(array, label);
+ }
+ });
+ ["./promise","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
+ /**
+ This is a convenient alias for `RSVP.Promise.reject`.
+ @method reject
+ @static
+ @for RSVP
+ @param {Any} reason value that the returned promise will be rejected with.
+ @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise} a promise rejected with the given `reason`.
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function reject(reason, label) {
+ return Promise.reject(reason, label);
+ }
+ });
+ ["./promise","exports"],
+ function(__dependency1__, __exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ var Promise = __dependency1__["default"];
+ /**
+ This is a convenient alias for `RSVP.Promise.resolve`.
+ @method resolve
+ @static
+ @for RSVP
+ @param {Any} value value that the returned promise will be resolved with
+ @param {String} label optional string for identifying the returned promise.
+ Useful for tooling.
+ @return {Promise} a promise that will become fulfilled with the given
+ `value`
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function resolve(value, label) {
+ return Promise.resolve(value, label);
+ }
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ /**
+ `RSVP.rethrow` will rethrow an error on the next turn of the JavaScript event
+ loop in order to aid debugging.
+ Promises A+ specifies that any exceptions that occur with a promise must be
+ caught by the promises implementation and bubbled to the last handler. For
+ this reason, it is recommended that you always specify a second rejection
+ handler function to `then`. However, `RSVP.rethrow` will throw the exception
+ outside of the promise, so it bubbles up to your console if in the browser,
+ or domain/cause uncaught exception in Node. `rethrow` will also throw the
+ error again so the error can be handled by the promise per the spec.
+ ```javascript
+ function throws(){
+ throw new Error('Whoops!');
+ }
+ var promise = new RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
+ throws();
+ });
+ promise.catch(RSVP.rethrow).then(function(){
+ // Code here doesn't run because the promise became rejected due to an
+ // error!
+ }, function (err){
+ // handle the error here
+ });
+ ```
+ The 'Whoops' error will be thrown on the next turn of the event loop
+ and you can watch for it in your console. You can also handle it using a
+ rejection handler given to `.then` or `.catch` on the returned promise.
+ @method rethrow
+ @static
+ @for RSVP
+ @param {Error} reason reason the promise became rejected.
+ @throws Error
+ @static
+ */
+ __exports__["default"] = function rethrow(reason) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ throw reason;
+ });
+ throw reason;
+ }
+ });
+ ["exports"],
+ function(__exports__) {
+ "use strict";
+ function objectOrFunction(x) {
+ return typeof x === 'function' || (typeof x === 'object' && x !== null);
+ }
+ __exports__.objectOrFunction = objectOrFunction;function isFunction(x) {
+ return typeof x === 'function';
+ }
+ __exports__.isFunction = isFunction;function isMaybeThenable(x) {
+ return typeof x === 'object' && x !== null;
+ }
+ __exports__.isMaybeThenable = isMaybeThenable;var _isArray;
+ if (!Array.isArray) {
+ _isArray = function (x) {
+ return === '[object Array]';
+ };
+ } else {
+ _isArray = Array.isArray;
+ }
+ var isArray = _isArray;
+ __exports__.isArray = isArray;
+ // is not available in browsers < IE9
+ //
+ var now = || function() { return new Date().getTime(); };
+ = now;
+ function F() { }
+ var o_create = (Object.create || function (o) {
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ throw new Error('Second argument not supported');
+ }
+ if (typeof o !== 'object') {
+ throw new TypeError('Argument must be an object');
+ }
+ F.prototype = o;
+ return new F();
+ });
+ __exports__.o_create = o_create;
+ });
+})(); \ No newline at end of file